The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 07, 1916, Image 1

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vol '
ONTARIO, mm.iiiii: COI'NTV, OllKOON. lltlDU, JAV T, Ii
No It
OftflANUMTtON IM Pi 111 linn
ino mi. i hi i. omnh or
Ml mIMhh TitANsXtTi n.
Thf ' " "iiirnil in-t I i rcii-
lr NWlon I ' 19 Blffhi "'
,l ii,,. ., , -ir by Irn mMiiK the
regular routine ol wink IiimI OBl lor
I In ! rul linnnliilniilofi of clly af I
fairs Tlif " al) elected oitlcers com
rttf Ik follOfliBl ti- ri ImTm of tin
MMViif. W f llollliiii, c.iuticlllni Ii.
$ J Sp liter. ( ! ! .nil J f'tr U.i
II .' . ,, .,!,. . II . I.
Ci. krutu, i " '
(a,, . ,i Idol I
P-MMfi II I- !( t- hi ' M
i i
, . . I by el
. I I'r.i 'mum I
follow ln appolal i ni -a. i M
nr iii-
.luting romtnlltaaa ol
,la).ir II
i .
ran i'i . . i Mrl
Hir. . and Dralaa
n. r lei .ii. uii.i M lain
I'arh hi. I i enirter) F'raner, i...
i ran. and M l
Walci an. I l.lghla: Hpencer, M.
'lam mil Pataraaa
r.,n. Hi . .,x . mi.) 'ra
i I DoafWn 'r y of Um
MNBatery mm laii.m preoenle.l (he
n Ol I'nlarlo a .! I in all OBOOM
llelx In the oeoielcrv which wan ir
rrpted Mi llearlMtrn almi BBM Hie
II behalf of (be (etiieter Ami
BBtlOBi for the MJrBMBll
.f OMMtOf ieb
I he l...n.l of ti i I ie.,-nrer
a Incfaaaad from f .,
i foiioHing MlBi vara tHoaod
in I paid.
Nai ..nal lUnk. cemetery
I lion I. Marry II flraol
le fl 1 ,11 I. A . ,. IL..r
irk oi . i
I i IHMil. Sim I s
t ii
I the In
I . in ',.,,; i .. ii ' I he
I gave a hrlstiuaa
red I ' Mien w lib
... i.
ill IprlBI BB ""I fc- r I
. prlvlloffo of voting
I the illeslloll oi I .1 I I..1I1
id limy voted to I 1 v t 1 I... 1 Instead
If a v.i. ..lion li 1 M.. snivel-
I -ll. nt 1 .1 ilioae .,
ilHiuiil cblldri'ii l) riiui
' I" ilnlit 1 bulb org true Maker of tills school tic. tie. I
a uh. 10 1 with hr blrthda) cake
. . Thla is further evl-
Hie Hint ,, splendid spirit plevall
'In. Iilile ..I,.,., I lllauche Slav-
1 lias the ih im. in. n ol making the
I iveiaii in the Heceinh. 1 ex
The lleiilab teacher willes that her
Vn in., I uirl l.u.l . lulls III. ii- I 1, 111
I ifh i noon bafora nhrhrtaiM That
l'l''il corn, pla)e.l games and wen
Fta a coinpietc aurpriaa in ihe form
"grab hug" and a limit for u gift
' Friday evening the children
v .. . i i i . . .. . . .
nristmas piogiam anil ll.e en
("liiiuimlly fiijuynl tin riirlHt-!
tree. This Mchool. alona will.
the otlmra report a good of !"
IWM caused by bad colds and la
l" I
MBBI "' ,,U,,U- " tl,-'"
Ct'lll il.l "lit. I.. i- IK. i 1..I..I..
i Uatart bbbbI thalr bollday. la ,
reapectlve homea, Mrs Spaubl
in Wetner and MIhh Weir in new
1 niout li
'H Weir writes I hut her pflplll
I" i.-. i to writ.- In tho January
'Initial ions ,.i.. unibiiiu i.,.r.i ..i,.i
------ -a. w .. v v ....... .. ., .
