The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 16, 1916, Image 5

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Dr. W. O.
dental office
Howe ha moved his
to the Wllmm build
IS tf
Lady with two small phlldren wish
es position nn liouxnkeeper on ranch.
Inquire at Argun. 10-11
Thoroughbred Bronr.e turkeys for
ale Mrs R. B. Clladlsh, Houte 1
Payette, Idaho. 10-11
Hnyes was down from Vale
Cull mii I
seed wheat
It (lladlsh for Blue Stem
Payette I'.nute 1. Irla-10-11
Bead Oats I have 300 bushels of
aide oats for sale, excellent seed,
will sell for 2 cents per pound, f. o.
b. Adrian. Ouy Johnston, Route 3,
Parma. 9-13
I'liper IIiiiikIiiK
This is the season for painting,
wall papering and kalaominlng. I
inn prepared to handle work In I lie
country or city. Everett Wisdom iru
Wanted- By young
with family preferred.
Telephone 31m.
lady work,
For rent, 8 room brick house, mod
ern, central, on Main street. A. L
Hproul. lOtf
Paperhanglng, Painting, u'lii.ti
Ins, etc.,
7-tf W A Deputy. Phone 88 N 4.
I hereby announce my canilldacy
for the office of Circuit Judge subject
to the action of the democratic vot
era at the primary election to be hold
May IB. 1916.
lor Count) Coiiiiulliner
I wlah to announce that I will be
-a candidate for the nomination la
County Commissioner, subject to the
will of the republican votera.
John F. Weaver.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the Democratic nomination for
the office of District Attorney of
Malheur County.
K W. BWAtll.EK
O. W.
0, at Oxman of Vale, was here on
business Monday.
Fred Brown, the hank examiner,
was here Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs Stuart Thorpe made
a trip to Payette Monday.
Mrs. Grace Hart, of Westfall. was
an Ontnrlo visitor this week.
Prank Cummlngs, the Westfall
stockman, waa hero Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. limn Kldredge, of
Vale, were here Tuesday on buslnsss.
I tick Denrmond was down from
Vale a few days this week on busi
ness. Mr. Van Slcklln was here several
day this week from Welser on busl-NH
Rev. Powell was around among
the members of his congregation this
Mr. and Mrs Harry Anderson have
moved Into their new home on the
On Monday evening Mrs Kellogg
entertained for Mrs Van Slcklln, of
Ben Brown was here from Vale on
business connected with his office
There Is quite a slackening up of
the social activities now Hint Lenten
season la on.
Kred Walker, representing Frye
Bruhn Co.. of Seattle, waa here
looking after cattle.
The Carnations were entertained at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. New
ton on Tuesday evening.
Robert Duncan, the Vale attorney,
has been here several days this week,
looking after legal buslneas.
I, O
Preeley of Westfall. and O. A. Bier
man, of Ontario, this week
ncres at Ironside. Mr. Van Bur -n In
moving down to the farm.
The freight shipment over the
Short Line for the Ontario station
showed an Increase of 1,928,802
pounds for February over that of a
year ago.
During February 1915 there were
11,000 cars of autos shipped to deal
ers, during the same month this year
there were 21,000 shipped, showing
how that line of business Is on the In-
Mrs. Tom Defoe returned to Jun
tura Monday after a ten days visit
with her parents, Mr and Mrs. J. A.
Draper of tills rlty. Mr. Defoe Is now
manager of the John M. Hoffman
'ranch at Juntura.
Mr and Mrs. Hchuppel will leave
In a few days for Baker City, where
Hoy will make their home. The move
was necessitated by the business of
Mr Schuppel Best wishes go with
tlietn from many Ontnrlo friends.
Jullen Hurley returned last Friday
from a trip to (Irani rnunty In the
interests of his nomination. Jullen
says he feels satisfied the people are
going to nominate him at the coming
nrlmarles but will appreciate a large
home vote.
Orover Bros, made another ship
ment of hogs to Portland last Friday
and received high prices for them.
There are several hundred head of
hogs in this section in feed yards. The
prospects are certainly very bright
for hog raisers.
On the 13th Mr. and Mrs. Q. T.
