sK AGB --. v-r THB 0NTABIO AROTTB THHRffliAV, OCTOBER 38. 1915. "" ft a - - . BRIEF IXM?AI, NF.VVH BEAUTY AND HEALTH SHOULD BE EVERY WOMAN'S HERITAGE It may be o If you Will Observe die simple laws f nature mid pVOtegt your complexion. Our f'jiee cream and otter toilet preparations will greatly improve the face, preserve the complexion, and otherwise assist nature in its work. Just ask us about the few simple laws of nature that insure perfect health. We know, and our know is yours for the salting. THE ONTARIO PHARMACY a Ad Simon went to Holm Monrtny V. W. Chambers left Monday for Chicago with several carH of cattle 8. F. Taylor made a trip to Welser last Saturday. W. T. Lampkln went to Welser, Monday, returning Tuesday noon Mrs. R, R. Vernon was In from Riverside last week. Mm. L. R. Wllfong of Lowe, Ore.. wm here last week for a few days. A. H. Chrlstensnn was up from Kuna, Idaho, last Thursday. tan F H. McDonald of Newport, Ore , apent a few daya here last week. A. Murphy of Beulah, spent Hun day here. Mra. R. E. Weant of Vale stopped here Sunday. H. M. Gilliam of Baker was a vis itor lu-re Sunday. K. M. Hrower of Sand Point Idaho was a Sunday visitor, here. A. O. Smith was down from Twin Falls the latter part of last waek. 8. A. Armlstead of Boise spent Saturday here. Cynthia Balrd of Jamleson spent Friday hero. L. Rasimissen, claim agent for the O. 8. L. spent Friday here. T. M. Jones of Vale was a visitor here Tuaeday. Miss Hernadette t'ush of Nynsu, is the Ki"'Ht in this city of Miss Klor ice Van Vslkenburg, this week. l.'n Darnell of New Plymouth, was a visitor here last Friday ami Saturday. It R. Dodf e of bWM here Tuesday A. J. Bullous and spent Tuesday here. rlsltor wife of llolse, H. K. Young waa down from Vale the llrst of the week. Mra. C. B. Smith af Caldwell was visitor In Ontario Monday. R. II. Davis was here from Walls Walla, Monday. Fred M. Johnson of Baker City. i was visitor here last week. l.eo Marshes and wife of llolse, were hare the latter part of last weak. Mr. and Mra. A. L, McDowell and little daughter spent Saturday and Sunday In Welaar. K W. Van Valkeuburg mada a trip by auto to Burns last week, re turning Saturday night. Bam I, Itch of Enterprise, Ore., was visitor here the latter part of last waek. John Rlgby of Vale waa a visitor here Tuoaday, ou his way to Cort land. Mra. Cohlck of Welaer was a visitor here Tuesday ami Wcdnoaday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Flfer. Mrs. A. Murphy and Mlaa Klla Murphy of Beulah, spent last Thurs day ln-i Rev. F. L. Cook of Vale made a trip to I'ayotte the latter part of last week, stopping here on his return. HOT WATER BOTTLES UK MOT U II.IC llonils AMI lOl NTAIN HYIUN4.KS Alii: eOslliVKI.V THK HKHT THAT MONKY CAN Ml'V. ALL FILLY (U AHANTKKII BY I'M, AN UF.1,1, AN THK MANl'FAtTlllKH. Supplied iu two mi. I three !. I I. NOfl'K THK PWCKB $1.25 to 2.50 Mrs. Joe Staples went to Caldwell last Sunday for a few days visit wit 'i her mother, Mrs. Lee. Mrs Johnson Defoe and daughter Mildred left Saturday on No. In for a visit In Michigan. Mth C. H. Calkins and daughter Iona Oram of Hnmedale, Idaho are Hpeuding the waek In town visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. N. V. Van I'etten and daugh ter (Irace who were the guests of relatives here this week spent Mon day and Tuesday In Bolae. Mrs I M. Sharer of La Grande, who has ben visiting the past week with her sister Mra. I. F. Arnold of this ey city, returned home Tuesday. Mrs. W. W. l..-tson and Mra. II. C. Schuppell were Boise visitors this week. They went over Tuesday noon ami returned Wednesday evening. Mrs. i-ttle Jonaa and slater, Miss O'Nell, of Juntura, who were vlaltora In this city several daya, returned home Monday. Mrs. C. B. Bingham and son IVni iM left Saturday on No 4 for lluttle I. ui-' Minnesota. Mra. Bingham ex pects to spend some time visiting In Minnesota and South Dakota. Mrs. Itlcker of Union, Ore., who has been the guest of her daughter. Mrs It M. Carllle, for a few days, went to Vale Monday to visit another daughter. Msr. N V. Van Fatten and daugh ter Grace of Pendelton who have been the guests of their son and brother K. C. Van Fatten and family In this city for several days returned home Tuesday evening. I (k Hill's Pharmacy 'iiii best place to buy furniture McDowell's, liuy right you can sell right. Those who have not secured sea son tickets for the Lyceum course can get them at the Ontario Pharmacy. Get a waahlng machine cheap at McDowell'a. own Saturday night Moore Hall Everybody Invited. A good U. 8. Separator for aale cheap at McDowell'a. