PAOE EKIITT THE ONTARIO DAILY ARGUS SEPTEMBER 1913. i DOOLITTLE GIVES MOTHERS INVITATION TO VISIT HIS EVERHART DRUG CO. Every inothnr In Ontario ll Invllod to visit Doatlttta'l Sanitary JtTMf Dairy liny afternoon or vii i n jr and hoc liow wo keep Bilk absolutely pun' nnd wuiltary. W mM between r:45 ami (1:30 P. M. Kvery viltosr bMOmm it euatotnar nnd doMM of my patrons nay it in tnt boat milk they ever Mini in Ontario, that it la free from odern Wld that It I tbt first time they could drink all they wanted and reel that H was saTe to ilo ho inn- lady mid lha onlv fault ha eoald lad with it a-ai thai it aai ho rlrh and clean thai he wanted to drink a riiIIciii Instead Ol I 'marl. I'honi' " 7 - - J tt Ol RTII DOOM HOI Til OK THK PONT OKI ICK I'OK THK VOUTKX SANITARY HODA KOt NTAIN SER VICE ANT HOT MtlMvs LE.GAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CHKWIoi;-.. In UM County Court of tin Matt Ol Oregon, for Malheur County In the Mutter of tbt Bltati Of 0, W. I'aHKflold, Deceased, Notice i here by given that the undantiued had linen duly appointed uilinlnislialnr of the estate of ! V. PasHflold deceased. All persona having cl the estate of the said deceased are naraby raqulrad to pr an.1 lha mbm with proper Voucln t Ulrod hy law to inn at lay ollice in Ontario, OreKon, within ill months from the date of the Bra) pnbUaatlM of this notice , Dale or lirst ; uldlcutloii, September 2:ird.. Ittlfi. ( MoOoaaglU, AdiiilniHtraior ol the Kstatc Of (J. W, I'llHslleld, deceit eil AIUflNUrVHATOK'N NOTICE. ' In the County Court of he Slate of OreRon, for Malheur County, Notlco lit herehy given thai the un dersigned Iiiih been duly appointed adinllilHtrator of the estate of I'i'ter KoHSolor deceased, and all peraoilM havliiK clttlniM against (he estate of the aald deeeai.ed an' hereby untitled to present the Maine to mo with the proper verlllcat inii and vniichera at my oltlce In Ontario. Oregon, within Notice! ARK VOI RAISING IKMiH? ik vor mii:, vol i vt (i limn to H witiioit DIGESTER TANKAGE (tnaile hy I'uloti Meat Co North Portland) TO IIAKANCK THEIR RATION II Ih Iteeeoiuonileil lit The ton eriiiiient I :ieilnintnl Sta- Ihiie. and llie honest HJofJ Pia Isers. CALL o 1 1 KHt fahth I MM Cash Grain Co. OVIUMO, OltlOON, I'lloM I on H I'nloii Meal Coinpaii's Expert Will lie on the I mi OroiHiils. Church Services Catholic Church. M.i at 10 a. m. Sunday mornings, H. A. CAMPO, Rector. nix months from the dato of IIiIh notice. Date of lirsl publleal ion. u(: :Mith., till. 0 tfaOoaifali Administrator of tho KHtate of l'eti i - aoler, Deceased Last I'ub. Hept 23. Kvery hotlle. can, pall and oilier liiHtruinent iimciI In Dnolltllo'a Sani tary Dairy Ih steam cleaned and ster ullxcd. I line San l.uc Seals that cm er the tup of the hotlle aud prevent Hit . and dirt from getting in the neck of the hotlle 1 1 Save doctor hills hy buying Doo lltlle's .Sanitary Jersey Milk. lr rot take a hath to keep clean outalde, drink some of tin. milk and keep clean Inside. It will save you many dollars a year that you now have to pay for teknant, Phoaa r7 J. it FIRKMA.VK DANCK KVERY NIGHT of the Fair. Mown Hall. Heat of Mu ir and order. Come one and all and have a good time. SPECIAL ! ! ! ! Ontario lintel Cafe Special dinner van ,li,v 1 1 a. m. to itM i' M Only cents. Quick service. All white help. tNcjii!"1 ' M'l ' 'jfillM :::V:lla XrMft'H i . . 