VAUA -;. ,,it OffTARftJ m:mI-..h(1T AIUJIM. F1Un.1V. RJ mill PFf'AI nFMniUCTPATIillUf! of the Fiiimhis Harmmy f Bustm loilrt RHiuisit OrUjiL ULlTlUllO I lA I lUll i I es. by Mrs. (iertiiido HroHn.-B(Miity Sptnitilist ZVS1 iSURSS r:.r S555HF HERE ONF WEEK ONLY. BTCINNIKIi MONDAY. N0V.29 THE ONTARIO PHARMACY III MUNNTIHTIHVH AMI RAaAOR oltiN If V0VM HOMN, I hikh ii tor W'Imii to HARM w c. -yolNTMFNT tDDHI MM MIIM. M it - HI IH: Mltnw , ON l Khi. o(l (.on OK PHONE TO Till-: ONTARIO I'll IRM ICY, .. . . .1HIHI'" .... . L. M im 1T" II 1 r i Local Market ("i""""" Mats Itunaarn i:HMiiiirtiion. TIk State Teachers' i::mm lnt will !.. held in Vale Mi DMMMMf If'. If, 11 iind II, Itll KnllowInK I" tin' SfSfNUfl SlfSfg ad for Count Wednesday Arithmetic. Plfll OOWHUR r,r" Krapln Mini American l.ltctutiii I Thumday Cridnni.i III ton. orthography Pbjmtolaf uii'i AlfnSrt J TJ Bv M .... k - m A rlK ml .aaBBBBr I 1 Prices quoted lxlow are general re tail prices prevailing in Ontario and are in no MM apodal sale price: t lieese, fancy . H 20c Klouf. high pnttcnt. Hack .... 1,7I Klour. straight grade, sack. ... $1 II Potatoes cwt f I Onions, dry. per lb. 3c Hc.-ina, Navy 7c and Ic CubuagO, ne. rt ltc h'rlday: Pie Pumpkin, per rb ic' Raudtas. School Law, Tnnorj ami Apple. l.. "fC to 1 I'raeii'C ritin and 00POHkMI Oranges, cor 50c to 60c Saturday: Itunnnns, doz Htl Phyutoul Geograph) and Pujrchtt Lemons, doz flOc ; Surar. cane, per cwt $7i" TuMlMM ng lo w rii . fur life Honey, ."train. .1. pint 20c pnpgfl will I''1 l'"'"1 Honey, comb. lb. l.r.c, nnd '2 for. .'Joe the Cunt S i I ntend. I il .' M Nuts. Kng-lish walnut, lb ftfc I) dt I ll grniHMn- let the ItlS lirnzils, lb He gbjOCt I nged Almond, lb :..- ' rk. I: 8c and c Batter and Fggv Coui il Hu rartes A I rycrnen c&lsj) This iii the home of fine Stationery. Whether you want printed, em boused or engraved work, you will be satisfied if you come t) the AJtGUS OFFICI THF AUG I'M. Job Work of all Kind Rani lie and ISc Huttcr, ranch Hut', r. . lie ami 4n I ili. PmilfM and Meal. l-ard. 10lb 1. SI Ham. per lb He Huron, per lb MR to 2Tc ll.a.l cheese, lb "JO.- II. lis. lb 16c Iamb, spring, fore quartern $1.00 Iamb, spring, hind quarters $1 T.o Lamb chops, rib, lb 2k Mutton chop-:, lb 18c Pork chops, loin or rib, lb 20c Pork, shoulder, lb 18c Rolled rib roast, lb 28c Rib roast, prime, lb 22c Round steak, lb 20c Flat-bone tenderloin, lb 28c Salmon, lb 20c Halibut, lb tOc Kippered salmon, lb 20c Salt salmon, lb 12 H c Smoked salmon, lb 30c Smoked herrinjr, each 6c Shoulder steak, lb 18c Shoulder roast, lb I5 'Sirloin steak, lb SSc , Smelts, Columbia riTer. 2 lbs. for. .25c Spure ribs, lb lit I Ham, sliced, lb 30c i .in Market. I Hay. bulled, p.r ct f 1 V, . .,t, p,-r cwt $ J. 4.'