. COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES Hy FY CI-ARK, County School Superintendent Ionian Yallf). Manu.-il Hi tuna and domestic art have been added to the upper grade, ami high MkOOl work In tin Jordan Valley kcIiooIh Since Scntiiiilipr the pupils of In termediate riimn of the Jordan Val ley schools have kept their best handwork lurltidinK wnodeuttitiK HH Ing, fri-e liitnd ruttliiK etc t'hrlstimiK week found them wllli I 00d supply of work ready fur tin -it pnri-nts' ln uperticin Teuehor and pupIN were 1" lighted to WlOtBI M many frletoi and aWBtl Who lm I" Cted I li" M hlhlt. Nearly iviTviini' mi Hiirprl mmI that with the crudest materials (old bones, knives, hlinifl mid HnWKi the tiny aovld baa nuidi" net aplendld display Tli work of Oxv H l.oxojoy, Iruin I'nrls nnil 0 lnrrai Hv wall done Tin1 children ml eni'onr.ieed by their praises and AT proparitiK exeti a hill ir 41 I 1 . i lor the closing of school. 'I'll,. Btfl ' uitik' HI done nr rordliiK tn tin- Oregon Agricultural Oattlgt Iiilli'tin I mid. though ni11 vory effi'cth''. it MM Wtl executed and tin- mothers were pleased to know Hint llii'lr daughters, could sew atralght Ht-aniH. Ileuhili. iOfOrtOd hy I. line Milionnld. Thi' pupllH of tills school hnxo Of Rnnlzod n Ubcrty Midi lltrd Club They have given It the Hperlal name "Hohln I loud " The officers are Mae Murphy. president; DolUO ' handler. vice president; IsBM McDonald, se retary. Lincoln's birthday and St. Val entine Day WON celebrated Jointly on Friday with appropriate pieces about Lincoln and nfterwnrda a Heart Party. The ground ban become sufflclent ly dry for the children to eat their luncheon on the hllliddc and up the crook. I'angollano. Though tin' term or MhOOl la on ly alx montliH, tin' pupllH will doubt -InHH i 'niiipli'li' their work ureordinK to the courHO outlined by the State De partment. Several grades of one hundred wore made In the Inst exam ination Mr Com Corlloo' ehlldroo are ui- sent from achool on iicrniiut of tin' bad weather and wati r Mr Louis llruere, one of the di rectors, vlaltod chool IhiM week MInh Knott liiKham Im pleased Unit the weather uill attain penult her to K to her homestead on I'rlduy evening where she remain i until Sunday exeliillK The warm sunshine Is heitiK en Jojed li pllplll it it I teacher Several iiniuirieH cooooratni Uali of ntlleials to he used In connection With history and lil tOTOfMlOMl study haw heen received at the roitn ty office i arliou coplex of those are now beltiK prepared tor all toaog its who rii) u- i.'mii.ii, Blrtl laj a .i observed In an appropriate manner In the Moon ill. i hool. In discussing tlie new plan tot lotoiaetiiir i ivll gotornineul and his tory examlnatioti Supt. Chun hill says, "In going to tlie open hook method for the examination , at did Ho In older that teacher, would not make the examination the end, but tlllll the.V Mollhl elllpha l.e I he 1 III p., rl. mi IBOj U ol In -lory Bd i les wllhoui reviewing im i mportuiil mttOWi lor Ihe purp. the puplU KUeitH the qmooUOM that this department would ask. e are hltytllK therelole, to all tea.iier. wlio write to tins olhre, that n Hoy will ! I h the 1 111 ioi lain part I of tlo hi-. M mid n lOJ and n n u 1 1 .- Ilieir pu plls to do that work I homutih l and well. Illev vM nave no tlollhle ill POJOJBJ Ihe eighth K'.ole exainllia tloiis in Mil and June ' Siiit Churchill i. ton ending out ,iu of iuxHiiu. f mm v lu the lire drill Monday the build ing was emptied in tlfty seconds. Ah there are four rooms and 1 HO stud ents, this is fairly quirk work. Miss Sheldon's KtiKlish clusses have adopt ed noel plans for correct mi; their tirummar. In one class u critic is appointed who reports all the er rors made during the week, and it U liottceahlo that those standing near the critic are careful as to what they aay. Aiuither class is dlvldod Into two sect ions who check on each other. At the eud of the month the side making the most errors has to treat the other side. A public library has hen started in ml large number ot people are joining the association The 00 teipri M wa. Malted hy the teachers and l lieing harked hy the townil peo.l, PlOlU are being perfected to Man a Parent Teacher A.