HE ONTARIO SEMI-WEEKLY ARGUS ONTARIO, MUIII I It COUNTY, ()KK(J(l, I KIDAV DEC , OU.Y No. uide Posts to Success In the dvertise the Apple Use the Newspaper, Sales Days, and Box Displays Stop the Selling of Culls on Any Market -Employ One High-Class Salesman to Sell the Fruit Crop of the State. ill Out Consignment Abuse, Sell Direct for Cash and for Cash Only (Jive Speculators a Chance to Speculate on Their Own Monev While Growers Accumulate Theirs. l.llldr 1'iialw l Sill r III Helling. Kill out consignment abuse SHI 1 1 r - I for raub and cash Nil Give aperulalora a rbanre to SiieiuUti- oa their own none) Idle grow era accumulate thelm (intnniK- a atate-wld aelling ilfpur'tiH-eit to gather In for nut - tinti on world rrop conditions, on acreage, market fleldn. rrook r.l dealers, ii.mpetltlte din dutrlrtn, and all other elements hlrh miter in nulling at whole lit Mk. tMr mntral ofllie the nii.im- i.caduuartera fur the lli .in .1 oolitlnilft thw liirnl office in each district an nnii Inn nml storage agenda only, and kiiii lioukH in each local office A il v r I i n by unlng i -paper... nales da)H, l... displays llanlnh the. grocer I" Mn lll ll i . ling of rullx mi nit iirTfriiiK cull kill llM ale of murli good fruit Kii.pl.. mie high class Mi lium t.i 1 1 dm fruit rrop ol tin "tuii- mill finplo; :..... kk.epcr lid warehousemen Mt IimiiI of ' to keep the KiiountM ami MM iiinl Hhlp i he fruit I'ool fruit for selling unit I'o not ullow a pool to tii' !' llvered anywhere before you gH tour money Apples In a ware house uiiiicr proper supervision nbould !. delivered like wheal in delivered Markets In Oregon are being iteglei'ted llolela and renlau rMli ure mil unlng applen free It eiioiiKh. while cheap bananas "ml ormigcH in Portland make llM Held need cultivating Publish a valuitble booklet Hi UM aie. U culture, (In foml value, iih vurietl unen. ami plain copy lii each box packed in the 1 ''' People know III I If aliiolt Hie apple and grower must li ''i. untie Information which will Increane connumptlon Dl not worry ahoul the braiol "" UM box I'eople do hoi I H u"' box but il contents Apple boxen should be clearly marked '" acid content keeping or cat lug or cooking iiualltlen, an well n 0 size and color df the applen ''w housewives know all about the apple. Iilntrlbiitlon In the handmaid en of production. Helling Ih an ... nihil part or the annual out put of every orchard Prolltn cannot come from production alone, .-., though coat of pro duction be at the very minimum. The producer ban been mllk ed long enough in Oregon High land valuea, heavy Interest charges and high taxes demand ill that an orcbardlat can make an faat aa lie can make It. Let readjustment come, eapeclally in marketing uiethode. Each fruit grower dlatrict Hhould specialize atrongly. I" velope large output of certain fruit, or varletlea and do not try to grow everything. Quanti ty counta for aa much at qual ity In Helling at wholesale eeeeee , , t , , . V , . 1 Apple Industry i Till (. Itottt.K AM A SALESMAN. i ddrean by A. H. Ilarru, Indus- trial writ.r on the Evening THeitratii before the Oregon Slate llnrtlriil tural Society, at orvallln. Not ember , 17, l ' i The producer, whether ths pro- , duct he wheat, wool, applen or pea num. ban been and likely will con imue tn be the helplean victim of iihusen In dlntrlbutioii Aa ni.th odn of production become more Hcleiltlflc, aa the quality and quau tlty of cropa Increane, new ahunea and even extortion In marketing ap- 'pear, for the grower frequently nils- I taken xolume of output for profltH and proaperlly. And. fliere have been enough human parrots in every neighborhood to keep up the nense- lens prattle about increased pmdur lion being the lnnt evidence of great nean In the producer and riches In Hie i 111 in kill J I s I he wheal grower of the Middle Statea ban paaaed through all the 1 Mages of production and nearly all wlnre when It is considered that ap ii . ew.lutions of d trlbatloa In ieM are not connumtd for either their It all he ban been wi . r than I he Ore Koii apple grower, for he has always demanded the cash fur his pnutucts then he sold them, not when they lelitered and marketa at a distant point of coiisiimpt mn The I ! grower bus alwnts recelvwl his mai coi.iei,K mm a.., - MM) when he sold ins wool; Tl tered. and perhaps at lower price. stockman gets bin che. when his Him the Oregon grower cau afford cattle or sheep are delivered to the '" accept buyer, not when the pa. king house Mere Is where salesmanship abOM or central market p , kj reached MM " UM aid of the producer U It has remained for the apple grow H M( .nough to grow a