THE ONTARIO SEMI-WEEKLY ARGUS vol.. i JUNTA CLAUS TO AT TEND MONICIPAL TREE Ml sStt.l Ml I l lit mm Ul IK HH NAM rl.U'N WILL in l OKI titio PltM " ''illlv iif'MrltiK comple tion for Hit- nilN Ipsl Christum (pga in in- in-Ill down town Christmas wt9 Tin- rou.tncp lal liiti, -, .,H m, churches Mv gotsod thtti i foi in i Uhrletmoi long to i,. remembered l-v nil the k r v t u f ,, . Hi'll ii m III Chlldrt n of OMririo All ,,r i . OtttgMI re heartily g nf II' i-l.tii i-t Oh- lin-ii ,,i tr-i f,,r nil and othei " - In I ooli nod Bands) schools will M glvog up tkta .1 I't' OBI are I.. ,iu- i . randy lur I dllllM li and i i" i, i.t ii Ml dam iiml Mr ranPetteo, i, of securing n tree. i lre ni i . i higi, 1 ' -l i ' l' uniting iling Mr-. Adam an I i. lent Mm Van I'.tt. n Mr Ml Innlug. Mr- Oli-nn, Mi I i n-l Mr ll k Mr I,, i I I ll ' - I t I l.i II Thoradoy nfterooon i .. d member mum BMlfJMi RNM definite work Affinit-menta have heen made by Ihe nn-ii on thi eommlttM to tight the i". iti tiivrlaiU of Hiiiall colored llglitK It ll - " ' " l that the riliool rlillilr.-ii will in operate with throne w'l.. I 4i- the decorating In rliarg. I.) Ml "tringing a few yard" of BOfOOfl fur .I.-... rut ion In Hi u mmv the tree ran t.- made very attractive and the tnir holiday uplrlt MfffM t" tttf home The program will Includi- a routing lirit max rhorun hy the achool child-r.-n (ither mualc will Uo e ar ratfOi for hut the principal feature will l- the distribution of tin- treat tita laua M .,i i,, s liiiinli.r "f tin- ineiiili. r of tin . I.ulge weal ' N lat i-M-ning la aaaial their in I'litting on Kin. work in . 1. 1 N M V e .. i. I. i .ui Purest!. ' I- v and I w I'HIM t v III 1.1 v delegation of Mi biloet 1 from Piirmu 1 nt gO40 ll 0tOI to I hey uri' meiiihers of lh llj M.i. mi.'. lass 1 I -i"' MOd Ihe III.) 1 ollfereill Ilieel 1I111 ing t Those who iron on vote i vv muci - ii . 11 iol Irldge. J Kerrick I' II Wain.. I, . ,i,. Mi HI... kwill J A fatlltl return. d frmii M . Iml.n Mi I .11 key hue MM hi clmrg. of tin .vhllilts from I'nhiii. Hakei U .I 1 iumI Mai 1 hi couulle. and ha" been In 8an I 1 iiMi-iii flon the li.i'inulng of the 1 hi Jiimi-H McAllister f I'm'ulelln, was a 1 it. ir hen- I'.ilay 0 D Woo, 1 ., ,. ., 1 tarn- ol I llllllilllli' hull ... VVIIM jlOn M hllMI.e ' lixl.i V Mr hrlsle.i .en. pi 001 lOtOI Of ""' Cash Hauar. iiunle a t rip to lOlM ft iiriilng Mi. 11, lay evening Mrs II. A. Dick and Uttlt daughter ciiine in from Itlverslde Monday. M their way to I .a tiniinl'' v'"11 n'" lutlvi-H until after the holidays. Aduin Murray la down this week from Heulah Mr Murray Is pro-mlnt-iit atockmuii from hlM section. Mr IHII of itiv.-iHiii. came In terday uud stopped here for a while Me waa bound for Nyssu. Clyde Wi nt. iih ill. 'i went to Hum yesterday. Mr. H. J. iii.dK' came In from Hiveralde ynaterday. Joe lakahaia, proprietor of reitnurant at Hlverilde. wai a vliltor In Ontario yesterday ass ONTARIO - ANNUAL FAIR MEETING HERE NEXT The annual meet ins. or the M..I "i.T County Fair Association will " IMM In the rnWl rllll rooaM in Oatorto bh lotordo) Nee ofilclal will . ele. throughout a ..II ..... . in .in ninm (ii 1.111(1- 1'Xplri Till- annual report of Hecr.'tHry Qroill will li given nt tin- meeting MIMM I'KTI Itsov HKTTI.It Ml Nettle ivtiTNon, daiiKlii.-i ,,f Mr '"" MW C If I'.-i.r .,, ,,f tb underwent iii. ..,.r,,ii f,,, ...,. Ileitis hi ii. ny (Jim il I ul yesterday iiiuii sl. reported In In- recovering xatli-fuctor H.v. ' K. I Ml Mini v W Willi.! rid D. L Lowrle trawling kOdltol foi ,. Q s I. VlMltorK lo-re toilly I M I. KM lis mil 'ha Kiiulkni-r iiilI kalljr, mid tin- little il.iughler Of O A Kniilkri-r. lain.