The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 28, 1915, Image 1

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(BtttwcU v&m
Volume XIX
Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon, Thursday, October 28, 1915.
According To Present Plana the Carnival Will Be One of
Most Interesting Events Ever Held In This Section
Of the State.
Arrangements for the educational ami instructive fea
tures for the Corn Carnival to he held in Ontario Decemb
er 11 and 12,Jiave jnst been made by K B. Cohklin who
is now in the western part of the state. Mr. Conklin
has been very successful in securing features and attrac
tions which will make the Carnival one of the most inter
esting and attractive events ever held in Kastern Ore
gon. The material secured for the corn show by Mr.
Conklin are more in the nature of exhibits, than talks or
The Congress of Mothers, The Child's Welfare Assn.,
and The Parent-Teachers Assn., will have their exhibits
here, attended by a member of the Congress of Mothers,
and assisted by County School Superintendent Miss Fay
Clark. The State Library and The I'niversity of Ore
gon will send an exhibit which will be cared for by the
local librarian, Mrs. Dodge. The idea of this exhibit is
to show farmers the many different books und works on
horticulture, agriculture and stock raising that may be
secured free of cost, through the local library.
I Ik- si Hi.- Dairy & Food department Social Hygiene Society will end their
will aend tbelr adulterated food ex- i exhibit, In charge of a repreaentatlve.
iHiiit In care of Mr. Bhrock. The This exhibit will require a floor space
gUl g Tgt. w Jk
By k '
ft,. B
Into a Shark-Infested
4 csw
Taken from the deck of ship flung
over the shoulder! of ajicrculean brute a
brute that was once a man carried up to
the ili v height of the moat head, and then
hurled out into the 'sickening space to land
in a tea infected by man-eating (harks.
Sec the Brute gigantic figure of superhuman
strength the thing that was once a man.
He it one of the character! 'hat will com
mand your attention from start to finish in "Neal of the Navy."
William Hamilton Osborne, who has written some of the moat
popular stories of the day. is the author.
Pathe has brought his characters into life in motion picture.
See the pictures at your favorite theater.
PARMA 14 TO 12
The football name here last Satur
day between the local nigh school
thrSbla A
and Parma wan an exciting one
throughout and the boys received u
fair patronage from the towmipeople.
In the first quarter the game start
ed off by a kick off by Ontario, and
after a few downs Ontario received
the ball by a fumble. A few rapid
line plunges and Ontario had first
touch down. The goal kick was miss
ed. Ontario then kicked to Parma
and some cleverly oxecuted passes
by the snappy Parma team gave Par
ma their first touch down.
First quarter 7 to 8 In favor of
Second quarter Parma started the
game with more passes which result
ed In another touchdown and the
goal being kicked gave Parma 14 to
Ontario S. Ontairo then secured the
ball and repeated line plunges and
end runs brought the ball directly In
front of the goal line where Ontario
was held by 4 consecutive downs. A
nice drop kick by Housted secured
three more points for Ontario, clos
ing the first half with a score of 14
to 9 In favor of Parma when Parma
had made her laat score.
Third quarter waa Ontario's from
start to flnlah. A drop kick by Huxt
ed during this quarter resulted In 3
for Ontario, making the score 14 to
12 In Parma's favor. Parma waa In
dangerous territory all this quarter.
During the last quarter it looked
all the time as though Ontario would
score as they were near the goal all
the time. Uuated made another drop
kick but mlaaed the goal, then On
tario team worked to within 6 yards
of the goal line when a foul waa call
ed on Ontario.
of sixteen by twenty-six feet. Loeal
physicians are much elated over se
curing thla exhibit.
The State Game Fish Commiss
ion will be represented by the Stat
Uiologlat W. L, Plnley. He will
bring with him a number of moving
picture reels showing the life of wild
animals and wild birds, and he ex
plains them ua thy are shown on the
C. D. Huffman, on of the grand
I'm on my way to the Corn Carnival.
Did you see the opening reels of this new serial picture at the Dreamland
last Friday night? And did you read the first installment laat Thurs
day? It is the beat moving picture aerial that has been releaaed re
cently and yon will enjoy following it. If you failed to read the open
ing installment last week, call at the office and get another copy of laat
week'a paper, and read it. The Dreamland waa crowded last Friday
night with people interested in the new serial, and no one waa dlaeapolnt
ed. Read the second installment in this issue. See the moving picture
of thla installment at the Dreamland tomorrow night.
officers of the State Orange will be
here to see that the Grange aide of
the corn show is not overlooked.
