TIIE ONTARIO ARGUS THURSDAY,- NOVEMBER 41 1915. PAGE FIVE I ISPS sss m MSSSSI I I Local Market Professional, Business, and ... Classified Directory .:. he Ontario Argus is read by thousands of people each and every week 1 .... iKwilrti'y Ii i'. .11 liiii'M k i r4-l . -.. ' .. ....1. :i i. x.. 1 IIJJS DUrJlIM dc;ihio ax jwu nun; unj ttuxig xui BU.1U 11 you WUIll lO lOUll ro A n m a Iff II kf " j 111 I tr 4 a ... J . XL ! 1 i flOW I yu www mi vuj in msi any luing you want, you can gel .ii... 1TA"KTT ATV ,...!.. ,....u lfnu A.. rin.,. i II e i QUI llir w.. wmiiiiw vm iuu niguo xiiu u:uuuig proiUHHlOliai buwiiit'ss men will hv found in our directory each week. IVORY WILIJAMH ski. s sin p I Ivory WtlltamB came In from his sheep camp the latter part of last week mid plans to stay lu Ontario has Just disposed of his entire band of Bheep,, 5000 head In all. Twelve 'cars were Hhlpped to Eastern parties and the rest Bold to local sheep men. It will pay you to see Mrs. Burk hardt's samples before makliiK up your carpet rags. Carpet and rus woven to order by Mrs. 8. Burkhardt Wyoming ft Grant St., southeast of the Catholic church. 44tf., DANCE Saturday night Moore Hall. Everybody Invited. Wants kale on TitAiJK .B Indian motor cycle Itiou. Jut been thorouKh- ,leii. Kent cash offer takeB at Argus Olllco. 41-tf. Business Directory DENTISTS. -Potato digger at Holy bnpltal. Le How boat lu best of with uir tanks and Evln- r. Iii'iuiio ii. u. xa". Moore Hotel. Ino work uinre, weight 8. J. J. Dlllard, Ontario. E One second hand heat- -flrst class shape will iddrcs. P. O. Box 281. 43tf Hilt KENT IT 2 room house near tne ol. Inquire phone tlOM. -Rooms for light liouse- Hteum heated. UU l H.I.. 40-tf iiuuf Cameo brooch leave at Argus office Live reward. tf bt. 3rd., neur O. 8. L depot minted bridle, red leather llall, I. rmii. -.t rolns. $5.00 i questions asked, or $2b.OO nan that found It. Return rrouhUiile. it if i.i.ti. Mtin I - UNTRATRIX NOTICE ninty Court of the Statu of for M .ii, i in- County. mutter of the Estate of HI. u Wm. in, Dfccusod. Ih hereby Kien that the un- Iiuk tiled her llnal account ImiutHtrailun of the estuu Messed. That Hutunl.i 4th, l'.il."., at tin- hour 01 A M. at the County Court Ihe County Court hou ie, In f Vale, Oregon, has been be time and place for hear- objections thereto If au ions having any Interest lu are heieby notltled to bi hald day at said time and show cause if any there -.inl tin l account shouh Mowed, i.iui the udmlnlstru- red an, I the said estate ol sued distributed according ItlOS bj published by ordei eo . McKnight, Coun- )f Malheur County, Oregon. nrst publication. Noveiu- ttii. Clara E. Ltlackmau, Administratrix. ibllcatlun Dec. 2, II IB. DR. W. U. HOWE DENTI8T Over 1st. I'honos, Office 73-R Natl Hank Res. 07-lt DR. II. C. DIXON DENTIST wib.ni Building I'll.. i.e. Res. is J Office 162-W Ontario ...... Oregon WWWWVWWWWWWWWWIWWWIWW, ATTORNEYS. W. II. Brooke, Attorney at Law. Wilson Bldg. Ontario Ore. PHYSICIANS. DRS. PRINZING ft WEESE Ontario, Oregon Office in New Wilson Block. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. Harriet Sean Dr. Pauline Seam Graduates American School of Osteo pathy, Kirksville, Mo. Wilson Block. Telephone 154 Blk VVWVVWWVVVVWAMrlMArfVWrAMrMrW ART STUDIO. C. McGONAGILL ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in All Courts Notary Public. Office Over Postoffice LESLIE J. AKER LAWYER Room 0, First National Bank Bldg. Ontario, Oregon. .lcCULLOCU ft WOOD LAWYERS ....ins 1-2-3 First Nat'I Bank Bldg. Ontario, Oregon. J. P. K1DD, Prop. Job and Commer cial Printing a specialty. Ontario, Ore. MWMWWWMVMsAStSsS'AsAA TAILORS. K. COPE, The Tailor, Tailoring, Pressing