TROOPS WILL START SOON, SAYS FUNSTON General Tells of Difficulties of Campaign: Advises People to Be Patient. i Ban Antoul". T. x While confident Ihut viiin iii ha captored or killed and hit band ol bandit wiped not, ,,., ,.,,,. (.MIllv rmtsrowMi1 as Major Omoral Poootoa, directing the ,,,,.,,, h, ,, ,,, mf.rtln ,t atloni for the pursuit ly imer lean troopa, expecta a hard, dangerout, , I perhaps i long i i fcalt cooked Tin- tnsl nln-id Of ub ., win in- , ii.iik H,,'l lll'lil'in" "I' Booorol Pnnaton'i statement regard tm Hi. it) of thr punltu. . podltloa'i di wat lo roply to what in. termed the Impattanoa of Um . ..; ..r . . ,! ai "Tin' people nuil lie patient," he aald. "Vc most p tor thl thing In tin' firm pi must use. m much aa poaalbla, who are ooeootomod to Moslcoo bor der duty However, these nun DM aot he NMTti from thrlr i aoatl until Hoy ire relieved li troops drawn from Othi r departments and hurried to the border." The general aald prepm gtlODl for the going rli.lii .ii doopll nog notl tlon to tin- Wnshin ut ' .ii government that he Mould i.ot oonaenl to nn troops M) ran.a tfOOOO were allowed I ii I l int. .i -i.itea. it m miii iaiiy oaaoosi ed thai ilng ill eiilliliiulnl ' EQUAL RIGHT ASKED TO CROSS BORDER in c.eneral Carranxa la owed a manlte ito to thi n liia that under no would nl frant lo the a rlghl to violate her b) sending an armi'l force In pursuit or Villa otthOOJ the consent ami reelproi il n fits! olili, lied and iiilmllt.-.l Word was sent to (001 Ot III. :. Mean i;, .,,.,' lent In Waahlngton to make Immediate rep resenlathms to thl rul Carranxa raid la III maul I .III, Olle III, I 0 tills nottaf H national the Motlooo people will ooa i.iio d manner a nh their duty, ' . ; I' ,i the Hi.. I,, sustain their ri-hiH ami aoverelgnty, if i'iy Ibis ilriitiH us Into a war win, i, i i nit. ,i i ui never l Jllttl . will 0, 1 I Ihle fi. ihi ' mi n Ibe In luU ol Ihe trOitOn ' I Mi l. who with', i and without this rountry, llm e lab.,,, I to PfOdOCO 'his result Will fall II, ot the pi . pie." unit imitc DiiiBAiKm i VILLA CUTS RAILROAD TRACK PeopU Along Po ir relieve Thou- aandt Will Jel 5 . Jit Leader. t'olunibut, N. la his hldtat ptaoa ko 10 ... Bi I time th" BfOI ' .luiuliim ttgMoi hit OW .1 -i .i Moil 000 hill.. I ui.ii al his hack lb. bandit i hut tore p ibe traiw or th. Nortbwi tern ol Iti -. n.i swept 00 towsnl ,, llOrOMOJ aetlle OOt. in H I valley. TU l"l- ItlOkl BOl ofr (POOl ,,-, who hod Planned to make llt.-n HM rothjaoi need thai ho will put to d- i man, woman 'I'lnnit. It U ' ,1 i pinion ..long the ,ii ffaot tin approach Ol UM "csi loldton on Mesh an aoll will he a signal for (he rallying of thou r other i. volution io warrioru 1101 standard. ' : Cavalry Stnt to Aid 500 Mormon. f i :, o r.v MoTrtOOP nOTOln hOol i , ., dispatched from I ngMt a the , i Hi,, nit .1. n ui Central rail- I v north of Chihuahua 'lt dirOOi 10 1,. "' liism m IforOtOO colony oentroted al UM) point, hut now; tut off irom e, ,,u, a nl. utioii wlih either ChihUOhua Ctt) or JOOCOO, VIMa't Men Held for Murdtr. Columbus N M s'v wounded Villa tg, captured bj Oolonel n iium's troopei i of tho ' 'li I'niied Males OOValr) lo tOO ball ' here, will be chaiv I v .i!i murder t r the killn. -f ilt i. i Munition P. 'nit Get Home Ordn. :, ggunltiu ' workin. in "'' . I thells : m.rt ii ttotao gov- j grume ul ' ' auraeuia Dy ofdetalt of UMOO pnOiPOOfOO OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Malheur county Is ready to cooper- Important Occurrences of Past"': w'"' "" r",,Iily '" m"M,"h" B ll I II ll Itfl l4 fl 1 I fl I II 111 ......