The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 04, 1915, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Oy William Hamilton Osborne,
petltlre examinations. Suddenly the
window WM mined swiftly but noise
lessly, and from without.
Ono of Joe's friends across the tahlr
rose, with terror written on his faco.
He pointed with his linger at the win
dow. "Look, look," ho cried. They looked.
A long thin, gristly brown arm with
long clawlike Angers, thrust Itself
through the window and thrust a fold
ed piece of paper Into the breast
pocket of Joo Welcher's coat. Joe
sprang to his fed, crouched terror
stricken In Hi" corner, shielding bin
faco with his arm His thrro cronies
leaped to the window, and looked out
There was a moon. Hut there was no
one to bo seen. Tho owner of the
hand and arm had dl'inppearod. Welch
er, coming to himself, clutched at the
note, and unfolded it and read.
My Charming Friend: (It said)
Once more I have returned from New
York. I atay at Lonesome Cove Inn.
Meat me there tomorrow afternoon
perhaps I ahould aay this afternoon
at three. It la of Importance. When
you come, Inquire for Inez Caatro I
have used that name In order that
certain mutual friends might not hear
of It Aa ever,
Irene Courtier.
That afternoon at three Lonesome
Core three miles north of Seaport
was graced by tho presence of .Too
Welcher. Welcher made a boo line
for tho cafe and properly aplrod up
lila breath before proceeding to keep
the rendezvous. Then he approached
Mulligan, the HI favored proprietor.
"You got a certain party here of the
name of Inei Coatro," whispered
Welcher to Mulligan.
"What's that to you," said Mulligan
Welcher produced his noto tho note
produced un uiiuhiu.I effect upon Mul-
Igan. Me dropped his surliness, and
with a wink beckoned to richer.
leading him dov. n a dim corridor. "Go
up that there atalrcaae," he command
ed. "and knock at Number Seven."
"I aont for you." Inez begun, "that
you ahould do a favor for ine "
Welcher aelzod her hand. That was
his undoing. In a moment she was lr.
his arms, struggling. Mo kissed net
full upon tho lips.
"I'll go to hell ami bnek for you," he
maid. Struggling, she half su ained
Then something happened Cnknown
to Welcher, the door of Iluom Seven
opened noiselessly, nod a well dreaacd
man, with a aaber cut across his face,
entered on tiptoe. Mo closed t'.io door
behind him. and stood tin re, watching
the struggle, silent, sinister. -
Suddenly Inez bcreamed. 8ho re
leased herself from Welcher'a arma
and reeled against the tuble, her eyes
wide with fright.
"My my husband," she g;o i l. She
held out her hands pleadingly toward
the newcomer. Welcher cowered in
abject terror.
"It was nothing nothing." rasped
Inez, "a bit of ploy nothing else be
lieve me "
Hernandez smiled a wicked atnlle
He never looked at Inez. Mo glared at
Joey Welcher.
"So I see," he aald. "a bit of play."
He whistled. The door opened onco
again. Two figures entered the) brute
aud Ponto. Hernandez guve a sign
and the brute picked Joa Welcher up.
whirled him In the air, and brought
him down seated at the table. This
was the added finishing touch to make
Joe realize his helplessness. Hernan
dez clapped his hands and the brute
left the room. Ponto. the fat V.exl
can, curled himself up underneath the
table. Hernundez Beated himself
"A bit of play." laughed Hernandez,
harshly Then his brow furrowed with
wrinkles, his eyes became giern.
"Young sir," he tuld, "your foster
sister la one Annette Illlngtou. You
live lu the sume hoiifco with her 8ho
has In her possession a small oilskin
packet a yellow packet possibly
you've seen ItT"
He waited for an answer. Joe mois
tened his dry lips and nodded.
"Well and good," went on Hernan
dez, "that packet Is mine It belongs
to me. You shall steal It from her
steal it for me. You understand?"
Hernandez smiled. Then his face
froze. His hand darted forward and
he clutched Welcher by the wrltt
"My young friend." went on Hernan
dez, "you are a crook. I have watched
you from first to last. Always I have
watched you. 1 watched you while
you made love to my young wife this
day. I watched you when you stole
her money from her a week or so
"Give me a drink," cried Welcher,
"go on. What do you want me to do?"