. p.T cwt !..' Ih. vsjr t hrMsjiaa HtMippltafl i Hie bj I hi : . ,' rharch, rrltei tad day, r 3rd ud ! Moore Hoti i building, J I'la It will pa iii to Mn ll'Uk liardt I plei befcre Ili.iklllR up roar carpet rass rp. and rns w.nen to order l Mrs 8 aj (Jrant 81 . Matbeaat of the Catholic church 4 Of MMIM-I l: lltl Mill! K Christmas Notes For h lVenont ( Your Mother, Sister, (ouiii Aunt or Near Kriend, can you think of any thine which wotikl Im- of more umc and fhrt more real pleasure than a SET OF GOOD TABLEWARE We haw It in four patterns. ;ll open stork, and a set means j few or as man) pieces as . nant. We Have a Large Line of Toys too hut vw' can't tell our story all in one number. Come in and see our line and you ill ! better satislietl than from an thinK we can tell you ii this w.i In the County Court of the Stai' Orasaa, tM Maihvur oaatj In Um matter of asj Kmale of Taosaai L niackmau. i,,-ki Noti.e ih herelty given that the un dMiKDed has filed her final account of the administration of the entaie of Raid dti.a-.,-,) That Thursday. l...i:it.r :tnth. Ii.',, at the hour of 11 ..clock A M at the Count) Court room in the County Court honao. In th- Clt of lie OreKon, had bcti : an the tin a and place for hear inn any abjnsjUoM laaratn If any iboTi All , - havlnn any lnt-ret in aal.l -.'..' uf hirHhv i.i.i.n...l i.. i... pr i on "aid day at said time and s"r y "f Agrlcultura plai ii. I hIiow rtUM he ' ill. .wed, and the admlnutra- arnre.i and the ,. ,( The Variety Store ONTARIO, OREGON Secretary of TMM . Secretary of War. Attorney lieneral,. . Poatmaater (ieueral Secretary of Nary. Secy of Interior . McAdcM, i OarHSM w Ofnsjsal A llurlnson J laniel I i n K I Jim HoiKton if any there Secy of Commerce, v. I(e,neld . the said final account h..uld Hecretary of Lltwr, w H WIIcmmi Secy to the I'raa . . . i I' Tumulty Supt Barley, nor cwt i :r. t.. i., Id 'i.'canaod diMtribut.-i according I . H. Nupreno i urf f Jurttce Kd. Ti on ana $1.20 , iI.Iihi.,.1 h order ftunntalt fnrll Mfulfa MCKniffht, i l J mine i,i Mill! mty, lili'luu Clara K It! lainlatmuii Dati of Sral aubtli it lat.- nf a i nnbllcatloi III i -j i . i i rto st.Mh. 4Vic to IfAfl Vnal 4c to .'c 3c to 4 Uc l.alnli ... Aft... Btoars 4c i Mutton 3c to 4c Coffe und Iimuii bread ..o ! cake ill be served ut the Kplacopal lla- j zuar held December .1 and 4 In the Moore- Hotel building1. R 00$fj Iimm the only modern Kt un cleaner In thla part of the country. I'ricea moderate, i'hone 10 Hotel block Official Directory i nurd Htaai I'reaident, Woodrow Wllaoc Moore Vlee-1'renldeiit. TIioh l( M.r.hil Secretary of State. Raaatl l.aUKiiut Joaeph Mi Kl nt . OfJtaf "dell I W illlam I; Dnj James C I;. Caartag I RaguV v iiii gal Joaeph l( ltluar Mabb.t, I'ltney ale I h I and cm Keglater Thai llecelver. m ; state Qgangfl (Jovernor. Hac'y of S' Treasurer. t 11 Kay Attorn.) i.eneral. tie,, , llrawa Joliei Kaglly The Whole Store Is Alive BBBIHMHO I mm . . . , i m'jMaf'Miau MM ONTARIO aVdP 4sr LW STTiftK Starting Monday, December fith to De cember 13th, a Sale built on the skirt of Better Service, Better Material, Better and More Scientific Store Keeping. Isn't it Wonderful to be able to buy your new Xmas Suit at ''irst-of-Januarv prices OKI'AKTMKNT CLEARANCE