I'ACJK FOI'I? TTTK ONTARTO ARGUS, SEPTEMBER 2, 1013. Tells Of Conditions In Malheur-Past Present, Future the setler who would til Hip soil hikI prolonged hardship. For many years Ontario WM H trading post for stockmen unil all the foundations for the early rort lines, now ho prom inent in Hip lifp of thp community, inn laid through herds of rattle Hut thp disadvantages of the dla trlct were niorp or Iphs offset bf Hip natural productiveness of the soil, the ease with which the land 8014 he Buhdned and placed under rultl vation and the ahundnnt supply of water for Irrigation anil for domestic- PORTLAND NEWSPAPER MAN ANALYZES THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF VALLEY Shows That in Only A Few Years A Wonderful Change For he Better Has Taken Place in Malheur County And Brings Out the Fact That There is Still A Big Work to be Accomplished. and flocks of sheep. So It Is that , ,,He- Tl,e country nnturally appeal all Hip traditions of Ontario are,p(l ,0 tll, Kod roa' pnthuslast be i ( A. II. I hiriis of i in- Portland Telegram.) COMMUNITY NEEDS Farm Loans Money at Fair Rate of Interest. Reduction in Current Interest Rates. Markets for High Grade Fruits and Vegetables. Fifteen Hundred Dairy Cows in Charge of Practical Dairymen. Experienced Irrigation Farmers with some Means. Cannery to give Market for Surplus Fruits and Vegetables. Closer Organization among Producers. Determined Effort to Kill Out Fire Blight. An intensely interesting and illuminating example of tin passing of the old conception! and met hods of fanning and the coming of new condition! and higher ideals in rural life is to be fouud at Ontario, mi the upper Snake ttlver, in extreme Eanteni Oregon. Mere in years gone li tin cowboy and the range atoekroan held undisputed sw ,iy ;hiie the man who dreamed of irrigation and pins peiity was considerable nnicliabe in the head and too nni'h til a tendei runt to make good under pioneer on dit ions. Yd. within a lew years- ji very short ipaoe of time -the irrigation diteh has taken the place of the eow trail ami the alfalfa field and orchard have left litle of the old days except the story of the sagebrush plain and the o ute haunt. The evolution has been too slow, it is true, but it has ben sure, and sane n result. Years more will be required- years of toil and struggle- before the job can be called complete or even satisfactory, That the effort has been and wil prove to be worth while is maintained by everyone who has aided in the work of permanent devel opmeiit.liiuli as has been the price paid in flesh and blood .Hid eash. Tim iiiipr stretches nt Snake ' sagebrush mid grcaHcwod and bunch lllvor He in a meal ancient volcanic pi. mi. On' ml Imiiik HkIiI iiihI .i ii lllll VelV deep. ..'! . 1 1 I'llllcr water Hi. ml heroine wonderfully productiv i'. iiihIi i n .mi. i! conditions grasn m mid tW tlM uhiimI prod net h. Willi plenty of water uvalluhlc fur IiIh herd- anil 1 1 o K -h It was naliir al Hiut tli pioneer hIioiiIiI become a inrkniiiii anil Hull as the yeart pased after year based on the range mid Hip cowboy, on sheep mid wool and cattle and horsea. TIip Hitip camo wbpn Hie Ml who would lift ni'iir Ontario could not KPt range for bin herd or 1i I f llni I. should In' to build Up hiicIi iim enterprise, so bo turriPd to the cul tivation of Hip hoII, not because Iip wanted to or hccuiiae be Haw a fortune in land ip elopincnt Id fiiiiMd the altitudp aloiiK Hip Snake lllvcr about 2,000 feet. Ideal for tin prmlui'i inn of farm crops, but be also found the ralnfal deficient, ho short In fact that ordinary cropn could not mature In the light, iiHby soil So be undertook to put a lead Htrap on Snake river- for even to HiIh die. no effort to hartieH the Htrennf kM hen made- and the in i Irrigation dltcli wiih the result The ditch car rled enough water to irrigate Rood sized garden patch but It de mons) rntea Hie supremacy of the land under water iih aganlst the range under catle and shep. Irri gation became iicccnHary and pro fltable on i in' river benches and the higher lauds their herds and flocks New conditions and unexpected 'volutions came rapidly into the life of Hie people residing at and near Ontario as the Mock business retreat ed Into the interior and the