The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 14, 1916, Image 1

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vol.. I
oVI'lHIO, MUIIIIR Hll'NTV, OI'M.ON, I ltl! ', JAM. 14, WW.
No 1 3
..a V
Ontario Woman Nearly the
Viet in of Poiioninfl Bv
Mrs. T. F. Arnold Took Md
idne With Strychnine In
It Was UnconHcioiis.
Mi I I r i. ..1.1 of Hi In i I
II lllt
Mil ' ' '
l I I
i I Dra. Piintinn
ml ii"
ii Irnold
t it. ...
., . in- in placiag
i I In tin
rlfi iii..-. ii.m. I,
it III Mr rn... mm iiii ii huntlm
n ii... riM I'.'ifrKi.n
rmirli In linn Mi'. I. ut gfrtlOg
- .1'iiit.!.' nnnUlanri'
Mr i I...I.I ' I ii. - I ho I Hi'
n nnonaiaac la the eighbor
I wIhi Im hOOl "ii InklllK t'.. lit,-,
of iii f.niiiiy. ihroogh I
ii. ".i. tlMll nlii.iit tn
in I.- mi d
ihai -I i . ' nine, wi.irii
- tiding ' life A Ik-
' i
Iho I i- I. I '
' i- -. -. attOMgt !
w..rk ..f it
I'. ..fT.T"
in nth I
I il
i i i . n in
Mi I Mi i
' I : . . . I
0.1 -.!'..'!
' i. III'.
Ira ii. noved to Pi
I'lUB i i
111 I
in ! ' .iii own
,i i ... ... i
! tn dlaeuaa ilu- ! i inn
.. t till tni varum No
ICl .hi wiin liik.-n
Wm Hire U rooidlag on hi home
Ul.'n.l linn winter
Qaj MurKMii Iimh moil i hm-k to
I'll" ilrv ImihI furiii .111 Sinlin I... ..I.
Min Mini ia now eogOgOd Hi IrillhiK a
lark goj tuiiveil haoh hln
funi-ii .hi Si.iilh JiirohHoii
A many penplo f a I led lo ki
I'-'-i' fall tieeiliiiK done thla year on
ai in huiil faruiM Jeff Crull de
lri-, he will aoVOf ir II iikmIii
Mg ay li mi.-. ii . l ii hrnkeii
I'1'" BOd ruhlieil the pant few iiioiiIIm
f"'l "im pt are hi'KlnulliK lo lieeil
III' ..lit iit t Iim MliMPlfT'a .iltli'.. Ilk run.
Illll illllAII 111.' L Mill. I..I.II. ...I.I Mill
.... ,- .
IhiK im etui to the liuralurv.
'Iian llerr reportH tln aililllliin
I' tlirue milk roWM It. Ii In "hull
"II " and Niime flln- I'nlaiiil I'hni.i
'" Hh haa alao built a hum.
UI a rellar ami a well, uml in.i.l-
frr liiiprovenieiita.
(' II it II... I ........ l.M...
- .p. - uv ...,w.-i r .i
' ft lIullI'M Hi llIU llllllHM I 'I. .11
en. whli-h waa wall uiten.lf.l
"I. aa uaual at hla entertainment.
''""I time win bad.
Il'" little bua or bacteria thov
III love Iium I'nnlil mil, iiu Amrt
miiti Mr. Culhertaou who la re-
'""'I to ha v breathed hla laat
Ffcatli of aliiHle hli'HHeiiuMMH Jan 1
0 1ho see the llnlab of Mr Otto
lit II,. .. .ifllln.u .1-- ...
"" -... ftftftj ...I
folk but rumor aaya be la more
UIuun to Hee "her" folk
T"are baa been quite a lot of land
l"Knl handa on the lower Flat
" Thla doea look like the laud
Maatp, watch it grow.
It and lira. J. ('. Auderaon and
Mis Phyllis Hkreknl. the pi.tlv
voong lnly who It nut k i riK tin- over
limt t rl alntie from '! Hind- .!)
MmI li Mother itm in Ontario .-,
ll"Sllil Oil 111 I Kill I. .1111 Hlllflll to
llolse. A i mm in! from linker lut
week slated thai MIm Hknki.i
biting mi b) net loi mo, .ii.Mii,
across u m r y , hut when sin- m i..
' I rgii ..MIc. !., , ,..i,,, thU Mlnte
in. 'til correct' i h f, ),,. , ,
. use wlili nil 1 1 ,,r ,i i p
1 1 ...,: r I
Hit nuike up i.i i ,,,, u,.llt
.1 k l.l.'Lfl I t i. ... 1 . ...
