The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 21, 1915, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    aMOK I'Wn
V I M.irx!-, Publisher.
labsrrlptloii l 00 n your
lwiys in iiiHunciv
fvMio vl Kv.n Thpm1i and l-Ylilny.
ero.i in the post olllce at Ontario.
on. for transmission through
uuviis us -ri'iuiii ihisH mail matter
A perplexing QBBBtlOB tor every
merchant. Who has MOM to the point
l ere In- -- niHertisiiig o
flat to In- MOMMi is what Htnoiint
sJio'iHI ho appropriated for tlio pur
PM .f ndxertning Thin la i nex-
tion that oaafroati vary man in
Basinet soom r or inter Hi BOB)
rift along ! "' HdB a,,u ""
mm nn agtataaea." inn ha Bavot eaa
nope to balld up I permanent .iml
praAtablc baataaat without iaflaata
Hlrarttatai campaign baakad ip by
a I) idvarttolag approprtottoa
r 11 approprtatloB ihoaM ba larga
aaaacb te yrovldo for tallara al Iba
gmri t . nc gaaaralljj I Bdi
agnrtlilni inc. iut li h
nt a garni i.' lh qultti t
it in well for tbo advarttaar to
novo with caution Ha la aatartag ,
largt Howoror, ' I
m iBoato parpi
f aaar) tdrtri ilnn appropriattaa
b m ik pr'.priatlon t re
iit .;. I ixpaatod ih
tskcn ' I t''l
prtattai roaioai !
iVr all aiiUaoii Bai whoa
the approprtaUoa 's onto mad
stick t: ran slag plaa bm) bt
oaaogad, bui caution should bt aaad
an cutting t . ip pt i OB .lur
grogrt idTortiatag iipalga.
WIN I ' It ll ju-t embark
. m basiaaan lit- a.iv i I ap
pn oaM or aai It bt
targer thai the wtabHohod men
an' retail merchant Jutiturt
trtK in !u froqaaatU iptodi
' .at 1" par utit In ailv.-rti-i
rtty ipaai i in advert.
tug rtfil ,n l - u
Tne ; aaaallj past bj ra
Bill ng range
from I to H pel rnl rlepoodtag "ti
eon fOBK retail !iousa
spend n par i aal ta ai-
wind i;i. IDLK HORMI g
' t i la t n "f the year prut tuall..
Mil vmrk ni must Bgl
ku utol ar ap-
grOI :.crse- .
e- l..rse flv-
rv feed-
niw '!i I an p-
l- al oul :
f ' ardor nat tboj
a ! 1 hie roiiiiltlon for
work :i I) -pnni
In.--. . not he confined to
tie Urn .lur : the winur on I lih
4Tml aapplj ( grabj It t far hetter
a Tihu . throtiRli the cold
aonilu- i ij l.oui.l he Riven the
ran of tl yard or lot during the day
Thla ahould lie provided with a pro-
--te.! .i. aaa thai h thoroughly
try- ami well prOTldod with bedding
n'liiu- aatara tooa hi ..u-i pm-
tect tti- bona with . . i of
iair duriiik ued
m, nKeMr i aeaaaary
tl "lu r dinl protOCtloi . ruuiM, '
miov.. uii.i eold win tor winda
nm iiiutl iron. rth anil
aortic . .ui. i ba
m altuatod aad to
propt i proti lion rroiu I
In .r-i the
i i uvoided
U order t.. . , . r COB-
it tbo k coat. II
(I ur .....
B grain i ldl
lerinit ijf a DaOTI thoroagh Oil
..r tbi ti i. tiii. i j.- propar
Fro baton tha
;.niiK vol k i .i .1 tin- i
t'.oulil ba pal at lijfi.t work ittid . '.m
.; on .i :...!! grail ration in ordOf
j tboj Ma i' lg propar ooadltlon
tr. i Ubf work roijuiriil of them 1
: i ration may IhOO ba l-'ra(luall
iT'asel until tin- regular allowance
Vis heen naabad for tbl working
jra-. I.
(irowiug colts reijinre eonalderabU
gfOtOla They should lie so fi-il as to
m-oirv proper dOVOlopmOOt ami at a
BO ii i in u ii i cost Kough feed, such as
lean inuiil hay, alfalfa, or clover
Bay be fed along with a iiiuiui.- r
ftrau, outs, ami corn
'lam lew F."iii Men! lie 'isteri'd
olKtein Frier ian ati. Two
BsOlOl .ount' l.i.lls lor sale, ten and
aV -en moatha '' i, from boavy proda-
vug dams aiiii -d hy PlldgO I'retje
fount, i graadaoB al Hoaiaataad 01rl(
BeKol Sarcastic Uid aiid ilu- ;;ill iiu-
partad gaa I'ietje jj:m Vfrati lai
ami Braadlag
; v Pontius,
I Houte 1, Ontario, Or.
ys;,2Ss rs?" "r
Neal of
Author of "fled Mouse."
