The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 16, 1916, Image 3

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    First Glorious Showing oi iiiew Spring Apparel
Our First Showing of New Millinery, New Suits,
New Dresses, New Coats,
You do not want to miss seciivv our New Spring Showing of New Wearing Apparel bought hy our buyers direct
from the best markets. Also at this showing will be new Spring models in (iossard Corsets, New Waists, New
(Iloves, New Embroideries, New Laci'S, New Dress Goods, in all the latest weaves and materials.
iW mA am
Hr j o n c c o rM J mm
mm I on e n J M W
BWerslde HomMtMd Co ii Mrs.
I 0 mil, i-tM 7-s in n.iii
I, till, IV
J. T. fleiiient et ux to Helen Cle
ment. Lot 4 III II Villi', Or! II III
Kmpirc Lumber ( 0. Ul Bol
in- i.iiininT (c, . i.c.i i ::-4 hi i ! KM
rodga'a .dn. Vnif, Lot I ' I ' ' M
II n.lrodgo's km Vsile. Lot K to
II III. fi Nyssa, lilt lii . K I l
HI til C7 Ontario, K.I. It!. 118.
I. Ada III et II III I I
Lumber Co., Lots 1 nml 7 11? On
tario, rah II, into. no.
Kidney Knight, Administrator el
Estate Of ,li'pli A Mill
ir, S 17-28-46, Apr. is, lino,
la QiiintMiii i it Law
t .11.-.-. nunw, i2-ir,.:iK. Jaa It,
Obarlaa u Baal ", 1 1 ai to Vni
I, SU' ',HV II 117, tvi .
is, loin, iiooo.
William Ubsoll Sanderson ot ux
in Miii a fTaii tin. s'flH of i I I
I Lot 4 111 18-10147. Alir. I'l. f,
wiiiinin I'lmnii Baadaraoa i ux to
Mllea ('miiion, Ixil 2 ami N'i of l,ol
i NV4SH or lxl 3 In lB-'.P 47, May
22, i an. ii.
MUm Caaaaa to Joseph Paaoalmoi
lads 2-3-4 Sec. 19-10-47. I'oi M,
1816, $14,000.
Uluaa A. Demi to Ma H flarratt,
SK'.HW', Vi,48B?4 30-15-4 7. Dec.
17, 1015, $1.
Frank K. Wheeler et nx t.. Ida t
ornforih. Lot 7 Sec. 6-18-4... IVl.
29, 1016, fl.
8. K. Hoaweard (it ux anil T M.
Hoaweard ct ux to J H Baawt iril.
HWW 6-20-47. Nov. 1. 1912, 11.
w. ii Doollttla at aa to i "
tirih.ii. HWHNIUNIVi W
nk', HUM Lota M hi "B" ia tat,
4-1K-47. I'i'li. is, mi, Mill
KranclH O'Neill et ux to M.iln-1 I".
Mrii.ii. Lota i4-ir,-ic, B1 :u Maya
Holland Ailn. Vnle, Fob. 2'l, lull.,,
v ii st:i.ii a ot nx to Bebart f. i
Nlcliol, 1U s aires In NW', J
tlrt. IS, till, 1750.
1,11a Smith ot vlr to (luv Cow t.ot
l iii. a Blaaaarl'a it Ada Vale, I
V-h. i. Itll, 11.
Qaj Col to II. Smith. Lot I I
:i Klni'liiirt'.i I I Adn. Vale. Mi'ii I,
I i I laHt basket linll game of tin-
season for tlip t) II. M was ,
at Itupert, lilalio, lust Friday eren
Iiik when the local boys wont to de
feat. The school Ik rather disappoint
ed that the raaOtd of tlM team
ba thus broken by a name so late In
the aeaiuii, and hy a team like Hun
wlili'h lttinrt hud. Tin- Ontario Iiovm
I have defeated far better players than
'. t,,.r lute rlOtOra Thin however was
rsldc Homeatoad Co to T , ,.,. f ,, llnra1r ,B,inB of
Caapbalt, Let I in II Oattook, Kay lttM ,,,,,,. ,,, ,,,,, ,. Mn ,,, taa
' '!''"'.,i1" dlfferi'iit itvli-of Knnie playi'd ii Rap
Bvaratl w I dom at ua to Ma) Btu ,.. ..,, .,.... ,
i i
I i i
lan .
