THE ONTARIO ARGTTR, REPTEMBKR2 . 1915 I GOOD BAND MUSIC AT THE FAIR DAY'S ATTEiENCE THKEE THOUSAND PEOPLE PAGE SIX i - - 1 1 SECOND i A V i n BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUSI1SESS PROFESSIONS TRADES ATTORNEYS. Ml. H. Brooke, Attorney at Law. Wilton Bldf . Ontario Ore. C. McGONAGILL ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in All Courts Notary Public. Office Over Pontoffice LESLIE J. AKER LAWYER loom 9, First National Dank Ontario, Oregon. Mg. PHYSICIANS. DM PRINZING A WEESE Ontario, Oregon Office in New Wilson Mock. Mcculloch a wood LAWYERS Rooms 12-3 Firat Nat'l Bank Ontario, Oregon. Bldg R. W. Hwagler Attorney at law. Rooms i:: H i:. Wilson in. Ik Ontario Oregon. ART 8TUDIO. J. P. KIDD, Prop. Job and Commer cial Printing a specialty. Ontario, Ore. DENTISTS. DR. W. G. HOWE DENTIST Telephone Firat National Bank No. 788 Building. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. Harriet Sears Dr. Pauline Sears Graduates American School of Osteo pathy, Kirksville, Mo. Wilson Block. Telephone 154 lilk PLUMBING. H. L. POORMAN, Plumbing, Heating and Tinware, Galvanized Iron. All work guaranteed. PHOTOGRAPHS. 1. B. Burrell, Ontario, Ore. see our fine line of photos. Call and TAILORS. IDEAL WEATHER, GOOD MUSIC, ENTHUSIASTIC CROWDS, ALL GO TO MAKE SECOND DAY OF FAIR BEST ONE SO FAR. Many Visitors Came Yesterday From Surrounding Towns Towns To Join in Making This Fair Most Successful From Every Standpoint. Nearly three thousand people were in attendance at the Malheur County Pair yesterday and all were well iat- isfled with the races and the amusement provided for them The W'eiser hand was one of the principal attractions and many hundreds of visitors came in yesterday on trains and in autos from the surrounding towns and country. One of the principal features of the fair this year has been that the program has started on time and all the events are pulled oft 00 time, avoiding any delay or waits. The trotting laces were good yesterday although coiisid erahle time was lost in jockeying with the horses in start ing. Today the starter has made the announcement that this jockeying will not be tolerated and the trotting or pacing honed will be started without delay. I-:. lOI'K, The Tailor, TnllorliiK. I'reHnlua slid Cleaning. rh. .ii.- ii..v Opposite Post Office OK. U. C. BRKTT DENTIST Office 2nd door east of Ontario Phar- jnacy an Nevada Avenue Near R. R. Depot DR. H 0, DIXON OKVI'lNT Wilson Building i'houa. Res. 48-J. Office MJ-W Ontario Oregon HOWKKN. TRANSKKK TRANSPKR, BAGGAGE AND EX PRESS Meet all Drains. JOHN LANDINGHAM UNDERTAKING J. H. ONTARIO FLORAL CO. Orders taken for cut flowers. Argus Office, Ontario, and embalmr Oregva. I .;: W FARLEY Kunerul director Lady asaiiitant. Phone Ontario, Oregon. M. E. GILO AN of Caldwell, Idaho has Millinery now on display at McDowell's Store. Call and see our line. New stock coming in every day sEsSaf7!aM .Zr "aisTi'itsV Jr . jtf&lL RmlngtQtL-UMC I jkfVU Fil Rifles and Cartridges I J Wl Ik 1 for Real .22 Sport I aBsaVBP'Cr' V RmbMA Kecss,Nv m yKTJVrztr " TM bay's MnlilU' home ruce was fiiMt and full or gliiK'r. Four liorMes am by official!, that ho msny entrleH came four iilireimt down the home have never before been made In the Htn-trli Ml I not until th.-y were with- ,dirftrent departments and it was In two feel i.r the wire whh It poH- oulte it tiiHk for the imlitcH to ileler- mi. I.- to determine the winner. The mine the urlse winnln exhlhltH glrl'H relay race Ih ulwayH popular. MIkm Sane liiiixhed ilrst for the mc diiiI lime yesierilay and thin race will not be run ugsln. The farm wagon race or "farmer's chariot" race, wun u I one and nouiewhat of a novelty. The wild horse race at the coiicIuhIoii ol the progrum wiih line and the horxea gave a good ex hibition ol bucking. Some fancy roping wax evident too, before some of the horseH were saddled uh Hev- eral got away from the men when they were II rut taken from the cor rall and considerable dlttlculty wax experienced in catching them. I lie motor cycle race was thrill ing and Mulshed In much better time than the prevloua day. Tllston, a local man, had dlttlculty in mount ing and did not get away In the race Caul Campbell another local man, made two laps and uult. Oxter, who made a good allowing In the race Tuesday, skidded Into the fence in making a turu In the llrtb lap und bruised his head pretty had. Ilea gle led I h- race until the seventh lup when Williams got ahead and kept his position until the finish. The balloon ascension early in the alteration u.i- a decided iiccens, the man making