The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 16, 1916, Image 2

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    . -
mm m
t'llil ' :
II. Two i la
method, whldh in- malatalBB will
make f r ii it growing IB Ihe Don
on profitable, bare ub( boat ,! I
im.-.i tor th. la Indttatrlal
and r, .,.,1 tf aj here by
Arthur m 0bi , wbo baa Jaat ooa
Illcloil I.I, IniciCjallnll f I'm PllstPrn
markets, under i ho d
.in. in, ii adrooatoa la New fork.
Mr. (iPBry rbIi! that. Ill i. norll
iill ibOVld N Id IBdBT mil'
tlon a auld be
imp eanl i al aai lonal boa
for nil fruitgrower' aaaoeiatlOBa in
the BOBBl
At p loada of fruii
consign, I ts, w In"
aompeto with aaeb other in labmltt
ing priaaa lot lie Aooordtag t
Mr ; . :i r . the PT pus Is otip of bid
ding down, Purchasers up- pi
ed with in rail accept
Hip lea i in icoa.
lip Mid ttu- remedy lp In
I H in 'ii 'VHlfiii: Unit fruitgrowers
ahould oi paalaa aio ily i
allons should .liln i in lip
Bold lit iiiirllim hy directly i niitipi-ti -I
14 ii, rn tha proaaa i would Umb
ho hup nf bidding up.
n i wmplo of hoar tha reeom
ed Byntpiii might Mirk was cited
from Km. , r. New York. Thltlipr
carlnadB of fruit arc ihloped
Ili BBOtlOB for tltat district coul. 1 lip
The ri lit rnl clearing BOtBM should
Iiiiiii Ii iBfOfBtlOB In iiiiinl"
n, ihould develop aeu markets,
i .I'liuhi Hiri'inl out fruit dlstrlbul no,
should ."I tin- price, nml id. mild PBl
in-li buyer Is oiip who trnvt'lH ainl
buys directly fnun tha grower when
local i i mi iIiimii, (inly large
scale cooperation obb pal hi Bl ol
business, Mr ;
Tha national organization I'ouiii do
inn' b ' ood, in- oaplalaed i ir prodat i
traro piirmiii' to dm 1 1 - aid a bat tor
i opaaad ap Bl
it ala .ii bag im.ii i eoald
Hi' Hip shipment.
ii ippH rrom
the aiirllnli BahsMM bMMBM tliey lire
hin Ii :i i-.-ii.Tiil (oiuinoillty. Instenil.
apple kIiouIiI In- mlvertlsed by
lirinnlH. Applet with a well-known
brand name would hrliit; Iukkit pric
es. Mr. deary araduateil irmu -he in
Iverslty or Oraajaai In lBIO, ami for
two years was graduate nuiiumer of
Hiinii-iii affairs.
ThliikltiK nil dny Suniluy of bow u
feller's coin' to start In and do thing's
on Monday has made many a man out
of a misanthrope
- -I
:-i i
Rc;r. creed!
he ivy soles sre
SJ f?gf) rO
is orr choice for L
Wu know it will ivu ill
tn ftttlu:
In this Famous Broncj you'll
find stJckuijU lor ul I occoiiont.
Laanrioui SilL, la i I , i
in.. i. i, inyceioroi pawni'riK's. i nu-
oft lislesi if yin prefer '
wiaiui aottaa -i loa viy dy.
Gift PaclQes
tit,,' I
: Cat S,
i I agi i
u a
I.I llu-
Ul ufr" . puulciu y1
ot " bhsll lUiv"
MtmnuUji' evnv .
guaranteed satisfactory. U
A .
: t ' v' ' i'
: -
Newton Shoe Store
Ontario, Oregon
pursuit of villa
Washington Decides Bandits
Who Raided Border Must Be
Captured or Dispersed.
Waehlngton. General Funaton, an
rr "riUT fr""' Peeldenl Wlieoo to
""'" 'lnw" N"' ,mn,llt Hrm' lM
""'""' ' '"'" ' " "IS irnopa
the border behind a
m il of rigid se
wiiiip axtaaatra troop movement
la progreoa along tha bordi r, UM
li'luirtini'tit riTi'lMil from C -n
oral of tii" i.
mi i Mexico, b reojaaat for
in MOd Ms troops.
lOB arise, across the border Into
i Slates In pursuit
Tin rn was every Imllcatlon that of
ficials vl"v,l i;, BOMl fnrrunza's re
quest In a filterable light.
