PAGE III KM- : E KINDREDS DOLLARS IN PRIZES e WILL BE GIVEN AWAY BY THE ARGUS n FJirn.Poonn-or KW1 Tiifino- Tav ffcno 1 fifl Vila Hwo L7 II THE ONTARIO ARGUS, SEPTEMHKH 1", 1915, i OF I I v J., I Victorola, One Diamond Ring and Cash Commissions are to be Given by The Argus in a Circulation and Publicity Campaign. It lasts only five weeke. Every one living within the circulation field of The Argus is elligible to compete for these prizes. Everyone gets something. Read thoroughly and send in your name today. No Cost to EnterNo Cost to VoteNo Cost to Win THE PROPOSITION We have bought a large number of valuable prUos il -i-riiifii on this page and arc going to give them to person who are wilting to use Home of their spare time doing a llttlo plnaaant work for us It Is a Insl nesH proposition. We want the business and are will ing to pay for It. It doa'nt make any difference whether wo get money enough In to pay for the priiea or not; they will positively be given away an advertised Our word Ih out and wo will stand back of It. Any person with energy can win any of these prlies. Kvery one entering this contort will li well repaid for their efforts. Think of winning mi automo bile In about live weeks. The time tor closing the con tost Is October 23, and the contest will positively close on that date without extension or postponement. Kvery subscription payment either for back or n I vance subscription Is good for a regular i.iuuber of i.oles. Any one puylug the r subscription Is entitled to xotes They can give their votes to any one they chnose. If a candidate collects the subscription, he or slut will be entitled to the votes, or subscriptions may Ik paid at the office by the subscriber and the votes will be credited to the person they select. At the conclutiloii the will bo awarded to the contestants us explained elso where In this issue The fact that evcryoodv wins, that the contest Is so short and the prises so valuable makes this a grand opportunity for convoking your spare time Into something worth your while. A coupon good for 26 votes will also bo pi luted in the paper These may be cut from the paper by any oi.e . I voted for themselves or anyone else. If you would like to have one of those magnificent prizes do not hesitate to send In your name The con test manuger will l.e ghid to explain every detail and help you In getting sturted. Itemcinhor you tike no chunces. Vou are hound to get somen. tux for your .Mi. its. Do not delay. Bend iu your uumo today 'It costs you nothing to enter. You do not h.ivn t. be a subscriber for the puper ii. order to '.n the popular ll e passenger tOUrlllg car CONTEST STARTS September 16 ii - - -- EXTRA VOTES In addition to tho regular number of votes given on subscriptions, extra votes will be offered for clubs of subscription at staled periods. From the beginning of the contest until Saturday night October 2nd., 2U.UU0 extra votes will be given on each $12.00 club. During the week ending October 9th., 20,000 extra voles will he given on each club of f 15,00. During the remainder of the contest 20,000 extra votes will be given on clubs of $20.00 In subscriptions. A club of subscriptions does not mean that oue per son must pay amount in subscripiiou but If the total payments equal $10.00 we shall consider that a $10.00 cluli. There is no limit to the number of clubs that may be turned in each week. As many clubs as cau lie secured will count for votes. Subscriptions do not have to be turned iu in club amount:, iu order lo get the advuntage of the extra voles. One subscription may be reported at a time and when the required amount is turned in for a club the extra votes will be credited. 35 vuvvus uik hi ol( 25 Mill-, 885 This coupon will entitle the person whose name is written below, to 25 Vote iu The lliiils Auto mobile i oiiw-xi if presented before the date below. NAMK Address NOT GOOD AKTKlt M.I'IIMIIIK 315. RULES Anyone of cither set of good repute mil) enter a n candidate for these prizes. Kmployew of I he AIMilH or their Immediate fam ilies will not be permitted to participate Iu this content. The Context Manager reserves the right to reject any i,, ii A may lie made in any one. Vou can nominate vourself. All contestants entering the contest agree to accept ami abide b) the Kule- ol the I ontesl or In a dci ImIoii of Ho (onlesl Malinger where the rules do mil apply. Votes will be Issuisil upon the payment of new ami renewal subscriptions to The K(.l s during the contest. I :n h contestant entering the contest will l.e fur nished with a ropy of the rules anil a complete working outfit. A in,- nomination blank proierl) tilled out starts I lie candidate with 5,(l(Hl votes. (Mil) one such nomina tion blank ma) lie voted lor any one candidate. Voles once cast cunnot Ik transferred from oue con testant to another. No