The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 21, 1915, Image 1

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,s '" MALHfcUH ot vii. noon, Tl ISPAV. lKC 21, ioi.-.
No. If
I,,, nim iim I n '' "f I'1" Mnl
Count) Ml Association waa
hint Snt unlity In the city hull
.., ,n ;ruiiH presented in- mi
i, port! nnd ' '"' "" A,,M ""'"''I
(n nil aiiditlliB committee li-r
L ,.. dun nf ihret iii-w din-dors
I i. .. aiplrad term- nf K A Km
D lulliiiKsley mid A W Trow,
tuk ii up bul n iii'tlmi 1 1 i I ' t
AmiiHiii iii--i IriK will Imi held
,,, ,, Future in r i.Ti thoea of
Mr I row im-l Mr l-'t
.t.ltoil llllll lliey ill ll"l .(
I ; 111 uf fill
-h-:-:-::-: : :-:-i-h-h-i-i-h-i-h
Is Prophetic ;;
: ;-:-:-h-s-:-:-:-:-:-i-
Jlli fur
a hccolllllitf more
' I i
i. I i i- llgkMM In
lli the sOBBOB otwrve N kf IH
Mfill a-- I "I ft ItUII - TW la It-
la (. imliir gnlu for nil Hi" Inter
r louiiimii humanity Mr
Laore nrr (In- rcllglmia di-immlna-
of Nil creed a making part of
Mint time of religion wnrahlp.
aim a a liniiic In a whnleaome
rnriinwin in ninn reanvai or
1,1. nl tre h'll up before the world
nil thought In It" hUtory
;' Incarnation la the event around
ih :: "tti.-r i nia re olve In mall
largar rln kM
la frtlrnl I the moat Jnyotia cele
ii nf flirt ti-ndoin It II akc the
f rhlldhoxt more J"j mm, and n
Mia the horded of are ami a.r
with It ti -miff mrtiiorte and Ita
)itinnt prnpheclc
prophetic nf I he golden are
f'lirNt ahull rtmir aeulu. whn
ana 1 1 he noTthrmrn and whea the
of a r.i-Min t I. iiiiii iiltv aliall
fff 'In1 unPerae n tln anng
tint li"im . ttraf tin
nf It.fhl. tii-iii
I ft whi- h rhai '. fhl
to iii- i ;.-i a creat
I.- cifi of til Hon
i .,
. .,f.- . , '
. v
lo ail ndltton of
' Mil lender li -in- ea nnJ
i l.i'- i : 'ii. re
t ' . i ' ,. lean.
bnitmaa BaMi fr,0m Hill to M.ll.
. niatit u
. i in II . nilai
Christmas Thought
DH, Chriatm n ta .oiiiin ngnln,
An i you i.iiik Bag baa tlmiB
11 la lU'lilKtUK.
the eoatUoot uHt may not .hnl
dea t be .lay
!r bolp mi Um merry tiella ring-
Kettinu in lofling, you uinler-
in., liuiiiiling ! from aaving.
it you bald in ymir hnml nnty
lip tiuin y our liuml;
lore ia autnething hotter thnn
Wn are i-telitir tor what urn uivo.
And only ,y giving wo in I
o i . .i yuur'a preaonUi wm aeat-
t.ii'.il uiiii gone.
on h.iv.. iilmoat forgot wlio v
I MM loving thoughU you l.oatow
live on
long iui you ohooae to have
i I...... ia your riohae, though
uvor ao poor:
0 moiioy .mil Iui v that tramaiu'i'.
bra alwuya, from robber and ruat
our own without attnt or moae
uro. It la only lovo that w oan gtvi
U la only by loving w llva.
r who ia It ami lea through th
vui laianan Mloril
I Illlit . ,1 !. .....(.. -
f w in wmi. i-iaaiu'..
ar little Child In a atablo born
Fhoao love la tho world salva
waa poor on earth, but he gave
ua an
hat own make our life worth liv
ing, d happy th Ohrlatmae day we
feat la apent for hla aake In giving.
He ahowa ua the way to live;
Uke bias, lot uo love and give.
"""" I' H Claud tendered
his realign itiog mm secretary of the
Ontario Commercial Mill, at n. ,,.
