The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 10, 1915, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THK ONTAIUO MMMndOCtil AHtH'H. HUDAY, D10C. 10. f '
rw.i: torn
(Continued from page 3)
groups faced each other, tense, wondering
The high priest spoke uttc-ring tin
tatellipihle Jargon. Hernnnder. turned
to Ton to.
"What does this old devil say?" he
Ponto was panting with terror.
"lie says, said Ponto. "that he
wants to talk to you.'
Hernandez pondered for a moment
and toyed with the weapon In his
Then he crossed the clearing and
faced the liinh priest. Ponto from lus
vantage point of comparative safety
translated In thin high trung tones.
"You are Interlopers." said the
rlest anerllv. his cruel eyes watching
Ing red robM dftrt4 forward and held ,ho 0(,K0 ,, t0,,,,i0, ntrt the depths
out itierltiK hands toward Annette. 1 1.,,
(Jive her to them. ' cried the priest. A ,u ,,, M ,,.,. wns , ,,
"Hive her to them." commanded ' ft woman's scream Annette. Her-
Hernandee ' nandet heard It. so did Ponto; but
Put the brute, his feet planted hi ,hoy ,.,,, , ,,.,,, om , ,
spnrt, stood his ground s,Rht iQSJMWhtrt along that cliff. An sprang toward him. an- . ,,,, .M croil,.n,nK watching with
grtly seized tne ever ready wmp irom
prh' L
I gjBDVJk tfRsLw-eTfrfsB 4 '
Anntttt Was Watching With Eyes
Wide With Terror.
the terror he Inspired, and you shall
he d' str. : . . hind tne is Are. sud
den death We have many thousand
warriors We have an Insatiable go!
e brook no strangers we tatatate
no enemies You are an enemy, you
and yours Co. and go at once."
"We are not enemies." returned Her
nandez. We are travelers weary
travel. sjg u .- hare lost our way. We
need rest and food. To turn back now
means death "
The high priest shrugged his shoul
der. "Follow me." he said.
He turned ar.d passed between the
divided group of warriors and entered
the gate
Hemandei followed, entering: the
walls three pacta behind the priest
He led Hernar.det to the center of
the vllage.
With a long. lean, skinny finger, the
hlrh priest pfr.'d to the sun god
He prostrated himself, then rose an;
gave a sharp command Two Aztec
rlaJ in scarlet robes, :rward
ea- h with a burning brand raised high
I :. 1 Before Hernandez
.is a pit sunk into the groi id. It
was h with fuel and from this
pit tin N rOM quite a familiar odor
th .v! im. In went th I
burning ' i" Is and in the twinkling
of an ' fuel caught Are and a
leaping, twisting flame sprang into
the air
Hernandez drew back. The flam
waa hot It grew hotter as ha
watched In a few moments it waa a
seething, roaring furnace.
Hernandez stood with folded arms
The high priest swooped down upon
him and denounced htm In withering
Jargon. Hernandez knew what It
meant. It meant that thv were to go.
, "Ponto.' he trie!. CMM here."
Ponto e'lverlng. rrwft through the
double lino of K'.cz warriors and
through the gae HeraaaBBI Jerked
his head toward lbs
Tell him." saM IlTtndl
be must take us in.
l-onto obeyed. J I
fn his oiliest a cent
was Arm On re aga B
h.tnd und from
rvusure th'-re sprat s;
gtotrp of warriors.
Run partner.' r. ! Ponto. "run
for your gfj
Hut Hernandez did not run, for sud
denly the rsiBBtaaaBOt Oi IBS high
t had changed a crafty smile
Spread over hi- leather) '"'i bjsM P0h
glowed his glance At the Dther
a i'ti a ray of sun
shine full upon her CfOBt had Annette
Without removing his glan g fr Jtn
.th gi;l the lrgh iciest touch I Her
Dujdez CM the arm and spoke in high
ihnll accents
What 'i tei b iajfT ' i' aaaed Har
nandez of Ponto.
Ponto shlve.-ed "He says." re
turned Ponto. the sun god Is at. y.
T'.ut he has commanded his p .la
le destroy you all. That he will smite
you hip and thigh unless"
I'nless what'' queried Hereunder
"You give the white girl to the god
and the rest of you can gel food and
auccor within the walls the white
gtrl for the god.'