- in from Hum ywttrdaj Tkoj an- .iiruiii.- to Indiana to pii,, tin-' :i.:ul- with Mrn raulknerr. par ent" Mr Kaulkni-r ha Ju-t re-turni-il from a trip lo Alaska and win mo taken with llu- country ii.ui he Mptffji to go hark after the tlrt of Ihe ear and make hi home there. NrA M I I1IITKH tHIOVKK Mr and Mra Herman (Herman are the proud pan-ntK of a hahy girl, horn Dec 1 1th, at the Holy ltoiary hospital. Mr llierinan Ml fornier l Mia Fannie irnman of thl city. I l M 1: vi mutt The funeral of J S Kdwards was old today at Jamleaon Mr i:,i rd waa ,1 i,r 1 ; , F.rst '.itioual Hank of VoJl lOf llM pant eight year He died Katurda) in Portland of Hi . MRS FLEMING LAID TO REST AI Funeral MTVlcei Fleillllig. wife of J (,,r Mr- Rill 1' Klein 1 1 . tin- Houlevard, were gold ll IN home Suilil.iv allerno.ill Kl'l-1 Moll ""I Winkle of the lift lhi S.illlts . liurch of llolse, 1 iinluiiid the mt . . - The body - ' 'l'l'd 10 U.ioilburn. or- UldOJ llglt, ,1 M.ri i.'.iM ui-ri- liehl mm ... 11111,1a- III- .. I U " .111.1 lilirinii-lii " ,1.. Mr Fleming, daughter 1'lMO, i,,.l two sons OOOOMOIJI" "'' '""' to M Kodburn Mrs K.I In Helium "" Ml K.-nluckv in I I it, being li'"1, ' ' 1 him II years of age ll llM "n"' '" l,.-r il.-uth She luid lioi M '" P H.ulurly poor h.-iMli ami gW dOOtk cunie M ' great shock 10 I"1' i"' fri. nils and relatives The Plem nn huve made tli.-ir home on the MoUlOfftM he greater lrt 01 IM tun.- lor I years, god vlr" PUI lug whs .ii.iys knowi M k''"' i.e. ,l,Ho. gVOf willing I" lUl,Hi' ,11 i.ouble ..I sorrow li- gOObund. tin- ilecoased is survived hy two iluuglit.-i and tWO lOMi ! Winnie tlruyh.l of Spokati. Ol rived here in time for IM imi'ial. Mi I Cluru Who lesides at home. I uud Wallet ine son died ah,, at six yeara ago ami I hurn-d at Wood bum. Cbougbts for Cbrietmae Cbto wae the chorue ot tbot bcnl anthem which fell upon th (4re md which will Hng dow b c cere turtce till th end of gwi. & cclata Iko pcai 0" rtb. m0 Will toward nun." May Chrtofo glo'V UluwMi rn horn, ind endk, tnr, wojf "J counting bouofJ MT brlh,' b' tbon tb. put "fjj; tMotftffeowt IN Un,d it Wo twwiMi SATURDAY WOODBURN ONTARIO, MAI.HKUt OOLNTV, )HWW, TIKMDAV WBC. 14, JftlB. NEW LEAGUE DISTRICT TO DEBATE mum, MAi.iii.i it m njuuran IMNTIIH TO UK l( I.IDKl) V NKW DIHTHUT IiiIvithIIv of Oregon, Kugene, I li- entrance (if three Malheur coun ly high school Into tin- Oii-Kon High BehOOl I .;. 1 1 ri K League ha made -ary thl format!..,, of a naw league diMtrin It will he known M tl.e Houth.-a tern Oregon .lutrlct ami '"k'"M " ' mid Harney ""'"""M rolO, N) a mid Oi.taii., contain n ihk'i miiooim mat nave emor-n The W.-Mern Oregon MhOOM are Iwojn a..r.l,.i,Mvi. of tin- prowm, of l-.a-iti-rii tiri-Kon ilehaterH. L.u-t ih- runner up w l-n.erpr, . ,"Kh Mr ' "l"1 "" ""r ,"r" ,,," lleton Wl v inner or the Mat.- .1.1.1,, which l doiltM Ly the Inlveralis ... wr.-K.on. 1 ii.-i.i ini year ny naiem tliiulh will he held at the I'm v "' xl Ml,y- MooOWhlM the nine dltrlct will il.-imie f,,r the dlKtrlit ami Inter-dl trict chiimploic'lilp. rue flfiv sriiool that will compete, claaalfled by district, are a follow too Hay district Myrtle Point Marhfleld., North Hend. Coijullle. Faster:. Oregon district Union, Knterprlse. iTalrle City. Lower 1 olumhla dlatrlct -Tllla- u.ook. Astoria, ciatakanle, JUInler, ipponae, St Helen. Ht John Northern Willamette dlatrlct -Bll verton. Woodhurn, Jefferaon. Cnnby. Ktacada. Forest (irove. New burg. Or gon City, Salem Southern Oregon dlatrlct Ashland Oranta Paaa. Klamath Fall, Medford, Talent. Southern Willamette dlatrlct Al bany. Hrowusvllle. Corvallls. Rugenr Junction City, Lebanon Hoaeburc. Springfield, Voucalla. I'matllla district Athena, Conrt Fcho ' 1 I'per Columbia dlatrlct Hend, Madras. Mor... Prlnevllle, Th- llnlle. '. Keiltnntiil South. -it tiri-Kon district-- V'ab . MjTMO, ont.irio st until Mil. g Ih-linie oiiipli t- Hu-cr 1 lii debet. 