and Cleaning. Phone 106W Opposite Post Office TRANSFER Oregon Short Line Time Fable Ontario, Oregon, November 8th 1914 TIMC TABLC NO. 76 WliWi'WAHll Train No. Leave 17 Oregon Wash. Limited 4:22 a m 76 Huntington Passanger 9:35 a m 19 Oregon Wash. Express 6:33 p m 6 Fast Mall 6:10 p in HASTWAHI) 18 Oregon Wash. Limited 2:M a m 76 Boise Passenger 8:50 a m 4 Eastern Express 12:07 p m 6 Oregon Wash. Express 6:33 p m OREGON EASTERN BRANCH WmSTWAHO Train No. I,eave 139 Mixed, daily except Sunday for Riverside 12:20 p m VALE A BROGAN BRANCH WE8TWARU Train No. Leave ' 141 Mixed Vale and Krogan Daily except Sunday 10:00 a m 97 Passangor, Vale daily 7:00 p m i-.amt BOUND 140 Mixed, daily except Sunday from Riveiide 12:01 p m 98 Passenger, from Vale daily 8:40 a m 142 Mixed from Brogan , and Vale Daily except Sunday 3:30 p m Tbe llomedale trslo leaves Nvssa it 1:10 p m od Tuesday, Thursday, uatnrday, returning, arrive at On tario at 6:30 p m. I f" n ill III I I I I I I 1 I I I I II I) II II y i iifffi NEAL of the NAVY By WILLIAM HAMILTON OSBORNE Uitl.tr of "Rtd Mount, " "Running Fight. " 'Cahpaie. " -Bhu Dadtlt, " tie. NovslUsd from the Photo Play of th Sum. Nam Produced by tbo Paths Exchange, Inc. P060iOO6O0iOOOOOf0O040O06l0OOOO0OO00O6OOO0OO0000OBm0i A.nr.liu tmi. bt Wllll.tu IUuillu.nliatM.riml (Continued from page 2.) It. W. Swagler Attorney at Law. Itooms 13-14-16 Wilson Bldg Ontario Oregon. VWWWWWWMWWWWWWWWMW FLOWERS. .MARIO FLORAL CO. Orders taken or cut flowers. Argus Office, Ontario, )regon. TRANSFER, BAGGAGE AND EX- PRESS Meet all rains. JOHN LANDINGHAM UNDERTAKING J. H. FARLEY Funeral director and embalmer Lady assistant Phone 132-W. Ontario, Oregon. OK KHKIUI I 8 HALE IN lORKCI.OSl'RE. rtue of an Execution In re duly lssuod by the clerk frcuit Court of the State ol lor Malheur County, dated day of October, 1915, lu action in the Circuit Court County ami State, wherein lHallock. as Plaintiff, recov- lauiBt Lizzie U. Yantls lor Yantls, as Defend tlie sum of Two Thousand with interest thereon at 8 per annum from March 24, knd for the further sum of lousand Dollars, with int- reon from April 11, 1914, Ite of 8 per cent per annum; Ihe further sum of Klve llun- lllars, Attorney fees; and turtlier sum of Sixteen and dollars, costs; lore, Notice is hereby given. 'ill on the 7th., day of Dec- 1915. at thn hnur ,,t inn the afternoon of said day, bain enirance of the Court Vale, Malheur County, Ore- l at public auction, to the ldder, or bidders, for cash, wing described real proper- lt:- uth Half of the Northwest ISNW) of Section me (21), Tcwuahip Eighteen lange Forty-six (46) E. W. lalheur County, Oregon, also 1(0) shares of the Capital the Nevada Ditch Company; perty of the said above named de fendants, l.ixxle B. Yantls and Tay- or Yantls, or as much thereof as nav bo neceKsary to satisfy the said judgment in favor of Mary J. Mul lock and against the above named defendants, with interest thereon, ogether with all costs that have or may accrue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 1st., lay of Noember, 1916. Ben J. Brown, Sheriff, By Ross A. Soward, Deputy irst publication, Nov. 4. 1916. .ast publication, Deo. t, 1916. NOTICE Of PI HL1C MASH MEET IM; TO DIHCISH THE ANNUAL UllMiET DM THE CITY OK ONTARIO. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, That the Common Council of The City of Ontario, Oregon, has called a PUBU0 MASS MEETING, to be i.hI.I at the Ontario City Hall on Nov ember 26th., 1916. at eight o'clock p. M. for the purpose of dlscussiug the annual budget for said City. The following Is an estimate of the amount of money proposed to be raiser by taxation for the ensuelng year, Kecorders Office f 00.00 Treasurer " Attorney 0 POUM Department 1800.00 Street Commissioner 600.00 Flre Department 00.00 Health Department 10000 ST- ;::; EST1 :::::: .551 Lght .... 