-.,.! l1t a Week Briefly Compiled for Our Readers. Alliany will hold a spring style allow m March IS. 24 on Prank J Humphrey was appointed furiii'T ul !hi' state Denltpntlarv t , sue .. . ..,- ... work o- a propoaed now 16000 Coth- i' i hurch huilill.'iK will be started in Roaeburg ni i i lo : thi ah trt plant of the OrcKon Power coninanv at North Brad to the nt Of .1- it V A p0 ObOMd W 'allie.Mi emin- ty for highway UBPfOtament Is nn et lug with favor throughout the count Curlton K. I.m in. an Alhanv vottBf POtatad cadet at the Initid Statei N.ixal napoMa, Three men urn irts of ll'iuor DOtlftaeatad win UM result or raids on two soft drink parlors at W'hlln Koad and school dlstrlet of I. Inn county win I,,,. ear iii J' ' ' i' ol m,rk. lenta of Wedderburn i i which Hn i n is located bei;an alldlofl lal river. AI a special .' Bend th "Is to aid tho tro-oro Control Oregon roll I ha .trui tlon of cm Of thi bers of the fraduatlni class ot KlanOth high school this year, i' ei I I, I to attend College atle- urailm, Portl ' 'i ii"- I'., Hn i oast nOOdtOOP -boot The mumitt will lie held this spring, the to he rined In t it. The sliaii) rlggeil schooner niMId rroui Sau tram isco'wae w reeked 00 ,lh j. tt) or the llamlou bar at Ibe OMOth Ol thl I'eiiullle rlnr. L the Ian, lets of a neigh- hood boadlng toneiher for on .mi, ed t .illation work hat ni Klamiii, io,int. hOOl was ,. 100 Murih :i. hi, I ,r. I, 4, de miii, nl ol II. ultural '""'i:'- Dun ; rtaeeli i I lum ber and i.T tons or box shookt loaded .,, Ihe mills III the loiM r Collllllbla rlv -III A "l'u:.. It On" convention, whll Ii In many ways It aluillur to il mliilonary I , In Id In l'ort land three ii " triricatlon ot the Southern Poclfle'a . ,, i,i. iua froon Whitaooo to i . The ott of this v.orl; will . teed 4MUH stiii. i.i wit hat Itsiie.i to Vorroo Ooootraetloo coinpany of the develo or M.i horaopowar with tho oob Mill apart Ol I linn r. n or ail the t ttUtloai ii' rs1 horn.' at i, ahorg. haa tncraooad it j ,u ii. -ear. a tho of the superin, ' he cm .utue committee of the I'll ion Count) 0 1 lOOdO OOOOOiOttOO for a 1440, ,,,, thl COOatrOOtlOa Of bard turfuce roads In I'ulon coipity. m reported t ,, OOOldOOl ' on, uiishlou Haul, wag fatal The fatal caae was Prod IfoCOfdlO, who a klllnl in PortlOOd Iflolaj operotioog all over the ttate ' are beginning to take on new life. Copper, gold, til ver, toogab n, iiiiiia bar and oil are being developed, both in euM rn Oregon and Boulheiu Ore Kl, UtdiOtOUMtl will probably be re turned by Hie grand Jury at Portland against the various mall oi, lor liquor houses which are flooding Oregon with price lists, in violation of the prohim t, ,u law. luOOrrOBOO U Darl.ngton of llaker .i alttod to the stat" prison QptohOt Il i ti nn of Irom Hire, I , . ..led May i',. 1011 iron a lull pordOO by Uoveruor With.v.nml The 0 ii'Uip.i', . llaker I,. i announced contra, ling for over hall a million pounds ol wool al I eonto, The lanihinv: season is .ml sh, arlng is agpt , i i finning of tj ' ' I i i n larger i In tin d I In il" v of Grants Pats to show luuih activity. t - More than 80 distinct branclip of ork worn followed during the paat IJ tin. oonnt) agriculturists of (in -,oti, according to a rep., i pllrd by Paul V ,Mrls. - ii . . m .i uiiii ii i iimii'm i ini ii'iir county i ill, il. Columbia rlWr high- way. the road passing through the "IV oey. ivhrnary was , 'innally wet llni lo the i WU MJ tacheo, or 10J4 lochta to oicooo of tho i the corresponding month ui pi.'Moun vrnrs. 1000 the Indium: of the I'mntlUa ii move to I road under me jiiriH'iiot; -ii or the l niatlllii county court the mnlt.T will 00 taken up with UM bureau of Indian nffalra Mra. K I iw of J. II. Sinter former I nil. ..I ni.,in .