The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 07, 1915, Image 1

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Volume XIX
Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon, Tliursdjiv, October 7, 1915.
Unique Feature of Shock Was Manner in Which Chickens
Were Frightened Out of Hen Houses Many People
Thought Thieves Were Abroad.
For tlio first time In hlnlory this
part of the country wrh treated to
a little shaking up by un earthquake
near midnight last Saturday night.
The clocks all over town stopped ut
11:58. In 187.1 an earthquake wkh
felt In part of the roast country, and
as far east as llaker.
A few of the people In the resi
dence district were not awakened,
but the majority were badly fright
ened. Men on Main Street at the
time, claim all the buildings rocked
and the strings of electric lights ac- :
rosa the street rocked buck and forth
for a distance of several feet. 80 '
far as has been reported no serious
damage was done. Plaster is crack
ed In a few buildings down town.
One of the unique features of the
Win. Ridings, Italpli Hull and Itay
Motley were bound over to the grand
jury ftt ft hearing here Tuesduy on
ft charge mt the '...'' otf '. mar-.i
belonging to I.. II. Huffman of Wei
Mr. These horses were stolen a
few days ftgo from near Old's Ferry
and Huff and Motley were arrested
at Piiriua ft little later where they
wore trying to dispose of the horses
Hidings was apprehended in Boise
All three men are being held in Jail,
not being able to furnish the bonds
required. Hidings bond was llxed
at 1800, and the other two nieu at
$600 eftoh.
District Attorney li. A. Urifllth of
A course in nm -.-. to be taught by
Miss Wheeler, has been started In
the high school. The class so far
is composed only of girls, but ar
rangementa are being made to have
a class of boys, also. A half credit
will be given for this work ai.d It is
hoped that by the end of the year,
the musical talent of the high school
will be greatly developed.
The second team of the high school
received a challenge Tuesday, from
the eighth grade foot ball team, for
game to be played Friday afternoon
as a preliminary to the Ontario
Payette game.
EC G. Ooudy returned Wednesday
from a vacation spent with relatives
ftt Centralia. Wash.
Mrs. G. K Ooudy returned Wed
nesday from a weeks visit at their
Sheriff Hen Brown spent two days
in Ontario this week
Win McKenzie of Portland, gen
eral ageut for the Fusteru Oregon
Land Co., was here the first ot the
week. He left Monday in company
with Mr. Claggett.
At the meeting of the city coun
cil last Monday eveuiug several mat
ters of importance were taken up
All were present with the exception
of Mayor Trow and H. C. Boyer. G.
A. Fraser acted as chairman All
saloon licenses were granted for ano
ther month. Ordinance 27 7 was
passed this being au ordinance de
flulng the proceedure of the City in
ordering property soid for delinqueni
ewer taxes, street improvements and
Other special assessments. This it
earthquake was the belief by a great
many afterwards that chicken thieves
hiivl been in their coops. Chickens
are very sensltlvo to an earthquake
and for many miles around here it
was reported that chickens had been
stolen, but the next morning they be
gan to come In from the weeds and
fields, where they had been In hiding.
Some were reported to have run In
the dark as far as an eighth of ft
mile. About two o'clock one party
came driving in from the Boulevard
to Inform the marsliall that thieves
were in their neighborhood. Many
phone calls were sent broadcast over
the country, supposedly from Baker,
that a building had fallen here, and
anxious Inquiries from friends were
received here by our people
Caldwell assisted Prosecutor Urooke
In the trlftl. Hidings was defend
d by O. W. Hays of Vale, and the
other men hai'. jio atiym. .
sherifi Urn in-, of Walla Walla was
here Tuesday awaiting the action of
the court, as these men wore all
wanted In Walla Walla, where they
are charged with horse stealing. It
is claimed they took two horses from
the fair grounds there. These men
are said to be members of an organ
ized gang that have been operating
through Oregon, Washington and
Idaho the past few months. They
are pretty clever at altering brands
but with these arrests the gatig may
be broken up.
Mrs. I). G. Baker received a tele
gram front Kltivllle, Wednesday,
reporting the serious Illness of her
daughter. She left on the night
traiu to go to her assistance.
Dr. Q. A. Pogue, accompanied by
Mrs. Pogue, arrived home last week
from San Francisco where they at
tended the fair and Mr. Pogue was
present at the meeting of the Sover
eign Orand Lodge of the Odd Fellows
which convened there. Dr. Pogue,
who is past grand patriarch of the
Oregon grand lodge, went as a dele
gate from the state lodge, as did II.
J. Taylor of Peudletou, past grand
muster Wm. Calloway of Salem, past
graud master O. W. Wright of Al
bany, past grand patriarch and E K
Sharon of Portland graud secretary.