beautiful er to maintain the , ons.gu.nen. ahune 'apple and then throw it on the mar long after other wise producers on c. to be bought blindly by women the land hate k I off the com.nlsa- who have little money n, spend. It Ion shark. It ban becom. ,,.r. of the iboHeVN '' " M""' '"te,,l rru.t game .., the nor.hw. it to brag ". thai the consumer will but about great market pla.e, and -.and ''" 'recly and that l.etter reaults off the banks which loan..! MMMf !'r" UHe of Mrfl" "' c'rtalnl ... c.ter marketing eM..,, . Will WaOTf' The apple bus.neaa la not the most perlnhabl- goods produced.' ouceoter proposition The lack ..... ta.li .....u.. ii. ,,, the ,1 continuity in selling apples g one lit.it of his produce In a farawat city, among si rangers who., niie pur poMe Is lo make nniiiey I li ixllgll the hutidliiig ol the consigned c.uiiiiiod- ula I'roilucer huffers I coin Ottu Ivrroi. And. the fruit profiteer niut blame I. a - .1 ,..,,, Illl.lU.tll I , I I. It. Ilk. 1.1 III.. t, IK." Illllll i i i i ' I ' . ...i.i ... ,1.. ...... which he suffers Me hi.iKs ..bout ...-. :' f.l t III1IS 111 IIIIIIilH l I in I tin ! ibeur his own market lie refines 111 I Ml I I I Mil HI I I III 1 Ull lt jlllja .. a ..I I,....... I J I....... II.. i, ..ploi'l-l which mean uinole drv alorage and cold tin. ice as ii mean.- ol control! lug the movement of fruit to con i gested markets He employs men to sell I he II lilt, and usually 111'" VVllO bt training and environment cannot render the high claea service demand ed. He deiiiuiidM that all hit fruit be aold, when be would be uiouey ahead to market ouly good fruit and allow culls aud Inferior grades to go only to the elder mill or to rot iu the orchard Me aometliues pays faucy salariea to hla employees and thou ilea their hands by lack of eijulp ment and funds and by rulea and regulations until they cannot per form the hlgheat and beat eervlcg And. finally, the email grower muat have ready money, and heuoe forcea hla crop on the market when demor alising coudltlona are being cryBtall iied by other men who do foolish things like bimscir In Oregon a great many fruit growera expect the managera of their work literally organizations to w..rk. If the manager In active In 'juggling boxen, In forwarding ship- meiiin, In keeping the atage In the office properly net for the reception of the man who producer the fruit. that manager liolda the Jon. n a manager hiren a 92 a day man to Juggle boxea and loafl cara and given Inn time to finding marketa, studying I anda. and really selling fruit. he too often In asked to vacate and ullow another to reduce expenses Salesmanship la a plant of alow growth at beat. Urowers do not aeem to r.-..iie the need or real salesman ship In the handling of the moat per lahable crop that seeks quick mar keta. Meet t oiiilK-tUJi.il Intelligently. The Oregon grower aa a aaleeman mum recognise the fact that comtMv tition In marketing will alwaya exist, and lively compel it ton. too, moat of the time The theory which some growers emphasize that Oregon ap plen and Oregon pears have no coin in i it ion in color and nlze gets uo- Ue r color, but tor their rood value or chemical COIlleni nounewixes want applen for certain purpoaea, and thev should be taught to select the best varletlea of Oregon applea for each purpose. It Is safe to assume .. . .i ... i. . i...-.. ...hi i... ol the weaknesses of the fruit game in Oregon. o-i.Mratle Mr... Il co operutlve selling la to ho r uiaiieiit mid prolituble among Ore koii hortlculturiata, a comprelieiisit e plan must be adopted. In my opinion ... .! I ..u.x...UA 1.. ..... !.&... , U ilk Ilt.'ll ... ' HS 1 II"' i ' J ' many cases, under methods new ,.,., nlovisl. antl roHUltH aro not natUrai- - lory to Hie growers On tlu whole, ....a ..Iztou '.iiiiio,.J voiir lttfl Villi r lll'l III I - .a.1 j - . , I. . ... ..x ...ikt in jui ..ij u'luirii liHi'i' a.c .... -. ... ... - - - - growers make the moat of fancy packs and market conditions. The .