The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 13, 1916, Image 3

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Easter is only one week away, and of course you want to greet it with
glad raiment. The very newest styles in Clothing. More good cor
rect new things are here than can be found any where else. The
first time you have, just step in, "browse around." It will pay.
Jmj Ontario jMW
Coats and Suits
Host of New
$7.50 to $25.00
Thl. U-i week we have m-i re
reived n number or bone shipments
..revtit lc l Iptlon : I urn i checks,
plaids, ilnln poplin- anil JB).
Home with loose hacks, others with
Inline-, caught ) NNM of miiim kluii
Hi nurk mill walsl, while iiiiiiiv are on
I rui- NMrl line and smartl) belted
Sl)le mill sixes fin 1'n-n I II l.ln -ul
li' Vnlirs In here In uem for
Our milliner has just un
packed and placed on sale a
number of special models for
Easter wear.
In selecting your Easter
Millinery this spring do not
overlook our department.
Easter Shoes
All the New Things
in Foot Wear
No store in the city has
the stock to select from as
you will And here, or as many
new spring models.
Let us show you this com
ing week.
Wv -4
1 v ml
You will find
them only
at this store
A Ki'i'Hi Help fur the County Agri
culturist has been developed thru i in
forming of an body, lip in
ilir present tint tln office Iih IihiI M
direct advisor, and the policy of tlio
office ha depended entirely upon
Hi- JudKinunt of tin- County Agricul
tural The county la ao lame and the
work that It would be possible to un
dertake ho dlveraltlnd that II U some
iIiuuh lianl to pick out that which In
inoHt Important and pressing It Ih
11 1 HO impossible tl) I'OVrr HO III lll'll ler
rltory often enough to keep In per
' oual touch with all of the "prevent
hour" problems that come up.
The plan Ih to tnaku up tlila advla
ory hody of member from the lining
ea, Karmera' Union, Commercial hod
In.. IndlvldualN Intereeted In. the
work, and County Court The plan
N to keep tin- member Informed of
the work that Ih being done, and the
members In turn to keep the County
Agricultural Informed about thing
that he nliould know At various
period tlin AdvlHory Council wll' be
railed together to plan out work, and
The council though not yet com
pute, wan called together Tueaday,
April 4th, for the first time. The pro
ject work for thla year waa taken up
uiul discussed for thla year, aa were
alao aome of the pollclea. The mem
berii entered into an lutereatiug dla
eunHlou of the projects, aome being
dropped becauae they were not con
sidered Important enough at the prea
eut time The onea that were adopt
ed were Farm Management Demon
stration, Crop Demonatratlona, Land
Drainage, County Corn Couteat, Couu
ty Fair, and the Cow Teat Aeeocia
tiou and Itabblt I'oleoning work
which haH been done waa Indorsed
Those who now make up (In- couu
ell are the follewing: Lee lirown,
Dead Ox Flat; A W Trow, Ontario;
K. U Deau aud W. B. Van Dyke.
NyW, John F Iteeue and T M
l.owe, Owyhee; A O Kingman, King
man Colony; Z. Urumbach and V. V.
lilckox. Dig Send, Chaa Amidon.
Cairo; Kuiory Cole, Hrogau; Coun
ty Judge Oeorge McKnlght, Vale;
County Commiaaioner M I) Kelly,
Jaiuleaon; County Commissioner
John Weaver, Ontario, Italph Grif
fith, Alfalfa Heights It is hoped
to add othera before the uext meeting.
U. II WIIIh, Nyssa' well known
ilr.iyniHii. pun-bused u two-ion auto
truck of 40-liorae-power ul a coat of
12200, and will pul It Into aervlce
here upon Ha arrival horn thla week
II la the firm auto truck of Hh kind
to be put in operation In IIiIh part of
tln state.
Arrangements have been perfected
whereby Mr WIIIh will urn- IIiIh truck
In gathering the milk over two mltk
route early oach morning for the
Nyaaa cheese factory, and during the
balance of the day lie will use the
truck In IiIh dray work In town
Heretofore the Nyssu cheese fac
tory gathered the milk over only one
route, with a wagon A Hocond milk
route will be established an u result
of Mr Wills getting his new auto
truck. Mr Wills stated he will gath
er 'he milk on the Idaho aide toward
I'uriiiu the first thing' each morning,
and then he will gather the milk on
the Oregon aide each morning, cov
ering the nearby territory and on to-'
wurda Owyhee.
The Nyaaa cheese factory la enjoy- t
Ing a steadily growing buslnoHM Wit I.