"Running Fighf," 'Vats
paw." ' Ltlue Buckle," etc
ll.nvrttfhf lulfk K
MoTtag Pletaraa of aaeh lantallmani if "Neil ot The Naty" 0111 i.
shown avary mday alght al th Draamlaftd Thaatra,
AH people are hereby warned
that yellow aever ia carried by
moaquitoea. Avoid being bitten if
you can and kill all the moaqui
toea you find.
In co operation with u. S S. Al
bany. ' tiuiinor." he aahl to Vvil. von're
on shore leave. I know Hut Id he
Klad if you d hinkle to ami link those
up in town I II co hack to the ship
uud get ray goad and a few supplies.
I'ntll then good by."
That aftoraooa Raaeoa carroi. the '
mayor of Tortugn. st...n I w clad bj I
fricgai aaltoraa, in th.- nlddla or
bla daarway, surrounded by a clamor
ing moh.
8 b, now. my people," he ei-
claimed, there is no cause for alarm.
IM what I am doing for you what
other mayor has done so much? Note '
then in crulaar of tha Ualtoi
s-.i!. s di. 1 have lent for
It It I. i- tuv r si. I'p-
.;r.' the n'.ist wom'.cr-
ful Ht'.clalis s in the world last ire
k you .e. yonder their
white i-oata lore. th. re. v rj wh-re.
Out .f my private f Ttune which Is
vast, my children i qW of m jrlvato
tortai 1 am laying ill th. - -. . eial-
. . . lie sighted gaddl uly a
figure on the outskirts of th. (ro.'
aaar eaaagad. The Bgan
that of the surgeon of the Albany
he pressed forward and Joined th
mayor. Ah. nenor. said the mayor, speak
Ing in a low toaOBBd rap..ll I have
beaa telling my pla see have
congregate them tor the pirpoBO
bow nohie beneficent your i miry Is
how you have, fr-1 ..f all liarge
and without . ;.. i. . . m. to our
prosperous little cmanriuity and have
fight the pestilence They are grate
ful." The :rgeon gBOTtoi Kiruse me
for i moment." he agcluimed He
darted down the strei't and caught a
young woman by the arm Just aa ahe
waa entering an adobe hut
The young woman was Annette II
Vu young renega!e. he
sternly. I thought I told you to koop
away hands off you II kill reanatt."
lom Inside th M CB9M I low
Ing sound a wall
nn. i'e ' .! ' . the nur-
p hu. I - aald.
"you re 'tir '
The wan Mihide turned to speech
ijU4vi-nng Spanish
Little white angel.' rled the
olee, come, little white ant,-.-! and
lay your hands on me OaBM quick,
before I die."
Pernicious Plots.
It waa after dark Out of a clump
of frees upon a bill there sauntered
forth a man thla man waa Ponto He
p.. bad his way carefully warily Ile
for be knew it he waa where he
wanted not to be in tbo street! of
the town Once in. he started out.
hut soon thing attracted hla attention.
A little road of r.: n and women
stood BBOM i placard tasked upon the
side of a hut I'onto real It swiftly.
Ponto raised his brow tl
cantly. He had BOBTd rumors -lull
confirmed them
BfOSQBltOOS he s;. .d softly to him
self, "mosquiioea." He tucked the
word rn k in the inmost
recesses of his Bllad and went his
way. Skntmg tlie town he reached
the lag i.t tin- gpaalab ixn. Froai
the r ar ! apbbl figure in a win
dow He softly
A woman in tlo- wit.. low st;
Blightly, and peered out
i'onto clamlx-red up to the window
and noiselessly tore the net from It,
Immediately r pla. Ing it as best he
might He sniffed the air
Ah whispered Inez (astro softly.
"I am smeared with crude oil face
and hands and ankles 1 am i murine.
Ut-. you smear alao, I'onto "
Where." queried 1'oiitO. "is the
"Ho far as I determine," answered
Inez, she has it still "
"You cannot get It?"
Not unless 1 show my hand. ' aald
I'onto shook his head "Not," he
returned, "until the chief sayi the
word What of mine host" ha quer
ied "A bloodsucker," answered Ines;
he'll do anything for coin "
"Summon him," aald I'onto.