'lo ihiir best to inuko record
' Thompnon, one of the direct
1,1 the Annex School, No. l, wan
MOBl visitor the other day.
"I1" Moorevlfle pupllu aiui teacher
had an llu-ir guests the people of the
neighborhood In. tin:., ni, hi Miss
Klelne llrlrhnux l ii-ii' ik her llmt
I arm or Mhool ni Moor-'villc 'rii
pupils Ilium ha.c -,, MIiik mat 'he.
''rlduy afternoons utter reienn iin.1
liiNt .cek Laltuc liiii!iT wiih the
rhanploa opollor mnh UtIbbobi
ports Arn Moon- lis ii close aeinnd
The patrons mill pupil in tin. tire
knit t'anyon tcl I relebt ii.ii 1'iirlni
nnm with a program th n wan enjoyed
y all Of the thirt people piem-nt
'lie until i-oiitalnlliR Iw.'Im people
tlrOVt I M'l I V III leu 1n lie pi .
Mlna Ire. tiih- Itrttfl that Hat la I'lm
1h a food friend ,i M.e - I - iii that
. iiiiiiiiitilty.
Two pupllx of the Milterii'oit
tehool will vnie in IM January e
aminationN i . .ire the .
children in thin dlNtrld to writ- mk i I . . . I Hie Hum t l?l.t and
linlnatlona hone 'nlatea that It whh not con "I- red ii
that In utioi' nil .if 1 1 . i null
BOll will I" BMdlOl .ml ei.'li,
It ide 'in. in i. . in .! .f rap
ItiK children who are I oatIan Mhool
when In
il. e rlflh, ltr or e
In iir Inter or d
raaadflrlawl .
i . ,.. ... , i , .
urk i i he a .). loping
art ad for I I pool I
i rofl llBBBI "I i' I k.
.ml Mill he xhlp
, . to i he ar... i rid thla week
Ihlrieen dlKlriciN have aaked for
examination B0OtlOM for II. I Jan
BBfJ etamlnatlonn Thai Ml an I I
OBiloually large number for mid
The two ncbool In the rMaKj "'
W.tfiill where l' .ni-1 Mr
larker ar leaching are programming
noely In Mr jBMol hixil 20
new library hook, a mirror, waah
lianln. towel, etc . have I u added
recently The literal patronage .t
a baoket oclal 'i"ii rBMBtl made
Htloii p. Ibla The chll
drwo In thin I gate ., BfBBTBBJ
Itafora tha holiday! Obo of tho fM I
tureii was a poBd" full of pfd
.1 ..f
fin f..i oil .'mi .i i. achara
aoltrihatlaB waa i odj la eholoa
Chrlktmas oos
looaal bod) ol '" Blah
ohool held ll n W ''
.; adopti I i
1 1 1 ii t ton as pi BBl '
Several ..
,,, .,!.. ami It Is thought that in,.. i
Hie MB BMOtltBtlon I
tniu will b. .ill i
ni. i .i hjBBortaai el ibai !
, ,- a ''' ''
unal.t conn
in 111.
,,1 .,1.1
This would I" ' "' '"
r.icullv nieinli.'ls. two alumul mem
Mr and two student no in I'd
tllh hoanl ol I wniil.l fllM '-
a board ot director- ol BBOBQg ThB
president ivoiild have the IH'hl Ol
kiii iiik UC all the BNPBttBfffl '" BBtB
hoards ll Is ilu, nghi that by BBl
lug two alumni iiiemhera in the hod)
it ull bftai IBB alumni and IBB VtB
dents lo a better uiulet -landing of
each olln r. and It t- bopod thai undei
the no. coiiHillutlon the aciivltles
of Ihe indent body . II be a helielll,
" uiy la tha bbbbbIi bal la tha attj
as well
HIM It 1-ltoM Ml W Fit
. ,, v llllllin ,, evnei led
... t. ........ I. ilnliif it il 1II1V t 1 Hit-
,u ,u" "
"BBJ hike from Salem to Holse.
