aga agfl-' f a Nyal's Remedies OHTAExU PHARMACY Rti Remedies I I Eastman Kodaks Eastman Kotak Supplies l1MMMW,,ia,i,M,aMMMMMMBiBMWW1MBWtW t i , i PERSONAL-LOCAL THE FAIR EXHIBIT TO INFORMATION OF A A. C. WUllMM ns in Bahgf on business Monday. A son was born te Mr ami Mr Harry V lym M t)M I Mr. ami Mr ,mt.rl r- I I this aaorateg fxoai trip w I Mr S J Bl n. BRING THE SETTLERS POLITICAL NATURE expouM hlh- I.TS tO ' t -I - . f of i fair, ijr arttfc 1 ; Mr. 1 n " -Bakaf Hi TIi i- tx to raar I -. 1 '. 11 Apt daj to Ita i - or .! Df fT not .t and BIG SNOWFALL IN M I ' Calir. anJ frie- M -- 'A of Pa yet'", araggj Jan Ja Rjra ;! horses to l.i.- I were work Mrs A M I '.-! !. Of Bl MM), has been aaaa this week looking after her business .nterv Mr. and Mr. EteMf ol Weler. wre vlatUaf "' Oat -. KM Qrtlg In 'Veiser over Sut ' of Mr U I Mrs CJt K-nyon. a. o. i ud l v. pii Pa- Idaho bon on i. now. -. ho had a . ra,n- arhUa aarhlag la the Hoi la' n MOUNTAIN SECTIONS . Ma) It to I P in Ju: I 4 Laot -I nation ' ; or a- 7 I... II 1 to lit r-rtiri- cote f aoailaal laal ol il election Poll; m S a m. to S p in r aaadtdataa IS STILL A WILD , ANIMAL COUNTRY HENRY BULLOCK DIES AT BIG BEND Hoary Huiiork dtod ol typhoid l ktarday vraataff, lai II Ha rod an attark of grtafM aororal 0, hi. DOd iBtO t) I h - ooadli dered irotn t KVOI lical aid COO Id do wn- doa ufTiTinr Mr Itullm-k I m sari m llll larrtod la i IM to Ml Polla Kan In tlana of frit ndi ' : I I rvfvod hjr hta . . I. K I la) at 1 I Mi Halted aad da) for Vata to tu. .rn aaaoajp Mr aad M n .'nt aaaghti I af i tad lay. i which but day .i ' IV K ; 1 1 I George E. der the firm name o v all b- ng a ooni treatment at and feel that they vara ry : "fitted. 8qulre Servli. a bis. f..r tha o v. k a.- n . ib aa ac- M at RjTonMo, latarday WThlla ooaiatinf in the handling of som heavy rail.-. 0M of whlel ; , tun .-I (,rr la taoh a way that Mr Sorvia" foot w caught under it and arohoa ju-' h- aad ha ' leg set Y on the road I The hospital staff has been busy . and table All w-r-U. I grl ; , Wg vara aUalaformod la our relative to a car - nroul Vale, an 1 which ran into a ditch, throwing the passengers out, with A A Wright ga driver. Tho dli TOT wa- Mr Wright's father, li Wright, and the machine and .,,-- rs only . iportoaeod a little dif ficulty in crossing a culvert Mr. A. A. Wright has ggga one of the gaat aarafal drivers in this vicinity for ears and was not with the party that mad the trip to Vale. riga- f draina.' gj fall .; t m rlaraot ohoa. I and i roll up It- Kirk- v of grog -. r ' . ' ; ; . r . unty a! ad tor t Whllg they w. r. j hi. i n roiiow. ing tahlc aho ill kind- glllod ' I allowi ! Ko Klllod 14,111 t ' ' - ! ", ; 17 Coasai i. SURVEY OF JOHN DAY RiVER BASIN IKONKIIIK VoTKK This section was m-h.-, ,v a jcl. uary tliaw tins wok. Rata and warm winds have melted t h- aaoo and the frozen ground bgj the water to run oft. MaB) of the streaimi are roportOd to at hank full and the ditclies are rso arorlowlai from the streams comiug aoara the drawb. So far no damage has been reported. It will require an ex tended warm spell to Btart the snow in the mountains. Many of the railroads are having trouble. '1 BVgMPg of the Jr., !.