The proprietor wan hummoned At
the door, at sight of I'onto he started
back In surprise. Hut I'onto held his
linger on his lips, and exhibited a
multitude of coins in the open palm
of IiIh hand The proprietor advanced
and (ulckly approprluted the coin.
"More later," whispered I'onto, "ait
down confer with us."
An hour later i'onto a black patch
on the baokfnaas M black night It
;. ntcalthily puihad open the door
of a hut in the middle of a clump ol
r mall tie. . OU a hill.
A ouuu. Uunide. wnkjnx sjnildepijr. as
mi: ovrutio iMfeWttRLI AIWW
j':IHC:"yTr?f 3
(he Navy
Novel ed from the Thoto
ol tha S.ime Name PRHtwal
by the Fathe I;.'. Ml
-... Ii-..i. . w...--
ii.hli nl.. . ran;- Op, knife In lurnl.
Soft, ivpitnn." wbispamd Ponto, "it
Is I I."
lhe two gpia atraci llgal Mai ,,i,
down tuclm: BBtl other
I'onto apoke In nie.iured hMMg Bt
ery word that he tittered from MOW OH
'outalned port, nl III knew what hi
vas uhotit In tho bad of his hea !
he hml nn Idea baleful hut-useful
"Yes ." he BlM th" niosnuttoei cat
ry the pestilence Ore might call II
the mos'iuito ilckBOM Just aa well
v-id at duslk then In their time then
they Mil the woi
"h on.' commanded Demand.
grtaity. Hi toll ii ii i'onto wai hoi.i
ins BoaBOtblag ba k
"The llttic white ntr.l.' went on
I'onto as thoui'h i. citing a MsBBMI
Kb cried Men an lv
Our young fTlUBtl "i thl t:iiii
that Is what Ho call her i.
where I ba UMlc white Bag 1
goes alxitit from I ll to hut fr 'in t
rof Mrlcben pat let i to fever-atrtekei
pati. nl n. t she .;r . s l.ul alo
will laawer ai
Mb l. r' i I 'N ou un I.
st lad be said will a
SWer !'ll . ill I I l. k . ill t
her, she
Mi.' aald ll- n tl it Is w
And the gOBJM r a
I v 1 1 w t will an
arv .-all "
I m. ' aald llei . i ' aa .
I gajgjrl eyes g'. 181 I Ah. ' I
said. one mile mil ( loam II
tin. ugh this clump of bOBBoa w
I . w -i .- !. r Boll I
l.i on," i ..nii.indel ll man I.
"what lies down In the ballon by thi
PoBto ibaded bll mouth with hii
hai. i '.' i rotaraod whi
per No on I .1 even ! Ftliu
hear "
For a Btoment h wh ; ert I latotb
ear of Men an I. When tie had ll
Haraafl la Ml toal aM
glittering eyes.
It i n. r. (.. bbJ turn tap
ping ms for hi I "I have It
!.. i.:i this Ubm th. v shall not fr'
a.v- '
leu days later Annette liington
now .1II9.I t: whit !
ly the shore Bgaad trOBO tl,.' irui.ier. her skirts p'ucifd 1 dutchiiu
Sh.- s .-ked doara a aattaa i
mere bag of BBBsM m a Jumble of ragi
crcuched at BOf f- Bl
Little whito BagMf' wh.n.'d the na
tlve In Sj.ini.Hh and Ami. -Me hs 1
learned enough of 'h' tongue to listen
to appeals for help my daughter
Just like you M kind, and pretty
She lies at leath a door You hi.
food, you have gbBMl M and you can
lay your hand BB bar Sim will get
well. What you MMBJ done for "th
era you can I for hi r "
An olficer rrom ih. Albany turned
the corner Annette's heart leajied
The ma'i wu Neal Hardin.
"N'i! sh1'. cried, 'llstiin to him
'Little Whit Angel,"
rrjpgWJBal gjBaaBBM. BBgggaBjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassaaaaan
' gfl Lav isMdJBgl
gjPM M aTggal aaaV .aaas,,TJM I
Kb 1 fl V ' sr- V ;5
ajga a wUf asB a eaww bjtaiiiiiV bw
I garl BTssSS J tT'V1
Sews! ir'saBBBr r
v Baal BaaaEan slali 3Saar &M
Kail I JsV I'ti
Jj BMBrJaaaiT bEi ' aaa
aBsBaBlb WM
m IIS 1 i
7dB BaaaraaV Vbbbsbbb BBBBBBBBBY vABaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM
M Mm AV9
V WW iwmW ill Baaaaaaaffol
tlmmm H
' ttTMmmmnmwmWm W - bbbbbbi jfl
-' 'liaaarr BTLAaBU aajNgjOja
- ffrP'igli pjgpj
fr 'Ww iaalrC'sanBl
7TB BOS"sjnasaaw -M
r. , ' ' ' sssWrwlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW
n REPAY, WT, Hi "!,
lA 1.1,:' l-r n. "" w,,",,
,H M1s 111 i - laloel It's too
'".NY i to 1" MBB I" ''is nallTe
,,,,,, ll.e man JobbOTOs BBOl
tloquentl) .,
,iin . heft di-.ictico out or town.