1400.00 NM'r inn no Street Improvement 10.00 Bond & Interest A-C 4MMI Kltlons ;: o,Kr,n Library Commission Cross Walks 60 0U $16,146 00 ...-- amount of revenue from other than taxt.on$60000. DONE AND UATBU ai wv-.., Oregon, this 4th.. day of November. bVoRDEB OF THE CITY COUNCIL. AUet' Harry B Orau.l. (Seal) C,t Recorder- NOTICE OK ELECTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, That the City Council of the City of Ontario, Msllieur i:ouiuy, vDwu, did at 1U regular meeting held Nov ember 1st., A. D. 1816, consular and pass a resolution declaring that .n OENERAL CITY ELECTION, shall be held In the City of Ontario, on the nrst Monuay m i"luu". ID 16, to-wlt. December 6th.. 1916, for the purpose of electing a MAYOR, for the term of two years, a TREAS URER for the term of two years, THREE COUNCILMEN for the term of two years, and ONE COUNCIL MAN for the term of one year. Appointing 8. F. Taylor, A. L. Mc Dowell and J. H. Denlson as Judges of said election, and E. M. Grelg and E. H. Test as Clerks of said election. Requiring said election to be held .. .v. 'itv Hall In the City of On tario, on the aforesaid date, to-wlt. December th.. A. D. 1916. the polls to be opened at eight o'clock . ..... ... n and to remain open ill IH" iU.MWw , until even o'clock P. M. except one , .... i,m 12 o'clock Noon until one . o'clock P. M , and In all things and respects to be held as by law provld- ed Suggesting to the electors of the City that a NOMINATING CAUCUS be held at the City sUU W e r. as, I of November 29th., 1H6. for the 'purpose of nominating candidates I for the aforesaid offices. Done and dated tins ara., uuy ui November A. D. 1916, Hy ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Attest, Harry B. Grauel, (SeaD City Recorder. First publication Nov. 4, 1916 Last publication Nov. 26, 1916. bbbP sPssrPB558 ' A V J lakry B I I Jl T sssT? 1 F k -V ii i ll) A, enii o ' 111 UH i J II 111 Ifl I V r v."" At the end o fle Kiftoric Ltwii and Clark trail, on th Pacific Ocean, 1U2S nulef of foiest- skirted surfweshed CUTSOf KACH. Bi. modem hotel, at OARIURT lid SMSIM. Fine butluig In Surf end two $3 5,000 Katatoria. Manifold amusementf, golf, tennis, etc Inexpensive houl, cottage and camp accommodations. DaJGrfTHJOURrCY forYXj" ALONG the grand scenic Colum bia en "Ike Hert. (est In." Limited Trains to Portland, thence th the picturesaiM "Holland of Oregon and Astoria to the Oceunikle. MUrWIJDon Exposition Trips via North Bank and the fast new 3 million dollar steamships "tftsl Nortsoi ss"Nrtkfi Pstlfg ru jffj S A ' Jig -taj ! v J MmmM ' iaV m4 J jtt .J - "J NOTICE Of 8ETTLEMENT OK FINAL ACCOUNT. NoUce is hereby given that the duly appointed and acting Adminis trator of the Estate of Busan A. Dory, Deceased, has filed his final account in said estate, and that the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, has set Tuesday, December 7, 1916, at the hour of 100 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, at the oourt room in the Court House at Vale, Oregon, aa the time aud place Snd for Our Vacation BookUt $21.65 Round Trip Particulars of Ticket Agent Oregon Short Line ui Ufl for hearing objections to said final account and settling the same Elmer I, Dory Administrator of the Estate Of Susan A. Dory, Deceased First publication. Nov. 4, 1916. Last publication, Dec. 2, 1916. CHAPTER XX. Cornered. The ensign In thn bow of (ho r.nvnl launch scanned the coast linn, with oare. "This Crooked Crng hotel Is an un canny piai I-," Ih boIu. "ThCJf'TO r"0,?" ably got lookouts posited cv.'i-ywhpro. We'd better liuul half a milu away and take them from Ihe rear." His brother ensign grunted. "Dol lars to doughnuts we're on a wild gooso chase," he said. "If there's an) place that covers up its tracks its Crooked Crag. 