The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 18, 1916, Image 2

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I ' ' ii ii "f MullHllir CO'ltily
I ik i. . ntitinliiii .. t hif t will ti
tor ihu kiiiiiii'mii nun
..ii for IHHtilrt AttoftOjf it t ,
iiik pihiHii- '-I Ion nntl ,,w,-
lit ll
'I h i III Ifunimimlrt of f
II ' Oil itinl I iilf.1, , , .,,
iii'iiy roiiNlMtfiit m(
'i' If i 'iii. , wj
Mltlffl I III." ' ,
.iM.ul Ml " l , ,,11,,
11 I I I . ' "III. Ml
' ' lllllll
m pi i
Itnltl II I M IM i n
100 Girls Coats at Great Reductions
Mothers! Do Not Let this Wonderful Opportttlllt) Pi
12.") Ladies Coats at Big Reductions
150 Ladies Suits at Big Reductions
Mens and Child rens Underwear
( learancfl
i "''
m Jdmidrv Sv
Clearance 4&tHB
M Pri es M
At mg Reductions mm
Mens and Boys Overcoats and Suits at Big Reductions to (lose Out Before Stock Taken
Boycr Bros. Department Store, Ontario, Oregon
I In . l) Hill If an ran
II. I . I lOR to 1
i III -n I I(".. .1 , , ,
,, ... nl
Hi tin- ,i
W. C Marsh. Publisher.
8 ibseription fl.00 a year. Always hi advance,
papers u1)Uk1h 'I here, tln Jittiturit Times saj
'Tin in vvspapera in Ontario and rieinitj are rarrj
in.. I 1 ' I V I i i i . I I I . 1 I l . I 1 1 i M ll I V s 'I'll.' ( ) I i I . I I 1 1 I III. I
1 1 . .!.,... ,........... . . . .
ehnuts make a praetiee --i rleauiim. up all uiiscuMoiialih
I I I I I . - '.' ' ' , I . ''I ' '' lUlll. ! I " '
.t. ...' ........ ...., ..i,,! ... . . , t I v ...... Iitil.. . I.I .....I.
. - - IPliA Vtvl 1 i il I l I i I i ' I I - ( l n l i l i' Ill, l i l i , ' i .,
Published Every Tuesday and Friday k, ,,,.,. .,, 'uVl,p ,, flri. uh Thi ., wlm, .,
,. '". , ., Tt , .. ,,,,,, i. ,, ,,,, , , m it ion and should he earried out lx even live Inn n
Knt red in t h rost Muee ;it Mi t arm. uretfoti, i"i trans
mission throiiirh the mails as w nd class mail matter, an for it not onli prohibit i alanle pmcl fi
:..,..... i.,,i . . . ..,.....,, . i..l ill ,,,
III I I I IU I Hi I .' ' Mill IIM I II 1 'MM i 'I .-! , l I ,11111 I I i' ' It -
- . i .riMiiii i ml; iiwi .' i ii. ii iim i n i ii
In looking back over the achievements of Ontario for (them tu keep in .- Is all lee I m
i. ... . ,:. i I. . i i t It Im. I.... ,.
I III MM 11,11. HI' I I 1. 1 I III I HI! I l ' Ml' 1 1 I Mill HI . II WW " ' ll
a really grcal j ear ror mtario and its surrounding eoiin-
ii , , , , .
try, .-Hid tin- realization is fully up to the anticipation oi
ayearao, ror Ontario lias improved in every way,
But ;i progressive and ambitious riti always looks
forward instead of backward. We must rejoice l m over
the achievements of tin past and plan more fcr the big
things of tin future, if Ontario is to hold her pti miership
among the cities of eastern Oregon
In is"", the per capita indebtedness of the German
oira was 41 cents. Bv 1!14 it had mei-eased tu 1(18.72.
today it is i?ll...5'j. liritaut i per capita is now Il'-.JjS.
Great Britain's debt lias increased 75 per I'mit and Gets
nany's lias Increased 500 per cent on account 't" the Eur
opean war. How long will the credit ! these eountriea
stand uj against these percentages!
I hat the total borrowingi of all the European na
In receut i 'i' mi di i i -
Hm to quest I? tin us ' - : ' ;im . I i inei
of ucttiiii: th stiuleul i" expii-ss In real knowledge of
a subject.