tin' paiainnte drop from ne vera I hundred leet in the air Mrs He Cam and MIhh Anna lie (iaro, the two lad iiii'ii'licm of (roup whlfi' bun been kiviiik trapeze performan ces 111 the arena, met with an accl dent yeHteida while hanging with j their teeth at either end of a horl- , THREE MEN HELD FOR STEALING SHEEP (From Thursday's daily) Three men were given a hearing In Vale yeaterday upon a charge of Hteallug nheep. They were Win. K i. Jug Kelly and a man by the name of Morrison. They were charged with the stealing of four sheep from Wni Atnow of Juntura They were bound over to the grand Jury and admitted to $500 ball, and which they had not been able to fur iiIhIi at u late hour l.i-t night, and are still In the custody of the Hherlff. Prosecuting uttomey Brook appaer ed for the state. WITHYCOMBE LEAVES FOR PORTLAND II. Secretary H. olt.M'Kl. Malheur County Fair up a hat and put It under his cost. When the theft whh discovered, the man msde a iIiihIi for the door and number of men followed and he was apprehended by Officer Hragle a few minutes later. The hat wbh thrown Into Home straw, but found and re turned to the owner. IS ENTAUSIASTIC onlal bar. One of the ml.- had a false tooth Which pulled loose and ' rtt,,ly kllown '" tl,e cou,"' both fell to the ground. Mrs lie l.urro was badly bruised and her back injured, but both will be out today for a part in the entertainment IN the 11 -iililiiT as in I lie hih power arms, your shrewd sport miiuii selects hia niie and curt ridges tor results. An-I In a .-ii "i.ti t to In- critical, there'll no where, to tup abort of KtwHHgtoitl'idC. klilt la Slug I Shot mudtU In Mule .VUou niodrlt. witfc the Itmuui KniilnMtoo IMC tolUJ binsti n.l nu. the Autolokduttf inodtl that nttHUtoUy knjlu 13 Ktmtntkm hl.i.limg MM Art torlriJtn hiU.-al rtUsiJim VoricaJ ii hmu. (tl youi nrie uj .i u ijgr, Iruui clir dealer who dupUye the KJ fljj. JMk . ' A-...,k I V;t Sold by your homo dealer and C4S Othor leading inorchants in Oregon Stan AiM-UaSM M.I.Uk t tnd,. Cm. , WJ 0. B-IU.,1, iUl S..a..,i Naw York City terday and will have it part In the program to lay Kan Holly ol the Itig llend Mer cantile Company was here yester day to attend the fair. A party including the Misses Clara and Anna Anderson (,l Itiverview, Miss Maxwell ot NygBft, Dotothy Pil cher ol ssa. tieorge 'I'omhs of Nvssa and (iordon Judd of Itiver view. motored up '.s(erdu and stay ed over last ixeiunK to attend the fair and carnival. "Popcorn" IMlxbury of Big llend, was up jesterduy for the fair. ( Prom Thursdays daily) The iMinouiicetuent w as made' yes terday that Uarry Withycombe had sold Ins interest lu the Ontario Char ! macy to C. S U at sun, giviug Mr. vatHon me enure ownership now Mr. Watson In . been here for three years and a half and is well an. I fav- The l'harmacy will continue under the same policy as in the past. Mr. Withyconib expects to go from here to Cortland, but has uot decided what OVER GOOD ROADS If the little town of Hood River can afford to bond Itself for h,00o to bring the Columbia Highway through their little city, why can't the county of Malheur afford to spend a little money, and Its cltl- xens unite In an effort, to bring the State Highway over the proposed new route. This is the question being asked by Dr. I'rlnxlng who haa just returned from a visit to the western part of the state. The proposed new route Is to leave the Columbia river a short distance above The Dalles and take a short cut in a southeast erly direction, connecting with the Idaho State Highway at Ontario and Pruitland. It is claimed that this route will bring the highway through the lowest pitHH In the Utue mountain and will be 120 miles shorter than the route formerly proposed through l.a Grande and Daker. (aillam, Wheeler and Malheur counties would equally benefit from ihi route and It Is hoped that com mittees will immediately get In com munication with the organisations In these counties and make plans to work harmoniously for the highway. Dr. I'rlnxlng Is more than enthu siastic over the scenic beauty of the Columbia Highway. He states that he was over the greater part of It, and believes that nothing in the for eign countries could equal the nat ural beauty along this road. Every available Hpot of beauty has httnn brought out and paved ruadH or paths lead to all the attractive places. Portlaud Is spending an enormous sum this year, states Dr. Prliizlng, to bring the transcontinental travel through I', .Miami, .,iid so far has suc ceeded in bringing many thousands of tourists there, who are lavish In their praise of the city and the beau tiful drives. That Portlaud has suc ceeded lu bringing the tourists there In the past few years is demon strated in the fact that six mammoth hotels have been built In the past ten years, some of them with as many as 750 rooms each. he will take up His many friends The John ) Indians arrived yes- rert vr' '"ut" bSM this young inisiiiess man ami nope lie may see tit to return to Ontario at some fut ure date. OREGON PACKING CO. H. H. Tuimy, Prop. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUT0HEBS AND ' PACKERS SAUSAGE OUR SPECIALTY i Phone No. 6. Ontario, Oregon. NANY JUDGES KEPT BUSY ON EXHIBITS (From Thursdays daily) The exhibit hall beVmned to' the judges the grtolof part of yesterday, who wore m.iUiug awards ou the pajR number tit exhibits in every depart ment 11. II ... lurspoon, dis trict fruit inspector of this district, and J U liiewei of the Chamber of Commerce of Portland, have been busy two days ou the agriculture and horticultural exhibits. Oreu Nelson of O. A (.' arrived yesterday to Judge the stuck, uud the stoek will be on parade Friday. U. U. Wherry bus finished the Judglug of the poultry. It is said by all who visit the fair, CATTLE IS SHIPPED FROM THE INTERIOR (From Thursdays daily) Fourteen cars of cattle arrived here from the interior Tuesday even ing, being shipped here by Henry Black well, th, uell knowu stockman. Fight cars will Ko to the market at Kunsas City and six cars were un loaded here where Mr. Blackwell will pasture them for a while. Haker, Sept., 20, (Special), Mrs. J. L. Masters was killed here Satur day In an attempt to jump from a buggy, while the horses were runn ing away. The woman was thrown bead first to the pavemeut. 8he was ridiug with her husbaud when the horses became frightened at a motor cycle. When the animals plunged ahead, Mr. Masters slid out of the buggy, and Mrs. Masters, terrified, stood up to Jump and was hurled to the pave meut She died fifteen minutes af ter the accident. The motorcyclist disappeared. Mrs. Masters was 53 years old. SJie Is survived by a son, W. J. Masters of Baker, and her husbaud. NAN WHO STOLE HAT GETS THIRTY DAYS (From Thursdays daily) James Mc.Milieu who stole ' the ladies hut from the Urove Riley Millinery store Tuesday evening, appeared before Judge King yester day aud was sentenced to 30 days in Jail. Early Tuesday evening two men entered the millinery store aud walk ing directly back to a table In the middle of the store, McMillen picked We have Just received samples of engraveu calling cards In the latest styles and we would be glad to nave you call and see them. All kinds of first cuss engraving. ARGUS OFFICE. Notice The Argug office WMt to inf rlraa -;n rag. Dr. W. G. Howe DENTIST First Claaa Equipment First Claaa Work Reasonable Pricee Over Pint National Bank ONTARIO, OKKGON There s no IF sbottl it liorc It's all your own fault if you arc not, getting nt prices on rocericH, for yonr fall bill, before you )mV ASK rSTOCJl'OTK YOU ON THE KOU,)VIM. Hugsi Hi Mil' Besss Wire Onffet Ten We till any kind of an order Parcel Pod to oar loads No orders too small for our attention No orderR too large for our eapaeity. During Fair Week we will make one delivery in the afternoon at (1 P. M. WILSON BROTHERS THEOROOEK8 Ontario, Oregon Tomatoes Torn Peas C&J:;"v' Hams . T- Bason rsS Lard " SAFETY SERVICE "Safety first" wan the motto and practice of this I. link, loog before those words been me the fllogun i1 the lurge transportation companies. Service to the public is not a theory, hut daily practice with us. Put your money where safety is the firat consideration and avail yourself of our service. ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK Safety Depwit Hoxe Savings Accounts MALHEUR COUNTY FAIR IBIS Ontario, Ore, Sept. 21st, 22nd., 23rd., and 24th The Oregon Short Line Railroad Co., has ar ranged to sell Bound Trip Tickets to Ontario, Oregon, September 20th.t to 24th., inclusive, with final return limit of September 25th , from Boise, Idaho, Huntington, Oregon, Emmett. Idaho, Homedale, Idaho, Brogan, Oregon, Riverside, Oregon, And intermediate points at rats of TWO GENTS PER MILE in each direction. There will also be a Special Train leaving Ontario on Wednesday and Friday, September 22nd., and 24th., at 10:00 P. M. for Payette w Weiser, for the accomodation of those wishm to stay for the evening amusements. H. O. DRANE, Agent SFKCUL TO THE LADIES COPE, THE TAILOR Your suit ueeU relining or cleaning for Pair time; Ladies Suits made on the preuus48. NO CHICAGO WORK, having found fac- wn warjr uu MsSjsSf. E. Gone Si wif "w mooro Hotel HJk I mf