The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 16, 1915, Image 1

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Ontario. Malheur County, Oregon September 16, 1915.
VoIuum XIX
Nn. 37,
Many Displays Taxing the Capacity of
the Grounds-Big Crowds Coming
Grounds a Beehive of Workers.
Payette Band Which will be at the Fair
Tuesday "Opening Day."
City Is Prepared For Mammoth "Welcome Week" And
Special Plans Are Completed For Welcoming and En
tertaining the Crowds of Visitors.
The Sixth Annual Fair of MalhoOr
County will open next Tuesday with
larger and hetter exhibits, a race pro
gram of merit, one of the heat hands
in the country, un exhlhltion of war,
xniikc and peace dunces hy the John
Day IndlatiH, amusement attraetlOM
galore, nnd ull the biiHy hustle and
carnival spirit of fair time, the hap
piest of the year.
Many of the exhibits are already
In place in the pavilion and a number
of workmen will be busy from now
tinti'. the opening day. Nyssa, Jam
ieson and IIIr Hond have brought
sevoral auto loadn of materials for
exhibits tills week and will be amoiiK
the ones to be up early Altogether,
seven communities have signified
their Intention of entoring. The
thoroughbred stock is beginning to
arrive from surrounding points and
Is being quartered In the display pons.
Dogs, pigs, sheep and poultry are
being added to the exhibits.
Committees In charge of the var
ious departments have been working
for a number of woeks past to get
things In readiness for the opening.
The race course has been placed in
the best of condition anil present In
dications are that everything will le
In riadlness when the clock strlkcs
the hour for the formal opening.
The ra. program for the w)
will be a classy one as announced
by Secretary Cruuel and some ol
tin' best horses in the northwest have
been entered for competition, In
which liberal cash prizes are offered
A number of good races are being
Ik, nl. cd for the Indian - alone and no
doubt this will he one of the
thrilling features of the fair as they
wilt come dressed In their native com
tun. i- and will wear ull the regalia
customary for holiday times.
The motor cycle races at the fair
thl: year are being looked forwaid
to with a great deal of anticipation
There will be three entries each da
On Tuesday a tlve mile motor race
will be the feature with a purse of
XI ... $10 and $5. Un Wednesday a
ten mile race with a purse of $U',
$1G and ' Thursday u tlve mile
race with a purse of $20, $10 ami ,
and on Friday a five mile race with a
prizes which will be announced later
The music at the fair this your
will be the best ever, and every day
some baud will be at the fair grounds
and the curuivul band will play on
the street every evening. Tuesday
the I'ayette baud will play at the fair.
Wednesday the Weiser band, Thurs
day the Vale bund will play and Fri
duy the Ontario band will be the at
traction. II II. Weatherspoon of Elgin,
fruit Inspector for this district, and
Harry Hrown of Payette, who baa
charge of the County Agriculturist
work in Ueiu county, ami also teacher
of agriculture In the I'ayette schools,
will he the Judges for the agricultur
al and horticultural exhibit. O. O.
Wherry of Fruitland will be the Judge
for the poultry exhibits. Mr. Wher
ry is a breeder of tine chickens and
will be a very competent person to
take charge of this department. The
atock Judge will be Oren Nelson of
of O. A. C. Mr. Nelson has a state
wide reputation as a man of great
ability and is well fitted to preside
Dr. and Mrs. Prlnzing returned
Tuesday from Portland where they
have spent the week. The doctor
was in attendance at the meeting of
the Oregon State Medical Society,
which was held in that city. He
states that the "onvention which gaj
particularly instructive was well at
temli'd by the Oregon physicians, and
a number of very tine papers were
read. Portland as usual gave the
visitors a hearty welcome and pro
vided amusements for the guests.
Some of the principal features were
a banquet at the Arlington Qolf club
followed by a dance and the display
of colored plates of the Columbia
Highway. There was also a banquet
at the Multnomah Hotel.