Whatever the arguments t'v schoid examinations,
it is ;i recognized fact that there is room for hick one .i
or the other. Some t a in - when making out their
A.iininat inn uiifhtiohrt. il-i nut riiu'Miif ihaiiM .! :i fjutir
ami consequent)) are often Burrised in the results t' the
(so-called test,
The method employed l sunn students of cramming
facts into their cranium the night before examiuatioui
has been argued too much for discussion here, but from
tin- standuoiiri "t the student it miirhl In- th,
real cause tm- this cramming it the fear that the teacher
will spring some surprise on him in the form ! an exam
nation question. surprise of this kiml In "t't. n given
i m ... nu,.ii Km in ' lf
i b) -i ni.ij.irli i'f I
. ii" ;.
i ii n Mi ii Ii
! mi
i hi
M VI Mil II I o Tl
I hfl ' ".'Hilar
for iiMiiiii.itii,ii f,,
offl i I Irlrt All iff US
' If noi . .
I fiiinil UM itutlia n
in v ii fulr, ! H l" .,
m4 is iii imiii of m
tblllljr, ' ''i'Mk in in l ml at nil titiiri
, i . i- m
i ui; nl s I , I I UK
I i '... ,i
. f..r ll.- noMlMllM fi.r . uni
i nf m iiii.Mir nit iiriKin,
. '
r ii
iin " inn mi iiiii ' ' I ' K dll
l.ulij- rUI l I'.- l(.-.ilMlr.i
iriiwrn i in' ruining irnnri
V I. !)-.
, Af oiMr
; . HI I'lRlTIT COI It I " ! Ml.
! i 1 1 o ION, I II
I ill My HI' MM III I l(
s MMus
IVMil Ml Ml N I
I i bj iitimim SMll i
niiiiiiiti- fol ' ! i " mile boiii
iiiti"i, f..i i.iini) m i I S i j r i n
tii of Malheur ( mntr In Om
uiiniiK l'riiiir in ii. hi ir iinn
llialr.) I . I.. Dip lrt of my alill
... ?: i
fliiliw i.lnri r... I iii tli.. ii'.n. aim 11 I . 11 i. i i w u i i n .. . I ,1 ... l I .. ..I. ... .1. ' . . . : . M iL a i ..
' "r." ,' ' u ,,i, vi.'. .""'.""" .uni in. ii iiii.v itnii'Hii Mir illli'MIlull ! Tlli' i'ii'r' ; Tin linalllllL' 't .1
m iii greater than the total direct cost of all European I question mai be interpreted one wa.i hi the student and
war- that have occured within 125 years, is th' estimate another wa by the teacher.
lit :, '. : 1 1 1 f Ii.- Wu- '. ., 1 V i.i.-.l Iwt 1 1 I... ..'.. !.:.. I ii. . i. i. . . i
of aw t4r in the New York Annalist I bis table this
writer si I - down the amounts borrowed h the belligeraut
nations 4i ee the war started, as follows:
I ted Kingdom
It sia
-'. 7 ''
'."7 V'i'i.
L'.."!l ,tnr ii hmi
IJ.'l.MI M . III! I
i. t 1 -"..Ml K IJll
1 . 'MM
Purthi f tn :
only to finish I
hilt tu 1111,1, i,,.
ni of tin- latrMt and mut imiMirtanl inninivitmiitn
in examination questiomi in that ..i doing awaji with th
..l fact system" of questioning and adopting h system
Which I'llrulli ,,. . lliMIIIMMiiitl n th,- imltln.,1 In ii.. ..' !,.
pm - - n ' i ' i ii 'i ! Ill'
kisiwledgi gained in ita study. Thiw the student has the
i 'i limit unit uf fliiiili'iiiii I,.. I ,,..,. I. . i.... .....i .i . ..
. ' "' ' - -t, ,,-ttM .,-..,.,,, , mi. in in. i. ,. w ..w. . ... .. w. ,
i.i m.iiii,- wiiai in- mis learned, as under tin- !! stem "' wii n ..r n .,.
K, ..I I ii. ' ' "" '' "i""!
isiwiedge oiiee learned u i isin broiigld to meiiion l ' '' snuoii or i -u,,,,,,,,,,,
tin- li.-i-.votv ..f ,i. .....I........ .. '. i.i... i .. . ' !!H "" "-"""r Ird, Mil.
. .ij'i'iK .iiii.ii in ,i i u i .mi in, mn i.i(,
ledge half forgotten cannot lie brought to mind Im the
sudden demand for it formal wonliim,
Julia M I'ulkrr
iioril It FulhiT 'in
I la.!.-', ilitlll
Iii ll''ri ll. I HIV, r,n. Iirl.niwin ""'! i "iii, m un i"i 01 iny ami
IN IIIK .NAMfc MK Mlh MIAI,Uy, ..,' , .. I,, rl. I,, ftirlli-r tin
III.' llllllloV .... .r.. I,r..l.w ...i.ilr. I
v" " ' -, IUttlolll llltrr.'-t. of ll.r rounlr
ii- ii- Jii'.'sr ai ii Minwivr iiii i .. . .. .
lilalnl nla.l .In.l t...i In II - . 1....
cut del null on or bffoW tlio Ktli
y ut January. ltlK. thi atii" hr
i. tin laat d) of UM Unit praarrili
l lijr urdr H thla rourt iHrnrtlnR
K.Tvir of uiiiiuona In aall ault to
! mail UtMin rou hv ImiIi,. ration
a in If ton fall mi to answer fo- want
thnranf. UM plaintiff vl ayil i..
