- lft ONTAKIO HEMI-WKKKLY ,iiiik, iitiD.n, DM Mattel a, Itffl PAOfl KIVK IEAL OF THE . 'iiiillnui from mjt :i 'jrii.r, hn Ml'l, opening the dooi L, BlVllIC Villi III rt bllV WlllHlle, Professional, Business, and .:. Classified Directory .:. I,lIM 1 1 be glad t' throw In aonethlng ,.hi- Willi ll"" "II Hlovi'H lor I'm unn Two hk1 ' appaaraa. In tlM aaaf 1..1J.11 iiiit 1 iniiii IWHV .'in i'.i in- 1 ""in. I in irmiim i k .! nt unn of tin 1 In him 1.' n"iit. Then Iio turned tn iirnnii'l''K Uliui will you throw In," ho Mf NAVY iiit, i ,z -k-itz- 1 MtWKmL. Ir L ' 11 '', tMpI. em aA -.exhai IM !.iMiiinl' I'lm '-ll oun tiiiml upon I, In. ., I ami waved lli. other nl H f,i . iini.iiiloiiH My own sorvli i'H .nl thai "f my K'"'! friend, Pooto lltl.l til' I" ' N Wo l HRlltiTH, MOOT. w,. irotild taka p"t imi with you." I .. IIIHIIIICCtO S I'VI M f'lelllll.-. 1 1, Jj;lii.il. ni'iHir,' li" i tin rod lliinnii.li-. didn't tn. mi. n that hn hii. I other iiihIImh than Jiiftt to help Mnir an hour Inter the, lnat rifle mint III" I'lHl I ll'"l Of llllltlllinltl'ltl IhmI I M ' 1 ' 1'iwr.l nway In thf In. in. in of ill" l.i 'I Hiii. 1I1 hi, nt I'd. n lii'i'iiiti.i.. Mm cotnpanlona ami thi liimitt. 1 in lii I' 1 dropped into k Unix li and aped awny. CHAPTER XXXII. Within Four Walla. A tiitti-iiil ItiMiit ri'i'tn 1 rent ii. to tln ! .el. t ' .. ncral." ho .'x. In, in.ni in m native tongaa "taara u aawg - I .ill mil polls on thi shore'' What news' ijinili-il Hi" Uftadajf A 1 tulacr him been alghte.l nl." ta at inrhor, goto 1 al " 1 if what sat loaf1 l merit an., rataraad rteraaadea, the nt of tin- I'nlti'il States I raft It J tha! in wImi h ttirnrtlon iloa aim 1 1 --- jii. rl. ' Ihe ml. t I I. fgr n.a-l. r-t'irii , th.. imtua in thumb Bddkted III. 'ii. K-n . In "tild. vntir Mm- of inar.h OS I Willi PIH'IH i in 1 1 ii.. 1 1 lUnbai . .11 .1 '.ii i.iii.il fiiii-- fur I. mlii 1 .Vtf. Mi 1 K IWjaBl Jl a l HBlnli I am -T1 Ibm. itaSsXBaaBaKBBaBSBBBmrBBal Rarflf ffff I. Ill ?r,iWPtJwMEOTf f In Hl Ontario ArgUl is read by tlioiisaiul.s of people each and every week brings bargain .seekers If you liave anything for sale if you want to loan or borrow- if you want, to buy in faet any thing you want, you can get through the "WANT AD" ooltUDlll of The Argus The leading professional and business inu will be found in our directory each week. Wants O. A. C. Illllliiii" tiiiiMi.tintiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FAKMI-s aN.i II Ml.MVkU VM f h nJ Hi KAI I III. CONFtKI NCM Inn.miv to . il. I . .... , 'Tha Amancanoi tha Amarlcanoa CI! "'"" "" U Hot way-iiam lb.- plan- A tiiartir of an hour hefon- a black tat i-.ii down liiloW inni .,,.tn,tl., , tho ramp of thn "" ' "' ' pondartd i aoaai aiarltm ml had ilna tha !! iher wav. ba aaii. ika art ila oamp had aurtfi off on tha I I nun una II ml ynu off," a dOUhla iilck taraad Homajuiaa, "thajr'ra aftar ear I MBeyalM ahoatad Neal, paiajtaj to X IN thejr'ra .lfir ua. You'll huvr tin. bra AiihtIi an women doul for- K1 "i" i' In un apper room In the lutitir'a hoaaa Mra llanlln ahrank bark In a i i - r with t'.n llulli-ta i'ir rid- Ilia lint. ti. kiti.'NiI." hi whliixTi-,1. dlliiK tho wnIN Joo Wolrher lay face to ko (iiia arai " ou un- ijnitn rtrlit, a'ii ir." h fin i !..) Hernaadef. baehoaad him t,. oaa BXKi i , i mi i.i . , i i . m s is . ,- n i . f, i. nla M I t I.i.. fc . nt li.r II gliln goal rfl - ..'1 K hmJ wu. b NMMI U SHOW r COI UM January Hi t. I rhiuin ( i : I 4H l i .Malt li m Slit sftcll. ,,' i a Ait I ll l ai in anil ll.,,if I...I.I !.. ... iwi ir k.nlM l'aM ii, i.h a U4imsi, ii.in wi.uk ' . : . h AlnlSU I. NI'I.MV IN'- KINll IIMI kKMol.H AM T-. II'.UK ni aoiNi. nt mm kk MHrn.it.