The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 16, 1916, Image 8

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    Cherry Bark
Cough Syrup
I'onlalnn no hahtt-fnrmini Hrux or
or danvrriu Inrrrdlrnta tl la i
Iranarly ptraaant. prompt anil rfTrrlttal
HlanHarH I'rlra TKIa Sal
" 2'ir T" 9fir
HeoM Store
Cream of
I In' skin
white, soft
and pliable
and i prac
tically a
liquid cold
cream, that
Fcsf fl
Standard Price Thl Hale
One Hot Hi- Two Bottle
March 18 -Saturday to Saturday Sale -March 25
You Ask Us, "What Is a One-Cent Sale?" and "Can You Afford to Sell Merchandise at These Prices?'
It is ?. sale wWp yon buy an item at the regular price then another item of
the same kind for lc. As an illustration : The standard price of Rexall Tooth
Paste is 25c. You buy a tube at this price and by paying lc more or 26c you get
two tubes. Every article in this sale is a high class standard piece of merchan
dise just the same as we sell you every day at regular prices, and have sold you
for years.
Our answer is "We Cannot.' This sale was developed by the United
Drug Co. as an advertising plan. Bather than upend large bums of money in
other ways to convince you of the merit of these goods they are spending it on
this sale in permitting us to sell you a full size package of high standard mer
chandise for lc. It costs money to get new customers and the loss taken on this
sale will be well spent if the goods please you.
Rexall Tooth Paste
A perfect dentifrice, antlsep
tlc and deodorant. Clean and
whiten tln tertli. Come out
flat mi the
Slnniliiril MM TIiU Hair
One tube Two tube
Household Remedies
50c Kldniiy Pill a for Sic
60c Kldnc) Iti medy a for .Hi
ll. 00 Kidney Itemedy It for $1.01
.o. ni.. Treatment a for
SOc Klieuinutlc Itemedy a for Mi
f 1.00 Kin -inn it lc Kerned) a for $l.ll
f 1.00 In.- i 'ml Liver (ill Kxtract a for SI.OI
60c Ant lima Pencil a for Sir
f.Oc Dlood Tablet! t for Sic
f 1.00 Celery ami lion Ionic a for 91.01
Harmony Cocoa Butter,
Cold Cream
A wonderful building
in. A true Hkin food
Tin- Mil known iMlMllilllH
properties of Cocoa Butler,
make tbla a diatiiic' nu
prow-mem over uti) other.
Stuuiluril price, MM lai
, .. Mi
this suli', iu Jar. . .lie
Brushes Sundries
10c Hand Brush a for I lc
16c llnml BruMb a for 10c
lluml Hi n-ii 8 for atk-
25c Lather Brush 8 for ac
35c Hair Brush a for Mi
75o Hair Brush a for 7ttc
16c Naval Douche 8 for 16c
16c Niihul Douche (liiriuiuKhaui Style) . . a for lttc
lUc Aluminuin Collapsible Drinking Cup. .a for lie
35c Gold Edge Playing Carda a for atk-
Given a rich, creamy lather and
does not smart or dry on the face.
In hermetically sealed, collapsible
Muiitlard Price
One lube
This Hale
Two tube
Household Needs
LT.c I. Illli' Liver I'lll a for '-Ml.
85c Liggett' lleef Cube a for Ml
25c Arnica Salve a for ak
25c Hat and Koach Paste a for atk-
26c Coacara Arom., 2 ot a for am
SOc Llggott'a Pure Kxtract of Vanilla, 2 ox. a for Mi
2.1c Blackberry Cordial a for aid
25c Fool II. nh Tablet a for aoc
25c Carbolated Witch Hazel Ointment ... .a for aiii
Rubber Goods
$1.60 American Beauty Water Bottle a for fl.SI
lli Stork Nuraer a for atk-
H Stork Nipple a for Oc
Hi Ear and Ulcer Syringe a for ac
25c Itubber Tubing, 6 ft. length a for ak-
10c Stork Pacifier a fur I lc
li Medicine Dropper '-' for He
Violet Dulce Complexion Harmony Shampoo
SliimlMril Price
One Ihi ."Ilk-
The name Miami lor
the highest iiuullty, be
ing one of tin- fumoiiM
Violet Dulce Complex
Ion requisite. One iaf
the best qualities of
this complexion powder
la that It does not
"show" when uaeil
properly. Delightfully
aoenteil with the Violet
Dulce odor. Brunette,
While and tints.