MoCratght, Lota -lo and . h
I III 111 Onliir.ii, F.d. 26,
I.. J. Dudley et ux to Jan. I.'
raaoa, w II ft ol LM 7 Bl
ilri.dRe'a Adn Vale. Miirr!, '. .
UlverBldi' lloiindi'nd Co In I'lln
Inn Wnodwiird. Lot 7 111. 17 OCUOOk,
Daa I, 1015, 175.
Geo. E. Oaobrn to FranK M. Tul
lar. HKViNKU 6-.IJ-41. Fi I.. 2.4,
1016, 10.
AURtintUH F, Hill ot UX to Janii'i F
ill. Lota 0-10 III. 15 Wealfull.
Fb 16. 1016. 125.
Hmiry II I'url la l.uura M 1'ur'.
Int In NK', SK'tNV'. 24-16-47
and iMt 2 Sec 10-16-48. Aug. II,
1016, II.
Oraee I). Steven to Frank V. Dow,
Illocka 5-0-10-18-20-21 In Sec. 18-18-46.
Jan. 22. 1816. 110.
" '" ithat locality.
1:111 Lf th., HOIllll
Sure, ) love everybody our wife
With Approval
Our New Plan of Selling
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Clothcraft Clothes
is attracting ;i mui deal of oommeiit, inoBtly ap-
niial. N'mi can easily understand win this
abould be B0 If you understand the plan.
It's our way of doing Imsincss in tlic interest
ul' the many Instead of the few. In the past, the
rule has heeii to sell all the Miits possible duiim;
theaetr. on at regular prices. Then, when
nearly everybody bought, and the season i"
uw sales OOmes, mark the goodl down ami give
the heiietit to tlmse whu came late.
Doesn't Seem Just Pair,
Does It ?
Not any nunc of that here; we've .lecitleil to
mark the goodl down as low as we can at the
beginning of the season and give all of you tin
benefit as we uu along.
We're "going along" on that idea. There will
he no more sales at this store.
The Toggery
It aeem.i thai in BUNS
Idaho low ii- tlii'.v have
not accepted thin year'a rulea aa of
ficial hut are plnyiiiK iiniliTlantyear'a
rulea and rafereelna the a.unea by
thoae rulea. Two gamaa ware pi
in. mi Thuraday and one on Friday
venliiK The flrHt Kame tha H
lioya Rot the lend and wluui there waa
an apparent foul the Ontario team
atopped pluylnx. axpaattBf the ref
eree to iilop the game. Thin be did
not do and the Itupert teutn proceed
ed to ahoot a banket while the local
boya looked on In amazement An ob
JiTtlnii wiih Immedla'ely ralaed hy
Mr. I'rater and the rulea were abown
to auatalu bin objection, but the of
ficial refuaed to recoanlio the rule an
did the other uieinbera of the partici
pant h at that place. Diirlnx the
Kame the Ontario boya had a chance
lo find out how ntlrely different were
the Idahoan'a rulea, aa time attar
linn' DM Htnppd when there (teemed
no chance for anything but a foul on
ly to aee the oppoaing team maku the
banket and the referc hold up two
finger to Indicate fair throw. Mr.
Prater offered to pay Ute expenaaa ot
an outaide referee from any of the
towiiB pluylug thin year'a rulea, but
this waa refuaed, becauae "they ad
mitted" they would loae the game
Tbe next evening the local boya
were more prepared to give their op
pomnta a doae of their own medirlni-.
and at the end of tbe drat half lh-
had them aweatlng with the acore
atamllug 13 to 10 in favor of Outarlo.
The chan.' of method and the break
ing up of Ontario' team work how
ever wbh too in iifli for them and In
the lat half the home team again got
the land and the final acore wbh 22
to 30 In their favor. Another gam.
anil tha rrMilt might 'm II be gueed
I I'.inipariug the bhowiug made tbe
flrat night with that made tbe aeoond.
