The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 30, 1916, Image 3

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    Great Profit-Sharing Prize Campaign
With riirh 50 cent
purchase and thin
coupon you will be
entitled tu 2,000 VOTKS. A
By FAY CLARK. County School Superintendent
Huperlntendont Cliurrhlll will
come Into the county Wednesday
noon, March 29. Wedneaday after
noon he will vlalt the Nyaaa achoola
Thuraday forenoon he will be In the
Ontario achoola and will go on to Vale
for the afternoon. Thursday even
ing the people of the White Settle
ment district and the aurroundln
country will have an opportunity to
hear Supt. Churchill at the While
Hrt. lenient Hrlioolhousn. Friday will
be spent in the School Board Con
vention to he held In Vole and Sat
urday he will be the principal speak
er at the local Institute, In Ontario.
Miss t'owglll, Mr. Maria. Mr How
rd and Miss Clark apent the two
weeks from March 8 to 19 orxanU
Iiik Industrial Cluhn in the achoola
of the county. A great deal of In
tercat In thla work haa been man
tfeeled and a aplendid allowing of ex
hiblta may be expected at the faira
ii 't fall.
Ilonlta Item
(Reported by Mlaa Brlejte)
Saturday, March 18 waa "Clean
up Pay" for our acliool and quite a
number of the pareata and the child
ren were on hand to help. At noon
a picnic dinner waa enjoyed and
when the work waa finished, the men
r .i.eel our flag for the Drat time.
The plan of providing hot lunches
for the children la being tried out In
thla school and ao far It haa been a
success The children all take auch
a- Ingres'. In the work.
Among the new play apparatus
added to our school la a baaket ball
Keunuth Logan, a sixth grade boy
and Hlchuril and Victor Heed, fifth
grade hoys, have made a Baud table
for the smaller children.
Some neat work la being done by
the glrla In their aewlng class ller
nlce Schroder reoalved 96 par cent
and Freda Uigrn 90 per cent oil ar
ticles completed last week.
We are aorry to lose one of our
pupils, Ida Heed. She waa married
at llrogau Tueaday.
' 1
ihi'im i iiiiuii mmis I A Mr A i
We have In our mind three clasaea
of people. The first are the childreu
who have not entered fully out into
life's activities. Their little Uvea
a.-e pure from the contaminations of
alu. Then, we have the aged that
have about run their race iu life and
are waiting for the call to the higher
life Two of these classes we have
with ua In our services; the children
and the aged.
It la the middle class to whom we
appeal in these addresses, "Three
Bad Bargains." The special topic
for next Sunday eveuiiiK, "The Mali
Who Traded Subatance for Shadow."
We appeal to the people of Ontario
to hear this address. It will do T
ery one good. Services at o'clock
Morning aervice at 11 u in Tepic:
"A Sad Bpectucle and the Supreme
Vision " The observance of the
Lord's Supper will follow the morn
ing worship The niemhers of the
church are urged to he present.
Our young people's services are
well attended and Interesting. Clara
Craig will lead the meeting, tepic:
"Consecration of Time "
Topic for prayer ::" dtlng and Bible
Study Wedneaday evening of next
week, "The Kingdom of (Jod In
1'rophecy." These Bible studies will
be Interesting to everyone, ao come
and get them
A hearty Invitation is extended to
the public to attend all the services
and enjoy the aplendid fellowship
with us.
l'reaciiiug at Arcadia at 2:30.
1). E BAKER. Pastor.
initkb I'1ikwhvt:-:iu.n i III IK II
Attentlo Ins called to the change
of the hours of eveuing meetings.
Beginning Aril 2nd., C. E. meetings
will be at 7:15 p. in. and preaching
at 8 p. m Morning services at usu
al hours Sunday School at 10 and
preaching at 11 a. m.
W. N. Brown, Pastor.
At our Literary Society meeting
Inst Friday afternoon colors were
chosen and It waa decided to get a
pennant for the achool.
White settlement Nntea
(By Mra. Roberta)
Our boys have been very busy thla
week working on their play apparat
us which they have completed. We
are now ready for recognition aa a
Standard achool.
