The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 02, 1916, Image 1

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    (Bniwei r$m.
VOL. 20
NO. ,
Under BrothWl nnil McCoy llroth
prn have i mi i I in I i'l 1 1 1 :i t 1 1 1 ( run
aervc tin' pnlillr, holier by combining
their Hl(irkn, rearranging Hielt lnri
nail huvp .ill I hn grnvcricH In Ml
niiini mill nil nf tin- luri' rnniii for
(In- ili goodl : 1 1 I abOO 1 1 ' in r 1 111 ! t
Workmen nri' niivv Im cutting n
largo nrili in connect lln' two sales
rootiiH iiml In ii fi'w iIhvm nil tin- urn
' i w III lir lii tin- mom nil I in in
pled liy tin' McCoy brothers ;nnl Ilii'
oIIiit room will In- rearranged ami
ity tin' cutting torn !' ipone
tlin public ran hp lipttpr nerved mill
liy Ilii' combining Of tin' slocks ii
larger ami bettor MlMtlea rmi be
Tlir iipw nrrmiKPiiK'tit will enable
Mr. UiiiIit to devote IiIh ptillrp llini'
to tin" ilry v.imhIh iiml shoe depart
ments iiml relieve lihn of tlin work
Involved In looking nftiT the gro
ceries. TIiIm iiH'iinM mi even better
ervlcp tliun lie Iiiih been giving you ,
In tlin punt. because ho will linvit th
time to lnnk after the business nl
keep nil ' ml up.
Mr. Dee McCoy will have charge of 1
the groceries ami by buying for the
trmli- formerly divided IipIwppii the
two Kini-PM will be able to buy to bet
ter advantage anil turn Hip goods ,
morn frequently, keeping the stock
fresher nnil better. The larger trade j
will iil-.i. piihIiIp them to banillp linen
that It wait not pohhIIiIp to touch with I
the iIIvIiIpiI business
An arch Ih IipIiik rut to ninmrl
the two Miili'HrooniH ami un up to itatp
office anil chhIi carrier ayatem will
!' ml .ill.-. I. toKPlher with a iiiiin
Iht of other lilpaa that will
the traile.
Ailillllonnl IIiiph will be ailileil to
the ilry goods ilepartinent h occa
nlon (Ii'IiiiuhIm. This will ttlve Ontnrlo
one ..r the beat lighted anil arranged
Htori'H In Kaalern OreKon ami tinirli
better than usually rmiml In cities
tho hIiv of Ontario.
J. McAndrew and J. D HUIIiik
ley kiiii to Juntura Wednesday to
look after some aheep.
John John.Min, the wool l.u. i .i ,
around this week looking ufter wool
contract. The growera are sure of
getting good prices thla year and will
liealtate about making coin rails ,u
low prlcea. Sales have been made
at I'endleton mid other points this
week and the price was around thir
ty oenta, which indlcutea aome high
prlcea are going to prevail.
From the John Day country they
are reporting a larger percentage of
losses among the aheep than usual
In tills Hcctloll the sheep men re
port a good big lamb crop ami there
la very little lu up to date, lint the
aheep are not on the range i
The weather is backward and "
will btHMfll weeks et !
will be good as it was too dry In t
fall for It to start before the cold
weather 1 1 t la.
V. V. llickox cairn' down from the
Big Bend last week lie najaj plow
ing la the order of tie; day In his sec
tion The orchards are being trimmed
up and the laud plowed for more big
corn yields thla year. The Big Bend
people are proud of their bectlon car
rying away ao many good prizes for
their corn aud alfalfa. With dairy
cowa and hogs and alfulfa aud corn,
they have a combination that is mak
ing them good money.
Cornucopia, Feb. 25. The snow
Is melting fast at thia camp. There ia
only about nine feet left. The people
are now able to look out of aome of
their windows.
" "5u"
Ileal Mutate Ih beginning to nini"
nine mill with ll little effort tin -h
ruiilil lie ninny salon iiiiule in there
are nil kinds of buyers looklni!
around, but few tract, are IipIiik nil
el t Neil at present
i:etett w I ilmn Iiiih Iraileil n
.I in'' In town fur ten acres nf Hie
ateWrlght Ijatr adjoining town.
John Dunphy Iiiih bought five acres
adjoining 'ii I. utile pi. e I
S. It. Hull lllH pill I 'linseil niliiliml
In ! urn's adjoining li i h homo place.
Hkuylcr Hull has bought n small
trail mar town.
The Cash drain I'mnpmiy, George
II. Kellopx i'"'1 I W. Dow-land, Iibh
purchiiHPil the SK corner of blk. .1,
with warehouse No. one on It. Till
firm Iiiih been uhIiik thla wurehoiiMi
for Home time anil bought It from
the M M (i.
