(Matt mm. JVKtoHllORHOOn NKVY8 KKCTION NKtOHHORHOOf) m:vm M tio. JE tub ontauio Aumra. wi'-fKMnrit ?nT nnr Stfe Big Drainage District Opened ORGANIZATION PERFECTED IN NYSSA LAST WEEK, AND COMPETENT ENGINEER IS IS BEING SOUGHT TO TAKE CHARGE OF THE NEW PROJECT. MOVIE NAN ASKS FOR BIG DAMAGES FROM OFFICIALS Was Arretted While Trying To Take Pictures of the ( Big War Bonnet Street 1'arnde. Alleges the U. H. Supreme ('unit Has Passed Fahor ahly On Point of Liu Involved. PLYMOUTH BOOSTER CLUB LUMBER YARD AT BEND IS Is Estimated the Cost Will be Between $60,000 And $100,000 Six Thousand Acres Will be Placed Under Cultivation Again. Nyssa, A nuinher of the land owners of the Nyssa-On- lario Drainage district held a meeting here in the Testes hiiildiiej last week for the purpose of perfecting an organ isation. The following supervisors were elceted: Diek Tensen, President; Roy Williams, Vice-President; II. (1. Moncc, 'i' ....-i 'i ' i--x-j u . a. . .. tM.;i.. I I I .I1 I I 1 I , .11111 . V . H MMMI V , 1.-, I HI Ml I .-nil 11,11-.. V V 11 I II plans for the drainage of the fertle hinds of the district nave not been fully worked out, Secretary Wilson is ne gotiating for the employment of a competent engineer and preliminary work will he started as soon as he is on the ground. It is estimated that the cost of the drainage will he between ;,unn and knmhn). It Ih i - r ,.(.. n to Imilil ill" tilt ell four miles long It will start ut the roml near OIIikou'h uiiiI run north to I mi .hi wustewuy, thence to M.r sii.ii.i. river. Numerous luteruls will li'inl to It. One will start huck of lurk Tensen's, another will run hiiiiIIi of John Kay's iiml another will run Just east of It. II. Ilouscley's farm All dotnlls hucIi um to whether tin- ihirii Nhall in' covered or not will in left to the engineer employed. The drainage of ilir rich lands will embrace itltoul liOOO acres mid will mean much for the welfare of Um whole community. The conct ruc tion of the drulnuKe system will Rive employment to luhor for Heveritl montliN. SAYS HONEY IS SHORT THIS YEAR BIG FUNERAL IS HELD IN NAMPA Baker Man to Ship Ahoiit Body of Minister Drowned In Payette Lake Sent East Por Murrial. Kive Tons of Honey Prom !.")() Hives. Maker, J. II. li. Harclugton of ).owcr I'owder who whh u visitor here tin. week made the assertion tti.it i'. i- ilemaud for IiIkIi class Kast ern in. Knu honey In 1'ortlund la ao t i... i I hut only one nuurliT of the uuiount which could he Mold Is being supplied Mr. Harelugtou who Iiuh been In the houey produciiiK hut Ine for many yearn near KeutiiiK. Haiti that the yield IIiIm year woultl he extremely light uud that he expected ouly live inn, from I6U iiroiluciiiK hiven. Mr. llareiiiKtou Iiuh import eil u uuiuher of stands of been from Cullloniiu, Home of these being the "Ooldeii" variety, having the repu i.iIm.h of I..-1 in- great houey guther-ent. Mrs. I. Spier uud two duughteru are visiting rulativea at their old home in l.onaconing, Mil A BANK'S FIRST DUTY 1H to it.- ill -jiiis.lt.il : Tilt' l.ii-iiit-.- of tin- bunk is i uiiiltuted on this hfaote, wnith is, in truth, SK- cuuiTY AND OON- SKUVATISM. Safety ta considered ktltft protitH. We feel justified in ask ing for your hanking business, assuring you uiwayp, courteous treat- mrlit and -all-la. Im service. Naiupu, Funeral services of the Uev Robert J I'lcken of HolHe who was drowned In I'uyette l.uke a few luyH ago, were held on Monday af ternoon of lust week froni the real- tlence of Dr. John Cipher at 4 o'clock. I)r Cipher Im an uncle of Mm. I'lcken. Itev. J. H. Colvlli, pantor of the lulled l"i -In lei i.ni church here, oltl luted itet Colvln waa with Itev I'm K. ii at the time of in death Itev. S. J. Cheney uud Itev. ('. I.. 1'ruwlu of liui-.e, representing the liui-f Ministerial AHaoclatloii, asslst il with the services Mrs Pick en uud children, accoui liauled by Hev. Colvlu, departed iii.n.i.i evening with the body for 1 nt lunula. Iowa, where interment will be made. The children are a ii.iby but K mouths old, a daughter I yearn old uud a hoii .1 yeum old. Mr I'lcken, who waa only 38 yearn old and au uthlele, wus