-..! tion have aaaa riaafbtorlag rahhu., Thop BOM tWO drives and glllgd hun dreds la aaaa ir Chartea O Howard, of Ironsides -iipp'l a ar load of hogs to Port land last we. Tag ice honest was on in earnest her., teal week, the crop being over a toot thick Mr aa Mr- F)( villlt. anU IJ(.r. tha Carlisle, have returned to Cam hridge, Idaho, after an extended visit here. There is a small attendance at Mhool awted t.. an apldaaate of ghtek- gg IM among the children. John Weaver, the coui.iv -- ioner. has moved his family tu n tario. occupying the J. 8 Jonea resi dence. Frank Weaver will look af ter the ranch. Te Uatead BB JUSt HTatOf Supply Papa 377. t made u. BpOl gJM UlVOT ha ngton, aud Join lay Rlvor . Oregou, to determine the h, Batten of undeveloped water powers on the ners. The ten protile sheets iucluded in the report show the out lines of the river banks and other phyateal features to an elevation high enough to indicate the possibility of using the streams as sources of pow- aha I)ay Kiver, Ofggjggh drains about 7.800 siuare miles northwest oi im Hlue Mountains. The head VatOT reKlon of the stream Is foi. - ed. Kxcept wheat, which is grown on the rolling uplands by "dry farm ing, no important agricultural prod nets ggg he raised without Irr.Ka lion, of which there is very little m- cause the areas admitting of irrigation are coulined to the immed iate valleys of the streams. Storaae facilities are ample for the several projects under which large areas of productive table-lands would be g veloped by atorage reservoirs and I high-line canals. ' ! ir : unanii . v ! i.. dob ite against . . rtan n.-rr.. II ell I I The senior gli gotoatod la ,r ! the Jul, lor It The regular pr.oi ' : I aoaa in order to Maoai i .i i.,rv. r gaaibi i .,t piaer.. who nbloj to tara "Ut at that in. The at xt ;..,!,,- i aaaadgJad fr next I'n.lay afierie.i.u when the . Hl play the Myaag t-am In the Osteite hail TheKirUof Mtaaa all) also meet the lo;, ;iK, r,(1 .aiI1 of girls. These games both promise te ' a teteraatteg u tha last paj ette game and a large crowd is ex ag ted. The glee club Is practicing some very good pieces which will he given at the first public production and both the girls and the boys clul.H .r,. doing line I.oren ciay ftf Payette la enrolle.l a a student of the Ontario high achool Another sign that people are hegii,i,i,IK to pggjggjg tin- kln.l i a school there is in Ontario cay is another addition lo the Junior class The new classes that have been started this semester are ommer. i to be taught by Mr Prater, an.) oniinerclal Spelling to be taught by r. nues These new enura .r to take the place of Commercial Arithmetic and Political Economy which were finished last semester THE ARGUS MAINTAINS THE BEST EQUIPP ED JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT IN THIS SECTION OF OREGON OR IDAHO. YOUR WANTS CAN BE TAKEN CARE OF HERE. Bigger-Better Soft Drinks of all Kinds -Hot or Cold Light Lunches At The former Buffet. I woe re SAFE SERVK tin- ...... , , i Ml Lilt it dal Pii '"':r -lift l l the ftrti '.i. - ii. i iti..n .hi. I avail .. ,, , , , ;, , ONTARIO NATIONAL HANK 'ty Depo ' B -.,.., ,. . $55.30 to Los Angeles And Return JAM AltV Js via ORaWOM HIIOltT I.IM i Iniou Pacltlc System) aud SALT LAKK HOI II . for AVMtl, MII-VITKH I U.SHN H Prooottloiiutrl) low rate returiiiall la. s.ii I raittisio un.l Portlmol ! hot. . Of sl.MII,,., r rM. ...s ng.-l t -an Iraiiilkio, and o mh IUe irlpk. !,,, Aiiufli to .S,ul! .in. I return , tm r kU-amer i "'"" "lelrlnu; I,. .Lit il,.. I', . t'allturnla KtuwlUu, mi.i. i. ill H iiiik- opfu during IOIO. auumeiil "mi im.ii rOilltlU troiii Ho I i. oi. Imo Kxiii.hiiluu. The SmIi in. i.,ui. Mii ..... -! I "I, ,.,,., ... tkt .11 I '""" auili. I., with oi -i. oi, fr,,,,, ,jM, ricH uyiiiiiiu r ii,. umUi.. in. i... in. i " not ii M.oi.1,,1,1 n,.M.rB OltM-l'tatii urn huh iMuiirr.. w.tKfc K.IIU.V ItKHKItVATP" inrouait i...i o. h. L. Agaaala writr, I). K. Iiurlry. l'aaa. Ag " itae t,ity. tea Ml the run ton (he uiei, alio U, iy i teag Jllhm hot J, Mi gf I tsrlo. 'fum