1 'rld afternoon .1 coiiipl.i.- 1-1 ,s tin- ami,' more than pl.-a-ed will, the a bllltv dlr-lil.ived li V both side-- The ...... .,...'. m .ii.. ....... ;' rv'i'Of oi e'ii tin- U'-iPiio M vi iiip. itAu of th JimIkch )ttM to ihilr tip pimi-nts one Kphrium Harriot and John Moore were the victors and li iinis Hatahe and Itobert llenil.-r took Hie iillirmutive Mdl ol I I Mi"'- 11. .11 wi.tcn was iccsotwu nun me 1 ... .... 1. . si Hhonld aililolit Ihe lilans for nation ul defense us proposed by i'.- -idem V I I " n ones Anollier AddMaa. Mr l.ewtus MM anollier address in ihool house Friday ifterooon. his first being so well upre- uited bv iln- students that he was muted , second time to address them This lust tulk wits iUltt us much liked u lUe llrst .111. 1 Mr l.ewtos huving prov en a favorite with the High school will always he welcome In the future Mrs J. A. Walters of the lloule ,ild has been illili- ill for severul days, mid was reniowd to the hoi pitul yesterduy FORMED OREGON lfik Jm9r l 1 V 1 il l&ilaggggggi 4 Llv I MAK1K DOttO IN "THK MtiKAbS OP IIMWW" THK ATTMAtTlON AT TIIM lMltaAMLAND TOMORROW NMiHT. FOUR THOUSAND ROSE SLIPS ARE OFFERED TO THE HIGH SCHOOLS HT.ITK I MX CHHITV WIM, GIVK HAKIIV KOHKH TO HIOII oaooui 1'nlverHlty of Oregon, Kugene, Dec l.'l Four tlmunnnd Fran Karl Dm fchkl roae nllp. rooted and growing nn- to I..- given BWHV thl- colli-L'i- year to 1 1.. four-year high MSOOM of r-c.-ivlng congratulatlona upon the the Htate by the InlverHltyof Oregon, arrival of twin girh. I.or.i Saturday TM plant, are to l.e Ml out on UMlDOOMOMf 1 lth. Mm ( rawfor-l ,Kli nchool ground and car-d for. ' waa formerly MIhh Kthel Coward, Any time ottof the flrat of Janu- daughter of T. F. Coward of thla city. ;iry, the .). -,r.- numher of Hllpa rom 1 2 lojg wiM ,. Hllpi., pr,. on t he re.iue ,i of t he high achool principal, the chairman of the hoard ,,r ii,,. hmMmii ,.r . i... u,..,i.., 1....1.. - .,..i..iii 1 , , nn- ruin' im mi'ii Th NqaOOU Will he .-. and filled to ordOf of re.eipt. hut aonin of the eaat- ern Oregon ahlpmenta will bO holitgt until aft.-r the hard fi 1 M Fisher, of the I rnlversity grounds, sav that the roaea are a uniformly hard and vlg- iron variety. The two-liun.!re, foot 1,. K.. from which ;i,e Hllps an- cut, Is ..,,. now fuil oi large vvlilte hudn Mt f ,e ,;,!,, eOttlOfl OMt out last year grew. Mr. Klaher saya. It u'" r,,"""K nM" "" l expect waa the first time the offer had been , that ,,,,, ,ocal h,Kh Mho01 'm made, and there were more re.iueata hav lh ,"",t ,,,ttm ,n ll" h"lory. In than could he nile.l Kven ti... a-mrte Ttltltl began a.klng for them. Mf. Wisher aaya that by cloae trlmlng the parent hedge could furnish aa many as 10,000 allpa. ao prolific la It. The only receipt asked by the ex- tension division of the I'nlveralty, through which application for the cuttlnga ahoold be made, I acknowl edgement through the local paper. A Circuit Court case. the Houlevard Drainage System va Kffte J Oorden. 11. II Seaweard. It. A Heagle. A. H Cain, s F. Taylor, administrator of tin- estate of A. A. Hrown, decwaaed, 8 P. Taylor. K H Hanford. K. H. Hart. Wm McMaiter. c It Melding ami W W Wood, will be heard at the ity Id II toinorr.iw Tills cnae hm- i-.-,! .1 :reat deal of interest. It kj tin- ootcome of the drainage iIih- trnt OtOOkMltfon objecting to the ,,hiiM- iinmeil farmers allowing the water from their Irrigating : I.