Mm0 tm m VOL. HO ONTAIUO, M Mill I I! COINTY. Illtl .( . . I III l.sli . ; II i, loin NO. 11. CERTAINLY PAYS TO RAISE SUCH HOGS The Cood Prices Paid For Thoroughbred Stuff. A short time ago (lie price of hogs dropped mi. I about Hint time many of tin- farmer who were raining Iiorh sold out all they had and declared that It wan ImpoHHlhle to make hog raining pay In tins country. There were other people who thought differently and they were an alter to huy llieiie hogs as the own era wore to nell and I hi- result 1 the last named hIiumI to mnke a nice mar gin of profit on their Of course the above haa reference only to Htock hogs. There In anoth er line of hog ruining that shown an even hetter margin, which wrh Illus trated here Saturday when the I ' foe herd of 0, I '. white wbh sold These were well known prize winning anlmalH and there w a large crowd pnment to Mm nome of the Htock, hut the most of It went to Tunny, tlie butcher who In gong to ralne hogn aa a aide laaue. Here are a few of the prlcen rea lised for thin nteck: now and 12 plgn. 70; now and 6 plgn, $f5; sow and 10 plgn, $87.60; now, 160; how and piga, $77.60; how, $6; how. M bow, $86; how, $70; total for the nine $426, an average of $69. 31 each. One 8 monthii old boar Mild for $80. While at the aale Mr. Tumi) hooked the aale of eighteen of Hie young plga at $16 a head when two nionthn old. Hurely the above prlcen do nut need any comment an thin nule wan from ntock well known In thin sec tlon and It In only what can be done by any good hog man who In willing to take the time and trouble to look after the hogn, after necurlng good foundation ntock. IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE IN OUR CITY Dsvld Wilson was Itrre several days this week from Davenport and other Washington towna where he haa Interests. The business situation shown a de cided Improvement, hut in a long waya from being normal yet. The peo ple are beginning to realise that the bualneaa situation in good and the prospects all right, so they are loos enlug up a little and there Is going to he building done thin e.u Davenport has been doing a little advertising and the results are not able, sltow Ing there Is a large number of eastern people who are waking changes In location. Mr. Wilson Is the owner of nuicii Onturlo property and stuted tliut he was about reudy to modernize all his Main street property by ( bunging IM fronts The block where the Argus Is located will have new pressed brick and steel fronts installed and made moderu in every respect. This improvement will make this the best block lu the city and will no doubt brlug renters here for all the store rooms when completed. The plans have been drawn for this improvement and the work will tart in the near future. COL DAVARAN HAS LOCATED A SALT MINE Colonel Davaran, the Democrat solicitor, made a trip to Watson last week and located an epsom salts mine Kd says there is a mountain of the stuff and it is practically pure. Many of his friends have been pre sented with samples and the verdict fn almost every case Is that it is gen uine aalts. The Colonel expects to start work on the property on an extensive ecale when the weather opens up and be lieves he has a proposition tiiat will attract the attention of the mining world. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Aker entertained Mrs. 8. Snyder, mother of Mrs. Aker and Mrs H Tallette, a sister, from Meridian this week. SMOKE AND SOME FIRE YESTERDAY The fire department wat called out I at 3:30 Wednesday morning by a i tire In the banement of the Temple I of Sweeta. The fire wan dlncovered by an em ploye of the Moore hotel and when 'the firemen arrived It wan found that the chemical could handle the situa tion. The raftern are badly burned and the floor through in some places, and the nmoke did plenty of damage In the store room, ruining all the ntock. The loan will be leas than a thoun- and dollar and la covered by Insur- inn" W. II. Doollttle'a office adjolnn anil would have been ruined If the fire- men IiihI turned water on. The usual crowd of curloun people memhled with red nllppern and oth- er adornments supposed to be for home use only, hut there waa little for their aniiinem. nt s..iin by Amsrlrsn