--socialion next week at the flag-raising i, i. A new Hug has been purchased aiid a patriotic program will be given at the achool hoM when It I rained A tlim will come in me national Week of Song and following Wa-di Ington's birthday, it will bo very ap propriate The reading circle think Hagley's School Discipline the best work they have rend yet. altho they recoil' no n I the Serial Km eruer i'v and Agricul .,,.. tural iind Iife as close seconds The NjrOM dehate team won the At 'hate chiitnpiotiship of the Southeasl Oregon district, coraposed of Maker. Harney and Malheur OOVBtlM Ud will prohahl dehate against Knler lirlse in the next series I he lower grades are planning to rie the Tom Thiinih Wedding on March Id, for the henelit of the Vie I trola fund. Nine roni. UDt tn working on selections for the Malheur County ..itioti contest. Ml . Mimilord. one of the Yale teachers, and her pupils entertained their friends and parents Tuesilay with a Washington's birthday pro gram. (iio or the feat it res wa an old failiifini.il minuet. AGAIN WINNERS IN BASKET BALL GAME The Inst game scheduled for the Ontario High School Hoys' Mnsket Hall team with out of town tenuis waa pulled off Inat Friday evening at Welser between the Welser team and the Ontario School, and resulted aa usual In a complete victory for the local boyi, the score being 29 to II, The record establliihed tbla year In banket hall will go down In the history of our High School as the Ideal expression of Ihe real athletic ability of the boys who participated In this sport The basket ball team ban had the rare It r of going through the en tiro aeasnu of playing without n Min gle defeat marked up again. I them They have met such teams us Nyna, Welaer and Payette, the latter, It In nporte, I. , I. ilming Hie championship of South Idaho Onl oio e has Hi.. losing team QMOttOMd the superior lij ,,i ontatio' players and then the hail team pl.n. d them another game. in w hii'h Hie , omplainiiir ,ii.id were glad to admit their falrgoll.ii defeat lu all II. o ID i J er be, it a complaint agulnsi ihe t.nr playing Ol our i, am Tbla In I II lory not to l- u n ! and will, a windiip game such as the one played at Wei i i Ida . . lie Ontario High lOOOl na well feel proud ol the llaaM Hall leatn Of this la-I (Valuer name much bus boon said III regard to Hie fight put up by Welaer und how it was won, hut sultlco It to ,ii III re i ill in the last half the i ,i BOJTa started to gain on their opponent and kept up their gaming till the aeon- stood II to , At this juiotute the lo . tl ''.mi began to di-pla Hie using of stored up energy -,, eliaracteri tic of Hietii lu all the rh, i- ginu pulled on this season. The last two miiiiii, ,.i il.v.ng hoili teams main . i, .1 i hell iipieiue etlort to H in The were pilled again i eut li other e,iial in weight. e,iial in .li.ngllL and only in ...kill and team work did the Ontario team get Hie lead on their opponents N.il lll'.ill , two minutes were a little rough but thl aildleln e rOallaOd thai they were enjoy nig BM of the he I exaii.i hall ever gneii at I i I i Mid at Ho' tloaaj of the linal More Hit great hall rang with tlie clls . eral hundred looters The Ontario (1 iris were again de al t he hand.-- ol t he I ll , I girls h) scon of 1,1 lo JU. 'I'll ls ajao ara a good bum THICK MAHTKD IN II Kill NCIHMU. With the close of the rnont brll liunt Masket Hall season in Hie lli lory of the school, the first faint echo of tiie coming Tiuik aaaUMM wub oh serw-d with great interest by Hiu oc cupants of the High School auditor! urn Tuesday morning when Mr. Wil liams, the track couch, made the an uoiiiuf incut of an immediate begin ning of the training in that activity. The boy s are turning out well and b) the present outlook Ontario will he i, pu i-ntcd in track an in basket ball by a team whoso ability ir, recognized by all opponents as the best, and whose reputation for playing the game lair has heroine all ideal to which other loams atriva tO aitaiu. The tirst public appearance of the High School boys and girls glee clubs will he git en at Hie High school uuditorium next Frida ,n iug. Both the clubs have been prac ticing for some lime and the coining program will be one of the best en The mf ONTARIO aVP iW( OREOpNJ I m DKI'tin'MK.NT NTOKK dence to come in and see and admire and wonder as ycu may. Also send us your mail orders with all confidence that they will be filled with good reliable Merchandise at reasonable prices. trtalninent ever given ot the Hid School. A play will also he given In the