The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 26, 1915, Image 1

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vol.. i
MAinr oomnmni mail bmmvmm
impaiiifd it new s iiiim 1,1,
mi in. MAM
I'rnrili all v nil nf the mnil rem.
In Hit' interior It it v he.,, sbMgl .1 mihI
CW Hll- lH Hill K llltn ''., ,.(.
niih.'l I I 'I'll" Mill fOI iin I I) i ni,
ni in IIhiiih fruiii Junluta will In
hauled l.v i. ill lii Mlveiaide ami las en
hv t .. '" "," " x -1 -
h hi in. i mi finiii 1 1 1 1 1 hi i . Urease
I'ltmr thai ' "iiuiiiiiiii) tell) in hi i mit-
i w li i-i they Imil 00 1 J ii u
'"II. in.- B
i ii n n .tit- v tow M Will n their
m. hi fi ii i"i throe tlm i
WllS I
h i,i
i ni n lit in Rite
It i in will
. I - I.i It. all ; OUgll II
I iii. I ii. iiii.,nr tin .i
i old m.i Ht lb) w ho formerl
i.i." rti ware thorot
equipped tn hull. lie I , I an,
it niiid tin i i hai
lug en 1 1 ho ' i - i hla
frm hM MOMte the L.tiirmt now
fn in Juntura to lirewaey and the
cootraat froai Juntura lii Rival
' K Newell haa been awarded
ttn ctitrait from Hlveralde to llurna
Which Mill he a trl weekly
II Hetian will have the contrail from
llarrliiiati to Narrow, a trl weekly
i-rviie a r Hall corte the
rniitrart from llurna to lluchai.m.ii.
twin- a week A twice a WMI aer-
vlcr fn.ui 'otage to I ilu ti.l haa
been let It la eipectr.l that theae
rotitrarla will not be carried out after
l l.e railroad rearhea the valley in the
Hiring aa thai would be Impractical
The movement tn illai mil Hill" the
1'rairie ity-Hurna line uinl make a
in rmiie from llurna to MaM hi re
ceilng aupport at Hum Th.
"ii rmm llurna thai went in
li.ii.l to meet Mr Strain. m and hu
party, were very enthuaiaattc avtf
I M ta of thla change
inade in the near f ut un
ihiinie other frien.N ut a Thankaglv
Tonlghl ihe ggMJ MMtlM eallte '"'' ,ll"l,,r
liy the eltl roiilicll for the uiireoae I
of dlaennolng tte annual hndgoi for
' ijr, nlll i.e hei.i at s i- i
l) hall
' ' Monday a meeting w ill l.e held
"" I It hall at which lime ; i
InatiOM for the c.nnii,.- . i ..!.. m
Will he mud,.
Monday, lith. will be
i. . lion tej
raj (Special Funeral Ser
' rO held here Sunday fol Ml
Anna Itiis-.ey. wife of C. II Hu of
tin-, ciu, a ho died ui Portland n
Tiiiirmlay of last week, follow l.'K an
Operation Mr anil Mra. BMtnf
Mvod hen. for mauy years. Mr BMnnj
l.eing coniiocteil ulll, II... M., M.T
lianllle i stahllshiiieni Mrs A H
Moon mid Mrs (Jeorge RMM r ""
flty are slaters of the deceased H'
Man her huhhand, Mrs PuMscy Is
lurvved by two daughters and OM
M all of whom live Iii Portluud
M. N. HOI. H IN II Kill
K N. lioltoii of the il rin of lloltoti
Hi. dmer of I... Oruudu ami i(Uer
MMi was In Ontario gfMaeMai M
ii wav to l , i:. ..,.i.. .. uneinl
'ImnkaglvliiK with hla family Mr
WltM slaya at Hlveislde the grMlM
Nrt of the tlmu.
The revival meet lug will continue
F" Ut leust two ueeks inure All
fe nuiieii to attend.
a 0. Pratt
H'liinis to Portland Mra. 8. A
luy of Portland, who has been the
eat of her daughter, Mrs f 0.
