The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 30, 1916, Image 8

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The supply ! a little off nnd the
prima are firm for what Is offered.
The high mnrkot thin year and for
several yearn prevloiiH was touched
lull' Thursday afternoon on $OM
fairly good pulp-fed MM, $K II N
Ing the price. Another bunch of
hay feds lAhught the With price of
$8.35; takg It altogether, the stoer
market ended for the week fully 40
cents higher than two weeks ago.
with quotations continuing steady.
This morning several loads of pulp- I
feds went at the high figure of $h II
They were of very fair quality.
The bulk sold Saturday at $6 25
.60, a week ago at $7.16 810, a
month ago at $7.26 7.60, a year
ago at $.767.00, 2 years ago at
$7.60 8.00, 3 years ago at 7.00
7.90, and 4 years ago at $6.16 30
A good advance was made this
morning on quality, the light receipts
showing a high per cent of quality
tuff Trading started on a fairly
active basis nnd a $9 36 top was es
tablished The hulk of sale was
around the $9.25 mark. Nearly all
eastern markets showed a recovery
of strength since their decline of last
week. No prime heavlea were
weighed here this morning.
Hulk sold Saturday at $9 10, a I
week ago at $9 109.16, a month
ago at $7.90 8.00, a year ago at
$7.607.66, S yeara ago at 8.80
$.85, 8 years ago at $9 309 60.
and 4 yeara ago at $7 10 7.20.
Monday's Iteport
Streets kept clean and In repair.
Business houses and residences
kept neatly painted
Honds graded and no "duck ponds"
allowed to form
I'ront yards with concrete walk..
' . nnd vacant spots needed
nnd frequently mown.
Hack yards so clean they compel
School yards sanltnry and with ad
equate playgrounds for children.
Store windows wllh neat displays
of goods and a spirit of thrift In evidence.
churches well filled on Sundays.
No street corner loafers and bums.
A strong spirit of civic pride.
Everybody hustling for himself and
boosting for this town
These are good signs push them
Pershing Intimates Expedition
in Mexican Territory May
Continue for Months.
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our Stats
A modern 6 room house, bath, pi
ano, all furnished, two fine lots nnd
good lawn. Trice $2200.00, terms
Cheapest buy on the market.
For sale 43 acres, all under ditch
and In cultivation, 8 room house, 1
acre in bearing prune trees, 14 ac
res In 7 year old apple trees, seeded
to red clover between treea, balance
In alfalfa nnd blue grass. Kvery acre
tine land The biggest snap ever of
fered In this valley. If you got the
land for nothing you could not put
the Improvements on for the price
nsked. All under gravity ditch with
paid up water right. Price $150 00
per acre, one half cash.
For sale 10 ncre tract near city, all
In cultivation, with house Price
$200 00 per acre.
It Inquire W II D little
Columbus. N. M speedy tormina
:ion of the American expedition Into
Mexico Is mil kMked for by General
.1 J. Pershing eonitnamlliip the forces
in the Hold according ' advlt M re
ceived here. It was snld that, follow
ing a staff conference, (ieneral Penh
Ing announced that the people of the
Culled Stales should not place too
much confidence In reports that Fran
cisco Villa, whose command attacked
this town several weeks ngo, had been
bottled up. either by the American
forces or by UoiieU troopa.
The nature of the country in the vi
clotty of Namlqulpa. where Villa Is
supposed to be. It was pointed out,
renders It difficult for any force to
surround a small band In the moun
tain passes and almost Imperceptible
trails which offer means of escape.
While It waa understood Oeneral
Pershing does not attempt to predict
the length of time American troops
msy be In Mexican territory. It was
Intimated that the period may extend
Into months.
Other reports also received from
unofficial sources Indlcsti d American
military authorities believed a suffl
dent number of men of all arms of
the service have been concentrated at
La Ascenclmi, Ciissm (irnmles. Colonla
Dublan and other American field
points to meet the exigencies of any
emergency that may arise
Osnssse Show Change Dates.
Genesee. The dates of the annual
horse show have been changed and
the show will now he held June It. If,
17. On account of the refusal of F
E Lambert, who was elected to man
age the show, to accept the reaponsl
blllly. the president of the chamber
of commerce appointed a board of nine
dire! tors to handle the show. They
re. Dr. J. D. Adams, chairman
chsrlra Whalen. secretsry treasurer,
O. K Tabor, W. D Woodward. Thomas I
II Merman, John Meyer, I .eon l.arra
bee, James Jackson and Kdwln F
Smoii The chairman appointed the
various committees and work has al
ready started.