---. from OfOgOO, and tiin'l,. r of W. T. Slater. M ,i It ,, the stale aunr me eniirt. a pioneer of MM, died at the .. . ' M i.i (iraiule. The i OM ooUBt) emnini rclal organ- .allen: will make a upei lal effort this ,,r to .nlltlie .itii nti.ui ol . In- motor- ut or Oregon ami northern Call i.n,,.i to the ., the scneri or Dim southern Of I aa I im. amalua. Ropn MoArtkif will fill i,, ,,,,,n, at the nnval aeadeniy at Annapolis at his disposal b 000-01 ii-..- axamlnaiion -, .,, h.lil ,,t PortlOBd on March 'JJ, under the auspices ot the eh II rvhe Profeeeor Adolrdi I I or the , ol ptaroue) ol Ik ., .. ,, ,t,,ra , , on InUliitlon to aorra 00 Hie faculty of I he university ot Ml, -hl-au ilnrln the sun Ion thla roof Howlll H d drug analy sis. To prneiire closer cooperation among the itoehowo in the ekrtnlt i. Powder, having grating prh ll, ,Ms on Ihe Whitman national i o meeting to offgoaioa a pom Itm kgrowers' ussociution has boon eellid lii take place In North Powder Moron ii I'lu.n are on root tor the eOMOlldO I two rial poOltT) i Ohleh In th" imsl have held separate ahowo. The Yamhill Valley Poultry association, wllh headiiiarlers at Me- .Mliiuvllle. and the Yamhill Connly Poultry ass,, lotion of New hem. are gOlllg 'o he un , OM hundred ami liny business men, farmers, railroad ofn, lals. slate and Il .igrb iiliural niith'irllli s attend oil a DMOtiOl hoM lo BOJOJM for the porpOOi Mng a flax I OP nt pr. .. ,1 ,n .i.. It It helli-i , thi- i great Industry In Hie si t th, - . attooarj el.itloii a num- hi mi.' , rahli vota on IhiiuI Itsues for highway Improve moots The III! at present In, India the follow In, I'maiilla $980.01,,'. I i, lou 1410,000, Coos JIT'i.OOO. Watro, ' I limn. UMlOOO. In l-ane co. iniy a 1700,000 ltuo la being dlt .ill, i eoiiuty tanners are facing . is situation this year Not gaJ will Ihe.. lone Ii) ,a lii cents apiece for tacks If they get them hut th v are not at all i crtuln limy may be ul.l to sniuie them All eoulractt for sacks have a war ilause Inserted, ami there nre practically no tacks on ,-k now. mi. flax acnaage ror this P00J i 01 tod the are planted latt , . Mling lo rig urea presented t,, the sl,.le OOOjrd ol eoiitrol by K. Ii ian Mr. Goodin an- otth toneon for pluuliiig flax to be bousht b llm suite now totaled :.7!t acret, aa com- parvd with 100 OOrOO planted laat tea- son The state board of control may yet OOOOpI ihool ISOOO OffOrol gj (he 1 1,,- .,,, Pedei itioo of Woobooj1 rlubt. al UtOUgh tho tOOdOT wan declined tever- all lie federation ol the money to be usd In the lnainteu- 0 0t expenses of lit state tubereulo- u b rtltotloo at Sal.m. the Idea being thai the BOOfUlOOao of the institution could be ex'.emlthl Iteglstratlou reports received by Sec reiary or state QfOOCt show a total of : ', an in, rOOOO of leaa than iO.000 01 llm provtoOO week Itegistretton clotee April l't and at the total It expected to be about 326, 0US the time it regarded aa getting exceedingly hrlet for the big balance to regiater. 1 hn totals by partlee are aa follewa: Republicans, 4M0J) deiuoeralt, 1S 0tt progressives, 487. prohibllionltta, socialists, 1059; niis.i llaneoua, ). . p. Averill, dittrict Inspector of the DottOd -Stales biological survey at i 1' iidletoii, has reieiud notification' that the urgent derieiency bill ror ex-' tending the campaign against rabies haa passed congress, and he waa lu : to hire at once I'.il hiiiilert to , ik in the rablet xone, and 10 ad- ,,,, the rest of the an appro prig to ho opt 1 in in, ton, Washington. Idaho, Call- I Utah In the .xier nlnatioo of coyotes and otlur prodjO tory beustt. IN MANY WAYS I From tin' Jiintiira Times) Contract for a (i-roo.n bungalow on ,,, T. I.. Woodard ranch has been awarded lo Drupe A Son-, con- tractors from Ontario The work Wl l.o noshed ranhllv and