The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 26, 1915, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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. ,..., M n
NEAL of the NAVY
Amlk; . "R,4 Mmi,." RVnnlnt
Ftgki. " 'Cats.,. " "Dlu4 Dmh. ggj,
NoaU.d from h. Photo t1ar f tha Bam Nam Prodacad b !
tha Path fcichanga. Inc. " f I
im toy pi "" 'tupiion of Mount
!! JuMi li.ii.nn "i iii airnm. r
true ( I v tt Old Arm. It..
, from an npn boat, imt la fort-ad
i , hi ml hat fathi r ami hla . nm
, jngln la aaaaull.-.l .y rp
.,,,1 I1. Illll III Kill nil Ull'l t.l
. . i III... I. i, I. a ..........
Itl'IK Will' II l.i.'H'--'. w .. ... ....a.-, i
a i ,,.i ii . Prlnraaa wild Ida
tirr tiiiiiiiH .i ni mi" in ann
' . ' .. ... ..r ... i. .. i.
" " " -' x.n'i
aabai Minaton wim v n nt.
, i .11 limn" ii"""." "in
I ,. ' now an ii.iuiii "in iK
,1, j',,1 I II f.-ll'.ll. l.
. I i ,. mlfiilll lit HI" Ilmi mi
limit. .n rmiia l" M"inirl, Whara in
,f i i jitn I ii ii.ii-iiii la living wiiii
I V . ! ' ' llll.gtim. Uli'1
ii . i it i - ! f i t.i a
.. al in' fwf Mfnlaalon
l nil' i" v. lull through tin-
. ,.r i i la .i f iti .1 by
i iiiaa ..i "l iiiiiii" in ii "
It,, t "fin h i'1'i' i"f '" v H'l ih'
k i a- i I'll" I" "" ' l ' ' 'I'
t, '..! ii." .'.wrii r.r iin-ni t.ui
' ' Ilnr.llti I m.
It ' Aim' '! nil)
aa. A .11a
i in t . p r"
ii in for Ha i"
i .i '. ii
.i ma a
1 man
i . '
l M I
A ItSfOt Srrvlca Msssaga.
ii. i oo4 " h
i aafn at if
I mi' tie
i I
i .. '
H '.1.1 flaL Nit. br WuUaa IUa.lli.,iiljfcorna
LvIiik Wet-Mi el erh InMallnm nt of "Neel Of Tho Navy" will Im
rn viry Friday nisni ai uu nreiiminud Thuatrn.
dura for a er-arch. Tha starch was
mail", but without avail, for at mid
ti lacli t on tfca night boforo aumi'thlng
it" hotpoted. Herossjatos und hta
wo rompaiilona, together with hla
OaVTge of esetlM and heroin, had
lipped ijiili-tly nverhonrd Into a bor
roved rowhuHt ami hud dlaaiiietirod
Niiil, chugrltied, went hmk to An
m ii-
llm bird ha a flown." hit mild dli
rootlet. 'Where do you go, ffSOJf" (OOfM
III! Otaatff
"It'a an Sfgaj anrn-t whi-rn n go,"
uld Nnul, hut why wn go Mbody
know a. Vn go flrat to IteittaJtSa
Aniii'ttii miiiiiik In h'T fiiil Mir
tliil'iuii,' Him rli'd, "I hut la VtMrt my
fallur i aim' from- wlii-m you picked
inn Hi 0 tin-re. too, Ni-dl. It a dm
hi'Kiniiiiig point, it la there i eea iiud
: Irui" of my fui her "
In- . ahruggui hi-r ahouldcra. "It la
fut"," Mm aaiil.
"We will nil go," r-uld Mra ll.rillii
v.. v.i!i aih k to Netl Bet eowT
' h tin'.' miii. I Niiil, "Imt I ran
IHhI thai out (hi re muHl hi' fiiii.'
ml in. mi thin pert for Kullnrn wa
t m "
in- reei un'1 pieced a head si
WnlihiT a ahould. r l-uvo It to Jiay
In ' in
Tha) Koiirad tin town, SSI Iii"!
('aati.i v.,ih kMiklU for aomi'
: than a .".ii Miirtlnl'i ! I .
nail) aim anw what ah" nil lia
lit i ; in i id i i.i nut from i
n v. ladota
i a Mi door of a dii-
i i rial
' ' I til" I'lA
:. i I 1 1.
Thlg than. In raaltiv ! tnnb.ii
Hko p. pygmy from below aa ha
rrawlad hand ovar hand to tha halghta
ovn. At tha edge of tha cliff ha waa
latad by two other men who
'ted him on to tarrn flrtot and
who rellaved him of hla burden. Thla
burdan thay cerrlwl between them to
hut. itnfore doing to they cot the
big man acroaa the shoulder, with e
whip and pointed to the shore below.
Tha big man nodded. He stood for
one moment on tha edge of the cliff
and gazod about him. He gauged the
trade of the wlckad, sharp, big fUtor
ll k, and nodded once again; then
nimbly ho laapnd over the face of the
ciirr, striking hla heals Into the edgo
of that porlloua path some thirty feet
or mora hulow and then In spite of
his iniR.. hulk ran like s deer down
to tho I., a- h
Thn rni'ti above dropped their bur
d"ti mid watched him.
