The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 09, 1916, Image 1

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    (JDittnrtw r$M.
VOL. !l
ONTA1UO, MtlJIK1'R'(XlNTV, ORBQpV, THl'RHDA V. M All H l, 1016.
NO. 10.
The Weyorhauanra will thl-i month
dofllnltch locate the big limilicr mill
thev will build In the Puyctte valley
to saw their v,i i timber holdings In
it.. iitiv ti in.tii if Puvoitn
-....i.i h. umIo.Io.1 n iha ultn In ni.ltp
of the ton Unit Kinniett possesses
interior n:itiirl advantages for such
a mill lint Kiiimett 'h hops, went
a-glliiiniorlng thin week when ari-
noiineonient win mndc by the
pany's representative, Harry Shell-
worth, that all the land owned by the
mm I,..., i 1 be i, ut on the marker
A contract has been given to Hilt
Little to level the land anrt seed It to
alfalfa, after which It will be sold
In 20 tind ,40-acre tracts lly liiinn
certainly worked a smooth scheme
when he Induced prominent Short
Line officials to become stockholders
in the now hotel to ho built at Pay
ette. - Kmmett Index.
N. C. Maria and Mlaa Cowglll, of
the Agricultural college, engaged In
Industrial Club work for the boys and
girls, are here and will remain for a
couple of weeks to cover aa much of
the county aa possible.
They have been over the Dead Ox
flat and to other schools In this seo
tlon and on Saturday evening at eight
o'clock will give an Illustrated lec
ture In the High school auditorium
for the parents and children.
This work la proving verjL,succeea
ful throughout the state and this
county haa succeeded In carrying
away some of the good prises they are
The House of the Lost Court"
will lie the attraction at the Dream
land Theatre Saturday night. March
11. An interesting phase of this
powerful story is the attitude of Nln
and I'aul toward each other after they
have met Dolores at the Castle, and
I'aul has become Infatuated with Do
lores. The atory Is the qulnteasence
of power, picturesquenuss, and dra
matic artistry.
William Fsrnum will star In "The
Nigger" Monday night 1 be topic
which inruiH the motif of this atrlk
lug drama Is one which legislators
and serous thinkers have grappled
with unsuccessfully since the days of
slavery. Mr. Sheldon la the first
playwright however who has had the
courage to tackle the aubject dra
matically. William Psrnum, Amer
ica's most popular young actor give
a subl'me performance of the self
HacrltleiiiK hero, I'lilllp Morrow. Un
der the masterful directorship of
Edgar Lewis, the enthralling drama
works out to the proportions of a
mighty epic of modem American life
dealing as it doea with the gravest
social, moral ami political conditions.
A $100,000 photoplay, 1000 people,
600 scenes taken in New York,
ington, D. C . and Augusta, Ua.
The Art Exhibit at the City Hall
was a surprise to many of the people
of Ontario wlsu saw It, as the pic
tures shown were so many In num
ber and were of the best specimens
ever seen at tills place. Such worka
of .t thou of Mctchal Angelo and
the famous Venus of Mtlo were In
the collection and the students of the
graded schools were given u oppor
tunity rarely enjoyed lu that depart
ment when they were taken through
this gallery, and judging from the
crowd that waa present during the
two days, the efforts of those who got
the collection here were greatly ap
preciated The exhibit waa placed here for the
benefit of the grade students by
Supt. E. U. Bailey and several help
ers, aud it was a purely educational
purpose that brought these famous
pictures to Ontario'.
Mr. Bluckaliy hub bought one of the
pictures, which will be given to the
fifth grade room
Otto Blackaby has gone to Home
dale nii'l Ukon charge of tho for
warding business of the .1 H. Dlacktt
hy Mercantile Co.
The road to the railroad are fa
fair condition and freighting has
George Spencer haa
traded hla
'ranch property to J M. Dinwiddle for
.residence property
return to that eitt
In MiiIhc and wilt
The Antelope reservoir haa 17 feet
of water, ulirnit double the amount
atured two yearn ago and the aprlng
run off haa not started,
' Watson reported good grass
th" middle of February.
Milder weather and milder winds
are rapidly cutting the snow from
the hills.