In this capacity. Mr. Claude ("ate,
the County Agriculturist of Pnlon
county, will be present to Judge the
school club exhibits and he will be
assisted bv another Judge, probably
a Indy whoso name him not been an
nounced as yet. The Judges for the
Women's departments have not been
poMoitltow in 4MWPA1 llAlt-
District Horticulturist Will He The
Principal speaker of The
The annual harvest home festival
of Dig Mend will be held at the park
tomorrow, September 17th. The
various product s grown In this vicin
ity which are many, will be exhibit
ed at this time and a good time plan
ned for all. A program consisting
of music, speeches and games has
been planned.
F.ach town In the county will be
represented by a speaker of ahlllt)
who will give a short address
II 11. Weutherspoou will he tin
principal sheaker of the duy, tuklug
as his subject one of vital iuten i
to the furiiier, "Orchard and Potuto
llllght. " A number uf musical num
bers will be rendered by musicians
from iieighliorlug towns, and the
Kingman Colony Orchestra, which
needs no introduction to uuyone in
this vicinity, will furnish music. At
noon free refreshments will be serv
ed to all. It Is planned to hold u
dance on the new bridge in the even
ing if the weather will permit
One of the features the people In
the Big Bend section wish to do in
connection with this harvest home
festival is to bring a large attendance
from all over the country to Join in
the celebration of the opening of the
new bridge ucross Snake river winch
now Uuks this fertile and growing
district more closely to Oregon and
to Malheur county. A most cordial
welcome is extended to all to come
and have a good time.
CUM 'PIT in ki
Circuit court was In session in
Vale last week and a part of this
week. Hick I.ockett was found guil
ty of larceny of mules and C. O. Ho
gart was convicted of assault with in
tent to kill. He assaulted D. A Mat
thews of Dry Uulch, using a rifle,
a few months age. The case of Cor
nelius Mowersor. was tried last Sat
urday and he was convicted of lar
ceny of a steer. The sentences have
not been passed yet.
Hula, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. F. Petty of Weiser, and
a sister of Mrs Fred Sheets of this
city died Sunday afteruoou from In
juries received in a fall from a swing.
The little girl was only Ave years old
and fractured her skull in falling
from a swing, and although a physi
cian was summoned, she was past
medical aid. The funeral waa held
dfl B9 fl t?
J iN.vl rf 1 13 rl m
m K .dCa m m m -d KLfr JmnTU Jr k.- M
UlilH 1 ft J mw ftl . 'pUm ' jb
m- MHaBr '! lilt W?lS.jhMwt
BiK Bm oaaaW. r- BM Bi heV Bm anieSHMHaoaVM
WbTw w&mM bb B&rW&
H Bl w . . :m7mmBWmTWmrlpmm
One Ford Touring Car One $100.00 Victrola- One $75.00 Victrola -One $26.00 Cash
Prize And Cash Commission Prizes 0 ffered for Every Contestant An Opportun
ity For Everybody Short Campaign And Nobody Can Lose.
The Ontario Argus will spend v
riil hundred dollars in promoting
the most phenomlnal and unique cir
culation mid publicity cnuipuign over
conducted in this section of the
country. In another part uf this Is
sue you will lind announcement of
this great prize gift distribution
You will probably he Interested hut
you will not know until nu have
read It through. How can wo afford
it? Never mind t hut. our word Ih
out and we will deliver the goods.