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOlt HA1.B One heating atova, two rugs room site, one a Itoyal Wilton, little used; one reversible Bmyrua; one Irou bed; and other furniture Mrs. Ji.meite Kviiiii. Cor. of Klug and .Minnesota Ava. 43-lt-pd SOB SA1.B One second hand heat ing stove first elaas shape will sell cheap address P. O. Box Ml, Ontario. Hu f.OST-Uirgc Cameo hrooeh Kinder leave at Argus ofhVe and receive reward. tf READ THE NEW SERIAL 8TORY "NEAL OF THE NAVY" NOW APPEAR NO IN THE AROUS. 8EE THE MOVING PIC TURES NOW APPEAR ING AT THE DREAM LAND THEATRE. IT IS A GOOD STORY, WELL TOLD, AND YOU WILL ENJOY READING IT AND SEEING THE PICTURES. FINE CORN AND GOOD PROGRAM FOR THE CORNECARNIVAL Nothing Over 25c I T.lkK THIS MKAN8 Of AN XOI (IN; TO THK PKOIM.K OF oNTAiin AND Tin: Hi'imorDiG corvrnv, theopkmno i Ml N'KW MOM ON S.VriHD.W. MT. UOth. I WILL KN'DKAV Olt TO SKI. I. QUAMtl OOODH AT H LOW A I'llll'K AH Is -X. HIKTKNT WITH GOOD MKIH'II AN ; DIsl.NO. I CAN MAKK MOB I'ltlCKN IU MTYina AND SKI, U NO I OK i AHH ONLV. I WILI, HKLL HOMK A HTH IKS KYKIIY SATI IUAV AT A HIO MDVCTION. M VOI DO NOT HKK OI'R AD. O.MK IN TO MKK WHAT WK IIWK TO OKKKH ON THAT BAT. SPECIALS The Ontario Presnary Installed a new gasoline extractor and deoder i 'in; machine last week. This ma chine centrlfucally extracts the dirt from the garment which Is left In under the old way of hand wringing or allowing the garment to drain dry. At the same time removes the gas oline odor of the dry cleannlg -for the best work call 8 4 J. opposite Dream land. Art Dunnuck Prop. LOST Oct. 3rd., near O. 8. L. depot a sliver mounted bridle, red leather split headstall, braided reins. 5.00 reward, no questions asked. Return to C. H. Trousdale. 40-tf. CARD OK THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for thi-ir kiiidneiH and sympathy through tin- Illness and death of our beloved Infant son and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. PeuU A Son Owyhee, Ore. OHOHT BANGS. Saturday, October 30, Only Aluminum Ware at "- cents. m !) and in Inch (loop pic plati-s. II and In inch deep Jelly plates. 8 and 10' Inch ItOM bottom Jelly plates. l V4it. ii-'i'P ps44la p " 1 Vtj t . bake pans. 1 qt. sauce pans. Ilrlck In. 1 1 pans. Square biscuit pnim. Deep biscuit pans. hiiiwii and White CimkliiK Wni-e. SHH'lal nt N rents. I, ''. iind 7 Inch uilxlug howls. I, iind 7 Inch puddliiK pun The above In the same us the well known Guernsey ware, only lighter A BANK'S FIRST DOTY CASH BAZAAR COATS YES we have the Greatest Line you ever saw in On tario, all colors, siz es and up-to-the-minute styles and cloths. Prices from $6.00 TO $35.00 VeVH jP &-1'"' '-A t "5 ?a ijfg BBBbI EgkgBBft. ' gaai JIbbWA HI ; (I lllii'n lilMi is to its depositors. Tlio business of this I. imk is I n I in iril on tli in I hi '!'. which in, in truth, SE CURITY AND CON SKRVATISM. Safety is considered before profits. We feel justified in ask ing for your bunking business, assuring you always, courteous trent imiii and satisfactory sci ii e. Will be given at the Moore Hall Monday evening November 1st. All parties taking part will be requested to dress In white loose slip or yamn yania style. Face and head covered with white slip, with eye, nose and mouth cut In. The idea Is to every one, both ladies and gents, to iln- ; as near alike as possible, which will mean a bushel of fun. neamguards Orchestra. No one mil in- allowed to dance except thoso In costume, until after masks are removed. CMrTHINO AND NIIOKN WANTKD. Anyone having clothing nnd shoes for the poor, if they will bring them to the Ilaptlst Paraonage, or call up by phone, No. 47-W, we will go for them. We will appreciate any thing In thla lino, and wll! place It where needed. D. K. Bakar. MAAAwaMyrVVMWWWMvye FIRST NATIONAL BANK Statement of ownership, manage ment and etc., required yb law, of the Ontario Argus published weekly nt Ontario, Oregon, for October 1, 1915. Kdltor. W. 0. Marsh. Owner V (V Marsh. Known bondholders, mortgagees ami etc., M K Ham. I'm Ilia, Mill. n You Are Judged by the Appearance Of Your Letter MissaMs'sssaiMSM If your stationery is up to the minute, with type the proper size and neatly displayed, your communication is pure to command attention. That is the Kind of Stationery our Job Off ice Turns Out sMjgMJM1MaMMMliMMMaMMJMMMMMMMJM B IG RANGE OF CHILDREN'S COATS AND MACKINAWS at $2. 98 to $7.50 ! I E.vSAdBsla ljci SHOES SHOES For Ladies NKW Cll'SlK IIUOT White Stitched it aVI.SO Kid or Patout (i ia.XO with cloth top. OUR SHOES WEAR BETTER AND COST LESS We Take Orders For Flowers For Any Occasion For Misses lAi III I I n I'aieut. Kid or Calf With Cloth .top or without. I'ltM KS IjU.tMi, J - . i! . m. ami ' h.- Flowers of All Kinds lamiKinX h a fa y m gtM m m 0 7 igW Funeral Flowers and Designs, Wedding Flowers and Bouquets Cut Roses, Etc. Flowers for Decorations, for Gifts, and tor Wearing Ontario Floral Co. Headquarters at Argus Office. Phone 49 J ',' 4