Hie establishment of u second milk '
route, this lartory of course will li
ness a aplendld Increane in luiHlnesM
The demand for Nyssa cheese Is great
er than Iho fuctory Is able to supply
Nyasa business men report busl
nesa batter ao far thla year than dur
lug the aamo period of prevlouH years
Possibly It Is the Drat ripple of the
wave or prosperity that we are told
Is sweeping the land
The promoters and engineer of
the Nyasa -Arcuilla drainage Dlatrict
have been hard at work during the
pust few weeks getting the proposi
tion properly organlied. They re
port gratifying success, one officer of
the district elating tftut actual con
struction work on the ditch would
com nee in not to exceed sixty days
and probably much sooner than that
Little opposition seems to have de
veloped among those Included In the
now district and It ia believed that
such as has can be adjusted satisfac
torily Work starts Monday on a local
t Kill for draining about 900 acres
of fine land belonging lo nine land
owners in the diatrlcl two mil
southwest of Nyaaa. The drainage
ditch will be three-fourth mile
long and In It will be placed an 18
iueh box Three small laterals will
extend ironi the main ditch. Those
whose lands will be benefitted are:
John Ward, 13C acres; Mrs A. J.
Netherly, 180 acres; II. J Ward, 220
inns, M. Conant, 90 acre; William
Danlelaon, 40 acre; Mr Hat Held, IK
acres, II It Morris, 20 acres; Mr
Weat. IK acres; Mr Howard, 160 ac
re. J. E. Leesom has leased the Gold
en pool hall and fixtures on Main
street here, and Tuesday move hi
own pool hull, fixtures, confectionery
atock, etc , from his location next to
the postoftlce Into the llolden build
ing. In his new locution, Mr l
mm will have a handsome place with
three pool tables, confectionery store
and soft drink parlor.
A bouncing baby boy came In the
home of Mr and Mrs Hoy Cook on
If You Buy it
Here It Will Be
A alyllsli lial.
A durable hat.
Au economical lial.
A lint Dial will please you.
A hat that lll lie Hie nm or your
A li.ii that will command admit atlou
wherever you go.
A lial I list all people will pronounce
a genuine "list or hats."
Millinery & Art Store
Our Motte: "quick Sale and Small Profit. "
Harry H Kaver, director general
Itala Film Company of America oi
lers Gabrlele D'Aununxio's treiuen
doua hiatorical vision "Cablrla" at
the Dreamland. Tuesday night. April
Staged in rive countries at an out
lay or $250,000 00. with a cast or
r, .oou people.
The World's master spectacle sur-'
passing In Us regal aplendor and
magnlrkeuoe the greatest achieve
ments or the punt 12 reels, one
show, 25 cent.
Tut, tut, bister! Why try to smoth
er a yawn? Just open your moutli
una let it swell the breese.
The Mitchell 6
of '16
Is the Greatest Car Value
the World has ever Known
Miss Clara Howard, who Is leadline
in I he upper Ironside district, visit
ed witli her parents a few days ago
when she returned to the home or
her brother, c n Howard, where ahe
stay during the week. She ridea
horseback from there lo her school,
a distance of about live miles.
Word was received here that I -ester
Derrick, who waa operated on at
the Holy ltosury hospital 111 Ontario
Is doing nicely, also that hi grand
father S M Derrick Is still lni in,.-.
The Jones hotel In Malheur Is
closed now us Mr. mid Mrs Jones
have moved to Mormon Ilaslti
Chester Morllll Is going to work
the lloswnll placer again thla year
and Is getting ready to begin work
Mr i ..i Fountain salesman for the
Nevlus Candy Co. of Denver, was a
Malheur visitor during the weak.
Mr Hen Mudfish Is In Nyssa,
spending a few days looking after his
business Interests there.
Mi Floyd Howard and Ml Net
tle Worsham were married In linker
Tueaday April 4th at the residence
or Mrs F K Woodcock They re
turned home Friday evening and
are receiving congrutulatlona rrom
the many rrlends, both part lea are
pop u lu r among the younger class and
have lived here a long time The
young people gave a social dance In
honor or Mr and Mrs Floyd How
unl Saturday evening Everyone en
Joyed the affair very much. The out
of town gueats were Mrs Claudia
Worshum, Mis Hernlce Worsham,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Jones, Mr. Mert and
Lynn Moudy, Carl Winter and Mr
Davis or Hie Italnbow Mine. Miss
Flo and Jess Hulllvan and Ueo. F.d-
l of llurnt Idler. Mr Clarence
Howard, Ml Clara Howard and Mr
Kd Hose or Ironside. Miss Lucy and
Jean Woodcock came In on Friday ev
ening Ntage rrom Maker where they
have been attending school
The base ball boys met Sunday
for a llttls practice and to organise
for the season There war quit a
number out to practice. Mr. J. G.
Hill will be manager 'or thla season.
A baby girl arrived at the home of
Mr und Mrs Karl Oliver Friday. Ap
ril 7th.
Miss Clara Morntt returned home
IhM evening from a visit to Ontario
It la possible, of course, that Persh
ing may shine In history aa the man
who diu'i get Villa
A European writer advocates the
abolishment by law of the marriage
relation as a means or Increasing the
population It VMM I
i! many' Insistence on attacking
armed ship doean't seem to extern!
to the British Navy.
Appeals to all good
Business men
Qriginality in printing will
always attract the eye of the
particular customer we aim
to please the most fastidious
when printing stationery, cir
culars, booklets and all work
required by the business man