Ponto s hand and lashed the hrvite
Mercelv Ho nodded to the four crim
son i lad men and they tore Annette
roughly iway and dragged her to the
temp!.' Neal hurled himself at the
tour acotjrtaa, bat Haraasdag draffad
him back,
Neal was then thrust Into a dungeon
and its door was locked
Mean: line within the temple things
were happening. Annette found her-
selt in an apartment K'fgeoiisly fur
nlsheil with Aztec tapestries. Two
old women toothless, uglv women
with hoards, attended Annette, chuck
ling and mumbling tO themselves in
flee They prod 'iced from the re
esses of the temple a dress, gorgeous,
bizarre They draped It upon Annette s
slender form The hung her head,
nook and arms mlth glittering oma
Bents, and then they beckoned to her
and ld her to a window, and pointed.
chuckling, through It.
Annette knew not what thev said,
but Ponto without distinguished easily
th" meaning of the high shrill tones
"The sun god alts Is waiting for
his brld.' glance traveled past the
sun god She Started bad In bOffTUf
lnt. that seething pit hajroad the
acolytes srars casting huge quantities
of fu I p virinc the contents of huge
eyes wide with terror. She saw the
tree bend slowly outward, though she
did not know the cause.
Then her heart leaped within her,
for the tree had dropped, toppling
head over heels, so to speak, but by
KMM great chan H bad bfashtd
N"al lightly, not h -nvlly -ignlnst the
cliff, and then had plunged down to Its
owu doom leaving htm grappling for
his life with a clump of bushes on a
narrow ledge bolow.
She saw all this and so did Hernan
dez and his partner. Ponto Ponto
smote the brute upon the shoulder Me
pointed to a huge stoue at his feet.
'Finish him. ' he comtnauded. "Uo
down and tlnlsti him. '
The brute seized the stone and crept
warily down a narrow path and
' reached the ledge upon which clung
I Neal.
The brute slowly raised the rock
above hi.-- load As he did so a small
llrm hand clutched him by the shou:
dei woman s hand. He turned and
looked Into the eyes nl Annette lllng
ton. As th ugh hpnotl.-ed he dropped
the r-n-k
' lllp hlni.' commanded Annette
"help him. IK as I sav
Has ' VhltS with ruge. thrust
Ponto behind hi in and leaned far over
! of the cliff shaking hl
VNTKP To buy shelled corn In
and quant It Oregon racking 'o
WHY III MAT In an un-iaultar
COIIilltlon when we could sell you
one half or a whole hog put B M
omlcally at 7 M ,,',' P "' (,n'
k;on Packing to
w mi:i It) Wl IM llri 'lt',M
turkeys ut the highest price Hum year
Phone f.4, Ontario Market ti M
i mi; hi; VI
i-'im; hi a r
Ham and corrnll, call
.: If
high school
2 room house near the
Inquire photo' I I0M
jars he flames. Her gl.m. - ' I hand itupotenllx at the brut.
roH RaW i Rooms for ligbt ht
K.'epilK, 'e mi l.ealed HOT I I
LOST-Lorge Csuneo brooch
l-'imli'v leave r( Argm office
.iihI receive rowara. tf
I i S I' l.ado-s gold watch, hunting
, ,..,. N. ,i i . (donee of S K r)
lor. Please return to Argus office
sad g"t reward I ,f
tra led - I I v.-nd. an I across an
Intervening space she saw a dm .