The Rupert bunch aoemed to know
thl a they refuaed to pluy a game on
Saturday. There xeemed to be a
general nurprivo In Itupi-rt at th.'
allowing made by the Oregonlaus
agaluKt what la eonideieil the
oat team in houIIi Idaho, but the
surprlae would huse been much great
er If another game had In en pl.iy. ,1
Kiipcrt leaui and the people uf
Itupert aeemod to do all th
to enteriam and BiaaM UM onlarii,
boy. A Iminjuet wa given them uf-
iter the laut game and all the boy re
port the. Unpen POOPM to be the beat
eiitrtaiuer they had ever eeu. The
trip wa enjoyed to the utmost and
In pite of the argument over the
rulea, the Journey and the p. npi.
made the local boy feel that tlie
had been in, I. ,! honored und received
rompeiibatlon for hard work put forth
to give Ontario a wunlne basket ball
.loitnw v M.i El
I I'rill:! tka Bx)
Al BoM baa moved to Ma
ranch In tl district fur
the Miiiimer.
The motor ctngp Ii" now coming aa
far a AJt4araoa'a end "Mi BfabaMy
in ihaavUla in f. aaya.
din lake dta
a town i Ha ra
port hcveral lie i Htlll on
tho ground In that I I Uoi
What tlM ni, i'. i ii ii tha ,lor Vallai hiajh aabeoll i
nintimii training
lion, all ntntted during the hint ne-
A ntage ban been erected In the
Jordan 'Valley hotel ballroom for the
nt to he i on
; .-i luirlck day.
Keiim in fctaakaaala, one of the nui-
Htantlnl rain er Umen of the
flouth Mnunliiln district, waa in town
the tlrnl of the week after supplies.
The partner, hip existing between
Mensrs Mayes and I'oole han been dis
solved. Mr. ThoH It IIhji'h has taken
charg of the business and will mil
tlnue to run the name In UM f
Tbe firm of Bl M l I Bl
blarkainltbs. han ilaaolTad iirlner
nhlp. i 0 relainliiK the hunlneaa ot
the ahop and A. K taking the cat
tle, farm machinery, eic , belonging
to the firm.
IBaaaj BJhaaarad Brafl
N'oi with landing tin iiuunually
bard winter the sheep In thl ten inn y
came througa In good shape, with the
exception of one outfit, which Is nald
to have loM lii.n.h 10 v ill lln inlh.
and old ewes were brought safely
through by feedlug.
ltrMrtolr Working
James Anderson lias completed a
dam that creates a reservoir for stor
ing water fur irrigating hi rue
Crooked creek. The water has al
ready passed the high water murk
and is hacking up over the l.oelaud
ranch, whlcn will he p.iruully sub
merged. Tills reservoir will enable
Mr. Auderson to largely Increase bis
furmlug acreage.
John I'. I M
John F Forrester, a rancher of,
thai Cliffs dlHtrlct, orlione lllues
announced in thi i I weak,
iraa brought to this plana Wi
mute to a i
,it llolae. At about siwn
Thuraday morning, wlmi lo
start for the railway In a motor car,
he waa seized with a imorr-
hage of the lung and pus. ed audtU "
I) away.
hoiih ponied lata the home of Mr
p Mara but i rldai avonti
mil" bin a aanptata d boa
ii third btri h
Mr Seward of Ontario BJU DOOgbl
"" ranch which Seinonr Boaa
has fanned for several aaaaMB and
win eaarata It hlraaalf Mr. scwnni
ha a line held of dairy cattle which
on the rai
little later on.
Tl I luihllc Hpirll.-d cltleiiH ,
Moglmcl, mIhuiI tot nt the
ihiiol house Saturday, March 11,
for the purpose of lcwllng the school
'rounds und setting out trees and
tying Hie promise generally
Everybodj kroacht team, ami im
plamaBta aad halpad tha good work
nleni: A big dinner wa aal
County s'urvejor 11. F. Farmer was
in town from Vale Thundav lie was
Oaltad o,r by II. J. Ward to make
for n drainage ditch
Mi Ward contetnplnle:i having dug
on his farm. Mr l.nin.r wll he n
candidate to succeed himself and all
i ra paata are (arorahla
Dr. Baraala was called to Owyhaa
lay to attend H he
of II Walter . ka had the i,
D break her left aria iien sho
own from the lanilly cow
which she was riding. Ilelng young
anil healthy, the Utile lady was do
ing nicely ni last reports and will
I a quick re, oery.