The O. W. It. N. system will be
represented by "Farmer" Smith, who
ia making plans to be here from be
ginning to end of the carnival. The
Portland Oregonlan will be represent
ed by a special writer, Mr. Addison
Bennett, who la not a stranger In this
community, and who can do the oc
casion Justice.
Mr. Conklin writes that he has se
cured a number of fine moving pic
ture reela for the entertainment of
the visitors. A move ia on foot to
have most of the schools over the
county close for at least one day, to
give the pupils an opportunity to see
the educational side of the carnival.
The matter of special rates on all
railroads is being successfully work
ed out.
In addition to the many other
prises offered, the following special
prise is announced:
The Malheur County Bank, Nysaa,
Oregon, offers the following prises on
ten ear of corn grown during 1914
in the Nyaaa-Big Bend District.
Prizes to be awarded at the Corn Car
nival. Anyone in the Nyasa-Big
Bend District growing corn is eligi
ble to these prisea whether in the
acreage contest or not.
First prise 00 caah.
Second prise 16.00 caah.
Third price, 14.00 cash.
Fourth price $9 00 caah
Fifth prls 93.00 caah.
The Welser and Ontario high school
foot ball teams will meet for the sec
ond time this season In a game to be
played Saturday afternoon on the
local fair grounds. The local boys
expect to get even Saturday with the
Welser boys for the walloping they
received in Welser at the opening of
the season. The game In Welser re
sulted In a score of 13 to 0 In favor
of the Idaho boys. However, It must
be taken Into consideration that the
Ontario hoys played In hard luck In
that game. Holland, Juki after com
pleting the star play of the game, waa
taken out for alleged "(lugging" and
soon after Quarterback Test was In
jured and had to go out of Hie game.
The game Saturday Is expected to
tell a different story. It la called at
3:30 o'clock, sharp, and the admis
sion Is the usual price.
The new cash Bacaar will be open
ed next Saturday morning accord
ing to a statement made by the pro
prietor, Mr. t'hrlstenson this week
The location of the store la in the
building fofrmerly occupied by the
Kentucky Liquor House. The usual
stock for a Variety store will be car
ried and the cost of any article In
the store will not exceed 35 cents. A
special line of hardware will be carried.
A great deal nf Interest Is beliiK
taken In the football gnnie to be play
ed on the home field next Saturday
by our High school and Welser. The
game a few weeks ago nt Welser
was a close one.
The schedule has been completed
for the remaining football games of
the season to he played by our team.
The dates are as follows:
Welser vs. Ontario, at Ontario, Oc
tober 30.
Frultland vs. Ontario, at Ontario,
November 9.
Parma, at Parma No-
Vale, at Vale Novem-
Ontario vs
ember 13.
Ontario vs
ber 36.
Vale and Ontario game will he
played 60 per cent to the winner and
40 per cent to the loser. Will Flser
will be out with the team the rest of
th season and Is working out some
good play with the assistance of
till. The team has confidence of
winning the rest of the season's
gamea. So far the acoro made by
Ontario has been:
Won 64 points.
Lost 38 points.
sihui in is
Pupils having an average of 00
per cent or above la attendance, de
portment and scholarship, have their
name on the "Honor Holi" and are
aa follow:
Donovan Poorman, Layton Key
nolda, Billy Blgga, James Biggs,
Harry Neece, Fred Wlnegar, Brlee
Baker, Waaley Glenn, Harold Newton
In Kerfoot, Ada Mead, Kuth Unip
kln, Ruby Hunt, Panay Routh, Kuth
McCulloch, Gladys Franklin, Leon a
Kl.leu, Lllll Craig and Mildred Poor
man. Floyd Chrlstlanaon waa alck at
th time of the examination and forc
ed to be absent.
The revival service began Tuesday
evening. Kev. B. H. Hick of Port
land and Kev. C. H. McKee of Mc
Minnvllle are here with u and the
service will continue until the mid
dle of November. .Services each
evening at 7:30, and Sundays at 11
A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Let every
body come to these service. Bro.
Hick i a strong forceful 'peaker
aud everyone will do wall to hear
him. A hearty Invitation la extend
ed to one and all.
D. E. Baker, pastor.
Rev. Baker will hold services at
Mallett achool house next Sunday
afternon at 3:00 o'clock.