The Mitchell 6
of 16
Is the Greatest Car Value
the World has ever Known
Presumably, however, the sun will
continue to shine upon us unless It
Is obscured by the clouds of war.
Boys and girls competing In th.s
project shall feed, care for and exhib
it from ono to live lambs. Those who
raise and exhibit more than one lamb
will be given live points for each ad
ditional lamb up to four.
Those entering this project will be
required to furnish a report giving
the age of the lamb or lambs when
taken by them and the date the pro
ject was begun as well as a short sto
ry of how they did the work.
Most of the lambs will, no doubt,
be "bums" or orphan lambs, Just
what the children can secure. Some
of them may be Merinos, some grade
I.IiicoIiih, some llumpshlree etc , and
will not necessarily Indicate the child
ren's ability to select good liu
consequently in Judging, emphasis
will be placed upon the condition
Talher than the iullty of tin- Iambi.
This Is a county project only The
same prises will be given that are glv-1
en In the other projects with the ex
i option of the first prizes which .in
fra trips to the state Fair and are
awarded to the hoy and girl making
the highest score In the projects out
llitml by the Agricultural College.
While the children are in school
MM one else muy feed the lambs
during school hours Work that muy
take the children awu from home
later on will not serve as an excuse
for the help of others.
following is the basis of award:
Kxhibit: liest lamb for pur
pose for which It is Intended ..40
Five points for each additional
lamb up to four 20
Host Project Ituport 40
Overstocked with kalsomlne In or
der to cut down will kalsomlne rooms
from $1.75 up. Deputy KS N 4.
Advertising Is like patriotism in
war time It la Irn-slstuhle. and
draws the people right Into your
store. He patriotic, Mr Merchant,
by being an advertiser.
Land to rent 100 acres of alfal
fa at Arcadia.
10 acres of alfalfa two miles west
of Ontario, that we will rent, either
on shares or for cash.
70 acres, two miles from Ontario,
all ready to plant to grain. We will
rent on shares Inquire of A W
Trow im
and Almost Without Suppllts and
Ammunition as Thsy Flss.
t'asas (Jraiidcu. Vex.. b wireless to
Columbus. N M Kranclaco Villa, the '
outlawed Mexican bandit, who Is flee
Ing before American cavalrymen some
where In the district between Natnl- '
qulpa and the foothills of the Sierra
Tarehiumtrca. Is Increasing his band
by force, according to army reports.
The bandit chieftain seised 3S young
men and hoys in Kl Valle, 66 miles
south of here, and forced ihcni to Bs
company his column.
I'tmost haste Is being made In the '
flight toward the mountains, which
Villa Is Hearing rapidly, neither men '
nor horses being spared. It Is known
that he la attempting to reach a neigh
borhood where be has ammunition
cached In three places
Spirit Lake Mill to Returns.
Spirit Lake The saw mill of tho
Panhandle Lumber company resumed
operations Monday, giving employ,
ment to about 100 men. Officers of
the company have decided to ruu one
I" hour shift for the first week, when
th.v will start a night shift also This
will give employment to about 160
nmre. as the planing mill, which Is
now running days only, will also run
nights The output of the mill Is
,., i. n, hi feet for each shift, but this Is
not sufficient to fill the orders which
have been accumulating during the
winter. The opening of the mill has
been delayed for several weeks ow
ing to Ice in tbe lake.
Otntess Grain Elsvstor Proposed.
Oeuesee The Farmers' Union
Uindon The Oermsn raider Grelf,
attempting to run the Ilrltlsh block
ade or the North Sea. was sunk In bat
tls by the Ilrltlsh cruiser Alcantara.
The Alcantara also was sunk.
Five Herman officers nnd 116 men
out of a crew of 300 were rescued and
taken prisoners by the Ilrltlsh The
Alcantara lost five officers snd (9
Ti.o Orelf was sunk by gunfire ami
the Alcuntara by a torpedo according
to tbe version of the Ilrltlsh admiralty
The Herman admiralty says the Orelf
was torpedoed, and then blew herself
The two shlpa lay almost side by
side, while the captain of (he Ilrltlsh
steamer inquired by mi gaphone for
particulars of the strange vessel,
wlil.h hail the Norwegian colors paint
ed on her sides, hut which flew no flag
The Inquiries from the Alcantara were
... .. .... . . . .
warehouse members met here and dU ,"""""" '" '" r" " Norwegian. ""
cussed the handling of grain In tbe .' ""' SSSlSBi of the raider arous.ii the
bulk system. Sacks are so scarce suspicions of the Ilrltlsh auxlllnry She
and th. ,,r.,e will be so high that WM ow,,rlng a boat ti d a search
mam of the farmers have mad m. '" Pf aboard when the (iermuns
thnlr minds to adopt the hulk system
To do this they will be obliged to
build small tauka on the farms for
handling the grain while threshing
re now two bulk elevators in Genesee
and much talk of a third being built
for this Pall's grain.
opened fire.
