The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 10, 1915, Image 1

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No. t.
(ri. attorney mi r.iis in ii 11
in w nomin ITKMI mil im ii.
Announcement has been tiiMfl llil",
Leek hy J W Mc iilloih, prominent
Horn') of Ontario, of hiH candidacy
kr Hi'' iicpublloin iioni iiihI ion for
fuMh' UtllRlea 'oinini' inner from
Le Eastern Oregon tllHlrlt-t Mr
ll'lllllorll in Hi" llllltll I all. I. !..!' for
,l, tl lloBi Klil other L'lini!
irimlv HllllOUIM'fll themselves Ill
, ,,,. ..iii with mo him ii y already in
p field. Imn ln-n .lorn only alter a
li.iui ranvaa of llM field, mid with
kiiiriiiK n 11 r .t k 'iix'ii t from M
Lis friend' IhrollKlloill I. ii I. Til
Ii . nil
Mi III ' iiH'mIi wb Ihstri. I Mlnr
f..r Hi'1 district cotilpl i-iiiK Mill
L id Ol Hl Ollllllles (tOlll
hi until lilli mi'l has a lurRi-
;l ,, (i .ml supporters In
r 1 1 1 r i iiinlii'M Willi no uia.v
in the Paid, .H of
In. in rout from Dakar, i.a Ui
,, '. IP II. lull. lllllN Kplltlllg III.
I tin largci -lt ! of Hi- iliti I. the
L mi Im Mr- to i olne ll'.lll Hit'
hmll'-r populated count lea of tin'
other eaadtdataa win. lava already
k,-r-.l i r.i .11 i Mi Kinney
i.i ii ii aray f Baker. M whim,
li( Service Mini J P l(iih of lat
f, l(..y Rlltar and T J Mahoncv ami J M Kyle of Stan
di Mr M'1 iiIIikIi haa iUuvk In" ii a
lauiirii apaertaf f the RapajMtaaa
art Mi veara of legal eapecience
Luplc.) ltli lila thorough knowledge
i! need a of Eaatern Oregon,
Ikra him a valuable candidate for
01 n n si iumii. notfh
a a
Following are UM name Ol ""'
itiiu in tin' white Settlement mi iiooi
Rio Iim v- been neither ul'-'tit inr during M pal no'i''1, ;,1H
ir' Runster ' I
III. l ...... ., I..., ... V I. ,.! I I I
i ' m villa Kmiiiii.n. Otta W aldroa,
. I'lifToril
hi s.' rin.M ii, ink ' ' i
larp.-r. Carl Brown, ill Uyt
w .inn. Rachal Baaa, Valuta i ollea,
hane I .uilii, iii. Until !( da
null. Itul. M.Uroggnr. Antes M-
iTeggol in, I .-..i liimaii
i l. ii. Inl new reading table li"M
ii placed in Hi,' W'liii' Bat t la nl
tin... I iii,. table Mill In- supplied
Mth Rood iiiiiKu In, -M uli.l papers hv
M iiiiinv friend hikI patron uf Hi.'
fl "il There Im hi, belter wav for
fiend of M Mid. ml t.i allow tMlf ap
t'lialluii of Murk done Hutu '" ",h
tnix' for h. .in.' kuoiI i
MM uf Hit- hi-ln.i.l
MUa l.ury 'I'lioinpaon rf..H" Him
I '. la In lint arliool iri'BMiiiv In
liuiil No 4 f, ,im (In rt'Muli of a liw-
M MOIIul lll-l.l III t Ht'llO.ll llOIIMH
t'VIMllllK li'folf TIlHIlkMKIOliK I '"
H'inli.1 work of Andy edrwin. ""'
Pl lioni'.r ui- aiiriH'lutf.l i" ,l"'
A n. -w Smith lii'MtitiK I'1'1"1 hllM
M n Inalullfil In M Rlfjraida ii liool
iIiIm a.l.ih vry matfrlitlly to Hi'' """
prl of it'H.lnirM unit impllH. niakiiiK
)i iiviin lifiii mnl wi-ll vtit illut !
iiiiiik IiohmIIiIiv
Mr.t. Htdti, Hit- teacher In tin' "v'
rnlile (llMlrlcl. ili-atTvi'M iniit'h re
lit for hr in i tr.-.-i In her pupil At
In' proHniil iimi. Hie Im metliiK "'"'
'' KirU Of tint MClioni on,.' u WWk
Flection of oftlcera waa held by the
eastern Star laat evening ' M
fib. .-ia elected for the euauiuK ',u"'
Ire aa followa: Worthy Muiron.