-iiil murt for tin irliri ilxmaiiil, 1
10 aalil ruiiilalkt. to wit. for a d
of nali lour illmuivln tlm
Imriilo ut n.airlniony now ntutini
li.'tM.'.'l, tint aliJ nl.iliitlfr iiu1 .r.,.,
Ill III., l.liainllff nli...l.lla Al-..m
from ton
Nun nr- fiiNluT iiotlfl. that tt.U
milll llioli-. In .. i w. ho, It urn In ,
r nn.l lit rifftM of an
"r.l.r of tit II. u, i.,t,, lugg.
J" Ul Ol irt. mIih i, a 1. 1 orjrr
until.' Mini flit. 'r.-. I in ... i
OH !' 01 of '..... .-I ll .
ami nn ' I it t Mm mtiumoii I .
pooiii i i tor all i.
lious liorrowings are in uihim et, i I
ar wiueii nmv last a ear or twn vel h i; . m ,.,t t . ; . i n .1
. ' ' 11 "in wants to get into vaudeville in this eoimtn n-
I-. :. t t -i w I.' . . I i-. . I . .. I . , . . . . . . ..l. ...
" " """"'" 11. 11 Hiioum iM'gm , Kalntiug our flag.
makes a gloom.' p eture," sa n tin- writei
II, tin- Iim -Ii il m ! ul" the i -.-- i,:iii u,..,'t I. .. .
1 j -. . . 1 '''' IIM V 1 !'
UW ii iVh .(I ui tMilt : t.. hi t lull t;in s 1 1:11! imilisiti uiwl f I. .t I,. I.
1 I I ( '- I l l ' l I I I I I I Mill'' - I I 1 1 .
That the world -limiM
. 1 1 1 1
'"' ' ,!V' if ' isu 'I quiet, i- the oph ion of si editorial
::;;' ::: is - ' u coyote bounty $3 shout course
kBj sil iicn we mean, ol eoiu
h -"'" The laiiqis an- no longer lit on 11
Every minute n packed with noise or aet .
ph, the -iin-v i,-.- the automobile, un in alu'Mi
iinn- to hear, something to nee, somewln to -... XI
In till- l-i illvt it llllll- tin- lM,,,l,.ii tloi ...I.I I. I
H"iMIIllll IHIUII'jiM'll, I I Mil
iii'Vi'lui nil iii liim 11 luvi' t .. In,!., n ...n.. . r .1.. .. .
, . ' .. ... ' ; " ',' '" "" """""" rotOlor amount r.-t.,..., ,,, , ,,.
style. Were Dickens I nre today, who would listen n. . ,,. o , i
him I .liim.- ,,f r.iii : .11 . -.i i.rn Oregon
"We who have more time than ever reallv hav.- Im m 'in.-r tin- kglsioivn mu.ii- pro-
laMt 1 un j 1 i'ju
l I II.MI II K Uui.l,.
Attoraoya lor I'lalntlfl
t.t oil I ., Hi
f II . .
Ai lair
1 . .! ...
1 .
1 . , ,
in) ' , ' f
.11 tin, II
hair, ui hi.
. M
ll Hill
' . !. I ,
, . . -
' ' ' ' ' .,,
ror tno poyu iou . . .,,,,,1, Wln ,.lM .1
"" I ' from J.. 1. 1 -try 14 anil ii.niii.iif for iw an.
.... ....
r '' U,,U1 "' '' ' "' ""I : . ll Wl I,, bOld ..I Oil I'lltl'ltf 11:,'.,
ever. The song in that forgotten opera of a few
"ii to raiao tlif la.iinty to $:i. half
"f vthkli was to R nanl ly the htate.
years ami. -1 want what I want when I want it," hits US off tsTouJ T L? T Ti ? " HM U r ,, ay J,,
to a T. We are votaries of the ..u- ti .., ; JJL!TS. ,"'" '" "T ' -"- -' -
to a l. We arc votaries ol tin- u.w. Tin- in. ituftim at n,,. v,.;.r:.,.,i , ,.......,.,.. i,
-- I ' -' 1 j . ""itiui M un
stant is our shrine Speed up is the watchword Piil. !I1,H ,,ou", f'" bttf ' II
...... A iMttiti,.,. r u . .
. ..... ,,,,,,, .,,,,,, ,, ,,,, ,, I'OllhlHI-
OOl luililii..-
Tim cuiirni- vtlmh k vOR Ii. I
It Urown of UM AKriiuliiirul i,i.,n
mint of tlm ti hcIiooI i op.-i, t
all who an lntereati'il in tln in,
ijuivniiii'iii or ruriII coniliiionM in..