SALE OF MILLINERY HATH OK AM. IMtlCKS 1'attern liath that formerly sold for $12 Ou to 118 00 muat go for 50. NothiuK reaerved at thia sale. Trimmed hats new and PUHI, lAU PHK K I HO.M $1.50 I I' K very body wants a new hat for Xmas wear -Never before have Our Ladies' Suits been so full of snap and style, and iever oeiore nave Keductions Keen So Early. JWONTARiO kMM OBJ CO NJ mm I flH imB nW I of Public ln.trurtlos. J a tims Oalry and Food Column I. SMS Hlata Printer. A W V S Senatora. Mary K li.- i. hainl-rrlalB i iiintrvumi-n, M 0 llaalay N J Slnuot N McArtlur Alale Kiiprrinr I 0 i huf Juitlce Kraal A ins orlato Jutlina, Thomas A Mi lirlds Henry J Mean (ieorae II Huri.elt ItolM-rt Kaklli Henry I. H ihm.ii li wren ce T Harris . Mull, JudbUl !" ' HUtrlrt Judga UsltM Olatrlct Atlornei. W H Henalor fJfJSH IxuldalUe Jam.-. S it hi combe Joint Senator. f--r (irsst. Hen W nil. .ti and Harney Co untie. . . 1. ring Vinsn Count) OfatHM P-oaatj Judite. i w aWWe County Clark John P. Bn Sheriff ! i " onatj ommlsaiotiirs, John f ea- r MoMlle Kelle) County Troaaurer. J Halpk AaMaaor. ' 7 S.l.ool Hupt fW0"' .,uiit lai " J"11 County Coroaor r Juatl.e of the Peace urtlP irlct lm CSU of Ontario. Myr A. ,..j II H u" c w. w hcr: altsr SPECIAL FREE OFFER IN OUR DRIM 0OOM ukpaht- MKNT KHKK DO NOT OVRRLOOK (H'it HHK8K GOO OS DKPAHTMKNT, i)KC. 6th., TO OKC. l.Jth , ONLY TO EVERY WOMAN WHO PUR CHASES MATERIAL Kou a SKIKT, DRRff OK WAIST fROR OUH WONDEItFUL LINK OK DUEBS GOODS AND LININGS OUR RXFRR1RNCRO TAILOR WILL CUT AND KIT RRAOV FOB YOU TO FINISH, EITHER SKIRT. WAIST OR DRESS SWEEPING ItKDl TIONM D.N AUj LADIES Hl'ITN, TO MAKE READY FOR Ol It lilc HRlhTMAS DlhPLAY OF I SEFI L AHTP'LES. WE WANT JQB TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF Ol It DEC. th TO lath. CORSET DEPARTMENT DO NOT MISS HAVING YOUIt NEW GOSSARD CORSET KITTED THIS COMING WEEK Special Demonstration every day In our Corse Depart ment. Our private fitting rooms take away all eiiibaraHauient, and makea Goaaard Corset fitting a pleaaure. Models to fit every figure. Prices to fit uvury model A GRADUATE CORSKTIKRK IN ATTENDANCE EVKItY DAY UNTIL XMAS. DEPARTMENT NToitlC SPECIAL THIS COMING WEEK HOODS, SCAIIKS a TOtJUKS. 1IDANKKTS of tt Kinds. HATH KOHES NEW MENS TIES LOUNGING UOHKS CRRf)R AND SILK KIMONOS WARM GLOVES SWKATKRH SWEATKR SETS KID GLOVES SILK a SILK CIIKPK WAISTS KUR MUKl'S AND SETS lie, ill .lor 'i're.inurer Chief of Police "B Night Marshall, , i ouuclliiien, A Eraser II L Peteraou S I) Dorman S. J. Spencer II. 0. lioyar. (IrruJt t'onrt circuit Court for Maluwrn meet a In Vale, the count the second Monday la J'DU'ra Hie fourth Monday l April; " Ilia first Tuesday In 8eun,'l regular sessions Hon. DsUo'T tMrcult Judne. W. H urou - n.i Attorney; John V Clerk. County Court. The Cuuuty Court of hob (tin .s County meets In regolr "TV Vain on the first Wadassdsy o uary. March, May. Jul. JJJ"JJ and November County JI W. McKulght; M. 1) KnIW. John K. Woaver, VovM" John P Houston, Clerk.