'You're right though, we'll take tljem from the rear" They landed half a mllo up slrore and as quietly an possible tramped for a mllo through underbrush In the general direction of the granito rock which stood out clear above the tree tops. They halted on the odge of the clearing, from thn center of' which rose the hotel Itself. "Form a circle," said the ensign, "surround the place, and all close In at once. No matter what hnppens, don't let anybody gut away." One of the ensigns - bockoned to Neal. "Come wtth me,"' ho said, "you know the man wore AftKr nnd run de scribe him. I'll fined yo.u und about threo more besides." With rhythmic, ringing stops, the lit tle squad crossed the clearing, darted up tbe rustle staircase and tramped across tbe veranda of tho hotel. 8ol inger mot them mt the door "Yes," gentlemen." he said, bowing, "whrft can I serve your "Serve us nothing, " said thn ensign atornly. "Wo are looking for a smug gler tluvt you havo got. He Is hero. We know he Is. here and wo are go ing to get. him." Meantime Hernandez had entered the room whero bo had confined An nette. Once more he locked tbe door behind him and without a word crossed the floor toward bur. Annotte had made up 'her mind Just what to do. She must 'fight with a woman's weup ons and she had a woman's weapon a bat pin. ' She waited until Hernandes was within three- feet of her, then she raised the weapon and sunk it diep Into tils outstretched arm. Hla face white with anger, Hernan dez caught her roughly by the throat. But be hat) forgotten something for gotten that she had Inherited tremen dous strength. Young and graceful as abe was. hor every muscle was well trained. With one strong sweep of her arm, she throw him off aud then plunged' Into a fight, tbe fight of a wildcat against a wolf. She toro at his face and head, clutching for bis eyes; trying for a hold upon hla ears. Time and again she repulsed hl::i, then with one wild clutch she caught him by tbe hair and held him with a strong grip of her right hand .vhllo abe puuimeled hit face with a smull but energetic left. Hernandes retreated to tho door, un locked It aud gave vent to a low whis tle. Ills whistle .was Immediately an swered, l'onto entered the room, dragging wMh him tbe lnu brutu. "Seise her," be demanded of the brute. The girl stared at this huge figure with terror in her eyes. The brubs started across the floor, and then whtwpurlug. with hands hanging at his sides, turned away from her. Hernundus nodded to his assistant, I'ont i'outo drew his ev. r ready whip an 1 lashud the brute Into obedience. The huge man, still whlm perlug, caught the girl In hla aims and held her. Hernapdes, without the slightest compunction, tore open Annettes waist. You vixen," said Hernandes bo tweeu bis teeth, "1 Will get that mup if I hive to Bay you." Meantime, one by one, on the lower floor, the ensign's cohorts hud strug gled li) Each saluted as he came. "It's no use," they whispered to the ensignr, "Sollnger's got us beat. W. can't find anything " Neal w;is Die last to c.