Stilar in. .in, K f j. Blub li'll In tln
lull "DOOM IiihI nlKlit Tin- i.
Mttol i.ii m .n.Mi Lumury Ht Th
HftJatOn will tirolmlily niinliit ,,
N liofori- the firm of (Iim Mi,r
Mum MifiiilnTK of I In- rluli
' fir'Hni ,ti die Mfjftlai IhmI nlKlit nn i
nil miitti-ra of InportMM v.r..
i Up mid dlfipoMiil nf A W
Trow .i ilcctcd ,i , IHi'Katl li
Irrli iiinii roagTMi wbleti win
B II I t t Ii II ' I h li. .
.'ii.i I Mr Trow 'i 0
'" '!" - i.i ') i In'. . in im-ri-lii
I nasi mm
'uk i i .,ii of ii,. on Hi
a ft ih m(ii
N ! . r ii..- f-ir On
irro .
I ' I'MIl,
do ii- mi i ina in
II.I. ml.
H w iinv.i.r i aipaota lo laav
toaaorra i ai for i nrvHiiia vbaia
in win apond Cbrlotaui Mr iio
ard will alo ba in iitirnduiK" at UM
.. inn Aic-iit i 'iiiiMMitliin. and will
iaV in ii. KnrmiTi Hhori ..'ircr
He will rttiirn in Ontario atxiut the
Ifll mil ot January
Hit. I.KTHON TO lit HOT i.
Mra W W l.elaon left H Itiila) f'.r
North Hakota. where alie will apeod
the holldaya and vlalt fur evral
weka Mra l.etiuin ha- aOM Moaie
freiiiiMitlv luit thla will ba the flret
'hriaima- -lie haa apent with nrr mo
ther for twciit) five year
Mil III Kill. 1. 1. W IV.
Mra Jena llurrell left mi the i-arly
niiiintna train Haturdav fur rtOMIM,
Teaa-. where alie st BpOBd the hull
da) nli relath tat III llur
ruil alll li ii hi M Aaaaatlaa, Kiori )
da. her nl. I I .urn an. I nim
in i tatat " i"i uImiiii it., moat 1 1
mi. :i ii .t ir- , -.. ii n.
'. .l II I ".Hli.l l
I .. I . olo
lilt I.
I I-..1 . 1,1.
. ,. .1
i II
li. .11 i. ii
riouiMi i: HAWHINM
,7,;; .,.i... i.'- '""""
I 1 foaPiSli
BBBafCaa.BsVa, BY " mWOB TJB 1
LaaUaaal bbbbB aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVLaaaaaaaaaaaaa
H aaaaH L
Bb- M T B aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw flL I
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaV, M. aaaaaaaaaaa! aaaaaHaai A W PL M Jaal
W tfrm 'M E v 1 sV mf
Laa. aaWaaaf aaa. 1 P'l
... . gaaBBljBKBB9pjBjpjj SSESFOk kTaaSCaSVRul
' aaf aaaaflkaaaaaal KalaWt (PAf'aa 'VaaaV LaT aaaaal kaClVBaaafl
tin ";... 01
Chrittmc jCahesx
' : i I Jdii ,:a and ;
i . .. ". i ..I l.:eir
Tin UN aaaoai to ba llttla Oouht
ilaavl bortidga taod not aaal
dloaji aaa iba o!daf and more
i nit doalatl ill'li of thla tune
h"ii..ii-.i dellvara. Tba wrd aajataabag
win. feilllOrtj Wad In the aeliav of
Nlllftln Of forceiuenli 1'iirrhlKe, nil
the nlher hnml. nm n-ed In tile avliae
of our pre-ent day puJdlug. When
hhiike-ia- .ie hi'.iika .i "Mirildk'e after
meat he uiidoiil.ledU in. al.- "poddlaal
aft.T meat. And In Shi ppardli "Kpl
arama' (jiuhllahi-l Il'.Ii we rtmd. "No
Uiutter fur plntnti i-irrtdate or abrvd
plea' I'. II Idtihridd aoya: The
I'luiii pvddiaaj In nut ..nler thnn the
earl. y.;ir of the il.hie. nth entui
and iiin NUI 10 ba In "-e nf llunover'
or 'act of acitleiiieiit illih The pre
i. .. ,u. mi hi Stunt i ieiiirutt(iii of
pliiuix ami other 1 nura-tl taut wuh ii or
rtdga or nottaaH ,'1"1 "" l'Uihllni;iiml
ii..'. . itb i an troaj bfotft ad
ahin Of bajC,
Tin. - pint i pii.ldln - have of
lata ' '' I ' ' "' laaaMoii
1, ii,, i n the Yule
I , I flat lite
uf th,. .,.,; It hell HIiuW
. I me. ..-..ile
Ul hum I)
m lb dam
' ' i v '
i i ..iii. .