win. the white face of St 1 1
He waved I is hand And then strmg
hands W'r- laoad u;'ti her shoulders
aad she 1 1 rt xi from t, r feet sad
dngfad, half earrfad :t "f Um
pie into the on tar
space before the sun god. The
had begun
Neal tore his glance for n r rr.ent
. this scene and examined his i ll
There was a window at his hack
I beatrtt harr.' wlnilow. I la I sd
the bars In deeperatloa snd fou
his surprise that tin v w.--With
a superhuman effirt. be thrust
the bars outward, leaped Ifcioaffc the
spertire anl darted swlfflv tnt the
Jungle, then he looked about hlrn f'r
a tree an 1 found the one h wa
it was a high tree, v.rv igh lie
climbed It swlfflv cllmb.l it to Its
topmost branches Cruising slowly
off the shore and the sh r- was t
very far away was his cruiser Al
bany. Ho braced hlt.seif among the
branches with his feat, ripped of
his shirt, tied It by the i,rnis .,
a broken branch and slg: : 1 t . the
Within the wa'.ls Ponto. still tan r
LOflT 0t Ifd . near n S I. depot
a sllv-T BOSatad brtdlO, red leather
spin i '.oi i ill, brahfaa relas $ Id
reward, i Uoas aaht i. r I .' Id
with the i in that found it Hetliril
. iii roasdate 4 4 -tf.
Itili s nit i k it-:
I 'i 'i; .- ' '
; ' '1 DM I
all I loch K
ii real aid
as 1 say. h" commanded
will " . m U jroa dt n t '
H aot for his own
safety, i ut fir the or some of
his balonglnfs a papm packet wrig
gi- d aaall ) om el hi-
t Socket ati I Slipped easily and
joyously down tie- liff. lauding aliio-.
at Annette s fe.t
The bruto turned sudd nh darted
forward, stretched f.irtli a I.
and Jerked Neal from ins precaiiou-
position up 10 Ho- ledfa aptoaafMj por ILI i "w boat la best ..f
The three atood there clinging bo paadltioa, With air tank, and Kvin
the side of the cliff, the brute pant nill. Hllllir ,n,llr ,, L-fM
Ing with w.mder. Neal a-. I Annett. .. .. .
panting with relief Sud btly Annette
,' d Slid picked
llidl ill I
11 Jllst I" 1 K ll
I llest aash Ofef tak'
it. uu- ' . . I ;
'. age N. J J. luil.ird. Ontario
up a packet that lviu SALJE in,e urk m.rH ...i.i.i
lay at ner reel, hne uttered a little
cry of recognition end with good
-' rORfALI A Lab) bi.sinet in
It was the identifying map part of .. Hill'sPharm
the aside:; . that linked her with the
lost Isle of Cinnabar. fOH BAI K rhristmsa tri-s at the
Ten minutes later Neal flung up fmplr Lamhaf I 0 7if
his hands and h- i. I and with good
csuse. Over the br w of a hill, clam I "' has tlJM onl amdan steam
hern.g like mad. there swarmed up Mtaf in 'his part ..r a aaMtf
thffoafh the Jungle a crowd of Culled Prices moderata Phoae l" . Moure
States n. in? -s
Han an lag and Ponto saw them
I w ith wild oaths tnrtie, 1
-' 1 lli oi tint ntl Bed The brute.
II tel l.bick
with t'.. . -. anger, obej r.-jit swift
i. aiong ir ii :.-, atai roitoweq tils re
il and Annette ssended more
-usly snd carefullv They met
b c:in to plesd
Tl high priest
held up bis
b .t In the In
tuitu another
i his back for a moment up-n
' !" poa tha-
priest. Then suddenly Iih saw
thing. In tin fp of i hi
the walls t'. re was s white rag
terlng to and fro and sora--tnor
) stO kipped Hernandez's arm and
pointed upward The face of Hernan
dez froze He darted toward th
dungeon, saw that It was empty, then
beckoning Ponto and the brute he
darted to the stone wall and with their
aid clambered over It.
Ponto. with considerably less agt!
ity and with the assistance of the brute.
followed his companion over, and
th brute in turn, his head and shoul
ders lashed with Ponto's whip wield
ed over the top of the wall, swung
himself Mirer ar.l followed them
Annette noticed the confusion was
the first tc see It. Suddenly striking
an attitude she raised her hand ar.d
arm aad pointed toward ti.e white flag
fluttei Ir.g frota the tree f p, The high
priest stopped his droning sud fol
! th direction of h. r hand with
his glance. His acolytes stopped and
stared so did STeryl ly else.
At. lotto s.iw h.-r sspartaalty Opaa
a standard ly her side lay a heavy
copper si eptor. She seized it. Lithe
as her body was sho had Inherited
great str-ngth wonderful agility.