'' ' ...... .. mi.
"I H l.l I l. l,. ,
w hllo tko hooT) h rolfor bI
i" I h boi
i ..I.
M I 'li if.'- . ! ,1.
H till. Vie -I... I
1 P ' Ibl I I i again . I
1 ..'i Ml Ikrol "i "An. i i .
1 ! i a lorn
M she
i In i,. . i., i . , ,
lOOdlBg l.l II.. . . I,,, ,,
"I ' " ' ..r W l ,,.
rough l.. Hi .hi roj i illilt
. i,.
' I " Il J Mill
all Rhrekot terted from Denver
January II. Itll, with i,i. ,u r . . .
of vtaltlag . .. i eaplial city la un
' lilt."l Ml ftOf lOOVlBg Rolec
aho ill li" eonplotod Iho tow ol
"if I'minr NorthOOt Mini will
I" I ar lib I In ttuouM "iiint nf
riilltiit lief ru ii . ...! i ... -1 rin
ImhiikI anil ii , ,v- ; n Km kl.'a
I-. NOOgM I "r UM .M.intitiiH ggf
Hal abg will guilM il North u.'l
ooth huk'ilM OBgdtoJa, ami thOBOO
iiir.-iiitii tin- ggotora atui oothwg
Sln HJrt IMM Mg II for tin'
gOrfOflg f ifall' .1. r im I f.,r h
lf IM'
HH. II Nl Hhi Mill f
1 ' li.llis
roeb uml lha reporl iiniMt of (he I fav
. pi
,. .,
I will
' '
-1 1 1
will he puhli- ,. ,1 hi
I took .Liu,. .,n I p.-nt i hri'
maa day with Mi n, Mi i Ihih
Holt hla f' I in. I ,i i .i.i.i t inn-
Will Iijnl.-.l li Mll
A Komi pioKraiii iii i-olinei in.ii with
a iliMtirt I 'hrlMt iiiiim tree wum n-n
ere.i at the imoii'.-i Sihooi hoajaa
t'hriHimaM eve
The lailli-H of the LOWOT n . I
Pgg N t Rive Mm ItorahuiiKh a
fur. -well party Mr KoriihaiiKli hgg
moI. I out and Ih gOiag to move awu.
ami we feel we are Imiiik Home moIIiI
fart people, hut we wInIi them Im.ii
Thursday evening of laat week u
lllllllher of people of tin' neighbor
hooil gathered at the home of Mr
uml Mr J i An. I.i .mii. and a utility
time ensued The evening aaa
Mpenl In hinging.
Sumlay hi hool ami cburch aervlcea
are maintained at .1 p. in. Humlaya
at the I'ark Htliool llurniony of
purpoHi' la the keynote ami many
iiiteml each aervice.
Mi- Cyrua AutlerHou Ih apt'iullng
a few ilaya with her parenta Mr. and
Mi Gregory, near t'ryatal Htatlon,
in -i acroaa the river in Idaho
t'yrua Anderaou lian accepted a
poHltlon with the Karmer'a Co-Operative
t'oyotea are reported nuuieroua
ami tame along the river thla win
ter. If huntera would devote aa
m nth time lu the valley and along
the lira! bench, aa I hey do In going
back towarda the inountalna, we be
lleve their reaulta would be better
W. C. T. r. MiHIM.
A regular aoclal uitMitlug of the
W 0. T. V. will be held at the Hap
Hat curah Tuesday evening, Juu. 18.
Thla will be a public maetlug aud all
are Invited to attend. All excellent
program haa beeu prepured aud will
be rendered.
I'lllllllT 1'elltliallSlllp bdttOOJ win
awarded in fifteen studi-ntH in (ha
pflllllUUshlp class IuhI week.
'rin i i.. i ..I i enoi ' ...
.1 building received Muring the
holiday Ik keenly llpprei lii'i-,1 by
both pupil m4 t :-1 i r
I I. in-.r Mull. I". n. II H 'IT. III."
dlBoontlaaed bot school work iii Mm
go iiiu- rOt uiii.-.l to l"i BOOM In1
""l Mm m "i.i.i..- (ha
years work In il.- ' -.1 hgf
l""11" "
i -i i l tied I" i .i Ii 'ii' i. .i lord)
lill UiK Iii iiiiml 11 uf I ' il.