K M line has renteil Ms ten aero
tract opposite I.. Seawards place to
Mr llui'kner
There Ih quitP a little imiuiry for .
country and town property hut there
Ih very little of HiIh being offered.
llend. Ore., Feb. 29. Hy an over
whelming majority amendruanta to
the city charter carried, which will
permit the city to bond Itself for
I :i u.nn o. with which to purchaae ter
minal grounds, Inter to be lined for
tho Oregon, California K Kastern
railroad pfOf)MMl by Itobert I Stru
Imrn to be built from Horn! Into the
southed counties ol Central rtregon.
Gen. Hugh L. Scott, army chief of
taff, who ia acting aacretary of war
alnce Secretary Qarriaon reaigned.
Saturday evening, March i, Lola
Meredith will star in the national suc
cess, "Help Wanted." Gertie Meyers
as a stenographer enters the firm of
Scott and Sou. Though Incompetent
to handle her work, Scott, Sr . la cap-
tivated by her good looks aud paya
more money than she requests. Jack
Scott falls iu love with the pretty
stenographer, aud lias a stormy time
with his Htep father before he final
ly wins out in love'a dream.
On Monday evening. March 6,
Children of the Ghetto" will be pro
duced at the Dnamlaud. In this
wonderful production, Wilton Lack
aye ia cast in the principal part, that
of "Keb Shemuel" a character that
will live as long aa literature or the
drama exist. Mr. l.ackaye brings to
the role preeminent ability, a reputa
tion as the greatest character actor
ou the stage, and a depth of emotion
al appeal and human understanding,
that will warm the coldest heart. The
story is woven about the life of Rab
bi Samuel Jacobs, a sternly religious
old patriarch who insists that the
customs of his forefathers be observ
ed by his grown up sou aud daugh
ar iH wr H
llfllf TA 1ulAll TUT IfllllT
way iu iwuw int value
Local Organization Being Per
fected in this Valley.
I iiii.Iiik Ih n great game Con-
dltlODI rhange rapidly and the farm
it who cannot change IiIh wayH to er, and so do not unit now whin tlm
mil them 111 ii -t lull out of the game... prices are a litlle low to go into Home
very few years hack the price of other busine tliat fOO know nothing
huttpr fat went soaring, and any one aliuiit. Sinp nur laaJrj liy going In
who could milk any I Iml of cow to tin li itlng association as the lead
could makp MM) in Ui" dairy bun- 'ing dairymen in Uu county nrp doing.
Inaaa With any kind of feeding It We have secured "muu-li HWI unw to
mad little difference whether tho practically UHHure tho success of the
cow made one pound of butter fat or association. It Ih not an experiment,
two, she paid JiihI the sunm. Things
have changed now and the farmerH
who want to atay In the dairy hual
ness during the time nf low prices.
must figure clone, that la, know what
each cow in IiIh herd ia doing.
Many dairymen have already be
gun figuring rlnae. They have gone
Into Cow Teatlng Aaaoclatlona ao aa
to weed out the poor producera. No
man can tell which are bin heat enwa
without teatlng with the acalea and
the Hancock (cat. There are aome
farmora who aay they can tell without
teatlng, but It baa been proven Idle
talk an often that It need not be dls
cuaaed. The rule "Know the game you play
John Dumphey, south weal of On
tario, demonstrates that there la nion-
.... I. r.....ll...r Iwitf. BMan ll... it.,1. 111..
' .. .''.l.l.K i."h " . 1 ,,
price ol com i .. Men lie Ml kl I '
M ..iiiiate account of everything
fed Afi.r charging hlmaolf $1 . 1 1
per hiimlred. the prevailing price at
the time he waa feeding, and after
estimating a good round price for IiIh
pasture he has J .1 pei head left for
hla time In caring for them. Tin-,
waa not ao had considering the fact
that he Bold while the hog market
waa at the bottom, getting only IS 0.1
per hundred. We hope to have an
Itemized account of Ids operationa
to publish at an early date.
The arrangements for the Demo
cratlc in on tlin evening ol
till) Fourth at the Monro hotel
about complete mid they have a
feast piepmiil that will bring Joy to,
the democratic hearts
Hon Dalton lliggs will speak on ,
"Our President," I'. Monroe Sim
" 1 he Star Spangled Haulier " Mayor
10. iiiuii u 1 1 1 net ns IoiimI musler anil '
others to liililn-.. the meeting are 8.