"tit. for all weeka, returned home
loaday evening.
h. ui;itti;miii,i,ik hfllh
BMOHM AMI haipto imo.n
Mums. Him of II... Itffm ri.ul
'',"" "I" "" Ml OOOI MMUMl
im fur Hi. vi. nil weeks Iihh j,( ,.
closed whereby f S
if tin. OMfM Western CeloalMtlon
Co . OMVOfa l. Win ll.nrii. ,,f -uinu
".'inly, u section nml a half f n,
mar Mums line OMUoi lin lladed
iiii- pafebaee Mas mm II Boerlmeni
Million there ami In liiii,r,,v..u , irop of trrii'n KM ml , , ,, i
1,1 fMI 'I he jiiin ,.ih. ,,r(. (f
Hum iih $lil per Hire The nn,
eralli.n for the other lund w.,
i i MM, thla laud not Imvliic POM
In pro
Associated with Mr H.nrle in the
d .1 are inn ..,w in tart opart . pi
Mrt f March u i Intend .. mm tha
id in tha bitten ' ' ol ealtlVi
til, n
Two men mere arreate.l
here Saturday and paid a flue of I
for kw nulling t'harlea I'mir a local
reataurant manager out of fit 60
The men who guve their MM
Mux Kuckenherke ami It A (ioaae
lln, repreaented theniaeUea lo be
State Food Inapet tora. uinl demanded
that the chinaman make a clean up
Klin ling that he had no hrenae, which
la not required, they demanded lie
pay them fit 60. and In return they
gate him a auppoaed license
Kona. arowtng auaplcluu. took hla
llcenae to a neighboring tnerchant
who found It waa a reeeipt af n num
lier of tiiaguln. He aw ore out a
warrant and the marahall made two
irreata l.vfore i.. got the right unn
fter piling tl.i.r MO, 'hey took the
tlrat train eaat
IMT UtNH in-Ml
I li V U Vote have aa
iln-ir aoeata until Suudiiy, two nlecaa
' Mlaaea Hilda and elilit M.llale.
two nephew rf I'etl and
Hodernk ii. i .i Prairie
Mr and Mi , . .1 I- ' Hull en
l.ilallieil theae peoble. and
iii-riMT i hi i ii
'I opn for next Band ly II A
The DMnJfhnl t'hurch, or the Church
.1 I phesua." 7 30 ' M ;'"
M i it is it?"
i Maker.
Npeml lbl III Uelsttr W I' HO"
inn: and family spent 1 . .inksgiving
with Mr Homaii's parents near Wei
TIONt. The next number ol the Lyceum
Course coming Jsuuanp 40th.
ML "fl
HL. kaj M" m
M fB i Ml
a . bmH asa H
.agaPa Ifi "" Ml
i ' jl I idJH
n? 1
HI a i y. I
I f M P',i- 1 I
ONTARIO, MAMiKfit cointv,
How the acre of corn, which won
the $100 sweepstakes prlr.e at the
recent urn Carnival, wan grown, la
told by tin- grower, Jossi
In a recent statement.
IIIm own
Hiory follows:
"My mill In a loam It la three
"till ori" Imlf feet deep from the top
hoII to I In- subsoil. The subsoil Ik
gruvel Alfalfa wrh grown on thlH
lainl last nr. TIiIh hind has been
fiirmi'il eight yeara
plowed Miirili If,
TM land wa
I !i I ;, It wiim
MowM eight Inches deep Aftet
plowing the hind v,h Irrigated, then
d laced and harrowed.
"The mi HH in good condition
when planted Manure wu ippjled
tO IM hlli. I Mm h I 111.'.. I he lam!
viiH IrHjrated before cum whh plant
el. and the corn received Its fir'
"rigation at the time It hegu '"
'"" "," '"'"' Thla era Julj I
'' ""'' 'iuent Irrigations WIN
mote 1 0 da) apart. I did not I i
tlvata halwota IrrlgatloM
'The OOra waa planted April I!.