form of ,t light comedy and the pub lic who appreciate coo, I iiiumc and a good time are Invited to ailend the entertainment with the city churches IIAPTIST CHI 'III II OTKH The molt spacloutt nodal event of the seaaon took place Inst Friday owning. It waa the regular monthly uncial and business meeting of the II V P. P After the bUMlnemi meeting waa over, He D Irfiree gave his lecture, entitled, "Wine and Oth arwlae." The house waa crowded and listened attentively to the ad dress, which dealt with the mistaken of life which of course waa not alto gether wise, but otherwise He said "That the feur of Hod waa the be ginning of wisdom," and that It was wine to tnke Und Into consideration In every fate of life. This closing the work of Ilro. Io reo on this field at the present time, and also that of Miss Ay res, who will shortly be trail derreil to another part of the field, the occasion was in hon or of their work In our midst over one hundred and llfly repaired to the Sunday School room and were ser.. lo the ladles and young people III mil Ice cream. At 111 w.ni away feeling Hull a go,,,. I n.. had been enjoyed A pn ,-ni of a beautiful silk waist was pre-etileil i, 'li yrea aa a token of appro I mi lOfl of her work wltii us. The child of Hi,, eliitich is the Lad lea Aid which waa organized in Jan uary. It la alive and wide awake They now- have a MMtamhlp of eigh teen. A portion of their work Is providing and preparing garments for the poor, of which many calls lone been supplied during the win lei They ure now pi-p.irlng to hi.,- a limine! and pion Huzaar April tlth. Thev solicit pi. i. n mw lug and cotuiort lacking, which they will do al reasonable price When in need of this char. nier of work, call Hfl II lo) nobis. Topics for next Sunday, March 5th, II d "The Challenge of u Ureal Taak." 7 II t M.. "A Man in Hell " Whether Hell is ll place of fire and brimstone or not, la not tl.,- quaatlOB What will be Ihe fu lurc of man is the iuc,iion that should concern everybody. Thi lop ic will be treated intelligently, and will appeal to ua-oii An im nation i . , rt an dad la mfiudj 1) K lluker, Pustor. I'NITKO PRKHBVTKBIAM CHURCH The special meetings closed the 27th with a good interest. Hev. Dunn, in his spirited and pleading delivery, hit deep impressions aa he spoke plainly and kindly on such subjects us: "We must obey Uod rather thuu men," "New recruits for uie Lord's service" and "Korgive uess of 81ns." The results will be far reaching. Preaching services at the usual hours 11 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. Do not wait for a special invitation to attend. You have It now. W. N. BROWN, Pastor. Kev M. K. Dunn w ho has been conducting special meetings in the limed Presbyterian church left early Monday morning for a few days rest at his home in Spokane, Wash. Ke. W. N Hrown was lu Boise la-t Sunday occupying the pulpit in the 1 nited J'resbyterlau church of that p A in. in will tighten his belt und chase a rabbit all day without a thought of hunger or fatigue Hut when ills wife wants a bucket of coal he promptly sends the kid. Shoe pinch? Satisfactory You can trade here with all the ' con fidence and all the satisfaction that go with Merchandise of dependable qualities, reasonable prices and su perior service. We have trained buyers that carefully select reliable merchandise from every quarter, and we welcome you with all confi MAN AND WIFE AHfc SHOT FROM AMBUSH Grnnts Pans. Or. I.uthcr B. Akem and his wife, .Mrs Klale Akera, and their team of two horses wi re all shot and killed mar Wihlemv Hie, 11 miles from here, by a neighbor farmer, Mar hall D Hoiisman. tt.'l years old. The layer waa lodged In Jail bore and confessed to the hooting Hoiisman lay In ambush hy the road aide a the Aken couple were driving to Sunday school Without warning ha fired seven shota from a carbine He then returned home, where be was later taken Into custody. IloiiRinun had taken laudanum In an effort to commit suicide, but the drug had only made him sick. The shooting is the culmination of a neighbors' tpiarrel over boundary fences. hogR at large and Imllar mat tera, of several years' duration. The trouble wai not considered serious. BRIEF WAR NbWb l.ate reports from the British lore,--, surrounded by Turks at Kill el Amaru nn the Turks Ion, .. ,, ceased their at tn, k a on the baalegad position. The ItiiHsiana in tie Caucasus ami lu .i additional towns from the Tall I'arsint of Hie Tun. ish ron ! .in ' en tlllues. In All . ... the Austrian are evl ibt.iu I a ng things all their own way. particularly In the territory as ' Bl Diita.