"First," returned Hernandez, "aay
nothing to anyone about me or my
companions nor about Inez here
nothing To you we are as a MM
book. Hreak silence and well, my
ancestors were of the Spanish inquisi
tion my young friend. Silence comes
first Next, get that packet. 1 care
not by what means and bring it to
me at the time aud place 1 shall here
after designate. Now go. Touight,
you understand tonight."
That night. Welcher, fully dressed.
AAA. tossing JU . Ail, mtUfiti JttaL- aUstfi
from page )
the tap-tap of pebbles on hfiT window.
Startled, he rose and peered without.
The sky was cloudless and the moon
three-quarters by Its rays ha saw
threo crouching figures shadows of
tho night. One of these figures held
up a white hand. Welcher responded
with a silent signal; and then drew
oncK into his room He drew from his
pocket a pint flask and drank deep.
He smoked a cigarette, taking quick,
swift, strong puffs and Inhaling deeply
he needed strength. He waited un
til the tingling of that first drink had
entered his system; and then he took
another and another. Then he re
joiced, for he was reckless now, reck
less as to consequences. He lit an
other cigarette, and tossed the lighted
match far from him snd ho tiptoed from
the room. Softly and In his stocking
feet, he crept along the narrow second
story hallway. At laat he stood In
front of Annette's door. The door was
closed. Welcher turned the handle
softly, noiselessly, and It yielded to
his pressure. The door was not locked.
Under his silent, nteady pressure. It
opened on a crack Inch wide more.
Then suddenly, from within he heard
Annette's voice a dream voice
"Noal Neal."
It startled him. Hs stood there si
lent for an Instant. Then he realised
that something had happened to him
he had become sober, too sober, to do
the trick. He felt In his pocket for the
flask. It was not there. He had loft
In In his room. 8tealthlly ho groped
his way back to his room, opened the
door and reached for the bottle.
Then with a choking, Inarticulate
cry, ho turned and darted down the
stnlrs, out of the house and up the
His room waa a living furnace of
red flames the hastily tossed lighted
match had done Its work.
Outside, Ponto and HernandesVon
derlng, gave chase. Welcher, with
fear at his heels, spod on and on.
Annette woke, choking. Pmoke
poured Into her room. She realised at
once that tho house was burning. She
heard tho nearby crackling of flames
sho saw the nearby glare of flame.
Without tho village fire gong clanged
she hoard the shouts of volunteers
coming down the road.
Sho run to Mrs. Hardin's room The
door was locked; smoke waa creeping
from underneath the door. "Mother
Mother Hardin," cried Annette. There
was no response. In a frenzy Annette
ni-lu'l back to her room, seized a
chair and returned to the locked door.
With a mi. i. n twlat of her lithe body
she raised tho chair above her shoul
ders and brought It crashing against
tho door. A volume of smoke poured
out. Regardless of It Annette rushed
In, druggod Neat's mother uncon
scious as sho was from the bed, out
of the room and down the stairs.
"Joey," gasped Annette, "Joey
Welcher he's in there. Wo must se
him. too."
"No," Interposed a distant neighbor,
"he's not In there 1 saw him In the
village, running for help."
During the confusion, three shadowy
figures, returning as from a chase,
crept through the smoko and crouched
beneath bushes In the rear of tho
house, unnoticed and unseen.
One of these men turned to another.
"Ponto," cried Hernandes In a low
voice, "what of the packet? what of
Lost Isle? tho fool Welcher! Dy this
time we might have had It."
Annette, seated on the ground, with
Mrs. Hardin's head In her lap, watched
the scene as In a dream. Her glance
roved from the flames to the crowd of
jostling people and from them back to
tho flames again. Then suddenly her
heart rose to her throat. Peering at
li.-r from tho middle of a druse mass
of shrubbery, there was a face a face
with staring eyes, matted hair, and un
kempt beard.
She had seen that face before and
on that very road It had once strick
en terror to her heart. This time how
ever, it had a far stranger effect upon
her. No sooner had she caught alght
of this uncanny countenance, than, un
accountably she remembered some
thing the yellow packet
"My father's fortune my fathar'a
whereabouta," she cried. She sur
rendered her charge to a neighborly
woman close at band and struggled
to her feet. She reached her room In
comparative aafety, aave for the chok
ing in her throat. Once there she
seized a water pitcher and drenched
herself from head to foot then with
dripping hair aud clothes she felt for
and found her hiding place. She
groped for the packet. A tongue of
flame swept the window She shut
It, and the glass cracked and fall
tinkling to the ground below. Than
she groped again.