: !i I I drilled in the corn. flie
pace between Ihe corn rowi waa '4.'
laehoa. The apan- in the corn row
li IricheN planted Iowa Mil
er Mine corn I did not test tin
eed before planting It. The ataid
of corn wan good The corn wa
cultivated four times The flrat
cultivation waa five Inchea deep, the
other three culllvatlona were about
four inchea deep I uaed a 1. A V
row cultivator The corn waa
slightly damaged by a wind atorm.
but received no damage from dlaeaae
or Inaecta. I bouaht my aeed corn
I grew eleven acrea of corn thla year
I corrugated with a single shovel In which follow:
Per cent (Jroaa Net Pta. Pta. Total
1 1. .n le a i l t n. i .. 1 1. . IMatrb I
I. H Cordon (Flrat)
Fred Mender (Second)
I II Mender (Third i
A. N. Jacokea
v. v. motel
Henry ('. Johnson
(has Adam
J A Hcritchfleld
Kruest (iraiuae
Hans Oft
(i W Dean
Miu lU'inl RjrOOn Histrlct
Alex Wade i First I
l T Holly iSe, dl
M John-ion i Third I
iianey Hatch
A M Miller
John Stam
lie.. W Swu'.rt
Jesse Johlihton
l I.. Miller
f I. I'oit.r
II Q Koberts
K i: Parker
Hwlght Smith
B 0 Mrowu
I. Wilson
Pond On Flat IMst rid
Chna Herr ( First )
M K. t' banner, (Second!
I. I. CnltertOM (Third I
I .1 ('ulhert.
Jack Iianey
o i Miller
I. Alklusou
P M Mools
Otto Meile
j Andoroon
A very pleasant meet lug of the
I iiited AftOMMM MM held Tuoaduy
eveiiiiiK and nine new member tak
en into Hie lodge. The iuitutory
work waa put on In full followed by
a haiutuet uud u social hour of gauietj
and cards.
Mr and Mrs. E. V. Bennett huve
been in Onarlo for a few weeks as
sist uiK tte hcal organization in bulld
iug up their membership, and they
uow have eighty members. Dr. Ksli
liiiitn the Supreme Medical Director
vull he hero for the next meetitiK
held next Tuesday.
S(K 1A1-
Miss Kva Vanderfoff entertained
friends at dlnuer at the Moore Hotel
Thanksgiving day.
Mrs. Diane was hostess to the Sil
ver Fork club Wednesday. Mrs. W.
oitKGON, November an. tutu.
order to Irrigate when the corn was
about IK Inches tall. 1 cultivated
two times after adjusting Ihe cul-
tlvator ao aa lo keep the furrowa
open Thla whh done ao aH not lo
illaturh the corn roota like It would
ItMr, and I believe thla method haa
h tendency to make a deeper rooted
"In making up the com of the acre
of corn time of the man was eatlmat-
'"I "' M Mltl nn hour, the time of
0000 tefoe t cents nn hour, and
'he OOOt of harve-i lug at 4 MM per
hiiHhel Harnyiiiil manure waa fig
ured ut r.n eentH for n two-horae load
i d upon iteaa Igaraa the cot
of my acre of corn waa aa follows:
Plowing, myself and hOTCM. $ 1.41
Other work preparing ground I .'
I'lantlng Ihe acre 30
lll'i'. rititlg the a. re l.ll
Iloetl acre ol corn 1 If
il hatvi-stlng ii;
' f liarnyard manure
of s,,'d corn at 7 Iba. pat
acre 70
Total st in
Mr Johnston figures the total value
of his acre of corn, according to the
market value of the ggfl w hen har-
.-d, waa 7.' II li.ductlng the
cost of growing, this leaves his pro
fit on the acre of corn Just f 58.03.
Many people have made requests
for extra coplea of the laaue of the
Argus containing the tabulated re
sults of the Corn Carnival. The
Issue haa become exhausted, ao, for
the benefit of our friends we are again
puhllahina the tabulated reaulta,
Yield Yield Paper Quality Pts
83 3 T0f 105.7 40 17 26 83
80 b!05 74 3 28 9 40 77
79 5 4825 65.7 25 16 35.5 71.5
hO 4 :t 40
81 IIII . 26 6 16 26
80.3 63h2 915 34 6 11 26 71.6
79 6 5450 70 I 26.7 16 26 68.7
82 6 3500 61 6 19.5 16
76 2650 36 I I.I 16
80.6 527:. Tl I II i I -'-' 76
77 1 HM II I 19.5 20
82 !i97n H'-' 1 :ts 16
79 III! M.I II 40 sS
II ii-.-ii i . : in '.