-mall grower sella direct, too often, in order to get quick money and to avoid settlemeula with commission houses which have made fortunes ' iiiiiitiK.il questionable methoda. Then co-operative selling la beat for the large grower, while the small pro ducer more or less demoralixea the market for the entire output. A co-operative scheme which doea not properly care for the small producer la a failure, unless the plan is work ing to centrallie the coutrol of orc hard producta. Take a look at the atate from the angle of horticultural developeiuent and co-operative Belling. Hood Hlv er heads the Hat of producing dis tricts, and a manager and sales man ager are employed to handle the ag ency. Urowera hare shipping and storage facilities of their own. Out side buyers also occupy the Held. At Medford two producer' organUa- SIXTEEN AND HALF MILL TAX FOR THE CITY The city tax lovy for the coming year waa fixed by the council laat Friday night at sixteen and one-half mills, the maximum levy allowed by the charter. Thin will produce a revenue of a little over $1 5,000, and I slightly lean than the revenue of the rlty thin year. The assessed valuation of the city this year In a million dollar- UK. II SCHOOL NOTES ! Last evening the Commercial clans club of the high school held a social party In the local school building. (Same were played after which re frc iifnentn were served In the do iii' in science room. A very good linn- was had by all present. Mmli Inter. manifested In the debate which was staged In the high hool this nfternnon. .Many visitors were present. Two new students were added to the high school this week wlom Mrs. Qejofft lionaldson moved in from KierHlde to spend the remainder of tin- winter and send her children to school The Ontario schools have a splendid reputation all over the county. GOOD ATTRACTIONS AT DREAMLAND THEATRE 8 I P. mi... n manager of the Dreamland treated some of the lov ers of moving plcturea to a produc tion of Trilby" and 'Hutterfly on the Wheel" from the Equitable and (World Feature Corporation lant Sun day afternoon The repreaentatlve of the film company took Sunday afternoon aa a time to demonatrate these films and only a few could he readied to share In the treat. It la very likely, atatea Mr. Dorman. that lie will have some features from these companies a Mtttt laT tn the aeiison They Include "Master of the house" xvltli Julius Steger, "Hluo QrMS" with Tom Wise. "Utile Mad aim .lb ' with Vivian Martin, and a number of others of the very beat. The Paramount features that Mr. Dorman has secured have been very popular with Ontario audiences Those coming II the near future in clude Marie lH.ro in The Morals ..' Marcus." Murguerite t'lark in the (loose Cirl. W M frane tn "David llarum" and others. lions ure being matna:ned. with hea- ii overhead costs Salem has a very strong organization among growers, aud yet prune producer maintain their own packing and sell ing agency. Kugene shows signs of business nuinty by maintaining u single efficient orgunUution with ade iiuate equipment to properly pack, ship, can and evaporate the growers' produce. Milton and Kreett at. r maintain a co-operative organization and two private shipping enterpris .s Ontario, I .a tirande. Hermis- ton. The Dalles, Corvallia, Albaiit. Mosi.r, ( ; rant st l'ass. Sutlierlin. Hose burg, each lias a struggling growers' orguniaitlon trying to serve produc crs who have ul wisely specialized In the production of the most murk etable commodities. And each car ries a heavy overhead, while direct ly competing in the name markets with other co-operative organiza tions. Not one of these selling ag encies is strong enough to be highly efficient, for not one has been rich enough nor wise enough to gather year after year, the Information nec essary to the certain profitable mar keting of the goods entrusted to It. Where is the difficulty? I ans wer, in the lack or vision, in the lack of co-operation, in the lack of capi tal, in the playing of petty politics, Iu the working out of personal am bitious. Men are always ready to grasp personal advantage at the ex pense of community prosperity. The fruit grower is no exception to the rule. (To be continued.) MOORE HOTEL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT A (In i,i"' occured in the Moore Hotel Wednesday when W. D. Torrey transferred the management to C. E. Wllaon, one of the stockholders in the company, and who ban been here for several weeke. Mr. and Mm Torrey left Wednesday evening for Seaside. E. II. Tent In back at the dunk again. SOCIAL HAPPKNINOS A very enjoyable meeting of the Woman 'n flub wan held at the Com mercial flub roomn Thursday after noon. Mr. LOWtM was prenent and gave a very plenning talk on Kng land. Mr. and Mrs Kad'-r ititerlained the "Itemnants" Tuesday evening Mr. Kellogg won high honors at bridge. Mm. John Wood was hosiers lo the Tuer-lay Bridge Club this week. High honors were won by Mrs. K. W. Swagler. Mm. It n mho wan hontena to the Silver Fork club at the home of Mm. McNulty laat Wednesday. High bonom were won by Mm. W. W. Wood. IS TO HAVE TREAT Ontario music lovers are looking forward to some real musical treats in the near future Mr. Dorman has aecured the New York Metropolitan Company for Dec. 38th. This com pany Includes