I '
all, Mini,' 1 1. i
I. irk. nn.i
in. Com, I '-in
and I i 'imiu
Horn, I
Myrtle I
- i .1.-
teen pupil ire .i:-1 n Hi
Mi in-rtiiitt ithool Thta Ih the
large! ottoadoBCO la the hlHtory of
in.- hi iiiit.l
I '.. -I.I (l
. ! -..M- .i .-r latere I ag arogragj
. 4i i... .. i.u
' .!-. m . ! "JU.."- .1 I.IIKI- It l l-
i... ItiirltiK xa.atl'.n w.-k a nart
of (hfl priiKrwm wmh rahnaraed nl 'lie
bona "f Mm Vfltaear Patch for thr
I wiine who were illiuhle to
.iii. ad Ki i.Uy.
Tho Annex school enjoyed ieigh
rlile Wi'.llii-HiluV i-i.-ii.iii Juiniurv f.
M a. ....,. , . ,-i.
r Ham I owern finnr '.. , the -lelgh
... i . . . ... .
ii... in.. ..up r huh ..rnui
uml Mr oaaldlag ehaperoueil the
Right I 'l'"M in t: 'i DM
irni No ."i will write in the January
I ,iu l- i ..? . , i t I her nuithel
have i .. i inn., r ,n - .
to .1.1 I I L.l l . ;
i little ploj i . .nil
: the
. -
m i ii i i k i 1 1 1 Hi rt-Js
week ggaa
I. . . ! . .
in, ... .... lorj i ehll i i
fall. Iva ..I in. ,....:" ' '
'ii. I. Ii ii. nth log the ult. ii
aaaee tutin-r aaaall
Seven of the pupils have been
neither n..r BhOOBl .luring ,. !
loin in. ill t h n of Hi-liool I'ln-V are
Howar.l ami Don White. Hubert
ami i mi Aaooraoa, Qhvdya iiowani.
Ralph ami Horotlieu Morfltt
The Home t'reillt . s;eill has been
adopted in Ibis BthOOl ami parent
ami pupil are taking a great deal
of In loraat in It A certain tium
l.i-i al minute Is allowed for the per
fonnfince of each tak ami when ix
liiimlreil or more minute are earueil
during a month, ten per rent Is al
looted on .i low grade lu addition
to this, the one who has the larger.!
iiuuiber of minutes to his credit at
the etui of the year will be given g
prle the closing day of school
ChrlMtmus eve a program was giv
en b the combined forces of the
school children anil the town people
Material has been purchased for
window tin tains which are to be
made by the school children
The Valley View pupils en Jove, I
a Christmas program and tree Miss
Vnn Itoaden's room gave a abort play
'in i-tiiiu.-. at l-'Miu.-guiih ' that waa
appreciated by all preaeut After
vacation these children were glad to
get back to school work The 9th
grade pupils are doiug exreptioually
well with the advanced work that
haa beeu added this year
.-iii.t Seaweard and Helen Oavts'iou Canyon sihooi who took part in
have returned to Cord and will be j the Chriatmaa program are: Se
enrolled In the school there. Misscuuda Laucarrica, Julia Kchave, Del
Seaweard baa been apending mime flua Coacorroaa, Virginia Kchuve,
time In We -Hull anil Mlaa Davia has Martin Kchave, Jeaua l.aucaurica,
been visiting her aunt In the Steins Julio Laucaurica and Charlie Cejg.
The Cord and Moorevllle schools
gave a Joint Christ maa tree In Moore
vllle. In the Wade school, In the Dig
Hand section, Kdyth Swigart, l.yda
Johnston and l.ols Soholes have not
mlaaed a word In spelling during thai
three uionlliH of school I ...well Ash
of tbls school waa absent laat week
li'THime of lllne.
In the Owyl I. rin (hOJl Im a
little Klrl Pttl II ' ul A llli
i from school
Htid has not ml ' . ,ay since t It
f ill Iitiii I 'i t t t.tly It
IW n
m 1 1 . - fern 1 1) lo remain al Iionai for
tin- d.iv inn I t I'll.- cirl
n.. ,p taaof t., ehool alone Hor
in- i Ei thor i t'-ii ihi'I nil M
,,,., , , .. .i,,,,,,,. ,. ,,,,,,,
chrtotMM found h.- children n
,,,, Mfalfa Hi I i l(
tri-". tin' thOJ in I
..I ' I - Ml II
i ' nti -i large buck
i.l Murv
'I- r. lieu lab I Hall i
Mildred Mail ni place oa
ml., r !n, in. r roll.
l: t i nmii g
I.Ul WT' I-
... .. I
I Mudariaea Im t
.. , ,,. .
in tpraloi ' . i. h i.-
Anna Ami" I rowk
.r V T ... Ill -I 1 1 v t.r . . I' .. . . ' i , t. f.TI
l ....... i ii... .
