' l) dhtfttir 10 rm. Volume XIX Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon, Thursday, October 14, 1!1f. No. 41 I MALHEUR COUNTY TO HOLD CORN CONTEST" THE COMMITTEE IN CHARGE HAS RECEIVED THE HEARTY SUPPORT OF ALL OF THE CORN GROWERS IN THE COUNTT TO MAKE CONTEST A ROUSING SUCCESS. One Hundred Dollar Prize Offered By the Ontario Com mercial Club For the Best Acre, and Three Prizes v Are Offered For Each of Three Districts. Extensive plans are being made for the "Corn Contest" which will be held in Ontario, November 11 and 12. E. B. Conkliu, A. (). Kingman and Mr. Miller made a trip through a part of the eounty several weeks ago and nt that time a number of the corn growers deelared their intention of entering the contest this year and co-operat- ing in making it one of the best ever held this side of the Koeky Mountains. County Agriculturist W. W. How ard has worked diligently On the preliminary arrange ments. Very able men have been selected as judges, in cluding Mr. Center of the Idaho Extension Service, Mr. Jones, a prominent farmer residing near Ennnett, and Mr. Tobias, who is also an Ennnett man. All of these men have had a great deal of experience with corn shows in the East. ! It la planned to start out to mea- and f 16 for the third. The first lire the acrea of corn next Monday ! district will b called the Big Bend- and Mr. Howard request that all hare an acre picked out aad roody for the committee rhen they call. Liberal prices have been offered 'second, the Ontario dlatrlct, will In dite year for the oonteat. The grand 'elude the country aa far as the op prlte of $100 will tie awarded to poalte aids of Fayette, the third will tho pafton baring the beet acre In be the Dead Ox Plat dlatrlct. It Is Malheur County. The County will ' likely that a program of some, good he shvidedMn'r- three dlatiieta Mid u tal'm by experienced corn growers prise of $.30 given for tin- bent acre ami other numbera or music and etc. In the district, $26 for the second will be arranged later. SOCIAL ITEMS. All' the mualo lovers of the city are looking forward with a great deal of anticipation to the i'lano Re oital which will be given at the Moore Hotel, Saturday evening at 8:30 P. M , by Dent Mowrey, a pianist who haa won great fame In Paris iu re cent yeara. The musical orgunlxa tions of Cortland have praised Mr Mowrey very highly. The meeting of the Ontario Music Club, which was to be held Saturday afternoon, October 16th., ban been postponed until October 30th. , at which time two programs will be com bined. see Tue ladies of the Methodist church will hold a ailver tea at the home of Miss Stella Du Cloa. on Thursday, October 21st., from 2 to 6 o'clock. Ewoone I cordially Invited. see Mrs. A. J. Olover will be hostess to the Carnation Club next Friday afternoon. Mrs. Geo. Kellogg entertained the Handkerchief Club last Tuesday after- dW High honors were won by J. F. NORMS IN CALDWELL JAIL FOR HORSE STEALING J. F. Norria charged with stealing horse at Caldwell a short time ago and caught near Frineville last week lias caused the officers a great deal of trouble and promises to be a bad pris oner. The officers got on Norris's trail at Riverside and trailed him around Stein's mountain. The sher iff from Caldwell brought the prison er as far as Vale but he refused to be taken into Idaho without requisition compelled to go to Boise and then to Salem to fix up the required papers. Monday evening the Caldwell sheriff had him here on his way to the Idaho Jail. While Norria waa in jail at Vale he traded clothing with some of the other prisoners there but was compell trade back. Ever since he was ar rested has iu every way tried to hide NOV Nyssa dlatrlct, and will extend one mile thla aide of Nyssa, Including all the territory aouth of that line; the Mm. II. '. Whltworth. At a busi ness meeting recently it was decided to mske every other meeting of the club u sowing party, and Mrs. H. H. Whitney was elected president, and Mrs Whltworth, secretary. Mrs. Whitney will be the next hostess. The out-of-town guests last week were Mrs C. K. Kenyon and Mrs. Van Stcklln of Weiaer. The Woman'a Club will give a soc ial afternoon in honor of the teachers in the schools, on Saturday, October 