Frank Davis of llogus Creek, re
ports plowing, seeding and other
spring work well advanced.
The Kxpreaa has a new editor,
Charles Hackney, and the paper
ahowa a big Improvement already.
Hackney Is an experienced man and
will make the Kxpreaa an Interesting
Kd Ward was In town Monday af
ter aeed grain for Drlnkwater ranch
and aaya he will begin seeding In
fow days.
I'ercy Davis last weak moved a
bunch of cattle from hla Mnddy
creek ranch near Drewaey.
Merley McMullen baa been busy for
the past week moving the househould
goods belonging to his parents, from
the ranch Into town.
John Oearhart and Jeaae C. Davis
oame down from Van, Tueaday. They
report stock In good condition and
the bare south hillsides beckoulng
them to come hither.
James Marksbury waa In the city
last week from the Warm Spring
Valley country aud reports line grass
for the sheep in that locality.
Iast Friday the Assembly room of
the High school waa the scene of one
of the best entertsl, inenti ever seen
br heard In this eliv being the first
appearauoe of the Olee elect- of mis
High school. A very gool play en
titled "A Box of Monkeys" was given
In which the participants were Del-
en Crooks, Evelyn Brown, Neva Bit-
llngsly, Fred Test aud Dou Conklln
The appreciation of this extremely
tunny comedy could be best seen by
watching the mirth of Hie crowd and
irom the enthusiasm of the applause.
The Boys' Quartette waa composed
f Alfred II,, Hun, 1, Harold Von Keden,
Stephen Cox and Earl Bull. They
pulled off something new and origin
al tn the line of comic harmony as
well as lonio difficult and beautiful
music, responding three times to the
encore of the audience.
Bena Adam waa responsible for a
solo In which she displayed a talent
which only those who had heard her
before were familiar. She also re
sponded to au encore.
The double sextette was very
much appreciated and gave an exhi
bition of the harmony produced by
the blending of boys' voices.
t The Girls' Olee Club gave some
beautiful numbers as also did the
Boys' Club and the audience all felt
that they had gotten their money's
worth by the time the program was
The electric lights are not very
good these nights, but the wiring will
soon be completed at the sub-station
and then we will have the good ser
vice again. About all the steel work
is in and the other changes are being
made rapidly as possible.
W. L. Hall has moved here from
Emmett and taken charge of the sub
station. Don Preston has charge of
all the lines In the Payette district.
which extends from Huntington to
Wilder. It has beeu rumored that lie
was to be moved, but that ia off and
he will remain here.
President Wilson Strongly Endorsed
For Policies Advocated.
The democrats held their meeting
at the Moore on Saturday evening ifnd
'some 125 of the faithful gat
around the boards to enjoy the menu
prepared for them and listen" to th
I speeches.
There was a large attendance from
j Vale with their band, 20 pieces, nnd
the Ontario folks and visitors all en
joyed the music mi. I many regrets
I were heard that more could not hear
the good music, the weather prevent
ing an open air concert.
Col. Taylor Introduoed Mayor llo
man as the toast master and (he May
or expressed a few Ideas about the.
necessity of patriotism rising above
partisanship when our nation la con
fronted as at present.
Judge lllggs spoke on Our Presi
dent, treating the subject from a
purely patriotic standpoint. Presi
dent Wilson la having a moot difficult
Kandall Sage shipped two oars of
hogs to Portland last week. He haa
been buying up several hundred of
them and Is feeding.
(Jrover Brothers shipped several
oars of hogs this week and caught a
There waa a atrong sprinkling of
the candidates In Ontario during the
past ten days and it made quite a atlr
politically Ordinarily the Ontario
people do not pay much attention to
politics, being too busy with other
mailers, but when there Is a flood of
political oratory flcstlng around they
get the spirit for a short time.
Guy Johnston came down to meet
with the brethern at the banquet. Mr.
Johnston Is making a canvass for the
nomination as assessor, and la meet
ing with encouragement.
II W. Mulkey was around with Hie
clans and meeting old friends. Mr.
Mulkey Is well known among the old
er residents of the county aud will
get aoqualuted with the otliers
fore the primaries.
