The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 09, 1916, Image 2

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$1 Now
$1 Weekly
... .
r want you to sir tin-
have designed and located vir Sooaidr eon-
reuienee exactly at your fingers ends. Skilled
mechanics and inventors have perfected the
many working features,
that could improve its convenience or add to
your comfort. That's why a million women use
and praise the Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet for the
hours of time and miles of steps it saves them.
You can easily roll the Hoosier ahoiit n its hall
bearing casters, and the metal sockets ,-an't
break. These, ami other Hoosier Gold .Medal
features, will be demonstrated to all the folks
who call tomorrow. Those who are not read
to I : won't Ix expected to. v will scarcely
have enough eabinets to last the week out anv
wi Hilt We U Milt VOU to eome .Hid leai'll the ilisiil,'
la. is ahout kitchen esbtiiets. If jrou missed this
I at the San FVancisco Fair, this is
your han. e to see what Interested thousand- of
Plain- now contemplate Of!
Willamette Pacific trains lo Coos
liny In July
The ht. Hel-i Stitybull'lttifct Co.
have mi. l.i construction at their
shipyard two live-masted auxillu-y
power schooners dealgued.
Portland Senator holda ttve lucra
tive offices. What are offices cwuifd
lor by lawmakers but to bold them'.'
Portland Hun. ..I limian-Poulseu
..iHiit La he rebwlll within 0 days.
Portland A Ki'Hit shipbuilding
' plant will I'"' I'uui. .1 here oihcials of
the Willamette Sic. '. .v lion and the
Northwest 0 l tuiiouucc.
Portland Qround broken OS
,00Q in litoriuui
Three ' '"' ''' ' Sum l've 40
per Mai i u the una. . loaao wmtar
power in the I'nilf.i State. The
,is bill m H PMMrt the i
l,OUSC .H ( M ' "'M "'
powom tlf "lib department
tape for all I mure lu.
Public Civil Service employes nt
Hoosier's unrivaled convenience won the Gold Medal at the Panama Pacific
Exposition, San Francisco, and this sale is to celebrate its leadership and let the
public see the many ways that Hoosier excels.
People all over America will attend this great event at the floosier stores and
we have had to prepare weeks ahead to get a special allotment of Hoosiers from
the factory for our own home folks. The sale starts tomorrow and will last all
week if our supply of cabinets lasts. Those who come first are sure of being sup
plied at once. If you don't want to wait for your cabinet, then please don't put off
your visit to our store.
Remember there are Hoosiers for farms, camps, apartment, big and
little kitchens, for window spaces and the center of big kitchens. No further
need for old-fashioned, built-in, uncleanable, cupboards.
See the Demonstration of Hoosier's
40 Labor-saving features
Bverj "in;iii who wants t be up-to-date in
household affairs will want tot see this demon
itration. Eon will want to oee what expert men
ami women have entered In cutting your kitch
en Work in two. Bow I I lousier lets vim sit down
with WO articles all bnndilf ernnged at your
fingen'-endt. llow it mils Inoeesent walking
hark and forth to gather supplies and put tin in
away each meaL
... .1,1 .. "
many patented features that have won a million wniueii.
Portland I... loriued a unban and
jiMii.'.l Hie IVxHralod trades U, Unlit
for shorter hour und bigger pay.
'iNe member work lu offices now
(i. .hi In 4 4 hours a week and net
marly Ibiit Hie average paid for
Mime work in open competition.
l u ditield i.. get 7.'.00 fruit .and
egetabli c.mncry
Locomotives mid earn coining to
Oregon for logging road
faia?!-'" ." !' connected will. Gar-lli-lit
b railroad Mill Co. enlarging Bawmill
an.l logging plant
Uhauy Lumber t'o. will cut 1 .646.
00 feet in Kantlaxa National foroet.
Kuseburg Osweno remeiit plant
lays three miles track from Carues to
linieHtoue quarry.
Ontario Sieps takeu to form Mal
heur irrigation district to water
:u,ooo acre.
Monroe want an electric light and
power plant
Prairie rity I'ower Co. building a
,,u.r line to John Da and Canyon
Silver Calls Timber Co to build
-aw null at Silvertou at Olio
oiu I April 17 on JL'
I bonds (or municipal water work
sssssssg4aLaer P Tar- ,riri
VV AmWrnW1 VnrawH
& flRl Ij' i ;fj
WMM0S. : Ps ' ; JlllfJp
'Hooaitr Btauty"
Astoria ma; be borne port far Uri
eutal steamer Hue or 11 ships, easels
I'ostage on two carloads et cata
log uea of one earner n mall order
bouse distributed from Salem,
amounted to $1780.
One Astoria, contractor will bsvUd
II home this year.
The flooding College Campaign for
$16,00 additional funds, to eon
plete the unit of $4o,too tor the
standardization of the College, la fol
ly launched. Three very important
meetings of the ministers of the con
ference wore held during the paat
week, one In each district. The one
for I'ocatello District at I'm niello on
the ISnd Inst. One at Nampa for the
lloiae District on the 24th iuat.
