r ONTARIO SEMI WEEKLY ARGtfS M. B. Bain, PublishW. fiscal year 16,3 rural home In nigM dinVreni states jHiTS wen visited and maiu of them re visited. 1" each ' JJJJ '",, ,nl,,i ittM A- these homes infonnati.m was obtained as to the pivva L tor 11 ia "' Us war- lonec of disease and insanitary fonmnonu aim a -.. ,iy wm , t- , . , ...., Published Every Tuesday and Friday This was fol OM bh Onnln, lit Inn throo m lira from U11' at h Subscription $1.00 a .war. Always in advance. liil.-v mirvev of the nremiscs eoiiducted lowed by wiiispecttana to determine If remedial meas LotM 4t itsa of mjw. !,vs had been institnted. n but rrfctivclv small per ;-;;,JsKal,K,r,n ,ul" " rentage ol the rases iui the p. tsuus concerned, anci run . t ........ i.ii.ii with ou. n in. INN n tti ""1 2 ,,hol fund will WM lh. .Ilotw-nt .-.Liu In thr aUte lo ba s" - w Entered in the Post Office at Ontario, Oregon for trans- mu tujr attention drawn to the danger of a perticulai mission through the mails as leeond class mail matter. u,,i,x u.j(lllj,. rendition, fail to Inaugurate corrective meas , s iiivs. Stimulus was gleen to the work by means in pun lhn y.r un mm TO OUR READERS. lie lectures, tin formation of active sanitary organiss . , , j i. tions and the enlisting of all public spirited citizens in Air Marsh's term with the Argus having expired the "' " u" ' ' , ;M,U".' J . . ? . J ' . tl, the campaigns for reform. Public buildings were also aoer is again being conducted by the undersignea, to, ,,,,,.- i i.. 7 " , llyi v IM v ,, . .,:. m i inspected and local authorities given expert advice in anlv- rhom all monevs duo the Argus should be paui. ana to i ...... in r su,., nanitan problems as the disposal ol excreta, th. r i t ,.:n.. .1 i. ...,....i "IK nch sanitary problems as tne tis L ..,',' i ' i i ... ...i,,, ,v nrevi'iition of soil pollution, and the maintenance of pure W find there are a number ol subscribers wno are i not up to date with their subscriptions and we will ap- wnter snpphes. . . . .. ....... in ,i , .. . i . mmm The Vale Enterprise has launched a campaign for the predate it if thev will call and attend to them. I ' After this week the paper will he issued as a weekly building oi the Warn, Springs reservoir, C aim Ig that it conditions not warranting a semi-weekly at this time M. B. Bain. "We have great country. If you want t prove it. take a trip over any of the transcontinental Hues." says a writer in Leslie's, Then- are several transcontinental lines, and they cover the semitropical south, the temperate middle tone and the higher latitude along the Canadian border. Bui take the middle sone line from the Missouri river ti the Pacific coast and you will have an instructive primary lestOU in the nation's growth and you will also find nat ure's wonders along its route to startle and delight you. Thus the star ' Bmpin has taken its course from Portland t- 8t. Paul or Omaha, 1,800 miles and this i half the distance from the Pacific t- the Atlantic. Th transconti ntal lines have accomplished wonders in d veloping the w. st What the Southen Paeitie, the Northern Pacific, the Great Northern and i- lnnn V ific have accomplished for the people's welfan I'onsti tutes the brightest . history of our p rity. ...,ii ............. ..."; t i.,,,.) . ,i... .....M.f .. . i. ., ii.ii ii,. mi 1. 