Boss Soward, the candidate
(he Treasurer's office, believes
ter he
will have a walk over for the muni
nation, but there Is plenty of time
for others to come out. Mr. Soward
Is now in the sheriff's office and would
like to be advanced In the count,
Ben J. Brown, the present sheriff
was down with the Vale band aud
meeting with Ills numerous friends
and well wishers. Ben haa a walk
over so far, no others having an
nounced themselves for this office.
Standing, left to right
Seated Claud
SBBBBBB flgfl BBBBVt99. ' i 1 ' BBBBBT f BBsi En '
VbbbbbbbbbbbbH aaBgaHHaJiBSBBBhtw gsssssfssssssssl gggisBssssslBBSssssI 1 & Jai r
task, probably tho most so of any
president we have ever had and be
should have the undivided backing of
the American people In bis efforts to
keep the nation out of war and still
rotnin her standing among the na
tions of the world.
II F. Farmer eulogised the presi
dent nnd compared him with Wash
ington snd Lincoln, In the difficult
task lie has before him.
Itev. Graham of Nyssa also made
a short talk.
Other speakers were prevented
from attending and the late hour cut
olbera off.
J. It Rlackaby presented a set of
resolutions endorsing the presides!
which were adopted and a copy ord
ered sent to the president.
The meeting was declared the
most successful the democYata over
held In the county.
high market. The Portland quota
tion was II. SO.
A. McWilllams shipped two cars
of horses to the Caldwell market. It
la reported that the heavy stuff waa
off 125 at the aale this week.
I Charles M Crandall, republican
candidate for Joint representative waa
''here aa leader of the Vale bsnd, but
he found time to get around among
the republicans and have a friendly
J. M. Duncan, the Nyssa man who
. wanta to be assessor, was here Satur
day and Joined lu the meeting to
celebrate the seating of the democrat
lie president. Jim Is making a quiet
canvass among bis friends which
, takes lo s large share of the popula
tion. Illlll, ,11 lllggs was the only .audi
dale who was allowed to talk at the
'iiii,,cratlc meeting, but he refrained
ii, ,iu ssying anything of a partisan
J nature.
L. G. Willis, the candidate for as
sessor from llrogun, was mingling
. Ilh the crowd and seenu d to lie mak
ing friends. He Is among Ik newer
arrivals In the county, but appears to
be making good ii, in. hi, the candidate for
prosecuting attorney, was In Ontario
several 'days this week meeting with
his old friends and making new ones.
I Bob Is muklug a strong fight for Ihv
iioiuihutlnii und Oiinks'lie will land
the persimmon, being well known
t iroaghoel ti.,
I II Ii Williams lias been here sev
Oinoea, itolaud Koeaig, Fred Test, ltr.
Christen son, i
The regular monthly meeting of
the City Council was held Monday ev
ening In the ( lt,y Hall.
Tho officer made their report, the
treasurer showed a balance of
I3,4r8 24 on hand. The recorder re
ci ve.i during the month $ l
nnd the marshal collected 60 In
pound master reported nn im
provement In the dog situation, sev
eral having heen killed and othii
1 aent out of town.
A three year contract was cut,,,
Into between the city and the Klertric
company for the hydrants at $7.50
Th" council appropriated $25 a
month for the band with the undei
standing that the r.uiimerclnl Club
would give an eciual amount, nnd that
the band would give weekly concerts
and also one open date each month
for special work.
The Ontario Ileal Estate Company
was granted a permit to erect an auto
garage on the lot adjoining their of
fice. A petition was granted for a wood
en sidewalk along blk It.
On Monday evening at five o'clock
at the Kiilph Weaver hoase In the
south part of town, V. P. Brookover
and Gladys Young were united In
marriage. Hev. D E. Baker officiat
ing. The home had been rented by
Mr llrookover and furnished for bis
future home. Mr. llrookover Is the
efficient hsggage master of the O. R.
L. at Ontario, and haa many friends
In tills community.
eral davs this week mingling with
the voters. Deak says he is meeting
Willi much -, . ouragement.
A. A. Koberts has been on the Jol
for several duya. Al Is making a
hard canvass for nomination if, ,
relying on his experience aud ability
to Isud the pine.- for him
J W. Ml'Clllloeh, win Is going to
get the nomination for Public lorries,
Commissioner from He .-.isteru Ore
gon district, expects to get out among
the voter in the near future so they
Can site him up.