fraaa Association. Frsnclaco Villa, the Msslcan bandit, who crossed ths Amsrlean bordsr and attacked Columbus, N. M., killing ssvsntssn Americana. MASONS ENTERTAIN . AT CARTER HOUSE The Itoyal Arch Masons were hon ored with a visit from their Urand High 1'rleat, II. 0. Kvsns, on Monday evening and they are all enthusiastic over the talk mude to them. There was a hu liquet at the Carter after the regular meeting and many crisp talks were made. The hotel management received many nice '"'I"""" '" the luncheon provld- ed and the excellent service. There was a crowd down Vale. from WIDE MARGIN IN CUM ATE IN THIS COUNTY Perry Hayden, who Uvea on the Klttt opposite Welser, was here this week and reported that the snow had coiurieiicd to disappear from the points In his section and it will not be many weeks now when the farm ers can commence their spring work E. K. Pratt, who has a farm on the Owyhee, near Big Bend, waa here a few days ago to have a mouthful of teeth removed and reported that the farmers of his section are busy seed ing and the roads are dusty. The se two men live less than for ty miles apart, still there is a big difference in the climate at the two points Mr. Pratt keeps a record and says there la usually a difference of at least ten degree in the tempera ture between his place si.l Ontario. The winters are milder aud tne sum mers cooler. A. E. Brown Is here from the Bar ren valley section on business and visiting with relatives. . FRANCISCO VILLA X r tttroc SbbbbU w. W DWG CREDIT BY AID OF THE STATE Bills Covering This Much Needed Leg islation to be Submitted to Voters. A. W. Trow attended the confer- ence held at Salem lant week to get "' matter of ntate aid for Irrigation, drainage and farm loans properly be- r""' ln" People, A' present the state Softool fund, amounting to $6,300,000, la 'feeing loaned to the farmers at an i ' on" nM' " one l"r "'"' "" expense d there re Do losses. This Is less than one fourth of the total money loaned on Oregon farms. The state engineer, together with the government men, have estimated that there are 300,000 acres of land In the atate that can be irrigated for $40 an acre. It has also been entl- mated that there are 600,000 acres In the state that should he drained. where the cost will average ten dol lars an acre. It will be seen that the state needs for drainage Irrigation and contribute ing expenae $36,000,000 and for farm loana about $26,000,000, which la leas than eight per cent of the as sessed value of the atate. Bills will he prepared for the elec tion, one covering the Irrigation and drainage and the other the farm loans which will he prenented to the people t the election this fall. This will he a chance for rural credits and also to develop thousands CONDITIONS COOD M K. I.ees made a buslnes trip to the Twin Kails section last week and was much impressed with the way they are doing things In that section. They have been carrying a number of large advertisements lu Kaslern papers and the reaulta are apparent in Hie large number of new people 'coming lu and taking hold of things The city of Twin Kails nhows a sub stantial building boom, many tine loi.' and residence buildings going up. Tim people are all optlmlsMc and are doing business Willi as much vim as the old boom days They haw hud food crops there and have sold ev er) thing to good udvuntage so there g plenty of money available. The bunks all show large deposits. GET READY FOR THE SPRING CLEANING A few of the merchants have had their store rooms brightened up with new paint and many others are cou iciiiplutliig improvements soon The Alexander Clothing Company has improved the appearance of their store room very much by some new paint and kalsomlne. The time has about arrived for the general cleaning of the streets, also the alleys and back yards. It is also about time for gardening to start and there should be another special effort this spring to have trees aud shrubs planted throughout the residence portion of the city. A few trees aud bushes add much to the appearance of a home aud this Is es pecially true in this section, so re mote from the timber. Thousands of rose bushes aud trees have been planted the last few years aud there is still