The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 24, 1916, Image 5

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    L"l V
1 -
VfeAre Distributers of
gBtitii j ht ti d jT nrrMfi M
I' Ml.)' j
WTH genu
inc mm
xaSn ubrary furniture
jui THIS YEAR '16
wlton the enormous
demand by European
belligerents for material
and labor is sending the
price sky high, we are
PREPARED to deliver,
to you nearly every thing
in our line at the
Lumber, wool, leather,
cotton, dyes, cork, oils,
finishes, metal parts,
and labor have advanced
10 per cent to 1000 per
cent. . It is these items
that tell the principal
story in the make up of
arts craft furniture,
draperies, rugs, linoleum,
and dishes etc.
By looking way ahead
and contracting when
the choice of last years
early markets made it
possible to buy to advan
tage. Another car will
arrive this week.
Just as long as goods
bought under these con
tracts last.
If not ready now, we will glanly set aside your
selections 'till Spring cleaning time.
IWoAreAs M
' IT H
The Millinery and Art Store
has on display the most beautiful and complete
line of Spring and Summer Millinery ever shown
in Ontario. Call early and make your selections.
We are prepared to do all kinds of work for you
in the millinery line. Remember our motto,
"Quick sales and small profits."
HULL & HARRELL Ontario, Ore.
Moore Hotel Block
The Only Tailor
in Ontario
Across the Street
from Postoffice
You axe bound to be inter
ested sooner or later in what I
have to offer. You want good
Tailored Clothe. . . 1 aiu ab
aolutely the only Practical
Tailor. Therefore, the only
way to get the correct garment
la at my shop. I do not itell
Chicago factory uiade goods
aud palm them off for home
tailored, and I do not handle
factory sample, or ruu an)
"fake" game. 1 leute that for
shoe-blacks, peanut vendor, or
any other almilar concern.
I am the only practical tailor
in Ontario.
FROM $20 TO $50
Dr. W. U.
dental office
Howe lias moved his
to the WiUou I. iiil.i
II if
WANTED. On shares, lease or rent,
a hay ranch. Have tools and stock.
C. Plant, it F. D. 2, Wetser Idaho.
Hats on sale below cost
Your choice
79c to $1.39
Knife plaiting promptly done,
lOc running yard.
Hair good matched satis-
factorily. Any kind of liair
good made from combing.
Leave your order here for cut
tli Hers.
Choice Greenhouse plants in
bloNoui, Hat. only, 8Ac each.
The Osborn Millinery
Successor to Grove aV Kiley
J. R. Illncknhy, tho banker. wo3 n
Ilolse vlHltor Tuesday.
Ximpa has voted $58,000 in bonds
for new school building.
Mr. mill Mri. C. It. Ki.ilmin wero
Dolso visitors last week.
Mrs. H. I. I'oorman returned Sat
urday from - visit at Boise.
Cncle Kick :t-n ber'nrd celels-l
hi 76th blrtlidi on th ltd,
Mrs. Arthur Keaton was visiting
with Nampa friends last week.
Mrs. Harry Anderson was visiting
her mother at Eaton last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Faulkner, of
Vale, have been visiting with Ontario
Miss Elsie Gibson, of Nyssa attend
ed the Club dance here on Frldsy
Mrs. John Orlftln, of Cambridge,
was visiting with Ontario frlrnili
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cayou have
i. ''ii vlHltlng friends In Halt Lake
this week.
Mrs. Drogan was down from Vale
Hut unlay visiting with her parents
anil frllltl
V (I '7ad, of Caii)oti ('it-, hi
been nppolntiM register of the land
office nt Burns.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Orcutt were
up from WImt visiting with rela
tives over Sunday.
A son Mtin Imi a t Mi' mi! Mm.
H, II Cm l.i "in on the ltd, a voniik
(leorge Washington.
M. E. Newton retit'ned home last
week from Salt Lake where he had
been on a business trip.
Mm. William Jones and daughter,
if Juntura. Imvo been ih guests of
Mrs. F. I! Hall this week.
Tlios. Turnbull, the sheep man,
was In the city this week looking
afMr business Interests here.