-. r.iah a i is.. am vi KSi.ini i h :n. i a Al oaoAtttiATluNa MAaai'iiM. Cwiii.,lB,f I.M.iwi With.. il Taltlum. "I lllnli ratalnl In I ll" hoat of hj plallta Moa ia i rv rl. h Am I rlKht'" rhc laadar ajoaJaa "Ha ha murh foiij aaaMwhara hhMaaN ha rvturnad, although . huvn t r ! lu vain by piari.ful rni'iiiia to Kit It " ' Ila haa." wrnt on 1 1 tiwi ndri. aoma woman iciaata AiiiimIi am If uu And tbr aohl, arnor. ou haap It If I find it. I'll divide with roa M tha auhti- an wonii-ii -iin baleai ta Be." Katly luxt iiinrnlna mlnn hoat of tin' plantation approai ihad in gaaataV " ..ma with mo to tha wbarf," be aid "I have mar.na claaara. Wa itia.ll aon what wo , n , Onre thiTo hr I iilnt tho rlaaai-a to Mra. Iliinlln ' Siimra.'' hn ax I t. '1 tin what you percelva i illm Mra. lUrc. . i. . aaa taah ai.,i thaa turn.. I a i llaal faa ui ..n Annrtta. ' ll'a thu Al!ian -Neate rrulT," aha j()e obcd With terror in bla eyea lalmiHl ) ba tmw ami w rem had at tha faatanlnaa AniHita a-li-il tho Kluia Tha i uf tha raarmoat ,aaaageway Mnally Alhativ '" aho . lalinrd. tin raduloua tia atrnpfd ba. k "She'a unlocki-d." down. In', with prcaence of mind, had iiland a miittreia agalnat tba wall and with Jon a aid bad placed an aptaraad hgdl aKalnat the other. Tbey warn fairly aafa lleaidea that. Juat onc, Iti" had found a chance to wave to Uvrnandfi. and llernandei bad kept the Inaurreitoa from firing on that corner of the houae Inei crept downHtalra -looked about her- aaw Annette and tha plantar In close con vernation thi-n crept bark again. She plucked J. Webber by the aleeve "Joe." she whtapered, "go down paaa through the corridor by the kitchen- open the rear door." "Not on your life." aald Joe. "Do you think I want to die?" You'll die If you don't," aba aald. 'Come, follow tne!" (m.. I, .low, In. cocked ber revol ver. ' lo ua I sa." hin' commanded. wwiKi) To buy aheltad aara m aii'i Muantity. Oragoa Paahtag Co. WHY III Y htlAT II an unnanltary aaadltloa when ara aaald eii you one half or a whole ton put up econ omically at 7fc cents per lb. Ore- Kun Paahtag Oa U WTKli TO BUY firHt clana tarkaya at the htgbaat price this year. Phone .'.4. Ontario Market i -.". t . Business Directory DKNTISTH. roll KKXT lull RBNT i acn-H one half mile Of depot, r, room boune. kooI hail ih.it will bold II tuna or bay, k'iM.,1 cellar, good well at door, MTOOd alieil and enough dry wood to laat nearly all winter, goes with houae free, cooketore and haattag stove, luhl", kitchen cupboard iind wanlilng to- free, and wnvon for use on tin- larm Knougb good panture to keep three bead of atock all winter, If open tike l.i-t one Kent linn a year if taken in a few .lays. ! John A. Orlffln l)lt. W. O. IIOWK DKNTI8T Over lat. Phones, Office 73-U Natl Hank lies. 67-R aaNaaaiaeAaeaakjatvfaAfllaaAAa ATTORNEYS. W. H. Itnxike, Attorney at Law. v. ii .mi lildg. Ontario Ore. C. McGOXAGILL ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in All Courta N'oUry Public. Office Orer Postoffice rOR HKNT- '. ' i.i Ham and corrall, call 3-4t lx.H'lan. I il-tl ar.t.i.r.l .Mili..a1 laira ly. What la tha Albany doing hara be exclaimed Inez, unafraid, atepped Vat i ,.' in. iu IhaCatlM I ', O-tjta AH(,li,f(i Caaaga. tari.,i. !' ' '" l-) Ib'ine Visitors' Kxeursinns EAaT Via Oregon BtaOti LilM I'nion I'aeilie Sstein. 