F. Taylor, president of the club, 11
C. Itlchurdsou, T I'. Hraham, 1. J
Aker and J. It. Itlackahy.
Hood music lias been provided and
Hie menu is replete with more tliuu
enough to satisfy the inner man.
These get together meetings are
good for all, spreading the seeds of
good fellowship and getting Hie peo-
pie acquainted.
A large attendauce Is anticipated,
Malheur, Feb. 25. What la re
garded by Malheur people as a sure
sign that winter has gone for good.
was observed here a few days ago,
when a herd of deer, 15 in number,
passed by the Anderson place, headed
for Hie mountains.
The animals had evidently winter
ed around Cow Valley hutte, a point
offering protection from the rigors of
winter, aud realizing by instinct that
no further dunger awaited them, were
returning to summer quarters, farth
er from civilization.
and play the i-aine vim know," Ih bh
true of ill r.'. as any oil,-
fur we Mild I lie a in iat inns In I lies
districts where we find the better
cIbhh of cowa, and moat experienced
The following aro the men who
have algned up and are ready to
atari teatlng their cowa. They in
clude the leading dairymen on thia
aide of the Snake river.
U G. Olbaon, I'ete Tenaen. c W.
Hellopr, c. c Hunt. () lllokker. A.
McDonald. II. It Sherwood, E. M.
Dean, H. It Roaa, John A. Korhea,
Fred Koopman, Dr. J. J. Sarailn, ('.
E Amtdon.
County Agrlculturiat for Malheur
A. J. MllbT, the auctioneer was
la atti mllug a sale, w here
he Hiuureii good prlcea for every thing
-r' ' : ' !
Mr. Miller doea Hie Helling
'or Dm nldwell stock yartt IM Wg
I w,r" anxious to Iiml out what the
proapecta lire for Hip horse bualneaa
this season but Mi Miller waa aa
much In the dark aa M)ouc lie
atated that tlm big eastern buyer.- are
all In the air and do not know what
to count on. There wuh a rumor of
an order for Too truck horses fur
Chicago but this could not he
tinned While the war lasts there
w"l a demand, hut after that is
'" H worrying the dealers.
The Mas.. inniiiK on I very
pleasant ownnm'.. enli i lainmi nl to
night, Thin
Once I I .-.ii- limy hold a IMtlni
mid in v Hi the Mumiiis of Nyagfx ale.
e I'lyinouth, Taw-tle ami V
to Join with them and tliey have a ao
ilal evening, while the work is Mi&J
carried on.
For this year they have third de
cree work, haniiuci and some talks by
I'. Monroe Sinock aud oil.
All visiting Masons will be made
aOlCQBH and should go curly.
The Knights of I'ythias held an
open meeting lust night, to which all
the old Knights were Invited aud it
was Just like u homecoming.
The committee ou progrum bad sev
eral good numbers to entertain the
visitors aud Hie spirit of good fellow-
sidp which prevailed made irminls
tor the order.
The members of the local lodge
are making an active campaign tor
members aud meeting witli good uc
In Portland last month over
1400,000 In building permi. were
issued Indicating some revival of the
building boom.
Another Mop has been taken in
the organization of tlm Warm
Springs Irrigation district by tho
tiling of tin i I til the County
I !0UI I MM lB out t Im pri'pu n ln.iin
i ii i' nnd asking the court I
an election to give the int
property owners an opportunity to
If wIhIioh.
The organization and completion
of this project will mean much lor
"" ' - "' ''-'"" "" -peweig
1.1 ! S ... i ...
iuohi) wnn tnnus tnai c. rignted,
because the InniD are valmh i with
out water nnd among the Met in Ho
well when Irrigated.
Salem, Ore., Feb. 29. Aaaiatant
State KtKlneer Cupper said today
that the dam of the Vale-Oregon Ir
rigation company on Dully creek In
Eaatern Oregon, waa In a dangerous
condition, and that unless It could be
made aafe by flood time, the engin
eers office would warn the aettlera to
leave the valley below the dam. An
attache from the engineer' office re
cently examined the dam and the
company Iiiih put a crew of 13 men to
work repairing It along linea advlaed
hy the engineer' office.
v . v
Photo by Aiuwuiau t'raes Aasoclatloa,
Take a look through l.umpkiiis
Stole The beam ll ul display of
spilllK e.,,,,1 make- one 0M Of !
good old summer lll.n I beautlllll silk Cl'epe, tub
silk and ciepe ih Line aaUl The
next pretty dainty white roilw ami
(It) to $2,011. Tlm
next, ii complete dta)laj of ii.u ho
underwi -.ii p i far) kind of mil In
ilinliueai in int Then tii in In oidei v
table coiitalliing the p . little not
lop edge to the vv nle ,i . iim.4 In
tiful llounciiig
Tlie children's muslin iinilei we.u
liitiie is llilerest ilie mm nil kimli nl
muslins ure showii iu the dun rem
sizes. The little Idoomers ut l.'iC to
I'rincess slips, skirts and gowns at
11 50.
