The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 13, 1916, Image 2

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    Great Profit-Sharing Prize Campaign
With each SO cent
purchase and HiN
coupon you will be
entitled to 2,00(1 VOTKS. A
(From the Express)
A movement that promise murh
for the Reed of this valley wan
launched at the Jordan Vnlloy hotel
last Saturday night when a Tnxpny
iti li-rgue wssl organized Ml sec
tlnna of the territory Included were
leprcsented and Neveral of I he heavi
est taxpayer in this part of the coun
ty were there.
The meeting wbh rnled to order b
Mr Fred J Palmer und Mr TIioh T
Kohout wbm elected temporary rlntlr
man and Mr J K McDonnell. MX ft
Tin' object of the meeting, uh stat
imI by the chairman, wan I In- iiuiiui
Hon of a taxpayers league lo lni-l ml
nil the territory of the IkfM road
dlatrlcta, Noa. 17, 7 and ID. and UM
i Ity of Jordan Valley, with the pur
puae of keeping the taxpayers of Hit
section Informed an to matters of
taxation and to devlae Home method
of securing a morn systematic and
henellelal expenditure uT the mini
iiiiiiIm of iIhimii dltarlcta.
Permanent organization was effect
ed by the election of TIioh T l
hout an preatdent, J E McDoi II.
secretary and Fred .1 Palmer treas
urer. John VVroten la now able to get
about town on his crutches.
Cool weather Is retarding the
growth of the range grass
Mr. and Mrs J II Fcnwlck left
this morning for llaltlinore lo take
radium treatment for cancer
Sim l.oveland and family arrltt-d
i nun Vale yesterday
Mrs Uuorge Spencer and children
left for llolse Monduy to reside They
were accompanied by Mrs J M Din
widdle, who will ilslt with her daugh
ter for a time In her new home
The Kebekahs held a most Interest
ing aeaalon Wednesday evening at
which tour candidates were Initiated
into membership A sumptuous re
past followed i hit ritualistic and
routine work.
Oraydon C Cruwford arrived from
llnlse las! Saturday to assume his
duties as aaslstunt cashier of the Hank
of Jordan Valley lie Is quartered at
the Jordan Valley hotel
I i. ink Davis of llogus creek li.i.
turned freighter, temporarily, and
went through here Monday morning
with a load of sheep pells for Boise
Hemming he will bring a load or
supplies, which was the object of the
Five wagon loads of xhep pelts left
here Mondu) morning for llolse The
I ells ure from sheep that perished on
the Owyhee desert lasi wluter during
the unusually htiaty IMI Unit pie
vailed throughout Hie northwest One
ininpHiiy lost over six thousand head.
An eighteen months-old daughter
of Mr and Mrs l.eon Ysagulrre died
last Mouda iiiornlug at the family
laime here Funeral services er
conducted liy Kei Furls in the par
lors of the Jordun hotel A large pre
cession followed the Utile one to her
final resting pi
J T Jauileson arried lust Satur
day from his home In Arkansas and
on Mondu) weiil to the home ol J K
Payne for an extended stay Mr
Jameson formerly lived in this coun
ty, ou the Malheur river, but v. cm
back lo Arkansas fourteen years ago
M to remain in Orgeon and hit.
ramily sill come out later
11 is now "Deputy Sheriff" Jack
Multifont. Sherlir Urowu hating madi
the appolutnieiit upon the strength ol
a numerously signed petition from
this city, aud upon the
lion or citizens . sj (his por
lion or the county
Mark Price is drilling a well at Hie
tombs ranch
Mrs Kulph Eckhurdt. who has
been here a couple uf weeks visiting
at the home of her parents, Mr am!
Mrs E T Rogers, left Sunday for
her home at Idaho Falls She will
leave there In a few days for ixia
Angeles, Calif., where she will sneml
the summer
Claude Biughaui was a business
visitor in outarlo last week
Ralph McDowell's alfalfa seed av-
A lon-in-law of Mr. J. H. Wilson
move, I bis family from Payette to
the Wilson desert claim last Tues
day The Senior Young People's class
of the Sunday School at the Park
School house met with C O Doug
las Wednesday April fith lo study
the lesson and have a social time.