Mansker celebrated their 46th wed
ding anniversary A number of
friends called and Uncle Tommy Bar
ton performed the ceremony. At 8
o'clock dinner waa served and the ev
ening waa paaaed with game.
J It Blackaby went to Roiae this
week and returned with a new Na
tional six, one of the better cars
made. He was accompanied on the
return trln liv Miss Lnvinn Mm If It
Olsen sold Indians to Austin and tmB MM(M ,,,, wnn , up
the train to see the style ahow.
Mr. and Mr. John Woods and Mr
The quarterly business meeting of
the church will be held Friday even
ing. March 31, at 8 p m. Let all the
members take notice of this change
In the time.
The service last Sunday evening
wa a profitable one. Three were con
verted and started out to live a new
Topics for next Sunday, March 19,
11 a. m "Can Amerlrn Keep Christ?"
This address will be Illustrated and
will be of interest to everylm.h
I nun the beginning of time buying
and selling has been the business of
many men and women. Some made
0041 bargains and some made had
bargains. The address for Sunday
evening at 7 :tn will lie MM Of the
three addresses on the general tepic:
Three Bad Bargains " The special
topic will be "The Man Who Traded
' " t f ii v for Dinner" Don't fall to
hear this address. It will be of In
terest to everybody
The topic for the prayer meeting
and Bible study for Wednesday ev
ening of next week will be "The King
dom of Mod in Prophecy." The public
Is cordially Invited to attend all the
Broaching at Mallett at 2:30 p. m
1) E. BAKER, Pastor.
I wish to announce thai I will lM
candidate for the nomination of aa
Miior on the republican ticket, sub
ject to the will of the votera.
8. L. PAYNE.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the nomination for Sheriff
of Malheur County, subject to the
choice of the Democratic electors In
the coming primary election
If again nominated and elected I
will continue, a heretofore, to en
force the laws to the beat of my abil
ity and give the tax payers a business
administration of the affairs of the
(present Incumbent for re-election)
Fred Flsk, the Parma capitalist. n( Mrs Homer Rambo entertained
waa here Monday looking after some t Wednesday and Thursday even-
Interesta he has In this county. ings On Wednesday the high scores
Wm. Ilanley returned to the Inter- were won by Mr Arnold and Mrs
lor Monday He bad been looking af- Whltworth. On Thursday evening,
ter the shipment of some cattle. IB. M. Orelg and Mrs. Emlson were
Mrs. Van Petten and Mrs. H. L. , the winners.
Peterson are entertaining Wednesday Th" Psrent-Teachera Association
and Thursday evenings this week. wl" "old ' meeting at the High
The express office shows there were
41 packagea of liquor received here
during February, mostly whiskey.
W. W. (ii. iton. the sheep man, is
kept busy these days looking
after the banda of sheep being moved.
Dr. Brett Is home after a ten days
visit with relatives near Parma. The
Doctor aays he Just had to have a
Exquisite creations of exluslve
styles will be shown at the Bonnet
Shop opening, Saturday March IS,
Miss Woolrlge, Milliner.
School auditorium at 8 o'clock on
Friday evening, March 14th. I'r
Weiss and P. J. Oallagher will give,
the addresses of the evening. There,
will be musical numbers by Mr itn
Jsqulsh and the High School dounla
quartette. All Intereated In the
schools are urged to be preaent.
The First National Bank haa a new
line of checks especially for their
country depositors, who are not al
ways where they can get a pen to
write with. These checks are so
printed that It Is Impossible to alter
figures on the check, without It be-
aflai aaasT K ? Jul jaaa
tlKf -U--' T
VI I ipatHRBaiBiti Vi
turn washday
worry into
You can do your washing
and wringing in a abort hour
or two, have cleaner clothe
sad save over 1 100 the first year
if job on aa Automate Ilee
trie Washer. Coaaect it to say
electric light socket; costs Use
I tun 3 cents s washing for current.
The Automatic i designed,
soachiaed snd finished to give last
ing salisfsctiou both washer tad
wringer gusrsateed 5 years foe
family use. Ask as to show you
these Automatic festures: rever
sible wringer, bottom outlet, so
cessihle gearing, universal rod
drive, etc There is sa Automuuc
Washer for every family use at a
price say family eta afford to pay.