The prises which will be given
away in this great $900 00 gift dis
tribution are as follows: One new
ltflti model live passenger Vott
louring cur, purcha e.l limn tlM Pord
(Juruge There ale mure Kurd auto
mobiles manufactured and sold than
any other muke in this country Por
business and pleasure, or both, as a
time saver and a heulth Improver, no
money could he better invested iliuu
In buying a Kurd touring car. Hut
this one will cost you nothing, under
stand. One $100.00 Victrola and one
$7ii. 00 Victrola purchased of Hill's
Pharmacy, will also be given away in
this cumpaign. Tim Victrola is the
wonder of the uge in musical iurtsu
inents. The greatest urtists of this
and oilier countries ure heard, at
pleasure, by means of the Vlctrolu
There is no end to the pleasure fur
nished by this wonderful Invention
Everybody wauls mo-
Still another line prize will he giv
M away In this great campaign. A
cash prize of $25.00 will also be
given away by the Argus.
Kvery article to he given away in
this campaign was puri-buscd from
Ontario dealers, where they will he
on display this week. They not on
ly have the guarantee of the Argus
and the manufacturer behind them,
hut the dealers from whom they
were purchased guarantee them to
be exactly as represented. You un
invited to call and see the mugnill
cent prizes to be given away in this
contest Pour magnilicaiit prize:,,
hut that is not all.
Every candidate Ml receiving one
of the prizes and turning in over $10
will be awurded u cash prize eijuiva
lent to 10 per cent of all money turn
ed in by them or for them during
the contest. Everybody wins. This
will be a contest in which there ure
no losers. Could anything he sore
VOL A HP Pl.K.lltPP.
Any one of either sex of good
repute living within the circulation
Held of the Argus is eligible to en
ter as a contestant for these prizes.
If some one were to give the aver
age person a car or other prize like
these today and say, "here you ure,
take it and sail away, it's yours,"
the generosity of the giver would
be no greater than the opportunity
presenting Itself to you In this great
free offer.
The conteet la going to be short,
can possess a air of your own yet
In 111 in. Thr: Is no cost to enter
and you ohllgnli' yuiii It in mi wa
Send In your nomination Man I. at
once and get the full particulars.
Tills Is not u popularity contest.
The essentials of winning are not
popularity. Energy, confidence ami
determination to slick to (he finish
are the things that count. Muke up
your mind today and enter at mire
Now Is always the best tlnin for ac
tion, and so we call your attention
to the wisdom of euterlti;' today.
Utile, telephone or call ii pr
son at the i inte t department, und
have the plan explained in 4111
llememher Unit the emit" will
run Just little over live VMkfl A
siort time for I uch a conlesi? ii .
nut that is in vuur favor Ivoplc
tiut do tiling don't need a ri"H
ileal of time to think it over. The)
All visitors to the Malheur
loiinty Puir are cordially InWteil
to make the Argus Oltlce their
hcadiiiurtcrs Tome In to meet
a friend, leave u puckuge or use
the telephone The lontesl Muu
uger will lie mi hand ut ail limes
to answer all inquiries about the
(outcM and any point that is not
clear to you will be willingly ex
plained. The uew Mergeuthaler
Quick-Change Model Five
Linotype recently in.-italled, of
which u picture is shown Inn I
will lie 111 operation and ..on .n
especially invited to come in ami
watch this machine set up the
news for the daily paper which
we will issue during the fair.
The Argus Oltice is your Ontario
headquarter at any time.
think fast and ret busy. Tils Is
jour opportuni;. : act today.
The flrst thlr l" do h ' st ut
Von start by IP ing out the ei uiln.i
l",n blank (OU-d printed Ifl lltii is
sue and send -.i te to con'it- mini
;u it of the Ontario Argm. Thh
stints you aI'h rOiM .mil
phue your name on our list of can
dloates. You may noinliri'" mr
self. If you 'ioiiIiI own a ear or for
si me reason inn not purtlclpritn '.v
tin contest, (ill In the oi
hlauk for some triend, who you
think would like to win un MtOftU
bile, and send it to this offuM
Only one noiiilnii' 'mi blank v. I! I
he counted for each candid I'm Mo..
ever In each issue ol the AfgM ll
peurs a coupon w Inch Is 100 I tm
25 votes If voted before '! -. n i . .