-,! Into the drainage ditch M ll. I.KIIhS ADDI.M. Two mini elorka itaitod work thl morning "ii the Juntura Itiv.-i branch Inn- train. This will n t erlally lighten tin- work in the loOOl ..Hi..- an,: will also be for the better ment ol 'he - rvu-e The mail that la consigm-d to these places has great - iv lucre t -.,! in i lie nasi ie iniiiiins ' uud the parcel post muii is us iie.iv as Is,. ,- any oranci. ,n ms . ... .. , purt 01 the weai. Mr. and Mrs Tom KobOBl and daughter KothoriOO, returned to .lor dan Valley yesterday morning, OKI h tMlo Hluckaby who 1 over to sueml the week end. Mrs. Kul.oUt has heen rtHtlOg MM fOT MftMl ,-ggW- l.ert Carter, the twelve-year-old son of C I-: C0HM1 was in , ii. 1 1 0111 near Juniuru. He under went tin operation on Lis limhut tin hospital this winter, and physicians report tllllt lie will soon he able l.i walk again. Qemocrtt GRAVEL MAIN STREET AND ROAD TO 6RIDCE At nn adjournal meeting of the city council held Friday evening, the street commissioner was Instructed to gravel and Improve .Main Htreet, and also to gravel tin- road leading from the city to the Snake river bridge east of the city. The work has already heen commenced. HTOKK HltlNOH TWIN Glltl.S. Mr mill Mr Cha ('mu'fnril r.r.. iik. ii m ikkii, nam .- The midget baaket ball team play- ed their first game laat Thurmlay and I were victorious owr the local fifth and aixtl. gra.1- team, by .core of ! 1818 The Frishman team defeated the public ichool team Monday evening by a score of 1 1 17 Hasket ball hope are shining for ""' Ban" ,hat w" Played here by the ?,!!WI' men ,",,w,'n Who and '' Or'on- Maddux waa the only local ",un w," P'" ! he dlatlngulahed '"" "y " mmm ' but on ,n ,he flr,t "lf " dl not piay in the second half and the Idaho men began alowly to catch up with the Oregonlan The final acore, however, waa 12 18 In favor of Oregon. The ahowlng which Mad dux made In a fair estimate of what the local team will do thla year. Fred Teat la back In school again and I working hard to catch up with hia studies. . The lllneaa of N. tie Peteraon came '" urprise to the school She MftafWMt OB operation for appendlc- ,,,s yesterday morning. MANY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SHORT COURSE O. A. C. PKOKKKHOHS OIVK I.KC TI HI s THAT AKK INTKHFsT. Ii AND IXSTHCCTIVK. A great many farmers in the coun ty are taking advantage of the Short Course ollered this week by the I enaion .rv lee of ih.. o x r .1 v.b r ........ Nyssu and Outurio. Two davs pro rum on Friday and Suturdav, i!i ulun t.A I...I.I .. 1,- "U .e iiii.i ill 11111:111. W. S. Hrown conducted the !,- turoa here yesterday und took us hin principal subject. Orcharding. " To- l.i lie has '.ikell up the inurket ini.' and shippiim of the fruit crop Tl"s 1,f'""""' " """'" wont uiit to wii- ' gnWlM dennuistratiou hy W. I Hrown is indeed u rare OpportOAtt for the iiiriiiiTJ to get instruction from oM ut and pi;u tu.l in-'ii without 10 1 M-lll'Ol. T!i- .'.runi for the .,naind.-r m the ,e.k will 1.1 .riotis lines including agriculture, tomi Mil BOi MOO, stoiU laisiiiK and dairvniK I ' I l.-ctur.