"I've got it got It" she cried In
exultation, and thruat the yellow pack
et safely In her breast. There was s
sudden crash. She flung open her
room door. The staircase, eaten
through with flame aa Ita top moor
lugs hajl fAliea In The hallway. VJkf
alive with flame. She sprang To her
window no thoroughfare the whole
side wall the side of her room was
now ablaze. Obeying some Instinct
Annette threw herself face downward
on the floor. The air there was singu
larly sweet and cool.
"Somebody will come," she told her
self, "somebody will come."
Without the word passed that An
nette had rushed Into the house wao
inside now. A huge figure leaped
Into the crowd, parting It right
and loft and bounded Into the door
way of the house. Whimpering with
fear, the Brute ran hither, thither,
through the living room, and entered
the hall finding the staircase a mass
of ruin. He leaped and clutched the
landing up above. Some Instinct led
him to Annette's room. He saw and
found her clutched her unconscious
form in his huge arms and leaped with
her to the floor beneath and, unseen,
laid her unconscious form down
at the feet of Mrs. Hardin. Then
".IV. w,..l.i.-. '!'
sped away Into the night
Hernandez gritted his troth. "1
thought 1 had that brute trained," he
exclaimed wrathfully, as he realized
that Annette and her treasure had es
caped him, "and I thought hn was
afraid of fire. In both I waa mistaken.
We must take It out of his hide, Pon
to next time ha must make no mis
Church Services
Catholic Church.
Mass at 10 a. in. Sunday mornings.
H. A. CAMPO, Rector.
Congregational Church.
Sunday School, 10:00 n. m.
Morning Worship, 11:00 a. in.
Endeavor, 7:00 p. m.
Evening Service, 8:00 p. m.
Mkthodist Church
Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Preach
ing, morning, 11:00 a. in., evening 8:00
p. in.
Yoj need the church the church
ei. v i "Let's get together."
C. C. PRATT, Pastor
hIi.mI ri.--.iM i. -I inn church
Bible school at 10 A. M. Preach
ing at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.
Christian Kndeavor at 6:46.
Come to any or all the services and
you will find a welcome. W. N. Ilrown
Sunday School 10:00 a. m.
Morning Service :00 a. m.
Evening Service 7:30 p. in
B. Y. P. U :30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting. .Wednesday Evening
Bible Study Thursday Evening
A hearty invitation is extended to
Local Market
Prices quoted below are general re
tail prices prevailing in Ontario and
are in no case special sale prices:
Apples, box B0 to 7Cc
Bananas, dos 80c
Beans, navy, 7c and 8c
Butter, ranch, lb 80c
Butter, creamery, :iu-
Cabbage, new, lb 1 Vie
Cheese, fancy, lb. 20c
Flour, high patent, sack $1 . '.'
Flour, straight grade, sack,, .11.115
Sugar, cane, per cwt t
Honey, strained, pint 20c
Honey, comb, lb. 15c, and 2 or.. 26c
Lemons, dos 30c
Nuts, English walnuts, lb 25c
Nuts, Brazils, lb 25c
Almonds, lb 25c
Onions, dry, per lb 3c.
Oranges, cos 40c to 60c
Potatoes, sack 80c
Ranch eggs dos gftc
Rice, lb 8c and 10c
Halibut, lb 20c
Ham, per lb 25c
Bacon, per lb 22Hc to 25c
Head cheese, lb 20c
Hen.- ..II. 16c
Lamb, spring, fore quarters $1.00
Lamb, spring, hind quarters $1.50
Lamb chops, rib, lb 25c
Lard, lOlbs $186
Mutton chops, lb 18c
Pork chops, loin or rib, lb 20c
Pork, shoulder, lb 18c
Rolled rib roast, lb 28c
Rib roast, prime, lb 22c
Round steak, lb 20c
Flat-bone tenderloin, lb 28c
Salmon, lb 20c
Kippered salmon, lb 20c
Sutumer squash per fb lc
Salt salmon, lb 12 V4 c
Smoked salmon, lb 90c
Smoked herring, each 5c
Shoulder Mcak, lb 18c
Shoulder roast, lb 15c
Sirloin steak, lb 26c
Smelts, Columbia river, 2 lbs. for. .26c
Spare ribs, lb 15c
Ham, sliced, lb 30c
Pie Pumpkins, per lb lc
Hogs 4Vc to 6c
Veal 4c to 5c
Cows c to 4 44 c
Lainbe 4c to 6c
Steers 4c to 5c
Mutton . . 3c to c
Professional, Business, and
.:. Classified Directory ...