Ira. J. W. MoCulloch; Worthy Fui-
'oii. K Mul ev: Assoc at' Matron.
Ira. W W. Lets,. ii, Coutluflei. at
I. U. Ilallcy; Aaaoclate Couduclress
largaret Duubar; Treaaurer, Mr
I. B. Newton; Secretary I'aullne
Installation of officers will be held
V- the next regular meeting aud
HHscial entertainment la planned.
wli.n Mhi' pIvi'M ihi'iii Inntriiriinn In
awlM. H'-y Hro makliiR MUM
Kiri now, inn win mi loa t(lK lip
ri'Kuliir work In atWMi l"r TMN
panpla in alas avrkltfi on Xmai willed will I,.. kiii at N
fori. Ilii' liolnlnya .
A nrw hook ch hna ht-on adili'd
In Hi.' I'.iMlpmint In Dlatrlrt (. hh.
Imo window l.uitnlM havf l..-.n phircil
in tin- witniowM miikiiiK it paaalbla
to v.nilliiti' tin. room will hi i
i in i
Mr (' l KlIMh who MllplTVlMf.l tl,,.
i "..I work nl Jonlnn Valloy fr f,lUr
i dun returni'd to tiikf up hy ,
'iuii m thara
I In- Hilffidanr.' record thrnuRlmtil
tin- roimty for IM iuimI nmntli nut
at all Kond Movt ,f I he tearlnTM
Kiv aaJdaajRi af in frtMa mil bad
Oaldl na Hie reaaon
III"' pllpIlM ntld li'iirl "TH In ),.
W 'hlte SftfiiiMit m Imiil art- worklnir
ii ii i lirlNtnniM pr.iKrnin in Im rIm-m
i Iniraday bafori lirlntmaa
MIh j..n I'onklln. the toacbar In
i . Mfi.lf,. Ilelal.l. .llHirirl .,.,,'
- i
mix pupil', in i.u.nili.i.r.' ami all ,,,
im- r I Mork I in-y art- arnmir
im- a hrlHHiii.M proRran. for tl,.
tl... plaaaure ,.f the parfriiM and
it in Hi- n.'
The library hooks for af the
mcIiooIm of the county bajvi ban
ahlppt'd t the ctrka In Hirer nr
four . .. iMi-iak.-M were niinle b)
Mlipplr.R the l.uokM to Hie roiili
i i.fflce and theae will !. rorr. UN hooka can he ! h veretl
A plan for living puhlic recoinl-
lion to tin. Me teacher of the -late who
hate proved HieUlM.tvcM to he prn-
ffaaalve well aa aucceaful In tl.eir
work, has liern annoinired hy Supcr-
Intendent of Public Instruction. J A.
Chun-hill To all teachers who meet
the five requirement adopted hy the
Slate Superintendent there will be
Rien Professional Teachers Certlfl-
ratea which will certify that the liolil-
era have not only tauRht miii. eMafully
during the preceding year. Hut that
tMj ure progreMMive ami hae IMWI
it proper proifMaioii.ti Mpirn toitr.i
their work
rtlflcate Mill Im l-ue. b the
Superintendent of Public list ruction
Upon the alateilieil' I I IBl IP
that all ol il raqalra
in. 'lit . have been met mnl that the
.T deaerVt-M MpW ''' recoKlill loll
of his all. ui lite W MM IM ern
. lll III Itself Hot entitle the hold
af to teach. II Mill be of Rr.ut axhla-
. I., srhool board In belalM
them Mtle.t thnrtiuRhlv'
,iml up to date teachers, who '
h.H-n especially successful in ineir
TM requirements which nniMt Is?