All the visitors were royally enter
tained and the sessions of the lodge
were very Interesting, states Dr.
Pogue. One of the features was a
of vital Importance to property own
era. Tho bid of the First National bank
of 34 cents per annum, computed
monthly, on city deposits was ac
cepted aud that bank designated as
a city depository.
The council will hold an adjourn
ed session in the near future to take
up the deeding of the Ontario Cemo-1
tary by the Ceuietary Association to
the city, and to take final action In '
ordering certain city property sold '
for delinquent taxes.
Mrs. 0. P. Weittenhiller, Ontario
like Maud Walter, Ontario, . V. l
Miss Florence Van Valkenburg, Ontario
Miss Anna Anderson, Kiverview
Mrs. Oordu M. Marquis, Ontario, . F. )
Mrs. If. K. Binnliani, Ontario
Miss Beriiice Maysoii, New Plymouth
Mrs. Dale Kohcrtson, Pinna, R. F. I. 9
Mrs. A. II. AM'oniiell, New Plymouth
Mrs. V. R. Hliiinp, Fayette
The first standing. Including the
subscription votes of the contestants,
printed above, shown some substan
tial gains by all the active candid
ates In the contest. Mrs. C. P. Weit
tenhiller takes first pace today, close
ly followed by a number of other can
didates. Any one of these may hold
the coveted place next week. But
being at the top the last night of the
contest Is what will count and any
one of the workers in the contest
still has plenty of time to reach that
place before the contest Is docl'ired
closed, two weeks from next Sat-
inli ;. ni'-li!
My! But the time la growing
short for work. The contest Is JumI
barely getting started and the dale
for closing Is upon us. All must put
forth their utmost efforts between
this and the close In order to secure
all the business that may be had. No
procession of the Sovereign lodge,
the California grand lodge and many
other lodges from the California
cltlea as well as floats representing
the Hebeccah lodges of some of the
cltlea, which inarched to tho expo
sition grounds. It was claimed to he
the longest parade on the grounds
during the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. James Livingston of
Hopklnson, Iowa, who have been
the guests of their nelce, Mrs. II.
W Clement, and Mrs. Harry Welch,
In thla city for two weeks, left yest
erday for their home. Mr. aud Mrs.
Livingston have beeu away from
home since the early part of Aug
ust, and have been touring Califor
nia and attending the fair.
The marriage of Miss Amy Odell
and Guy L Stingle was aolemn'zed
at the home of Kobert Odell ut I I
o'clock Saturday morning. Rev. D.
G. Baker performed the ceremonv.
Miss Odell is a popular Ontario girl
and has a wide circle of friends here.
She graduated from the local high
school a few years ago, aud since ban
taught school in this vicinity.
Mr. Stingle, who is also a graduate
of the local high school Is a pro
perous farmer residing near West
fall. The couple left on the
noon train for Boise, and after spend
iug a few days there, will move to
their future homo near Wesifall.
Former Manager of Eaatern
Oregon Land Co., (Joes
To Bakar.
Announcement waa made this
week of the resignation of II. B.
Logan of the Gastern Oregon Laud
Company to take effect just as soon
as his successor has been chosen.
Recently the Belfour Guthrie Co.
aud the Gasteru Oregou Laud Co
have dissolved their interests
and Mr. Logan will have charge of
the Belfour Guthrie Co. interests at
Mr. Logan, with his family came
here nearly a year ago aud they rn--made
ft wide circle of friends who
deeply regret their departure from
.",( M M I
."),()( Ml
candidate who expects to win will
have any time to lose. The con
testants nre Just now beginning to
find that they can get subscriptions
be going after them and nil are
working hard. The automobile ar
rived Wednesday, and is now on dis
play at the Ford Caruge.
All the prlxes are here now, the
Vint rotas lining on display at Hill's
Trirltor) Not Worknl.
No territory in the country has
been thoroughly worked. Just the
high planes have been touched and
no candidate has done their best.
Some may think that they have got
in I heir hardest licks hut if they will
keep on working they will find that
they arc mistaken. Gven nfter
i he contest closes every candidate
will find that they nould have se
cured several hundred more votes
Mr. Farmer, a well known shoep
nan has bought 2(100 tons of hay
from Mr. Gibson near Nyssa, and lias
maile arrangements to feed 4,000
thoroughbred sheep ftt Gibson's
place during the coming winter. In
addition to this Mr. Farmer has pur
chased 2f.0 tons of corn onsl'uo
which will he put in pit silos. Tula
will be the in-. i time In this viclnit
that corn ensilage has been fed to
sheep, and If it proves sutisfuctoo
It Is likely that It will soon be used
extensively for tills purpose.