lion dute printed thei
Notes will also he given oil both
new und renewal ftk iriptiiois to
the Argus No votes can be bmu'lr.
and no papers will he sold for the
purpose of security the free coupo'O'
Anyone attempting any unl'alr
means or trying any crooked busi
ness will be promptly expelled from
the contest Kw-rymie w have
the siime fair alol impartial (real
Tills Is the opp
time lorVOl) i" I
I'lllize some ol 1 1
'unity of u life
i a touring cur
spare time and
make it pay vmi something The
contest Is Indeed KoiliK to be short
Just tlve weeks from nexi Saturday
and this car ami other valuable ami
slOHPs TO (liOHK
We the undersigned aATM to close
our places of Dullness Tin- day, Wed
III .lay, Thursday and I'riday, Sep
ember It, It, -':i and 1 1 , at l M
nil open at P. If, to remain OfjM
nitil I' M
Kudir Itios Co.
New toll's Shoe Sllifc
Ontario Hardware i o.
Toggery Hill.
('. P. ' it in in 1 1 1
Will. Mcllfutliey
A. I. McDowell
MiAer Hros Co.
Mn'o) Pros
McNulty ii Co,
Onturlo h'urniture I 0
(irove ft Ml
Mil Nation il Ii ml.
Oni onal Hunk.
Alexander ( o.
Malheur III ic i o
Millinery A.- Art Store
Wilson Hros.
tmlden ItUle Sim I
Kroessin llai m is i u
W. W. Petson.
M. C Petson.
Hill's Pharmacy
i i hart linn- ( o
Ontario Pharmacy
W. T. Pumpkin
Each Class in High School Elect Offic
ers Making Complete Organization
To Have Instructor for Advisor.
Literary Society, Social Club
Officers For V Coming
To Be Profita le One For
desirable prizes will tie awarded to
the winners. Think of It! Winn
ing such values in so short a time
All this In return lor n little pleasant
work during your spare time. You
cannot lose. Everybody wins. Send
In your nomination as a candidate
today A greater opport unity will
never present Itself to you. Do not
let It pass unheeded The lir-l thlnj;
to do Is to start. Do It at once h
sending In your name to the Ontario
Arwus, Ontario, Oregon.
Community Pxhlhlt l..ur,i IAci
Known Stores Will Close
Kvery Afternoon
Tueday will be the opening day.
Tuesday the Payette hand will be
Tuesday the balloon MOMUriOII will
take place.
Iiiisd.n will be the ODOJOlBfl day
ol Hie Malheur County fulr and II i
exp. cted that n record brwklBI
crowd will be pre nut to lake In the
exhibits in the lorenoon and the races
and program In the afternoon, In
no owning the curiinsl company
will have their shows golttl N Hl
iohi Avenue, and the cariuwil band
v. ill rurninh iuuhIc nil ewninn
An effort has been in.oli this year
to make the opening day one of the
cry best and the committee in chari"
have well ucceeded In getting the .,i
tractions here early and .ill el Il
left to the crowd. The I'ayi -tie blind
will have charge of the music at the
lair on Tuesday and a large number
ol I'ayette people have irnilnd their
intention of attending, the lull on
thut duy. Since there v.. i .i l.ii ol
a week between the dale ol the II. it
er fulr anil the lair here, all thi
ol es and the carnival company and
other attractions him- had ample
time to get here and have everything
hi readiness for the fair, thus making
the opening day un exii.i good one
There will lie no w ,. I Hen
lolcialeil at a count) fair SSome
thing going on the track and In the
arena all the time The John Pay
Indians in their Mtlva trai petal ami
costume will he in exhlhltion dances
i.M-ry afternoon us well k lake l'-n'
In the relay races which only their
own trilio will enter The balloon
- aa i which will take pllic- in of the grand itand ofl lal
will lie no small (aatttTI inl all arc
t .igerly looking forward to IhUI even!
