tihttetti t$m. m l.. -ii ONTARIO, MAIIIKIIl Ol NTV, (MUNMT, THURNDAV, xl'llll, 18, HMO. NO. 1.1. Jull HIGHWAY TO THE COLUMBIA RIVER Meeting With Hearty Ap proval in All Sections. A petition Binned by 377 taxpayer of Malheur enmity wan presented be fore the county court laitt week ak Itiic for an order to approve a state highway from Ontario tlironith Vale, up Willow creek to Ironsides, through I'lilty In Maker county, to the head water of the John Day river, down the John Day through I'rnirle City, hit Day and Canyon City. UMMI 10 yvihV, Hpraftio and to Foll In 'heeler county, thence, to connect with the Columbia highway at Itpck or 0H In (lllllani county The peti tion were signed by resident and taxpayer of Ontario, Vale, Iron aide and llrogan Till roa.l, If entabllRbed. will tap one of the rlchet Hectlonn of Oregon, a lerrlton through which there I no paralleling road, a Hi.'nlc route foi tourlMt and territory where thoro la practically no wate or ileaert land The ncctlon In Urant and Maker com. Ilea and the north vd of Mull i county ih a natural aummcr route, and tap one or the bet torcst re aervea In Oregon In the Mini- mmm lain region There I fine fishing ami Hprlng In thla territory and th. route I reported to he on. ,.t easy grades. My tlil rout. ind l 1 1 R mllo ne ii r Idaho'- atute hlghw. y thun by any olhar xurvey possible to le made and the farmer all along the line are anxloua to ee the road eslab Halted Over two hundred farmer or the Willow creek valley signed the petition for the highway, thua allow ing the sentiment among the farmer along the road. The order made by the county court of Malheur county waa forwarded to the alate highway oommlaalon and the t-iiininlHHton ha already exprem.Mii themaelvee a favorable to the eatab llNliiueiii of thla route aa one of Ore gon through highway The road would atrlke thl coun ty at the ileum creek divide mile went or IronMlde. follow Meant creek "lid Willow creek to Ironaide. througli Cow Valley to llrogan. through Vale ' Ontario, a dislat ce of 7k mile. Moat of thl road I uow In fair shape and with the ex-eptlon of a few mllea can be placed In good omnium for a year round road The coat of a preliminary aurvey for thl county haa been placed at one thouaand dcllara, but thla aeenia exceaalve, when the small mllea. new road la oonxldered and It I prob able that a lower eitlmate v. ill be made later There la no question oi the Inipor tance of thla iuteratate highway and It la thought to be the inrat feaalble one we can get. All the other countle are working hard for IU eatabllahment. ZAN GARREN BUYS NANPA LUMBER YARD Negotiation for the sale of the lteinluir.il K Klntildo lumber yard by which 7.RH Darren ftl Ontario hero the ole proprietor were cloned Wed neaday afternoon Mr. Darren take possession Monday Mr Darren plan to roiiMiderably enlnrgi illy itciiiired lumber tiualnn In Niimp The foundation for a 24xr0 root warehouae I now be ing In !! and a abed 124x100 will lie hullt Intedlately The firm will be known a the Independent Lumber Company Nampa Leader. TO REDUCE EXTRAVAGANCE OF THE COUNTY OfTICIALS The Formation of Tax Payers League Will Be Guard Over Expenditures. AN EPIDEMIC OF TO IRRIGATE MORE THE SPOTTED FEVER WILLOW RIVER LANDS GLADYS HOLLAND IS WED TO BURNS MAN one tif tbc prctlloHt AcddlngH that ha occurred In Murna MM ul tin- borne of Mr mil I Mr I II II..I land IhnI evening, when their dniigb Hubert K. Smith, of Itoaehurg, ad dreaaed n amall crowd In the Com mercial Club rooma Inat Friday ev ening on Taxation ii' 1 1. .ii of the bridge win hand led and a cheaper count ruction adopted after the bid were opened ami the contract awarded. It I safe linker, Ore Spotted rever. re HtiltliiR from the bite or nage tick, I spreading o that Drant county Ih greatly In rear or an epidemic earlier und greater than ever till Hprlng One cnee wan reported near I'ralrie City,' at the eaatern edge or the county, the ftrt of the week, and four cane have Just been reported from Monument In the weatern part. Other caae were aald Saturday to be developing In other aect ion or the county ami pre paration to battle the dleae were lielng made. Eastern Oregon Land Com pany and Pence Co. Mr Smith la editor of the Tax Mb- to aay that from eight to ton thoua- erator and I devoting hi time to and dollar