1 will I . . ii. i ii . i in ' " ' " mini . i i i ii i niMii'iini, ' " the population of 'ale. Tins is certainly a worthy pro ,ect for the local paper to push for. The Warm Springs project is one that is i' vital int erest to all of Malheur couuty, addinir. as it will. al'iit 50,000 seres to the irrigated area of the county, state Engineer John Lewis, and Government Engineer J. T. Whistler, have xamined the proposition thoroughly and s.i it i tin most feasable irrigation preject in the state. riiesc imii are ur most eminent engineers and their ver diit ran n't be questioned. An addition of 50,000 ocres of hundred dollar laud, with the iiccessar improvements equipment and st.e.k means a nubstantial gain in wealth, and .wry resident of the eounti should do ln part in .. tt:i i the officials working for its completion. Tin- present death rate in the I nit, ii States is n pi r iin.ni the I- t nt that has i vt r bten rero d d, acerd illy ti th( turns bureau. It in In altln to be at pi with the world. E. COPE The Only Tailor in Ontario Arrow the Street from PoHtoflice You r In.uihI l Im Inlrr- . i..i MHitirr nr Ulr In ! I lii, l offer. 'U mniiI "N1 Tall or.. I IIoUm. I '-Miluf.-h MM l'n'.lil Tnllor Tliirf.r. Ilw ') mi ! Kr ' '" lorrfNl . it iii.nl l al tit) .ln.. I ! ii". " I Map rii.r) MiM.lf kn.i unit iitlin iIipiii t ff fur Inmir. iNllnr.'.l. i,nl I ilo nut Iianillf ritni. -.hiiii'I. . oin am "fakr" uaiii.' I leu,.' I 'ml fur s'iim'-I'Ihi k, I'crtniil nii"r. nr an, ulliit lmlUr MNW I itin Itir .mlt i'i.f.1- ! (allur In Onl.irln OIK PRICB8 ARE FHOM HO TO ."di PAID POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS TO tli Cltlftni f Mftilmiir miinty: I ditHirn In lUinnuiii'n iliu' V ia ii rn.nlldntn for I In- tjptSltcB num. liuiUuii Tor MltrlfH UlnriiiM u (, '.niiiiiK prlnmry ol..ii., ,, M.ilicU yi nir Hiipport Thla offlrn iSSSSl HHSHHi "f io liirn ir your iniiny iitul p,.,, l0y Hi.lf In i,irv i"'nnoiiiv roiiMtMl tMit wh gOOd itiivi-riiin.'nl I, nliH'tail wui iniil. tn nilin limn nml imirKy to lh nffnirn of lb nfflrn. Ii.iiurtla infnrcrini'iie of nil Inw, aruniim ami a.iiijiO"liin of uanlcim HfiRniUin my pint furtn UOHKItT M DUNCAN, NOTIf 'K. 1 hr-rrliv iiiiiniiiiK'K tiii-ir A( rn ilhUtn fur iii'iiilnatloii to thn offira of Ammaanr 08 II." H"n.lillin tlrkw tibJcH't In Hi" rJi(;.' of tlir volar at Oin inin i-!", Ulf A. A ROflRltTS. n thu yoti-:iw or MAI.HKtll (YteMtY. ! lirrfliy Mtuiounc my ratiaiilkey for Um R9SlUU noiiiiimiinti for ;Mii (ifflri "f I Mat rlrt Atlnrncv of thU nmniy If nnmlhttotl kixl iI.tIm) Will iMnleavnr In fulfill lli itulla of my offli-i' In a fair. f.-irl.- and rf. flrirni milliner and to UM -nt of my jaMllty. k.-oiiiiK In mind at all tlmaa my duty to tin' tut payers I' J OAU.AGMKIt inlt.ni STI I ItK I liereliv Biin.mnre mfttlU m ran. dldatt. for tin Humiliation for County lrk . f Ma Ml i"init, Oregon, -mliJ.H-t tu the will of the lteiilhllran ton ' ' tof prlmarlea I II Hlaplen WM.I M I Ml N Oi n iminediat iniortance t- Orepi and the Western States ths administratioi 's proirram of pn psredness tht !" rris Bill which has just reci utl ; .ii tin- house. This bill attempts t". and dKs, take awa; from the i" ; ' ,( -."ii. from tht conunonwealth of Oregon and all other Western states, the rijiht t ei hare ami to hold the property and propertj rights within tin iitiin of the stat la; i the Pendli t n rribune. I mn 'iuiiiu terms it tak. s away the rijfht to tin- . if thi water power of the mountain streams ! On . i and places it in i!i.