For Sale by
Cliet Martin was down irom coun- . g easily seen. The tinted back
ell visiting with his Ontario friends ground rubs off very readllv and nre
Jnst weak, diet says there Is plenty vents erasures. This new feature will
of snow In his section ' be appreciated by many people.
The Bonnet Shop announces to the The home of Mr. and Mr 0 t
rade exluslve Model bats for spring linger was Invaded by some of I I..-I
Miss Mary C. Ayrea left last Tues
day evening for Marshfleld to take up
her work for the future. She ha
been on this field since the drat of
March laat year, and has been a great
help to the work of the Baptist
church and vicinity. She leaves
many friends and a warm place In
the hearts of many In this communi
ty who wish her well In her new field
of labor.
The Interdenominational Sunday
Bchool convention that was held at
Vale laat Friday, Saturday and Sun
day was the greatest in the history
of the organisation In this county
The largest delegation attended from
the first to the closing. The schools
of Vale. Ontario, Nysaa, Brogan and
Jamleson were represented with a
good delegation. Th next meeting
will he hi. I in Ontario the first weak
In March 1917 There are 16 Sun
day Schools in the county, with ap
proximately 1200 members.
The Ladle Aid of the Baptist
church will hold an Apron and Bon
net Basaar Thursday, April 8th No
tice the papers for further announce
ments. tlsSHi SI Hi
Dr. Wright of Boise will preach at
the Congregational church next Sun
day morning and evening.
There will be a Ht Patrlck'a party
at the Congregational Church this
and summer Opening, March IN,
Mlaa M. Woolrlge, milliner.
Thos Hurtle has been here this
week from Jordan Valley visiting
wttli his son I.oiiIh Hurtle. Mr. Hum
lo Is a very successful trapper.
Mrs. Thos. Jones and daughter, i
Mis Lelah, were here from Vale last
week visiting with relative and at
tended the Friday evening dance.
O. V. Poutius waa In from his
ranch and stated that the alfalfa In I
his section shown no ill effects from
i he heavy snows, but Is coming along
Mr. J. A. Draper and sons John
and Bert are at Juntura, where Mr.
Draper ha the contract of building
a $2500.00 modern much houne for
Tom Woodard.
A It White was down town thla
week, slowly recovering from a long
illiie. lie reported tin- sale of 120
aero of Dead Ox flat land to Mr. Van
liuren of Ironside for a tract of S20
aaVSa 1
friends on Saturday evening aud
when they returned It waa trimmed
up and everything ready for a ur
prise. It waa the 30th anniversary
of their wedding and t'nele Tommy
Barton tied the knot that will bind
them The couple were presented
with set of dishes and many piece
of china. The evening was spent
with music and au laborate luncheon
was served by the guest. Among
those- present were Mr. aud Mr
Chick. Wolf. Clay. Martin, Draper.
Webb, Barton and Sanford.
We Just received a large shipmt -m
of rugs. Ontario Furniture Co
A new line of dishes, some very
pretty patterns Ontario Furniture
Save SO to 60 per cent on your drug
need patronise Hill's closing out
See those new Bed Room and Din
ing Room suites at the Ontario Fur
niture Co.
For rent cheap House and barn In
Villa Park Lawn, gardeu, fruit
Phone 111' It u
Concrete work of all kinds; block,
tile, brick, foundations, walks etc. C.
E. Bingham proprietor. 11. D. Jenue,
manager. Factory one block west of
wuiario hotel Phone 2Uk 3 11-12
Invest 70c and save 30c or more
than 40 per cent on your Investment
In other words you can afford to an
ticipate your want and buy for the
coming four year and make 10 per
cent on your money HlU'a Pharm
Get your wall paper at McDowell's
Exchange atore. A good new atock to
elect from. i i i r
The beet range for the money for
sale or trade. McDowell. I in
See our line of bicycles. Th boat
ever. McDowell. mm
For Sale Uentle riding aud drlv
Ing pony, top buggy, almost new, and
harness, good saddle. it
For Sale
-Uood onion seed. I. J.
