The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 23, 1916, Image 1

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WJON, TIH'KMHV, M4IM'II itil, lll.
no. m.
Some Pence Talk Effects
the World Markets.
THE HAODE, March 20 A war
onrorence of prnbsble momentuous
Importune" Ih about to open In Paris,
whore military and political rnprosen
laHves of every one of the entente al
lies are gathering.
Tlil'i taken In conjunction with ru
mor n of peace which have prevailed
tor the laid 24 hours, gives rise to all
oris of conjecture, and tlia fnrlhron.
2ng conference Is being watched and
awaited with extraordinary interest,
especially by the advocates of peace.
Itoportl emanating front America
today were that a cable message had
been received tit Galveston, Tex . from
a London authority, which wan aald
to he tnfortneil that "Immediate peace
is ia sight," cancelling arrange
for a considerable amount of tonnage
The peace reports arc also aald to
have affected the Mock markets at
New York, London and 'In- Bourse.
where nhrupt declines occurred.
Lieutenant General Count Cadorna,
the Italian commander In-chief, ar
rived In I'nrla today to take part In
s the military and political conference
of the entente alllea. Crown Prince
Alexander of Serbia, In due there to
morrow with Premier Pachltch. He
will he the caeat ef the French gov
ern man t.
Great llrltaln will be repreaented
by Premier Aaqulth, several other
memhera of the (Cabinet and General
Sir Douglas llalg. oommander of the
Brltlah foroea oa the Continent. Pre
mier de Uroquevllle will attend the
conference for Helglum and General
Glllnsky. aide-de-camp to Ktnperor
Nlcholaa, and the Kusslan Am basse -dor
to France. A. I'. lawolaky for
Russia. Premier lirland will pre
Lodges of District Well
The seventh annual convention of
Dlat. S6, convened In t !-- I 0 0. F.
hall at Nyaaa, on Friday, Marcli 17
at 10 a. ni with Mrs Hose N. Palm
ar, of lluker, Ore , President or the
Kebekab Assembly of Oregon, In at
tendance. The convention was called If mil
r by the chairman. Mrs Hattle Drap
er, of Beatrice Kebekah 1-odge No.
St, Ontario, Ore. On calling the
roll the following lodges were found
to be repreaented: Beatrice Itehekuh
Lodge No. 82. Ontario, Ore., 14 l -I
agates. Yellow Hose Rebekah 1-odgu
No. 112, Nysse. Ore., 11 preaent;
Golden Rule, No. 64. Vale, Ore., 1
The morning session waa devoted
to business and Instruction in the
work of the lodge, by the President
Mrs. Wheeler of Golden Huh- No 14,
gave a brief history of the lodge in
Vale. Mrs. Closson. of Yellow i
No. 212 spoke in the lute rent of the
lodge at Nyasa. Mrs. Pogue of he
atrlee No. 82, spoke of the progress
of the lodge ut Ontario.
The afternoou session wus devoted
to work of interest to all the lodges.
The following officers were elected
for the ensuing year: Anna M. Wheel
er of Vale, chairman; Mrs. Klllott,
Nyssa, Vice chairman ; Daisy Ituther
ford, Ontario, Secy.; Harriet Sears,
Ontario, Marshal; Winnie Draper,
Vale, conductor, Kmnia Duncan, Nya
aa, I. O.; Hazel Rose, Vale, O. G. ;
Kiuily Pogue, Ontario, Chaplain.
The next meeting of the convention
will be held at Vale.
About 1 o'clock p m. everybody
waa Invited Into the banquet room
where a sumptuous dinner, prepared
by the good slaters of Yellow Hose
lodge No 211, was spread, to which
everyone did justice
Anna M. Wheeler,
Hattle Draper,
Minnie Ross, Com.
Harry Cockrum, cashier of the
First National bank, just bought tbe
Harry Chapman modern six-room
bungalow for $3500.
II K ttonnelly, representing the
mate Highway oommiHsinii, waa here
Ttieaday conferring with the mem
hera of the Commercial club regard
lag the highway from tlila place to
the John Day valley and a connection
with the Columbia Highway.