W. II. Brooke, who Is after the re
publican nomination for deles.,
the national convention, Is In Grant,
Baker and other counties getting ac
quainted. K M Carllte Is laying low for the
Ipreseut, bill will get ..ut annum them
Mi Weaver, the present nut)
.'commissioner bus a card lu I lie itii
this week uniiiiiiucing that In- will lie
a candidate for i John has
made a good commissioner gjul
is UO douill he will I led
ho Is a I. ite u.i joint senator on
the republican ticket While be Aid
,iie io that en. ci .w be.leve ho
is a resident ot rtgrpt) OOWMj
- d Holland. J W 1'iat.r, t coach. I
I. uted.
I ntistinl activity in ng for
wo.,1 at this time of ye.r. Ma made
known today, when It . . h-.irned
that Bertbold and Githoii X-uherger
had contracted for-nearly I
pounds In the Internet of
.in, I .astern Urn, . From II In 11
,-e pi M ' Iplllal-
i nit kins; an outlay of more than
$ I on.OOO.
The clips contracted foi Include
hose of (It son MOO ii So, 000
.mil 0,(ie0 pounds, M. I. Cundlff,
20,000 pounds, A. 11 . anipton, of
Huntington, , pounds and K
Johnson, 85,000 pounds. The names
or oilier sellers were not given out.
With the lambing season at an end
shearing will commence within a
short time. Huyers believe that a
large percentage(of the wool this year
will he contracted In advance.-- Mak
er City Herald.
Quite a number of strangers to be
seen on our streets the psst few days.
Huckner ft Oawalt are getting
'along fine with the work of finishing
! the Townslte Co. residence. Tblt
will be quite sn Improvement to our
town when completed.
Frank I. Jones, the well known
I ranchman from the North Pork, was
operated on for appendicitis In On
ttsrlo this week. Isst reports are to
the effect that he Is doing nicely.
P. P Ityan of the firm of Oallagher
snd Ityan, had the residence he
bought in tiu south psrt of town
moved to his lots on Main Street and
a having same remodeled before mov
ing In. George P. Bellmen Is In charge
of Hie work.
P. J. Gallagher was up from
Ontario on business this week.
He i.eem to be er hopeful of lie
political situation so far as his en,
idscy is concerned. If the voters of
the county knew Mr. Gallagher as
well as those will, nboin he has lived
and worked, his nomliistlon would
certainly be assured.
I he Ontario High school basket
ball team has accept. , I ih.- , i.illenge
or tin- Kupert High school who claims
I luiuplonslilp of soul belli Ida
ho snd will go to tie- tailor's floor
,ui,l play Ihei.i loiilght (ThUI
; winner ot
l!,, i hutnplniislilp or southeast'
Oregon gad vaster Idaho ami -
game to be played topight la ii
will si-lib Whether Ontario cull ul 'J
i lam pionshlp of souther
lCuieit will have the .. v ullage of I
i .ud Will
ut a dlsad
leafage bemuse of tie kmg train
to take
e.l that I I
tiol their own lu spite of thee dlrft-
oi ' ' championship title io (ha
which tin ) Imin now
(The trip w 111 fx i,1
..nil i eil It by
steady application to ar all
at least
(wo teams out tor practice every
evealag aad the oulj regret u that
II the i i gg i, j Kupert
on th J trip
The Hlgri sokeol taaai played the
Alumni i. day ct axing with
Hie apoi earls
all the s.ieoii.l team ol t High I -i
got a chance ,", ability
iii Hit- gagas,
itaii, r ,i itei lag II big
, but lope I., gave nisi,
Justed in
their customers better sorvi.e The
shelrlag bat been, oaaiiged so that
111 is nior. goat ible for th
iii, for the ahopp rot ertes
ii in h in. in orniorl oeupled
by iha Mctoy Bros grocer) und
1 00 I" than i
i ne eombind . , ill i, ; uov ,
Radar i, the n be
ing: John Radar D. c. J i u.
Kad. !-. J I; lortier, Lt. . ml
Gone Met o.