siibscrlplinu ballots will lie counted excepting umjii the pa)inent of the correct amount for the subscription with which the ballot was Issued. A new subscriber is one whose name Is not on the sulisi i iplloii list of the .;im i for which subscription Is to lie paid, at the time the contest started. No change of names from one member of a family to that of no.. ill. i residing at the address iu Hie same household will he considered us a new subscriber. I of The AlUil'H are excluded from vot ing or taking part in this contest. Correx-Miiidcnts mat enter and coniiete for (he prizes. Head carefull) till the rules and conditions of the coo lest. Ignorance ol (he rules will not l.e . on -oh i .1 u i.i I ol excuse for nil) ilex iat Ion therefrom. Any person working In this contest who tunics In i o or oxer and mil winning oue of (he other five will lie awarded a rush commission prize on all cash turned In on subscription to The AlUil'H by (hem during the contest. No votes will be given on subscription payments for more than five years in advance. .imliil. ties ,,. not i .. nil mil to their own districts In serurlug votes but may secure subscriptions anywhere. In i .isc of a tie (he prize will in- awariled JolnOy to the contestants who lie. The i onicst starts Saturday, September 1(1 aud closes October HSi, IP 15. At the conclusion of i he campaign every vote turned In from beginning to end of (be content will be couuted by tine, disinterested, well known men of this coiiiinu-nlt). NO DIFFERENCE WHERE THEY LIVE EVERY ONE WILL HAVE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OPEN TO EVERYBODY AND EVERYBODY CAN VOTE. THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY THAT MAY NEVER PRESENT IT SELF AGAIN IN A LIFE TIME WHY NOT GRAB IT WE TAKE ALL THE CHANCES-LET US ENTER YOUR NAME AT ONCE CLIP THESE BLANKS AND VOTE THEM FOR YOURSELF OR A FRIEND-ACT TODAY WRITE TELEPHONE OR CALL AT THE OFFICE THE PRIZES Special euro was exercised in the select loa of each and every one of these prices. A liner b'tnch could not have been selected. They were all hough; f.oei local deal era whose guarantees are hack of even one of them The prlxes will all be on display this week at Hie places where they were purchased We want oti to see tlicin and decide for yourself us to the perfection ot them. They are all of genuine value and you could not buy tliein for less than advertised I'rotti any store In the state The llvo-puascuger I 'on I louring car, new 11(1(1 model Is so well known as lo need no descripthn. n'he desir ability of owning such a car Is appreciated liy every one As a tltuo savor, and hence a money, win canm.t afford to be without, ami especially when you are offered the opportunity ..I pi MMlng. MM without $0 I It will not cosi yoit a iv:.l ol' your own money lo 'vln this elegant little or. A.t aiiiomohlhi I.i no longer an experiment In ,i'i' of "couomy to the farmer or business mail. hici yea, ibowtl an litirc.if I ntiuiiier of farmers, .lo'UbVonil mid business men ml won. en purchasors 'if i.inii ohllcn. For health I plcunurc nothing can equul a car for Hie leoney or effort Invested (let busy, win this car and join the Joy-crowd. You can do It If you inake up your mind to do It It will only require a part of your spare time for about live woekM. That is a short time, hut things are done In a burr.' these days. The Vlctrola Is one of the most woiidcrlul of musical instruments. The perfect ion with which they reproduce the human voice ami everv tone of every musical In strument la marvelous In a Vlctrola you hue every other musical Instrument. Kach year brings Increased popularity for the Viet rota and they are to be found In l lie homes of the most wealthy. Any one can manipulate tlteui and nearly everybody wants one. To a lover of music no end of pleasure may he had with one of these wonderful inventions. These machines were hotiKlit through Hill's I'liariiliicy, where I he) ate on dis play ami who's guarantee make them good. (Hie $100 and one $7.'i Vlctrola will be given away in this contest liesldus this a $25 cash pilo will he awarded as a 'ourih prlxe. CONTEST CLOSES October 23 VOTE SCHEDULE Trice Voles I VKAH 1. (HI 1 .1!(M( 1! VKAItH on it,5(M( ;l VKAItH IM.ihi MM I VKAItH I.IHI ll(,5(MI I VKAItH Kt5.(HI IM.ihhi This voting urraiii .'iiient will hi' in elicit until the close without alteration No clialige of wiles will he given mi subscription except as stated al.ove (.mil. I OK ..o.n, VOTKK. I'ns- Nomination 1(1. ml. ttiiil) one blank like this will count lor any one contestant.) Contest Editor, Ontario Argus, Ontario, Oregon. I'lease enter Hie name below UH a candidate in the Automobile Contest and credit with 6,000 voles. AMK Address Telephone Mo Address all Communications to Contest Department, r Ontario Argus. L. A. Risley, Contest Mgr. Ontario, Oregon.