Intervention Not Intended.
Th.. kiiii ral Instruction to Ocn. rnl
Funston, It la ii la.) (iiri.!'
"n "" ') of impressing Mix!
cans on both sides or thp linrili i tb
1 1 Hint tin init.-ii Itataa Ib In
bareoted only in d tending Ita a
dors nml tlmt tli not " i"
b ur eontempl
ar niiji 1 1. loati a tloni art ti piu it. it
la Bald, to capture ur dlapi
n'"1 return to United Static ter
' ilorv Immediately,
Q I 1 ' miiii lacratan
of Wu .-nil n d I"
hunt lOWa Villa. Whi'ii In- hi i
inininiiii'i over tin- taternatlonal lino
he Will kcpp It there until he takes
I Will In- till' Mill
Judge raajardlag tha publication ol
lll'WS fri'lll tin bOrdOf :hm1 ; r. 111 Mill
Villa In Mountains, Is Belief.
War exports sahl tlmt there Is small
, until II .
Iiiiiiiim" Unit will I ' ili- i .-ni f .i 1
i. h. i.i lai '.ni in.
foothills ol the iiiniill r.uiKt' of nii'ini
tains aliniii :'n to HO mlliH Niiuth ninl
hllithtly east il I'i'liiiiibus.
Should Villa concentrata bis men.
ttbi prohletu of his OBBtOfa 0M he
simple, say oflleerH lure, hut
not believe that he can be lui.
an open rii-hl The inoii priunlstiiK
i. ii I. r tin- An,, re .in tewinlin
Is shortm-i nf ammunition. Il Ik
i that Villa's m
neriliiK th He ,'i stork
of eiirtrhlKi'h ,,li. I IniM in, ,. .r, .- tin,
which to obtain more. Tlnir kuiis an
III bud I'oudltlou nml until . weeks aiit
they b'hl pnn Until) nil their artlller)
and in . ..!. !, Is i. i ' I l. i
it " I I I tt list .. All. I'Mllliiili i.f nine., lli-iti
'i- i
bus I'
his ni. . I i: lent .. '
General Satlsfsctlcn Felt in Conqresu
paehsal .niiitci, ii ., oooaaloBOd l.
news or Villa QttlOkl)
aueoeedi II ilsed aatU
In i.itielal an I emi,:.vsslouul i
over the iBOWkaflU that after ti
. m (orl . anua Daitad
i.-s ir,n,in aetuail) vara i" ,i
the death ot their ooaaradaa Bad 1 1
to Justn i thf outlawb whose depreda
tlons bae terrorli ,1 Amerliatis on
both sides ot the Inn
Washington stands sitiiin -l bebinil
t'oloui I Sloi'iiiii In sendiiii; bin eavalry
nun Into Mexico III pursuit ul I
to Ilia and his hand of outlaws who
nn, led cohiiubus. Rfi M,. murdering
Am, rh . .ens and rir
lug the tnnn.
Water Power Bill Passed by Senate.
The senute after four .
Ids' bill to pro
vide I i . 'in lit of waterp.iwi i
gaala BTBtt i by prli
.if arsi M in II. i
i hard to aim ud the
ineusiire, liut without Brail
Si'iiutor Jones, of WaablBgton, arai
the only senator from, the
uuithwist who rated for the p.insa. I
of tin Shields VBterpoWOr bill.
Senators I Tiaiiil" iluiii nml I ..n.i ,i
Oregon; Poind u,-i ol Waahlagton
and llor.ib, ol Idaho, eotod uuii st ti.,
Events Csln Congress.