. mi !n-l with
. .in. i
p.. i iter In ; " at
i::.- ibrulo rl
III of the I
The -. -.ii. in ' " '" '' '"
ierireiaii.ui- rontatvl ibai oa accooul
f . m.iii. of Ita lm:felieiii
it,., idum ' ii'-nat l- f I be
I lir Usui V tollaual
. . iMnllnlat and New YoVk Metropolitan
"" """" u"i"M" ' Mu",,: ""
fl" ni the Dreamland tomorTon
." II) plfta nf tlij .J
About Viie batdea, Tula dootiMI nr
pop fl'HIj in.i Ind eia. n malum exNteiJ
In aa Bitrlnii aa oetnaata of
! 1 1 , . ., . , ii Cbrtotasai
i i loraala in tba alaapa of n
rtoll -.iiMi and nil "ere nrolc
of dooali ntld eiirranla. They u.Te
tl;it rakea abraai Iba alM of n baad
NMIatbl -liii"il In the Bat Iff of I worn
Ba with the hand HtiOOod "v'r the
hrenat and In the CTOOatd nun- wn- n
aimiiiir iik-ufe. ropaaaantloa cblM. the
faatatai b au rudely aiiKai-ated iy
menu of COffBata Tin re Ml tie no
dotibt til-it thla awootaaaal arbarii wa-
made mid irtven to ehlldren only nt
t'tirlatt in- rejire-ented the BaWaaai
Virpli. Mar) nml the Ilnlv Child, a
atactica I and plenalnir way t t.rliikiiiu
hnine to the mind of the ehlldren the
cent nil fin ta nnd fljrurea of f'hrtatmaa
tide j.,;, ) ,, H-. I d-l-l-l-H-H-M I H
Happy Christmas
t President Grant and Hia t
Tribe" fcnjoyrd It In
(he White House
.. t a - t.-t a a a .a
THK Chrlatmiia of ISO.i faaaad the
tuppjTi wde awake family of
,1 t.tlllit -.-Hied III tho
aiilta llooaa it '" Jut
four- . - "I. Mareb t abaoa Mm.
v i-sei um e mi-treaa."
During lot r abftit raara in the White
Uouae '.i nta "ere rooatod aa "
.vii i ororo at trba i with
KllUile-t i l l in- BBd Wli-elll-ll eliur-Hie-
v.- '.t nl :i- ery --leliiatli'
in her barlttea laa aiado Uata ami
diatrii' .-.' i hriatnaaa flfla itai afcl
lulu nnd awaj -cu-e Tbora mat m
end uf . hi after Um
war. at I awaj eini'ty.
in istu i : -lit Great's falboi
-i .-ni chrl itmaa si tbe While ffoaoa
The BOOM ': un .-ulle-'e. tin I
Baaan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
g '
4 1 aa i un n n
Mruu Soprano
a a SSa
Company, coming to the Dreamland
John if Raddi Orogoa Idaho v.
Mi '. A. H'crettvry, In a letter to Itev
Kooalfji HtateH that the convent inn of
the Older lloya ( "onference. Iield re
' "iii ly In Ontario, wan Iba most
live ever held in thla section. A
ropy of the letter follows:
"My Dear Mr. Koenia:
The Fifth Annual Older Hoys' r. in
ference which closed last nlnht In
your city has hoeti pronounced the
iiKixt effective ever hold III this .
tlon. I feel that this Is due to sev-
araal oaaiosi of arhleh one of tba
hiKKeHi iih- baoa tin aaroaorrad sup
port and bard work of the people nf
your city
"Accept therefore my boarty tllllllk
to you and thru you to the p.-nple of
Ontario for their large pari la aiak
Iuk thla the best Older Hoys" Confer
ence for Ka-tern OfOfOa Hid Hotith-
ara tdabo.