"Ah," hiiIiI lii-inniiili'z to his com
ni'l" I'otito, "tho Imaat ho knows that
Rotor Hark. III. haa not forgotten fif-
lees peon igsx"
Teen wuh a tOOOtl upon Hernandnx'
koelder. Hernoodes whirled as
th"NKh nt tho rail of a trlgRor A
third tiian fiui'd him. low hrowml, run-
slageped. iiiTuamiox sveotaaOd a
ela'li of ri'llnf.
Huir an hour Int. r, with his final
load etnpped 10 hla bark, tho bruto
rllmliiil for tho laat time over tho
Ii" of tho cliff, thla tlmo hoarlng his
own Imrdi'ti to th" hut. The thrco
men already within tho hut admitted
Than WOJ no window to thla hut,
SOd Hi- IlKht within was dim. Tho
room waa hum. Tldv llttlo bunga
low. Mood Mafglor of Martinique,"
he aald
'II.' nili. r tn.ui mulled Krlmly In his
turn "Tidy Is the word, soldier of
an I
: i
Vou, i .
: I
' i 'I Illll
gj "i ' I In" .-.aid
. ' ..I., of i i ' ocapoe
F'H h i il vt. got 'H" '
t.l fl
hoi k ti hla work Ho lg
Hi ii ii tor hla erdere
rd i vers oriel ami t. n
i" it el ..r tin- eteeoitr
are . ,,,
th. m. mil r ni.f
1 ' ..i .. i. "I. In.' I
. t .
Of SOU an I: ii i i
li nam n wounds carefull)
HI Hi ally .It, im d lunl all '
"ini'.i.iioii.t wall atteaded t
1 in .. I . I. 'mta he hod '
ship ii.tnpi.t. i
I SlfPSled lOff further OfiOffSi ;"'
1 ronado w,m now roottoi Quietly
" I". i. SOd ho got hla orders
'nt Into tho ii ea i oat pint "
nldnlKht they hud ru hi I Hie
eel pint hud docked My innl
i St had land, d ull hi , BOjOOtOgen
had repotted coiiHtdcrulilc prod
lo hla oiiiiiiaiidor on thn J.e '
Hy milium In aomethlug 1
nod a sot-rut aervleo nieMH.tKe
oil through Hpucn and gut th"
leas operutor on tho djOtgffOfOI
iced from cipher. It read uhmit
"in. in citizen said collecting
and ammunition at Martinique
'orto Rico for Doloroa Insurrsc
Follow at once. Invoatlsate, r-
prevent. Report.
xt inornlitK thla nows hud IttOfOd
Neul. Ho took It to thn hol.iely
hotel whom Ann. tin and I'1'
Sf and their party had 0000 OOJ
1 for tho night. He dropped latO
"," ho euld,
I to Hotun tulk
SettS pouted; tin n alio btullnd. "1
t" tulk," Mlie huld And tin hIio
il two algnlllcuiit words. "Hcur-
:l leegtd 10 hln rei t "Hour fine."
r00 Wli.'i,'.' Wl.en.' whut'.'"
I llm Coiomiilu." Htud Atmelto.
iw him twlco -Ht iif fain niiil Ills
otupuiiioaH, tho lilt; ainl thn
II me i rylliliu;." tOld N"ul.
told i, 1 1 ii Ho ., .,.u. I tuii-i
y until aim hud tlnlshml, OaO
(1 (lowu upon tho wharf again,
uaidod the Corouadu aud gave or-
"1 cua tulk in"!
tieo whlZ, hUt 111!
i :
i i i Ultn 'i .
II 'I'
i t m : Ii r a,. un thin I
. gov "
.1. it. ,
. i. t hove a v.on.1. i in.
Tie- soToroor held sp hit hoods.
"One ! in. inii'ia evarjrtblag thai hap
pemd In u POST like that. St .-.nd. "a
I i... out thouh.iii.lii iiiou
thou - unls of our people
"la tin re uny duo to ui lailerr
tjOOt " 'I Anintle
Utile niie," i.i. i.i the governofi
"tin i. k It i " clue to un thlOl 01
hod '
Ai. TI
(hut '" i ,; my lathi ' hIio
,Uei i
"Tie i ... i nor i earehed I ; maoi
ory. "Yee, !" told "1 think I
was s tiing of Iventure
aii, mi linn lie. tii.i. vuh t. rover
alwO) I uIwu.vh on the
Hut for hit )i id one silgjhl hoveeallad
lit in u aoldlerjol lortoot hoa ir
llUpH too hut fear!
"And tine, aaul Annette
"Keurleas and true," repeated thn
tjovoroor sodding,
"What la pset M punt.' Im auld. "Old
I'eleo In UHhunied of hlmaelf 'I lie
lain of htartinique grows green We
alug. vie laugh, my people mid Sttelf,
Kvmi ull thla week wu celclirato Vou
iniiMt Join BO." H signed half a dotes
ciinla of Invitation and BOOdoi tlu'in
to Joe Weliher, who HUt quite SI
uhuuI, Hulking In tho background. '" "
govornor a levee," he went mi alii')'.