aid Naal. "over thai hill."
i ii go aald Van "
Neal pondiied for a B1 Bai 'AH
rtglii.' I..- Mild, nnl I IrH Jl
now. r:i to wiii- roa
Th.. aatln i. apod la his toal with
alacrlt) m I ' orooksdlj BMMal or
df o.' III.' IOW0 Ihcv
plaaged inlu un lirgrowth and Ihin
thraaga wood! bM th i-'oumi w.
dry ami Ihi ti.OI OBI t "'l good
At tin dOOt el a hut IBI natlv
pauaod and in di mod tin"" '"
Neal an 1 Ann. tig BBtwd side b)
side. In i '1 rk - ".- ' ' ' ' " ,n'' '
shapa under a Rltay ctoth iaaetti
.prang loa ird It At tbll Instant tbl
native dropped l" Ibl ground and
. hitched N 'I s ankles Ufhtl m III ti
hand. Al Ibl same ll lap! Ihl hud
died flgiii m tbi ' I ' '
rBl It is RO strh ken Kltl n '
maud. I Hi the llghl ol tiiutiu h
in hla y I ai tbl I """ '" ,"1'
i -onto and i wti praai lata lao
fray. .
It wa I matter Ol ' BlOBieBl
,, i .- and . ii I- and Ibam
aelvaa bt '' ,l:"
Neal. aft.t a I' gasp IM MOBta,
led .it V to it.' fori..' 1
Horaaadi itaaipad
l 'l ri. ' l Bill ' '
M .'l,- ' I
ii it is aal tif i fortat
Me pat i '" on iid Not
what II.
M i . I e! tWO I
Ihriisl bl
I ll
loai l twaj
!... ' ' , ItO t "
I I If
. i i in nh a I
i ..; ik
O- '
.. r Side .
ft. r t 'i n mifiut. I
gatli waa arttb lb
1 . 1 1 1 '"i
V all" I , ! Bllgbty
I I- i. car. fwl
I ta H I ' l
HUd, IS tl. rtUP'
Ih t-
t 1 . : our bill
t aa
: 1 aid
gh IB I '
satire 1 I
it night 11 '
. ' ;
lir. ! . follow I
i Hard)
r t. V ha I ' 1 ' .
it was re. when I ' loco
-. ' ,1
r..r N ll II ' Un lurdln
' !.
aaa al 1 " M 1
Ii 1.'
OM in the owitmp Seal and Annette
w.-re conducted to .1 umall, swamp
Islet, green s ut dark growth upon
which wis barely toathoM
"Thu ' ggbj the native to Horaag
del, Is the Btoaa of whlih I told
i'Yom tills there is no es ape
Hernandez bowed. You have choa
ea pests aud pestilence. )our friends,
he sail ' Mood night, and pleasant
dreams New take us hack '
Hack at the hut. the native waa bow
Ing low. Hernaudet iure mucb
. -in Intj his hand 'And mind.' said
lleraaadi'i, "close moiah for two days
Whined the Native
IMlYbll IU'
Ontario. On iron
Offki in New Wilson Illock.
osri:ornii( imivsk i nm
Dr. Harriet Si ars
Or. Pauline Sears
Qntdaatai Maarkaa letoal of Oste.
path), Kirkuville, Mo.
Wiis. n liio. k Tab phono IM Pik
t:. COI'K, Tlie Tailor, Tailoring,
Pressing and (leaning
I'hone I0IW Oppomtti I'oat Ottli-
mt JXrxrijur'-Js-M"W,W'a""sii m
ii( nsi i ii. ii;; Ml AND FX
ts nit train
I Dr:iM'KIM.