MIhh Fhyllls Hkrekol or He.tver. N
hiking from cue cupllol t another
in the Fuel lie notlhwe.i
and passed
through Hake, last Snluulay on bar
way to ,,uUt A H,,wi',ul tn"" UmU,':
WBBIf daarrllMNi the imtiy young
globe tn Iter:
"tlarbeil In skating cap. BBlBf
knickerbockers, puttees and sioui
hIioim and carrying u revolver con
splcuously al her waist, ahe lookci
more like a hoy than a girl. She is
making Hie Hip alone, and aaytt her
triiHty revolver dispells all fear. In
Siiniuiei alio Uvea on gume which she
shoots, but to Whiter haa to depend
on farmers for food She aaya alio
la gat hei lug material for a aerlea of
abort atnrlea."
C A I iiiIIkt'i, prominent ranch
T of RoblBOttfl, wan In llM Sit) FBI
terdity mi business HUM rti I Bllh"
valuable Improvements on IiIm lnrg"
Irrigated ranch ll' l oniiinil;it
Ullt n .tailing large electrical pu .,p
for the .. .ii iliiiilon of water In hlx
.lltcheH, and hla vlalt here fMtOfdOJI
aiim for the piirpone of furthr ad
anreiiieiit ,ilnnr that line
Mr CfOthortll entitled .M.le.r..,!
It of .l.,. I. IllK more wealll f;oi
a limited numher of peach treew,
than the majority of fruit niImcm In
i trees iiuriiiK the lant neaaon
liuni. i p .. ii year, at With
Hie .ii of ii BOD Ifl
arlalK augment the i.-, ,,i ,
Ui e , I I ;
ii i
UluHhlU IU IIHf L Ml.Tl
With the MlBg .' the
iiii.xie Boari are gradaolly taking
heir pin. liiirlng IM ttrel OBOb
i i.niary. C C Morton BBd ! I
i i, of Daytoa, Waah. will open
up a movie theatre In the Parley
huililliitf The show will be nirlci
a ten cent affair, and will run the
raojatar Hat ol pictures
Mr Morton In In tin city ami will
up.-r intend the remodeling of the
Karlev building for the ofjBBlBl night
n !' hruary.
ItMlM s MT laiM IT
Apparent!) the feiir of rabies
this community has long ago Bah
Btdt I and It Is to In ' that Ihe
pent il. i... II break out again and
OBti . 1 ..n their guard. Thla
H a d it aaoaot be gottM rid
of bj rlgltaace tor ool) i orl Ubm.
but it mi i I BtlBBBll) ' Ml I
of till
BtBBltl .'iif w ihl
e ! vab',
I i r Hoc) y .Mi m
..t i ., :
.hi I Meiieo. there are i i
1 i oiarion Lowe.
tad to tha
Kair. Mini vv. I.. 11 I 1. if. I to nte the 1,, keep us Iron: em ro.ichlBI '
Irtp, 1 got la thlaklM of doainli or our ghbor,
t I. and i. Idad thai IBB a
all wii- 1 ii.! I atari aortal' fai aar
cd la 1 IprlBI m MB) WhBB I Irotldlug I Oc beds were real eoi
began my club work. 0VBB if I did ohlfl, ll I BBl I that H
not ie.ilie where m Journey would i ,. kOJl hud alreaih been ' pi Ifl
end 1 . pi .". as we guis said, foi
.,i,. Il when mother and I t. m wa-. a large strip. .' DM, I I
OBTB at th. County Fair. 1 found I stripes being different gold won thO Countv prize and the' I ne d.. morning we went tin.
following I left home for the jt . ,.nle lepartmeni Wliile
,,tii., I tup This was the L'ltli ol 1 was there I c.nil.lnt bOBJ
.pteniher. the lai.t da of our i'ii i r tho Owphai ' al aJdjai " BBd
I took tha train al Ny-.i for Dntaiio. u...e to get some In p I
where Count y School Supl Miss Clark
inei in.- and Iroin lli.i. w.
We had a line trip down the Col
miibia, and tin' only thing I fouini
to regret was thai I did not liuve it
camera to hike some inclines as we
went along We got to Cortland
about I ' o'clock Saturday, BBd thai
evening w- reached Salem
Sunday alieiuoon we went out to
Ihe I-air til omuls, and had as much
of Ihe hunting put up in our booth
. .... ...... ... ......i.i i...