"aud you uro all Invited."
The Razor Back.
Around thn SOrOOff of tho count line
on thn IhIo of Murtliihiuo luvialhle
SOth from tho bridge of the deal i oyer
JiM'kaou and fTOOl tho grounda of the
govornor, thcro Jutted out Into tho
SOS eltaT, "tern SOd foil.lddlng. Aa
a niutt.r of fuel, It wuh not all nk,
thla chli u lorgt P0li Si II I loiiuulion
wuri of elSJT. DOWl thn fOM of hll
cliff, Its thorp edges rising nw und
then into the sir like peaks, then
trolled a I'uth. narrow mid ptrUOttSi
from toon lO Sill edge, known to , i
tuln or Hie Inliiihituntu of Muiimhino
gg thn It. .in' H.ii ll.
Al ug thiu shurp, stoup edge in
u ropo. und ollttblOg tho Uiuor Huclt,
cllnatiiir to HiIh root with u hug. b i-
den on hia shoulden upwind cnwl d
u iiiun llnlow turn, tin iiMting its BOlM
Into tho hnuch, waa a dlaroputuhl.
looking bout ladou with heavy wooden
Conceals the Yellow Packet.
fortune," he returned. "At uny rots
mi tl. : I. all aV
1 . ic a Ith i
ii. strode to t! r of the hut
end tl lo a i it hbos. Leaning
down in- cleared m .,y ii sosihef of
short WOrSstOteO I. . then lm lift-
. .. !.. tttroo door, With un ex-
i Ian.. Hon f mi 1 1 lli-rnandiz aud
; Dompaaloot ohaerved that there
was a SSrroer puaaagoway cut
Hit. null Hie a. ill. I earth Omi hy one
toeh man low it", I luniM'lf into this
puaaaK'way und followed his loader.
From u " rpi lullciilar shuft thn rorrl
dor shelled off Into u pttaaugn ultuoat
h.iri ii tul und wiili'tiel ua It went.
"TIiIh " auld th' lor of Mar
tini, i .. n the third story, aa It were.
SOt r.mdv."
Sow for tho hothrootOi if you
i Bit they deeOOOdod n wider
.I hi lira and stepped out upon a
lodge that surrounded a deep and llm
pi, I l of wat.r. ll.rnnn.lo r. gurd
i, thla pOOl attentively.
"Firsit It rlaea," ho cxilalme.l. "and
th :i It f.illH."
A!i. tho man of Murtinhpue,
' me at BOB level. Thla la a cave
and there la no outlot to It."
'Somewhere there Is," returned
II. i n. mil. .
"Yes, in the attic tho eky purlor,"
sttid the other man.
Somewhero else," auld llemundea,
Oh, well. If you will." said the
smuggler, "but one iuuhI bwIui under
w.iter to tlnd the other outlot." He
folded hla anus. "Whut do you think
of my BOlOOS now?" ho auld.
He atooped uud plucked at another
Iron ring In the floor. It dlaclosod a
amuller hole tlllod with contents of
ttrooft uppeurance.
Hernandez seized the lantern.
"Whut or this?" lie auld. "Thla com
inodlty 1 do not know."
"t'ureful," exclaimed the other man.
"If llMM ghOOlSi the authorities, ever
have (Im i.tnerlty to discover my
cache, I bhull not ho here. 1 ahull bo
a tulle uwuy a tulle, not loss; and
from thai safe point of vantage I ahull
pretl u button and pouf none will
tver live to tell tho t.ilo none, auve
BH If-"
HerOOOdeS Sped the other mull with
SOdltgUl td udiulruHon.
"How I Should like to buo It work,"
he eald.
The other nodded. "Sotno day
who knows-you ahull, for you uro u
man after my own heart, friend ller-
uamlus. CotoOi 1st so soot d to the
tkylig ll MM I ut,.ii:i."
'I luy did us they were bid und as
H'Uod tho gentleman of MarUulquoJo
(Coutluuod ou pugu G.)
f bbbbbbbbbbbI
0(H 3. -JfM
aW J r .SD L - cam
aaaaaaeVnW "igaMgh.
bbbbbbbbMS " aaaBZW argi
Helps Business
"PVERY man who
A has made a suc
cess of business has
been lavish with
printers ink.
Many a man is judg
ed by his Stationery
-Well printed letter heads,
envelops and bill heads in
dicate a Live Wire in any
business. "Perfect Print
ing" is our motto,"
Let us print your
ill do a neat
job of it for you.
Are You Planning to
Give a Party?
Invitations, Reception and
Visiting Cards --promptly
and correctly printed- cail
and see our many samples.
Circulars printed neatly
and quickly -They will
reach the buying public -Let
us quote you prices.
present some of the lead
ing engraving houses and
we invite you to call and
see our samples for Christ
mas and New Year.
All carda made to special order and delivered
December First.
The Ontario Argus
? i