i i 'BBIMBBBBBBBBTI HHRBBBBHIHH vRt MB BWWWwr Rexall Remedies See Our Display of Vdl ntines Nyal's Remedies ONTARIO PHARMACY ;' Eastman Kodaks I ..,. Ty-r.--. rmm -"""' ""! gg55 "" """ ' ? PERSONAL-LOCAL ir I! (i Payne called tn Valr Monday. Mrs Whltwnrth was up from ffoi ger Taotdty Mr. iithi Mr forest f( here lust week from Jiintiirn MIch Vi'Mi Stiiry. of HOM ll tht guest (if her Aniil. Mrs llolert '"' Mrs .1 .1 Toot, Of PirottO, til the MM or Ontario (rloadi oa Tooo- day. num. of Iba visiting viiii OaUrto 1 1 ii i days tlil week. Mm. it i) Pajrat ai A & it ' II lag mi ralatlroa. jodft Browa wai horo fro 10 A4aa Marrajr, who wi la Ontario ,i,i.n. tari.Mi hiuK to tho bllta Tuoodaj Boralag- nriaaar. of tho nig Boad, wat vUllor tu Vail '"lining over a abort white at Ontario smith, who i with tht Mot ander i in .4 ii at Vale, wat rttll with Oatai la frit nd i o r Bund i) Percy locy and Ml Ploi Baldor Hpent Hundiiv with rolal rt frlondi hi mtario W ai Mlaa Margaret L.nii Shun ai at the home of Mr. and Mft V It Khlnn. at North Yakima, mi 1 1 Mr. and Mrt Rohori M, Daaoaa have a very promising heir to ilielr Inline in ale He nrtivi rd 08 I Mi l'aite came In Thur ,lay from .1 1111 1 lira and l)rewsi where MM .iM vIsltliiK Willi ri 1. 11 iv, hi - ' 1.. I ., Boyar wi looklni in con . annb ; BJmn armaa is mablaa tea abort trip -ltb but lint "i idrortbi 1 .111,1 will but mat POM as Ho- WOathM Ml J,,!,,, Laadlafham 0 r tnd Frank Jordnn were n, ah M,.,,.; even. iik i at tho Vale Kalghta la MtnrtalnlM tholi Onad Chancellor. Word Iuih bean received b) Mi ('hapmaii riom her -mis ai ih. l mui ranoh to tht ,i thoy have llttll MOW tht bul plenty of ruin Rohori ' WM In tht 1 11 in I ,.' 1 hil ll I WUH BOrt Moll, l.l- alter .inn,' hu ia i H totattd la i Waller lliirfce.-s nenl to Washoe, Honda) i" look afl ol er and hister. The water in Ho- mir WM not throatonlni d not brini them bomt with bin Mrs lliiy.r -lari I I mornlnf on a buytni tour tor the Boyer itros i.ik dopartatMl atoro Bl I I ill i I "ll ihOW at A ) J SOLUBLE SULPHUR IIDMIOINU) it You Sprayed For Scale LtNt Season. i Aad Yet You Failed. Why? fti7.zf ' 'llSii(laMr I ' V, DON'T Bi-AMt THI 8PRAV. Via cu't buy , Itr.y tod., C AI IIBI C K W limit U. " !' -"'' n " yJ lor nal ,, ,!.,, J ur ,, Jill IIKI F V fur l iomullM .' ' 'LUBtt btlPHUH ho tliuan so-. mTmT''''' t Itf H'. rtMlmt y tkrrnilnt lUllOM I, lit. W ,1 a ,arj, lll llUllft M kill . it nlll Jo aa. a. Tliraa lima, o,ar la uaa aarlai ul ULrIlUK I n Icali. ia aolhisu ol ll.a ,.4r, ol auccria tha couairy ovar sun ioMb ' a Ihiiutaad. al luni i, Hiutild coavilita y laltllia.nl mi, a. ""eou0 t B that (ha .iry It riht. , l) - , , , L k IT It RIGHT. IT 0018 THE WORK. ntt ttT k HSU I .IH OUR IKK 8PKAY UUIUIIN It 1 1 1- L T S m t.