hi 4 HU I . I II 79.9
79.3 6860 4 II 18.5 85.9
81 6510 t4 J .;:. 17 ll.l
so : HU ) 4 :: II 34 85.3
79 7 324 loii :i .19 17 36
80.5 41 J 4
7;i b660 s: II 11
NO MM M I II 4 II 85.4
80.6 4766 68 ". II I 16
80 ;jo: ao .: :.'o to
81.5 706.". 102. S .;v s U 77.8
mi .! 6712 96..". i.i'. 17 ' 85
M :I008 43 40 74
11 3118 47.7 II 16 II 72
II :t06;i 52.3 n.6 ;::: 71 c
fl 4163 58 t.l 19 II II '-
77 3979 41.7 18. S 16 29 63 8
3254 44.7 16. 1 27
77.7 6184 71.9 27 , 14 li 7u.L'
Kl 4 2667 38.8 144 17
81.8 3315 48 4 181 Is 36 711 22.8 S4 13
W Wood won high honors
Dr Dai rah of New Plymouth was
host to live young people ut a Thuuks
gtflDl dinner ut the Moore hotel
Tnaredaf erMlng
The Oregon club gave a very en
joyuhlc daJtOtai party Thursday ccn
iug Many couples enjoyed dune
tug until a late hour.
0 0 0
The (J. O. G. club met with Mrs
May Wilson this week. Sewing wus
the dtverotOO of the evening, and re
freshnients were served by the host
ess. Five meiiihers were present
Mr. and Mrs. W. H Brooke enter
tained the tarnation club last Wed
nesday evening. A very pleasant
evening wus spent at G00. High
honors were won by Mrs. Whltworth
and Pioi Pulley. Hefresliiuenis
were served at the close of the even
ing. one
Mr. and Mrs l.etsou entertained
a number of frieuds at an informal
dinner Thanksgiving day. The table
was very attractive with decorutious
of yellow and white chrysantliemuiub
Those who eu joyed Mr. and Mrs. Let
son's hospitality were M. IS. Newton
'.li i: ItltON. SHII1 OIT MNK
One of the heat recorda made In
thla suction In the shipping of hoga
will he that of Crover KroH., with an
output of nine care in one week. Last
Tueaday five cars were shipped, today
two cara are being loaded out, and
next Tueaday the other two cara will
he hilled out. Three of theae will
have been loaded at Ontario, and the
other alx at surrounding towns In
tin- vicinity. The estimate value of
theae hogs la placed at $10,000. They
will go to Portland and Seattle mar
kets. KITIIIUHilili IIHOS. -ii ll
Rutherford Mros. of Ironsides laat
week ahlppe one mr of l.og. and one
r horses to Portland. Tte hogs
were raised by them on their farm,
and the horses were bought in and
around Ironsld-
John Stelger a prominent sheep
man of linker haa moved hla sheep.
neiudlng 4200 head of ewee, down
near Ontario, to feed the remainder
of the winter. Theae sheep were
j trailed from Raker and arrived here
yesterday. Mr Stelger early in the
fall bought hay from Mr. Pinney and
Mr Mrown on the Boulevard. When
asked why Maker county sheep men
were thla year, for the flrat time buy
ing hav and moving to Malheur coun
ty to feed, Mr Stelger stated that
many homesteaders have come Into
Maker county and that sheep men are
cut off from a great deal of the pas
ture. He said he waa more than
pleased with the uuality of the bay
grown down here.
1 1,1. (.IIIM, Ml .11 -Nil III
P. J. Gallagher made a trip to
Juntura this week going out Men
day uud returninr -dnesduy. Mr
(lallagher states that stock condi
tions a l In that section,
none oi tn- -tocknM huving started
to feed as yet.
uud family, II. C. Schuppell and fam
ily and Mi- Shirley.