"one baadrod and tweiiiy-ftve !
and leader from without your city
e' your city Bfftb erateful
toward your people. Mure
'thnn one hundred hoa have left with
iiiKher deatraa and parppooa ruiinn
tluir I feel f lint In no t'oi-
tOraaoa before haa Almtahty God been
"it la my hope that Ontario haa
received a lame portion of real rooiI
from IiiivIiik theae hoya with them
diirlnK these few day.
For the hoya of two atates
John H. Itudd."
Nellie nnd her friend- made the ahf
hoiiae ring with (xh1 tliiiea. Mra. Fre
wnit gave rhem a dun- lnit reception,
and the sewlnsr .-lul. of which Nellie
wna the president bud a wonderful
lirl-tt'iaa entertainment, furnished
mostly from the White llouae.
Oenernl Grant, like General Rrter
innn. htid n Brent stfOj for children and
their plenaurea. One Chrlatmaa thi
matinee waa "The adventure and
mlaadventure of Clown and Tantn
loon In the wonderful pantomime of
Jack nnd the Itennatalk,'" and the
White Baaaa eafdfarai were determined
to go.
"Now. father, plenae." unreal Nellie
'Jrnnt. nnd "Yea. father. v..u pmmlaed
ua," nnld .lease, nnd General Shermnn
aald. "We'll bo. nil of ua. nnd tnke the
wlmle trllie "
And the. did anftoa and eoiialna.
-v. i.ii diatluBtt -'ii aoaoraM nnd the
saaofdaat I NhV - of rhareb and a
were for got lOU Iii the Kdlculoas prnnka
of ".iii. aad tba Be I ill " a irrc-it
baaojool was aftorwat I sserod in the
late dining re m by f . raid
Melnh All tbe A ' ' BtlSOtS
lolned .t!i the eblkl In game sad
iim. There wee BJUatr BBd i-ruim
nadea thr'i.'h the en-t room
THo Chdd Immortal.
i hi Mar . ft illd
t .1. ! - . '
Ttie piiie- ' ' roewy seaaaaj
lad aa li.- al it he amtlei
Ie an.t rtr.-imi-t h drramct and
am Bed
Tha eentartea cnw ami ao,
itut -tin t'.it hit nf heaven we know
rha mother Bl '
- Marllia Buiiimerfi'-l.l Shury.
I Yuletide Feast
j X
i I
X It Took Much to Satiafy Our x
X Seventeenth Century T
Ance :ora
Gi:it ' SP MAPKIIAM. wlm
,h. i ami arete in taa Bataa
... i loniuiy. fjBVg an anouni
..f v hat was a proper Ctul-t
mas diiuui in hla time Hy It the ai-
aatltoi of fonaor daH Buy ba tafapad
lie -ays tin- Ina eoar loabl consist
of "sliioon full dlaaa 'i l. falBtaai
of meat I hut ure of BBBBlBBBB "ud m't
empty or for show aa thus, for exam
j pie: llrt. u shield of brawn, with uius
tard: second, a bByTM OBBaai third, a
I boy I'd piece of beef; fourth. B chlue of
i beef, rooted aftb. ueut's touKue.
roated; StEtb, u plir. rosti-l; Mjvenlh.
i-beweta. baked; eighth, a tfooae, rot
ed; ninth, u swau. rOBtodl tenth, a tur
key, posted; the eieveotaV u baaaab of
wiii-on, roatadi tba twelfth, u past
of veulaon; the thirteenth, a kid with
a pudding In the belly; tlio rourteeuth.
an olive, the tiftitrnth, u couple of
capons; the sixteenth, a custard, or
dew seta. Now. to theae full dishes
may be added ballets, fi liases, nuelque
.hoses and devised paste. u muny
dishes mure, which make the full erv
lee no less than two und thirty dishes,
which is as much us can conveniently
stand on ouo table uud in one mass.