Miss Margaret Dunbar returned
Friday from Vale where she had
been renewing acquaintances.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Welttenheller
have been here this week making
purchases for their hotel at Hlvnr
slde. II W. Young, the railroad engi
neer, waa here several days this week
ruHblng supplies In for the railroad
Delbert Taggart waa In Portland
last week on business and waa well
pleased with the way business is Im
proving. Hay Wilson made a trip to Port
land, returning Saturday. He aays
that he found business conditions
good there.
J. F. Orr, local manager for the
Electric Investment Company, was
here several days last wo,k meeting
with the business men.
The U. 8. Plumbing and Heating
C I ., have a contract to Install plumb
ing and a water system In the J. il.
lliuidy home on the bench.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ulackaby and
daughter, after an extended visit
at the Hlsckaby home, have returned
to their home at Jordan Valley.
Mrs. F. P. Hyan, of Juutura, Is
the guest of Mrs. Gallagher this
Week. Mrs. Hyau has a daughter
in the hospital here for treatment.
A. McWtllianiB, the horse buyer,
skipped two car load of Morses to
Caldwell last week. Mack is always
In the market when it comes to good
Obolcey Hoyer was here for u
few days this week, leaving Monday
evening for Jackson, Mont., where
he will be for the next twelve
Mrs. Jesse Baker, of Itoswcii, i
visltlng with her sister, Mr, Unit.
this week. She Is accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. H. 1). Bernard, of
Minnesota, who are cousins of the
Mr. and Mrs. L. Adam were iu
Boise several days last week. Mr.
Adam was closing up the deal Willi
the Boise-Payette Lumber Company
and Mr.: Adam was visiting witi
frlends. '
Miss Grace Sage, who Is attend
ing the 8tate University at Eugene,
was initiated Into the Delta Gamma
sorority last week. This 1s one of
the most acthe clubs connected with
the University.
Hattle F.Bowman of Vale. Ore , aud
Fred W. Frlcke of Boise were mar
ried by Justice White at his office
on Thursday afternoon at Boise.
Friday's marriage license record
at Caldwell inccluded the Issuance
of a permit to wed to Janiet, L.
Holladay of Drewsey, Ore., and i.ily
E. White of Indian Valley, Ida.
A Farmers' Movable School, under
the iidiinv inent of the University of
Idaho Extension Department, will be
held at Payette, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of this week. The
sessions will commence at 10 a. in.
aud 1:16 p. in. There are also
lngs for the women. There will also
be held the same dates a poultry and
seed snow.
A. Jaqulsh, the engineer for the
Nitrate Mines, started for the pro
perty of the company on Succjr
creek last week hut found the mud
too deep for the autos and was forced
to return.
I) f.oree will give hill lecture,
entitled, "Wise and Otherwise," at
the Hnntlxt church l''rlday evening of
this week. TIiIh will Im given under
nusplces of tho young people, and It
In free to everybody. llrn. I.nree
will Ring two koIos, one of his own
The members of the (lty Council
held ii pedal meeting on Frldsy
and pasted resolutions so
that It Is now possible for all lands
gold for civic Improvement assess
in be riili n! ill the office
of the city recorder.
Thin will nine mm!' trouble to tile
owners of proper!) who neglect these
mntterH mid have their BjTOpwt
fold. It Ih Home timeii difficult to
locate i no no in who oM bought up
l lit? m. ill le.
Tlo oimoii theme' (of n-'xt 8un
laj lib. IT, will be In the. morning.
"The Marks of a Chrlsti.i " In Ikt
evening, "An Exutup Voting
Ill the evening a new feature in
church music will he Introduced,
which will furnish tho mimic lining
church going people of Ontario a
splendid opportunity to hear some of
the best hymns and anthems as sung
by the best choirs In our country
The makers of the instrument tbst
will be used warrant the music It
i!oiiices to be equal to that of the
original choir.
We can also promise that the ser
mon Sunday evening will bo a mes
sage for the hour You are Invited to
hoar bo ib
Miss Ayres will speak at 11 o'clock.