Irrigation ist came to live and labor on the land The first ned wan men experienced In Irrigation, the next money to aid In bringing water and develop Ing the laud, I he third markets for the i.rodiutH of the mill Klectrlc power came after some delay, giving lights and energy for use In every community as II developed It did not reiUire the wisdom of a philosopher to set down some of the advantages ol the coining irri gated section Ontario was a long distance I rom market centers, I'ort laud, Seattle, San Francisco, Unite and Omaha. Transportation charges oiuld necessarily be high If not prohibitive The breaking iOWl of the stockmun's conceptions of Hie agricultural impossibilities of the district would be slow and dis couraging The country would have to be tried out, and failure followed failure, experiment followtbg experi incut, would likely detail Hie mall who would till the soil Ah big as Hie Job was il was undertaken and the struggle has I n carried on year I New Fall Shoes I Are Here m An Elegant Line of Ladies, Durable School Shoes for Girls, Strong Shoos m to Stand Hard Knocks, for Boys. I Will Wait on You Personally, for m aunt's, ami ot'c iii.ii x on lift i ne rr o per r n ana i n.ii me uoys ana m la Girls Get the Shoes for the Most Se rvice. i BUY MY BOYS AND GIRLS SCHOOL SHOES AND GET BET C 1 TER SHOES FOR LESS MONEY. I . .- g 1 cause highways could be built and maintained at nominal cost, compnni tively. TIiIh fact offered timely en conragement to Hie community spirit which must be the basis of success In irrigation districts. The Hiiinmers were hot. It Is true, the growing sea sons were long and the winters short and mild, two the material udvnntag es of Importance to one slight dls advantage nave In a corn-growing eel ion. With tin. brief reHiime of condi 'Ions as they appeared 1 2 or II years ago It hoiild be easier for the cit izen who has not had opportunity to study conditions in extreme eastern Oregon to understand how and why Snake river people are facing a per iod of reorganization and reconstruc tion hiicIi as eid,, mi has been faced by the residents of Oregon And they are racing Hie ruiure and Uh problems hopefully, even optimistic ally. At the dawn of the irrigation nge when the demand for government loiiHtruetlon or at least government aid wan voiced Hirongly for Irriga tion projects land along Hie Snake river could be bought at very low I'lin Karly lnun named choice tractH by paying a few dollars per acre for the land, and later arrlvalH paid as high an I2.V00 to $."10.00 per acre for the same bind The values soared and prices went kiting for several years, ending lu more or Ichh peculation, in which a number of real estate dealers were active and line, i up snug lorum. i the same lime the men on the land were really proving the district as well adapted to the production of alfalfa and i mil Orchards were planted every where and dream-, of easy money and even Independence were the lot id every man who bad bought in to Mi acres of the newly-discovered Car den or F.den. Everything was going delightfully when the bottom dropp ed out of Hie western fruit business two or three years ago. The shock which paralyzed well known fruit districts had Hie cITcct along Snake river of forcing a new deal in hoII cultivation and production methods. The day or exclusive fruit growing had che.eil AOer the shock of disaster bad panned every thoughtful man near Ontario concluded again with the old philosopher thai It la an error to keep u ones eggs In one basket. The conclusion produced results, lot Minn the leading farmers limit silo.. gau growing corn and bought dairv cows Corn growing was an eperl uient Iroin which many shrank, but Oregon Agricultural college worker and the businessmen of Ontario urg ed and even cajoled many l liters ol Hie soil Into trying it uud the re - uh production of forage wus little less ih. hi wonderful. The success ol corn growing gave lour crops worth while, altalfa, applet, corn, milk Then dawned the day of the dairy cow Hie full Mood llolstein in Hie vallev ot the Snake. Market for the cream was readily found in Portland, Walla Walla, Seattle, Kverctt, BolM, Spokane. Salt Lake City and Ogden Not many years aj:o the man who lived on the land near