- hands f thi H tari of the Interio i me other official at Washing n whu i v s.-iw tli W -t. and gives him the so right t.. ai who snail hav ses upon nn-,- water power it. . who ihalll' devi .j. il. 1 1 and how, I . In legal terms, i ffoctive upon the passage of the bill, it virtuali up in Oregon a perpetual lauded proprie tor whose lauds shall remain forever exempted from tin taxing power of the state, and also from its .v.. rs of eminent domain, .. that the) ma, . . ,i. cl,,p iniiit u- allowed lie used on sueli terms and cbai . a as the proprietor ci lands, the Federalt in nment, mav clllKlSl to 1 ;"., stflti? Wit!.' H'hniso Komul.M ,1... l.i "H pi of tin1 Hrst edition of tin- Ilnniei Counti Tribuiu this week. I is issued from a new plant that was reecntl mi into tin interior through Ontario. The new paer i a ik! appear an.-.', is w!i atroiiised with advi rtl ai -I has all I remarks of pnmMrity. Tin I Rphiral appeal i excellent Tin Argus wishes t hi ucn taper all fS. PREPAREDNESS That word "preparedness' i- about the biggest in "i.r language. It means t" be readi t" im . t opiMsttiit A r .-. ntly used it has only been applied t.. nseetiiifi an attack from foreign powers, l.nt that !" - not begin to cover all it im snings. Y put a l"k i-ii the l""r m defeuse of possible burglars. That i- one form !' pre paredm m W put mi mitt, m and mufflers when we .-. out int-. seru weather, thai i- another form, We drain stagnant ponds t- diacurage the fever thai mai ! wait ing t.. mount .-ii the wings of the malaria ami charge npon the health "t the bousebohi We sai the nation should be prepared t.. meet any attack, but the xtatcs should like GIVES THE PEOPLE I herehy ii.ii ef na t randid.it.- fur thi ltd i . tri Illation fet ' oiihl) Hi Imol Hiii.rln t. lul.-nt of " mti in i ,, - - ... . 0(JUAnt UhAL '-'" ' !! ' ' 'Hi ll, cvntlnu i.rk lo further tha eduratii.i.ul Uf U of irttjr. Pa I lark W. M. ftdtrmann, a Lodnj D'ugy.M f Kin,,, C.t. Stand By M, Cvn.t on, water power i i . . . " woro to say aoout it. w e prepared. An idle and huugn man is a dai ,, a7!.!r1Ual ! "tleupth. West i ud the rtate should be prepared to give siiel. that fut i uv deve aloinr the lin v.it't! , . portonity b ,., ,,.-.,,,,..,,: hi. u -,-,,. , I ii.iin: . I.... iu "8..ni-..foiirb.rticultnrltatBl.avl, i ... ( .,.,..,,..l atrniiiul tl ... uiimiui li . .!... .ii A. i.i - )''-' '' ,. it.i i t ;n m ami an i i i : i I'd u Inn id liliH.m 11)1 ri r - tually bottles up th. ty,w- ti i . . . er in-.. ,, .ital fmw I, wdertnw. m a I , ... I.. ,. ,.....: Itcff,tu,ll.vtlm.ttl,.idiviau8l1 '''," ' ,''""1' "' ' ..v,-t,.,,lh .,.1,-,1,..,.,.v... wh,,l, , ".v,, ,,.,-,.,., fUUU1 W. M FIOIHMASN "I haie ihrtjn MtofSfc he anUI. 'that a SracatM! flr-t m i. t u, ii of hU u.li.ii.rra I trll my jo pit frankly Hint a afr. PHMSV IBM In ii. In. l.naii.-, MKk M Hl . untrr Hi Imliir. Vttl ,, thr hlx '' dUldi-ml. of Ml.) In.tn.. i.t .-r niadr n-omni.-ud It a thr mM 'iiully Iniath.-. U-.au... u . paj U, ' ' Hint ipfl t mm n..m. ... , ... n, la a. iillgblfll mid d.