The Literature class Is making an
Intensive study of "The Merchant of
One section of our fourth grade
lias ben promoted to the fifth grade
anil they are doing good work.
There la quite an Improvement In
our singing since the Introduction of
regular Instruction In music by Itev.
Cook of Vale.
The White Settlement achool will
be represented In the County Orator
ical Contest by a member of the
eighth grade.
The pupils of the White Star
School entertained the puplla of the
drove district laat Friday. A spelling
match, gamea racaa etc , the order of
the day. A good time la reported.
The puplla on the Honor Roll In
the White Star achool are: Crystal
Stacey, Bertha I'edereon, Homer
Richmond, Henry Hlchroond, Wen
dall Thayer, Mildred Stacy and
Gladys I'ederaon.
The Annex and Hillside Schools In
District No. 29 gava a box aoclal a
weak ago Saturday evening. Mlaa
Weir of the Hillside acliool repotrs
that their portion of the proceeds is
ten dollars. The money haa been
spent for a croquet eel and a baa
ball outfit. The boya and glrla are
greatly Interested In Industrial Club
The Arcadia people have recently
atandardlxed their achool. Wonder
ful Improvement has ben made In
thla achool during the paat two years.
Much credit la due the Farent-Teach-r
Everything waa favoraole laat Fri
day for the aecond hike thla year of
the high achool cadets and the condl
tlona were taken advantage of by the
boys who spent a very eujoyahle
time on the Idaho aide of the Snake
river where they were camped. In the
middle of the night the weather
seemed to change Ita tactics aud some
very distinct drops of rain were felt
by those who were rolled up in snug
comfort on the, bosom of mother
eartli as well aa those less fortunate
who were compelled to tread the
grass guarding against any one ho
should make ao bold as to try to get
out of or luto the first Hue of defena.
Some boys came over the river in a
:out late at night and caused the du
tiful guards some grief by tryiug to
go through their line and getting
some of the contents of the grub box
es. Those wiio had an hour's sleep dur
ing the night were the lucky ones as
moat of them made it a point to un
cover anyone who tried to put on uti
artificial clothing iu the form of bed
clothes, aud Judging by the mournful
glumes of some of the would-be
sleepers, those who tried to make
the hike a wide-awake affair were
entirely successful.
In aplte of the aleepiug difficulty
the trip was eujoyed to tiie utmost
and it cannot be disputed that "Moth
er'a lunch" wa? enjoyed perhaps more
than it ever was before by the hungry
bunch who settled themselves for a
feed more than three times during
the day sent in the camp.
We'd Just be eternally tickled If
we could ride around in an auto like
so many of our neighbors are doing
But alas! Those delinquent sub
scribers who always forget to think.
Too proud to fight? Villa won't
think so.
Thomas W. Klinbrnugh,
Renjamln F. Lambert, Edna M. Lam
bert, Fred C. Belohlav and Eldred
To Fred C. Belohlav and Eldred
Wheeler, Defendants:
OF OREOON. you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint riled against you In the above
entitled action on or before the 13th
day of April, 1918, the same being
the last day of the time prescribed
by order of the court directing aer
vice of aummonn In this cause to be
made upon you by publication; and
If you fall ao to answer, for want
thereof the plaintiff wilt take Judg
ment agalnat you for the foreclosure
of that certain mortgage given by
defendanta Benjamin F. Lambert
and Edna M. Lambert, on July 27th,
1911, to plaintiff, upon thut certain
tract of land situated In the County
of Malheur, Stat of Oregon, and
hounded and described aa follow,
Commencing at a point 15.73 chains
east of the northwest corner of auc
tion 5 In Township 18 south In Rang
47 Mat of Willamette Meridian In
Oregon, aa the place of beginning;
running thence east 11.84 chalna to a
point; running thane south 31.076
chains to a point; running thane
wat 11.885 chalna to a point; run
ning thane north 21.076 ehalna to
th plac of beginning, containing 26
acre, together with all water ditch,
canals, flumes and water right,
thereto belonging or used In connec
tion with watering aald land, together
with the tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances thereto belonging
or in anywla appertaining, whleb
mortgage waa given to secure the
sum of $1000, bearlug Intereat at 10
par cent per annum, and Is recorded
on Book O of Mortgage at pag 322
of records of Malheur County, and
upon which Indebtedneaa there la
still due and unpaid 31 000, together
with Intereat thereon from Jan. 27th,
1913, at 10 per cant pr annum,
1316 09 paid for taxes and assess
ments with Interest from Nov. 9th,
1916, at 10 per cant, and $100 attor
neys' fees and costs of this action.
