A red In. n. i . oleaTj up? j N i - . . .,hih.i . n 1 1 i Wouldn't Vou Rather Live In a Clean Town Than a Dirty One? Of Course You Would! So Would Your Friends Who Come to Visit You. CLEAN UP! JORDAN VAMjKI ( From the Kxpressl John A Wrotpn Is how kbit i" move about (in crutches In a limited extent Alines Cecil llrodie and Chi tOI ' Ktlljr, both of Joniim Voire?, Oregon, were married ill tin' Methodist I11" IMUI Wednesday evening 1 " ROI P II WHIN Tin' heavy lain of Inst Monday c 4-ti i ii r WU a great henellt In the ' Mini appreciated 1V tin- stnckineii while cutting up a hog Pedon day I'runli LOTOjOJP sbishcgMhc iBtldl Of till' IlllRITH of his loft bund I" BOHOM and pniiilnl manner Prill Miller will ro to CoMWOll i" morrow nr Suinlay to lake up his (III i ns cashier of tlie ton NV liniial batik at that plan Itnnil.ill Siirc came over froBI IiIh Iioiiip at Ontario lust Suinlay and went nn In his rancli at MoDSMBttl 10 lok lifter IiIh BhOOP interests at that point Jim Park hns distributed several hundred sprouts of the Mississippi willow durliiR the lust three weeks lo friends for plantiliR purposes Joo Kryahn started overland I'm llolse Wednesday inornliiK with a load of l!2fi Hhi'i'p pelts that had been collected hy a hlih'huycr The load, which weighed Iggl pound. In , the first to Ro through to BotSS b the overland route for BOOM time The pOMtdlllce department Is IIRIllll advertising; for bids for the Kniiv lawn route, the only hid received on the loriner cull being ODBBtdorod tOO high The bidder probabl) iraBtod eiiouRh to pay for feed for hi Mot l William Skinner ha sold all his sheep and w III In 1. .ill. I ilcv.ili entire llttelltlnll In Mil' $5nc6 tL UNIVERSAL CAR I v. n other car on I lie l''l bl ford; more than half the earn bought HiIm venr will he I'ord" ThOfO'i Blighty gOOd rOBOOS ford earn are tlllini: a place In every MM Of hum nn MtlVlt COOl ahoul two cent a mile to operate and maintain M ter order yours today' Itunnlmui ltO; Togriag Cm m an prion f 0 h lletrolt thi ''lie Bl THUS I'. COWAMOi K'. Ontario. 3"- jarnVfT agnBnnl nn' (low nhearted n. irrled tun n Gratifying Results Follow a Little Gleaning Up CITIES and town threusli.iit the country will soon have season of general renovation by Intll rldual. The year'H accumulation of nihl.lsh I to be gathered up and rt out ready for the municipal collector Yard are to be put In order, bonne and olltbulhlliik'i aie t. he painted ii'iicci ami nhe.N to be repaired, vacant loU to tw cleared of weed and every thing to be inudo spick and apiin, fresh and w holrsoine and altoRetber delight fill 'I'hat I t. ssv. all this will be gOM If every hiiu.-eh"l.ler gon what li U peeled (if him In the cli'lllllng up nn.) paint up committee which me con .Incline, i!i,, , inipaUu And why ahould H BOt be gOMf The vpciiHc for each li"ino "III BO) ! treat, the labor need BOt he hind, and the icsiilt will he OBMtktBg for all of us to enjoy and perhaps to bfBg al.oiu r'nr u clean . Hy nr tOWfl Is cinliiciiliv desirable, lint so mil. Il he. au-e .if Its gfBBtOI attract l.'nu. nllhiiugli that alone u worth all the (gjOrt bal bocoOM o( Ita liiei eased beiilthfulness IMiibi disease, and . I.an'liii s s the llr-i principle of saiillnll.ui So lei us all J. .In and in il,e mil t l i. BBBM Nfca I 0071 fa. after the maiei nal Mcruh Let us dl down Into i in dark enrners Of OBt I'.isi'inei.ls and rloaeta, throw out all Hie old rags and papeiH. wash the II, MVOOBI and (t them In pine, got bOOJ wlih llie IMlInt brush and the pnulog Knife and tlie lawn umwer and ihen the tOBOll win be grattfriag Do Something For Your Town. The "(lean I p und I'alnl I'p' move UOOt Will do lUllcll In ll.al.e ,nl town health) ai.d beauilfui If ea. h cltUen doea bla full BOON In ihe home, scliool. abop, cburch and BtifhboriM OaV It will be a ehool Of good ( KUau ablp Let ever) ..ne hiLe a hand lu tbe campaign CLEAN UP HINTS FOR H0U8S HOLDERS. OOrbagO. This la food