Two boxen Ale
A highly concent rated, cleansing
ohnnipoo. A few drop makes a
delightful tliU-k foam which clean
the hnlr and acalp thoroughly.
I lie hair soft and glossy ami
free from sticklnes. Daintily perfumed.
Standard Price
One bottle
I In- Hale
Two 1...11I.-Sic
Maximum Hot Water
The largest selling bottle In the
The price everywhere is 12 00
Full two i.iart capacity, (Juur
uiiteeii for two years.
Stiiiiil.ii I I'll..- This Sale
(tin- bottle Two li.niie-,
a.oo MM
Tangara Fabric
A white fabric fin
ished writing paper
wltli a narrow tinte.l
border on both paper
ami envelopes. The en
velope is a uew cut and
the paper Is regular
I o r r e spoudeiice size.
Border comes In assort
ed colors.
Nliimluril price, one b
Ibis -ale. two boxes , , . ,
. .tOc
10c Doz. High-grade Thumb Tacks a for lc
15c Doi. Tally Cards, asst. designs a for Ilk
10c Doz. Place Cards, asst. designs . . . .9 for lie
6c Fountain Pen or Pencil Clip a for Oc
25c Box Writing Paper White Fabric Finish
a for Mi
10c Ink Tablet, Fabric Finish 81 for lie
6c Ink Tablet, Smooth Finish a for Oc
SOc Illuminated Crest Initial Stationery, .a for 31c
6c Penholders, Cork Grip 9 for tic
5c high grade Lead Pencil a for Oc
6c Stenographers' Lead Pencils a for ttc
60c Box XXX '. Envelopes, 10 pkgs. . . for Sic
lOo Package Fabric Finish Envelopes ... .a for lie
lOo pkg XXX high grade envoi., . a for lie
10c Doz. Steel Pens a for 1 lc
26c Cascade Linen Pound Paper 8 for atk-
25c Cascade Linen Envelopes, 2 packages, 4 for ac
The Rexall Store
Boquet Jeanice Talcum
Is one of extreme fineness and del
icate fragrance. It bring to you
the combined odor of the tube
ilie violet, the heliotrope, the
K' i allium, the Jasmine and other
I Bowers, all of which are de
lightfully blended In Bouquet
J Talcum Powder.
M U I .1.1 I'll, e
t on- can
Tills Hale
Two i .iii-Mi
'.. ..
" M V.. J
LW-MrV '"V
r -:"
Toilet Articles and Soaps
60c Alma Ziula Comp. Powder a for Sir
SOc Violet Dulce Vanishing Cream M for Sir
SOc Violet Dulce Cold Cream 8 for Sir
25c Violet Dulce Talcum Powder a for atk'
SOc Arbutus Vanishing Cream a for Sic
26c Blemish Soap a for atk-
26c Medicated Hkin Soap a for atk'
25c Witch Hazel Hhavlng Lotlou tt for atk-
10c Harmony Imported 8oap a for I lc
Iti Vlolei Dulce Liquid Comp Powder . .a for Sic
Rexall Toilet Soap
Unexcelled in quality
for 10c. l.uthers free
ly in any wuter. One
trial will convince you
there is nothing belt, i
for Jle 1 U''
Htaiiilard Prii-4
one Cake
'li'djumr .fDAL? M
l " ail aiav
MaWaaiBltj7-f I
Tills Hale
Tim t'akea
Lord ll.iliimiin- Linen
Writing Paper
A high-grade wlille
fabrlc-tiiiish writ
ing paper. 24 sheet
of paper and 24 en
velopes to the pack
age. Standard Price
Olid Package
This Hole
Two Package
An antiseptic and heal
ing cold cream, specially
recommended for chapp
ing and roughness of the
skin caused by exposure
to sun and wind.
SiMiitlanl Price
One Jar aSc
This Hale
Two Jars atk-