'I'iekrts Oil sale October 28, November 20 1M Deoember in A: 22. Limit !Mi lays from date ..!' lile. See any O. S. U A-eiit foi rate- Buy your kicketi through via the I . I System. li 's tile tlireet wav. the laat time wa heard of ber she forward, opened wide tbe door and waa approaching Martinique" I beckoned It was a signal, lleruan- The plantar be knne-l tn a aervant. I des aaw It and bounded forward. "Iloraea for the party." ha exclaimed "We'll drive along the ahore and vlalt thrni 1 am partial to Americana I gat ab ng with them Follow me. inaurrectoa," be com manded A hundred men obeyed Wltb a shout they dashed Into tbe huge living Hut the horaea for tha party did not room ou tbe ground floor with an arrive and for good reaaoa Half an j other about tbey fired a volley Into hour before, a plantation hand, stroll-: the barks of tbe defenders Tbe Ing to work from bis hut In the hills, planter, drawing a bead on an Inaur In tba cool of the morning. s aet recto without, waa aelsed auddenly upon by balf a dotau annad and from behlud. gagged and bound A drunken Inaurrectoa Had they been I atrong pair cf arma aelsed Annette sober It would bave been all up with j and lifted ber from tbe floor and bora htm. Aa It waa, he slipped nimbly out . ber, acreamlng. from tbe room, of their graap. leaving most of bla Three minutes later abe waa thrown ilothi'H behind him, and r ante red yell-1 tntu a far room In a secluded corner of lug down the trail. the bouse. Into the aame room were lie reached the wbarf more than thrown Inei and Mrs Hardin and Joe half naked and panting for breath He fell down at his masters feet loose a board that barricaded the win dow Then ber eyes brightened. 'lAJok'" ahe cried "The marinea tbe come. Neal! Neal!" Her about waa not heard, of course. Kill; KENT Z room houae near the high school. Inquire phone lln.M FOR KKNT-HooniH for light house 1 I ug, steam heated. HOTEL INTAKIO. 4u-tf hjJEhjfcjjjjtdtidjjisdj LOST-Large f'aiiieo brooch Finder leave at Argus office ami reeeive reward. tf LOS'I Ladle gold watch. huntniK case. Near residence of 8. F. Tay lor. I 'lease return to Argua office at, got reward. 4-tf LESLIE J. AKER LAWYER Room 9, First National Bank Bldg. Ontario, Oregon. McCULLOCH & WOOD LAWYERS Rooms 1-2-3 First Nat'l Bank Bldg-. Ontario, Oregon. - " ' .... m, .i .. H. W. KM-ajcler Attorney at Law. Hooma 13-14-16 Wilson Bldg Ontario Oregon. PHYSICIANS. URS. PRINZING A WEESE Ontario, Oregon Office in New Wilson Block. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. Harriet Semra Dr. Pauline Seara Graduates American School of Osteo pathy, Kirksville, Mo. Wilson Block. Telephone 154 Blk. ART STIDIO. J. P. KIDD, Prop. Job and Commer cial Printing a specialty. Ontario, Ore. TAILORS. K. COPE, The Tailor, Tailoring. Pressing and Cleaning. Phone 105W Opposite Post Office TRANSFER FLOWERS. ONTARIO FLORAL CO. orders taken for cut flowers. Argua Office, Ontario, Oregon. TRANSFER, BAGGAGE AND EX PRESS Meet all rains. JOHN LANDINGHAM UNDERTAKING J. H. FARLEY Funeral directed and embalmer. Lady assistant. Phone 132-W. Ontario, Oregon. LOST Oct. 3rd . near O. S. L. depot a silver mounted bridle, red leather .-plu headstall, braided reins. (5.00 reward, no questions asked, or $25.00 with tbe man that found It. Return to (' 11 Trousdale. 44-tf. I oit KALE OH lit IU FOR SALE 3 registered yearling Hereford bulls and one four year old -all high class atock. K. S. and D. Rauch. FOR 8ALE Indian motor cycle good condition. Just been thorough ly overhauled Hest cash offer takea it Apply at Argus Office. 41-tf. Welcher With a sudden wrench Annette tore be ti- "Inaurrectoa Insur rectos!' claim. 'I he muster started "Then It ,hnt h I heard.' he aald. 1 1 taraad to bin gucalg. "Come." he coinin.inded. WONGr CHONO LAUNDRY Under new managenit'i Starched Collars and Shirts a specialty. All work guaranteed. $100 Reward, $100 Tli' realtors of tbla paper will '' i. d I.i burn Hull in. ii- la at laaal " ill.