waate only. Alwavs keep It In u metal can wlih a tight OBtOI DO got let lllcs gt l Int. i It. Ilul'lilsh This llnl u.Ii-m nshea. I'litles ilu eai. Junk and BOOM aneepliu Always keep It lu ur Ian ids of uveriiRe tx. M i .li Papof. Tl'la ahould be Kept from rul.l.l.sh Alwaya keep It dry I'ut It In burlap bug or He It up lu bundles. If kept In Hie I I'cinciit It ahould never be near the fil c 001 under the stairs Va. am Lota. The owner of tin aid lot lire rOapOBOfM Wt Ueeplna Hi in . l.i. i . I in imt throw poof roJMMOh nr garbage in thoaa lota it is oot k . in ei. -hip and is a uiena.e to your health liy to gel theni cleaned up and BM If ynu . all put III a garden lire I III I ii nut nil BUd rubbish of any 1. In 1 lu pour attfa? or basement blO l.ade lire oaOBPOBa hall ..r i.ilrwa.s which he has several hundred hcid. .ind in the mnr. .'. ii m. cultlvii tinii nf Ins line ranch, a thOOOBBd M rea of which BTU IB main I I I riRhts PAINT UP! I'- haw ' Tin. i ml. i ;. i ii in- nev er wait until the allies are roaih h.' fnre bOgtBBlBg a Inn I'lilcss man lookl ill I) when he tella a wnmaii he WVOt ln-r. he .1 - not mean II Statement m the (i in i -l.ip. Man iiReinellt. ('in illation, etc. reiiilred l.y the act of OOOjgNOl of ilgl I 1912 Of the (Hilario Argus pill weekly at Ontario, Oregon, fol i rll 1916 State of Oreg f 1 1 ..I Mai heur, aa , llefore inc. a notary In and Tor the stale ami (..unit afori ltd personally appealed M K Haiti, Who having I u dulv sworn according to law, deposes ami says that he Is the sole nrtlior (il lllc (III!, in. I Argils That the known bOBdhOldOfa, ni.ni ggvgOOOi and other secunt holder owning or hOldjBI I BOT OOBl or inor. of total aiuounl nl tftfldf. BMrigBgt or othir OSOOriUOl .ne A I. Sproul Signed. M I Mam Sworn lo and Itlboorlbed helni. me this 1st da ..I .ri I. I'iIi. U W Wn.,,1. Notary I'lihln South America reaped I .inn olhcer " Tli. ink In-.i v i n . Ki.hlill Hull nt Ha hall Hiv.n. siniiehody does thinks his Is rol populi Infatuate. I wages of Sin Is s,.i. stories in with his ..wii mnr. he hears nothing th Slllnl.n .llpplelnenl 'I THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Thirty year ago the t el. pin. in- u.i. a luxury rodajr, through personal Initiative uml private enterprise, it has i.e. ,i I,... It) within the reach of everybod) Where nine a bus! i,. nl bill one telephone with a United talking rani'.. i..,.iv II. at hiislncH Ima BOrriOS with i r.uo'. three -iiiarti-rs (.1 a gOBtl inni I. in. nl. and even branch nl aver) businc-s is lin k.-l or) other bj sg ntoroonnooteallBi lelephoot The telephone has inn p.mslhle pnOS and thOTt BOO li mill Hell lei. phone - in Ho. louiilry. over which go 11,000,001 talks dailv l.-r lit-ll Telephone is a 1-ong; Dialggjgg Stalitm. Malheur Home Telephone Co. GET OUT YOUR PAINT BRUSH! Beautify vi The Clean Up! Paint Up! There Is Cleanliness. There Is Healthfulness. There Is Germlessness In Good Honest Paint. CLEAN COMMUNITIES HEALTHY ' How Dtath Rat and Long Life Com From Such Town. I Will in HOOU .uiiimi generate dla I case. I. ut lu the hng run. barring nil 'usual e. cpllnim. low death rate aud .long hie alvv.ns COOn wlih record of clean onnuoluoa Ihe ( lean l'i and 1'ulnt I p" cam , pulgll s after till, a huusel.eelilnv loli and for that reason ererj houaakaopor hOBld . Q 0) .'late with the town ,,t! . lu BiahlBg the town potles. Xolhlug pleases one more than to have u rloltor u whut a beautiful town v.ii live In Why not uialie jour town Ihe .leanest hi America? It eaally don.