met for the Professional Teachers
i ertithate are aa folio
I Having taught auccessfully 'or
at least eiRht iiioiuha ilurniK Hi Pll
1911 cut;
Having met all of the "
tl for a teacher in I itajdard
achool ami hmlng cninplied strictly
Mith the laws relntitiR to IN iliiK,,,s
and lire drills
;t Huving sent proiuptl " ,i"'
count) -uperintendent all report ''
qulretl by him or required ! la
i HavliiK attended IM iMMl
teachers' institute or tealMN' train
mg school, and at least one bMtl tD'
til nta
6. HuvlnR read duriiiR the year, un
tier the supervision of the I'ntvorsity
of Oregon or the Oregon Agricultural
College, at least I mo books on
teachers' reading clrclo list
Many different pieces of city pro
perty will be sold by Marahall Kcr
foot tomorrow at auction, the pro
perl) bcliil sold to pay for Impure
tnent liona againat the propertv
An injunction restraining IM mlU'
of tine piece of property wag obtain
ed by Attorney C. McOotiaglll. who
la contesting the right of the city to
sell the property under the lieu.
Mr. and Mra. J. II Carpenter of
this city celebrated their fiftieth wed
ding anniversary at their homo Sat
urday, a family dinner being the chief
feature of the celebration About
60 ileecendaiita of this couple were
preaent, thirteen being lh"ir w
children. Including two aets of twins.
A family picture waa taKen In the
afternoon Mra. Carpenter la only
. .... ,. a.e and Mr. Carpenter
nil fvmtm . - -
69. Both are enjoying good Malta.
The Im-o diiya aeanlon of the Herond
A ii n nit I Convention of the Idaho-Ore-Ron
lloin ProdttOari aaaoelatlon,
bald t I he rlty hall, closed Wednea
diiy evenlnR TIiIk orRnnlzutlon win
formed Li t year and Ih an outRrowth
of Hie Mlmilar organization tailed the
Baa Kaapara Ammh. A wonderful In
iriaMe m the numher'of farmara ro
Iiir In for the production of honey,
ami in the meuilKTMliip of HiIh orRiini
.atlon Ihih ht.ii made HiIh paat year.
KiRhty-foiir iii"iiIith ure llMtetl, fifty
heiiiR preaent here. The territory
"""""""''i "' "'", orRanuution ex-
MMnlM irolll MOIKe to elMIT aim from
N'A I'lymouth to HroRan. onturio
H ,l'" '"khI I'l"" for Hie convention
.'" ""'''"K l"iaied centrally.
'" 'ddltlon to H lection of offl-
"ll,.v li"l"riani matt-ra were
dl raaatd xi- rules and stand
ardn Mere adopted, marketing of lion- J
v ami hamlliiiK of hees taken up.
Tin problem of standards proved a
difficult one and optnloD was more I
divided on this auhje.t than others,
Finally the Colorado I H I '. grading
rules Mere adopted A alngle Hag,
rIrns front shipping case waa agreed
upon as the standard for all members.
Many advantages come from a
inemhershlp In the organization, for
Instance, the placing of an order
during the meeting for 92.000 pounds
of auppllea on u co-operative basis
Tmo cars will he required to ahlp
theae Mipplle from the east and On
r,u nd ,dwell will be the dla-
trlbutlng points
C K. Dibble of Payette waa elected
president, J. M Sark of Mlddlatton
vice-president and P S. FarreU of
New Plymouth, secretary
A P Slade of Hood Itlver waa here of snow in the t ascade mountains,
the middle of the week, registered at On his trip home he was delayed aev
,l. Roof . 11 Mfl by slides of snow and mud.
Guide Post to Success
In the Apple Industry
(Continued trOM last Issue)
Possible Market I leltl.
In the I'nlt.d States there are
,1, w n ell ,00.000 population .r
mnm :.."., -it Ie.s nl I mi .nun ptipulat ion
,.r mure; 1 Iii cities of 50,000 popula
tmn of more; l.:t00 cities of 5,000
population or more.
A stuiH of conditlona in the coun-
iry IMWI certain actions in which
apples are grown in commercial
quantities, and other sections where
the production Is far short of the
.ousumption In great industrial
iters, where market s
doubt be
. . . I. .
found for larRe quantities or
,1. Oregon box apple lias not been ,
marketed, largely on account ol tne
liKh prices d anded. In the weal-
thler sections Oregon apples find mar-
kt. but the expense of handling la
ureal, and w lien tne years ,.us,,.n
.1 ..'.. I..l.:l....
is wound up the profits to the grow-
.i are normal.