-nio. Uu hud made a thorough search. A seuiuan run lightly up the stcpu Into the ottlce and saluted. "Beg your purden. sir," be said "1 found this In a crevlcv in a Wk be hind the house. It looks bad. sir." He handed rver thy message which Annette had. scrawled upou tbe card of Ij-one Courtier tbe mme.ge ti I al)e ,.n i' uiiU'il li nn upper MOU the room with tbe barred windows in the rear. "The tiarfdken hlef 'is tied there, sir," est '' IhbI the i '''". """'1 1 feel sur- thul pM leestt the i-ooin." Tie- iiud the card and hand- A It to tifjsl Neal touched his hat "May 1- lo I have to wait for or ders, bir?" he' cried. "No." roared the ensign. They reached the third floor corrl dor and darted Into an open room and thrust beads out of an unbarred win dow. Tbe sjjlor plucked Neal by the leeve. '"Ihcie," he whispered. "It's next door to this. The two windows. Die bars and the handkefcnlef tied on. Come on." They darted out onro more Into the corridor. There was no door, no open ing; but this mattered not to Neal. He stepped to the far end of the hall and seised a fire ax, which hung JQ vMm J .::al:tnsW:!sss "You Shall Visit Mt at My Villa at Newport." there In a rack. Then be dnrted back aud with ringing strokes begii his as sault upon tho wall. Suddouly from within he hoard a woman's shrlok. "Neal," cried Annotte's voice within, and It. was tho voice of a girl beside herself with agony and fear. "Neal, It is I Annette Come, for God's sake, come." Neal delivered one more crashing blow, then he motioned to his fellows. "Coma, beys," he said, "there's not in . ..lid to lose. This thing has got to go." The corridor was fairly broad. The Uttle squad of sailors withdrew and huddled against the opposite wall. Then as one man this human batter ing ram luuged and lurched across tbe hall and propelled itself against the already spllutered partition. With a crash tbe secret door went dowu, and with a bound Neal was in tbe room. Annette, ber dross torn, her hulr disheveled, struggled With tho brute In one corner of the room. Ponto had released her. With a bound he crossed the room aud Jerked aside the fireplace, disclosing a secret exit He crawled through tho aperture and disappeared. Hernandez, stupefied with astonish ment, yet bad au expression of tri umph and glee upon bis face. Ho was thrusting a yellow parchment Into his pocket. Annette with a final struggle slipped from the brute's grasp and darted toward Hernandes, calling to Neal. "Neal, Neal," she cried, "bo's got my father's msp." With one spring Neal was upon Her nandes. He snutchod buck tbe baud with which I'ornaudos was pushlug the mup into his pocket. Tbe map came out torn and crumpled. An nette, beside herself, auutched at it with both bauds. Neal grabbed at 11 and also got a hold. Hernandes still bold It In his Iron clutch. All this took place In an Instant. In another liutunt the three bud falleu back, ouch lit a separate direction. The mup had purtud and each clutched a piece of it. Hernandez, with an oatb, turned and dived into the secret passageway, Klve minutes later the fastest bout along the shore the boat which lues Castro called ber own was chug chugglug out to sea with three fig ures huddled In her bottom tbe brute and renin urn! t huii chief, Hernandes, Tbey had wriggled somehow through the surrounding circle, had tig mugged in and out of shots bad made good their escupe. When the ehase was over Neal ru tuiued and half apologized to Inez. "Sorry, Miss Courtier, ' be said, "but they've niudo away with your fast mo torboat. We couldn't get to ours in (line. We landed hair a mile or so Just up the sh-.re. How do you feel?" "Better," exclalmud Ines. "It's tho .i. ii. ii.. nt, the uolbo, the pistol shots they have made mo well again." Neal thrust his hand into his pocket and pull, d forth a crumplod piece of paruhnieut. 