WM w" cuuiu, so nun e omu tie
.ible to li it iiecoratiug Monday.
Monday we decorated and put up or hearing. The Sla.e Tr.iinug
the exhibits in our booth, and I think School hud a Due exhibit of work done
It was the most Interesting work l!in Hie different depart incuts, and
have ever done, vexcept canning
That, and WedVsduy and Friday
evenings. Hie matrons, Mis Hairing
ton, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Maris
took the camp girls to free baud con
certs by ftfollroye hand of Forthittd.
and each night found us in camp
Our camp waa a Urge black tent
in-, i outside the enliauce to the Fairjl'latt. a nurse, and Miss Cowgill 1
OroUBBB, Our beda were slightly
liferent from what we had been ac
customed to at home, Hie mattreaaea
and springs being "two ill one '' They
were itade of a generous loud of
.. i .11.. !
III" lllllllllll llllMllH'r'H lll--f IllK Of
I.. Daptlnt. rhurch wan held M Frl
day evening, with I BOd MtfWtftU-
Hon i.r-nt . Thfl reports fro;., ill
department showed I tat !! I o
chum and proxrHH
current hllla VOTO
Vlr'ually ail
Mid lie.'-.n the
meet inn
The rlllin h Mid Mt i.-
'" "" "" '"cludlnK thr oM del,,
" '" 'hiir.l, bVlldlBg, M4 !
and principal on the parviiru;. I M.
,, ,,, of 1, TiMMB wer
'07 addition during the year. H
liaptlKtii and 7 by letter and i I.
tlon. Thli th i.. j. . -. the
chun h ha r mad" -n ui e .-n.
nili;e! ,,f
i..t i cui rani ...rK of tin i
i dUrlllK the . .
uLlU Dili HUltLl lUll
Thai there la big money iii ralM . in t! - -.-, Hon la t opti
ii. Ii ..f W Mall. II. o wmh li.
clt) lerilay from bin ranch naar
Malh it xtatlon Altlougb it may
ba aomewhat late to ehronlcla th
result of fruit raining in thla aao
!on. there are aotne facta be!fif 'la
I that cannot !. , e. wtth
oUt commenta
From lf apple tr.s. Mr .Malhtt
im of x; N from the
. icU last BOaaon, and even that hut
little Attention wan paid to the Bj
rcdopaOMBl ot thla small orchard
MH-luded apot wherein the -. 1 I
haaats of prey may successfully ke
out of the way of the bBBBBBMB
i ifb Thai the di IBBM exists BBaBBS
a la given -ulflci.-i.t proof by
II... fa.-l tin. I r..r..nlh .,.,.. .. L.lle.l
nlOir Mole., that was in the advanced
r-'' . of his kind I hi n
haunt I of man?
,i tiled the ,
i;,. iii,
will speak at m
nth. pub
I i
I). 1
thra oa tho groaad
tboBl f" I
for their rug and omit BUlklflg
itoili Hint and the next uflei noon
we Mini to the grandstaint
otflBf altci nouns an.l in K -. Bfl
spent as much time a we po-irdy
could looking at the hoot1.:, kl "le
old and new pavilion-. The blind
and .Icit iliuola hud pupil' there
demonstrating the kind of work the
could learn to do, and it seems mar
.clous to us, who with our QOd
and ears, still have such hard limes
to understand, and remember In
structions, to see I hem go on and do
such beautiful work, without aight
when I saw how much interest they
look iii the work, I didn't believe
that it they had been given audi
work eurller, there would hae been
any cause for sending thuiu there.
Wo got our badges that evening.
On four ol' the inorniuga we w.n
given talks by Mr. Carleton, Mi
enjoyed these and wished over aud
over that we could have such advice
at our Iuduutrial Club lueetiugo.