-H' tomtlhiin sarlK Nlla abaut SCALE AND , aaVanaaaaaaa, tv BCAU. Writ, tor Prloaa. A.k iuir u.jl.f. A j LILLY'S tajaV . UW gaallla aad Purtliad aaahaW. ..aaOlB ,, n, rt rMk tad ilu'ii 0 ' NOD York. She Will '"' BWI ' ' The dlrOStOn Ol tin" OWJfhM '"' ' Compui bold iholr regular noothl) mottlBi "ii aaturdaj Md trnnnactd rootlot baitei Jantai DunoM Md John Ray wot dowi lr""1 N Mill Rot WBI down bM iron sides tin- wool initial with rnl illtoo ami frteada, Mr Rot bad unite timt iradlni oui Ibroafb tht dot p now, inn tbt tomptratart wai inni. Robon roawlob, of Jordaa Vallay, Uoj with bli i . Poaaiok, who i aUtndioi Hi" bilk lebool Mi I i oompai I b hin oou d, Arthur Item - ,,.!. i , trial of Ibt u Ml l wat up from Huntlnaton tad tin' Mr- II lOWB in. ill IroB rotarat i hoaM tht "' ' I i' r Walttenhlller and aoa Lolaad Walttonblllt "" ,""11 spring ia Baehnno, ,i . root It inter 1,111. Tho dO i 'Ii BOI 'arte, I mil a few ,li, there Is II BOtll decrease in the number Ol I Bfl tO bt seen in, tl i The dogs aeeni I,, knot i hi i tht oatohaf ttnrta out ami the, I'M' "HI Of sight nr and Mra, Priaataf are home irnin a WOtht '.rip In I'uri land. They found thlnst ha,n dooMrall 1 1 at Portland bj tht ilhror thaw, nil tho botni oal ol toatnitooloa and man) of tht itreeii balm (in poatablt btoaUtt of tht broken trees an. 1 rt tht W Mr ami Mr- W !'. Sanderson while atortainod royalty .i.ii.i Dllmaa, or 1 i. ,,n,i.i 1 'on pun . v, iiara wvi ral da) local man in la taklai 1 1 :.. '. Ullnwa said tb 1 1 ; -,; ol I III t tint the tbowlai tor Jiiiiu..r wu l"'""1 ""'" ,,r "'"'"1 1"' """'' '"' '"ll" " Mr. CUannn wm( '" ' " to tnkt rtooh m tho other store or the rompaa) OttO Bteththy, who is with the Bteahab) L'ommorcial Company al Jordan valley, i. lu-re Huh week i ins- wltb h. tanuty tad Mm da The road, wire irott) had MUtlU lout, roqulrini two hi- ior the 7;. i.nh' i in i.itii.- an, i iboop in thai i are wlatorina wall, the buy and trait boldtei out all right. On the ,1' .,re mil so fori, mill, UH .,,,.. , ..... , ..,.,, ... HHrn ii i - in niniii ami liuie COtd, is ex- p ootid. Harry Wllaon, Iba mlalai mail who is much latorootod bt thi altrata badB on Sun or OrOOk, WM here Monday consiiltiiiK willi other inemh. the OMipaa) When tin- len.il tangle In unwound llnie will he a bl 1 fcasy to Handle 2 Costs Less 3 Alwcya the Same YIELD FOR 1915 ,,e,ui Hon. Pnnaa aura, tht (train OTOP pTOdWOOd In that dl-tr .it in p.t i.-, totals 410, I bnahol '"ex eoltont ,Uiiiit Ooatparing this with tin- irata trot irowi bora Ii " ii i o wl a tht i rop touted 10, i i i It mta thai tht fart 1 1 ol NtlOU Increased Id real crop here :.". per cent iliiriint tl I ,.i oal) i tht trnia crop oi llll math lamer that -h bm nut il Im nf ii fur smierior nll.llltv r.i .... i., ii,.. Mi,, i. .. .i.i.t ,, nl, hi n " " -....- - - ,. iiuii prool of tin- Mr aalm I e,l the elevator tlOTt tllll 'm II Inn. dted onta nroduood hart thai wotsbod II aonad pm bnohol, barte) ii"1' . ,i :,.i poiinda to tho bnahol and h. .it luii wont na high aa 14 pound per ini ol vV.lllll le .lloled the follow llil! ,1 Kraln laid h re lii IB1 George Obondorf, ''' husheU of wheal BOf aOTt liUHhuU of from I I aires, and i i .11 i. iew. Chariot ft Norman, til) bush. 1 ,,i wheal per aire from 3:1 itcres. . )rose Simiion, Tti'n baabt wheal per aire from 7 1 I tOft and is IhihIicIh of whoat per aero from II I II c Anderson. G3.I hu-heU of .re iron u-re .. and lu 1. .Is ol whOnl per ucre from un- oiner id aorot; and tu iiuaheu of o.,i i .i .u i , in on 10 acres Raymond .v Calloway, '." i-'. hu.