alx stars and It la in deed a rare opportunity for our peo ple to hear good music at home. On ly on account of the war In Europe has it been possible for nmall theatres to aecure audi talented musicians Their program is a varied one. The Ontario Music club have offered their support to Mr Dorman in bringing the company here. The Schubert Symphony Club will give an entertainment here January 5th., under the auspices of the Ore gun Club. They include three stars and come very highly reccomended The company is composed of I.eeta ("order, soprano, I .at una Teudt. cm tralto. and Thomas I'urcell, violinist. BAPTIST ClU'ltl'll OTKS. Nine were baptised by Kev. D. l.oree at the Owyhee Mission station last Sunday. There will be services at the Arcad ia school house next Sunday at 'i IV M Topics for the home church next Sunday: II A. M , "Jesus and i ,se, or the Creat White Plague " 7:10 P. M , "The Best Citizenship." A heaity invitation is extended to t vei v one to attend all the serv i D E. Baker pastor "The Italian" le.it aring George llehan. is the offering of the Dream land tomorrow night. The picture is a "Paramount" and comes well reccomended STAFKOHD PI.KADM QUILT! . Bert H. Stafford waa tried before J. L. Wheeler, Justice of the Peace at Vale, yesterday on a charge of for gery He pleaded guilty and was bound over to the grand Jury. It la said he forged the name of J- C. Bean to a check for $12.85 and at tempted to pass it at two places iu Vale. SON IS 1IOKN. News waa received by Mrs. Q. A. Pogue tn this city this morning of the birth of a son to Mr. aud Mm. Harry A. Duffey at Eureka, Califor nia. Mr. aud Mrs. Duffey are well known here having resided In On tario for several years. ONTARIO MUSICAL NO OPPOSITION IN THE CITY ELECTION In Ihe city election to be held nerjg Monday there will be two Bw names on the ballots. A. I.. Cockrtim an 4 8. D. Dorman have been noi m steal by petition for counciTnen, Bid H. tl Boyar and W. W. Letson, nominitoA at ihe caucus Monday night, have) not qualified, thus tbeli na M wiM not appear. There will be DO rtppo : ition In the election Vlnnday. an oe opposing ticket has been nominated. DKAI, ITFMH Mrs. Homer Blagle has relume from a visit to Welser. Klton Webb of New Plymouth, waa a visitor here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Schmltt of Sandpolnt, Idaho, were visitors here yesterday. K. H Van Slyke, of Pocatello, waa here Thursday. W. O. McOinnis was up from Wel ser this week. H. L. Stewart of Cambridge, spent Thursday here. Frank Thompson of Waverly, Ore. spent a few days here this week. A. B. Scatterday of Caldwell, waa up the first part of the week. John Murphy a atockman Beulah, was down yesterday. from Wm. Scott of Beulah waa a visitor here this week. Robert Smith a buslneaa man from Juntura waa here Wednesday. Ber Wood made a trip to Juntura this week. Miss Dean Orcutt haa been con fined to her home for several days with la grippe. Mrs. I. C. Weant of Cascade, and Mrs. It. E. Weant of Vale, were On tario visitors tills week. The regular meeting of the W. C T. V. will be held next Tuesday after noon Iu the Preshyteriun church Mr and Mm. dualling of Welser were the gueats at Ihe 11. 1. Poormaa home over Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mm. A. J. (Hover and Miss Kayo Wheeler made a trip to Boise, returning the first of the week. John l.eart of Placervllle, Idaho. was a visitor here the first of the week. J. F. Orr has Just returned to Pay ette after a visit to the new Ox Bow power plant. Miss Amelia Plughott has return ed to school after spending Thanks giving with her parent:, at Hunting ton E. U. Showers and hla sister, Mrs Akin, or Onalaska, Wise, passed through Ontario laat week. Mr. Showers is u newspaper man. Mr. and Mrs. Harold TervvilligiiT of Weiaer. who ure known here as good musicians, are iu Ontario and plan to spend several mouths here. Father Brady of Juntura was is town Tuesday on his way to Enter prise and Joseph. Oiec.ou, where he will spend a couple oi week II C. Scliuppell, the representa tive for the Oregon Life Insurance Co., ia apemiing a few days at home Mr. Scliuppell has been In and near Baker the most of the winter. J. L. D. Morriaou of the Oregoa Western Colonization Co., spent a few days here and at Burus this week iu the interest of the company. Mr. Morrison will return to Portland to night. F. O. Yeats manager of the Pay ett Mills, was a visitor here recently making plaus for the demonstratloa at the Electric Investment Co. office tomorrow of the famour Arrow dour. Wllaon Bros. Velvet coffee will be served with the hot biscuits. J i I I : a) I l I '