The at Hon Is described as one of the
hottest of the war, running duels be
la ein evenly matched frigates In the
data before the time of Ironclads
Minimum Wag and Workman's
Boise The Idaho Stats Pd(n
of Labor waa organised, wbso
anion delegates from all parts of i
state assembled here c. o. Te
national organiser, was present,
delegates were addressed by Oora
Alexander, who declared he ha4 i
ways favored anything that would i
the laboring man a chance
speskers included Ernest nrtcki
of Wallace, and A. W. Mulr, of
orriccra were elected as fo
president. C F Caton, of liolse.
tary treasurer, p H. Hpanisifc
H.dse vice president, first ritstrkt.
C. eatllne, Wallace, second 4k
A Keel, liolse. third district, i
II llrown. Pocatello
Itesoliitlons were adopted fa
tbe organization of local imloaitti
counties, urging the legislator
pass a workmen's compensatlca i
minimum wage scale for wo
reel leglslstlon, and an act
an examination of steamfltten
The state was divided Into 4k
The Jumping Prog Story.
It wns In the Alussi c'aiup bar that
Mark Twain heunl from an ex pilot
Ward, who urged him to write It, to bo
Peons In the district through which '" 'uded In I ...ok that Ward was pub
Single cycle auto engine and frame
tubes at your nun pine li.puiv,
Phone so N. 4. t
be has passed recently say that bis
men are ravenously hungry and are
practically In a atate of starvation.
Dead and dying horses discarded In
tbe flight are found almost dally by
iu troops.
British Msks Raid on Airship Sheds.
London (ionium torpedo boat Is
missing slnn th. itlnst which
followed the Ilrltlsh air raid on Halur
day morning on H.i n aviation
gflJ In northern S. I ! ig llolateln.
I,,' (' be Jumping frog anordlng to an C rmsii state
Clemen- Minted It to Artcmils ! mcnl received hum l.v .. ,..!....
Ilerllll reported that three Ilrltlsh
hydro aeroplanes were sh t down on
and about the Island of Sylt during ihc
raid, thu urews being taken prisoner.
Is It because reports of casualties
In Ocrniauy are so common that so
Httt$ p.o.- i gtfsjsj to th.- story of
Ambassador Uerurd breaking his col-lar-boue
while skiing?
Grand Duke Nicholus may have
visions of traveling over Alexander
the Great route iu the other direction.
Claude liingham and family have
arrived rruni Ontario and taken up
their home on their ranch, which Is
1... ..i.-d south of town, and will
farm same this season llomedale
If you are thinking of buying a
car, see the Ontario Heal Kstate Co.
They are agents for the Mitchell 6 of
16, the greatest car value the world
bus ever known ejj
Plana for the new American battle
cruisera are said to he the heat on
earth, and a.-, paper is steadily going
up in price that is something
Portland schools by tests of In
Kdmuiid Myers show 45 pel cent elt!
cienc.y. They are next to Cos v.,. .i...
the iiiom npoaajra, aud his conclu-' t'Ull"UOUH ork ttml M"y
Patented Pi I, ltei.pmin.lhle for
Its liileiuuliomil Popularity
Smokers so much annreciule the
flavor and coolness and uroiuu of
Prince Albert pipe and cigarette
tobacco I hat they often marvel that
una one brand could be so differ
ent from all others.
The answer to this quesiion
to be found on the reverse side of
every Prince Albert puck
you will lead: "Process Patented
July 30th, 1907." That tells the
whole story. Prince Albert is made
by a patented process that cuts out
the bite and parch, which uml..
ft) mighty agreeable mid
satisfying to men of every taste of
every clvilued nutiou on the gh.he
Smokers should realise that this
patented, process cost three
aud a
Pans The ministry ot murine, in
an official statement, .1. . I.ned that
the channel steamer .Sussex, which
was suuk, was torpedoed, and esti
mated the number of Mill ins at about
$0. Twenty five of tbe passengers on
board were Americans.
Detailed information gathered by
the American embassy here Indicates
that uo American lives were lost on
tbe channel steamer Sussex.