He atated that a good grade could
be obtained and there waa no ques
tion about It being the beat route for
a road acroaa the state, being short
er and having a lower pass than any
other suggested.
The grade on this route should not
exceed six per cent, and tho altitude
la nil, nit live Ihnlluml tmtt u-lilcli In.
aurea an all year route acroaa the
atate. which cannot he obtained by
any other route.
Mr. Donnelly atated thai It would
he necessary for tbe people of this
county to get baey If they wanted this
Improvement aa other count lea were
fully awake to the importance of the
road being located In their sections.
On Tuesday morning there was a
call out by the Fire Department when
a big smoke waa discovered coming
from the engine room or the Moore
It was found that tho roof waa
OD Ore around the smoke stack and
after a short attack by the chemical
and the liberal drenching of the hose
the blase waa extinguished with
mall damage.
I'lu. to C by Uwrtnn Klgley.
Newton D. Baker, newly appointed
secretary of war In President Wilson's
Charles M. Long, who has been at
the ltalnbow mine in the Mormon
Basin for several months returned to
Ontario this week for a abort visit.
Mr. hotig says the Kalnbow is still
grinding out good pay or and that
there is plenty of ore In sight. He
stated there were places lu the mine
where the pay ore run over a hund
red dollars to tho ton and that the
ore was Ave set wide, which reminds
one of the big ore shoots found in
Goldtield and others of the high grade
camps. Most of the ore Is coining
from the two and three hundred toot
levels. The vain Is widening on tho
four hundred.
The Cold Storage plant has boon
sold by Guy Fisher to J. A. Williams,
who Is now In possession Mr. Wil
liams aaya he is in the market tor
He will carry artificial ice during
the aeaeon.
Many Live Subjects Discussed -Good
Prospects for Cannery and Roads.
The regular monthly meeting of
the (oinmercliil Club wan held Mon
day evening and the usual interest
was manifest and the attendano
about normal.
The secretary road the minute ef
the regular and two spclal meetings.
There waa a long memorial read
regarding the Warm Springs project
aaklng for government aid This waa
presented by Mr Mnllett. Mr Galla
gher introduced a resolution endore
Ing the proposition and thla waa ord
ered aent to the Congressional dele
gation and secretary or the Interior.
Communications were read rrom
aeveral towns along the line or the
proposed highway to the Columbia
river, which were ordered tiled.
The Portland cluh called the at
tentlon of the local club to a meet
ing of the Women's Clubs In New
York and asking to have delegatea
appointed. At the suggestion of
Judge Wood, the president appointed
all the members of the elub aa a
committee to see If there are any
women in New York at that time who
can ho Induced to accept the appoint
ment, Astoria cluh sent a communication
thanking the local club for their
co-operation In the attempt to have
a naval base established at Astoria.
Judge Wood reported the action
of the members of his committee In
getting interest started in the road
to the Columbia highway, stating
that It waa endorsed by the highway
commission and the state engineer
and there was yry evidence that a
good year round road could be built
at small expense, and that the dis
tance to the Lower Columbia would
be shortened at least r. hundred unlet
over any present route. The county
courts are to be aaked to advance the
funds to defray the preliminary sur
vey. Mr Fraser made a motion that Mr
On Saturday evening, March 16th,
the Dreamland will be the scene of an
unusual combination photoplay, the
popular story "Booties Baby" and
the famous play, "The Man on the
Case." The two stories Include ev
ery element of dramatic composition,
ranging rrom delicious comedy to
thrilling drama.
Monday evening, Marcli 27. "From
the Valley of the Missing" will be
presented. Thla story Is by Orace
.Miller White, author of "Tess or
the Storm Country," and prom
to be a rich treat for Ontario theatre
' Hetty lu Search of a Thrill" will
be the feature next Wedneaday ev
ening. Elsie Janis Is here depict,-,!
in a comedy written by herself, and In
her own vivacious manner drlvea
homo the pitfalls Into which any iu
' experienced girl is apt to stray.
