V I 1 il ONTARIO SEMI WEEKLY AJiOVQ Y. C. Marsh. Publish!. CONFERENCE WEEK AI LA MAIM Published Every Tuesday and Friday Subscription $1.00 a year, Alwavs in atlvancc. Entered in the ftwl Ofls Ontario Oivp.n ftwtntfM- t'Ollll rill lllilll in"' " mission thmugb the mails as m 3. MALLtnS PLEA To thr Sailor: of m uch Interest to IhR farmer , ,ir ,ints are sturvini! today irinmi'Ai mkhvu'W- KM. C H P i. "f rot. ' .,"r",.l::,:',1,t,;: ..,vCri III HI ivtiisoiiiv. ..- -. mo tut mm::;: , - IUI1 IL VUW- in,, in MlMirlnMK'l . ......... . i. ., . . ,. ...i. ..i ..r u lnuit from i ui.ikrrt o( r.usifiii "'-"". in 1 1., ,.,.ri' iilli II ixiniM It nil m.iii. '." iuiiv .. conference week win uM pice ML r,. llf ,,. runners ss "' r L lirunde fr.Mn January 31 to Feb- ,,, of HHVnR many of our aon DurliiR lhf ,,,,k ",nl cl1' 'jiini. a- wrm M the mr"" WANTKH '!" J,,,,n """ ,,,, plnnt.r u.l rl.ll.iK WJ' i foe milk row W 1. IW lit'iti ij .-" . !0 L't til It ii nu acknowledged fad that during the past year Ontario l.as been the premier point in Eastern Oregon or tht Bhipmeul of liv stork to the different markets. Aside from being the Garden of Eden for raising the banner fruit crops of the Pacific Northwest, we have passed tl, first base when it comes to being a stock shipping point of no little repute. . During the past yea over t,00u hai been paid through Ontario banks to ranchers for ahipmenti o hogs, cattle, borsoi and sheep. With the present market price .. ... i :...!.. .... ;.. tl.iv 1,,1-Mlitv is a i taring nro- 01 VfuW UkV UU8 uiuuow; ;. t . ,. i:, . Horticultural ami Doaitiou. In this city one nrni alone, urover on .. 'n - ,.iulry iutm m4 DtwMiniMoM rd ST can of hogs to market during the past row immuu, ... i . ..: 1 ...... I'UOM :i"ii auainst 1 cars within tlo saint- perum .- - runrv Will he heudnuarten. for IhR Oregon Agrtottltwi OettaS. mr" oCrmmr Week ITttl fct aw the iiUNpices ,,f th. BStMRtOR Service of t h.t MllRM Prof R D Hct.el will M director ti... haatmatlon staff Will eonnlM ; lmrlt . ciitter.d himoiik of T I department nun. 0 A C I of under Iht Hat of tftM, U MOR .. -...ii .i -iivp wtruR." .tiai-overed liy UM HrS WIMOW mi nu? " . . ... .....i.i, for tho h.'lp IhtM WtOM aro nn w i With tn'ip "' W,M ""'' Ul . . i . m ft l.i in ilio Si.rlnif tl"i. ''"' "," ",n" "' . , i .-ii in in Can't von i '" '""" vltc tlu firintTH Rrtiirally. lu f I birda until tii " lH k1' Wr ,,.,.,1 ORtfl omtv ilay A iurt or two of whnt. wi""'! "". or rlioppod tllO llUKIII'X 1 KollowltiR IR Ihi proKniin wook Monday aftornoon SRSfMlM tlon ami iiopnlar dSrRRMi TMRSlf AKrononiy ilay Crops atxl Soils PTObhMM ilRRMM4 V.'ilnsiliiy Antmal llusliHiulry ( llffl i ;tt ! I'omt.Ts Thuriilay. Oair May r'rl,l., 0oo4 RORdl 4J S.iturdav Kurnior's I'nlon and kill ami out wliii !) I",x' '"'""" plrntlful Auk IIN l'vs an.l RlrN t,. nmks a Kran.l rusir' 10 -v.' t bird ( Mallrlt This only goes to show the material advancement iiiwe mgmm live stork shipments this locality is iinarrgum car to year. will In Riven. Tho l.lli will nlw Imvt- n full k of laRtfttCtlOMl ami eOBfRfRBOJ r'tm IALI A fi' ton of uoo.l M N J liitrmnn lay at IT p.