'What did you get, Annette?" he in quired. Annette thrust ber hand Into her dress und pulled forth her own tat tered portion Inez, watchiiiK, bent her heud to listen. Neal und Auiieite spread their two pieces of tho map out upon the little stand, lielweeii them ih. hud the bulk of the lower portlou of the mup. It was u II. ml. surface, aave tor three things a little tail of the Island sticking down aud the words "longitude" and "latitude," and noth ing else. Annette laughed In glee. "We've got everything we want," she said to Neal. "What is here is Important. What the uiun with the saber cut upon bis .face bus got is ol no use to him or us. We beat hiiu to It, Neal, we beat bim to It." Over on the had Inez, lu her crouch lug attitude, still listened, wondering, (TO ill:: CON'llNL'tlJ) Prices quoted bcbjVi are fMtnl re tail price.-, travailing in Ontario ancj are in no cn.so Ipedal isje prii Apples, box T5c to fl.OO lemmas, SN . '!0c Oranges, coz 50c to G0C Lemons, doz rr Beans, navy, 7c and 8c Butter, ranch, Ib ,10c Htltter, Creainerv 40c Cabbage, new, It) 1 o Cheese, fancy, lb. 20c ltanch eggs doz :-,(. Flouf, high patient, sack ... fl.tl Flour, straight grade, sack,..?1 II Sugar, cane, per Owl fG.UB Honey, strained, pint :' Honoy, comb, lb. 15c, and 2 for. . Nuts, English walnut.., Ib Nuts, Brazils, lb 25c Almonds, lb 25c n,l,.., ,liv nef tl Hire, Ib So ami 10c Potatoes, sack 8 0c Summer squin.li per lb lc Pie Pumpkins, per lb lc Lard, lOlbs $1.35 Mam, per lb Bacon, per lb 224c to Head cheese, Ib 20c Hens, lb 10c Lamb, spring, fore quarters $1.00 Lamb, spring hind quarters $1.50 Lamb chops, rib, lb 25c Mutton chops, lb loc Pork chops, loin or rib, lb 20c Pork, shoulder, lb IKe Rolled rib ronst, Ib 28c Rib roast, prime, Ib 22c Round steak, Ib 20c Mat-bone tenderloin, lb 2Sc Salmon, Ib 20c Halibut, Ib 20c Kippered salmon, lb 20c Salt salmon, lb 12 He Smoked salmon, Ib .'!0c Smoked herring, each 5c Shoulder steak, Ib 18c Shoulder roast, Ib 15c Sirloin steak, Ib 25c Smelts, Columbia river, 2 lbs. for. .2no Spare ribs, Ib 15c Ham, sliced, Ib H0c LIVE STOCK. Hogs 4 M,c to 6c Veal 4c to 5o Cows 3c to 4 14 o l.ambs 4c to Go Steers 4c to Gc Muttou 3c to 4o ChurchjServices Catholic Church. Mass at 10 u n Sun.luy mornings. H. A. l AMPO, Rector. Congregation il Church. Sunday School, 10.00 a. m. Morning Worship, llhO a. in. Endeavor, 7:00 p. in. Evening Service, 8:00 p. m. REV. PHILIP KOENIG. MKTIIODIST Ctll'Ki II Sunday School, 10:HJ a. in. Preach ing, morning, 11:00 a. m., evening 8:(hi p. m. Yoj need the church the ehur. h eei VO'J "Ia-Cs get together.'' C. C. PRATT, Pastor L'uited 1'reob) terlan Church Bible school at 10 A. M. JPti Ing at 11 A. M. and 7:30 1'. M Chrlsttau Endeavor at 6:45. Come to auy or all the servl.es and you will find a welcome W N. Hrowu I'ustor. HAITIHT IH IU II. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Morning Service 11 :() u. m. Evening Service 7:110 p. m. B. Y. P. U 6:"' P- '" Prayer Meeting. .Wednesday Kvi Bible Study Tlnir-.lay r.'.- A heurty invitution If. oten.iid If 11. DAVID E. BAKKR, PUtc. Place your order for bulbs ut the Ontario Elorul Co $100 Reward, $100 Th read, i ..f this 1 plruM.il to I...M, th ,' drrttltrd illseio., Ilinl Hhl to cure In i. li e Catarrh Mull's ' mairli I iro I ponltlvi- I III, I. v. i n n to ' frawrniiy. Culsrrh I i ' l'.,1"',Ju .lieae. I.-..'.' a unit. Hull's Cuturrh I'm " ' ' I ..ma II.- ...lii.K .III IK lllii. i' I un.l mucous uil 'i " ' aim miuminb ruin -- - by il.. -.tno I.ik Hi' f" ,'''. ..lid K'WI'K II building ue ' nature lu iii.ins li we bav so mm li ihIiIi I f-rs that th. v ..(! ' ' ,""'" for any can., llisl It ' lis w for liMt Of I" lllll"! i '- , ,, ,r . . n TkViwil''lii'"' V''m ,ur toiistlDSllon. WONG CHONG LAUNDRY Under ae iBinageiaeiit Staivlifil ('"liars iiiul Shirts a specialty. All work fciiarantnil. and levied upon as the pro