These meetings were (airly wall at
tended by the ministers, having from
forty to sixty per cent of (he mem
bership of the pastors present. The
Una from far and near, cross
ing mountains and valleys, and rivers,
coming by car and auto, on horseback
and on footback, but coming, ao as
to be present and have part la this
tii tcik
$18J5 . $50.
$1 on Delivery
$1 Weekly
No Extra Fees
Nmlar'l fall Vl. Hall llama oWl .Ik!. Into
I uraala ur ant-l.tauraa wh din ami varmln rol-
" ' avaraaa aaklnai. I, m haw m
nti out thaa,4afoe .sauna-,.
important campaign
At each uaoting, reaolutsvaa en
dorsing th forward movement wore
paassMt unanimously, and with a snylr
lt cAaractottaUc of tlst men that de
fy all ohsascles and with a "Faith
that laagdU at IntaoaatlHlitleja and
criaa. It jaiut be done."
Tho Based of a college waa recog
nized by all and ooo brother put It
thus strengly: "This aaa been our
crying; need for many years This
coliese enterprto la mi Important
than missions, aiore Important than
tho payment of church Indebtedness,
mora Important tana church build
lag, more Important than church 1m
arovemenC mora Important because
ao vital to tho suocoaa of oil those
other enterprises, as well as the en
terprise of furnishing higher educa
tion to this great Intermouutaiu ter
Even if you can't keep your money
in your swu possession, at least keep
it In this town
"Push and Go" is bully in a kid,
provided It doesn't require a push to
make him go.
an a.lmiruble trait,
but without the safety valve of com
mon scuhc it becomes a menace.
Measure is Designed to Give
Army a War Strength of
WaHhington - The now army bill
wan reported to the senate by Senator
Chamberlain, chairman of the senate
committee on military affairs. The
measure, which Is the first of the ad
ministration's national defense bills to
be Introduced, gives the United States
'a pence strength of about 178,nnn men
for the regular army, and a war
1 strength of 260,000, which, with the
, national guard and volunteers, will
1 make a total estimated war strength
of about 700.0(111 men
Aside from Its plan virtually to dou
ble the army and national guard, the
senate bill has four striking features.
One of these authorizes federal volun
teer force In peace times, the object
sought by Secretary Garrison with his
continental army plan. Another mo
bilises all whose callings fit them for
special war duty. The third federal
Ises the national guard and the fourth
contemplates training officers from
among graduates of military schools
and colleges.
Army BUI Alio Before Houee.
Chairman Hay. of the military com
mittee, has Introduced an army bill
In the house.
The house bill proposes to Increase
the regular army to a strength of 140,
000 fighting troops, which means the
addition of 40,000 men and 7439 offi
cers. It also provides 7X1 additional
officers for detached service with the
national guard, military schools and
elsewhere. A maximum strength,
however, la fixed at Uo.'ioo men.
The bill provides for federalization
ef (he national guard under a mltltla
pay bill substantially similar to that
proposed n the senate bill. The house
plana, however, differ with the senate
bill In that the president Is authorised
lo draft national guardsmen Into the
federal service on the outbreak of war.
Oors Resolution la Killed. In Senate.
Ity a vote of Kg to 14 the senate ear
ned out ITval.lenl Wilson's wish and
killed Senator flora's resolution to
warn Americans o'f armed belligerent
In a t'irbwient scene, such as la ael
gom witnessed In the senate, voting
' proceeded, with aenatora shouting nb
I.. nons, lutilely demanding recogni
tion to explain their positions and
making hot retorts to earri other, all
of which were out of order.
At one time so many senators were
shouting foi the vice president's rec
ognition that the sergeant at arms was
called to restore quiet.
The fourteen senntors who voted
against killing tbo Gore resolution
Koran. Chamberlain. Clapp. Cum
mlns. nil, Ualllnger, Qronna, Jones,
La Kollette, Mi Cumber, Norrla, O'Qor
1 man. Sherman, Works.
Wilson Asks Republicans.
I President Wllaon appealed directly
to Representative Becinet and Repre
sentative I -enroot, republican mem
bers of the house rules committee, to
consider the armed ship issue without
partisan bias and aaalst In getting a
vote on a resolution warning Ameri
cana off armed shlpa. Kor an hour he
dlsuussed the foreign situation with
the two republican members and told
them of the necessity of demonstrat
ing that reports abroad that the ma
jority of congress was not with him,
are erroneous.
After the conference Mr. Ieuroot
said the republicans had no Intention
of bringing party considerations Into
the Issue.
Saparation From Britain Is Demanded
in "Declaration of Independence."
New York Resolutions termed "an
Irish declaration of independence,"
appealing for the recognition of Ire
land aa a nation by the powers of
the world and demanding that Ameri
cana be warned not to travel on ships
carrying contraband, were adopted by
the friends of Irish lYeedoin, a na
tional organisation formed here aa the
outgrowth of a conference called to
define the attitude which it is contrail
ed Irishmen in this country should as
sume toward Great Britain.