'. -. U in ByrO, whu tauuht in
the lilltll BChOOl here 00004 II Ii"
Him ago. On. I in liei-.'ini.
;il hit DaytOO, W I U . home. h. I
Iiim heeti loratfil for Heeral voarn
'r Kyr waa one of I 'popular
ers ever in ' i.l.irlo
Tim enrollment in i .1 im In
to enroll ami ' i
r.-. . t,i . ..
I am that will be
hoola i
Ii :-, .
other I
p or lowi r I .
which BhOWfl the compara'
Btanding "i the pupil in m.-
l'"re w ,11 ..l-.. be a number that rOg
reaenla the work the class i doiag,
on a Ki-ule of 100, mil being the
best wurk that aii .-I.i- gOOM 00 m
thla subject Thus if a child re
ceives the grade of C.7.". it i
that he i doing average work
that the cla i- 7 It .i p ipil re
celvea a grade of the uuoihOff
means that the groragO of the class
are doing M work, those who
II ami A an- doing belter work, about
N ami 100 Any stun, ling below
c means that more attention Bhoald
be given to the work and any grade
win re the average i below 70 means
that either the work is too hard or
the entire elaOB need to do better
The schools ol Nyssa and Arc.i.i la
were responsible for tarry bag out I
fommuuilv Christinas with union
program ami an outdoor Chrlotasai
The t -u. h.-rs of the N'v lOOM
meet on alternate Thurstlavs to di
cuss matters of educatiouai lOtOfOJl
The books In the reading circle
course have been ordered and will
be passed around the circle t'sually
a aoclal time is also enjoy ad.
Vale. Ontario and Nyssa high
schools have entered the State debate
league aud are the only schools m
the eaateru part of the atate to un
dertake this woik.
The pupil lu the Kchave or Ore-
jcorroaa. The girla made pin ggjgaV
ioua and the boys match acratcbera,
to put ou the Chriatmaa tree for their
The rulea governing the eighth
grade exoniinationa will be followed
closely thie year and pupils falling
in more than two subjects will be
expected to rewrite in all subjects
In the next examination
.!,,, v..,.h i .,. -trt...l in. t.,,- ..l.i,fMro oi aaaauu on ni rantifr-in
j P? ?!
Thg first d'tat' liftwin two IiIrIi
Mhoolfl in Malboar Ooaatr, win .
nfr th. 2Kt li , of .lanuarv. Thin will
ih.- toote ' In the to!
. r ,1 ... ..III. ..i.... I. ..
-i I'M mni.j .-. "im in -.
- by all in. r ted In d
Ontario aad Valo are BCboelalod to
iit al- tli' Ihmi I 'rlilay li Jnn
mil l'-lil wblcb 'fhool Hhali
i i noted from i iii ite 001
'lUfHtion an Hiat.'.l la,
Mired, That I ahoald
tbO Hw'Imh Bltltat tralnltiK
iii " Oatarlo ha i - - n"'
I . . ni.ut I. Ill 1. I' , flP.ll ft.'.
.- ' i.i iui up ii hattl'
for the high boat -
tn that Im to lo haa
i:.- n'l murl:
g rlf a lo a bo Hi
a 1 1 1 be.
Mr in ! Mr- K I Imuran of
A.-n i i iiarlo '. IsltofM
ad 'i 'ii 'lny.
' Miur i-raifHi.t iiikmih wwo
i ... (Mario v by 11
Alloa a loav thai thrlTtag ehk
' ' "' "''" la-
. a .. ..
... -, . . ,
l allay an-l billiard parlor ac-
I atret-t from Ikiyer'a atore.
t make a good
V I roOOfeg left Thurlay even
ing for Vale where he will attend
-on of the circuit court lie
patiied by hla wife ami lit-
I. If Iong. of l.awen. (ire.
luenday oveuing
ft fur llnigiiri Thuraday. OhOTO
.1 vi I apt u Bhort time.
hIm'M of the Ar-
: ..
i Pa;
. u
VV i land tot-
spend i ip- a few days in
mi ogadgagi re.