For Sale or trade for team and
wagon, some cash, good Ave acre
tract with building aud fruit. Ad
dress Box 469, Ontario, Ore. 10-11
For Sale One Ferd luring car
and one Ford delivery car Ontario
Laundry. iitf
Absolutely Pure
Made from Cream of Tartar
All person within the City of On
tario owning chickens and other
poultry are required to keep the
same from running at large a pro
jvided b the term of Ordinance No
1169. On and after Hie date of this
notice this ordinance will be enforced
according to Its conditions.
Dated March 16th, 1916.
By order of the City Council,
(LAY M. STEARNS, City Recorder.
Tuesday afternoon at 6 . lagjl
Rev, D. E Baker wa called to the
Moore hotel to perform the marriage
ceremony which Joined together for
life Edward Payne and Rhoda Greg
ory. The handsome ypung couple
are resident of Westfall They re
turned to their home Wedueadu)
Married at the office of Judge
King in Ontario, Oregon, on the 14th
day of March, 1916. J C Finell and
Elisabeth Allison. Botli of Washing
ton County, Idaho
I a iff TlrnJ J
A'N. Q V i If "
. LljK s" k v..
You, too, can be Comfortable
You, who are hard to fit
For we have shoes for
just such feet, and know
how to fit them.
Should your foot
be thin through
heel and instep the
Nettleton Composite
will solve your shoe problems. Made of
soft, long-wearing Glazed Kid Skin Two
sizes under through heel and instep.
handsome all-around shoe
Shoe Store
Ontario, Oregon
I ikvvvv!!
.ssati HasBSBsasaicicfJ aa A I
- bbI HaBBBsafaasBsl C f
f lfqfJyr gf I m! shoe y
Pattern Hats and Novelties
The trade is most cordially
invited to attend
Saturday. March 18
Miss M. Wooldrige, Milliner
What Do You Want in
Hardware ?
You can get it right here at home now. It is here
for you and you do not have to wait.
And it all guaranteed Hardware. The price
is always right.
Whatever It Is Whenever you want It COME MOST TO THIS
STOKE FOB IT. If not in stock we will soon get It for you. You
will tlud our good lo lie the. kind that give service aud satUfac
tlou This Is a list of some of the goods that are In demand at the
present time.
HKEP mi ka its
OMI-I is
C 8 Faurot vs F. W Sheffield,
Recovery on Note, $250
Mabel C Bigelow vs. K II funk
tin and J K Smith, Ejectment and
Damages, $500.
Malheur County vs. L. I). Peters et
al, Foreclosure of Tax Mens.
Continental Life Insurance Co. vs.
tileun E. Thayer and wife, Recovery
on Note, $5.t8.
Home Lumber and Coal Co. vs. M.
V. Hart, Itecovery on Account, $272
There wa great excitement over
the city election last week Leonard
Cole won by a good majoiily, Hen
lUchardaou a poor second mid Mr.
U'oant third J W I-ynd and J. A.
Randolph are the new couucilmeu.
Dr. J 11 White aud family have
moved to their placer claim for the
Several of the Htock men are put
ting their horse out oil the range
most of the uow is gone from the
low hill aud horea are reported as
doing well
Mr, i'oiid who ha been penliiiK
the winter in 1'eiidlelou returned to
her homestead, also Mr. Uronsou
who has been a Pendleton visitor for
several weeks returned home
Earl Oliver who has beeu employed
at the Ruiultovv mine for the past two
years, has moved onto hi houietead miles from town
Data Joues is uow employed at
the Rainbow mine.
John Weaver of Ontario Baaa
business trip through tin section a
few day ago.
March , lblti, born to the wife
of Chan Ntinulh, a daughter.
Charles lioswell passed through
Malheur on his way lo L'uily to visit
his grandson He reports the roads
lu very bad condition between Mal
heur unit lirogan
l.ou Uuswell, John Woodcock and
U in Read are Raker visitors tills
Clyde May of I'nity was in town
looking after stock this week.
We have several second
hand cars, some good as
law, all recently ove r
hauled For sale at ex
tremely low price.