Humiliating the Industrial centers
and Hie wealthier sections from the
Held for Oregon apples, there ap-
..... A ' ....I ... . n . h r. i
peal': I lie Kiel ten., a. ... ............
hectlous of Ihe country, where the
production of the apples la less than
the demand or where other fruits
are speciallied in. In tills field
from the Dakotaa to Texas the Or
egon apple, in the days to come, whan
production muBt be near the maxi
mum, should find rich territory. A
survey of the apple production and
prospective production of the 1'ntted
States should be made by Oregon
Rrowera, that reliable Information
iniKht be gathered and compiled for
I.OCMI Markets Neglected.
While visiting scores of towns in
Oregon 1 was struck by the absence
of apples on Hie markets and by the
miserable packs and displays where
apples were offered for sale. The
neglect of local markets Beems to bo
...i..... i,Ki,i,- of Portland, where
few stores maintain admirable dls-
olavB of fresh fruits and exercise
t .
............. sin.. In their disposal In
many townB only inferior fruit was
on sale and frequently It waa "shop
worn" and even disgusting- Oregon,
as a Held for the sale of Oregon ap
is being neglected, while re-
Word received today hy Dr. I'rlnz-
Iiir from the State Health Department
sIiomh that the water sent from Ol
tarlo to he tested for typhoid and
oth.r R.rms, Is verv Rood and con-
talriM few nerniH of any kind, and not
any PMffWMal ones Dr. PrlnzlnR
r.i.iitly made a trip to Riverside and
the camps alonR the rlRht-of-way and
red afteHnens of water from
her. to he tested The railroad woll
wni.-r at IHverslde was reported Rood.
The rlwr water In that vicinity was
contaminated, but not bad. The
v. aier In the protected sprlnRs In that
section was reported pure
The nnetlnR of the Idalm-OreRon
Medical Assorlatioii which
m:i nMdadadl to ka Mid In IM city
hull Tuesday evening waf po-tpoiietl
until next Tueaday. A ii ii.Jilit.-r of
the physicians wt-re In t'nldwell this
Meek attending the Woodward r..:r
ton trial
A tii.-etlng was held at Vale Mon-
day in the McHratney bankrupt caae.
before Julian Hurley, referee in bank
ruptcy H. K. Knapp. prealdent of
the Portland Association of Credit
Men, was elected trustee of the eatate
ml local attorneya were in at
tendance at the meeting.
Mr WTlRht. father of A. A. Wright
of this city baa Juat returned from a
vlalt with relatives at Wenatchee.
Wash Mr. Wright reports i feel
turns from eastern markets are dla
...ur.iRitiR if not disaaterous in many
! cases.
Apples Are Not Popular I atl.
In OragOO. outside of Portland.
t here are ap
proximately i:oo hotels
and restaurants, where meals .
erved the public. In Portland
are approximately 700 hotels, grill.
restaurants and dtnitiK rooms I have
islted more than 100 eating pi
m Oregon re, ently, and only in a few
waa 1 able to get service of apples or
other Oregon fruit from Wie ordinary
menu card. On the bills of grills and
lestauranta oranges ami naiiauas unu
'.i a - ai a M.k fuu I uruH it Ii , I '
,,nnei pineapples ,r .... . "
during seasou the Oregon strawberry '.
nut mere is no ettori 10 eutoui-ae -
eousumptlon of the OftfOI PJPli
Even al Hood River and at Medtord
the restaurant and gnu serx to.' uoe
not include apples, except, perhaps,
ocasioualy ns baked and irequently as
pie in competition with a dozen oCier
standard varieties of pie.
1 doubt, seriously, if Oregon or
chards now produce more fruit than
could be consumed within the state.
with due consideration for t lie health
of the people and the loyal patronage
e: Oregon industries
I Ixploitatlon Always Rati.
It la agreed, generally, I think, that
exploitation of land values in Oregou
has worked great hardship on the leg
itimate producer as well as on tho In
dividual victim of Hie scheme. Ex
plication ib always bad; for the
methods used damu those who take
eii as they crush tliose who lose.