The Ontario Argus is read by thousands of people each and every week
brings bargain seekers If you have anything for sale if you want to loan
or borrow if yon want to bn in fact any thing you want, you can get
through the "WANT AD" minimis of The Argus -The leading professional
and business men will be found in our directory each Week.
Anyone wanting rug or a cnriiet
woven from rags address Mrs. 9.
Hurkhardt, Ontario or ctvK at Wyom
nlng nnd Urant St. tf.
Registered .Jersey Stock;
One bull, two trows, two cal
ves. All purebred .lerstvs.
Will sell all or part. L.
Comstock, Phone 204K.12-
(Jonklin Ranch. tf.
FOR BALE Indian motor cycle
good condition. Juat been thorough
ly overhauled. Best cash offer takes
it. Apply at Argus Office. 41-tf.
FOR SALE Potato digger at Holy
Rosary Hospital. tf
FOR SALE Row boat In best of
condition, with air tanka and Evln
rude motor. Inquire II B. Logan.
Moore Hotel.
FOR BALE 1 dosen Ancona cock
erels. Won 4 first prises and ono
second prise at Malheur County fair.
Inquire J. J. Dieaa, P. O. Box 61,
Ontario. 37tf
FOR SALE One work mare, weight
1300, age 8. J. J. Dlllard, Ontario.
FOR SALE One second hsnd heat
ing stove flrst class shape will
sell cheap address P. O. Box 261,
FOR RENT- -2 room house near tho
high school. Inquire phone 110M.
FOR RENT Rooms for light house
keeping, steam heated. HOTEL
ONTARIO. 40-tf
LOST-Largo Cameo brooch
Finder leave at Argus oilier
and receive reward! tf
LOST Oct. 3rd., near O. 8. L. depot
a silver mounted bridle, red leather
split headstall, braided reins. $6 00
reward, no questions asked. Return
to C II. Trousdale. 40-tf.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Malheur County.
In the matter of the Estate of
Thomas I.. Illackmun, Deceased
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has tiled her final account
of the administration of the estate
of said deceased. That Saturday.
December 4th, 1916, at the hour of
1 I o'clock A. M. at the County Court
room In the County Court house, In
the City of Vale, Oregon, has been
fixed as the time aud place for hear
Ing any objections thereto If any
there be.
All persons having any Intercut in
said estate are hereby notified to be
present on buid day at mild time and
place, and show cause if any there
be why the said final account should
not be allowed, and the administra
trix discharged aud the said estate of
said deceased distributed according
to law.
This Notice is published by order
of the Hon. (Jen W McKnlght, Coun
ty Judge of Malheur County, Oregon.
Date of first publication, Novem
ber 4th, 1115.
ciara E. lilackman,
I .list Publication Dec. 2. lb I..
DANCING ORDERS Our Specialty--Are
you planning a dancing par
ty? You waut Fine Dancing orders.
That's where we live Visit u mid
be couvinced -ONTARIO ARGI'S
DANCK Saturday night Moore
Hall. Everybody Invited.
Under new nianageintiit
Starched Collars and
Shirts a specialty.
All work guaranteed.
dr. w. a. howi:
Over 1st. Phones, Ortice 73-R
Null Dank Res. , ' i;
Wilson llulldlng
Phone. Res. 48-J. Office 162-W
Ontario ...... Oregon
W. II., Attorney at Law.
Wilson Bldg. Ontario Ore.
Will Practice in All Courts
Notary Public. Office Over Poatofflr
Room 0, First NaUonal Rank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon.