Thursday afternoon three large
tiutos came for ua and we went
through Hi" state cepttol and listened
to a talk by Governor Wythccomhe,
iiinl the thlngn he said made us feel
fjflltfl aroad of ournelven, bat at the
miik- time !.' il ii '! ir- to keep
Jon working State Treasurer, Thorn
Jan II. Kh. also gave uh a abort talk.
, From tha Capitol ground we went
pant tin- nlti'ntinry, and nil the time
, ft, h(t . ol(
nround li, I k -it thinking. If UM p-
pie Inside, when they were bays and
Klrln, had had the opportunity for a-
educational a trip aa we were taking
rat there -a on Id ba no need for
MB a t'-rrlhle Inntltutlon
After priNHlng that we came to the
1 ti I e lli.Mi.itnl iin.1 t u.' If
, . . iprojec.ta In vent I gated I. , th niute la
mom of the men and women there" ' . -
would BBVi been ti.ere If they had
' n Btvoo noma Interaating work
BOB aa we had, to take their minda
(roin ttie sorrow or alcknoaa or what
ever ;in-... ti(em to become loaoBB
BBl I didn't have much time to a OB
-er for tha autoa had turned toward
amp and the aupper which was
waiting for UK. Aft. - ad eaten
Bd glrla gathered OBl
til tool and played games audi aa
; ool.
i iti ! wm told I had
the .-Lit.. PriM for la:
Thla BtBI M far from it even In
my wildest dreaiiia I had ever dared ,
to hop-- ..i iat I bbbM bard If bo
llava it was true until 1 aaw It print
.1 .ii hi:, and w bite.
from huraday night until lotBT
' '.t.iied, and rained hard At
i'i dull. I mind, but finally I won
deri ; if the element coulln t take
a Jok. i ..ii I aaid I wouldn't care'
f it did rain.
The fa.r waa fine In BOBTJ VB
i I don t think II I had he.-n one
of the fair U.ard, that I would have
Pit Iht 'i fortune tellers on the
irday morning moat of the glrla
left, hut I didn't leava until evening
I was the third girl on tha grounds.
.mi. I OM of the four laat onaa to leave.
I bad n extra fine time while I waa
then. !,t I waa glad to get back to
dear old Malheur county.
Mr ' .urchin. Mr. Crlffln and Mr.
CharMon aent nte a letter and my
' "t pin. and I received It
- .'nd . an I it me glad
again that I took up tlie Industrial
...... . .. . . .
' um wora I in now u.nn) lint
u ,,,,, ,, ,)Wn gl h(nr fr
.-I Miaa i lark orffaalMd ..or
Indn trial i
U '.unt. tit
emu 'oui
next N
1.1 John it RattB la
1 'lis. Mr. itailo tits
. ... iera lo n..- ..: ool)
.ma are .1 .1 .'.ni be
1 by il .
":,u "l" ,,n,y ar,: i,l 1,,n ,,!" 'ri1"-
.ii.mi. n,,r-.. i,. .r. iv ....
-a g- - . .1 . . . V t - m t
uraaa Mr Ratta .k om ol
ui mcvi aOflg orer on i
This stateiui in ed M I an ! thO bftohiflg ol
apprt i I two : ..ousutnl . i pc age-
in. 'in HO bus liecn a i
. i: '.er for i ni OOBim
i.i. ling to olp . t . , i . aord or m
inn the success o( a raus
Mr RattB in I. is Impersonations i
will app.-ur hi Hie Dreamland Thci-
Mouday niKht. Jan 1 o Fn
atlmiaaiou "0 cents.
t the DpaaaUaad ThMtra bmbbc
row night HBBlBl l' presents
John Kmci-on in "The llachehu
Homaaae," a delight ml. sentimental
comedy druma.
John Ktiiersoti portray - the role
ot David Holme, i lovable an.l ec
centric bachelor, w ho runs at the
aight of a woman, but is Dually trip
ped head over heel.-, in a love affair.
KTtM K -llllll I. TODAY
Five cars of cattle and two car
of hogs were shipped from Ontar o
this afternoon to the Fortland mar
ket. C. I'.' m i sou shipped one of th'
cars of cattle and Dave Mctlill was
the shipper of thf other four.. Kan
dull Sage sblpajNl the hoga.