Mr. and Mrs J. W. Mcculloch en
tertained a number of friends ut a
seven-course dinner Thanksgiving
Day. A color scheme of red and
white was carried out in all appoint
ments. The invited guests wen-
Mr. and Mrs (Jruuel and two duugiit-
er.s. Prof Md Mrs BoUO) and the
Misses Laurose and Kditli BollOJ
mw evening bridge club, to be
known us the Uemnuuts" was orgau-1
ied Wednesday eteuiua at the home
ol Dr and Mrs. Prinz'ng. Ottlcers i
OlOOtOd "OTMhtMl F M tireig.
.. ilaiy I. Adam, treaiuer Dl
Prining Mridge wus played at
three tOOlst The OtTMite onclud
ed happily with the serving of re
fresh menta.
Publisher of the New Orlesna Itaut.
nffilinW-' Rysannm
1 i , ll
W A ,- J I
SaSaL .IMr V
BL. s JaQfvvjUiH BwBir UHft IB
Hon. Fred J. Kiesol of Ogdea
spending a few days In Ontario
itig after his Interest- here. Mr.
Klesel la one of the OWMM of the)
K S - I), ranch m Arcadia. On
this farm which Incl ! 4,000 acrea
diversified farming la carried oa
a large acale. While a prune crop
waa harvested thla year which ex
ceeded any previous output, 1 1 care
being shipped, fruit Industry If only
secondary to OtMkMlnba "n thle
pla- .t present 400 head of cattla
are tent, II Mn4 Of tl 00 being
reglatered slmrtloms, and these are
the particular pride of manager Ito?
Williams. Six hundred head of hogs
are being M hOOlde much other live
Muring the past year new bulldlnga
have been going up on the place al
most continuously. Including dwell
ings, barns, sheds, fencea and etc
Two dwellings are under constructloa
now and when nnlshei will he oc
cupied by the famlllea of the men em
ployed on the farm. The greatest
ccompllahment in the past month boa
been the erection of a cement block
alio with capacity of 250 tons Tbea
bIock, wre made , 0gden and a mMa
from Ogden superintended the eo
structlon of it. It la claimed to be
the only silo of the kind in this part
of the country. The estimated cost
is 1400. Mr Williams states thai
It Is very likely another such alio win
be built In the spring.
Mis.. Mary ('roxton and Mr Frank
Thompson, of Harney Valley, were
married Wednesday evening at the
, Uaptlst parsonage. Uev. L. E. Baker
officiating. The young couple went
to Boise for a few days, after whicfc
thev will return to llarnev countv
Henry W. Savage's famous mikv production, "The
Million," will be shown m pictures
at the Dreamland Satur.iuy night
The piece lias won the distinction of
possessing more laughter and whole
some fun than unit comedy oi roOMl
years The continuous minh pro
ceeds equally frooj tlie uctiou. cur
icutures and situations of one of tha
niost novel and kjgjMlOM l"' ever
presented on the Ma, or ireen. II
ItlM old philosophers are right, and
"laughter is wealth.'
ion" is well named
I'.ien The Mill-
New Plymouth,- Work has r'.urtef
: on the ne.v OMOTOtt OlOOfci
business structure winch is lieiug
built by P, M BOMOkt I local attor
nev h will have a i.ity foot front.
will bo II lOOi deep and he oue story
high. When completed it will h
occupied by Smale's meat market
the Nt.v ri ii'.-ut u Sen, noli the gdnte
of tlie Idate-Orogon Hoojoy Prodao-
er's Assn., uud (I office of Mr.
('. E Mroohs, ass tant superinten
dent of the 0 S I. from Moise, uud
F. W. Mowers, cluim adjustor fron
Salt Lake were here the lutter pun
of the week. Investigation wu
made of the accdeiit in which Wesley
Zuke lost a toot the first part of the
week, and a decision made that the
tall wus due to carelessness.
J. M. Jos. I III II Fit F.
J. M. Joseph of the Dead Ox Flat
section, president of the Snake Uivar
District Improvement Co., was a vlo
ilor here today. Mr. Joseph is feel
ing pretty good over the decision of
the Supreme court In favor of hie
company in the case la which Oaa
Cooley was plaintia
: '
. i