cnmnlcicd hh soon na possible This week the Times is enlarged to O six page paper and will continue thin form ns long aa pair, lustlflo. Thla Is the drat time II, e paper haa enlarged aince Ita Inoop th.n twoiind a half your; Th electrlclana are e, here lo complete the Installing of the lighting plant at the Darnel hotel thlH week. Tin 1 work bna been wimi .i..!.v...i i., u..,o im ii... Cold wealber uol Iffl DWgl I I loir, lo have the work tinlHlied M aoon aa poi Ibli It Is rumored that two more busl- ness llrms are about to he to tho town's enterprises The l(n I. re cnnleniplatlng a ho.- torn and 'r Marl Hart la said to have nr- rimreil ror I confectlonerv store. Tin ' nre hopeful Indication for tho raoro ploooa of boalnoao thoro MO "'e more people will come to town. Happjr la tt MM Rfo om I his political aspirations by bOOOmlOJ I I liOl Imlia. an, I ii.e world fi-aic win. you Scowl, and ou are Ju .t grooeh When you buy candy You want good candy, fresh candy. You only want to pay what it is worth. Yon want to know that you are getting what you pay for. You get it here TEMPLE OF SWEETS Ontario Laundry Down Town Office Everhart'8 A GOOD RECORD Some people make a record of talking into a phonograph. Mine was made by giving "the best for the money and a square deal to all." Suits made to order, and prices to suit all pocketbooks. Cleaning and pressing, promptly and properly. Edward Cope LADIES AND (JENTS TAILOKS Opposite the l'ostoffire i'hone 105 W Business PHYSICIANS DH8 PRINZING & WKKSR Cnlariu. Oregon Office in New Wilnon Hlock. OSTEOPATHIC PIIY.SICIAN8 Dr. Harriet Scare Dr. Pnuliie Senra Graduates Americnn School of Ostee pnthy, Klrksville, Mo. Wilson Mlock. Telephone 154 Ulk DKNTIHTH DH. W C HOWI in .risr Phones. Odlce 117 Hen. 1 I 7 1; " iiwon Ilnlg it. i. r. lunar DKNTIST !O0Ot i. door Kinii of OiParl Pliar- inacy on Nevada Avenue. K. It. Sear WMWV-.WWW.SWtfVWVW. indfhtakino j. ii. Fi;i.i:v Pooi ai d nn.l enibalmer. l.ady assittant. Phone 1:1:2 W. Ontario, Oregon.! PAID pQTjJ'pTQJj' AJNJNOUMUEMENT8 i it vocxn -o-0-i-Ogv i I,. iiumiiiic-- myself aa a candldoto 'tor the nomtnotloo as coiit;ty assessor POhjOOl to the vole,-. Of , he ,li moerata of the com It. M. CAltl.Il.l' roit t n vii no st iti:it. I l acoby announce myself aa a can- dldate ror II. e nomination for Hie olllce of Treasurer of Malheur COOO to the will of the Dem ocratic voters nt the coining prlinnr ilea. A. SOW A HI). Illli XSSI SSI lit. I .. ii by announce that 1 will be a OtodldOM fur Assessor of Malheur County, subject to the will of the democratic voters at the primary :, It uonilnated and elect ed I pledge my very beat efforts to ward,, securing an oqullnble assess inent II. W MI'I.KI.V Hill COI MX Xss -sou 'lie volers of Malheur, Cotinlv. I wish to announce myself at a can didate for the nomination at aaiaet or on the democrallc i. I have been a resident of the coun ty over 30 years and thoroughly un deratand the duties of the position. J. M DUNCAN I lt COI TV AKMIHOIt. To the voters of Malheur Oooat I detlre to aunounce my candidacy for the olllce of assessor, subject to the decision of the democrallc elec tors at the coming primary. If nominated and elected, I pi d . economy lu of M iinl piop.Tty earn mi power the bate for Rodll i nipt as otherwlsi pi taw. OLY JOli Fllll COITV ASKCSSlllt. To the voturH of Malheur, inuniv, I hereby annouuee myself a candidate for the ofllce of county attestor, sub net to the will of the republican Mit ers of the count., at i ... obi -(Ion. v. a zi' iv. FOB mi Mi un Xsi KIO TO the voters of Malheur County, 1 hereby announce myself us u can didate for the nomination of County Treasurer subject to the will of the Itepubllcaii voters at