-r ton RtlR, lilaho E. COPE The Only Tailor in Ontario AcrosH the Strt-et fmm PoMtoflirc :otf OFFICIAL DIRECTORY I'ltllnl HUtH DMaaMAKUva Mrs jRRtlttt BVMM will ili' 'r'' khi m imim's of natron.' Wrii'1 l : . I- nr rii 1 1 Km. Mini'"' ot.i Vxt'iui." It goes without saying that the festive long-eared ja-k ;-.;" rabbit is bi mlng the supreme nuisance in eastern and oentral Oregon. Even in tins locality these mdenis are doing as much destructive work during the whiter nstntlui n . . i ..:..... r.. ... ........ I, ..i ami tn thr SB Ui tne summer, ompmuiw ' niSlwi Wminv WUroi effect that the rabbits bunxtw mider alfalfa itacks, 1111- vm pjrrhrh tmr r Mrni.i dennining then, to ..,!, m extent thai In .., ,- ; Si the stacks sink Into the excavationa made. 'snin o. ' tJrrim.n Different methoda are adopted In the attempt to ex- sttoi - tsr w. owi I'tml innst.T-l Qilt.l. . . .A. iiunnuii terminate the p.-stv Grain, after bemn pnitarea se- 8w.rpUrr of S4lVN j iDiei eording to thi vemment formulas, ia sprrad on boards 8M.y oftatRrtM rrMkas k i.n. during the . f mow, Mid mm.undil bi MM, l,a, . ;; - S ?SZ It is asserted that 'Mi rabbit were destntyd on a ram-li mm9ttlJ ,f M11 i sturm not far from Ontario where 15 wtisitness baits were placed Wtu. um it.-. i.f tjumJu , . , . lilt I. S. .,,irn i .Mill aear alfalfa hay. If tins method was adopted m all (hkrf imm K.i...r.i .. ru ranchers the extermination of the rabbits would be a . . i. qn'sti t onlj ;. short pemtd. ..r WmMl , a dr M I u Hi- Vnultooiii Jii.il. H l..i:..ir M.i mI t I Ua 'ti" tR . . Tl. J . . . il S K l Mt- Ofll' r Jaiih W i1 B i-rn ... Ila.1. VV I lr , . ... .. lilt- " . '" f"" ' and it will continue to be no until thi year ls17. Itimwri .1 K Atiiirin-v ORMRRU '" Nl 'own Supt 't I u t.i'i- Iii-irmtion All tin n is sbout !. If rou don't rvgitcr eon cant J x ' "uM"n' . . Dairy and Pood 'onimiHiooiifi . . fote. Old registrations do not . KcKiKtratioux i.t j ,, MllKe votera close 30 days next preceding 11113 general or pri- stt.-, w iit .1.....;... 1". .!... 1..., , ..,- . .1.1.... I' S Stntor. 1 1 lil I I H . I l ! I, ' 'I 1 ' ' l.l .- 1 i' 1 j 'l ' ' ' ' 1 1 1 1 il : i' -j ' l.l 1 . . . timi held through nt the wtuuty. u mrv Im.hiiiI M l',r- ,stwl .M.wrr ..r lutrr In rSSl lmit to offer. ITM SMR K""4' Tullonnl CtRtSflR " RRRRtj tlie only PMRraSil Tullor Tfirrrforr. Oir ", M RR RH RRi RRfWRl IC'"'"''" I. ai my lnl I ,t" ""' ' (liliaR.1 factor) ina B"" nl palm SRMI or '' " tall.rtl, anil I no! Iiamllr la. lor) iiiil. "' "w 'faa!" Ramr I lmr thai fr RJRablRRfcl RMMS -ii.1..i-.. r n ..tlirr Imllar n.nirfii. I am MM i'l pra.llial lall"r In 1 m 1. Hi" OUB PMCM AKE FKOM $20 TO $' Ua anyoue In the Pacific Northwest as yet eaught a elinitse of tl ti crested wave !' prosjierity, purintrted to have tart I In the -;i-t ami rolling a'eHtwanlf Ph pei :.i. i;. den's not dupivnie when a win tax Is added t- our daily exMnseH, and ;it s tinu wImm nearlji all the 1 011s "i the srorld an ;t' war with the 1 xeeptioii of the L'uited Statt r. That tide of prosieriti 1- u joki . GIVES THE PEOPLE h SQUARE DEAL f Kimm dlf. Stand. Rf Hit Convtti.ni Iii i!l" it wi - i. ktails and high balls. w it is raspberry hih halls, loKauherr ti. aud grajte juiee mint julep. IN THi CiaCCTT COUWT Of TMi STATS OF OltKOON. YOU THK COVNTt 09 MALMava ifswaotis. Harrli-t K Smith. IMalntlff IN AlU-n OlUMfi AiirI- tiilkc). N J Mlntoti. Kffli. !. Mltilon. O W FU'tilirr and Jam" DM I'l.tiloT. If.'nilnnts To mi- 11 csaMf, tagsi oassfi N J Mlni.ni. Ilfllr I. Mlnt.m. W Mrl.lirr ami Janr Ihif M. Iirr. UM ulmir MMtS .Irfrnilunt- IN THI NAMK Of THI STAT1 Or ORBOOK, You ami i-aih of fM uri hi'rliy n-'iulr.'.! Ifl appear and aiisw.T IM oimplaliii rilil aRalnt you R tlti al-'r MttlM MS "ii or iM'for- tlo- :it day of January. 191".. ,(, ..,k tli Ust day of UM W. M. Fidrm.nii, a LaaRma DrwRt'H tun.' pr.-irili.'d liy ordw of thr rourt dlri'i'tiuK -ru- of kiiinmona In aald -in! tn I..- riiadu upon you Sj RRbUCR t ion . and if you tall so to anT. for want UWJMA UM plaintiff will .ipplv I.. !!.. mM "'" ''"" "" rv-t di'inaml.-d la -uid lotnpUiiit. to wit for judfini'iit uain-t tlir .1. f.udanti.. an I RMS tli.T'of for tin- sum of n mi will! (.-ii p.r nt utinu.il mt.-r- ' ii from Mm l?tli. ISIS and for I II Rtlonil I and for plaint. R I -d dlRbMMMMtR ii MM "Hit. also for a di'rrf of tlif eORII for-l iik t'..t MflftlR no rlRMK URd l, Ml- ti Ollk .uid AM OtlkRI '" H I and II ..:: - I I BSlltl 0 IU) ITlbi fur IM um of i upon ..riain lands in M ' "tiiit) KirtKttR.' and ii. MM coiiiiO hi.' vMrli aald tnortRaK' I- "f fMDfd n I'ook J. MS el tl- RMMSR "f BmI MortKaR ir i OMl) KTMJOMi and for all RtMf rliff StlMirt "' ""''I romplaint nn ir- rioinr ii.ii i i.-. that thla summon ,n -rvfd upon fOR l puh PAID POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS to iii. t'ltlri'tu of Muliintir ciiuntjr: I dnitlro to nnnotirtrr. thi W M iwiidldutii for tha Unpuhllian i...,. unit Ion for IMalrlrt Attornny at Ilia roinlnR primary ..i-iiii ami solicit your auptMirt I lila oifirn sp.nda thouaatida of dot. lura of your monay and I pldR n,r. si If to KM'ry nronomy mnalatMl with Kiiod UoViTIIIIHMlt If RMUSI I will ilovoto my iitlr limn and narny to ti . affalra of th offlrn. Impartltl I'tiforri'iiu'iit of all lawa, fconouif iiikI ailppri'snloii of uanlwaa llllRagon, my platform ItollKHT M IH'NCAN. MrrMK. I MJfSSf itnnoiiurii myaalf aa ran dldati for nomlltatluii to thn offlrw of MMMOf OR llW Hpuhllran tlrkat, Mihjoii to Ihr rholra of thn votatR at thn prlmarlaa jStf N A HOMKltTK n THK irTi::w OK Minimi miimi. I Ii.t.'I.v nnnouii.a my ranuutary i for thf it.'puiiliraii nomlnatiim fat tha ofllri. of IMalrlrt Attnritwy of this county If munlnatad and r...iR will MSRSSat to fulfill MM dutloa ( 'my ofti.-.- In a fair. farlaa ami af Rclrni manna and to UM hwt of ajt ability. k"plnR In mind at all tinaa niv duty to th tat payt-ra P j BAUiAOIOrI I oil Ol NT) tl.lllK I i in aniiouiiri. myai'lf a raa dldati. for ihr nomlnaOon for t'ouaty ilirh of Malhrur lounty. "ratoa. rul.Jnft to thr will of III ItrpuhllCM .l.utora at the romlnR prlmartaai V II Htaalra oi t BMI SI I lirrrhy aiimiunro myaalf aa lamlldat.- for Ihr DMMRfRlM aoa tnaiion f..r Oounty aK""! ISSASB IMjSMjI "f Malh.Mir Onanty In lb oininR rniuary J ! Hon If aoRi inatril I alii, to thf MM of my ahll u rontlniif to work to f'irti-r I ha nturatlonal llil.