There is a run of girl babiaa In
this section and the Mayor ia becom
ing alarmed over the prospects for
young soldiers.
A girl arrived at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Swagler on the
A girl arrived at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Sheets on the 14th.
A girl arrived at the home or Mr
and Mrs. Tlios Kanady on the 20th.
A girl named Mary Ann, arrived at
K Uvn u .., Sm rt Di 1MI
son on the 22nd.
.Speaking or the short skirts but
then we are too darned busy looking
to eveu think of speaking.
I Wood go before the county court
ana present tne proposition ami ass
for their co-operation.
Judge Wood reported what had
been done toward the establishing
of a cannery here. It was found
that the machinery could he bought
for about I. 'Mi. this would give a
plant sufficient to handle 2000 to
I r.oon cana a day. In addition to
that there should he n liberal amount
'set aside to pay the operating ex
pense until such time as the prod net
could be disposed of. At present they
have been unable to get In touch with
anyone who would manage the busi
ness for them.
A communication waa read from
''man who wants to establish an evap
orator here .ml that matter will be
Mr. Drain reported that the band
.was satisfied with the arrangements
made and would soon be ready to
give concerts In the park.
Mr. Fraaer atated that the county
court had made arrangements for a
ateel span for the Brosnan bridge and
that the work should be completed In
thirty to rorty day.
President Trow made a report of
his trip to the state meet at Salem
where the matters of Rural Credits,
drainage and Irrigation ware taken
up. The Portland delegation waa
favorable to the adoption of all three
measures but there was opposition
among the Willamette Valley dele
gatea and the matter was divided up
Into two measures, which will appear
upon the ballot this rail
Prof. Bailey invited the members
to attend a lecture at the high school
on Friday evening.
Joel Prleat or the Short hlne waa
preaent and gave the members a
short talk that was fnll of good sug
gestions and commendations. Joel
always has some pleasant words for
the Ontario people.
The Parent Teacher Association
will meet at the high school auditori
um on March 4lh for an evening
session An Instructive snd enter
taining program will be given as fol
lows; Instrumental solo by Mrs I I
Vocal solo by Mrs. J VV. Mn'm
Talk on Heredity and Eugenics,
by l)r Woeee.
A tslk on cooperation or the par
ents and teachers ror the good or the
child, by P. J Gallagher
All parent and teachers should
be preaent and cooperate to make this
a helpful and beneficial meeting to
Parents bringing children may
of high school girls appoiuti 1
Prof I. O. Builey.
helaud Swift, who was caught in
California and returned here a few
weeks ago, pleud guilty to the charg
es of larceny and forgery and re
ceived sentences of from one to ten
years on the larceny charge and Horn
two to twenty on the forgory charge
He was given a hearing Monday at a
'special session of the Court.
On Wednesday Shorty Buy was
arrested and his case set for Friday.
The charge lu glviug liquor to min-
i uia.
Pat Williams who was charged with
the larceny of the Billlugsley sheep
was bound over to the Grand Jury.
And will Mexico never end?
(). N Douhleday was here from
Boise superintending tho branding,
dorking and marking of his sheep at
the lambing camp between here and
Nyssa. Mr Doubleday has red 13,000
heap In the county thla winter. The
lambing Is practically finished, and
the results have been very gratifying.
All the ewes are young, mostly year
tings, and the Increase of 80 per cent
is said to he all that could he expect
ed. The sheep are being divided In
to about ten banda, for turning out
'on range. Over 12,000 acrea has
been leased above Brogan from the
Kastern Oregon hand company, and
Mr. Douhleday hopes to have all the
woolles on their way to the range this
week. Reports from all the lambing
camps In the vicinity are uniformly
satisfactory, and the feed yards will
he empty In a few days.
The J D. Illlllngaley sheep have
been on the range a ww and are do
ing well.
T. II. Moore Is back from Portland
where he went for the rainy season.