-n.liiK tu t ikt a. ' I ngauist tla spring frost tl I Kteal in and attack th. IM I' ii . , "' l....l WIUII III II III. i . I III ' I- i I- l . ' , III I .... I ... . ! . . ii i ii.ni i nr in ( v,,ilr' lu.iv 'IM i ..,,-- . H'" prudent man msiin - Ins I i t.. ,. .. , ,..,, ,i ' all thi of pre- I. I'-' I. "I As it i- ofti iier to pn v lit aiekness than t.. cure ;t- prudent i sees to it that the rices are not Haunt ed in the ,..- of the children or vulgar plays or plctu :' humane city keeps tab on its r to -' i at Buffering Is prevented and that there is not through v.ant ;in Ineentive given tu the rerj poor to eommit crime, Men, women and ehildren are like birds tii-us must pai big toll. A oidlege professor thinks that after tin war over wom i will " a dnig ou tl market, f many men will acquire the -ug habit," rei . eay;o Herald. WM n; rot UAY HAIR. T ' ' m U ,,i Ha, 'Mnpouad I I ..n.i i. im n . unt aa (I., .iaalra-' iruaa- U .., f, I, . r r i f tun. ara-luall) iul una u. a jtnl um roajii f.. :.- I lira) I o in ii:i s m 1 1 v I Sill. j. . It..!. . ..!..- ,.f th.- Itaf. ul.llran Ifjin ' Mall.rur ami Uar . .iiliillr. I ir. ...i. in m aiiirtaw I al thr lomiiiK iirlmary t-lartion. I lirrrh) alMimim.- maff a rai.dl lain for Hi- l(.-Mil.lii.iii mniiinaiiun a. Joint l(.-iri'i.-ntatl to lhi iaia- laturt. from tl,i- rtftl itatltr dla- Irlrl Oat.-. I J -. ;. haa M (randall American Adding A I Huff II '..I Ii. a. hair aufi . , i - ' I and .1 H .I' Kvp.rim.nts are being made in an eastern hat fac , --mi,.,,,,, are nae Dlrda. sm, are torj- tu determine whether or not the fur of the westen '" '",' '"" '"'" IUw ,Mn,s ot' VYt nnd when soeieti k rabbit eau b, us d the ma , derbr and other ! t ?''" t. " " "' '" S ,,,,' t,'"U d f r,',,,' felt hats. Ii thi exiierim I ,, ., BUcees it i, " , TJF?" that to cW0f end rf the t. dared that with s price on the hi , d of even rabbit the. ! '!" " " '"' ' to to Xv l" kii ,l"" W,,,M PrVit will be i geuerel slaughu.r of the its thromrhout ti '"""- Hi e enemies an oold and hunger aud Northwest. , ' " ;"i'1 K,prow l",l "ant as well u the strong hands !... . . ........ Incidental!., we ,. ghl m. ntion that eautral a,,l ,-,.,. , l" '" M ! " M" re,k,w en. Oregon , an fumi b . i ..ugh skins t.. supulv hats for , m i 1 ' '" T' "' ",,,',l ""' ,n,,t '"' ,,,v'"" sni She entire t ueh of In Iligerants now II , : BllWlIll. "J "ther enemies ari always tin watel '" attaek an weak place. Redueti n in t; rer and im ; tan conditi 0. S. L. TIME ABLE UilH.n. No "- .-ii Waafa Ltd " HUQtlBgtoa DOB ) or.-i-.m Waah i b Fast Mall V-mti m an IK On-Kou Wanli 1 7 lIoiHi. I'uny 4 KiiHii-rti K.jn. I OftfOS VStthh Kip OKI t.oN UAffW S I aUNCSJ . nal v aril li li. .' . r I m H III ti ' . p III 8 I l III N ' " ;,,'"l' rve .,,., the march and beaded thi ; ' ' ! ,"'- ' i 'f f 1 make a wonder ! ,,,,i , , , . r.., , ,,, .; ;,;,,:;;;, s ;v stz i .II- I! I;l. I ' "' ,;, ".. '"""' ''' . Ontario; Owgon, l ' Mixpd Jul), ex. i,i utid l fo- JUv. rsidn 12:2.i;, m ai .mo XN BJUnOH U' IM.III. V i u t Sunday II .... a m 1 '" Sill) 7.00 p i BstwaH 1 l' " I from Rin , ,.i.. , ' ' II Oil ... 'v.. I from H , i Listing M a c h i n e (tifhtoolunuj eapaeitj . Price $88.00 0 r. liaya i. in. SOLD ON ONE YEAR'S 'REDIT OR 3 PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH WAIL COUPON TODAY American Can Company Chicago, 111. Plaasa mnd bMikiet des-. tive -t'Anieiicjm Acl(imf: n: 1 Limi; ; Ifachii Argus,