a sufferer l roin u weak heart uud thin fact In believed to account for hla deuth, i .it her than Inability in awlm expert ly. Mi- I'lckeu will not return to 1.1. ih. i but will make her home with lelativeH in Iowa. Idaho Falla. - Offlcar Dow Will iam and Chief of Police Uarry Han Hen are the defendant in a law -nil brought by A. B. linger of the Orpheum Theatre and formerly of linker, alleging that these ofllcers arretted lilin while he waa tnklur moving pictures of the War Hon r. el street parade, smashed hla machine, uud apoiled the film he waa taking Ten thouaand, one hundred ami iii'y dollar damages la asked for. Five thouaand dollara la for the a. image to the II I in and Its -huw 111 ' poHalbllltlen, five thousand for Injury to character and mental and phyal ciil Hiifferlng sustained durlt'g tl.e nrreat, one hundred dollar.- I- tot diuiiuge to hla euiiieru uud fifty dol lara for attorney's fees i he defenae, It la believed, will buae their right on the fact that the movie privilege had been grunted to a company now in Idaho Kails. Mr. linger contends that the If. S Sup nine Court Iiuh established the point that anyone Iiuh a right to Dim a street paratle. 1$ STARTED One Hundred and Fifty Res idents Turn Out To Aid In Perfecting the New Organization. Prilit (1 rowers and Farmers Unite With Town People To Boost for Their Pros perous Section. INSPECTING New Plymouth, A tnaaa meeting wna held Friday evening, AugUHt 20, an a preliminary move toward the orgiin.iitioii of a Monster Club for thin city that will not only Include the bUMineaa men, but will include in ItH membemhtp many of the far iiiem mill fruit grower In thin vic inity who are Interested in the bet terment and upbuilding of thtti com munity One hundred and fifty were present ut tlila first meeting anil 7(i declared their Intention of Joining the club at the next meeting which waa held on Friday the 27th. A committee composed of Walter llurke. Peter Alberts, J. W. Lynch, J. II. Ilanigan, O. I). Carper anil Her nurd Kustinun, was appointed and drew up the plans for the permanent i.l I .llll.ll lull Big Mill Fire nt Bend Burns Approximately Five Mill ion Feet of Rough and Fin ished Lumber. Total loss of 0765,000 Wiih Only 87t000 Worth of lu suranee, Makes the Loss Heavy, Pickle Factory to Open in Payette Mend, -The lumber ynrd of the llend Compuny was completely des troyed by (Ire on the afternoon of August 26lh. The fire started from sparks from n burning waste pile Atinroxlmiitelv :. mm mm feet nf I rough and finished lumber wus ili-- troyeil. The total loan was ITTiJiaO with an Insurance of f:i?,ni)(). More i nun nun men loilglll I lie lire with out being able to get It under con trol at any time. The fire will not have uny .t on the construction of the Hrook -Scanlon Lumber fompuuv's suwiinll of which the llend Company la an allied corporation. MAN FROM OMAHA, NEBRASKA, MAKES PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENTS TO OPEN NEW INDUSTRY WILL GIVE EMPLOY MENT TO MANY PEOPLE. City of Payette is Asked for One of City Streets Upon The Necessary Buildings. Privilege to Use Which to Erect 1 H to ler as i a P.WKTTF. I.IM tl.N FIRST NATIONAL BANK HI KN8 ITKMH MIhh Martha llanley, niece of Win llunley, la spending her vacatiou at the ll.iu ley ranch Miss liuliley la u professional nurse and ta well kuowu here. Mrs K 10. Paringtou aud daughter Helen ure spending a pleasant vaca tiou at the San Francisco fair. Mlaa Helen will enter the Uaivemlty of Oregon at the fall term, aud Mra. Parriugton will return home after v isitiug frleuda In Portland. The marriage of Mlas Sadie Culm qulst and Bert I.. Williams waa sol cuinlzed at the l.i-v.