Mcculloch & wood
Rooms 1-2-8 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon.
It. W. Kwagler Attorney at lvr.
Rooms, 13-14-16 Wilson llldg
Ontario Oregon.
for cut flowers. Argus Office, Ontario,
Oregoi Short line lime Table
Ontario, Oregon, November 8th 11)14
No. Leave
17 Oregon Wash. Limited 4:22 a in
76 Huntington Paasanger u:tt6 u m
19 Oregon Wash. Express ftfl B in
6 Fast Mall 6:10 p m
18 Oregon Wash. Limited 2:61 a m
76 Boise Passenger 8:60 a m
4 Eastern Express 12:07 p m
6 Oregon Wash. Express 6:33 in
No. Leave
13D Mixed, daily except Sunday
for Riverside 12:20 p in
No. Leave
141 Mixed Vale and Brogan
Daily except Sunday 10:00 a m ;
97 PassaiiKer, Vale daily 7:00 p m j
140 Mixed, daily except
Sunday from Rivejide 12:01 m
98 Passenger, from Vale
daily -l"
142 Mixed from Brogan
. and Vale Daily except
Sunday Ml l ni
The Hi. mini.. If train leaves Nvssa
at 130 p in on Tuesday, Thursday,
(Saturday, returning, arrive at On
tario at 5 30 p in
Place your order for bulbs at tint
Ontario Floral Co.
$100 Reward, $100
Thi. reader of llil papal will !
i ii ,i ... i- lim .-iu.i
, . . II... I 1. .-in ; Ih.j be. ii
,1,1,. i . ii ni till lot stuk-L-ii. and tiiat Is
aiarrti iIjII'm Catarrh Cure Is lit only
uosiilv.- ..!.. nuw known to the indt -ii
fiat, rniu Catarrh twins a constitutional r.-'julree a oiintituilonal Inm
mrut Halls Catarrh Curt Is taken In
ternally. ariltiK directly upon the ll I
,ii.l mucous surfaces of Iho ayatera. there
by destroylns Hi foundation of the dU
ease, and slvlns the patient etrenstlt l
Lull. Unit up Hut eoiietlt in ion and asalstln
nature in dolus Ita work Tlie proprietors
have so m ui Ii faith In lie curative pow
ers that Hiey offer One ll'liulr. ij Ii II T
for any ue that It falls to cure, bend
tor Hat of testimonial
Ad.1i.aa I 'lOCNKY 4 CO. Toledo. O
tola by all iTugcleis. He
Ska Haifa lamiiy Pllla for cooatlpailoa.
Ontario, Oregon
Office in New WilRon Iilock.
Dr. Harriet Sears
Dr. Pauline Scare
Graduates American School of Osteo
pathy, Kirksville, Mo.
Wilson Block. Telephone 154 Blk
I. P. KIDD, Prop. Job and Commer
cial Printing a specialty. Ontario, Ore.
K. COPE, The Tailor, Tailoring.
Pressing and (Moaning.
I'll. hi" in.'W Opposite Post ortice
Meet all rains.
J. H. FARLEY Funeral director
and embalmer. Lady assistant. Phone
1H2-W. Ontario, Oregon.
S' ihm Nw rVfey
C ,J a . 3J -
mi Hours lletweeu Port
land ami S.iu I i.iimImii
Luxurious Steamships
"Northern Paclllo" and
tiruat Northern. Six
Decks, Triple Screw, Tur
blues, Spoed 24 Knots,
Suites De Luxe with buths,
Class enclosed promenade.
Deck liauiea. Guruge for
40 aulos.
Fare Include Meals and
IW-llllK. 1 ."-ill"H- .now
At 'I heir Beat Low Ex
cursion fares
aud ihiouKU ser
vice l.uave
Portluud ' 30 a
m, arrive S. F.
3.30 in w duv.
.semi for Ifctoklet. OreKou Short
line Ageuta Hell Ticket.
It. H. Ciuzler, A. U. P. A.,
Portland, Oiemi
Si.ii I i. un i, i,, in... .Market si
Via Oregon Short Line
March 1, to Nov. 30
You can ) via Ogdetl, Salt
Lake and Los Angelflf. and
return via San Francisco,
Portland and Huntington or
vice versa at a comparatively
low expense and cover
B&al B a av C
most interesting acenic
points of the Pacific Coast,
including both Expositions.