room for many more. The large bunch of 2-year olds purchased last week by J. P. Smith and C. E. Eiuison are being fed near the Couover place Thev are a fine looking lot and stood th- trip the snow in good shape. The Tom Thumb wedding at the Methodist church Ti. ronton. was well attended. E. IRRIGATION. RURAL of acres throughout the state and reclaim other thousands of acres. Arrangementn will he made so these loana may be paid off in annu al Installments, which cover the In ind a pnrt of the principal, covering a long period, so that the borrower will hardly miss the money. Apparently there is little opposition to these measures as the business men realize that It meum. ii World of (level- lopment and that it Insures good hunl- MM conditions for the future. For , 1 1 1 e furmora It moans everything. There are thousands of acren that will , be improved with the cheap money, that cannot be touched with ten per cent money. Australia. New Zealand, II Columbia, and other countries have tried out these plans and they have proven nuccennful. They have loaned over $62,000,000 and 46 per cent of this has been paid off and reloaned on lite amortization plan. Loans are made of any amount from $126 to $i;..niiii to an Individual The bills to be presented cover on ly two per cent of the state valuation or $18,000,000. When thin money In placed then bills may be prepared for the raising of further amounts aa needed THE MAXWELL CAR GAINING IN EAVOR L. U. Olsen haa taken the agency for the Maxwell auto an. I Is show Ing the local people what a good car it Is and what an economical one to op erate. This year these people are making a hetter car than ever before, with all the modern improvements found in the higher priced cam and ihc have also reduced the price Son, H strong talking pou.uj able the counties to c .,,. th.-.r Klectri, -darter ami light, mil.- 'road upkeep costs and the methods are per aet of tins; miles per gallon ot gasoline; miles per qutirt of III Ing oil; lowest year la .mi ear out repair hills Co u round and have u ride. Just to aae how a really good car ride. STRAHORN BUSY IN THE INTERIOR Mr. Wilson, who was here tin.. week from Spokane, stated that he recently saw Mr. Strahoru, the rail road builder and that he was pre paring to rush work on the roads to Central Oregon. Surveying parties are lu tin- held anil the work will be curried on this season from llenil and other points so that a connection can be made with the line building west from Vale at as early a date as pos sible. Thre is a vast empire in the cen tral part of the state to be opened up by the building of the Strahoru lines CONTRACTING TOR EMMETT PEACHES James A. Coogaii of Kausas City, Mo., and his Idaho representative, F. P Uulues, arrived Monday to con tract for Kmmett fruit for the fruit marketing firm of James A. Coogun Co. This house wants 150 carloads of Enimett peaches in crates. Their canvas, Mr. Coogun stated yesterday, has been successful and they hope to be able to secure tlie quantity de sired. Index. Dr. Howe was ut the ITuitkmd Baby Contest last week. SHORT LINE OFFICIAL VISITS AT ONTARIO Superintendent Stevennon, of the Short Line, was here lant week, lie made a trip over the branch to look over the road. Near Brogan the high water waa giving some trouble and there waa some dsnger from the Bully creek waters. Later he went to the line down the Snake from Huntington to make an inspection. Mr. Stevennon said the traffic over the line at this time Is good, owing to the Canal being closed, but rail road circles are much concerned ov er the labor situation, because the employes of all the roads of the t "nit -od Stated have voted for a big ln crease In wages which may lead to a national strike on It Is simply impos- slble for the roads to increase wages nt thin time and under present ached- ules. No Important Improvements are ncheduled for this section this year by the company Qantr. I Funston, who will dlrsct the American tr. ops ordsrsd across ths Msslcan bordsr for the capture of Villa. ROAD BUILDING SYSTEM' engineer Lewis Is trving to net a nvste... ..s.i.blls I tlo.l will e ployed 1 tils Is certalulv thing that we should have hud long i pi i ..Hi bin is not even an opportunity lor