23rd., at the home of the president of the club, Mrs. II O. Drane. The program which was scheduled to be held on Thursday, October 21st., will be postpoued, and will be given at this social meeting. The Guild of the Episcopal church was entertained at the home of Mrs. . L. King this (Thursday) afternoon. Mrs. A. P. Toniugsen delightfully entertained the members of the Sil ver Pork Club at her home Wednes day afternoon. W. Lu Turner has purchased the Insurance business of Spencer Good fellow in thla city. Mr. Turner will have his office with the former firm. his Identity. Por the most part he has refused to talk to the officers When he was here he was wearing both hand cuffs and chains. When Norrls was brought before the Probate Judge at Caldwell he re fused to tell his name or talk other than to say that he wanted a lawyer. Finally District Attorney Griffith allowed him to get a lawyer and he expressed himself as wanting a Boise attorney, whom It was afterwards discovered waa the one who was de fending Wm. Ridings for horse steal ing here a few days ago. This I'o oborates the story rumored that Rid ings and Norrls were close friends while Norris was confined in the Vale jail. Norris burned his clothing in the Caldwell jail yesterday and was caught using a ease knife trying to aw the bars of Itm Jail ONTARIO SCHOOL DEFEATS PAYETTE Last Friday the Ontario High School football team won a decisive victory over the Payette eleven, who were unable to make a single touch down while the Ontario boys made six touchdowns, one safety goal and four goal kicks, making a total score of 41-0. The game was featured by successful llne-bucklng and end rutin by the Ontario team. The Payette squad were good loners playing a clean gamo and putting up a good re sistance to the last. They were out weighed as well as out-classed by the local team. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. The High School reception last Fri day was a complete success In spite of the fact that ahortly after the pro gram had started the auditorium was enwrapped In total darkness due to the burning out of a fuae plug In the transformer, but thanks to the flash lights carried by some of the boys a little light appeared and kept the crowd still. Most of the program went on as scheduled and though there were upwards to two hundred people In the room, not a sign of dis order was anywhere observed. The feature of the evening waa the ad dress of welcome delivered by Eph riiiin Harriot, president of tho student body, who apoke with a calmness, precision, and purpose well worthy of the office bestowed upon him. The musical program was also much en joyed by the audience aa waa observ ed by the applause and encore accord ed each number. The readings also received muoh applause, and the par ents after being aerved with refresh ments went home feeling that the Ontario High School was a bigger and better organisation than ever before. All wore very much pleased with the evenings program and expressed their desire that this annual event would not be discontinued The High School Cadet Corps will take their annual hike next Friday and Saturday. The offlcera of this organisation went out Monday and chose a location for the camping ground, situated about three miles from Ontario on an island In the Payette River. This Hsland Is oovered with brush and affords an ex cellent camping ground. No ammun ition will be taken along and every thing will be done to avoid the possi bilities of an accident. Mlaa Evelyn Brown returned this week from California where she has spent past few months. She attended Saint Monica High School there the latter part of last winter. Miss Brown Is auother addition to the sen ior class. The Freshman Class have two new members, Haxel Bull and Edna Mr Cormack. The total number of studonta In the High School and the grade school now is 648, as compared with 627 of the same week last year. The num ber of High School student.-, belng.132 In the Senior class are registered 21, Juniors. 