It is estimated that between twen
ty aud thirty thousand sheep will
la- fed near here and at Nyssa, the
coming winter. Mr. Tensen who lias
charge of feeding cattle for tho P.
L. A 8 Co., has made arrangements
for feeding several hundred head at
Nyssa. Another large herd will be
fed at the Mallett place.
on account of i he large acn :gc
devoted to alfalfa ill this aecl'on
of the country uud the quality of the
hay, tills is an ideal pluco for wint
ering stock.
F. 11. Hampton, one of the pris
oners who escaped from the county
jail at Vale a few weeks ago, was
apprehended at OoMff d'Alene and
was brought buck by Sheriff Brown
Monday evening.
Hampton ll lo-ld for three Indict
ments, obtaining money under i.l I
pretenses, found by the grand jury
at their last meeting. Three ol Co
prisoners who escaped are already
in the penitentiary, leaving only one
at liberty now.
The United Presbyterian Synod of
the Columbia, wus in session at el
se r Tuesday to Thursday of this
week. Some of the leading met i.i
the denomination were iheie aj
speakers, among them heing Ki-v
J. H. White who is exeeutiw
tary of the Missiouuiy aud Fltlcn m i
Committee, and Hev. H. A. Hut- h in
sou secretary of the Home Mi i..n
Board. Both gentlemen are, from
1'lttaburg, Pa Dr Colviu pastoi of
Hie Congregational church at Nampa
was also ou Hie program. The local
congregation was represented by
Hev. Brown aud I. J. Dickson
If they litnl gone rtftl thmi. Never
give up Keep steadily working
away and the end will ti'ko can' of
itHoir Work is the thtni thai will
jcuiiut. No one UpftCtl the votes to
come to them. They will have to
; he gone after. The time is growing
'shorter and shorter, Jttftt tiro weeks
nfter this Is all that remains of the
contest. The contest will close on
the date aiinoiinied in the begin
ning. If anyone is expecting an
extension of time they will be dis
appointed. This contest will end on
October II, llll,
Kvtui Vole-..
Kxtru Votes are given this week
on flubs of 111.00 old or renewal
subscriptions. In order to get the
advantage of the special voting off
ers It Is not necessary to turn the
suhsnriptions in In club amounts,
amounts or a single subscript ion at
a time. If they are reported a few
at a time a strict account Is kept
with each candidate and when the
total reaches an amount cquhnlenl
to the club the contestant Is credit
ed With the extra votiv ll at the
close of the offer there ;.. anything
not needed to Mulsh out a club. It
will lie carried over and allowed to
apply on the offer lor the next week
HIlilTs s. nubile in c.
It Is about time for old Dame
Humor to he getting busv. Yon may
hour great stories about the great
number ol otes this or that candid
ale is M'curiug HiIh week or next
week and conclude that the race
Is done However the live candid
ates In this contest have had too
much experience to be disturbed by
any wild reports No one will he
made timorous hy such report li
Is also well to remember that many
nn election has been lost by over
conlldence. If you are llltere.teil
III winning the automobile ju,t keep
hammering away. Look not to the
right or the left, Keep your own
counsel and remember that it Is the
steady licks that count in anything.
Keep your feel warm aud your head
cool. Moke up your mind thai wni
the candidates, , win ill tills ion
te I. will he Hie ones to Stick to the
finish. October U:l Is not far away
and the contest will nositively ao
on that date.
The Odd Follows met last Sat
urday evening. After the initial. on
work Dr. Pogue gave a short i.,ll.
on Ills trip as a delegate to Hie Sov
jereign grand lodge Dr. I'ogue
staled tliut all lie dt hjs.iii', iroiu the
State of Oregon were appointed on
good committees, his appoint mini
being chairman of the Commune
on foreign grand bodies not repres
ennd. A baluiuet !., Unwed the
lodge work Ten numbers of the
Nyssa lodge wc re pi e out.
. Game On Local Weld Be
ing Looked Forward To
Willi Mii.h Int. list.
The Oni.irio high eltOOl loot ball
loam will play t i r I ond game
I inlay alieinooii ,n me locul fair
ground I Wltll '' la, and to judge
i wiih which
Hie loc.ii is looking forwaid
lo the game, their spirits are not in
the b-,; i .i , lied by their deieai ai
U'einei- last Friday. The game with
I'avetle tomorrow u onuses to In one
of the best ever played on the local
grounds and a large crowd will be
l.oie to enjoy It.
Fred Test is not in lice line up M
quarter in the game tomorrow, his
injury at Weiser last week kftftplft'
him out of the game.