Without a n. n;.-. s hesitation she
Saraaf thl s-.-;.ter viciously about her
dashing the high priest a. id his ;
soolytes to the ground, knocking the
Azt.-c warn ,rs to right and left. Like the "ttie squad of marines pa the tq
a wimi. v:ni she foafhl her w:,v to- "f "' lUf a-.q j; them la Ika
ward the gate. it b salad her oou'lo quick toward the ah strong
arid sped away. hold They rea, had th clearing The
galea of the walled city w n sjpai and
the walls bristled with annon-d Aztec
warriors. The Sjarlasa Igad Ho-ir bay
onets and rnmle ready for a churge
Mi-nly. however, Neul held up his
hands. "Listen." he exclaimed
SBk '
sa Bf - d'Jaaa
a ' fc"5- JJbW JL
O, A. C.
iiiiiii! : i minimi
an' Dili to NwI.n
Js" i . t-. ieif
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I I. trait
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1 - -ii . ir Hm
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WISliu fHOKT cot If SI!
Jsausry to to I ebruery 4, iei6
Srs Ural A iral I sws Sui aaii
AlSid v r Hi ....! Wurh vf
lh !- 11 a,,J HuiiwIiuUl
ssrass t r-scn SAiaiMQ cash csor
-'i -1 HslKl- I k , WilkK
IS'. -KWS.. 11, ,i at lloMK
-. ssiNi re MKTiriiiM tuiii
Bt " luKKIl'.IM'.li Nj S LAI
OuM'tn i ,.,,. A Ik.. .1 I jilwa'i Isrti. I.., i M,k
H'llu.r.l i...,..., i.i,.
Brut Slowly Raised th
Abov His Head.
By His Eyelid.
Raraaadaa and his two aaaipaaloas
reached the tree They reconnoltered
Above him In the swaying branches tne """ waters beyond there was
all Ignorant A the group below. Neal l",: - '" of K'i
A Bride's Revolt.
Hernandez pondered once again.
Then he nodded.
"We'll do it,' be returml. "Tell
that beast out there to nring the
i.ite girl in."
Ponto turned and ran wnddling out
side the gatCB He gave a bnef com
mand to the brute and at the word
the brute SSiaad Annette and bald IMP
high upon ills BBOttldar. At another
work of cemmand tin- in it. marched
toward las gate ami 1 I It,
The high priest atood civeiing,
watching the approach of Annette and
the brute. Tuu four Astecs in flam-
wigwagged his signals toward the Al
bany. His heart leaped within him,
for the Albany wigwagged in return
She was doing more she was sending
off lor fastest launch shoreward,
crow! d to the gunwale with marines I
mainiea who knew their business.
Belcv Hernandez smiled a diabolical
-m" He was watching, not Neal, '
but the swaying ot the tree
"Look,'' be said to Ponto, "see how
these roots tux at this scant earthen
Its my gun." said Neal. "1 know
her when she speaks my slx-lucb
gun "
The officer in charge of the squad
held up his hand. "Halt." he com
His squad halted. It was well they
did. Through the open gate they
could see the sun god's demoniacal
countenance twisting and mounting In
the red glare of the altar's flames
Across the strip of Jungle they could
T ..t.Bi w ilr '.!.. I ,. ((l.lKi.I,,0'MM
Agnltyrtl Co t(. ('. 1. ow tl I iui)
Home Visitors'
Oregon Short l,iin
Union Pacific S stein.
Tickets "ii salr
October 23,
Kovember 20 & li:;
Deeember 18 & L'L'.
Limit !Mi days
frOlD (latr of Hale.
See an v (). S. L.
Agent for rates.
Huy your ticktts
through via tw U.
1. Byftem, it i
the direct wav.
Business Director
lilt. W. O. IIOUi:
()or 1st Phones. Office 73 It
Natl Hank Pes 67 It
AWWWWAVrV ir 11 i t rf-
W. II. llnMike, Attorney at Uw
Wilson llldg Ontarl.i Ore
Will IVactice In All Courts
Notary Tublic. Office Over Postoffl.e
Room 9, First National Hank Klilg
Ontario, Oregon.