Oregon growers cannot ufford to
exploit buyer or consumer, even If
ample opportunity were offered.
What Is needed is steady mar
kets, year after year at fair
prices, prices at which con
sumers can afford to buy and pjaj
chants can afford to handle the Ore
gon product in open competition with
the product of any other section of
.a country, if need be. On this basis
a . . . . 1 .a.vlll.i I.I., iii ,1 nut rx'
,a permanent ami pwwnawN ."..,
i i... ........ i. . .....i
can be developed.
Oregou lias not begun to produce
applea and pears. It may be expedi
ent to consider only the bearing or
chards In planning for markets, but
the wise and tarsighted man would
certainly plan for marketa five and
fen yearn hence, when the production
of the atate ahould he quadrupled and
the profiU of the Rrower Rreatly mul
ll.lii"l OreRon Hhould he a Rreat perma
nent Held for apple huyera, with Ihe
'aim- men huylng and aellinR, year af
ter year. In HiIh way confidence
would be eHtabllrthed and widely vary
InR market conditions would disap
pear. t'liatmnera Mnt lie I'roteetetl.
The averaRe fruit Rrower does not
fully realize that when he become a
aaleaman he must protect hla cuatom
era In their several fields and make
d Qn BUppy and nualty of ROO,,K
needed by each customer The ship
per who does spaamodlc business,
whether In wheat or whetstones, must
fa n the face of modern competition
j Mfn who arp nuppilnK !arKf. ,,uan.
tltlp(l of fru)t for ronsumptlon nhould
be able to Rpl aUpp from M m
Jconcerni unrter tne Bame ru,. and
; rnfculatloriM , sear.on ufter season And
, .,. f ,..,, HllorK. in huslness de-
pends on personality and acquaint
ance, change In management should
not be frequent In OreRon selllnR
agencies have trained too many men.
Kfflctent enterprises are seldom new
enterprises; efficient men those who
have had adequate training and a lit
tle experience.
Iliiyer I Ooajrl of I .- i;.--...i
As a sab' man of his own goods, the
grower of apple-, must consider the
whims and fancies of the retail buyer, .
for the consumer Is the court of last
reaort.The buyer may know le,.s about
the production of apples than she
known aliii'H the Angel Cihrl.-I. but
she known something of food valuea
and a lot about the value of the dol
lar. She knows a great deal about
raisins, oranges, bananas and pine-
j apples, because they represent the ar-
latocracy in fruit distribution, but ahe
knows little about the plebtan apple
a use it al Mays came from the faml- (
ly tree and represented no real money i
HtorK Facilities Needed.
Fruit growera In Oregon muat re
main at the mercy of speculate and
cold atorage concerns until adequate
storage facilities ahall be provided at
points of production. Except at Hood
River and Med ford dry atorage fa
cilities ure Unking and cold storage
has not I n provided.
So long aa th grower muat force
his fruit on the market as soon aa he
haa It packed., i.e sell at hla own
disadvantage Sp. ulntors who sup
ply storage will take the profit from
the en and more with It. If
growers siipplv the storage facilities
M) will I,.- enabled to hold their
crops lor :iii loved i ruket conditions
and better pi
The proper handling of the fruit at
the point oi Kudu, tlon ia aa much a
'matter of good salesmanship aa the
actual selling at the point of con
niust certainlv produce congested
markets ami low prtcee.
or. ion h ii.; Kith .Man' tiaine.
Kvery indication, as Isee it, tends to
confirm my opinion, that orcharding
3 1 Oregon must become the rich man's
game. As in every other line uf ac
tivity, opportunity for the man of
small means is limited, and hla ex
pense of operation must be out of
proportion to the expense of handl
ing the large tract. One commuu-
y pack)llK alul haujag can postpone
(il (ay wkm MIlul ,ri4CU. amj 10
acres -must he merged into 'he large
orchard, aud the small owner must
become the worker in the orcard of
the corporation or the well-to-lo cit
Uen. Orchard antl Club.