- Iluve i una, in ivij;,, ltllll u( org together aad vou win be lurprta tsl at (he result Now, let 11 all pull together for a spotles town' CLEAN UP TIME A JOLLY uiiia clmi up feat Is coming a llll Ihe spring 'I'lio nog v.lil be oui niuater and in crulibiiig brush ..ur king We'll live and bieaihe in oapud si.J vvu II fg 00 new hod paint. And ur ovuiulls and apron will be singu larly HUMlIlt AI '' n th.it when the dog conies ww " ie s in iei wltn car. We'll brush uwj ti,u eobweba and Uusi from grandpa' chuir, Ah,1 v..,,, j,. crabbed the garbags p hi li.o ...t iuiu wandara by .. Into Its shining void with inula, raprgoehful Wi i. rioab in dtlnfetanti Iran our baud unto our fe. t. Till Bar voiy tbougbtg are gurmprool nd ..ur souls me pur, .oi sweet 1 '" " a I. n i ,iM lo , 1,,, this Ineriy month of .May Wn'll clean up all Hi,, casta la sight and three suusis meals a day Brass Beds In spite of the enormous increase of 188 per cent in Sheet Brass in the last eighteen months you can find some bargains in our long line of BRASS BEDS We will offer for these few days a Brass Bed with two inch post, guaranteed finish, for $9.35 In buying to protect ourselves from the enormous advance we are over-stocked in good Brass Beds, and will give you the ad vantage of our early buying. Be sure and see them. Read the Metal Hull, in, lu fltll 11. .1 Imlr la a !.,.. ........ w '" """urn or TltlM ""v..ra,tedrky'm) lahnr hiiv in- .1....1 ...... ... -""" ih a f,, (linen in WI1HIIIIIK I'l.-hbiil Wllaon has the Amen Hill cheer Up. the I I1'" 1h I""' I" bis refusal III "I , .. ,,, i i, uml reader WgBgO IB giving av Miierlcui. 0. S. L. TIME TABI No 17 III S Woslw,,,,! Oregon Wash ttd Huntington puny Oregon WbhIi Kvi, KnM Mall Kasvar( Oregon Wbp'i I,. Boloa I'linv i n Bipra Oregon ash :Xp Mi No KID " l it t 'Ml tip . WT&ga las M. ' - aw ik g I mi . ! nl il Ml aad .lull e( a) H.ilid fo' Itlvi i.., I j , ti MO-.AH miuniJ t. i.e.i.i o. .41 141 I at I and cr I tin , Vu e K llrns.n la y ,, ept Sunday in M. I' " ile dally 7 01 ,1 I a si.,,,,, 1 .MIX' il from MvOiaMi (lai.y except Sunday 1 2 OlJ I naa ir Vale, ihilly N , mi M.i 1 nun 111. ik. in ft V ale dally except Sunday 3J ho lb. mi bile train ! IS p in. on Tuesday. Tka Saturday, returnlna i.l vi". K rt 11.1t irhi n r. ?o f Ontario Furniture Co. OFFICIAL DIRECl I nlleil stair. President Woodrow tj 1. . I'resbleut Tbo. It. . i.-tarv of Stule, . Knhert Secretary of Tm.s . W 0 . . 1. ini o. ur, . . U M ttnriiev Q 1, Thus W Co I'.. 1 11.. 1 I. -i 1 in tl I. . . . A Him Secretary of Nuv v J I Sec'y of iBtartOI . h'rankllo U . of Aft-rlr illuti., II V II. v ill 1'onBI 'lie Win (' II : etarv of lav'u I . . V 11 Sec'vln the Pre .... J. 1' Tl I . N. Mlpll 11 1 I (..HI Chief Justice. ... Kdward nalata Justice, Joseph Mi Kent. a Oliver Wendell II dim William II Day James 0 Mclte i. Charles K Hugh I Willis Vsn I lev an 0) Joseph It l.auiar Mahhni Pitney Valf I'. H. Ia.nd.,im.(ri. Il.'.l .ler TI10. Iteeeivor a N Klalc Ofllrer. invernor James Wnl' - nf Stale Beu j 1 reasurer 1 Attorney -deneral. . .Ueo. IBl nl Public liinli iirliua 11 J AH. Dairy and Food 1 iimuilssloii J 0 Slate Printer A W UtJ I' S Senators. 11. (i K. Lane li i: Chauiherlalii CotiKri'ssuieu, W 0 llawley N J siiinni C. N. McArtbur Statit siii.ii' Court chief Justice Frank ft. Aasocluto Justices, Thotnaa A. Mi Undo Henry J Dean Ooorge 11. liurtioit Itubert Kaklu Henry I, Uenaon l.avvreiiiu T. llarrli Mutli Judicial llUtrlrt in -tin 1 Ju.Iki. Hallo District Attorney W H. Senatnl 2Mtli lglslallte Joint Senator, for liraut, and llurney Counties, . .lorlni V 1 .(ml. iiilhcrs Colin I .- .Iii.Il'h II W W , ..Haav( .... County Clerk John P Sheriff lien ) County Cuuiuilaalonera, Joint K. Weaver Melville Kelley County Treuaurer. J MM Assosaor, Lewi School Sunt " County Survavor U '' County Corouor " " ' Truuut OrtliHr A. H Mdl Justice of the l'eaca (Oaure trict 0. Circuit Court Circuit Court for Malha' iiieeta lu Vula. the county the second Monday lu J'lMrJ the fourth Monday in April; Hie first Tuesday In Septaa ruaular sesubiKii llou DalW' Circuit Judge; W. II Urooi-I rlct Attorney; John Clerk ouuly Court. The Couutv Court of ' 1. ui.iv meets In reaulkf V'ule on the llrat WedueW ' II. !IV Mi.r.l. Muu JlllV. 8f and November. County Ju''1 W. McKulght; M. U K Til I J John p. Weaver. Coniw" John P, Houston, Clerk