0 S L Tir.
V. ii Ii I
1 1 'i ii I Inul in mn.
i I . ' ! .
I Mi.t v n
1 "... M u.i 1
Kootorn Ripro
Orogoa Uunti Kip
OKI. (.ON K. TK...S
" aul
A d (1 i n
(eight ''liimn eapaeity ) .
r. 0 a m..u 1. in.
:li .
1 .i
' U 111
I if
it.' a
tui-e, iint'ujtuiiatelv. has become a cheapened word, but
far un. re unfortunate is it that tin- la.-t uf eulture itsell
is threatened. Knr culture in its real sense, we take it
means thoroilgness. "God il never in a hurry " said'
.... I1 ll Itl 11 -at . a '"
one 01 me nigriUl latlieis. t )s th,- world's I'uulish
;"K ,,f 14,'i' IN iM.. . l .iiik for a
r bounty wiiH fllfti with tlm county
louii ii. numltir of royotoa in tin-
cuhmIoiih ri'UtliiK to tlm subJtM-t f,r
that tlay.
Tlm purpohf of tin- rourne to
Itiiik ISSSUmW tlioHh liltfojlrt In
Om HMinu raSJaotl for a -"
I lotal problORU ami tor a brief
1.....I ....: .. I. i . 1 .. " "' ai?ain Iji-ioinit tl
hai hai ions haste thai Is making it ungodly, Blow down." uw ssi w
-u..iy uh i,i, Kr,atly r;duc,d mli:;j: r, rfcr-r- ' - -"'
it tt'iMrniriirfl,,!. ' 1''M IllVoltfil ,
it dH regarded as tl. poorftH, k,,, o ,hHr K()l),j(jl
poUey to allow iIimi, .0 U.crfaHf .,m baa .ill ... , . , . ""'K """ l
aKain .,;,o,,m tlm public m,iac that tud of .,.,,, ,1
( , II I llifiu .. . I ...
. uniiiir 1 1 i i. a . .. -M . .
After ISO flrnt of Marc,,, w,mn , dha TTJZ JT "
-- ''Mil Iff
Abe Karl in lay., -s,.,,. riis h. . , ,. aj... BST-SSl "':'.'":" "? "k"" "" "". "' " im "TL:
, . 1 , .. ii i i- "'" - ' ".ii mi.-, an in ,ii-ial fiulilfcta
nutniii that ean hanllv he distinguished from real work "i"""86 of ,'"' ,""1,,ty '" '"'"i"" - ti,., ,.,,, wi,i.i, i, . ,
":, ;,';:: wi'"1" " m "" "' ?E12Z
KefelTim.'- to the ;iiii..iii,t ,.f -., I ..,. ;.;... . . . ..,.. ,. . iu "r poaaiblo and at the
-, - .-....., . , j. , t I ll.T 1 Sl I'M I..l'i.. OUICI UlJ'JlIt UK 111 VI Mllm.M.,1 a I.I.. u ai . . . I
up recently In the meivhants of this ,-itv in the two IT! lD K'a,,,at" sur ssi "trZZZt ti,""' n7r ",a mmm m
IWn . m.uuty , MiMl Uj ( UllUld U1M ( ,!;.. '," ?0 "'" " Ctt,,"' Jan. 18, ,'.
i u ,, I .'HI''
1.1 Muail dull. ojMpf,
S.intl.iy r0i Hivfianle I 2 fp m
vaiai, s osaniisw sjuncsj
S t
HI ..t V. o inotan
Dol,7roOl Kun.lay It- t ., ,
9 In'. ,1 dally 7:0 p m
HO vi,,., from (vari,(,.
dai.y wept smia, 12 01p m
iz Mlxfd from i;i..k
Vain dally OlOOpt
1:10 p ,
I'll.' I lllll.Hlllll.i lr..l.. 1
at l0 ., , ,. .'."". . ttV"? Ktt
unl Kui.P.i '.iy, inurMUay
w , , ',n,"u"""' ""'
Am. i lean Can Company
i-iuase send iMniklet descrip
tive of American Addau,' and
Luting Machine.
( llppi'd li-uoi The Al-LMIS.
'nnario, Oregon,
Nollco Im Imreliv a-lvmi that. uft"
January -oth . itnu Mll aaa .iiu-
"Iiik at lojfji u, ,,iM niy ()f 0lltarU
iiiumI la, muitlwl, un afli.r wald 'I"1
a" un n.uzU'd doita found ut lur
In aald city W ,, ukl)U up n, ,!..
ly niiliti r ,u CHy c.i.ini!
(lay M HUiariiH,
(Mty HoconlaH