3V " A 4. SAY If You Want a New Fall Suit, Coat, or any Ladies' Ready-to-wear Goods go to LAM PKIN'S SUITS $9.35 TO $36.00 COATS (iC $6.00 TO $30.00 SKIRTS $8.00 TO $ 9.00 WAISTS .75 TO $ 4.98 CongreRatinnal Church. Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. Kndeavor, 7:00 p. m. Kvcning Service, 8:00 p. m. REV. PHILIP KOENIG. Methomht Church Sunday School, lOM a. in. Preach ing, morning. 11:00 a. m., evening 8:00 p. in. Yoj need the church the church eeliv,i "Let'B get together. " C. C. PRATT. Pastor Unitbd Pkkkiiytbrun Hible school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Young peo ples in. tine at 7:1 p. m. The church is here to help the people and the community. You can make a more potent force. Come to any or all of the services and you will find a wel come. W. N. Hrown, Pantor. ftapttat Church. Sunday School 10:00 n. m Morning Service 11 :00 a. m Kvcning Service 7:fl0 p. m B. Y. P. U 6:30 p. m I'rnyrr Meeting. . Wednesday Evening Dible Study Thursduy Kveninf A hearty invitation ia extended to all. DAVID E. IMKER, Paator Pi:vn:COSTA!.-.AZARENE TAB ERNACLE. Dispensers of old time religion. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in Pastorul sick culls promptly ans wered duy or niirht. C. C. Bubbidge, D. D. Phone 3UN2 Paator. IIXPTIMT f'HCRCH. Topics for next Sunday, mornliiK, "Death in the Pot." Kvenlnx, "The Malheur County Kalr." D. !: Maker, pastor .-,..,. ..-MfT HP T sMr IfAtiri n .Uttu ii,ffii ffnf .ifir.ifffJt riftJ f f i r vr i a u f omio HP ma KBI- Don't Take Anything for Granted He sure that your suit will wear Clotlicraft is tlic surest kind We know of. ciotlicrui't ( 'lollies have 00 years of reputation tor WfUlllll Mut, mind you, you needn't rely on the reputation alone we'll tfive you an innielatl guarantee otic thai assures you that the suil will make e,Ml or W'K will. The makers hack us up on this point Come in for yours toihiy. We'll show you some dandy models at flO to $k2). THE TOGGERY The Clothcraft Store FINE N1IOI s I o I llll s of Htyle mu! quality .mil t 00 Mlaaoa and 111k Olrl'l ihi u : oo to 2.s: Childreu'a Hhoea 4r $1.00 to .M Boy 'a ahotM. a oomplvte line all uUe Hi 11.50 to fi hi, Boys' Suits and all boy 's toys ha e never heili uffrli'd ;it iicis i'iii;il to W 1ml c are ettOWiug. SUITS 3 TO 6 $2.48 AND $2,98 SUITS 6 TO 17 Q $2.98 TO $5.50 ft' T '; IT uiii i' oi in ri: Ontario, Oragoa More hahieH die from drlnkinir im pure milk than from any other onA cauae Many ciihch of typhoul aud other dixeuHCH come from drinking uiiMiultary milk Kvery cow In my herd in clipped monthly, wiiHhed be fore every luilkliiK aud milked on clean lloora. Kvery cow Ih tented for luhercuioMH ami other dltaataa I personally weigh, .-train, hottle and seal every drop of milk put out hy H.inliitl.R Sanitary JTiiey Dairy and gaaiMtaa you that It Ih clean Olve me a trial W. 11. Doulittle. Phone .' J It I'M.' SAl.K I'OO of wheat aud KraiiiK laud in Adaina County. Idaho. .' miles to post oltlce, on telephone line, close to range and free wnoil for fuel Would trade for Irrigated land in Ontario vicinity Addrens X Y care Argua. CANYON OOVNTI KAIIt Caldwell. St pi 28 Oct. 1 Kxcuislons via Oregon Short Line t'liinn I'acillc Sytem Limit, Octo ber L'lui See agents for ratea. 