Ontario bought eastern packed bacon, hams and lard for family consumption Hairy cows were not to le found on tanu:- ami the ' lamily" cow scareel supplied the t.ihle of the l.irmer with milk and butter. Now there are thou sands or lu.gs ranging on alfalfa held and dairy cowa wilh records ol to M pounds of milk daily are not rare Cream can be sent to Kvereti, Wash , a distance of 141 miles, di rect li expreaa, for it 4 cents per gallon Hogs are shipped to Omaha lo uppl the packing houses which lortuerlv sold eastern meats on the local market And now coin ia to be growu to fluisli hogs for markei in true Miasouri fashion Yes. caru lias come to slay in the Snake river vallev I ,im year the experiment of corn product kM wa tried out iu scores of places and the crop paid, paid well. This year not less than li.ooo ncrps- of land wn planted to corn, with the moHt mag nlflcipnt crop proHpect Imaginable at thla Hum Last year the record yield was 121 bushels or shelled corn per acre; thiH year the recard will likely be rnlsed TIiIh record ia not M renmrknhle when it Is considered with the fact that nearly douhle the usual quantity of send is plnntpd in Ontario lieids. The soil Is proluc live enough to nun me evRry stalk that can be propprly cultivated More than l.f.OO tons or silage will he stored In or It, silos near Ontnrlo this rail. (Continued on Page Six.) YOU CAN'T SHOOT DUCKS AND CEESE BEFORE OCTOBER 1 Same cnnruslon among the sports men or the stnle lias arisen regarding the open Reason for ducks, by retiHon of the fact t lint the slate and federal lawa conflict. In the mntter. The Htate law aaya Hint Hip season opens September 1st . hut the rederal law Is that the season does not begin un til October 1st. Louis Hurtle, lo clear the mntter up wrote to the state game warden asking him what law would be follow ed and he re ceived the following reply from arl l Shosmaker, Htate game warden: ' lleplylng to your lottcr of Aug ust MIS., we beg to advise you that the open season for ducks and geese in Kastern Oregon beglna on October January the Kederal I. aw which annuls the , State Law regarding Hie same II might be advlsalde to kIvp this Infor mal Ion to your local paper and have It given an wide publicity iih possible. The bag limit for ducks and geeae It thirty In any seven consecutive days. Wo are Inclosing herewith a lew cop ies or the outline or the game lawn. JiihI as aoon as others are ofi the press we shall mall you several copies." Summer Excursions East i Via Union Pacific System Very low rates to Denver, Colorado Springs, Kansas City, St. Louis, Memphis, Omaha, Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul and many other points from all points on the Oregon Short Line. SALE DATES, May 15, 10, 22, 26, 29; June 2, 5, 9, 12, 1(1, 19, 23, 26, 30; July 7, 14, 21, 28; August 4, 11, 18, 25; Sept. 1, 8, 15. Stop-Overs Diverse Routes Consult any 0. S. L. Agent for rates and further details. Remember the Un ion Pacific System is the Direct Route to all points east. Through Cars. w QUIET WEDDING WELL KNOWN YOUNG COUPLE MARRIED Miss Sarah KiiwIoh and Mr. Kven McCormlck were quietly married 1st . uud continue, until bi t Saturday evening at N o'clock al ir.th. Thla cornea under I the Methodist tiarHonaae bv Itev. C I'ratt. Mrn. McCormlck Ih the daughter of Mr. ami Mrn. ' I,. It The mnrrlngo or MIhh Fern Cal vert of tin city and Mr. Ilurold Shake of Payette wan solemnized at the homo or the hrldes parents, Mr. and Mrn It. A. Calvert, Tuesday eve nlng, August 24th.. Kev. C. C. I'ratt olllclating. Mr Shake Is the yomr Knwls or this city and baa made her H, .laughter or Mr. hnd Mrs. Cul- liome hero for several years. Mr. vert, and Mr. Shake Ih the son or U McCormick's parenta. Mr. und Mrs. Shake or I'avette. Hotb youiii: pco? ! V McCormlck, live In Uoiae. Mr. pie are well known here. Mr. McCormlck ha been employed at Shake will leave In two weekH ror O. the bakery here for several montha. A. ('. where he will continue bin The young couple have gone to stu dl esnltbe pharmacy department housekeeping here and have the boat and bin bride will Join him about wishes or the community. holiday time. Some Interesting Scenes at Malheur County Fair Last Year H ai V 1 r Wkfr id- kk ' Mft 1 t c