The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 09, 1915, NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS SECTION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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(Bntati0 vgu&.
SFM.IIMomioon M:VH
'I'llk oKTAhlo AlHiUB. awn-MliHM !tl, , lb If!
County Grand Jury
Completes Work
McAllister Who Escaped Twice Frof County Jail Pleads
Guilty to Four Charges DeLeeuw, Another Escape,
Also Pleads Guilty Circuit Court in Session This
Week Trying Cases.
Several Secret Indictments Are Returned AfftinsJ Poo-
ple Not in Custody Italian Pleedi Guilty to Larceny
Prom Dwelling Mouse in Jordan Valley.
Vale -The County (Irand .Jury which finished its work
in Vale last Priday, returned several Indiotmenti againaj
persons already in custody, as well as several secret in-
dkstmanti which will not ! iunouneed until the parties
are apprehended
George McAllister who was indicted on tour diaries
pleaded guilty. He was chained with the larceny of I
saddle and a gelding from II. I'. Davis, a folding belonging
tod. VV. Brio's, and a marc hclongiiif; to (leo. Me Knight
I'etc DeLeeuw wl scaped with thiddard llur here whm indleleil on a
Mi A Ulster recently from the county
Jii.ll. and wbh later apprehended, wan
Indicted for the forgery of a check
iM,t. the larceny of HViorsc froiu II
I'. Davis, lie MM 'pleaded guilt)
Antune CrotoKluu, an Itallun, MMttl
er escape, plead guilty to larceny
Dom u dwelling In Jordan Vullcy
.1. mien Steadman pleaded guilty t'
larceny from a dwelling In Vale.
A. K.'rlce, the proprietor of the
Numpa, --It. S. Shaw of Molse, the
vi. -ii i tin mum-el' lumber merchant
of that city, luat week traded for the
W. J. Young farm near Nampa.
The consideration waa f jr,MM.
The Young farm Ih a well Improved
tract containing ltu acres.
Young took In part ptiyment the line
residence of Mr. Shaw, located lit
the mull nd or Harrison Houlevard,
near i"cCauley vurk. and also the
coal business "Mr Mr. Shaw. The
residence la one of the nicest in Moisc
ami Is valued at 112,000.
Mr. Young expects to move with
his family to noise about Novem
ber I lie will aell bin line lot of
llioloiiKhbred sheep, hogs and cattle
at public sale.
Nyaaa, Qov. Wlthycombe has ap
pointed J. M. Duncan president of
the Owyhee Ditch Co., aa a delegate
to the International Irrigation Con
gross. Megluniug at Froeno, Sep
tember mill , th, congress will hold
four iicetitigs M California cities
Mr. Diiucau has signihed his iulou
nun of attending.
Attorney W. W. Wood of Ontario
and family were for a few days
l hi.-, week, guesls ut 1,1 ie home of In
and Mrs. J. W. Aahford. Mr Wood
practised luw in Canyon City for a
bout IK yeara and was a mem her 01
the well known law llrm of Cuttanacli
& Wood. Several years ago he local
ed al Ontario to engage in the prac
tice of law with J. W. McCulloch, for
hoi district attorney for this district
lie has built up a large practice
Mr Wood is greatly Interested in the
pi oil- ed highway through the John
Day alley aud Ma-,.ieur county, lie
states that the people of Malheur co
unty look upon the contemplated
highway with much favor and he be
- that so far as Malheur couuty
is concerned they are ready to co
operate with the counties interested
in the construction of a Mate high
way up the John Day river. He says
that he would like to see the people
of ;i. mi couuty take the matter up as
the building of this road would
mean more for the John Day valley
than would the building of a rail
road. Blue Mountain Eagle
charge of larceny fin the person,
and IiIh trial wna Met for ThurHday
Cornelius Mnwcrson will he given a
hearing Friday. lie wan charged
with the theft of a ateer The cane
of (ieorgo I'' Moyer, who wan brought
hack from Hulem recently by Deputy
Sheriff I Noe to have a new trial.
wuh dismissed Moyer appealed his
MM i ---itt i x after he had nerved al
moMt a minimum sentence, and It wuh
reversed by the Supreme Court.
Nyaaa,- It la now assured that a
iiittiuiiiotli yield will be produced on
'the Teat-Orelg ranch near town IIiIh
year. Lem Walker's threHhlug crew
were at work there last week and it
looKH ,ko ,ie ,,reHt,i crop wou, ()
a long ways toward paying the con'
of putting the grounil In sliape for
the crop last year. Two hundred
acres are contained In this farm and
it was all in sage brush last year.
Mr. Test and Mr (Jrelg have Just
completed a large gralnery and have
tilled It with newly threshed wheat.