-... I . lla,ua, that a. I. urn has '""'" i.i.. to .in- iii all Ha atagse, and th"' '" raianb HuII'm laiuub Cure la Hw oaw Voaillve ,.n. I...W hnowil In till) Hl,,'l"i Iiuti-riil. ali.iib li.liiK' a coiiatliui""'"' (lla.itaa, r , limit Un ' I. in, ill, i. - ami in-,, In il. ., . i eaae. ,.,-.i bul' iiaiui havu a" mu ri (b . ii.. . i " - .. .. A .. II. ,l ll .iiir.lltillliill.il "" Catarrh Cure la taken in- illrcetly upon tbe bloea , ,, i,i lima) stem, there- i ,,o ..i 1 1 Ion of the il"; il u nl eiienatli t'v ,,ii an. i a. The iiroprlet.ua . -ui-uilv pew it,... ! Ueilars pi itiiu. Beliu r ni.v r-ii... ' . t"Ad!i.'... '. ' ".'.I luj aoa.T-4a4a,a aJolcJ by all liniKUlala. 710. .,.., Take ll.iil a Kiui 1'lHa for oons'lpatlcm. tin ! la not a iiiomeut to loaa FOllol uut u was accompanied with the wave mo at oiii e - of a white handkerchief. Neal, at the He reached the veranda sxtd h''w bead of the squad, saw It- aud the tin... hbrlll blusta upon a whittle Im aquad preased forward al double nieili.itely balf a liunlnl blinks ajaaag ruahed uion the scene, eye wide wnu Helow, among the Insurrectoa, An terior but reads to obe oiders. nette could hear the panic. "Iverjrhadj In" g aaaxlaaaliad "The Amerlcanoa tbe Americanos "My gueata will seek the beiln'onis on flee!" the hi. on. I Hoi i Neal reached the house saw who Antiette touched thu planter ou the waved the kerchief. With a auddcu ... , in . ..... ,. . - . arm line me a k'HI a11'" mjiu " iniuuu lie leapeu upon an ai our, ai-iam FOR SALE Row boat In best of condition, with air tanks and Evln rude motor. Inquire H. 11. Logan. Moore Hotel. FOR SALE Oue work mare, weight 1300, age 8. J. J. Dillurd, Ontario. ChurchjServices Catholic Church. Mass at 10 a. m. Sunday mornings. H. A. CAMPO, Rector. Congregational Church. Sunday School, 10:00 a m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. Endeavor. 7:00 p. m. Evening Service, 8:00 p. m. REV. PHILIP KOENIG. Methodist ihih.ii Sunday School, 10H) a. m. Preach ing, morning, 11:00 a. m., evening 8KX) p. m. You need the church tha church eed vou 'Let get together." C. C. PRATT. Paator United I'rewbyterlan Cliurch Bible school at 10 A. M. Preach ing at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Christian Endeavor at 6:45. Come to any or all the servlcea and you will find a welcome. W. N. Brown Paator. Morning Service 11 :00 a. m. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. B. Y. P. U 6:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting. .Wednesday Evening Bible Study Thursday Evening A hearty invitation is extended to all. DAVID E. BAKER, Pastor. Cooked Food Hale The Ladles of the Methodist church will bold a cooked food sale at Wilson's Grocery store, from 2 until 5 P. M. Saturday. Nov. 27th. Later the ladles will hold a parcel aale. FOR SALE - A baby bassinet, quire llill'e Pharmacy. lu- bled and crawled somehow with some naval trick up the face of the bouse, rammed in the barricade and leaped luto the room. "Annette,'1 he cried Hut at that instant the door of tbe do my part When there a a n" I can't keep out, somehow CHAPTER XXXIII. Amona the Mlaslna- Anuette sank back, gasping wltb r0oin was burat open and Hernandez the amoke Thu altuatlou. to her. with Ponto and the Htute aud a dozen seemed hopeleas Inside, tbe smmuul Inaurrectoa, darted In. tlon waa slowly glwng out Without, "Take everybody here includlug the houae waa aurrounded on all sidea him," commanded