-is will be J K la-rson, E. H. l-'itts, U K RojrooldO und Miss Tur ley. all of O. A. C. MH-IAI, II ITI MM.M Mrs Hourk wus hostess to the Tuesday Hridgu club this afternoon. I Mrs. Cockrum won high honors. Mr. mid Mrs. James Doty enter tained about twenty of their friends last evening at an old fashioned tufty pulling. g g Mrs. II. C. Schuppell will enter tain the Silver Fork club tomorrow afternoon. The Ontario Music Club will meet at the home of Mra W w Wood, Saturday, December 18th. No. ff BOYS CONFERENCE MEET CLOSES IN THIS CITY SUNDAY OWE HIMlltKIl AMI TWI&fR P1VN HOYS KKKIi ORATi: I'h TO KNTKRTAINKRM When 12'. boya coming rrom a radiua of 400 mllea gatlier in a cltr for a conference such 01 baa boon held in Ontario the pst few day. It la a good demonstrat: .11 of what la being accomplinhed In the linea of V. M. C. A. work and rough other organization In which the boys them nelve are the leadera. The meeting held here laat week waa highly successful from every standpoint. Thirty-one communl wore represented. Greenleaf, Idaho had the beat representation, fifteen' coming from there. Owen Ki'nwn of Haker, president of the student body of the Haker high school and also captain of the loot ball team, was elected chairman of the conference nnd presided at all the boys meetings. Coventor Alex ander aent a letter of greeting which waa read at the opening seaalon.. Impreaalve apeechea were made by L Clark pastor of the Presbyter ian church of La Orande, Wlllal-j Martin of the First Methodist church of Hols.-, and S. J. Chaney prealdent of the Methodlat college at Goodlrg. One of the principal features wan the father and aon banquet held at the high school Saturday evening. Covera were laid for 225. The ban quet waa aerved by the high school, aaslsted by the ladiea of the town. Judge higgs made an Interesting ad dress and Klaa Kdwards of Payette and W. P. Ilomun and a number of boys were called upon for short talks. Sunday n meeting in the confer ence church waa led by Kev. Chaa. A. Phlppa. secretary of the Oregon Sun day school association. It win la the nature of testimonials from the hoys telling of their accomplishments during the past year and what they expected to attOia the cmning year Mrs. Ormsbee, secretary of the Idaho Sunday School association, address ed the women in the Presbyterian church and Mr. I H Khoude spoke to the meu at the Methodist church. on Sunday a delegation of alx ton men from i'urmu, attended. They ..ere li.eml.i !-. of t lie Prie, a irt'em , in Puruia of MV A great deal of enthusiasm was worked up 1; r.- I these men who I . ionip:;shiii.-u:s 111 IVrmu since thla organisation began lis effective work. Two weeks ago when the Western Oregon Boys Conference met in Sal em, Gov. Withw combe was one of the speakers and b.-cuiie very much inter. -si.-d in ii..- work Tie Gov ernor nas since made an offer of a silver cup to the duij ol boys in the stute mukiiig the b. .ng in agricultural work the coining yesr Another silver cup 01 M00 offered for the boys ilub which shows the most savings at the close of the next year. Several towns incliul 'tig Palls I'.i.vetie, u eiser, Lo Grunde and Bftl er invited the confi leu..- 10 meet in their town net year and;- lnniiin was appointed 1.1 deierui no the meet ing place at u hit. 1 date it la like ly, slated Mr Hlioades, that the ter ritory will M dfftded and two meet ings will prolub!- lie lit Id, one at Haker und 001 01 Twin .ills cr Po-caii-llo. All of the hoys 1 were enter tOlOOd dtirlO I- reuco l,.ul BUM! word of 'tie for Ontario, nd U .. v 1 nere hud been opt lied to them. The leaders uud officers also expressed themselves as heme very grateful for tae hospital ity shown them. YOUNG PEOPLE FROM NEW PLYMOUTH WED Miss Teresa Hrady and Glenu P. Collingsworth of New Plymouth, were unii.d In marriage at the Baptist parsonage by Kev. Baker, Suuduy afternoon both young people have mude their home near New Plymouth and are well kuown. Their parents are both well-to-do families Uvlug west of New Plymouth. The young people will make their future home in that neighborhood.