t -:? CHRISTMAS GOODS-HOLIDAY GOODS Any Doll In Our Store at 50 Per Cent Discount Dolls DOLLS Dolls ONTARIO PHARMACY Half Price W (Zm ,. ro I "J KM l ITEMS Thoa. toaag el (."Mir r n i.f. J.:. i I baataeaa vtattor here Sat'irday Raj pn.'M f Fraltlaad, ' -'in'- !.! '. re. H n I.tsoii of W.M-.r. Wl rod at M l.oti Boewell of btalhear i do a tin- latter jvirt of lat w i I - 1 fir Um Boj - Coafereai k v MeAl araa a rlaltor here Baad i j Braatai wi - Groan fruit land S.i'iirlav areata. J rKU!'. f doodniK. Malm. fjMit a few daya bora UUa wmI air Chaney li the prealdgaat of Um M I odtut College at Ooodtaff. Christmases In Christmas Among Various Lands : The Wealthy Kiddies C. I., and O. L Hark, of LaUrande. who were here for the boya Confer enec Meeting, returned home Monday. DEYOttlRIRR, BBflUuid, noted for It tppMft) OOMtl I (BffcMM fffjg tuin. iu Ctarkatsaaa tee laa faraaet iad in s..n ataad beoeetl the I Meet and bo( BPpM tree, tn'th baai lag a jiihT "f elder, tad sine a certain folk apag, After paaatof t h elder Jug around thaj betake themeelvea ' i ! eoppet aad aiaek BMirjnnaktaSi JaaMlca negro t ill tit of "-id and ei di "f Baarj with aradefc te array ihoanwlToa oa Chrtataaaa ate d !: m : a king ' -t. follow ting )! um. -ii ii I f ajMag rift' tl Carta! mn eaakt aat from -riif of eotd Mini ih " gteeu la iha Cartel Child, a ninny bajMeve, but from nn i eaataai ai pewata potting "ti Ni.-ini of nil outgolnc Bfcftaa boa of nlma. Tiu bog araa "x.,,i nt Cartata m i ri'l me!- nld f a a at the nlr.ia nit. imjici atoohtovs ball PA1 ETTK for all the young people every body Ft lay night. December IT. WHY NOT OrVl HIM A NEW HA LEAVE THE SIZE TO U8. WE LL MAKE IT KIUHT TOGGERY HILL M'HHI. Hill LEAVE ON TAKIO 7 V M SATl'HDAY WDC KMI.KII 1STH. FOR WEISEU FOR kCCOMODATION OF I'Eofi.E AT TENDING PRRFORMANC1 AT WHRATON THBATRI OF "TWIN PjBM ' TRAIN UETruMN't; im MBDIATBLT AFTER FKRFOR M KSCE ROUND TRIP T CBNTf, WITH ALL THE XMAS RUSH WK HAVE NOT OVERLOOKED :nv ii. w Till' "TO THE LADIEfj" CHAN 4RI TEN TO ONE THAT WE I n HBLP vol- IN THAT GIFT BUYING FOR THE MEN i.H.i.KUV BILL CBRIBTktAk in Mlllloinlre row! Ii it i ii -i'lnt in BUrylaad, iraare oaa h'1- bad to artata gad ait nor- i'i loeals thin-M gagag taai blteg doom from oaaewbaffal Ish . x i i luoa iviiie Batked hi :!il mill dlan nda wbea b daaaag oror the roof tope aa he little ehll of the il h llr .'!! ) i idlai In Not n l-lt ..f t Smita 1 how foil old aalal a at g h down Um ehlnaeya of fifth a. i wbea be lenvn i to) on the Mb ateewn benrtba of tb Ida tie fcaowa that ilUMggjh Um big imr. I pi i r. ihh of th. um' tlread no i atw w .if gaj . baaatlfnl aaabeai win i t'.ir of t'r i' i aoBj in in tii tlMfe i- Um mbm thrill in the hearta of the lata In fir and elvet aa In i n.j bMaaai old I acaUaa oa botkl To all faMJgufateta, rii-h or poor yea. und akj or taaaaj be la the aaabedl in. 'i.t of the l.l.-i.-.l YuletMe iplrlt wlil.h br'ghtetia Um entire year. American A (I (1 i n g AM Methohimt CBCBOB Sunday School. li:t a. tn. I'reach irtfr. morning. 11:00 a. m.. evening H:00 p. m. Yoj need the church the church et-l-vu "Let'a R"et together." ('. C PKATT. I'antor Congregational Church. Sunday School, 10 00 a. m. Morning VYorahip, 11:00 a. m. Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. Evening Service. 8:00 p. m. RKV. PHILIP KOENKi. 11APTIHT ( III l'H. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Morning Service 11:00 a m. Evening Service 7:30 p. m B. Y. P. U d:30 p Prayer Meeting. .Wed neaday Kvming Bible Study Thursday Evening A hearty invitation ia extended to all. DAVID E. HAEER. Paator Listing M ach ine jiii column capaeif Price $88.00 r. o. ii. M;iM i, in. SOLD ON ONE YEARS CREDIT OR 3 PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH MAIL COUPON TODAY nOLETI FOR HRI81 MAI hi v II ONTARIO FLOR M. I I nltel I'm -in 1 1 t !.,n low. ' Hit.le achool at 10 A. M. Preach ing at 11 A. M and 7:30 P M ChrlHtUn Endeavor at 6 45. ton.' to any or all the services and you will find a welcome V. N. Ilrnn Paator. Cathulic Church. Maaa at 10 a. in Sunday mornings. H. A. CAMPO, R. American Cm Compan:' Ch gap, 111. Please senil booklet descrip-tiv- of American Adding md Listing Machine. N . Ill Mft .. In 'iir, of Dr Christmas Suggestions Books, Cards, and Stationery Candy, Cigars, Pipes and Smokers Articles Subscriptions Taken For Everything At the Post OffH News Stand BOYER'S The GREAT CHRISTMAS STORE . . aa v kt i t Aalagav W f . f m f I I aV '. I I C kSaa" kaJRaaaaagiggga gtga ajjfg aaa aMBawa Bafl tF "?' ar ar r Im M ''fRHkaBBB'r a k. i B ASw 1 dpi Iv. -aF a '- -a- '? Y iatvft gV rU wL T CiLBl .r Lr f Z F ggaRR gfgr gj K-M miS aRa' sBJfiF i"-" -tp, V'v r v "7rS "QKfltrV Maaaat w aw agjar aaajgr gjggaa aajge jg g a- gaakaaaaaaaaa Ti f m i 'gigp2 BOYER'S MERCHAN DISE AND GLOVE ORDERS Ah usual, BOJMff Btaa A: Co orUorh will aoltg gift problacna for hundreds! Tbay re laaaad at the Olova Dapartaaaal at Oaaaa Radaaaa able any tune fur glotag or inorch- aadlaa. Bijaj, Bl.fi ami R4B kin OLOVRR Fine real Ennch Kid Olatajg for woiiH-n and gajgagg fjg Hie thing for holiday giving. XMAS GIFTS FOR MEN Men's Shirts Mi us OoUan UV n's Tiea Maa'a Uaaatraraaj Men'.-. Hath Hoben Maa'a Hosiery kfaa'a Shoes Men's Suits Mi-n's OverroatH Men's Hats kfaa'a Sweatera Men's Mackiuawa Men's (jloves SUIT SALE ItK.III NOW AT KHAR TIME BPRa IAL SALE Ol ALL I.AIUEH SI ITS A.M .MII.I.IVEUY l)o iat huy any Millinery or Suit until you have seen the great Having we are giving you right now when they are most wanted. Splendid uarin fahrlc in all the wanted colors and sizes. ORDER BY MAIL Eer .Mail Or.ler Im. our pgga aaaal atteutlon, the name iU It is tajgatagaji If ou teleplione your orlei. they l. .in- our i.,-.i atteuilon. Should you come In .. , , ft Ih mill aajjter, ami itr Hill I.. ki, to hIiow you around every aaaH ' ' ment. BOYER BROTHERS & CO. DEPARTMENT STORE SPECML XMAS GII'TS FOR WOMEN ANJ) MISSES Lad i' ' Olovi La. In .' To Ludlea' Neckwear Ladiea' Waists La. Ilea' Bilk Skirls Ladles' rUn & Scarf Sets Ladles' Millinery Ladles' Dress RajoRj Ladles HlilHieis Ladles' Leather liaga Ladiea' llandkerclilefa Ladiea' Huth Kobea I ..olles I'm , Ladiea' Kulta Ladiea' loals , . iii.if A I Q XMAS THINGS f GIRLS AND B0Y tllrl's Hreaaoa tJIrl's loats (Jill's Hwealr Ulrl's Shoes QtH'a Handkerthlf (Jill's Knit Cup kr Hcr (jlrl's Kura tjlrl's tllovea imy'a Sulla with two I"'" hoy's overcoat Hoy's Mackinaw Hoy's Hweutera Boy'a TtH Bajr'g ORMrfj Hoya Data Boy'a Hinea Hoya lloalery Hoy'a (larters