Is Given A Free Trip To the San Francisco Exposition
In Addition To the Honor Of Leading State Put Up
Over 400 Quarts of Fruit.
First honors for Industrial club
work in the slate has been awarded
10 Miss Marlam lowe, tho thirteen
year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
I.owe of Owyhee. This young lady
will receive as a prize, a free trip
to the San Francisco fair, in addl-
Hon to the lienor of leading the slate
In 1 1 , , work.
Miss Lowe took up fruit cunning
in which to specialise, this being a
branch of the Industrial work. Her
..ii hi Is the outcome of efforts of
A runaway which might have result l
cil more seriously, occured this even-'
lug on Hie Snake river bridge east of
town. Mr. Moss of near Frultland,
who was driving a team of large roan
horses was coming toward Ontario
when he met a man on the bridge
Willi a load of barrels. Mr. Moss's
team became frightened, turning
abruptly around on the bridge and
running toward the other side. Mr.
M.. ua thrown out and his head
cut and shoulder badly bruised. The
team ran only u short distance when
thc.N broke the single trees out of
the buggy, but run nearly luto Fruit
land when they collided with a sin
gle rig being driven toward Frult
At a trial here Tuesduy, Huggs
Mcliuguu wus given 30 days in jail
for lurceii of :i no belonging to
David Jones This money was tak
en while Junes and a man by the
name 'of Bracket were scuttling over
a gamming game. retur Hruckclt
was hound over to Hie grand jury
on a charge of gambling, bonds being
fixed at l ad. 00. Both these men
were from Junturu and were brought
down hy Deputy A. A. Hulieri .
Judge McKuighl wus down Tin.,
day to bold au examination of the
sanity of Sarah Kohcrtson from near
Owyhee She was sent to the as)
linn at Pendleton.
It is estimated thut ueurly four
hundred Ontario people were in Wei
ser lust Friday to attend t lie Harvest
Festival there Many went ou the
early morning "pony" and a mi
ial truiu left here ut 1 o'clock and
real lied Weiser Just III time for the
stock parade The remainder of tlu
ufternooii, until the foot hall game
was culled at 4 o'clock, was taken
up with Hie tenuis tournament and
races in the street.
Plenty of amusement wus furnish
M. C. Marls of o A C. who last
spring made a tour of this county, In
company with Miss Fay Clark, county
school superintendent, promoting in
dustrial work In the schools.
Miss lA)we has cunned over four
hundred quarts of fruit this season
for her family and for neighbors.
Hhe had on display about two doen
cans of fruit at the county fair lure.
and this display waa taken to Salem,
and won for her the prlio there.
mo (tmiMM mi:i,i,m ii.ii.
O. M. Doubleday, sheep man, hit
bought all of the bay of the Kasteru
Oregon Land Cmupuiiy.
Mr. Douhleduy, with his foreman,
Asa Williams, II II l.ogan and Paul
Campbell measured all the hay thla
week, with the exception of the thud
cutting, aud it totaled I tint) tons.
The consideration of the deal -vus
$5. CO per ton.
B. F. Newman bus disposed of his
property luturests ut Aberdeen, and
has returned to his ranch just north
west of the city. Mr. Newman
brought a car containing household
goods, cows and some horses. Mrs.
Newman uud the children came some
time ago that tho children might
enter school.
Mayor Trow was a visitor In Boise
this week, attending Hie fair and
being present at Hie dedication of
the Arrow Hock dam.
Perry Howe of Valley Springs,
South Dakota, stopped on htfl 1 "'
day lo visit old friends on his way
to the San Franci Ma i vposttiou Ho
is an old friend of (he e. K Bingham
family, Mrs. M. K. Bingham, Mrs.
Jenne uud Mrs. C. G. S'
Mr. uud Mrs. Hu Wilson went to
Weiser last Tl.m day vrtjalafl and
remained until I inlay morning. '
tend the Harvest Home ! ami
visit with friends They were liie
guests of Mr. uud Mrs. O. A. I
while there.
The meeiing i, f i he Music Club,
which wa i in-dull si in the car
books to Is held October Ml hgl
been postponed to October liilh , and
Hie following meeiing, which has
a I been postponed, will be held
October letu.
ed cm ii.'
well salisi,, ...
val was only thought of u Ml
ago uud was imam I .1 by the mertli-
uuts and hu lui I men of Wei i i
It was held in om of the principal
streets. It was ,mh a success tlo.t
It has been decided to continue It.
Tin- dunce ou the paw-iueut in Hie
eveuiug wus one ol Hie best features
of the entertainment Ontario's
baud furnished the music.
A few of the Ontario people went.
dowu ou the uvuuiug traiu.