Mr. W. W. Wood was hostess, to
th Sliver Fork Club last week lion-
;ors were won by Mrs. Homer Kamho
The Lad! Guild of the Kplscopal
church will meet this (Thursday!
afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Geo.
Mrs. John Brosman wll be hostess
to the Needlecraft Club on Thurs
day, Nov. 4th., at the home of Mrs
V. W. Chambers.
Mrs. R. C. Vim Petten was hostess
to the Sliver Fork Club last Wednes
day afternoon. Mn. Cayou won high
The Music Club will hold Its first
program next Saturday, Oct. 80th..
at the home of Mrs. McBratney.
Selections from Bach, Handel and
Haydn will be rendered.
Mr. aud Mrs. I. Adam and Mr and
Mra. C. If Emison will be at home
to a number of their friends Thuis
day evening. Cards will be the en
tertainment. The Tuesday Bridge Club was en
tertained at the home of Mrs. li II.
Whitney this week. This week sew
ing waa the diversion of the after
noon, aa it will be every other week
thla aeasou.
The Wednesday afternoon Sewing
Club waa entertained by Miss Lavlne
Smith at her home this week. A
very pleasaut afternoon waa spent
and refreshments were served at the
close of the afternoon.
The Carnation Club was entertain
ed by Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cockrum
last Friday evening. Cards were
played at six tables High honor
were awarded to Mrs Tom Arnold
and Mr. J. D. Bllllugsley. Delicious
refreshments were served by the hos
tess at the olose of the evening. Mr.
Mrs. Nettie Jones of Juntura, Gets Third Place and Miss
Van Valkenburg Takes Fourth All Contestants Are
Satisfied With Whirl Wind Campaign.
Results of the Automobile 'oiitest.
Miss Maud Walters, Ford ( 'ar 1,681,086
Mrs. p, YVcittenhiller, $100 Vietrola, l,ooi,8::
M rs. Nettie Jones, $75 Vietrola, 4!M),77."
Miss Florence Van Valkenburg, $2.") Cash 454,540
All others a 10 per cent commission.
The above tell the atory of the the winners upon the good showing
A car load of sweet clover seed ha
been shipped this week from Ontario
to the Albert Dickluson Seed Com
pany, at Chicago, the seeds being
shipped by Butler & Company. The
car contained 37,420 pounds of the
seed. Sweet clover grow wild In
this section of the country. It Is not
the kind of clover which is planted
In lawn with blue grass, but It I a
rank growing clover, standing, in
aoute instance, six reet high, and
ha until recently been considered a
nuisance, aud placed In the same cias
with weed.
It has been found, however, that
where it growa with alfalfa, that the
atock will eat the clover before the al
falfa. Investigation waa made, and
the sweet clover waa found to con
tain excellent feed qualities. There
are many Instances uow where it
being raised for feed.
During the past season Butler A
Company has undcrtuken to gather u
large amount of (Big seed, aud the
shipment just made Is the result
Much of this seed wuh gathered along
the pubic l.ighwa--. in the railroi!
right of way, and along irrigation
ditches. An uverage of Ave ceuts a
pound was paid to anyone who would
bring lu the heads, ready for thresh
ing. For the past two or three weeku
a crew of men has been busy thresh
lug out the seed, the thresher being
located on the vacant property across
the railroad track on Idaho Street.
The car of seed brought a returu
of cloe to 15,000, and the Chicago
Mriu I anxious to secure more.
Argus Automobile contest, which
closed promptly on the hour set for
closing, Saturday night. With the
completion of the above count by the
Judges, P. J. Gallagher, A. W. Trow
and J W. McCulloch, four young per
sons were made the recelplent of
four valuable prises Ml Maud
Walters of the Boulevard won the
new Ford Touring car. Mrs. ('. I'.
Welttenhlllor of Ontario won lu
ll oo Vietrola. The $79 Vietrola
went to Mrs. Nettle Jones of Juntura,
and Miss Florence Vsn Valkenberg
received the caah prlxe of 935. All
the other candidates received a lOper
cent commission on all money turned
In for them or by them, ao everyone
got aoinethmlug In proportion to the
amouut of business secured by them.
I ONOKATI i.viionk
The contestants both winner and
losers alike are to be congratulated;
und Mrs. Kllllngsley will entertain
the club at the next meeting.