waa loat to the tax pay show the people of Oregon how they era h that one deal. Ami It would can reduce their taxe. not have happened ir you had a tax ir tbc county Ih organized and payer league organlxod here ami had there are member In each precinct I i watching your official. "I"1 ri io led ii iii the i h of Another important matter I the i that pn-clmt und that the money value of your property. At present M b'd In Hun precinct I done to MM is neeil at more than It the lieal advantage there will be a mu- cash mine, other at 76 per cent and J.W. HAS MANY FRIENDS ler. Ml (Daily Dlenn Holland, wa t'"'1"1 l,,l,r"w'11""1 "' "'" BBlOxial of ,el way down to 25 percent. TIiIm given M ii bride and wife to llr J Shell, Saurmnn. Ml llessle Swain acted aa hrideamuld und Dr c i Orlffllh wa beat man Mr. Frank SuiiriiHin, brollier of the gri waa uIm., present at the wedding The ceremony wan performed hy Itev. W. F Shield. then followed most aiimpiuou ami elaborate wedding: illnner. rite rooma were daintily ami tuMtefuly decorated, with pink color predominating Mum New. work given tin- c ity for the road 1 1 iiiiJiimI and decidedly wrong and none) expended When II I known when ion lime mi advlaory board to I that every man In the precinct If. look over the lint thl can be correct looking after the Intereat of the pre-j ed o that the aaeed value will he luct you are going to get value for somewhere near equal. very dollar expended At preaenl thl county I paying When your county la organlxed and about $!rfi per capita tax. The tax men from all mccIioiih gather lo dla- In Mluneaota waa only 12 fiO per can- J W Mil ulloch la home from a! abort Hwlng through the eaatern Ore-1 g untie and fuel that he I go-1 lug to lie the fortunate one to re- j reive the nomination for public er- ' . iiiumlHNlniier He round he had many more; friend than he bad counted on and that hi warm supporter were out I working for him in the different I coiinilea. Aa the other candidate awing 1 cua the needa of the county you It Up to a few v .flattx' a' L aa) r.illtlil il IN lll.ini fully r.tullan.l lliul year ago when they . ' ZZZT- T lll he able to do much pruning of coiumenced aome large Improvement i 7.. xauuiusie who tlie hudtfct and Item that are not and It I now . IK ... I",,",H ,,l "'", '" "Calvo the sup nti'iit iuiui lit lite Mli'i- -w ' - -- - -- . - r w ri veitf. -.. ii.. i. legal will be cut to where they bo- High value, have away lead to V """"" W" W""' " """ ! - . Ilillilllt l.mtl 11 Ilia nMax long. There will not be any apoclal high taxea, juat aa they have In your ullowancoa tor the achool auperln- county ir the officer get au Idea ml. 'iii or other official and each of the county official will cut hi ex penae down to where they belong .vlieu bo know that hi every act I going lo bo known le the tax payer. When you are organlxed It will not be poaalble to get away with a 'leal to pay an agent $760 houu for xao.ooo In bond at 6 per cent, when men appear before your hoard and offer lo take the bond at 5 per cent. .... wiinoui any oonu The saving there lore placing men, ,, control of alone mean $6,000 In Intereat ami county affair the $760 and the additional attor neya' fee that will have been paid out before the county I Dee or the pend ing law null A waving or over $7,000 on a $ JO, iioo deal I surely worth looking after. Another matter In connection with thoe bonda I the milliner In which the bid for the that your county I worth eleven mil lion they aaume that you can afford to pay u good round um lo them, but on the other hand ir a value of aev- ell in 1 1 1 1. . Im nluf-M.I .... v..... ..- . ----- .- .."-'. .... ;uui pioperiy I hay re going to keep that expenae ilo-n It im very poor policy to select men for an office almply hecuuae they tell a atory well, they should be at leaal aucceaaful with their own affalra lit the It la gratirylng to ee that one aee tlon or your county ha atarte.l ,,n with a league mid It I to be hoped that other aectlon will also light and organt. A league will be organlxed here In the near future a a reult of the talk made by Mr Smith A MESSAGE ABOUT THE IL S. ARMY My Van C Klrkpaln.k Mr. Vau C Klrkpatrlck haa a me aage on the United State Army that 1 ry American citizen ahould hear and heed " W J Bnone, Founder aud 1'reaident of the