I mmtlM taLu tmfA I
ak HaL mk. M, JJKW it A 1-BBB J
M We Announce the Unpacking and Placing on Sale of THOU M
II I SANDS OF DOLLARS worth of NEW FALL Dies Goods foi Girls I 1
H in1 flvnnni ii aTTMIT L'AIT rM-. !.; V.. TJ..... ...I M.... L'UMl'C' H
g h aim uiunuup- J.1.EJ w J nuu uivuuiif; iwi .uuy.. iiiu ITXC II onuiid H m
W I for all the Family. I J
1 I ANDWEALSO Announce the FALL OPENING of Our I 1
M I Larger Stocks, Better Qualities an d Prices than ever before. I M
1 I Visit the MANY DEPARTMENTS of this BIG STORE often I
M this Fall. ti
af Ontario LM Jar"t m.k rSaB m
1 I W-- - - J W iWI o g -9JJ KW 1
Vale, While n vlaltor In Vale Inst
week for the Pioneer meeting, Con-
grcsstnnii N. J. 8lnnott remained over
for a day and wan taken on a tour of
inspection to the Hully Creek Pro
ject and the Warm Springs Project
Mr. Slnnott hat always been parti
cularly Interested in UMM projects
and wan deslrloua of acquainting
hiniHelf with the posibllitlcs of Irri
gation In the upper Malheur valley.
Mr. Slnnott expressed hlmxelf as
being more than pleased with the
country he had vlalted.
Maker, Robert Alkens of Welner
haH i it. .e.i a deal here for the pur
chase of the house and lot at HI If.
Third street, from N. II. Htarblrd
Die coitHideratlon wuh 1 aootio.
TIiIm la only one of the many real
Htate deals that ban been ennaumat
ed In the past few months
Mr Alkena Im the brother of Mrs
('. C. Andrew of tin city and in
tends moving to Maker soon, when
Mrs Andrews will make her home
with him.
Mrs M Maxwell Ih vlHltlng the
San Francisco fair. She motored
through with a party of frlejids from
New Plymouth
The Kolony Orchestru furnished
music for the tent meeting at Nyaau
on Sunday evening of last week
They also furnished music for the
'(immunity Picnic at Arcadia.
Miss Florence Kingman has re
lumed from New Plymouth where
die waa the guest of the Misses Allien
and Phoebe Sheldon.
County Agriculturist W. W. Ilow
ard and K. (J Malley of Ontario were
iiere recently making arrangementi
ior a eomiiiunlt) exhibit at the le
nity Fair.
The girls in Mi.. Kingman's sew-
UK class exhibited their work they
have done during the summer to
their friends Saturday u fit-moon ut
the Kingman Kolony school house.
Tom WlUon who has lived here
for two yeara will leave soon for
Tennessee In hopes (hut Hie long rest
will benefit his health
Mrs. John Kviiiis and children were
1 Vale visitors lust .. . . L.
Pendleton, Considering that It
would he disloyal to the people who
have been so loyal to the Hound-I'p
and further. Hint it would be impos
sible to transfer the spirit which
makes the Hound -I'p famous, the
Hoard of Directors have definitely
and conclusively turned down the
mngnnnimous ntTer from the Hoard
of Directors of the San Francisco
Exposition to bring the Pound I'p
down there In October. The spirit
and the principle of the Mound-Dp
would both be involved if an effort
was made to tear it up and trans
plant it on the Exposition grounds
Consequently the only Hound-I'p
which will be held this year will be
at Pendleton, September 2.1, 24 and
For the past two months the Ex
position officials have been making
overtures to the Hound-Dp to come
down there and reproduce the I9l.ri
show Negotiations progressed so
far that a definite offer of all expens
es and a big bonus was made and at
! their rciiucHt Hoy Mlshop, one of the
directors, went to San Franrlco to
discuss details Hut after the mat
ter hail ben definitely settled so far
as the monetary details were con
cerned the Hound-I'p directors de
cided to refuse the offer for the rea
son given above.
To move the Hound-I'p to Snn
Francisco would have entailed a cost
against the exposition of approxi
mately : , 000 with 110,000 addi
tional for staging the show down
there. All this they agreed to pay
and then give a bonus but even with
all that the spirit and loyalty of the
Hound-I'p could not have been boxed
up and shipped along with the horses
tare roaches and Indiana. There
will be no Hound-Dp in 'Kriaco.
Vale, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cheat
er are .(be proud parents of a baby
girl born the first of last week.
Mr and Mrs. (leo. W. Paxton are
receiving congratulations upon the
advent of a baby daughter who ar
rived last week.
Dr. W. G. Howe
First I'Ihss Equipment
First Class Work
Ki I. Prices
Over Firat National Hank
Dayvllle, ore., The John liny riv
er is at standstill, I condition neer
known before. Whnl water Is left
I" In pools and whm mountain
slrenms that are not dried up arc
rapidly drying.
Dan Clark, livestock agent of the
O. W. H. A N., accompanied by Mr.
Holland of Portland, was here on
Monday. The latter bought a num
ber of fine horses from Cumphcll
Martiu Mros.
Sheepmen here nre disposing of
their Mocks and nre going into rattle
business. Mange conditions have
doomed the sheep industry, according
to several sheep men, and as a con
sequence have killed many allied
Industries. Dayvllle will be a heavy
From 101 to 47 degrees was the
greatest raiiKc In temperature In this
section for August Although on
several days th" minimum of 47 It
grees was reached, 10 1 was onl' re
corded on August 2!Mli , and on the
same day the mercury fell to the low
est notch for the mouth.