All the Americans, whose names
were ou the passenger list, have now
been accounted for, tbe embassy
states. It is possible, however, that
there may have been among tbe pas
sengers some Americans whose names
were not I use rib. d
Professor James Mark llaldwln and
Mrs. Baldwin were saved, It is author
itatively announced They are at Mi
mereux. near Boulogne Miss h'llia
beth lialdwiu, their daughter, was bad
ly injured and is in a hospital at the
same place.
Joshua Dickinson Armitage, of New
Tork, Is In a hospital at Dover, ac
cording to a dispatch from there. He
is badly injured.
llshlng i i mens dallied uml sent It
to the publishers too late, but they
bund. I n ,.er to a dying paHT called
the Saturday Tress, which gladly gave
It pride of place lu Its columns on
Nov. It, is.::, Professor Sldgwl.-k
niiopsled II In Hi. el. form for Ills
hook "Greek Prose C'omHslti..u," and
thus arose the legend that the Jump
Ing frog story original,-1 in am lent
Greece, a legend lu which Clemens him
self believed till Professor Nldgwl.k
undeceived him In IHtXl by telling htm
that the Greek version wns merely a
translation of Clemens' owu work.
High Water Msnaeea UgMa
Harrison That the sleetrls
Ing system of Harrison msy U i
lously affected by tbe high
asserted by Grant Klmmel.
of the Harrison l.leiirh I.
pany. The water Is now nearly sjl
the mark which a few yean sbji
quired tbe removal of the pi
chlnery to higher ground.
Hrown. owner of the Harrison
mill, said that unless the wi
sides he will bo compelled to i
Americans Are 250 Milts Into Mexico.
San Antonio, Tex. Francisco Villa
has escaped from the Mexican troops
thai had checked him nuar Nainl.julpa
and three columns of American cam I
ry are pursulug him. Th. Amurlian
troops are almost 260 miles south ,.t
the border This Information was con
lalned lu a detailed report by General
Pershing that reached General Fun
ston here.
Army Will Probe Aviation
Washington -An army Ins
Hon of Senator llobliison'a
that Lieutenant Colonel Itrbs
of the aviation service, hail b
di i ting the aero corps In an
em manner, has been ordered fey I
war department
Democratic National Secrstsry
Washington Thomas J
retary of the democratic natlet
who had been III for
months as a result of pneu
at his home here.
slou is, too mauy fads and fancies
and not enough eleiueutals Seven
out of a class of 31 did not know
what state the Hudson river was iu,
aud the class average in geography
was 34 6 per cent out of a possible
100. As a sample of socialistic ser
vice under public ownership the pub
lic schools make a poor showing
Seed Potatoes for sale Hurals
and Netted Gems ("has. Boiden, oue
mile west of fair grouuds. Ontario. 2t
To introduce your choice of wail
paper at 26 per cent discount, Frank
lin's Second Haud Store. I3t3
luiiuue in money to perfect Hut
the result bus proven to be worth
all that wus expended upon it, be
ause it lias set free men who ht-lu-w -.1
they never could enjoy a pipe or a
iiiakin'.s cigarette.
Prince Albert mukes is possible for
every man to smoke a pipe or to
roll his owu cigarette. Aud no mat
ter how tender the tongue, Prince
Albert cannot bite or parch. That is
cut out by the patented process, leav
ing for the smoker ouly the Joys of
the fragrant tobacco.
It la a fact that since Prince Albert
"arrive.! " li.u i . ,
, Jwol a.ioill six vi'urd uv,.
Army Bars Bald Hsads.
Chicago. llaldheaded men are not
wanted in the pursuit of Villa. It la
warm along the border and they might
become affected by the beat. Ho an
nounced Lieutenant Kenney in refus
ing to enlist Stanley Twooney of Syracuse.
California Hopmin Pulling Vlnts.
Sacramento - Discouraged by a long
succession of years of low prices and
by threatened embargo on hops by
iCugland, mauy hopgrowers of the Sac
ramento valley are either pulling up
a portion or their hop vines or ser
iously considering such action.
100 Yards of German Trenchse Blown.
Berlin, via London. More than 100
yards of Qerman trenches near St
VI.. W.. i ft.a . .. .
. ..... D14 .rears ago, I c'"1 "c oeeu uiown up Dy tbe brlt-
i ... mane tiiree men smoke pipes I ''' Herman army headquarter an
where one smoked a pipe before. nounoed.
Appeals to all good
Business men
Qriginality in printing will
always attract the eye of the
particular customer we aim
to please the most fastidious
when printing stationery, cir
culars, booklets and all work
required by the business man
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