the several MOOrrta ors of the county to meet und com-pan- notes There in absolul.h no i .ui.l Mo severul counties are not working along same line. It tin local ui"T Isors are Instructed ny iho County i oui i ami ton pel led to n system then the build permanent road larted The roud moiic) expend., ..rail:. thrown away, no fur us tlie making of permanent improv eerned COMMERCIAL CLUB TO MEET MONDAY The regular moil me iiug i the Coinmerclul Club will be loi Monduy evening in the Club rooms at the City Hall. i'lu-re is no especiul husii come up, but several lesser laljoetl will he discussed. Reports will be In on the estuhllsh- ing of a cannery here und the build lug of a wagon roud to Grant count) anil on down the John Day mo This mutter lis:, been started by State Engineer Lewis who g making an Investigation to get an estimate of tlie cost. II Will TIM KM The Friday night dunce lust week was a great success both in pleasure und attendance It was given by the ladle and was culled a hard times uftuir, giving the people a chance to wear their old clothes Some of the hats .aud dresses were of the sttles worn many years ago, In fact so long ago tliut they ure getting buck to the same styles again. CPNCRal rilMCTOM f M iJyflf SUMPTER VALLEY R.R. TO BUILD THIS WAY Want to Reach Large Body of Good Timber. ; '. FnllaaiMIJ work toward the long talked of Sumpter Valley railroad branch to the Hums country, will be ; taken aa soon an the going oft' of the nnow makes railroad operation ponnl- ble. The first step will be the construc tion of 60 miles of railroad south from Dixie Summit. U. ('. Kccles, president of the rail road, was in the city Tuesday, and following his departure for Ogden, It developed that surveyors will he sent out to work from the top of the Dixie divide, to aet stakes for the proponed extennlnn, as soon as the ground Is clear. The dnte at which roadbed con- structlon will lommence, la uncer- tain, depending on the time of year at which the surrey Is finished, but the work will start within a few months. The extension as it Is now planned, alms primarily at one of the richest timber belts lu Orcicon. located 60 miles from Dixie Summit In the south east corner of Oram county, a part of the old Military Itoad Land tlrant, alternate sectlona being held by the Balfour-Guthrie Co., of Portland, or by Mihsldlary concerns. The timber Is yellow pine, near the northern line of Malheur county, und wjll total one billion feet. It Is understood that the Oregon Lumber Co will figure In the deal, In the way of securing cheap slump age on the enormous pine tract. Other developments In the general plan of extension will doubtless ma terialise later linker Herald. QUARTER MILLION OE IDLE DOLLARS HERE Oil the 7th there wa.i call on the Natlonal hanks for a statement ot their condition aud the Klrst .Nation al of this city shows deposits of 8.78. One year ugo, the name bunk showed ilepo.l 1.73, a gain of $86,446.06. At the Ontario Natlonul the same "''rease was shown, the figures f,,r "' Vr "" t'M.M 68 "'! "t "b" year ago $246,683.05. " "r " loi il gain for the town of $104.- ,i7ii lli. re Is aunt: . of the hank bu it Is worthy ot study lid that is the umount of casli re serve. Tie Ul $IIV II I r tlie two y HiMf.51 Why mil lion dollars of . . in thi lent op) o i invost- iii. nt ' When tin. owners of Ibis mono) linuliy come to . ad real t tho i H tod oi i , lepn ul has passed and thul it is again safe to .' will not bo neces sary to go out .,de ol ibe home banks I lie BOOO) I made available at this lime it would go u long mi toward hriligtllg tin- old time swing to business. i SPECIAL FEATURES DUE AT DREAMLAND Clyde Pitch's i ul drum "TI .v,h aIlll ,,. rNl. WM h,. ; ,, Ml . (11, ,, ,,, , ,,,, ,.llt). aire .Saiurd. . , inn ..larch is. ! he II li nil the i miii. .nt ti. that gi .ii Do Monday evening Thedu lluiu will star in "The Devil's Duughter," a modi in socieiy drama luspn "La Ulucondi." W edtiesil.iy evening, Mar ii li, Mary lickl'ord, tlie idol oi tiie ui.en will blur in "Kunihon the Cricket " This old play la well known U tie goeiH, but never heloie Im: tin .1 , mi in en pie.-. i ten u it will be Wednesday. Twelvt in v. pattern- ot library tables. Oulario Furulturo Co.