the primary election. II. II. WILLIAMS. H)lt HF.I'ltKMF.M ATIX F. I hereby announce Unit I will be a candidate for the ofBce of Joint rep resentative for Malheur and Haruey Counties, subject to the will of the republican electors at the coming primaries. V. J. l'illl.1.11 s FOlt COI XTV I hereby announce myself a candi- date for the nomination for the office 'of County Tr aturer of Malheur County, Oregon, subject to the will of ' publican electors at the couiiug primaries. (' C. Mueller To (he Citizens of Malheur ceunty: 1 desire to announce that I will be u candidate for the Republican nom ination tor District Attorney ut the coining primary election and solicit your support. This office spends thousands of dot- Directory ATIORNEYS. W. ii. itrooke, Attorney at Law. Wlhnii nidf. Ontario Or. ('. MeOONAOILL ATTORN KY AT LAW Will rrmtiro In All Courts Notary PubHe. Offloi Ortr Pwta5n LIB J. AKEB I IW-BB lOOtn !, Firist Natioiml Hank BMfb Ontario, Orejron. McCULLOCBw wood LAwrni Rooms 1 L'-n lirst Nnt'l Rank Rldg. Ontnrio, Oregon. It. W. Sunnier Allorney at Ijiw. Hooins 111 11-15 Wilson llldf 'intarlo Oregon. P. J. OAI, I, (. LAW V Kit I; II in W11 01 I'.'.dg. On, 00 AWS S .v ticanhi 1:11 ii; tNSFER, H(;i; 1GB AND EX rUM Meets all trains .ii'HN I.ANDINOHAM '" H "f v'"" Of had 1 pledge nrjr- . 1 i Islelil wun Velliment. If el. . led I will dOTOtO mv enllie tin , :,! energy to the ini.ilr. if the of icn 1 ,,p irtlal ,,,.",( of all laws, economy and .-uipp, i D "less litigation. my platrorm. ROBERT If DUNCAN Mill I I hereby announce myself ns can didate fur nomination to the olllce of Assessor on Ibe RopflhtlOOO ticket, tn the eliolce of the voters al t he primaries l.'.if A. A HollKHTS. TO THR xn i ... oi M Mill I I 004 MX I hereby OOOnOOOO my cuuuidacy ror the Itepubllcaii nominal lou for Ihe oil,, Mturiiey ot this county. If nominated and elected I will endeavor to fulfill the duties of my ollice In a fair, feurlest and ef I. clout manner ami to the beat of my ability, koeplng In mind al all tltuea my duly to the lax payeis I'. .1 HAI.I.AiillKR. FOR COCMV CI.FIIK I be, .-if a can didate for the i, on, for County Clerk of Malhei.r ( nuiity, Oregon, sui, jeei to the will or the Republican at the coining primaries. i li Siaplaa. wviii M i xii i I hereby announce myself aa o gOOdldOlO for the llemni latlc nom ination for County School Silpeiln lendiut of Malheur County In the coming Primary Uleetiou. If nom inated I will, to the hoof of my abil ity , continue to work to further the educational Interests of the county. Kay Clark. I M HI I'HIsF.NTATIX I: Subject lo the choice of tho Rep- ul.ln ui voters of Malheur and Har ney counties, Oregon, to be express ed at the coming primary election. I hereby announce myself a caudl- dota (Of the Id pul. I. i IB nomination us Joint Hepre mutative to the legis lature from this repre. eiitutlve dis trict Duted J., t, 1) -M Cralolall. ASM. I M I MFXT. 1 Inn h announce myself a candl- tho nomlaoUoa for County Clork of Malheur County, subject to th.- w ill of the Democratic voters at tho pi , Arthur Moody. ANMil i I mi m TO the voters of Malheur Ceunty: 1 hereby announcement my cundl- dacy for reelection to the office of County As.iesbor subject to the will of the Republican voters at the pri mary election on the 19th. day of May, 1914. And it nominated and OlOOtOd I shall continue to usm a ions on au equal and uni- ioi ui bttbib with on rtjr, i.. ly Hill, present incumbent. "di miii si: xroit. I hereby annouin ag a camlnlaU' for the OtfiCO Of State Sen ator from llni distrit i, comOO MOihOUr, Han, v ami QrODl 001 HI or the electors ot the Hepuhlicau puny at the pri maries to be held in May, 191 1. Julieu A Hurley.