College of Ida ho " "The largeat audience of men I have seen In Nyaaa He give you etning to think about " Ii F Harper. l'ator Nyaaa Preabyterlan Cburcu. "From four year residence near un Army Moat, I can aay his state ments are true and conservative. It is a gripping message" S M Hun icr. Kimneit, Idaho. IUnda.ll J Condon, Supt ot the Public Schools or Cincinnati. H II Boerley, I'rea. of Iowa State Teach er College, David Starr Jordan and mauy others endorse this lecture. At M. K. church, Tuesday eveuing, i t Ml wo t titltAS t The President of Mexico THE U. S. IS AFTER 6,000 ARMY HORSES Dorse ownera In the Northwest who want to dlspoae of their animals uow have a chance. I'ucle Sam want H200 horaea, de livered in Portland He want 5000 lor cavalry purposes and 1100 for ar tillery. Ownera have been advised, through the Portlaud chamber of Commerce, that they can aubuilt of fer of such horaea, not later than May 1, to Die office of the I mini States Army quartermaster at Se attle Further particulars will be provided by the Chamber of Com nierce. HOW IRRIGATION INCREASES YIELD SEVERAL BIG CATTLE SALES MADE IN BAKER Several big calth sales have been reported the pal few day, for.n ..n among which la Die sale of the John Kvans herd or pure bred Shorthorns to Win Pollmuii, the- herd consisting or 76 head The purchase price wa not given out. . I'olmluu and Wendt the first of the woek sold to W II Lewis of North Powder '100 head of three year old steers It b. uinhi stood that the pur chaser paid $57 50 per head. Maker Democrat. SMALL GIRL DIES FROM SEVERE BURNS Weiaer, Idaho. The lx year old daughter or Mr. aud Mr it II (Doss, who live about 14 mile Dom Welner, was burned to deutb 'Ihurs day afternoon Mr Uroa had been burning sagebrush near the home and the little one In some way happened to get too close to the lire and her cloihes caught tire tier mother and older sister rushed to her aid hut it wa too late agn v L Vale, April 11 Another Irrigation district comprising 10,000 acrea of very rich land lying between Jamleaon and Vale In the Wilhiw Hlver valley, in being organlxed, a petition tor thla purpose having been Died thl week with the county court by the settler In the proposed district. Thla land extend to within five mile north of Vale. Theae settler have taken ov er aome old water right. It I pro posed to hulld a concrete dam at a point about aevcti mllea above llrogan for the purpose of Impounding water 1 In a reservoir lte there The old water right together with the Im pounded water are reported lo be amply sufficient to furnish a com plete water right for the 10,000 ac re Included In the district Three thousand acre or th land now ha a partial water right With the for mation or the district and the Mg pletion or the dam theae 8000 acre and the 7000 acrea or nw land would be given a full water right The land In thl proposed district Is reported io be among the bet al falfa and grain land In the atate. Thl part of Malheur county will be given a big Impetua when thla dUtrlct and the proposed Warm Spring Irrigation are Hucceaafully put through. Fie t . h frca Asaoclallua Kl.llll HOOT, OF VKW Vlllik ProMMNtlve moll. I for President GIRL ATTACKED BY COW BADLY INJURED K. 0. Land Company. Mhea l.uper a water man from the state engineer' office wa here thl week making an attempt to adjut nine water matter on Willow creek. The water hoard recently de clared the Eaatern Oregon Land Com puny entitled to nome 270 Inches of water and It wa applied to amall ; trlp of land extendlug over quite an area. The company wished lo eon- nerve the water and ue it on a com p ... i body or land and made applica tion to the board ror the permit. There wa hut one rancher who ob jected to It and the request will prob ably be granted. Thla will make an other fine big rami ror the valley. The Miiiue company I also working to get the water or the old Eldora do ditch to some land In the Wil low valley aud If uoceful lu l his will place another large tract In mi ll. atlon. The revival of the old Pence rights is ulo going to improve matters for the Willow creek ranchers. At present the waters of this stream I In neveral hands and there are many reservoir, private and owned by companies and It I bar.u possible that some day all these In terest will combine m,,i then there will be a fine system for the entire valley, with sufficient water for all Miss Rosenberger, a aialer of T. I) Hie little tot had been , Itoseuberger wa injured Saturday af so b.nliy burned she died u few hours later NATURAL GAS IS STRUCK ON THE RAILROAD GRADE ternoou hy being attacked by a cow m i lie Kuseiiberger farm east of town Miss Rosenberger was walking be hind a hay wagon, in the field when the cows wire, when he was sud l.