I .aces, lace cloth-, flouncing and
allovers are shown in profusion
Many Import patterns are seen. Mni-
dies and middy suits for ladies and
.children seem to be much in vogui
aud a great variety of patterns and
styles are shown. The middy dresses
run in size from K years to 20 years
at 11.75 to 12.76.
Now we come to the suit aud coat
department aud mv, such an array of
beautiful suits, coats, skirts and silk
petticoats. It seems the nun
never so pretty before, and tlm t
never ao nifty and clmip.
Certainly It is a real plea ure to
visit Daiupklns. You can most ul
ways get what you wunt there and
Hie clerks ure always pleasant ami
courteous which inukes one I -1 wel
come, whether they buy or not. Adv
In order to give evi . bw in bis
district an even chain to Mter An-
napolla Naval Acniloni if M ca
"MaJjM "ml" CongreKsinnn Kiel) Sln-
noit will designate candidates lor tho
m -, ho t created by t " new
I bill by im ana of a eon petltltC
liniiion l!i" MMBhMttofl will
be held by the 0. 8. civil Service
Comtnlaalon for ing' Ma
on M urcli It. In in 'r thut any
My may take the exnn .ailon wllh-
Olll III IK ll "pi lis.) for II.Ul'l It wl'.l
be given In the followliin Heven cltlea
mi tlm anmo dny, March 22, The
Halli . llend. Klamath Calls. IVmlle
tou. Maker, Da(lrandi) and Ontario.
'The examinations will he condm i
by the Secretary of the Civil Service
Hoard at the poatofflce In each of
thean cities, beginning at 9 A. M ,
March 22.
Tlin candidate who paaaea thla ex
.11 i i mn inn witli the hlgheat grade will
, he appointed aa principal by the eaat
ern Oregon congreaaman, and thote
standing aecond and third, will be
flrat alternate and aecond alternate
reapectlvely. The official examina
tion for admission to the Academy
lakes place on April If). Any young
mini may enter thia competitive ex
amination who Ih now and was Feb
ruary 1, 1916, an actual reaident of
the Second Oregon Congreaalonal
District, provided he la over alxteea
',,,r" of ""'' wl" not nB tnty
yeara of age hy or before April 18,
The examination will be In writ
ten form, and will embrace the fol
lowing subjects Knitllsh Grammar,
Geography. I S lllstorv, Arithmetic.
Algebra and Geometry. Spelling
mid I'ltiifttiatlou will degraded from
H ilmr manuscripts Those think
Ing of taking the examination can get
sample uuestlons and full informa
tion about the Nuvnl Academy by
writing Congressman siunoii, Room
Ci I II. hi o of Id
Ingiini. D. C
Jordafl all. I .-li L's hi ie-
ported that Mr i has Merrill, living
near Jordan Vallev, Ml 'in
artesian well mi his plan- recently
and I ne people here a i elated
I proposition which, oi course,
means a great thing i luntry,
i '.ll le, i, a I I,,. i
well mid If he slllkel it, t! . I,
dollbl bill W I'lll e.el.ll nf the oilier
is around here win try Um
..iii.e thing.
Horn to the ,( i. ,,i i;, ,, s I' uks
on Kin
.Mm her and child in
i a ami Mr I'arks is I
biau in Jordan allay ov
There la a movemenl on to hove
a road luiiii from Caldwell, tl
Jordan Vullev in Innemui '
111 iii foi an III u h
well patio. i
A meeiiiiu ol tin .
I latlon im M n iih
III at s P M al t! ii
Hy order of Hi board It
Tim merchants conn u . . aa aux-
of III.' I'm : , Club, helil
u inei ting Momi K and dis-
1 " ad ii"- b ii, 1 1,. ,
adi. pie, re ,, i ,,,,., favoring the p., i,
lliK ol III inoiiln I., i li,- I'OBimor
cial Club und mv council for the
maintenance ol I band and the em
ployuieni of a leader. The hand to
K'1" com e,i , n, ih,. ,mrk ,, Sunday
H . K Howard of ltn .i . II. ,,i i
four ree, ter.ii brood sow- lor ';
a Im. nl. lie purchased u 4 c. mouths
Md boar thut weighed ISO pounds
from an tglttm bleeder Mr Howard
knuwa that it pay to ruise thorough
bred stock.