20, Sophomores, 40, and Freshmau, 42. YOUNG CtHri.i: VKI. . Miss Lillian V. Snyder of Malheur County and John B. Griffin Jr. of Baker County were united in marri age at the office of Judge King in this City Monday October lltb. Kelso Newman, a slock man from Gooding, Idaho, returned bere this week after a trip to Juntura where he has been buying sheep. H. C. Boyer returned Monday even ing from a several days trip to the Interior. BROTHER OF H. B. LOGAN IS KILLED IN FRANCE Associated Press dispatches on Wednesday of laat week carried news of the death of Col. Edward Town shend Logan, a colonel in the Eng lish army, and a brother of H. B. 1-ogan of Ontario, manager of the Eastern Oregon Land Co. Colonel Logan was killed last week during the attack by the French and Eng- ' A. G. TO TAKE TO County Court lias Appoint ed A. U. Kingman to Ac company Exhibits. A. G. Kingman of the Kingman Kolony district has been chosen by the County Court to assemble n first class exhibit of products grown in the county, and to accompnny them to San Francisco. In a conversation with a representative of the Argus he stated: "The County Court haa asked me to assemble such exhibits for the Pan ama Pacific Exposition as are most needed. I do not yet know just what is most needed, as I have not hoard from Mr. Lackey, who Is there at present. But this I do know: we want some good new corn of both yellow and white varieties. Arrange ments will be made for collecting and forwarding thla corn. "It will be a great help If all corn growers while husking corn for feed ing, select 5 or 10 ears of the very lost, and leave them with W. W. Haw ard. If they live near Ontario. In tho Nyssa and Big Bend sections tho corn will be catled for. There Is no other way to do this, and get a good sample at this time, without spending a great deal of time In each field. If the corn growers will do this, Malheur County will have a corn exhibit they will be proud of." PROMINENT YOUNG PEOPLE ARE WED Mr. and Mrs. George Bender who were married in Twin Falls last week returned from their honeymoon and are at home to their frleuds In the ('has. Cox house on the east side. Mrs. Bender, who was formerly Miss Harvey was associated a few months ago In tiie Grove and Riley millinery store In thla city and Mr. Bender who has made his home here for the last few years Is the assistant postmaster. Both young people have many friends who extend them their beat wishes. CARS ARE BURNED AT One passenger coach, one chair car, two stook cars and the water tank were destroyed by fire at Riverside last Saturday. The cause of the fire is supposed to have been from an overheated stove in a chair car, the first alarm being given at 8 o'clock in the morning. All of the cars were on a sidetrack and so near the tank that the blase was soon carried to It. It was with considerable difficulty that the Ore was finally extinguished. OtLAGCffiTT APPOINTED Thomas W. Clagett has been ap pointed to succeed H. B Logan, in charge of the Eastern Oregon Land Company's interests bere. Mr. Cla gett has been associated with the com pany before and is exceptionally well fitted to fill this position. On Fri day Mr. Clagett and Paul Campbell will leave for a aeveral days trtp covering the company ranches iu the county. Mr. Logan will remain here for a few days longer and will be In touch with the office In the absence of Mr. Clagett and Mr. Campbell. lUli on the German trenches in North ern Prance. Two other brothers, 'captains in the English army, took part in this attack. According to the report there were 10:1 men and 90 officers killed. Names of the killed, below the rank of colonel, were not given out, and Mr. Logan does not know whether the other brothers were among the slain. NISS LOWE WINS 0. A. C. Miss Mnrlan I, owe, thlrtcen-ycar-olil daughter of Mr. nml Mrs. T. M. I.owe. of Owylirr, wlm wen the prlr.e for the best industrial exhibit at the Stale fair al Snlcm. will receive, In stead of a free trip to the San Fran cisco fair, a scholarship with all ex penses paid, at O. A. C. Miss .owe expects to take advantage of this dur ing iho summer school, next summer. k Inoi hi Kolony Xfwu. There was a larne attendance til the Rally Day services at Sunday school last Sunday. In addition to the reg ular service there was a short musical program consisting of selections by the orchestra, ft colo solo by Miss Dorothy Pllcher and a violin solo by Miss Helen Peck. Mrs. M. M. Maxwell