Ask agents for rates and further!
particulars or write,
Gen. l'ass. Aft., Salt Lake City
Official Directory
Pate tl ' :trs
Preftident Woodrow VV'llunn
Vice President Thos. It. Marshal
iscrstsry of state. .Robert LnnsinB
Secretary of Troon.,. . V. O. McAdoo
Seen i, try of War, . . I,. M. Garrison
Attorney Ueneml,, Tims V. OreKor)
I'ostm.i'iter-Ceiii'rnl V. BBrtOSOl
Secretary of Navy I. Daniels.
Sec'y of Interior, . . Franklin K.I.anf
Sec'y of AKriculture.. I). F. Houston
Sec'y of t'ontinort'K, Win. t Itedflcld
Secretary of l.alior. . . .V. II. Wilson
Sec'yto tho Pre J. P. Tumulty
I'. S. Supreme Court.
Chief Justice Kdwnrd I). White
A.'ism -lute Justices,
JOSSe-h McKennn
Olher WcihIcII Holmes
Willluui I! Day
JamoH t". Mclteynolds
t'hnrles K IIiirIiom
WIIIIm Van OcMinter
Joseph It l.ainar
Mali Ion Pitney
Vale I'. H. Laiiil-Ofllcera.
Register Thos. Jones
Itecelver M. N. Fegtly
Ntate unit-era.
Oovernor James Wlthycomhe
Sec'y of State lien W. Olcott
Treasurer T. B. Kay
Attorney-General, . .Geo. M. Ilrown
Sunt, of I'uhllc Instruction
J. A. Churchill
Dairy mid Food t'ommlsHloner
J. 1). Miekle
State Printer A. W. l.awronce
V. S. Senators,
llary K. I
G, K. Chamherlain
W. C. ii. 'A 1.
N. J. Sinn. tl
C. N. McArthur
Stnte Nupreine Court
Chief Justice Frank A. Moore
Assoclato Justices,
Thomas A. Mcllrido
Henry J M'-nn
OeillK'' M lllllllell
Itohert Kaklii
1 I'll I U llell'.iill
Uiwrence T, Harris
Ninth In. II. i. . I oi-tri. i
District Judge Gallon lllafa
District Attorney W. II. Brooko
Senator ViMlli leKinlallve scnilil)
Joint Senator, for Grant, Malheur,
aud lluruoy futilities,
. . V. Stewart
County Onicers
County Judge O. W. McKnlght
County Clerk Juhu I' Houston
Sheriff Men J Brown
County Commissioners,
John F. Weaver
Melville Kelley
County Treasurer, J Ralph Weaver
Aaeesaor Lewis K Hill
School Supt Fay Clark
County Surveyor II. F Farmer
County Coroner It. O. Payne
Juat Ice of the Peace (Outarlo Dis
trict O. L. King
(Ity or Ontario.
Mayor A. W. Trow
Recorder II. B. Grauel
Treasurer C. W. Piatt
Chief of Police Dan Kerfoot
Night Murhhall Walter Hurgess
K. a. Freest
II. I,. Peterson
S. I). Doriuan
8. J. Spencer
H. C. Boyer.
Circuit Court
Circuit Court for Mulheur county
meets In Vule, the county seat, on
the second Monday in January; on
the fourth Monday in April; and ou
the first Tuesday In September for
regular sessions Hon Daltoii lllggs,
circuit Judge; W II llrooke, Dist
rict Attorney; John P. Houston,
Count. i Court.
The Couuty Court of Mulheur
County meets In regulur session at
Vale on the llrst Wednesday of Jan
uary, March, May, July, IsntSa I Sf
and November. County Jo. Ire, Geo.
W. McKnlght; M. D. Kelley uud
John F. Weaver, Commissioners;
John I" HoUStOB, Clerk.
dome Visitors'
Oregon Stunt Line
I'liioH Pacific Svstrai.
Tickets on sale
October 23,
November 20 i 23
Dtit'' lh 11.
Limit !M das
from data i sale.
See an; 0. S. L
Agent for rates.
Buy .o'.i' tickets
througb via the U.
P. Svsfcni. It is
the diiBct wav.