Ice cream and cake were served
A terrible wind storm visited Demi
Ox Flat Tuesday ufternioii The oti-
ly damage reported was that two big
light and power poles were blown
down on the dins llerr place The
wires on these poles curry .:.nnii
volts ami we i ai . in uk ti" Mr Heir
tali of mind till the company got
them reset which they did on Wed
i lias llerr made a business trip
to Vale Tuesday April 4th
Mi 1 1 . 1 i - .in mid Mrs llerr and
children went to the hills Sunday
April I't.d to pick wild pansles mid
they report the hills covered with
t O Douglas reported V rlday Ap-
nnlshed tils plowing with 1 1 -
Mrs J II I. an ley went lo Cald
well April 4th
The Benson brothers are seeding
the Frank Welch place to spring rye
Mr A Mutton Is preparing to
plant 40 acres lo corn He has al
ways had good luck with a few acres
of corn each ear and Is going in
heavy on corn this year.
elms Bice aud daughter, Mrs
Cora Hand, called on Mr und Mi -A
F McDonald Sunday April Dili
Mrs. A Sutton made a shopping
trip to Payette Saturday April lat,
returning via Hie High) holm ,,i.
Isiwer Dead Ox Flat, thence home
Sunday bringing with her In i little
grand daughtci, Dorris White and
her little grand son, Bruce Higby for
a week's visit.
l.eon Higby made a trip up to the
Sutton home Friday. April 7th
i From the Times)
The lambing season la now al
hand and the sheepmen have been
very busy the past week getting out
their pin k oiilllo and cirryim
i'h. . out to their camps
Supervisor Kichcy Informs us Ihul
Hie bridge across the North Fork lit
this place In not safe, the stringers
sod other Hinliert are ul' rotten ;
sagging, the abutments weakening
mid in fact the whole -.nurture go
ing lo decay.
Claude I'm p. i relumed from bis
rip in the interior last Friday and
i hat the roads were in very
good shape all Hie interior and
tloit lie had no trouble in making
HaiTiuiaii, Narrows, Hums, Hume)
aud oilier points and got along line
until he struck Hie road between here
and lirewsey which he found to be
about the worst ou record
Mr Cole niude Inn tlrst auto nip
with I he mall Monday night. The
roads were somewhat rough but lie
got through alright returning about
midnight The new schedule gives
Drewsey the best outside sorvtM II
has ever hud, the people ihere icon
ing their Hoise papers the sun
e published ou every duy ex
cepi Sunday The present schedule
was outlined by Mr Cole and granted
upon his request.
eraged $f,0.00 per acre
W II Shepherd reports a yield of
$876.00 worth ol -ml Horn ten ac iiuired to uppeur and answer the corn
res ol clovei This from ground that plaint filed against )ou iu the ubove
was cleiued ol sagebrush ulid seeded entitled uctiou ou or before the lath
late In the spring of 1814
J E. Wood Is seeding 120 aire, ol
in w land to grain and alfalfa
loorge Huntley left for Hie bills
lusl week with g hiK herd of cattle
lie , -vpeci.. lo lake out several more
Mr and Mrs Oliver Anderson und
Master Fa and Leslie visited in On
tario Saturday und Sunday.
Master Henry Willard, a urn
and one halt pound ho) , arrived at
the Willard Hohiiisoii Inline. Sunday
inoiiiiug. Mulch Hilt
Of Hale of Property In the City of
Ontnrio, Oregon for Hellii'tiiPiit New
er Assessments.
F.N. That I, II. ('. Farmer, City
Marshal of the City of Ontario, Ore
gon, by order of the City Council of
said City have levied upon and will
sell the property hereinafter describ
ed, situated III the City of Ontario.
Oregon, for dellminent assessments
made against said property, as made
by the said City for Sewer Improve
ments as hereinafter stated, said
property, or as much thereof, as may
,, nec81(l)a.yi wl ,e ao al lne front
door of Hie City Hall In Ontario. Ore-
gon. on Saturday the 29th day of Ap
rll HUB at the hour of ten o'clock In
the forenoon, to satisfy said assess
mcnls and accrued costs.
The following Is a description of
the properly lo be sold, together
with Hie name of the person ugulnsl
whom said assessment waa made, and
Hie amount due on each tract.