Hernandez. "Take by Inaurrectoa. She crept to tbe them you know where. But remain plant, i aide. ber- the women ui e mine, not yours." "I've fired my Isat allot," sbe said Meal fought like a tiger, but without "Can I have mora?'' She got it, but Bucreaa. In five mlnutea or leas tbe atlll llugercd "Ho you .hlnk you can captivea. Neal und Annette included, hold tbe place?" abe queried. were led through dark paaaagewaya Tbe planter smiled and shrugged to some underground corridor Tbey bla shoulders. "The Inaurrecloa were driven on and on they knew not what are they ," he exclaimed. "Noth- j where. ing." He peered through hla loophole. An hour luter the aquad of marinea "Kya-yah." cried tbe planter, "who la reported to their officer, tbe stranger there?" "We can t find a woman on the Annette followed tho direction of hla place, except the blacka," they said, finger She shrank back. "Are we all here?" queried the offl "gear-face!" aha cried. In despair. cer, ajllntal for bla men. "Juat call "lie know a bow to load." said the the roll and see" planter, abaklng his head soberly, "but "AH here." returned a marine, "but at any rate we uu hold out until the no, not all here. There'a one missing Americanos come" Gunner llanlln, sir." if our laaaaangar K't Uurough' fi-1 The ataot r aoddad "V.yn Und i;un Clt,(l ' ner Hardin if it takes a leg," he said. Their meaaenger did get through. (TO mo CONTINUED.) Tbe I -a.lio of the Episroal Church have made a specialty of beautiful hand made towels thia year and they will be on aale at their Bazaar held December 3rd and 4th in the Moore Hotel building. PRINTING DANCING ORDERS Our Specialty Are you planning a dancing par ty? You want Ftne Dancing orders. That's where we live Visit us and be convinced ONTARIO ARGUS. HAPT18T CHCItCH. IACE Saturday night Moore Sunday School 10:00 a. in. Hall. Everybody Invited. Oregon Short Line rime Tdble Ontario, Oregon, November Sth 11)14 TIME TABLE NO. 78 WKH'l'WAHl) Train No. Leave 17 Oregon Wash. Limited 4:22a in. 75 Huntington Passanger 9:35 a in 11 Oregon Wash. Express u:33p m 5 Fast Mail 6:10 p m KAHTWAHD 18 Oregon Wash. Limited 2:51 a m 76 Boise Passenger 8:50 a m i Eastern Express 12:07 p m ti Oregon Wash, express ti..i.. p m OREGON EASTERN BRANCH WKfTWAKU Train No. Leave r;i Mixed, dailv exceot Sundav for Riverside 12:20 p m VALE 4 BROGAN BRANCH WK8TWAHU Train No. Leave 141 Mixed Vale and Brogan Daily except Sunday 10:00 a m 97 Paasanger, Vale daily 7:00 p m KAK1' HDUNl) 140 Mixed, daily except Sunday from Riveaide 12:01 p i.i 98 Passenger, from Vale daily :40 a m 142 Mixed from Brogan and Vale Daily except Sunday 3:30 p in The llomednle t. .aaa . .,vsaa at 1:30 iu ou Tu: ; lav, Thursday, aatuiiluy, returning, ariive at Un tarlo at 5:30 p in. mti soa(Kfe(? tivm ft?aQ0u tadM ii: When travel ing, attending a Theatre or some Social Function, or if Shopping, don't forget to have DR. MILES' -Anti- PAIN PILLS with you. They are in valuable for Headache and all other Pains. 25 Doses, 25 Centa. I FIRST BOX IS NOT SATIS FACTORY, YOUR MONEY WILL rr niTFUNneD. aV aaxaXBBBBBBBT BBBBBBBBBrBBaBBBBBBhUBBXeWI V TVtim? i ikPltlaaBBBBtNv ii KJ ai f "ka'-Jiexal BBk-TasH V WaBafj AJP BRING DKSIRKO RELIEF. "I have used Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills for some tlma and And thean an Invaluable remedy for beadache. 1 nave always takea great plewaura In recommending them to my friends, biing conAdeat that tbey will bring the daalrad relief. I am never will ut them and use thorn tia of pain, knowiua llaa 'olnt im-." .j. .1 UENBON, U'aJ u.iven, Conn, for all ul that tlu