The oi.ui m troops iii
to Mexico and tl.
toi in the armed ship i
:. , , lylBg cii, i i ,,u eOB
gress, whuii tor eevorej eeaa I
been a storm i e.itci' oier inti riiutlonul ,
With these Issues apparently out of
the way. oougrei slonal leudi-rs hope to
make rapid progress with important
domestic business, partlculuily the ap
proprlatlon bills and the national de
fenae program
That the inllitury activity will serve ; state law they are prohibited from
to hasten the completion ot the de ' shipping It into the slute. Only a reg
tense plans of ihe administration Is lstered pharmacist, under a speolal
admitted, nor does any one deny that permit, is permitted to ship in alto
It will wiu voles for preparation. hoi. The Sisters I I obtaining
. alooho! for about 6u cents per gallon
Germans Inereaae Activity at Ovinsk. under the old method of purchase.
Petrograd.--IniTenmi! activity by Under ,h" "w luw " wi" c0,t tbem
the Germans in the region of Dvlnsk
was reported by the war offioe. ;
Prospects for the building ot a
factory nt Star are exceedingly
Tin senate hns rntiMrmeil Ihn an-
nolntmi'iit of .liihn F. Itrown as post- i
i at KpiiO
Btata Bonator Jerome Day has with-
cinu' Idaho,
The hn'ise luiH imssed the bill au
thOfiglBg the governnipnt to sell the i
linis. i rink railroad.
TI th It ii pro-
blbtted public km-' i Moaoow
or stniiiipox. .
Htuilents or the Colli'i ! "I I.i
cni ,v. . II enjoyed a imir lay holiday
n nee
of "I'leillllip d.
n state central com-
Brfttea nl n no ' tlBg ul I 'ted
Twin lulls as the plan- to BOl I the
state eonyeiitlon on April N, BTBM
,l' k UM lo tin- national ,
win in named,
Ug Blfls) rescue Btul MfOt) rirsl
COnteel was at the Kellogg Y.
M. 0, " ,,-,'i'n bTonday night,
I, under the nin.i, ,s ol the
ItmiKi-r Hill mid Snlllian compauy,
with sine I tared
On mo.'it reliulle data ohinliiaMe It
ti d lluil II I" i- i . .it of tin
win at imp Is stdl unsold In blniin
tOtaJ estimate of the , l"i ill till
was ''. .'"in hm-liel .. The State
' director cm ml "'.itci '
this ehtliiiB'e.
J. K While, state sanitary and pure
rood in .pei -lor. tin. found that in ninny
Idaho hotels the riru alnrm Bygtl
are not kept In order ni,.l eatiu,' bl
I upon when I ltd. thus OB ,
gerlng the safety of guests, i '
be said, win n fault) nlnnii ayal
nre foii!.,l prosei iilions will follow.
irietor general has Issued an
! r i . Byrae, I
mlultiK siiri . ,r. l.r the olflclul sur
the ininn ami "v. ii Btoa
ell" lode mlBlag nlalma. situate in tin
Ptoroa City Bslawg dtotrtol
water OOVBty, llu- i. alumni Is W. II
I'I.iiim lire heliig laid by the Kartners
liilon ot Ihe CiimiiM I'r.ilrle distill t 1,
spend ttu. in r more In building I 1
ey slurs to handle Ihe 1016 grain efOp
.,...i.,,ii nf sacks for the grain
bus hroiiitht tin matii r ol i
close to the fanner, aa the price ul
bans at Interior points Is 14 and IS
- Illu nil any assurance Hint they
mill be mailable In sufficient tjuan
i u ,1 Hi, ra is general fenr thai
i rlea of baga win go fcbjhet bt ton
tin- Inn lent hi'ssdii. The l'ari.nrs
t ' n ion. with In .ol'iuarters at Ho. Hi
architi-t'is prepnrlng blue iirluts foi
to be located nt
DO, DM al Hi.1 lui .mil one ul Cathollt
ot the small In, h pei. dent rail
mads of Idaho have J",'" d hi tb
.it i... w . ion oi
:.. i on
tr, I ,i rail I k "ail I'U) rates with tbt
luterstste i oininerie i niiiinlssion. Th
roads whli-h ban- salted with this
niiiM'uieiit are the LewWton. N
Perce 4k Easter tin
Idaho Southern of Milnur, iln
tt North Si, I. in Mil.., i . th. railflt
it Idaho Northern of Now Meadows
and tb" Washington. Idaho & M.ui
tuna or I'utlaleh. The associate I h.i
a repi. working uiuoiig trsf
al. d eoiuui. relal organUutloni
in the li.ter, nt of a bill introduced by
.Seiiiitor I'lulan of rullfornla. by
whiih tin eoeiiul nf the BBf is trans
ui i id io the la teratoid aoauaaiaa
Dg worl. lias been sturted on tin.