Ileing a list of delinquent second
,,,,,, puyieut. due Feburary
,y, ,, for t.otlHiru.Uoll (,r lateral
Sower, District No I, Bancroft Bend
Frank Dennett, l.ieu II Block 111
Lots I 1 to II Hie $10.1)8
I lidding. I. len 16, Block 1.1"
Dots 11 to 20 llic , $3(4.28.
Blackaby At l.ees, Lieu IV. Block
III, Lots 1 lo 10 leu , $36.21,
Charles F.mtson. Men 2, Block 137,
i, lo l" luc , $18 18.
William II Haver, Men 24. Block
til, Lots 11 to II llic . $18 14.
Any party purchasing any of said
property al said sale will be given a
Cerlllllcate of Purchase by the said
City, which said Certificate. If not
sooner redeemed will run fur one
year, aud hear interest at the rate
of ten per cut per milium If the
.-aid Certificate Is nut redeemed at
the end of one year, by aurrend. i ink
the aald Certificate to the City of On
tario, Hie said City will deliver to
the owner thereof a deed to the prop
em described In Hie aald Certificate.
1'iil.liialion, March , 1916
Last Publication April 27, 1K18
City Marshal of Hie City of Ontario,
111 tlie matter of the estate of K
K Hunter, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given' that the
undersigned hits been appointed
administator of the estate of 1 K
Hunter, deceased, by the county
court of Hie State of Oregon for Mal
heur County, und has iualifled. All
persons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same to me at my oltlco, al
city Hull, at Ontario, Oregon, with
vouchers and duly verified, within
six mouths from the date hereof
Dated and tlrst published, the 30th
dn of Mulch 1$16.
Last publication tlie 27th day of
April, 1816
si M.MON'H.
Thomas W Kimbrough,
Benjamin F Lambert, Edna M Lam
bert, Fred C llelohlav and I Idled
U heeler,
To Fred C. llelohlav aud Eldred
Wheeler, Defendants:
OF OREGON, you ure hereby re-
day of April, 1816, the same being
llu' luHt day of ,ue llme prescribed
by order of the court directing ser
vice of summons in this cause to be
made up"U ou by publication aud
if you fail so to answer, fur want
I thereof the plaintiff will take ludg-
incut against ou for the foreclosure
i of that certalu mortgage given by
: defendants Benjamin F Lambert
and Edna M Lambert on July 27th,
till, to planum, upou that certain
tract of land situated lu the County
of Malheur, State of Oregon, and
bounded and described as tollowa,
Commencing at a point 11.71 chains
east of tin- northwest corner of sec-
lion fi In Township 16 south In Range
47 east of Willamette Meridian In
Oregon, as the place of beginning:
running thence east 11X4 chains to a
point; running thence louth 21.076
chains to a point; running thence
west 11.885 chains to a point; run
ning thonce north 21.076 chains to
the place of beginning, containing 26
acres, together with all water ditches,
canals, flumes and water rights,
thereto belonging or used In connec
tlon with watering said laud, together
with the tenements, hereditaments
land appurtenances thereto belonging
or In anywise appertaining, which
mortgage waa given to MM the
lum of $1000, bearing Interest at 10
pi t cent per annum, and Is reoili
j ou Book O of Mortgages at page .122
iof records of Malheur County, and
upon which Indehtfdhf s there is
still due mid unpaid $1000, together
witli Interest thereon from Jan. 27th,
1913. at 10 per cent per annum.
1216.0$ paid for taxes and assess
ments with Interest from Nov '.uh.
1816, at 10 per cent, and $100 attor
neys' fees aud costs of this action
You are further notified that this
' iiiniiions Is served upon you by pub
lication under and by virtue of an or
der of the Honorable Dalton Biggs,
Judge of said Court, which order was
made and entered on the 28th day of
February, 1816, and directed that
this summons be published one each
week for six successive weeks In the
Ontario Argus, commencing with tha
Issue of March 2;id aud ending Willi
the Issue of April 13th, 1816
Residing at Vale, Oregon
I. or FF.I.THAM,
Residing at Welser, Idaho
Attorneys for Plaint in
By virtue of an Attachment l
tlon duly issued by the Clerk of the
Circuit Court for Malheur County and
State of on'gon, dated Hie 16th day
of March, 1816, In a certain action In
null Court for said County and
Stale, wherein the Ontario Nation
al Bank, as Plaintiff, recovered Judg
ment against Louis Hurtle aud J. J.