You are further notified that this
summons Is served upon you by pub
lication under aud by virtue of an or
der of the Honorable Dalton Biggs,
Judge of' said Court, which order was
mad and entered on the 28th day of
February, 1916, and directed thut
thla summons be published once eacli
week for six successive weeka in the
Ontario Argus, commencing with the
Issue of March 2nd and ending with
the Issue of April 13th, 1916.
JOHN It. TTttfiWl
Realding at Vale, Oregon.
Realding at Welser, Idaho.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Robert Service for Public Service
Commissioner He's a Baker lawyer
and haa hammered the railroads too
often when they were wrong to ex
pect their support. He's the common
people's candidate and is unalterably
opposed to railroad graft. A vote for
him is a vote for better regulation.
charges for publishing legal ad
vertising must be paid when proof
of publication Is presented.
By virtue of an Attachment Execu
tion duly Issued by the Clerk of the
Circuit Court for Malheur County and
State1 of Oregon, dated the 15th day
of March, 1916. in a certain action In
the Circuit Court for aald County and
State, when in the Ontario Nation
al Bank, aa Plaintiff, recovered Judg
ment against louis Hurtle and J, J.
Burbrldge, ua Defendanta, for the sum
of Four Hundred Dollars, with In
terest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum from June 28, 1913;
and for the further aum of Fifty Dol
lars, Attorney fees; and for the furth
er aum of Thirteen and 20-100 Dol
lars, costs;
That I will on the 22nd. day of April,
1 9 1 6. at the hour of 11:00 o'clock A.
M. of aald day, at the main entrance
our of the Court House, In Vale, Mal
heur County, Oragon, sell at public
auction, to the highest bidder, or bid
ders, for cash, th following de
scribed real property, to-wlt:
All of LoU 8, 7, 8, 9 and 10 In
Block 23 In the City of Ontario, Ore
gon, aa shown by th original plat of
that city, and mad subject to a prior
lien of Henrietta Payne for th aum
of 31600 00; and
An undivided one-half Interest in
th following premises:
Lot 5, Block 74 In the City of On
tario, Oragon; also Lot 3 In Block
"A"; Lot 3 In Block "B"; Lota 1, 2,
3. and 4 In Block "C" and Lot I In
Block "D"; all In Bartona Plat, and
being In the BK NE'i of Sec 4,
Twp. 18 8. H 47 E. W. M ; and also
an undivided one-half Interest In the
NW14 Sac. 3$, Twp. 18 8. R. 46 E. W.
M ; and also an undivided one-half
Interest In th NV S '. and SH
BWfc Bee. 36, Twp. 30 8. R. 45 E.
W. M
8C. 4 Twp. 18 8. It 47 E. W. M ;
Taken and levied upon as the prop
erty of the said above named defend
ant, J. J. Burbrldge, or as much
thereof aa may be necessary to satis
fy the said udgmeut in favor or the
Ontario National Bank and against
the aald abov named defendants,
with interest thereon, together with
all costs that have or may accrue.
Dated at Vale, Oregon, thla 18th
day of March. 11)16.
BEN J MOWN, Sheriff.
By Ross A So ii rd, Deputy.
First publication, March IS, 1916;
last publication April 20, 1916.
In the aprlng the hyphens' funcy
lightly turns to thoughts of hoinhs
MO f i
i a A
"Safety first" was the motto nml practicn of
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Safety Deposit Boxes
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don't forget to have
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16 Do, 25 Cents.
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Protects every member of the
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Thm bna&SL Storm
Savings Account
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I lutvs always tukrn areat plsaaura
In recommending them to my
hiatal balng cnaMt that they
will hi log the ih I am
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daw "rTHEftlBMvlll' I - wtVJl
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