Mcculloch a WOOD
Itooni - First Nal I Hank Hl.lg
Ontario, OrSfea
It. W. Sler Attunie) at Isfeg,
Koimiis I.; It I a tVlhJM llldg
Ontario OftfM
"nlsrln, Or,
I)r 11-,.. UN
i "ears
Ir. P...K -T
(Jra.luetes Americsn8choo.fu.
Pathy. Kirl.iiu '
... . , no
wiison mock. T,.,ak ".....
1 PS K,,,,. 'JobTfi:
cial Pontine a ., ,,.i ""hi
I I-.- , , Mlj,,,,, A,A,.l. nfl11 Oh I
K. tXII'K. The TauofTT
II. ..--!.. ..... I
ikhiuii nun i mailing.
'I'Imiii a. I
Pliiuin lu;.v
I low I i;-
O.NTAHIO I LORAL ( i " Irs taken
fur cut flowi r- AfsjaaOfl '.Ontario,
Mrel all run.
svwfi shaaa a I
J. IL r'ARI.K) I users i
. i ,1
.in. i -MMHIIIIII r i. any MtlttaiLnSS
M-W. nuno,0saa
coverii.K BBS is a tree arowins on a hef.r l!ie boOUi bo"m of the u"
..c, niaj..ii ii jm ungn wun joy
"Hm'u ,,, ,1... .......... ,.i. a.. .... .
-- "'" in'-f liraujr, l")S, Un
rock. Hhe totters And she is more
than a tree ktowiiik on a rock she
grows on the edge of a cliff lieaat,
com.- h-re Tell him. Ponto, what to
Ponto told him, emphasizing his ds v.ltli the ever ready whip.
The brut !. id. He h, t his shoul
ders to the tree trunk und bsfan stead
ily, tiri ii ssJy, peralateaUy to push.
"Now, aot rled Hen in a
frenzy oi I i'i:ie;it. ' On, mi.
The tree crashed desperately over
ci led. "Walt Look look look
With a mighty shout of triumph th
marines leaps1 Into the air yelling Ilk,
demons themselves They had good
cause, for the gunner on the Alhain
hsd mure than found the rangehe
had planted an exploding shell in th
ary ssjfdle of the sun god and the
sun pal . i i ijj temple, amid shi lal
trotlt " I tin oats- hurst Into
a thousand pieces- and dlauppeareU
Under new Basuugeinenl
Btarohed OolUn ami
Shirts a ipeeillty.
All work guertnteed
I oil I il i: I I M h , .. t R
MIL Till I'll OF I HI I Me.HH'
WITIIOl T Till. IMIlltH"sMiT
The Burrell Studio
"Safely iirsl" was the motto onl ra tics ol
this hank fO bffffl thosf aorla bacsins tbt
slogaii n( the large traiisjuirluliuii rompaiiies.
Service in the puhlir is nut it thoory, hut t
ilnily iractii with us.
I'mI ..or iiKinoy where sutVty I" lh t'rt
fOfjtidfrtliotl aii'l uvail yourself of our srrvics.
n. JM l.ttJt. I 1MIU1I -
Safety Depoait Box Bavinfi ""t8
Prohibition Takes Effect Jan.l,W16
Are You Prepared to Meet the
Long Dry Spell?
Do )ou reuh,. Utal Uf,r u, ,vt, ,ute HKKU cannot I"' hlJ
aOfBfOa evupt in UmitMii mmnlllleH und ut roiiwldoiahlf t'0
and expeiiso to the consumer?
Vou can MSB yourselvos both ly ordering your uext y'r
pi) NOW
We are ready to 1111 your order directly from UM "r"wer,w
the reduced prlco of M.6U per harrel dellvored at Ontsrlo
PAY THK milOHT, All ordera must be at:ompuiiltl hy
liraft or Money Order. -
"'lit MKKK Is an ALI,-MALT and ROPf PRODUCT, lu"",
peclully to Insure its keeping u long time. It I freshly l,otU
It bj packed In: Ohtsl of doxen Large llottles. ;
IIoxih of 3 dozen LarKe Hfttthm llurrels of o iBBM L"r"u U"
We also supply It In small hottUm (pints).
American Brewing &CrystalIceC
WblfJ 16 p. o. uox 111 ,u,la'r'