J. II. I VIM K1 I '' 'I"
ami cmluili' . r I ad haM PtsBJH
w i 'i . Irogoa
at any rate ..u dog "
In on' m ly h wao 1 mo the
In an. Hi- t bi II. he
K irt 1 I M in and
beat bla 1 ' ''
ami avari I
,,p. tied 1 ii nnl to some pur
iboa hi
nd Ikaa i.i. t
: ian and I I llko .'his Ihe-. 1
hegatl " - USt bow he lis. I ti. I
on 'i tpaao
..I time ihe lii. led ta htra
ojien m 1" 1 Km tig Um tn vara
I'l.'ii, pBBOt whQBI families had
been mil bl the angi-l sent
fi. in bjaataa s imie adstta angei
ne of it - l lent) sprang In
his feet and BBtOf hf
t he scruff of. lie 11 f k and not with
standtog strug ' '! I him. pgJJ
in. II. from tie
Hat k In Ho' aa ' ' " Spanish I 'on.
the proprietor wis IfOteatlBg that ho
had hot se.ii 1: . ha I not
Lamed of th . la of the lit
tle wbttO anr- v .in tie II
ington A d n t pspjobltl were on
hand the surgeon ess there Mis
Msrdln. wlldoed in th. glsre of 1'ie
-ttii.kv lamps, waa bfa - g hysterical-
v llo't i'.-.ked ' Suddenly
to the midst of ll . uy waa
propelled an intoslcaled natlvs a bag
ft'oatlaaad ; I
I ig!it!. I. fade r 'laminations
will I.- lid Ihr. Malheur
niiity on January . 1 Tea
than having pupH . . for Oils
BBaastaattea ikaal I raj rl g Ikg
aaaty laportou ra Jauu
ary l
o rw 1 i.Hik
i oUllty laparlnteiideiit ..f Scliools
B, OOJPOJ aa.1 , ......jom st.., N" '''"""'' '
cleaner In th
Prices nn. derate
A.. ..I I.I..L
1- in its dapogilon Tht
bogjgigat "i tl 1 n iinnk is
oii'lm ti -i hi ibia liiisis,
w)ii Ii 1-, in trulli, HE
ii conaidarot
proti U,
Wo fi-i'l juitilieil in usk
lag for Miiir bankloi
btsglnggg, .IhMllll.o y,M,
always, ( uiirtenin trt'tit-
iiiiiit iitni Miti-lictory
mi hum iMiiiisi miiiii.ii ami: iv tk
IKIMIt AM AlMlliKH in H M THK O.M.V l''A
win 1; 1
Business Director'
"I XtlKT.s
on. w. a. uwnmmmm
Over 1st
Natl Munk
W. II. llr,Kdi,, AltorasTT
U'llmin III. I.
I Mri;ONA(il..
Will Practice in in
NuUry IMhlla orru. , L
lOOto . First
N'tlnal B
1". Oretna.
Itrvitita 1.1.S t'i...i v.. .
- " "an ma h
Ontario. Oreon
i ti ..
Kimliia It. II It ..... 1
' " iian y
" i iniu i i.imi , mi Oraagpl
"rr atrtjs urrir,(aay
' ' ' "11
w m km p., im, ,MM r
all. I 'jusiiMt . 1 IVlabl
11 111 in I MBlBL I
"" " 1 " ' .11 sn staaal
onunion . i.k run 14 atgl
one half or a whole bog pst asaJ
otnlcalM al 7 ", reots per tl
gon Hacking o
Vt (V I L I . I . . II. ,.""
turkeys at the highest prlw Ussgj
1 "iiisrio Market Ut
N.II.I.HMI.N t.VTKI) U g gj
high grade .in. k I iperbB; i
trai tlie inn. iiiik.iii oa w
jiianteii in iniu M-i-tmu Bat Bl
eral offer e hate Off BJaO
N groan ' " Salem, lire 11
. .HiiB ! . -.a, wWWWWW
Ml( I I S
roR IIBNT Ituomt fubpasaal
keeping. steam lisatss HUTll
Kilt (Ml TRAM
Killt SAI.K How tmal U est 41
condition, with sir tssli ui Ir
ruda motor Inquire II g
M lUMsl
Knit gALI
1.100. age s
oi" work swats!!
J J IMilartojsab
POgJ lAlsl A baby
pui re Hill i'barmaay.
I 11 It SAI.K ' I nst
Kmptre l.utnlier I
roii sai.k
qulri of Hr
1 1.
I'ogue '
Hull HAI.K IM.ode lsUa4 WssM
rU I'rur winners S d fslseBl
.. pari ..r taooaaw i()STJurKp"(uneo bwai
Phone Moore . . g-
rMliUiT I. .IV.' .11 ATKUa'7
" mi, I moi.ll'ii 1 1 ll'.'in . I
, a 1 1 1 as " s"
II s UliHOI'
i tit Hi IV lRV
t H 01
IKM K sl'KlX
1 H
hi Ml 1:1 it
E. Cope' 8 Tailor Shop
MOM. 0""