Tho pastor will preach at the Owyhee
Kdiool house next Sunday at 11 and
at the Parish house at Nyssa, at 3 p.
The pastor will speak at the home
church at 7:30 p. m., on tho topic.
"The Dawn of a New Day." Echoes of
the Layman's Missionary Conference,
that closed at Portland the 16th will
be given. This waa one of the great
est meetings that has come to the
If you want to get a world view of
things, hear this address.
Beginning with Thursday evening
of this week there will be a Bible
Study at the Church on the general
topic, "Prophecy." This service as
well as all others are open to every
body, so come, bring your Bibles and
note books.
D. E. BAKEH, Pastor.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date fur the nomination for Sheriff
of Malheur County, subject to the
cholCf) of the Democratic electors In
tho coming primary election.
If again nominated aud elected I
will con tin ue, as heretofore, to en
force tho laws to the best of my abil
ity and give the tax payers a busiuess
administration of the affairs of the
MM J iminvN,
(present Incumbent for re-election)
TOP NO II ICK Hi:.M. . . .
An Ontario Product Hut this is n t
the only reason you should order
Top Notch In- t 'roam for your party
or use It on your table, or when oii
treat your friends. Top Notch Ice
Cream Is pure, does not contain gela
tin or starch in any quantity II In
always of smooth and even texture
aud of delightful flavor.
Order Top Notch Ice Cream from
Hill's Pharmacy. Phone No. 7. It.
of the
New Spring Hats
Stetsons at $3.50
Astors at $2.50
Eclipse Shirts
Advance Spring Styles
All new up-to-date
styles and patterns
Soft and starched cuffs
One Price Clothier Ontario
Everhart Drug Co.
We carry
To fit any size or make camera
Sell Your Horses
The Ontario Horse Buyer
A Valuable Ranch For Sale
The IN "f iWH and W l M'i. lM . 1. '-!' E. '" .
There U about l-W acres ul farm land ami M in i nliii.ii hi m.u.
VII loured, kiiutll house .mil corral, GmI reservoir. Mi Ml irri
gated out III Mallolil liter. OM llllle llolll lallloiol uol abolll HO
miles iioiii Itheishle . Price 91, MOO net. HM.OOII ca-h, MM
gage on place M siiiki,
Two good 7 room houses near
business center aud State University,
Eugene, Ore., for irrigated laud In
Oregon or Idaho. Price 18,000.
W. W. Stevens, b9E v Ave.
The Horrors of Dentistry Eliminated
Twentieth Century Methods Muhei Painless Dentistry I'osaihle
t -ale anil nunc iiicIIiimI, ha -.oil up
on l I est tigs Olloiial. I ltl.l't It lie
ervs uiil.( to a looili ami perform
all) denial ox-iaiion ul)Mlutel II Ii
oiii PAIN.
DR. CRICHF1ELD, Faulk lildg., 8 Main, Boise, Ida
Mrs. Jeanette Kvsus will do dreas
ntaklng at patrons' homes. Keduced
price until April 1st. Call o' write
corner King and Minnesota Ave. It.
The Catholic ladles win bold u
cooked food sale uext Suturdiy, Ken.
it, at McCoy's Store, aud invite your
Ft) It SALE. 10 acres, close to
Kruitland. Part in fi year old apples.
Reasonable price, and terms. Address
Mrs. W P. Strother, Dl'O-No. 1'Stb St
Boise Idaho. 8-8.
Make me an offer for lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in Block
106, on Richardson Street.
486 Brandeis Bldg. Omaha, Nebr.
This hub been a ditldeut, hesltatiuc.
self-conscious sort of winter, bu'
only the coal man accuses it of
criminal Intent.
Foil KENT 10 acres close In. Good
Improvements. 3 acres orchard, 4
acres alfalfa, good water supply.
Imiulro of James Ii tiuurlu. Ontario,
Oregou, liox 3. 6-7
Some, good Incubators at Mc
Dowell's. Oet them early uud have
only chicks. ti 11
1'huuKiug, 1'uintluK. Kahwmiu
ing, etc.,
7-tf W. A. Deputy. Phone 86 N 4.