-rrala of Ihr ciuaty. Fay i larR - - - . 7 -iii W M rCOERMANN "I MM RlR I r aald. thai a dnMM !' SnS ' Hit :, Of loa : . i - I I. . plr frimklv " MRRtVR lixaih'. 'f Ii us Kiln 0 Hi -a. ki'l'l In Ihr h unr. Hill pay Ihr hlR irrat dlildrnda of any Im ror luildr I nx "in Ho-1 i.l l aa Ihr lot family latatlw. MMRM It l ("it up ' In laty .andy iiill.-l fonR IMI nppral. to turn RfoRRM mid ' blMn a Ilk and Suinr iveord 0 hi. Kh ..i b(eii dried in and -i owed under, all in less than ; inmith. wi SoDdldooa pa5oD $mm -vcvn7r-i OfSmrNRfV vLruLrGJjijj Every Housewife or Mother is ever under that Nervous Strain. which so often results in Headaches, Dizzy Sensations, Faintness Depression and other If Nervous Disorders. Dr. Miles' NERVIN R Sl U Highly Recommended to tu jn Such Caoec. IF FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO link; it. ; out-. ' WILL mi RtFUNCED. laSi ' 1 V t Sv 1 li amS. aWf I immmW-'mmVl i MBMr VI TS BADLY RUN DOWN. "I had . run dwn aad n v.. re iii tarnbla 'ii i had fre'i.-i,i , ui ii' Iwh t i ma vi-ry waali and v m . do ani i at !'" i . oi in : 1 ' qui. ; I ,i.. ' i i- .... Mil' 1 nda who .i v. uri'i.. i ...!'. x. y. ilury K Imi9 i. liamberluln loiiRri'ssni.-n. U ' llnwiy N J K Mi m ur siuU supispme Court Kr.mk A. Mooro l . MM A Mi S it ll.-nry J lii-.u. . i . II Mwriittt Hohrrt BaklB lliiiry I. )i ;. ior LRWTMI I T llarrii Sinlli .Imlhial OUirlil DlHtrirt JuilK' Iialtoi! 1. i A'torin-y W II lr. St-n.iloi iiMlli I i ul-lalm ..iil.lv Joint Sfinitur, ior (.rant, MkluBur, . nd II.. in . i ounti'- . . . I.onim V Stirwurt i ORRttJ OSS RM ,.ty IdM 0 ' MiKnlRht i ., nt i l.-rk. . . . John r HOR '"ii Sin riff JK-ij J Hrown i ii IBtj COBlBl "' ' Jihn F WMVRf M. : lie Ki-llf) . la . I . . M T 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 mill lilaaalliir III I ,ka IImUM iiml.r ami h irtu- of an f u ,ir1,,lfll ord.-r uf i! lion Itultoti ItiRK'-.JudRf of thl COUrt, whirl, id BfStl ItiadH Mini MtBMi ' "aid rU" I Ihr Hh ilay of llrcruihrr. IRIfi, Blld itirrrt.il MI Ihls RMRIIOM h.' puh lihhrd ! .-.k for si coRjbr. MtlVR WRRRR III till' Ontario S.llll wi-rkl Vri COI QODClDR with thr .' !. . .-inlirr lot:.. ISIS Th Aral puhlKMtioii of thi. MMMM at on In-, iih.-r lmii, 1 1 1 'i.d IM IubI pill. luation I- on Junuarv ItUt. lill M.i I I. MM WOOD, ..ilff KKH'l TOR CRAY HAIB. fkj iialf iiiii i .11 : m Ha- Kuiu n all I Hi BRaMMM ii.l ' ..f ai. ftp t., tha hair ili. a i.k hi. . naa ti. ilaaiil MaV fta Im i .i iMa m "' u mi nil 0 nil rnai Kull ilir-4'tniua f . ami iiaa c.ino in a I f It . 1 It will RraatUUlll il.okri. ' f ..la.t mo bail mi. i i. nuvaa iff li ia Iriil f.ir f il lug I i . k. l.aral hair - ' Bloaai a III net ralaf Uir a. ali la not ... . . n,,i Mill off i . i iik i net i i . i i it i or the I R OK OR I OON roil I HI . hi vi i M I.IIK.l l: M MMliVs , M l-'ulhi r oh. I I . ..tiff Howard It Kulk.r or ll.li'hiliilit to Howard il Pulkarwoa, Ihafmilaul l THE NAMK OF THE BTA1 l OF QREOON, Voa in lioraby roqul' M li' upiinitr aid an w.