-iih attacked by the cow and Knocked to the ground The cow mi iiiiicit to bunt her after ahe wa dowu and wus driven off with consul .ruble difficulty. Mi Rosenberger bud tin. i it. a ml a wrist broken and reoelved internal injuries New i'ly uioutb Sentinel April is at 8 und 25 ceut. P 111 Admission 15 THE ITALIAN ARMY SCORES GREAT MILITARY VICTORY Ueorge Russell, of Priiieiille, makes the statement to the Madras Pioneer that in 110 he raised M bushels of grain on 170 acres, in ID 11 he raised 2750 bushels on 160 acres, witli 40 acres or It watered, ami in 111 he raised 12,250 bushels ou 150 acres, all irrigated. Mr Russell stale that in hi opinlou his land is better tor graiu but ours i better for alfalfa The Ontario Music Club was en tertained at the home of Mrs Adam i last Saturday, April H The High School girls rendered u delightful pro- We see by the papers that the 'gram The (Dee Club gave two nuin Italians have won a great victory, berg, and vocal and piauo solo were Word was received here Tuesday tbui the railroad contractors t work In the cut at Die Cup had struck u strong How of gas This is reported so strong that Die workmen are uu- ab.'e to remain iu the cut for a very long time This is au additional evidence of ssibillties ot oil in this terri tory und brings to mind the great de velopment and bright prospects of this district. It is not likely this flow will interfere materially with the railio.nl construction und may help toward au early complei i..n o md further into the territory should there be oil found in the pros pect ut Dog Mountain .Should this How be found ill; cient it will be a great asset io t lie town of Uendlre which in being laid out at the Uap aa it will ruruiah cheap light aud fuel. Walter aud Will Grey came in from that section and bring Die re port of the gas flow and also stute t Ii ut work of surveying and other pie liiniuaries liuve begun on the new tow i, site Hunts Herald BIRTH OF THE NATION TO THE DREAMLAND HAS GOOD ONES BILLED A dramatic military romance, "Mrother Officers" will be presented ut the Dreumlaml Saturday night. April 16. It I a military play that will appeal lu all Monday night, Nunce O'Nell, Amer ica's foremost euiotlouul actress, will stur in "Pnucess Itomuuoff," baaed on Sardon s "Fedora." K'dgur l.elwyn in a spectaculur piiiuruution of hi own romantic drums "The Arab" will be the at traction next Wedueaday, April 1 J There will im an excursion t.. Itoise rridav and Saturday of next week, I April 21 and M, ou account of the sliow ' The Mirth of a N ition' at the Putney Theatre. A rate or rare and one third will lie sjMlfgtli itekets gisid until the Me I We often wonder if a rat iu a trap doesn't have a fellow reeling ror the editor who Is unable to collect his deliiniuent subscriptions beating the enemy back to camp by I an important part of the evening's , earth still lack accurate deten.nu.. Indications are to the effect thai Constantinople says Krzerum was Carrauxa is ueariug the end of hie of no importance This explains why rope Aud ropes, you know, are pro-'Turkey kept only 160,000 men then verblally short in Mexico Just keep in touch with your 'Tie said the true shape jf the neighbor, of course Tlie -- LAFFERTY HAS HIS NERVE WORKING four good length. program Hon Not our Job. or his ideas your own Mrs Sradley, a resident or the Mend for the past leu years, died ear ly Tuesday morning at the home or her daughter. Mrs. Mradney, In Hos well. A paralytic stroke Sunday ev euing was tlie immediate cause of her will serve to broaden death, but she had been teeble ror j nomination at the May primary elec some time. ' tlou. Salem, Oregon A W Latterly, Mepublicau, former congressman Irom the Third Oregon district, who was defeated ror the nomination two years ago by the present representa tive, 0 N McArthur, Friday tiled declaration of his candldaev f..r