He stopped off at aeveral of tho
towns between Portland and Ontario
and found that business conditions
are better hare than at any of the
other points. He reports that business
conditions In Portland are material
ly Improved and that the promises
for the future are good. The build
ing permits show a large Incn
over last year
Qeneral John J. Pershing, command.
r of the American foices hunting
Villa In Mexico.
Engineer oiin- gfOJ here a to.-,
days ago for supplier lie stated
that Buphin- arara m i ran
"1 that the Ion loikinen
Bl load
of luhorers going lu Krnluj .
SeMirtil huge -,t el glrdort I or the
big bridges ha.
these were larger than an u .1 aa;
the Ueg4 i Line ami in.ln.,1 p
m:iuenl character i.r the o:M heinK
done on the line.
The contracts now let cull for the
completion af Hie line to UM Harnc
Valley, which lhe will reach till
The Ontario Music Club was en
tertained recently by Mr. Hill al I he
Hill Pharmacy. A flue program of
Wagner music was rendered and Ice
cream and cake were served The
cluh members all appreciated Mi.
Hill's kindness. Tho next regular
meeiiug or the Music Club will be
held Saturday, March 25, at the home
of Mrs. Doruiau.
Testing Association to Be
Organized Here.
A meeting of the dairymen of this
vicinity was held at Nyssa Saturday
evening. March 18. for the purpose
of electing a director to the Cow
Testing association H, R. Sherwood
On Monday Bfternoon the directors
or the different local organisations
met at the Malheur I'nuniy bank and
formed a permunent organisation un
dor the name of the Canyon-Malheur
Cow Testing association. H. R. Sher
wood of Nyssa was elected president;
II. H. Bloomer of New Plymouth, sec
retary. The above, with h Stephens
of Apple Valley, re the directors of
the association. The territory lm hid
ed ia New Plymouth. Frultland. Ap
ple Valley, Ontario and Nyssa. A com
petent man will be secured to taat
eaeh cow once a month of every mem
ber of the assNoclstion The charge
will he f I .Mi ror each cow yearly.
An accurate teat will be made or
the milk and butter rat and a record
made of the cost of feeding each cow.
By this method It will be easy to de
termlno which cows are paying aad
which are hoarders. To County Agent
Howard Is largely due the credit ror
the formation of this association
which will undoubtedly be the cause
of maintaining better cow and ee
curlng larger profits to all the dairy
men of this section. The association
begins Its work with over four hun
dred cows and a large Increase Is as-
mete, I
State, County and Precinct
Hooks Are Short.
Salem, March 18. Of a total of
103,88 voters registered In Oregon
since January 1. 08,8 21 are Kupubll
cana, 18,838 Democrats, 835 Progres
sives, 1387 Prohibitionists, 2576 So
cialists and 3147 miscellaneous, ac
cording to the secretary or state's
miklj report
The above Indicates main
oti- the democratic i reg-
iHterlng us republicans.
I'or this seel I y n the registering Is
very slow, so far, following show lug
the conditions to date:
(mi I out urn ; Kalr Cairo
18 i 46 :
Rati it mi 2 14
Prog 1 2
2 ' ;l 2 4
1'rohi. 4 4 12 8
dl l
i St
Total Hem L; totaj Kep mt;
tolul Prog. II; total Soc In total
I'rohi h; total Rafuaad I -um to
11, II
i .ii lorn say
i' show
me how ..eoirl
and when gal
I jour
' and lit ..eli ig-
lio i air
.at the n i iioiii-
foi m ami if no pol i I is dee-
.'. hen re no vote i
SHOW ,.! .HUH)
I ha ladles
not Knowing any! ill ml the sys
tem but i'or i o !. i
iipt ia ' join
with his B
U Trow . pi. i 1. nl oi I 1 1 i
turio Adwim i nieni company. K add
nig a ue pump to the pumping ata
lion on (lie Snake nwi furnish
es water for Irrigating all the Ad
vanceminl traits in the Ouiario l
cliilty. Tho cost of Installing the
pump toKCthcr wall the touOdatltM
will he uhout 12'iOU. Tola addition
al pump will Iurnish a complete wat
er supply tor every acre of Advance
ment lands here.