Burbrldge, as Defendants, for the sum
of Four Hundred Dollars, with in
terest thereon at the- rate of 10 per
cuut per annum from June 28, 1813;
aud for the further sum of Fifty Dol
lars. Attorney fees; aud for Hie furth
er sum of Thirteen and 20 loo Dol
lars, costs;
That I will ou the 22nd day of April.
1816, at the hour of 11. 00 o'clock A.
M. of aald day, at the main entrance
our of the Court House, iu Vale, Mal
heur County, Oregon, sell at public
auction, to the highest bidder, or bid
ders, for cash, the following de
scribed real property, to-wlt:
All of Lots 6, 7, 8, 8 aud 10 in
Block 23 In the City of Outarlo, on
gou, as shown by the original plat of
that city, aud made subject to a prior
Hon of Heurietta Payne for the sum
of $1600.00; and
Au undivided one-half interest Iu
the following premises:
Lot 6, Block 74 iu the City of On
tario, Oregon; also Lot 3 Iu Block
"A", l.ot 2 lu Block "B"; l.ota 1, 2,
3, aud 4 lu Block "C" and Lot 2 In
Block "D"; all iu Bartons Plat, aud
being iu the UH NEi4 of Sec. 4,
Twp 18 S. R 47 E. W. M.; aud also
au undivided oue-hulf iuterest 111 the
NW!4 Sec. 36, Twp. 18 S. It 46 W
M , uud also au undivided one-half
Interest iu the NW! IWti aud 8 Mi
SS Sec 36, Twp. 20 S. It. 46 E.
W. M.;
TteNWIl NE'4 m$4 Nail, NE'-
aud Si NK', MB 14 NE'4 NE',
Sec. 4 Twp. 18 S R 4 7 E . W M .;
Taken and levied upou us the prop
erty of the said above uumed defend
ant, J. J. Burbrldge, or as much
thereof as may be necessary to aatis-
fy the .-aid udgmeut In favor of the
Ontario National Bank aud against
the said above uamed defendants,
with iuterest thereou, together with
all costs thai have or may accrue.
Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 1Mb
day of March, 11116.
BEN J BROWN. Sheriff.
By Rosa A. Soward, Deputy
First publication, March 23, 1I6;
last publication April HO, 116.
"Hnfety lirsl" ns the motto mill irn lice of
tins lunik long btfprt tDOM vmikIs btCtftU lliu ,
sltigiin of Hie lurjjo transput tnlion OOrnptniM.
Btrvlcf to tlie pabtl ii no) tucory, bai
ilnilv pinrtirc Willi us.
Put your money vrhort Mftty is tlie first
riinsiilerutioii mul uvnil yourself (if our - I i u l
Safety Dopoeif Boxen
PrmctMel, tU.t.lkluI. E.
Crgvll.t !
01 i if, . lha) 1
lorn 1 .:
am . m
Hi' t Zmm
Two I
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cP 4' i
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Having! Account
Ivcep Kids Kleen
nutiit. l OaruiettU l.r Smalt CktlJren.
r- .tiiiil I 1 Kin ji ' m t run l.n aliiiejr1 on
. 11,-1 luok u.-ll. ami y.,t am Im-m Mint oom-
'.t.tlc ltinl V"il.l
I 1 ud 1. im"I ir i iionj ni mot ton
- iiaf bvtoru llit-y Atu worn out.
nllh Innir ' vi ,r Putrli link slut elbow
I. nllu or bliii. tin I
1 IT nil I INIlmi HI, I In bslili 1
t.-' .iiii.i ... ik dark
IS tl I . Ill IuiOu'li
(..inf.S tlw Oimd Pm t f. f. I I
ti Util.
I KAU6S & CO., Sn
SlvO Rewiird, $100
I lint L.iei'i will ha
.i tin ii- It tt Itatt unt
im thi I ti lencn litt lirtlt
ei .ill it, tiusi't. and thai It
) lh only
. hum ii ii tlm in, ..Ileal
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'I , ni ill in tlrenglli by
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lli. i Dellara
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