-u . Hotel in thla city Wednesday, August isih Both parties live near I'rint i-lon Mm. Williams la all efficient professional uurae aud Mr Williams la a well kUOWU rum her Dr. Kuy 1 1 1 1 1-1 1 departed last Fri day for Oakland, t'al . where he goes to represent the slute of Idaho ut the 22nd., auuiiul session of Veteri nary Faculties uud State Kxamlultig lloarda of North America. Dr. Kurd expects to be absent ten days anil will tuke in the fair before returning home. The Utile daughter of Mr. uud Mrs I.. Coblentc, who broke her arm last week while pluylug on a ludder, la resting gulte comfortably. Two fractures, one of the elbow and one of the wrist, provetl quite severe for the little five-year-old lass Napoleon Vallkett, aged lit) years, passetl away at hla home In this place lust Thursday morulug. Mr. Vali kett hud been 111 for sometime with a n.mpiii.iiinii of diseases. He leuves one daughter, Mrs llert Huell of tills place. He waa a prominent FATHER MARSHALL TO JORDAN VALLFY ls I'ayctte, An industry that promises to become a pro minent factor in the developing of market tor the pro- P ducts of this community seems now to be an assured thing, according t statement! made l Mr. U Harmaiui of llarmaiin Bros., nf Omaha, Nebraska, who has made the nt ssary preliminary arrangements for the establish ment of a vinegar and pickle factory here. It Is proposed to take over the I tit - that street which Is not now nor llke- erests of the Payette Vinegar factory erect the necessary new buildings mid engage In the business on an exten sive scale. Mr llarmuiiu is contem plating the purchase of the property known us the "old laundry" situated between the O. S I. ami the P. V. trucks nt the west end of Second V ven ue, south, and has uakoi for a lease from the city for a portion of ly ever to he used, upon which to erect buildings for the accomodation of the business which It Is proposed to Install. The compuny which Mr lluriniinn represents, Is i ducting nn exten sive business ut Omaha, where It built n factory in 170 uud has been running the same every since. Popular Maker Priest IsGiv en Pariah in Malheur Count v. STOCK CONDITIONS Says Eastern Oregon Sheep Are the Best Brought te Kansas City Market. Maker, F. H Hendrlck, represen tative of the Kansas City Stork Yarda made a abort vlait here thla week on a tour of Inspection of sheep und cut tle coudltioiiM In Oregon. Mr Hen drick made the statement that the l""'1 Hi i received this year In Ihi- ousteru markets were those coming from Kastern Oregon and Idaho rang- ' es and he alao stated that these sheep ,m.ul,,er of the Modern Woodmen were bringing more money than those Alice, the duugliter of Mr and Mrs from any other purt of the country. J. I.. OrlltUh of this city, met with a 'in the front of the store hud nails on Jordan Valley, -Father Hugh J. Murshull, formerly of Maker, has ar rived to lake churge of the purlsh here. Father Marshall is not stranger In this community, huviiig accomplished at short Intervals of time, while ostensibly In churge of the Muker pariah, the building of u $4,000 church. He fore leaving link er. Cut her Murshull was surprised one evening liv lift) of till i,iri-h loners who guthcrcd at the Kplscopul realdeuce und presented him with a --ubsiunii.il purse us u token of their esteem Futher August l.oeser, of Louisville, Ky., will fill the vucunt'.v In the Cathedrul ut Muker. painful accident on Wednesday of last week by stepping on u null while walking uloiig the sidewalk near Htuuton Mros , Store "'ork iiieu engaged In putting iiuprovemeui Malheur County's Greatest Fair, This Fall VISIT OUR EXHIBIT BEND STARTS FIGHT ON JACK RABBITS County Court Will Be Asked For Monty With Which To Carry On Fight. llend. The Commercial clubs of Kediiiond, Tuiiiuhi unil in mi have siiiried action to curb the rabbit pest which has u big slurt In southern (rook County in wbut Ih known as Hie High desert. The County Court will be usked ut lis next session lo appropriate at least $100 with which lo construct ruhl.lt proof fences on Hie demons! nil Ion furms where the . Mieilment will he tried out und If niceessful, it may be extended. (he hidowulk. A serious accident uus narrowly averted Hilliduy evening of lust week about the time of the hie, ulu-u uu auto in which were Wade Walker und City Huberts of Welser und mm BMI Suit Lake Is enjoying u PARNA CANNERY OPEN FOR SEASON Over One Hundred lam of Fruit to he Handled This Season. Parma. The Pnrmu Cm-king House opened on Monday and is em ploying from lTi to :ifj ii.it -i,i-i -.. most ly experienced packers. According