Kev. 0. II i'owell, general miasion
ary, will hold Kpiacopal aervlcea in
the .Masonic hall iu Ontario, Sunday
meriting at 10:45 a. m. All ma
united to atteud.
The land ownera t,e . en t'ntarla
and the canyon will be p:i,d to
learn that Htato BoflaaOM .1 iftfl B.
lwla. In hla addreaa at the Oregoa
Irrigation Congreaa, aal-1 th .. i II tha
ti.. ... oparatli i lotrooi ai b or Hm
ral and State Irrigation proJacM,
the Warm Sprlnga p-oje.' urnei
out the boat.
Mr l.ewla stated th coat waa lorn
and with the Warrr 'pringa raaaf
volr to impound th prlng run-off
tha water supply will M ample to
ftirn'ah adequate water for about
") acre, nr the moat of the un-
.i ' -rryl lands 1 c.i'ed ltween tha
'head of the Malheur valley and On-
aa 'a el! aa to provh). full
aoaao.i'a right for tht land
thai rrov i .:t rt 1HI -ater rlghta
!The actual coat for Impounding an
..r.nzi raaor-
r will le- about M.Bff,
lie alho '.le.i thai the land that
haa a full amlBf right to July and
m-ii-1, and a h dn tr jct-
Od, that hut a f dollara per acre
ild hn to he paid. d pending on
the actui, I amount of water r.-iulred
to make a full water rlcht. while the
iiiiiu wriiu no water rigiu ana wiin
out any ditches to convey the water
to the land, from 120.00 to $10 09
l-r acre will have to lie paid
A complete report will be puhllah
ed within a few weena allowing the
general plan of conatructlon of reaar
voire and dltchea, and the aame re
port will ahow the plana of a com
plete drainage ;yatem that should
eventually become a part of the
Warm Springs Irrigation project.
St. ilia lleiiileraon of I'mXI,. waa
'-.... .
inciii nroi:e,i M a aiUUeni -I lllfl
Ontario high nclutul. WedaaaUi.. She
will take up the teachers caUTae that
Iff taught here
The aophomorea of the local high
no I will meet the Kruitland aop-
res tomorrow evening for their
tlrat basket ball gume this year.
The fr also plannipg
IBM II i 1 1 tlaad baa i f.i
Friday evening. This will le die
nrai punuc game tneae i . . i. a a, a
huo ever played.
1 ..f Um
t Uie
i hlgb i
evening an.:
BBttBOBOd Ifl the Ic.ui. bv loaol
II ll-l'l NINGS
St Ml l.
Tin ' t.
ti .w.turday
". featun after-
r.ev iiieitinerx joinen. i ne ne-1
o al i
llelir.. '.
TBB Iv WBBBBl club' .- utert.. I
Tuesdty evening ;.'. tha hoi ie of Mra.
I mi Th Mt VI i
the form d Mltj Mr ICnl"
olaalBB blfb l.onara. uer iu the
ovoniiHV ia euii.i.lir. uhihimo avuv ttarv.
on. ii. j I -taii-t.'"aie--
ed. the food being cooked over tha
i id) P' UtB
another faalg - mi... aud a
.. ..I til i b) I present
Tom Arnold nam to the iuterior
the first ot the week, where he will
viait with his son. Arthur. TfcoB
will probanly hae hunting trip
before Mr. Arnold turns.
Mrs J U I paid a visit to
the Argu i day. ubacrib-
ed for te Artu-i and promt' ed to vlait
the loci ol in tiie near
future. ..mi Mra. Kol.ena are
the teachers al the Matlett school
Chelbty Dover ot Hie tlno of Dover
Droa. left town the tlrat of the week
for Moniaua ll was atfltod that
bin atay will ba indefinite, but big
many frittula are hoping that ha will
soon be back.
i. . lal from Portland atatea that
the tlrat indictment in OffOffjOff tor
violation of the ion law waa
returned there Tuesday by the cuuuty
grand Jury againat Gua Anderson.
He was found guilty of actepttng a
marked dollar for a bottle of w
J l