-o All ' St. I, n, i ut Issued lu liome admits the etai iiatioii of Duruzzo by the Italians. In Hie great battle i entering ariiind Vardun, In which a half million men are enguged. ( hainpio in lllc. lo the west, and the fortified works of liar ilotnont. to Ihi' east of Fort Doiiuiuout. huve be, ii capturi d by the Uermuus The crown primes armies engaged lu the terrific battle have had tbelr way blasted for ther.i. according lu correspondents near the scene, by what Is said to be the greatest con centration ot artillety tire known to history, In which the mon t. r guns of tha Germans and Auslrlans. brought from the Serbian and Uussian fronts, have played an Important part. The French are hurling attack after attack on the Dousiiiuout positions held D the i.erinuus. who ure declared to be maintaining themselves there with difficulty, but la tlie Wo.-.ie region, to the cust of Verdun, ihe Kreuch ad vanced posts have been withdrawn. Four Herman seaptanoa nave raiueu the aaat and southeast coasts of Kug lun, I, dropping bombs. Lowestoft and Waltuer were visited. Two men and one hoy were killed and a marine was wounded. The raiders escaped. The Uussian army which captured Krseruin Is endeavoring to cut off the retreat of the Turks. Along the Hlsck Sea coast Russian battleships ure bur rasslng the uieiiiy, ami tbe northern w log of the victorious army has cap tured the town of Wldje and Is driv ing the Turks In the direction of tin wish Kh.uieh, on tbe road to Trebl zoud. Continuing their advance In Albania tha Austro Hungarians report the cap ture, near Uazar-Sjak, a short dis tance northeast of Durasso, of an ad vanced Italian position. This la the firat Indication that tbe Italians were operating so far north in Albania, the belief bavlug prevailed that their ac tivities bad been confined to the local ity adjacent to Avlona. Tbe Germans have been operating vigorously against the British and French along tbe Yaer canal in Bel gium to tbe north of Ypres. From the British 3S0 meters of a position were captured and held, despite efforts to recapture it. After a heavy bombard ment, the Germans attempted to cross the cuual and occupy French positions and several groups did succeed lu making their wuy to a first line trench. The French, however, immediately trove them back. When YOU want JoU Printing Done, Remember The Argus is Your Booster. THE OSBORN MILLINERY Wishing to keep up the repu tation of the Grove & Riley Millinery establishment, I have a complete line of very high rlaHs millinery, ready for your inspection. The regular SPRING OPENING will he March 10 and 11, afternoon juul evening. Ev eryone is cn'-diully invited. A token for : uh lady. The Toggery The store without Sales of any kind Clothcraft and Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes Don't pay for other Men's Clothes Bargains luu Mill, il you inn it xult right now under the olil M-llliig ---teni. The dealer tvlio doei. buatatM under Ihe olil "t'lear mo i- Null-'' pliiii mill- mi extra i bulge It's lo help pa) Hie cost of ii i leuriiiiie sale later on. .so Mi: OM: H. s HAS to I'll I'll I : I'HOIIT ON IIAIU, l SI ITS. Hut right imu, is u hen you tvaal your Spring ult not next August or Sep IcioIki I mler our right selling plan you an buy it to-day for as llttli- money tu you'll pay mi) time this year, AMI Mil I.I, OaaT -1 UFA I. HAItliAIN IIF.MDF.S; nobody pays for It but us, and we do through our narrow margin of protlt. One price the year ' round Narrow margins of profits No clearance sales are the things about this store that make bigger clothes econ omy paaaaMt for you. You'll not be able to get as much for your money at any other clothing store in the whole country. Here's why these ilotbew are the best that are made; we sell ihein for less money thuu any other store any h here. It's the Right Selling Plan Make it Your Buying Plan THE TOGGERY Good Clothes for Men and Young Men itBMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaB Store Jm ONTARIO bVW tW obeconJ I H DIPAHTMKNT HTOHK Ion.- your order for CUT FLOWERS Have a fine new lot of Potted Plants in oioMMom. The same price to every man every day