An element which appears clearly
in the game of apple growing ami
selling in Oregon, ia the club, the
gathering place for men who operate
land aud propose to I apples on
a large scale. At i .nl lUver cm'
Medford large clubs are controlled
by men who are or think they are
in the apple game. Much of the
work of cultivation, care and mark
eting has been done by proxy antl
over the telephone These men
should be of great value in the de
velopement of the fruit industry, and
as soou as their financial resources
are exhausted aud they get down to
practical work they will be rightly
classed among Oregon's most suc
cessful citixeus and most enterpris
ing producers and skillful salesmen.
Small .nineties Not Successful
The day of the small canuery,
whether co-operatively or privately
owned, has gone by. The successful
canuery of the future must have a
wide field, good transportation fac
ilities and large output Quality
and quantity must go together in the
product of canneries in Oregon if
the growers of fruit used are to be
fairly compensated for their pro
ducts. Much of the canned goods sold at
(Continued on page 3)
'oming as a great shock to
many friends, was the death of
J ('. Fleming this afternoon Mm
Fleming and her daughter Mere driv
ing to town from their me on tht
i: i. lev ar.i to attend the funeral aff
Win. Arnett. About 1:30, while
near the II. I'. Houseman farm, Mra
Fleming laid her head on her daught
ers shoulder and breathed her laat.
She waa taken to the Houseman
home and Dr. Printing summoned,
hut death had come suddenly Heart
trouble is attributed to be the cauaa.
Mrs. Fleming has not been in baa"
health, but has often mentioned thai
she felt a premonition that death
would come to her in thta way. The
daaaaaed ia survived hy her hushantf
and four children. The family haa
resided on the Boulevard for a num
ber of yeara.
The Fifth Annual Older Boys' Con
ference for Eastern Oregon and Koutfa
ern Idaho, opens tonight at the lup
tlat church Mayor A. W. Tmn Id
an addraaa of welcome will open tka
city to this gathering of older boya
who come from aa fat west aa La
Orande, Oregon, and tht to Twla
Falls and Pocatello. With kparent
ly almost every available borne ,eu
to entertain the boya and their leal ?a
there Is still a doubt aa to whe.he aft
may be cared for.
Rev. Wlllale Martin of the Firet
Methodlat church ofr Rolae is to de
liver the opening addraaa oi the con
ference. Rev. Martin la well kuowa
In this aectlon of the country and
that the Baptist church will bo veil
filled, there ia little d One
hundred and lifty seats will be te
aarvad for the delegate, many ol
whom are not due to arr .e until
1:30 thla evening.
Saturday will be filled largely by
addresses and dtscusalona from Hit
boya, followed by a recreai .i.i . r
iod In charge of George 11 Mm ..iul
the popular physical director of Hie
Boise V. M. C. A. The da will
close with the big social affair of the
conference, the father and son ban
quet at the high school at six o'clock.
Two hundred or more are ex pec tag
to enjoy this big banquet of which
the fathers of Ontario will he an im
portant part. Father and ana will
be seated together. Prof. to. C
Bailey aa toast master will call for
toasts from both men and boy Pro.
T it Nelson of Payette has consented
to take part on the banquet program
Judge Biggs represents Ontario vitS
a toast. "The Kind of a Boy 1 Like."
of all days, Sunday will be th
busiest. A quiet hour with the boys
at nine o'clock In the couferenc
church will be followed by Sunday
school in all the churches. At it
o'clock the conference leaders, assist
ed by tho boys are to have charge
of services in the city churches. Tin
assignments will be announced Sat
urday. At 3:30 P. M. two big iaa
meetings are to be held, one for men
and one for boys. The men's meel
t Continued o.i laat page
Funeral services for William B.
Arnett who died at the Holy Uosary
hospital Wednesday afternoon, were
held this afternoon at 2 P M. from
the Methodist church. Itev. Ora
hain of the Methodist church ol Nysaa
assisted by Rev. Pratt of Ontario,
conducted Hie services. latermeul
wai In the Ontario cemetery.
Wm. Arnett, 79 years of age. has
made his heme for several years at
the K. 3. ft D. ranch A short uhm
ago he took pneumonia and was re
moved to the hospital. Hia only
relative In the west Is Mis. 1211a Sul
livan who resides on Head Ox Flat.