has relumed from a five week's automobile trip from a five week's automobile trip through Idaho, Oregon, California and Nevada. She went In company with some New Plymouth friends and while in California tho party visited the Exposition. H. D. Thompson, the teacher of the Kolony school, reports twenty elght students In attendance and (he work progressing finely. Mrs Edith Scott and son, II R. arrived from San Francisco last week and will make an extended visit with Robert Overstreet and family. The County Court lias appointed A. G. Kingman to til"' an exhibit of Mal heur County products to the Exposot in'i aud tell tho visitors there of the opportunities hoie for settlers We know of noone who run talk longer or more fluently on this subject than Mr Kingman aud we think the; m ule a wis cholee Mr. KIiikmu.ii will leave In a few days and will be accompanied by Mrs. Kingman Mr. Prater and Mr. Williams ot Ontario, visited friends in the Kol ony Saturday. Misses Corluiie Maxwell and Doro thy Pllcher attended Hie fair and carnival In Boise last weuk. C. E. Pock wus in Boise Monday on business connected with the Cower Caere Assn. Mrs. W. C. Walts and mother visit ed friends In New Plymouth over Sunday. HOSPITAL NOTES II C. Wheeler from Cumin mi, , . Is a patient at the hospital this week. 0, Bakopauos of the O. W. K I N. la suffering with a fractured hip M. G. Jure of Juntura underwent an operation for appendicitis this week. Thomas Sulleus, sou of Mr. and Mrs N. O. Sullen llvllig near Mallutt Sta tlou, underwent an operation for np pendlcltls last Monday. The ynuni! man Is recovering nicely. Mrs. E. F. Roberts from Puv1'' underwent u lu-ht operation t.iis week. Jack Weaver ias undergo'!; M .1 oration fo. a misplaced finger. Ceil Plai ', the i ii i in t -on of Mr und Mrs. Joseph Platz of New I'ly mouth, was brought to the hospital In a serious condition, Monday ol last week, and died in a few hours. Mrs. II. Wiseman Is couvulohcliiK. and will leave for her home in Wei ser in a few days. Mrs. E. P. Harper, who MOMUj underwent an operation at the hos pital, is greutly improved. Miss 1, Cutrighl from VVeiser wus operated on Tuesday morning. Bert Carter, the twelve year old son ot Jm Carter, who resides near Juntura, had his limb operated on last Saturday, am. . ..i.adily im proving II D. 8teward, left the ho.pital for (us I .: g n Wealfall, a few days ago. Mrs. C. 0. Morton, from Olds Ferry who is recovering from a serious op eration, will leave soon for Washing ton to reside with her mother, Mrs. B. P. Payne. Miss Pearl Snyder has Iteeu remov ed to her home in eiser. Mrs it D. Taylor who was on fined to the hospital for a few days has gone to Boise. ONTARIO TO HAVE A MUSICAL TREAT SATURDAY EVENING Dent Mowery, Pianist, to Appear in Recital at the Moore Hotel Oct. 16. Dent Mowrey phuilst will appear in recital next Saturday evening at the Moore Hotel. Mr. Mowrey la a diploma grudunto, with lienors, from the Royal Conservatory In Leipzig under Robt. Tclchmuller, and a pupil of Harold Bauer In Paris, He has spent the last few mouths In Port land and through the efforts of the Musical organizations in tha eastern Oregon cities has been engaged to make a short tour of eastern Oregon. The Ontario Music Club have had charge of tho preliminary arrange ments for tho rocltal here and It la expected they will receive tha hearty support of all the music lovera In the city. Dent Mowrey has spent the laat six yours of study, concert playing and teaching In Europe and haa met with remarkable success everywhere und the press and the public public are unanimous in praise of his work as pianist, composer and Instructor. His success as a composer Is most unusual, he being tho only Amerlclan who has been honored by the Unlvor slty of Paris,, where his musical sett ing to George Elliot's "Spanish Gypsy" was presented In March of laat year. Professor Robert Tetchniuller says: llerr Mowrey is a pianlat of ex ceptional ability. Ilia technique Is clean, sure and always under perfect control, lie Is splendidly equipped us a teacher aud his pupils show to grout advantage his serious and care ful training. Harold Bauer says: Dent Mowrey Is bound to meet with great success us u concert