Jordan Valley, School opened
here on Monday, August lluth , and a
good attendance was In evidence A
capable faculty has been secured and
everything indicates that (lie envl
able reputation of our Jordan Val
ley high school will be maintained
U. M. White and Miss Isabelle Se
cord are the new teachers tills year
and both come highly recommended
Nyaaa,- The funeral -of Mrs Win
Daniel .on. who died at her home a
mile and n half southeast of here,
Saturday, was held Sunday afternoon
from the Methodist church. Hev.
Quinti officiated, and McMratncv ,
Co., of Ontario was In charge of the
Mrs. Danlelsou was born In Sued
en 4 1 years ago She is survived by
a husband and live children
John Day, The second crop ol
alfalfa baa been cut throughout the
valley and the third crop promises
a good yield. The grain Is being
Ihreshfed In most places with a better
yield than was llrst anticipated, be
cause of the backward spring.
The auto trucks are averaging
from four to live loads a day from
Prairie City. They are bringing in
new material for the new dredge
Plan to Erect Booths for Two Blocks on Main Street to
Accomodate Exhibits at Event to Occur September
29 and 30 and October 1 Kitchen Range Offered as
Inducement for Some Couple to be Chief Actors in I
Big Public Wedding.
Bevenl Hands Will Furnish Music For Carnival Ohm
tcr System nf Street Lighting Will Make AITair Pop
ular With Crowds at Night
Weiser, Plans luivc been perfected for the tirst an
imal Harvest Carnival to ! given here September 2J), 30,
and October 1. The present plans are to erect exhibit
booths two blocks long flown the center ' Main street
nd on the cross street at Idaho If necessary to care for
these exhibits. The booths will be lighted, so that with
the cluster light system, the whole itreet will be brilliant
ly Illuminated from one end to the other.
In addition to the exhibit feature.
special programs of sports and
iimusAneuts will he given each
afternoon and evening N'egotlat
Ions are under way to bring a number
of the neighboring band! here to fur
nlsh amusement during the day ami
I lie Weiser band will play everv
Hosidcs the regular premium list
which Is a long one, special prizes .to belter products and a valuable ad
have been offered for a number of ! vertiaetnont to the whole section, but
things. One of the important fen- should be a pleasing three-days holl
tures will be a marriage which will day for
I'nlon, Mickey Carrol, the little
on of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carrol,
strayed from his home and was
drowned in Catherine creek at a
point about five miles above I'll Ion
The little tot was only two years old
and Just big enough to toddle
The little one's absence was not
red in a short time and Hie frantic
mother and several members of the
J II. Jolly family, at whose place
the accident ociured, Ji d in the
eireh, and the little body was fin
ally recovered in the creek a short
distance below where It is .iippo i I
to have fallen In.
be performed on the grand atnnd.
The Haas Hardware Co., has offered
a $4fl 00 range to the couple who will
he married there
Kvery business man In Wolaer na
seen so far has contributed both Iil,
premiums and In cash for the generi
al expenses, and with the coopera
tion of the people as a whole, the re
sults should not only be a stimulus
Fayette, The fruit packing sea
son is on In full force here and dally
a large number or car of prunes uud
some peaches are being shipped out.
Denny fc Co , employ about I .'al
packers, mostly experienced, and
claim they have not enough yet to
lake care of the prunes being deliv
ered to the packing house The
Idaho Oregon Mouse began packing
Just u week ago and are increasing
their force dully as the fruit ripens.
N. A. Jucohson and Nick Mroderson
have both their packing forces busy
Willi the cooler weul her which la
ideal for the harvesting of the crop
of fruit, Ulld the peach crop Just III
Its prime, the I'ayette district pro
mises to be an exceedingly busy one
for the next few Weeks
Nyssu,- Mr. and Mrs Maul 1 tin in
ard have arrived from I'ayette uud
have taken up their resilience here
Mr uud Mrs. Mraluurd have Just re
turned from their wedding trip. They
visited the exposition at San Fran
aiid stopped al a number of
places on the route home to visit
friends. Mr. Ilrulnurd Is the new
superintendent of schools here and
all ure glud to have them bore.
I l.l II l ISO I m II -,
Mr and Mrs T. O. Ady are the
proud parents of a nine pound boy
horn August :"Jth.
Miss Delia Crother and Miss Muth
Whculdou were visitors in Moise
lust week, iu attendance at the Teach
ers Instil ute
Miss Mamie Mayer has gone to
(ireely ('olorudo where she will ut
telid school the coining year. She
-pocts to take a special course
in primary work. She stoned over
a day iu Deliver to visit her sil.i'
Miss l.iilii who is studying to be a
nurse in one of the hospitals there
Mr .tin! Mrs. Oeorge Wilson of
Mig Willow are the happy parents
of a baby girl born Aug 20th Mrs.
Wilson Is with her mother Mrs.
John ('urtwriglit
Mr and Mrs lleteheiiner and little
daughters left on Tuesday of last
week iu their car for Alliance Neb
Mr. Metebeuuer has spent his six
months leave froai his railroad pos
ition Improving his farm here.