And after this manner you cau propor
tion both your second and third
courses, holding fullness on one half
of tho dishes uud show In tbe other,
which will be both frugal iu the splen
dour, contentment to the guest and
much pleasure and delight to tbe be
holder." In those good old daya and for many
ArraiiRementH for the Municipal
Christmas tree next Friday eveoiag
are faat nenrlng comi !ion, and the)
event will he one of I s BM ' "njey
alile events In Ontario tbk ''hrlatv
The program haa ail booa Bl tinged
;and Is aa follows:
Fxercisea start at 6 p m
I C. Van Petten to prgafdi
Mualc by Ontario band
loaf; "joy To The Pforfd."
I'rayer. !( C, '. Pratt
Son: "Hark, The Herald Angel
Historic firltmaa, ','. F. IlomnaL
script nr.- Kaaltatlon, uev. w -
Prow ii
BOBg: ".Memory liellfl."
Santa Clan I -it.
Music, Ontario Han i
I All are invited to lodp arltn tbe
The "good fellowa " of the city are
asked to make their donation- toward
the municipal tree to W F. Unman
or K. G. Mailey, as It Is Imposaille
for thi'tn to see everyone Your few
'its, or a dollar or no, w i 'I help
i toward purchaaina happiness for the
little ones. Over n thotiasnd s.fta
have already been purchased Bf pre
pared. The decoration committee haa its
plana all made. Keautiful c :rei
j liahta and Htrlnga of pop-cot, wld
lie used to decorate the mmivnk
o o a
The hard tlmea party which was
pulled off Saturday evening waa well
attended and aome of the costumes
showed evidence of having been wora
at leaat a decade ago.
Those winning the prize were
Grace Wright. Pay Heron and Arthur
Cochran. A good time waa had by
all but the party broke up early be
couae the committee in charge of the
Xinaa tree decorations that the high
school need not supply any pop-corn,
so that part of the proaram waa left
l.a-i night the Sophomore basket
ball leam defeated the Freshmen
team by a score of 27-2, and tonight
the victors will play the Senior
Many of the high school students
who live in different parts of the
county have gone home for Xtnas. and
their absence is notirnhlc
Hist there are so many out -side peo
ple BQBalBf, to Ontario to lilgh school
iapeaks for itself aa to what kit ! id
'a school
pown.l HERS KM l
K.v. OaarbM C. FaaaU UI imid
Kpiscopal services in Ontario on s''m
day, December 26th. at 7:30 p. m.
in the Masonic hull. . In-
nation is Bgtaadad to all t
the s.-rv
a yaar faon ftor the : k'.,- : vu-
feasts was accompanied by special
revels of the . and to see that
these were cutulu.-tiHl with propOB cere
mony there vva- tippoiutcl at court ii
EUlglaud Bud In many f ihe grentei
noble houses as well a "master of the
rrveN" lie '.v.u a Boceoaary paraoa
ime ladoe i. us Duty ba aeea from a
pas-age in the "Ilouoehol I Hoob of the
Northumberland l 'amity :"
"My Ionic ttOOtb BBd I uatomyU
ciiy to i:f byai whi.ii I- Bray nods
to be tin- Master of Mat Reeaki porfj
In my hens in .-ii-ti'iaa for the
overaoylaae and ufrtorlBge f his lord-
schlps Play.s. Interludes ami 1 rea
lapa that is plaid tofor bis baidaaJp it
hu h.ius in iba !'th dayea at CMMa
mas, uud tliev t.. l.ave Iu levvurde fi
that am pafly " i'ettoit Free
Mittietoe Suprct.:iona.
What ronersUtlous .1. tor. thick as
its bcnies. round the mbMkMaal is
old times aaeb aore I magic poaaM
tliat it was v...... .,- an amulet, anO
potent love 1 were braved from
it. it cure l B Ul U. enabled any who
held It not only ( - e ghosts, hut te
compel them 10 SaWk And tliut ita
magic is not all luBl will be pro'ed
this Cbrlatmaallds IB thousands of our
homes, where It- white berries leus
sanction to the oscillatory homage pais
to pretty faces.
Yule Log Must Be of Aah.
In Devonshire the Yule log, to be a
luck briuger. must consist of a bundle
of ash slicks bound around with liaadB
of the same tree, ulne In number, ae
more and no fewer. And every time
the fagot cracks In the names tbe
good host muat furnish a fresh bowl
of liquor to bis gueeta.