pianist. Dent Mowrey appeared In recital in Portland last week aud the Oregon inn of Sunday October lird. has the To I lowing. Dent Mowrey the Paris, France, pianist appeared lu a highly successful recltul at the home of Mrs. II 0. Wort man, 24 f Vista avenue, last Thursday afternoon, and about 100 people were asked to hear him. Mr. Mowrey played with conaummate plaulstic ability, and displayed creat ive und colorful powers of the artistic wonderfully effective, and one of the pleasing features of the recital was the rendition of a group of Mr. Mow rey'a own compositions, one of which, "Phiintuhiu," was then heard for the first time In this city. Mr. Mowrey was much complimented on his able recital. ONL Y ONE MORE WEEK LEFT TO SECURE VOTES IN ARGUS AUTOMOBILE CONTEST Standing of the Contestants Q l. Weittenliiller, Ontario, 111,8(i Maud Walter, Ontario, H. P. D 97,060 Florence Van Valkenburg, Ontario, 99,380 Anna Anderson, liivcrview, 23,429 Corda M. Marquis, Ontario, B, F. 1., 75,460 M. B. Blnghaiu, Ontario, 56,825 Hemic Ma sou, New Plymouth 5,000 Dale Robertson, Parma, K. F. I). 3, . ,000 A. II. McComicll, New Plymouth, .. I ,900 V. B. Slump, Payette, . . .' Nettie .Jones, Juntura, V7.400 Mrs. Miss Miss A I iss M i's. M is. Miss M is. M is. M is. M is. 'Iho votes In the ArgUH Automobile ton tost are steadily increasing and no doubt the voles of all the candidates will run much higher than has been .mi n iputc-d auy time siucu the begin ning of the contest. Todays stand ing shows quite an lucre. i o for some of the coiittisiaul One new name appears on the list today with a good hunch or votes to her credit fdr a starter. Mrs. Nettie Jones of Jun tura is the new candidate who starts off with 57,400 votes which gives her fifth place on the voting ladder. GRANGE TO MEET The roRUlar nicotine of the Mal heur County Pomona grantee will be held Saturday at Arcadia. In the morning tho usual business matting will be held, at which time a number of matters of Importance are to come before the members. Everyone Is cordially Invited to attend the public session In the after noon. Besides tho llternry nnd mus ical program Miss Weaver will speak on "Domestic Economy," and County Agriculturist Howard will speak on "Agricultural Requirements of Mal heur County." Tho value of tho work of a county agriculturist will ho discussed at this meeting. Panama Singers To Appear Here October 21st The first number of the liedpaiii lecture Course, "The Panama Niag ara", will be given at tho Dreamland Theatre Thursday ovenlug October 21st. This entertulumotit Is one of the best of tho series and one of ex centlonal worth. The Panama Slnicers. a male mi tet, were organized with the Idea of presenting to tho music loving public a program of educational an well as artistic value. One of the strong features Is a iiiuh teal sketch, which opens with four young fefllows who have just urrlvod In Panama, ready to begin work on tha "big ditch," aa they term It. Iu the discussion of their homos und their experiences they discover that they are all graduates of the nauio school of engineering. Then they drift Into talk of college days and soon fall to singing college aongs and telling college alnrlea. Other features are nogro songs, col lege glee songs, humorous action tang and a ripping medley made up of the choruses of all tho songs, with n finale of "Who Dug tho DltchT- Uncle Sam." W. C. T. U. MEETS The Idaho State W. C. T. U. Ootf ventlon held in Payette October 5, 6, and 7th was well attended each day. Tho programs were all interest inl and Governor Alexander of Idaho gave a very able aud pleasing address on Tuesday evening. Those who at tended the convention from Ontario during the session were: Mrs C, E Bingham, Mrs. llaldermun, Mrs. A. G. Moore, Mrs. C. E. Becoy, Mrs. Tow nsend, Mrs. A. K. Johnson, Mrs. D.E. Baker, Rev. und Mrs. ' ('. Pratt, Mr. F. Akers, Mrs Koonig, Mr. and Mrs Win. Lees, Mrs. W. N Brown und Mrs Wm. I. axon The special offer uiaiuing part of th. t same as puii l al of the contest noo tL if or every club old lestauts kno". ing us in.ii. v The time for wot is growlhi week. sed and th far aw account ol i ' uesa the tlii ' pa ou gatf on l and ow pus r is not uht take Itli which rl e- - I