The membera of the Woman's Club
with the teachers as their guests
spent a very delightful afternoon laut
Saturday at the home of the Club
president Mra. H. O. Drane. The
regular program which waa postpon
ed from th Slat, of October and was
given at this time in addition to the
social afternoon was a followa:
Hull Call Current Event
English Institutions aud Cus
tom Mrs. L. Adam
The People and thelrllomea. . .
Mr. E. G. Ballsy
Docneatlc Science. . i Diacuasion)
The Needlecraft Club met at the
home of Mrs. V. W. Chambers last
Thursday and a iry pleasant after
noon was spent. A guessing game
waa introduced at which Mr. Tllot
sou won first honor. The Invited
guests were Mrs. Lee and Mia Athey.
The afternoon concluded happily with
the serving of refreshmeuta. A num
ber of new members I ave been added
this year making the personei of
the club as follows: Mra. C. Tllot
son, Mrs. Geo. Bender, Mrs. J.
.Stuples, Mrs. Athey. Mr. J. Bros
man, Mrs. ChrUtenseu, Mrs Will
Klser, Mrs. Crooks, Mrs Roy Hmitli,
Mrs M. Morton and Mrs. D. Stoner.
Mrs. M. E. Newton left Sunday
evening for Salem aii a delegate to
the State Convention of the Oregon
Federation of Women's Clubs. The
convention opened Monday inorniug
and the women of Salem have made
preparations to entertain the Club
women with hospitality for which the
city Is famed. A great deal of Inter
est is being takeu all over the state
this year as to the election of the
next president. Mi . c H. Castner,
of Hood Kiver, has been spoken of
in the highest terms us the probable
uext president, aud thobe who are in
touch with club afiairs predict her
they made In the contest. MIhk
Walters certainly did some splendid
work for the Argus having scoured
the country for miles around. Sho
organised her forces In the beginning
and worked every day. Mrs C. P.
Welttenhlllor mude a most creditable
showing as well as being the hardest
competition for Miss Walters for the
first price. Mrs. Nettle Jones entered
the contest with the Intention of
lug thst Juntura carried off a part of
th honor with the result above men
tioned Miss Van Valkenberg also
did some splendid work lu the contest
and made a fine showing for the time
she worked. Others to deserss men
Hon here a faithful wo. kern are Mrs.
Corda Marquis. Mrs M. K iilngham
and Miss Anna Anderson ft whom,
with the others e)j Argus wishes to
take this opportunity of expressing
its appreciation, of the work they
Mr aud Mrs Henry lllackwell of
Portland, went to Hot Lake Wednes
day evening where they will remulu
for ueveral days. Mr. Black well has
been here several times thla fall In
the interests of his farms and his
Mrs. (May Blakely, formerly of
Ontario, who has spent the past few
months at McDermitt, Ore., ha re
turned o Ontario, und has been the
guest of Mrs. Sun ford thla weak.
Mrs. lilukel) uiil make her home
here now, on the Huge farm.
MIns Addle J.onj.' of Cambridge,
Idaho, who bus been the guest of
Mrs. U. A. I 'ok ue In this city since
lust Suturduy, left Wednesday morn
ing f r her home. Mrs. Loug lu Just
returning tfom a trip to the Exposi
tion ut Sun Krunclsco.
TO V l.l. Ulll I
Deputy Sheriff Lee Noe passed
throuKh lure Tuesdav evening on IiIm
way to Wullu Wulla with two prison
ers, Kay Motley mil Kulph Hull who
.ue helng held in die ('.unity Jail
awaiting the action of Hie gruiul Jury.
These men who were arrested for
horse stealing are wanted In Walla
Wulla us witnesses on a case there.
m si i: --Niii or sii:s.
The W. 0. T. U. will hold their
afternoon at 3:30 November 2nd. lu
the Congregational church. Mrs. W.
N. Brown will act as president at this
meeting In the abaeuce of Mrs Bing
ham the president.
A number of Ontario people were
In attendance ut the Wheuton theatre
in Welser Monday evening to nee "A
Pair of Sixea." A special truin leav
ing here ut 7 : 1 .r in I lie evening took u or lue erowd, and u few went
on the regular train. All were well
pleased with the production.
At 11 A. M. the sermon will be dO
livered by Kev. ('. ('. Babhugo, 1) 1
In the evening service ut 7:30 P. M
the pastor will pryueut the second
seruiou of his series to young people.
Subject, "Choosing My Life's Com
pan ion." f
All are welcogiw.
W. N. Brown, pastor.