38-2t Sanitary milk sells in the big ed it - t'nr an average of 5 cents more per tiuart than other milk. This la because n i- an Insurance against sickness Jlione 57 J for Sanitary milk. n MM.U, Pricea quoted below are general re tail pricea prevailing in Ontario und ure in no caae apecial aulc pricea: Applea, box &o to 70c llananaa, doi 30c Means , navy 7c ami 8c 26c' i Flour, high patent, aack, Clour, straight grade, aack,. CONFERENCE AND STATE FAIR Salt Lake City, Sept. 27 Oct. 6 inclusive. Excursion! via OREGON SHORT LINK Union Pacific system Tickets on .sale from Idaho, Oregon and Wyoming points Sept 90th, to October Utk, inclusive; Limit October l'.th. Bee agenti tor rates ,,i. i further details. Mutter, ranch, lb. Mutter, creamery, 8,"c Cubbage, taiw, fti 1 tfcc iicc.-e. fancy, lb. 2tk- .mt.iloupc 7 for i i ii ii. per doz eara, 12 Ml String lb 8 1-3 Peach pliini-. lb lv l-'resh totuatoea, baaket 3 for 25c .fl.'IG Sugar, caue, per cwt $7.00 Money, atrained, pint 20c Money, comb, lb. 16c, and 2 for.. 25c I .e inons , dot 30c Nuts, English walnuts, lb 25c Nuts, ttraiila, lb 25c Almonds, lb 25c Peaches, per lb lc Karly Urapes.per basket 20c Ureeu Peppers, per lb 10c u at hi 'iiieloiis, per lb., lc nun, ns, dry, per lb. 3c. Oranges, cue 26c to i0c Potatoes, auck, $1 00 Mulich Kggs.doi 20c Mice, lb 8c and m. Halibut, lb 20c Ham, per lb 25c Macon, per lb 22Vc to 25c Head cheeae, lb 20c liens, lb 15c l.umb, spring, fore quarters f 1.00 l.ainb, spring, hind quartera 1.50 l.umb chops, rib, lb 26c 1 ell.s 35 Mutton chops, lb 18c ' Pork i hops, loin or rib, lb 20c Fork, shoulder, lb 18c Rolled rib roast, lb 28c Rib i in.-1 , prime, lb 22c Round steak, lb 20Y Flat-bone tenderloin, lb 28c Salmon, lb 20c Kippered salmon, lb 20v Summer Squash, per lb lc Salt salmon, lb 12 4c Smoked salmon, lb 30c Smoked herring, each 6c Shoulder steak, lb 18c Shoulder roast, lb 16c Sirloin steak, lb 25c Smelts, Columbia river, 2 lbs. for. .25c Spare riba, lb 15c Ham, sliced, lb. 30c Pie Pumpkins, per lb lc Carrots, per tb lc LIVE STOCK. I logs .r,4t6Vi Veal 0c Cowa :ttt4 l.amba 5c Hteera 4to5 Mutton .Hot FIMKMAN'B DANCK KVKIMT NIOHT of the Fuir. Moore Hull. Moat of i Music and order. Come one und ull and have a good time. , WANTED PRUNE PACKERS. sunn. Slope Pucklng House two mile east of town Phone 923 EttUIT.KAND. FOR RENT- Furnished U room house with screen porches, good burn und chicken purk and lawn. Apply P. O. IlOX 14- I Mil.un. tf. FOR SAKE Potuto digger at Holy Rosury Hospital. tf INTERNATIONAL DRY FARM CONGRESS Denver, Colorado Sept. 27 Oct. 9th. Excursion! via OREGON SHORT LINK (Tnion Pacific System. Ticket! On saje Sept. LMJ, 27, Oetober 2 and :. Limit, October loth. See Agenti tor rates and further details. SEE US Before You Buy v have just purenased largi stock q fur niture at a hitf tliseount, and vc are oin; to sell it at the same diseouni. Walnut, Oak and Birdseye Maple dressers and chiffioners. SPECIAL A liici- line of China Closets. HEATERS RANGES McDOWELL'S Second Hand Store Outario, Oregon