prison farm, located neai
lii.iiieilale Aithur MeOtohV superin
teiuient of the (arm, arrived reeeatlj
ii-. .in Botae arlth a aumher of prisou
, bo win eaperieaee outdoor ur-
aoaaoB., I'laus
grain I i
,,.i i ull 10 aerea I will be
1. About will be em
lug oere of tht i ral hnadred
l will be
p inr in t c. - on. the farm paid
good rt turns UMl JTOBf and In a few
yonye H la aald will ho ahte to aawori
(u. idnlio stnic panltf ItlBTy, A large
iiiuiilii-r of I" raised al
the farn. Of brood sows b0tB
rslalaed tor this aeaeoai'a laeedlai
I !n Si. i, i., o, i i, .i ity of Providence
ho pltal, Wallace, bare asked the at
turiicy neutral If there is auy way by
ahtoh the) nu obtato aleoBol (ar hda
pitul use, us they liuve in the past,
without the payui ml ol revenue tax
and dealers profit. They huve a per
mil from the I'nited States Internal
revenue department permitting them i
lo withdraw ulchol by tile barrel
from a bonded warehouse without Im
position of revenue lav I'nder tht
approximately $3 per gallon, whole
The regular nnuual meeting of the
Nevada Ditch Company was held In
the office of the secretary, (i 1, Kin.
on Saturday. The rate for the year
was fixed nt one dollar an acre.
There Is not much work to be dime
on the ditch this spring, beyond the
iniiiil annual cleaning.
The directors were nil pfOBOBt ex
cept Mr Wood Thoee preaenl were
Thou, llalllilny, IV W Mullen, Krii'd
Ad.un, (leo W lllunloli, and A.
tlrnmso. a
When a man Is going down bill ha
meets a lot of bis neighbors going up.
Every other cur mi the i
Kurd; more than I ilf the cars bought
this year will ba I'ords. There's a'
' od i u i,n ,1 i nra are
tilling n place In every Held of Linn
an activity, t'o i about two cents
a mil" ii, opi i nt, mid nialntalg in i
ter order ywtn todayl Baaahoal
ttl I Touring Car 1440. All p
f. o. b Deirolt. On sale at
IIIOV I . ( OWi;i. .trt., tin I. ul.,.
r't v
Scale Scab Mildew
'1'in-M- i tin principal peata ami diaoaaea afTt
the gp ' iil-co.'ii.l
01 Soluble Sulphur
best spray for scsle, mildew nml scab. It
i roved record Ot Bre years Effective, Eco
nomical, Convenient.
results i ic ' ' 'I by
V. ., ;iuili n. tiling N lbs. to 100 gullens:
Vukiuia Valley la I i ale killed.
a Vulh-y .ii i II lie killed.
u.nui, baa x -iii-1 ni ; u ale killed.
results oliinlued by
Dlstrlii Inspi i lor si North Vnl.l.u. in I'M with
la killed.
Again three at different strength in i
15 Ins. lo lou gallons if,'; scale killed.
M ha to loo gallm - i I'led.
t, to 1110 gallons US', scale killed,
This Is an Indlsputii! 'e scientific record.