-r Hn run plaint tllrd MKUIUHl ou III thr Rbova '..his TlMMfRC. J Kalpli Weaver wiiuh-d suit on or h.-for- In.- Mil, i..-wiH k um ,,a .vf ''""'V' laitj '"" '' iiik i"' la-o ii. n oi i in. 1 1 no- pri-. rrit. SRl.uol -Supt ray Dark ,.,, ,,y r(ll.r f llllH ,.,., jjretlag I o nty Survuyor H F Farmer RfTMR of MRROaORR In said .nil to I'o'.niv I'oroiior It U I'avne '' math upon you hy puh.K at ion , Ju tiet of im Pmm (OaUriR Mr. V"' lf ,x'"f '"'! M '-a" .r r' "' '"" tllOrOOf, tin- plaintlft will apply to tin- 1 ES l' l' K1"K aJd MUM for the nliel doRitDdod irruit 4 ourt In said romplaint, to wit; for a de ircuit Court for Malheur munty 'r,', "r ' ' "urt disaolviiiK IM Mil in Vain, the county hoat, on hoiuls oi man nnoii no tJlRllRR IM MR. M.m.i.o i January; on SrtWR yon ruS ptolnllf . tllfl frRUl iha ,,.,.. y ,...,, .... 'nK "" l''-"in an ahnolute ,i,,,,. "' " r"i """ "" iroin you i nrai i uesuay in ri.-pt.-mher for 0 S L. TIME TABLE Uralwald No , IT tir.-Knn WmI l.l'l 4 .' . . IIURtlRfftOII I I ti , i IU OrUROR H MR ly a, I Fa i Mall ,, Kiaal R an II Or. on Was, i ,i , ,h . '. I'.ol .e I'ony , , 4 Kasi.-rii K.pre , , , ,M OragM w.isi Sir , p , No Vou are further notilod that thU HIIIIIIiihii i ,. rvcil iiui yoit by puh i ir uit JuiIku; W II Hrooke, Olat- Hcatlon uodRI RRd R) virtue oi RR order oi u,.. Hon iialton UIuks, regular MMlORa lion Daltou BiK rii Attorney ; Ji-hu I' Houatou. i lrk. ''' ''" "' ""rt 'urt, which said order , , ., made and entered in aald cauaa "'" """ ion IM '.oih day oi November, ISIS, TbR i "ini court of Miiliiiur ..mi d traded n.ai Huh BummooH M ounty aUMtR in rasulur aaaalOR at publiabad oooe each week for all Vat- on Hie hrst Weilnenday of Jan '" ks '" "''' ("'" " irgU . ,, ., inieneltiR with tin ol Decern and November. County JudsRi Om Pbi Hi I publlMlloa ol tbia Buuiuiona W McKniRbt; M. Jj. Kelley and ; ! "" DaoRRaMr Srd, ISIS, and il. Jolm F. Weaver, FomuiiaaiouRra: ' lttMl U " Jluiiry Hlh, ISIS ,,, p. .,, eaai BaSSSffl USS? lltl l.ON II N .ts,M V.mIrsrS I .rave i ..a iviuru ii.tn ea p Siind.!, ro- (1W ,,,,,. ,n JOp , VAI . .1 aSBOUAS KKAM II W-twunl ft a. !' i4l .ill. i a llroRan Ha'.y except luuday 10:00 a in I f sa 4e dally 7:00 p m Fust want 14" Mijuii iron, KiwimIiIo Uli) mors) RuRday 12 Olp n. OS l-uss Iroin Vuln, ,ai K 40 a m 1 42 Mixed from BrogRR 4 v'ali- dally i i . p s""day yA ,, pj 'I'he llomedale train MaTuR Nyaaa ' P " "ii Tuaaday, Thurnduy ami Saturday, imIuu,k huiuu day fr IvI-.r c.t OjUrln it r, ;m p , Have your old RUSRRRSt. ready Ih.y will be called for Jan lh 10 or 20 American A d (1 i n AMI L isti ng Machine (eiht column cujuity) Price $88.00 P.O. B. Ma w.mmI, 111. 80LD ON ONE YEAR'S CREDIT OR 3 PER CK1 DISCOUNT FOR CASH MAIL COUPON TOUAl . a a. American Can CompaB ChicuKo. !" Tleabt- wnd b4Kklet ctnF '. ve of American Adding t i .rami: Machine. HaVafta A.IJia- Clipped from The Ai Ontario, Oregon. NOTICF. Notice is hereby Riven, that, a! January XOlb , I !i 1 1, all do ' UllIK at laiKe In the City ol l)uV lllll I hi IlillZaleil a; afl ' ''"' all im tn. i.., i ,i,.i.,i r.iiniil at ' ".' in Hald city will In i tin UP ""' llll)C, lly order of II 'Hy ( Cluy M. SUMfl (Hy Itecor