Vara Chooabori ooal to ul
on a busiueaa trip art nmg
Mr c umbers left for Payotti
t: lame tune.
Uadortoken W II Mcliratuev went
i, .--.i yesterday niorinug to take
of the of Mr I'ier who
.! that place Wetlnt-sduv night
Eattl Morton ami Chet Roog went
i,. Weiser Tuesday morning to
the "Shephurd of the Hill ' at the
W BatQg theatre Dave Smith was
v ' ..-er that night. The
lyouag men report the pin i have
been one of the best they had eve.
fhe stock of the Oohtoa Rata
store will be packet! at once for ship
ment to Scott muff. Near., vhoro
the present urourieto c H Har
nett will engage in I.i ;ie.s It is
regretted that Mr ami Mrs. Harnett
are to leave Ontario, as the promin
ent part they have taken in business
aud social circles will be misaed.
It is reported that Hyron Turner,
who has beeu leading the baud for
several months, is about to resign
because of insufficient time to carry
on the work. Mr. Turner haa
brought the baud up to what it la
and it is to be regretted that a man
ao well fitted for the position as is
Mr. Turner, caunot be kept In
charge to further advauce that or
ganization. i i in im hi n lis
A thoughtful lover of birds pi. on
ed us thia morning to rejueat every
body in geueral to throw out feed
to the almost starved feathery tribe
With the auow becoming deeper each
day, it is becoming difficult for oil
birda to scratch a living, and if uo
feed la given them, they will periab
before spring.
District Court In ;on To
Dispose of Many C imin
al Cases.
Mnny of Those Caught In
Riverside Raid Plead
rj t-r: of 'I" 'Inlrict
Mart, wlih Jud 'alton RiggM oa
:.' ! 'logjiaj morning
It h ed that It will
tako all of i (o BaMat the
: ') Haljih Huff
ami It, plaag nuilty
. Bgu The
In one to 10
' -r at Sal
ggg. Staff or I plead guilty to
lavlnx forged
a 112 Meant, a far-
i r penalty for
m -'i ear In the
Koj arty, who wan indicted
at th lat frm of the court on the
lnw An" of Jmlea"n. laat
September, plead guilty to thla
charge lodRO Hlgga OBaoaeed him
with a fine of f.JO0.
William Rldtadja, artaO waa lndlctd
with Ralph Hufr and Hay Motley on
the charge of horae stealing, unlike
Rfgf and Mm'I.-v. who plead guilty,
' trial Tuesday before a Jury,
and waa gggfflaMhl of larceny. He
win probably be given a aentence of
one to ten yeara In the peniten
tiary. Hiding waa lo
Rolae and was turned ormr to the
Mall COT county authorities t-i stand
trial. It la said Kidlnga ban twtgg
' tune tu atate'a gOtaaO for
eallnr Hidings ia one of
uckarooa tn Oregon.
H i . ed in bronze
y Pi known Oregon
sculpt . for hla
a I "Tt'er
I. IV-
lo, pica
i waa convicted of
t.i a
Ml' .is l c.v ;o
At i loaf Theatre tomor
row night. Kdgar Selwyn'a famoua
drama is presented.
Tl e ataj 11 a hOart interest drama
of ru-li hOJaOff uu.l pathos. lorn
ayihaai goe (o Moo York city in
aearch of o fortune, after being re
fBOOd thd aoaoaol to marry Judge
Rotaap! -laughter He finally win
.iiprovul of toe judge and lua
romance arrives to a liuppy conclu
One of the most .uioi.ant thinga
alamt projectiug perfecting moving
picture is the screen The Dream
laud management haa recently in
stalled what is culled the Miuuaa
Cold Fibre Screen, unu the niakera
claim for it up. ir ty in every
The special conib:natiou of gold
with other materials gives the project.-,
I picture a sepia tone that doea
away with every panicle of eye
strain and gives a picture that ia a
delight to the gyg Kvery move of
every muscle, everv eye wink and
every expression of t lie actor la de
picted through the agency of thlo
Minusa screen
Many of the largeat threatrea lu
the country are equipped with thia
screen. The New York Hippodrome
has the largest screen in the world
it la a Minusa Oold Fibre.
1 hereby auuounce my canaadacy
for the Hepubllcau nomination for
the office of District Attorney of thia
county. If nominated and elected I
will eudeavor tu fulfill the dutlee of
my office lu a fair, fearleaa and ef
ficient wanner and to the beat of my
ability, keeping iu mind ot oil tiuiea
my duty to the tax pay era
Paid Advertisement