0, diem 17.60 m
10 lb 1.55
i N
LILLY'S Seattle and Portland
Thm yMCdXt Star
Ran gen McEatlra and Mack bava
In i n patrollBg the Murderers Creek
district in the Malheur forest the past
ten d.iyi BttemptlBg to get H census
of the deer on the winter ranges of
that watershed. It is their Intention
to iind out, if BoeetblOi about bow
ninny deer whiter there. wbnl the
peieent of loss Is, If any, whether
any of them urn now In a Htnrvlng
condition, nml In fnct to secure all
la Informattog on tha winter
game situation there
e v
- .v
If Yon Want to
Know How to
ana hi an
Bend for our
lsis arsav
It tells about the
estBprsy sad
how Beet lo
ysj i seem -- r -sngssaVBaaajgaj JsoBJb1MMBw I
eeaBsaans-si' BaJaaBajBjaBBBajBBBBsjajBBml
I nil oil State
President Woodrow Wilson;
Vlce-I'rc Mont ThoH. It. Marshal
Secrntnry of State. , , Hubert Lansing
Hecretnry or Tm.s.,. . W. O. McAdoo
gaeretary o War, ..!,. M (inrriaon
ttoiiiey tie i i Thus. W. tlrngorj
l"o Ini.iiitor-t to il... .A. llurleson
, v of " . ' I Danlela
lao'y of Inter II . l'rnnklln K Land
Secy tr Ai'.i it iitni t., 1). V. Houston
Sec'y of fiiiiim i.i Win. C. Uedfield'
Secretary of l.nM t . . .V. i, Wilson,
... J. V. Tumulty
!'. H. Niipii'ii t'oi'll
Chief Jnatloa. . . i:.i tart U tvhi
,iclnle .lusti, -
Joseph McKcnnn
Oliver Wendell IIimiiips
B) illiam H. !
.tallies (' Mclie 'iiililn
Charlaa B, Rttgb
Willi aniei
.In i'i!i i; i.iiiiar
Mahlon I'ilney
ale C. S. Liiinl-iinicers.
Then, Ji.ue
Ri .-I -i vi t aj. N Pe, ly
Slate till.
Covernor James W Itliycom e.
Bec'y of Slate Don i Hci
Ti amirer 1 U Kav
At to I lie) tlciieral. . I .own
lapt, of Public Instruction
J. A. I iii,i hill
Dairy and Food Commlaslonoi
... A. W.
I). Mir Hie
Law teiice
Sinie Printer,
V. S. Senators,
llary K. Liintt
O. E. Cbainbtirlaln
Cein: re ... nen,
W. ' llnwley
N. J. Slnnol
C. N. McAithur
Male Supremo Court
Chief Justice Frank A. Moore
Associate Justices,
Thomas A, Mcllrldo
lleniy J i
rn II. Ilurnott
Robert F.ukln
Henry L Ihiison
La i,ni . T" I lurrli
Miilb Jiiilhlnl IMsirdl
In Mlcl Judge Million MlggS
District Attorney W. II. Ilrooke
Hi n.itor UMHi li-ul-lnllve Aixpiolily
.1. . i n I lOBBtor, for (Irani, Malheur,
mid lii.nicj i ountles,
. . Luring V. Hlowart
Count) (Hilt era
i oun'y Judge ti. w. Mck'night
County Clork John V. Houston
Sheriff lien J. Drown
County Commissioners,
John K. Weaver
Melville Kolley
County Treasurer, J. Ralph Weaver
JAsaossor Lewis E. Hill
ol Supt Fay Clark
County Hurvayor B. P.Farnier
County Coronor R. O. Payne
Truant Officer A. I Mcintosh
In tlce of the Peace (Ontario Dis
trict G. L. King
i ii, ult Court
circuit Court for Malheur county
i meets In Vale, the county seat, on
the second Monday In January; on
the fourth Monday In April; and on
the first Tuesday In September for
regular snsslous. Ilou. Helton Dlggs,
ilt Judge; w II ilrooke, Diet-
rlci Attoruey; John P. Houston,
County Court.
The County Court ot Malheur
County meets In regular session at
Vale on the first Wednesday of Jan
uary, March, May, July, September
and November. County Judge, (leo.
W. McKuigbt; M. 1). Kelley and
John F. Weaver, Commissioners;
I John P. Ilou. ion, Clork
You Are Invited
As n it MR ol the growth
nf our business In every, wllh
our modem nml up-to-date
equipment, we are
Im'IIci irepaiil tliali evel
to llu utile your banking
business, null we will lie
gluil to have you avail
),, in sell of our facilities,
wlilcli we In In ie to lie as
iiiotleiu mill tin nearly
per let i as Is to bv fouud
lu this count).
Our various depart
ments are so utljustetl as
to rentier prompt uml ef
ficient service, and It la
the aUu of the officers of
the bauk to keep tu close
personal touch wllh its
l. .11., lis.
A tiood Bask la a l.od t'uunlry
or up! At worst this lite is
Just one blissful dream ot thing we
never get.