to J. 0 Watson, muiiugcr of the puck- ii k house for this season, one to Hir urs of fruit will be shipped dully liunm- the seusou it la ex- liecleil Hill ears of fruit will be shipp ed from this packing house Including Hie fruit of the John Steel orchurd A boat I'll I'urs of potutuea will he handled. Packing will continue throughout Si-pii'iuher iiml October, prunes uud upplcs beliiK Hie bulk of the shipment-. II- P, it ct r h t- I. ii ii ta Itev. D. E. Maker la conducting ri'.iuul meetings in the big lent on Malu Street The tent la overcrowded every meeting The music by the Kinguiau Kolouy orchestra is greatly appreciated. Wc will have an exhibit of Furniture and Floor Cov erings that will bt well worth your while to upend a part of your time in OUT store. Among some of our displays we will show several registered copies of Antique Persian ami Chinese Silk Rugs, tor one of which a well known multi-millionaire, who is noted foff his rare collection of costly Antique rugs, paid the fahuloiis pri -e of Fifteen Thousand, Three Hundred Dollars. This alone is worth your visit to our store. Wc cordially invite you to look over Ontario's great est showing of furniture and door coverings You are welcome to an easy chair when vnii wish tit rest. 1'uveiie girls, wus overturned neiir the Jensen Machine simp The car struck u pile of gruvel uud H tii punis were thrown out, hut fortun lllely were only bruised u little. The upiieuritiice of the gruvel pile where the cur struck, und the fact Hint it vveni over and came down with force enough to break oft holli ln.ui wheels, is evidence thai the r.n vv ii -, hcniK driven at a ilatigerou. rule oi speed. The cannery slurled on Weilm day of lust week on Its seasons run of tomatoes. They expect lo tun five of six cars, us tomatoes ure plentiful this year und are of nice iiaullly Highly people are employed in the cannery now, aud it is epe n .1 ihul more will he given work very short ly when the Klbertu pwiclll are reudy to can. They expect to cun four curs of peaches. NVHH. I in i Ontario Furniture Co. Miss Vul tiordou of Owvl , and Parity Mros , ure the pi. hi. I owners of new Overland cars pun based lust week from the loeul iigeni-,, I'n-hls uml lluHer Miss llessie llovdell, Mi Klhel wyn Movilell, ir Suru.lii und Crof Neilrv motored to Vule lust I'ruluv to Hltillil the I'ion.ers ineeling Nv.su uud vicinity wus visiteil by u n-i reshiug rain Mondu) uilernoon Mrs Mury Steiukiiuii hu.-- return ed from ii business trip to Muker Mrs Stelnkuinp Is in ch.iiKe of the Hotel Western here Mrs J M Minion ami children have relumed lo their home in Seat He ufter a vialt with Mrs Minimi's parents. Mr uud Mrs V, Q llrowu Q f l.ll KrillJ! Of till liwvhee Meicuiitlle Cu, shipped u cur of flue potutoes io outside murkets last week Jack Alusworth who bus a position visit Willi home folks. Miss Imlllse Kohertsoll has return ed from a visit with Miss Muriuu Mob illsou ill l-'l mill himl Mr and Mrs I'nink l.euck were visitors In Vule for the I'loueer's liuy meeting l-'i.ink lliitcher und his sister Mrs l.uellu t'unler ure inuklng pluus to UOVa to lluiilingtoli where they will open u I. ii. ii ding bouse They muile a trip up there last week to liluke pre 1 1 ii i i mi r y u r run gem en is. The Nvssu School will open Moli il.iv September the sixth. The follow ing mill lent stuff of teachers huve been secured P. P. Mruinard will be new principal uud he comes hlghl) r. roiiienileil us an educutor of ability and experience. Other teachers ure, Miss Alheu Sheldon and Miss Alice Mii'arlaml, High School KM Nedry . ...i-niii uud Kighlh grudea. Miss Aim i- ('Mine, filth und sixth grades Miss Crete Childers third and fourth Kiudes Mrs R.J. Huvis primary S K Itoss and J M Huuraii sold 101 Ions of buy lust week to u sheep iiiuii from Midvale Hie consideration hotel I,M per ton It la experd.l lliut it will be red to sheep here next winter. Mr uud Mrs. (' II Duvioon liuve returned from u trip to Puyute Lakes which wus made in their murium- i Dr. W. G. Howe DKNTIST First Class Kquipment First Class Work Reasonable Prison 001 First Nationul Bank (NTARIO. OKK(;ON