- els of wheat pur acre I rum I'M) acres. I i.d llulse. bushels of wlo.il per acre from 61 acrea. C. J. JackHou, b&H bualieU or wheal por ucre Horn llM .urea. It is stated tl ineuul yleldu an .un- 10 uti ani iiiul iiitynts luiiu- its aim tuners nuo' nuili ui iiu-u land by growing red clover k I I he red eh.-. t seed Industry In BfOWl by leaps and hounds until lual year III seed irod 111 I loll reached U totul ir 7. Mi, mui , anils Mr WuluiHley in I '. 1 .' bud live .11 i' . hinted lo lied lih.he olilou wed which he will ship next week. He sold this need al 7.". cents, per pound. I i, I' I'urma. or a total of IIL'uU. or un average or $240 per ucre from the lire acrea. ill Hie Wii ol ileeloplnelit ol t heae vaat bodle of minerul and many ill be given employment The wur bun cuuried u big deiniind for Miduce and the price has MM up to g -t 00 a ion. where It bt normal ly about 140. M Newton arived home Sunday from u trip to the sunny south laud I t w a . in .'san I In-K" B hen I bl tho BOOM and says tht harbor then i ol everul bnndrOd '' IU Ud dollars hy the """l1"' "'" '"" ' '"" tomtog down from the vail.- s and ,.i,d.-,.n dTOdg lug necessary. All the improvement in several of the v.lhv w.., ,ue,t away ...,d many ol tbt l"lde lost tbelrllvea. He ., ..I at I ,. and other .oinls Mr, ami Mr- J",.,h BMOtM, of tho Bnori Lint bonw from u Ohlmgn, Dotro ad Cum :i"' ,olnt,J '' ,i'" .: i ne iii.:; ., : .... year, (hat section getting the pleasant winter t' at the Snuke rivet v.ill.y usually Ota. There was no snow east of Wy oming Along the border there is much war talk unit t lie Americans are Olni into i'aiiuda and enlisting by the thousands. The recruits get tl tin a day and ull expenses and most of them figure that it is an even chance the war will he over he lore they can be sent to the front M Kohertson, or Drewsey, WM ii visitor to Ontario this week. He ronori ptenty ol waiof Ii al tion, but no damage Slock is wint- ering '.veil I lieie is little rrost in ihe ground and Uaool or tho Uaolatart will do good. They had hearty two i.' i "i snow Prowaay is quite town in many roaaMte, thoj lotted team tor mualetoal n having raised all moneys by I- an oeCUMtloa lax at.d ihey have money in the treasury alter buiUliug food roads nd Hid'- walks The hit tor mi eie, trie light plan! muNl have a hunch ol good boo law tbort i:innr rolt wat rtnttof from rue ida) A noil trot hi-in t" Mr Old Mi Hiram MoKay on tho II toCJananrj ft Hchappel Ik In linker Ihtt w,.u bwhtni aftor bit toanranoi i.uHine. Mr, N g ,) bat ani lt, ,,,., , ,, ir,,,,, ai ,, , ,,,,,., .,,) , ,, i ,.i. aMlllemi II .1 ii I 'ii rune dowa from Vote Tuoidaj no, hi to rtatl wiih frtend ' W rot "ii. i di ii x ttloj who wat Injured "'" ' "' ' l"',u Ml v'r I'lh or eamo dowa from Malheur I'M) Monday aarf will rltlt Ontario I for nmm I i. Bnronl. Uot Mot tad 0 Draat won tatted to Bol Honda) ,, Mill for tho O. I i. Borapaa) Uj Stuart., or I'alk. w:i' In tht otty WoilBOodtf Bill tail tht wat ii has not started In his section, hut i ere is plont) of arra Mr mid MrM Ra) Nrwroiner re turned Monday from an over Sunday visit with Mr and Mrs John Hill at Ontario Wuaaar Mi llalph Dunhiit repi 1 1 . thai .1 tob '" " ""K'"1 " "i!,K" his in. ' ' I'unl.ar ranch, and If thut Ihii'I n Hln "r l,Pl"'t Wat 1 I ThotMi Crathon oaaat down Tuesday from Ills Ilia Hrnd rune! Tom Is tfolliK to take a rest lit one of the sanitarium (Of I (WU da) James Wenvei ha lieeii here itever al dayi visiting wllh his hrother J f uyMVer Mr w in tin , ,, .,. v section. whOTO they Iikm ,,.,, ,, molsuire thll year. , ,. Arthur Moody WON . visitor Tut ll v ' around with Hie irhnl hand ami tell lug Hie people he Is u caadMltl PM OOUnt) i l"rk A Jailllsh wan culled In I aldwell uodaoodny on baataom on wltb tho Mtrute Cuaaanw Lmm like there llrlirht he somethim.' doUag In that lino MM i W Mallet returned Monday from Portland, where he had been snow hound lor OOTOral Mgl ll. nays lliere waw alx ret ol snow at lliuiiieillb- and plenty ol it ull M , Hie line I Mrs l( K Slagle, was up from v. ,.,y and arranged n, c, to I'orthtml for Mrs ((shorn, the mil linet. I,. . i I. . I th. iniiii; sio.k Mrs Bhaglfl "ill hO with Mi (ihoin tor I he sprillH 'I M H It tirauel started ror Portland I ITMlai 1" look for a new li (liauel will be i rOT) much, should I il.i ,de in leave Ontario un WO InTt mil , iioukIi men here of his (alihre itri k(l(,liU. M.ull,,l lor i(, S(MM(1 ,m ,,v .lKt ,.,,k , lvil ,.,, u, ,.,,.,,,, al IIMi(h 1,,lll.Ul,l,., , flmi. ll(,ml( UM(1 l(l, ,() , nii ,,,,. (ll. ,.:iu.(.,1 , ,,,,, n ,cial meetings The roads are (l, 1( iH M ,,!,.,, (jj,, us called on V (.,,.,lint, t ,. iu IlllirrlllK J(. Wl ,,i, an,i uim Knto Harris, ol Canyon ."unty. Tho Judge perlmmed i. ceieinony in bis usuul dignlied in. inner and started the couple off on their blissful Journey. Mr Adam, of the Kuipire l.mnher t'ompaiiy, is busy taking stock in the ah, and I'uyette yards this, week unit it is thought they will about math the Ontario yard next week It is quite a poh to measure out or count out u hundred thousand dol lurs worth of lumber. Mrs Pied Iiuiley returned Tues day from an lllMllll yi'-it to Port land The weather was very dlsagree Ihlt and the silver thaw very ilainag mg t" the trees and shiuliheiv Mi Ballnf will rantali tiere for a rew WOOH and then return to Portland antll tho anring waatbof omm up. l',,,.,v oVMlng It tM date lor the lm$ roar aaiM and tho young ladies are ,mi..r.i.,0,i . ..I.,., .i. - " . .......... iw Si,, IIIC bOJM u (,,,,, ,- ,,()W (i,,y ,,, M to he cntct taii.cl. and who knows, Eastman Kodak Supplies SAFETY Safety fust" wiim tlic MOttO Ittd pntetiog of tl, in lunik loon btforg IbdjM irgtdi bgenna Ibi loffin "f tin' Inrgi trnoipoflBUoti