The big carnival cm. paiiy arrived
here laei Sunday avaalni aad vtU aa
i mm all "'is week in preuarattoa (or
i he fair next week. Tin Il one ol
the largest caiinval lonci-rn, that
ever visited this part ol the country
and every aOMI n abb- amusement is
leaiiired in their uiaiiy shows.
This coiiiputiv wa in Maker for
the fulr there last week, and have
and Boy Cadets Choose the
Year- This Year Promises
The Student llody of the Ontario
High School held their election ot
OfBoefl In the school auditorium last
Prlday nfternnnn. This Is one of J
the Important events of the school
year nnd much rivalry Is shown for
Ho- oMlcers, not particularly among
the individual students hut between
the classes. The student body officer
is chosen because the students hnvo
faith In his executive ability to enrry
on the aflulrs of the school, for this
l-i the duty of these olhcers to look
alter the buMncss part of the athlet
ic events, all I to the llnnnies and
etc Each class also held a meet
ing lust week and elected officers
who will preside through the coming
year One teacher was elected to
he the chief advisor of the class nnd
to attend all class meetings. When
any Important event comes up with
an organization of this kind, It in
an easy matter for the clnsses to
hold a brief meeting and send a
committee from each dull to make
up an executive committee ami with
a thorough organization of this kind
in the school, an importunt matter
can he readily taken care of In u
business-like manner. The Piterary
Society, another organization of
much merit In the school also held
lis .-lection of officers this pust week..
laid over here this week for the Mal
heur County fulr. Their next en
gage ut Is In Sal' Puke.
The hand which will be one or tho
features will play on tin I real every
night beginning at I II P I I
lining the concessions are llie Mod
el City," "Cru.y lloi " uliual
Show," "Hawaii. in l-'nlertai .
Ilaliiing lilrls," I'J
rls Wheel." und "Mi i BMd
besides L'O other ion... UM includ
lug lunch stands, etc. The carnival
company will open Saturday night
and remain all uext week The
.Model CHy" Is one of the principal
attractions Tin- lollowlng, is a clip
plug trout the PfWOBf pupi-r where
this carnival coinp.un .i. iiiently
"One ol the pn! l icst and most
mm I and interesting exhibits ever
displayed In I'ros-cr Is ol "The
Mod. 1 City," a niiliature .cm- being
shown this week willi the carnival
company. This inniat urn displuy
is built up to represent a large
rock, witii u light lion . mi top, a
winding road hading to the sum
mit, u harbor at the foot with sev
eral boats anchored within, u inlna
i hi - electric railroad using the third
i ail .system, around which I little
tram w hi.. taking the rurvm ut
a breakneck peed that threaten I
to wreck it, u trolly car with the
QVarbad wire, a machine .shop when.
ull kinds of wood and iron working
machines an- running along Miioot li
ly, and inaiiv oiler fcil'ircs thut Hid
ii'une cannot describe In- entire
.em- is lighted up with uiina.ui.
ii... eb cii ic lights and ull the
buildings cast torth their welcoming
h.-.ini from lha a ladoa
Tin. leal are oi the carnival com
pany is one ol greal interest to the
grownup, M well as the little lad.,
and any one who visits it will get
full viiln. ior their money. It n
anno,! ej big a drawing curd for the
little folks as Is the nurry-go-rouud
,md ten i vvh.-ol, which are beiiu;
n ad U l ill capacity The mai.
lllellt hows all unusual colisnlerat ion
for the patrons ot the iiiery-go-roillid
by having a lop that .-Mends out
ailoiding. protection front the wcaih
.r to those standing near BJ well as
those on the machine. In other re-
t.-pccl.. the company lias featUI I
rateal carnival company, and the
in.inv artel i lh huwkiTs and l.nk
BJ make a noi y pan. lemon iilin dur
ing tin- hours when tlM show is in
The Masonic lodge will hold a
meeting Thursday .v.ning iu their