Increase Milk Supply
('.. It Wills went over to Apple
alley Thursday and inter' ll wad the
dairymen in regard to sending their
milk tO the Nysna cheese factory.
fledges for milk to the amount of
1 III pounds dully were s.
ill hooat the output of cheese
at the ! i to a gratifying ex-
lent. Mr Wilt is hort
ppla Valley a m ka supplying
Drainage District
I I. I lodge, consulting engineer of
the Nynnu-Arcadia Drainage district
haa been the busiest man In the
Snake valley this week attending to
llminary work necessary to
starting the hlg enterprise that will
of acres added to the
proihn lag Ii mtory of Nyssa. He la
hopeful for a favorable ontiome. En-
led work Tuesday getting
the contour ol ; Ii i
lam BOMB fou BYfeM fi us i.
Tha Journal uianageiuut will erect
a magnificent one-tuiy oftice build
ing on a lot Just weal or tho M. F.
church, recently purchased from W.
II Hi iv It will be of Oregon l'ui:i
bar wiia a foundation of genuine
Snake gravel Fred lireeiio,
who has been employed aa arc
has the plan already drawn, and lie
assures us it will be tbe most impo
;ing newspaper building in Nyaaa. It's
a shame to start anything this line
, but tka Journal Ii i . ,,i i g
poor lo pa) rent any longer ani
seem in ka asythti
Uoti kV niiieiooi , a It. It.
t ,,i it Place, geni ral in
of tha proposed Wlaaamaoaa North
era railway, ha returned from u
Hip to i uhluell and Bol ' 'in , Ida
lio, where lie attended to husiio
ters pertaining to the ne, road
It was far-sightedness on the pa:
of Colonel l'luce when he selected this
route for ihe wiiiin nun , u Northern,
ahlak aroaM ahattai aj "' aiUa tha
dlHtunce k) railway from Bol ' I It
and Caldwell. Idaho, to S nt Frunci-e
co, and kaaMaa open la aatUaaaaatt
the largest tract of und. ..-loped agri
cultural, mining and slock ruising
territory now without railway facili
ties in tlii country.
wasting a passing thought
on taau old Mexico.
iss ritosi'i itivt;
(From tha Join nail
Mayoi I D '
Keconlei I lloydell
I'l, . A V I',
Councllmen I Spur, S K
.r, Flank l.eiick, I' () Cariuuu.
The aho',
UllUSUull.'.' IU, ' 'I ill'lll
Curl Tittle 1. ! I Nortli
faktau to begin ibaarlai baaa
,i the engi
neers who a mtouva
,if the dis-
irlct thiB w . Ml. I.'
locatud at a.i w a . f-
'ng to CahiiM II from
to I'orfh.nd, bul to Cald-
SOU rei.ntly.
A jolly crowd of about flfty pi i
wiio mulies it his hunlneaa to keep in
touch with a bank luuirlahh a.uu.
libit' i put In I ue hank,
.vine, snd make this bun'.. MM l;
Stand hy
sum iKMi.ti")
We s. We guar
antee you every facility and pi
lion known to sound and consenu
live bunking principles We will
serve you promptly and (.. the beat
of our ability. Our advice is free
llpie. I'i
First National Bank
"A (iood Hank in a t.ood Country."
See our splendid display of Spring Millinery.
It i- a marvelous collection of the new 1916
creations, embracing the cr. latest designs
from home and abroad. Every age, taste and
desire can be easily und ojiickly satisfied here,
and the prices this season are very attractive.
The Osborn Millinery
llt-atlquurtrrH for Cut Mowers
und 1'otted Plants
ojnrrel and Gopher Poison
i Scmirrel ,
v ?.
Sold and Ouaiante-a by