Victor Herbert ' waa chosen presi
dent In place of Justice John W. Ooff,
who declined to aerve because of his
advanced age. The speakers Included
James Smith, of ixjwell, Mau. , Mrs.
Ellen Kyan Jolly of Pawtucket, R. I.;
Joseph McLaughlin, of Philadelphia,
national president of the Ancient Or
der of Hibernians; Matthew Cum- i
mlugs, of Bostou; Hugh O'Neill and j
i Miss Josephine McGarry, of Chicago. '
and J. P. Mukahy, of Butte, Mont.
Colonel House is Back From Europe.
New York Colonel E. M. IlouHC,
who sailed for Europe December 28 on
a confidential niisslin for President
Wilson, arrivril her.' on the steamship
Rotterdam from lalinoutli and depart
r ed at once for Washington.
United State
Presldaxot Woodrow Wllsoa
Vlce-1'raaldent Thos. H. Marshal
Secreta'.y of State, . . Robert Landing
Secretary of Trehs., . . W. O. MsAdoo
Secretary oi War, ..L. M. Garrison
Attorney-Oanerhi, Thos. W. Oregon
j Postmaster-t rial.... A. Ilurloson
! Secretary of Nnw J. Daalela
ISec'y of Interloi ..FTanklln K.Lano
Sec'y of Agrlc ilturi., I). F. Houston
Sec'y of Conim'tre, Wm. C. It oilfield
Secretary of Latin. . . .W. It. Wllaon
Sec'yto the Irrea. J. P. Tumulty
V. H. siipic.i-" Com t
'Chief Justice. ... Kd ward O vVhU"
Associate Justices,
Joseph WeKeimn
Oliver Wendell Holmes
William II. Day
James C. rirlte nolde
Charles K. Iluglien
Willis VanOavaniei
Joseph H Lamar
Mahjon Pitnay
Vale V. H, IssntMrfHrcra.
Register Tlioe. J,o-
Receiver iM. N Ke lv
HUte Officers.
Governor James Wlthjcoro -a
Sec'y of State Ben Oloo
Treasurer 1 J. Kat
Attorney-General. . .tleo. . I'town
Supt. of Public Itkttrnctlon
J. A. tnniiiilll
Dairy and Food Cosmmlsslonei
J. D. Mies la
State Printer A. W. Lawienca
V. 6. Senators,
Hary K. Lane
O E ChamherlaU
W. C. Haw ley
N. J. Slnnot
C. N. Mc rtliur
State Hupremw Coart
Chief Justloe Frank A. Mooro
Associate Justices,
Thomas A. Mcllrltlo
Henry J lloan
Oeorgn II llurnett
Itohert Eskln
Henry L. Benson
Itwrence T. Harris
Ninth Judicial marlct
District Judge Dalton Dlgga
District Attorney W. II. Brooke
Senator IIMtli IKlslaAlvo Assembly
Joint Senator, for Graat, Malheur,
and Harney Countlea,
. . luring V. Stewart
Count) Offlcars
County Judge O. W. Mcknight
County Clark John P. Houston
Bherlff Ba J. Brown
County Commissioners,
John F. Weovor
Melville Kelley
Couiity Treasurer, J. Ralph Weaver
Assessor .Law Is E. Hill
School Supt Fay Clark
county Ssmjill B. F.Farmer
County loionor R. O. Payna
Truant Officer A. R. Mcintosh
Justice of the Peaoa (Ontario Dla-
trlct O. L. King
Circuit. Costrt
Circuit Court for Malheur county
meets In Vale, thai county seat, on
the second Monday la January; on
the fourth Monday la April; and on
the first Tuesday la September for
regular sessions. Haev Dalton Biggs,
Circuit Judge; w H. Brooke, Dist
rict Attorney; JsXia P. Houston.
Count Oxsrt.
The County Court of Malheur
County meets In regular aeaalon at
Vale on the first Wedneaday of Jan
uary, March, May, July, September
and November. County Judge, Geo.
W MoKnlght; M. D. Kelley and
John F. Weaver, Commissioners;
John P. Houstoat. Clerk
You Are Invited
As a result of I he growth
of our hualuess in e el y
litrectauu, together Mlth
our inoileni and up-to-date
equipment, we are
beUcw prepared than eei
to handle your bauklng
business, and we will be
glawd to bate you avail
yourself of ojir facilities,
which we believe to be aa
Buoileru and aa nearly
xasrfect aa la to be fouml
lu Gils county.
Our various depart
snouts are so adjusted aa
as render prompt anil ef
flcleut service, aud It la
Ilia aim of the officers of
the bank to keep lu cloao
personal touch with its
A (JcHMi 4.k la 4,toi
Cheer up! At worst this life la
just one blissful dream of things wa
never get.