rompinin. SiiAiei to tin' pttbtio it MO( n lln'ory, lntt a dally praelici trith oi. Till MUM tniiliry wli'te -nlity Is Hie tu-t , . naidt ration ind itbII jroanoif ol mir ptrviei ONTARIO NATIONAL RANK Stiffly Ii"i it l'." "IjforjfesCrerc giaBriaaiiid jJLr' QJUQCLS The constant strain of factory work very often results in Headaches, Backaches and other Aches, and also weak ens the Nerves. DR. MILES' ANTI-PAIN PILLS will quickly relieve the Nerves, or Pain, while Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment is very helpful when the Heart is overtaxed. ir rt ,sT aox, or oottlk, FAILt ID BENEFIT YOU. YOUH MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. t a . it may start something thai will end at the nllnr. N'al urall.v. some or the young men huve lain hit out nod LfO vvonderiliK why Ihe Ituiheriord broth, i hiiinh of horses at ht "'aldwell horse sale last week and were well i with the prices they brought While there were not main bu I i i i and the locul funnel were not buy. nil' ' nil several bundled hup , sidil The March sale ttnOOtOd tO IbOaaood one l, there uiP h,. pl,.,v Of local buyers is well :h , j ON men present , thai In i Iwaathor omAIUam will bo wttl I and better prices should prevail. Since the resignation or Hyrou Turner us leader of the city hand there seems to have been no dehniie after! on any one's purl to reorganize the members that heloiined t,, o After ull the time and work that bus been used to make a real bund in On tario, il iu to be deeply regretted it that organization is now ullowed to dissoho Bimply for the luck of u had er. Mr. Turner bus truiued the boyi 'till they huve hecome a well OlgMll ed l.ody and a credit to uny coiumun Ity. The fluuuclul stuuding is good Hl"1 ' s us hardly possible thai the Ontario hand will now drop out of Oil .lence See us hrst for anylhiuK you need We Blgbl have it. McDowells S 11 8. Some Dovvell's C-tf. fc""d Incubators at Mc- QOt tl em eath and have early chicks SERVICE :ivi iil:- AoOOUDtt ffQtimV aiVCRE PAIN. "I iiwd in nutter a great lal with hiiiilmtii In my l'iil'l" and I. " k. A friend ln,l" id irt to try Dr. Mllen' Antl-I1 1'IIIm uinl I mi ..nly too glad W lu iilili, to uil'st to the ratttt lli.it 1 got from tbrmt plndU pllln. Tl.iy form a vnluabU ii...i.ii,. and tin all that It I Ih. v II ilo." i. t:vifl j. ctrrmn. Marietta. " Lost Large screw WltOT from top of onto radiator phase hue it at Ontario Ourtflf c, I leivar.l KEEP THOUSANDS OF PATIENTS OUT OF Tl . NATION'S HOSPIB W.atern DruU M.rchunt Dia National Hualth MUNRAD J. OLSEN of lies Moiiiea, iu., Buld. in "u ' ievv ii.a.iv, "If neb person iii this country' mi"' an ncciislouul laxative do hospitals would lose lbousaiio tiioiiMimis of imtlenU." Mr. Olsen further stated thut I limilliar with and hud sold ull i rlous lax. iihes, and that lu bhJ ( llexall orderlies is tint most and sure wntfdy for constlpatHtj V l! liav. tl... .v,.li..l..u a. .ulnar tllll" gltul l.,x iliv, I'llul sl. l'llE ONTARIO I'HAI h II THE REXALL 8TOR6