t ,- (. 7 rf SEPTEMBER 21, 22, 23 AND 24 IS MALHEUR COUNTY m .vi &&a W E ".- 1 ' .V Jl)je ufari Surgut Mil, I IMK XIX TDK ONTAHIO AIUHIH, SF-I'TKMHKU 2nd., 1 9 1 f . No.:ir. Over A Thousand COUNTY FAIR Attend Big Meet At Arcadia Grove COMMUNITY FESTIVAL DRAWS BIG CROWD OF PEOPLE AND PROGRAM OF SPEECHES AND SPORTS MEETS WITH THE APPROVAL OF ALL BAND AND ORCHESTRA PRESENT. Speeches Are Short and Snappy and Dear With Neigh boriiood Needs Sports Furnish Fun For Everyone Nyssa Wins Tug of War. The community picnic given at tli pore at Arcadia Wednesday under the management of the Boulevard Grange vrai i ii success from every atandpoini More than a thousand persons attended coining from the Boulevard, Nyeea, vale, Ontario, Kingman Kolony and rlic Big Bend. The committee In aharge hod everything I mi oft amoothly and on time, there was omethng hopp ing every minute. Hie program of apeeehea was arrang ed w thiit eaeh talk had something to do with a definite community need. Beaidei the apeechcH there was a num ber of very exciting athletic events, meludding some wrea rling matches, a i'.t nice and a tuf-of-war between a team from the Boulevard and one from Nyssa. The music f or the occasion was furnished by the Yale band and the king- man Kolony Orchestra and the music rendered by both aitics waa greatly enjoyed by all. TheBoulevard people unread their lunches to-gether at noon and had aa their quests the musicians from Vale. A stand when- refresh ments could he purchased was set up by the committee and it was freely patronized all day. Roy Williams, maiiagl r of the K. s! and l. ranch extended every courtesy to the -nests and hie efforts resulted in making everything very pleasant tor tin crowd. The speaking progrum wu as fol lows: A. W. Trow. The Malheur County Fair; A. U Kiugmuii, The ((.in Carnival, Mr Dean, itural Ite creatlon; Miss Fay Clark. Whut the SSchool is to do for UM Community Hoys ami UlrU; Judge McKulghl, Some County Uusluess; ltev Dr. Wia ner. The Itural Church; II. H Wea therspoou. Fire Might. Mr. Wea therspoon is a iiu'inher of the state horticultural board, and cornea from F.lgin After lilt address he was cor nered by a group of Interested far mers and was kept busy all the after noon discussing subjects of interest to fruit growers The wrestling matches were a big feature on the program. A large ring was roped off so that everyone could see and the bouts pulled off in the center. Albert lilbson defeated Paul Campbell In two fast matches each lastiug about four minutes. Both are expert wrestlers and show ed some real class to the spec-tutors Uale and Header went oil the mat for two lulls lleiiiler winning both times Duncan and McDonald wrestled a draw for three times but In the extra three minutes Duncan Kecured a full The tug of war was won by Nyssa. pulling against the lloulevard team There were ten huskies on each side. It took the Nyssa bunch about fif teen minutes to haul their opponents across the line. There were a num ber of other sporting events, chiefly for the youugsters who were present In large numbers. Everybody voted the picnic a big success and all are looking forward to the time for the oue next year The committee from the Urange is to be congratulated on their success in pulling off a big community affair. MR. AND MRS. OLSON TAKE JONG TRIP 42Mi Mile Journey Taken On .Motorcycle Trip 1'Voin Ontario to Kansas. n O. Olaen and wlfa i -turned on Sunday from a 4 200 uille trip made on an Indian motorcycle with aide- car attachment The Oltrni left leie several week; ago, going to Funaaa City wltue th;y vlsltet1 re la' ves. On V, e return trip a bro il M added th i third person to the e.-iy and all traveled comfortably o. 'lie motor-velit, making a weight if 1100 pound Mr. Olaen state.' il.ut the roads in Kanaaa for the most part were muddy, an unusual amount of rain ' .ing there t.i i summer In many place the cropt ar almost an en Cre failure i.: staled that In one . ate the spe dun. tier registered egut miles while tliay a tuaily irav- will furnish: new features All Departments arc Expect ed to Have the Beat Ex- hihits Yet Produced al the Fair (1 rounds. Amusement Features Am ply Provided For Uy Loc al Talent and Hip, Garni val Company. The date aet for the opening of the Mxth annual Malheur County fulr Is September 21, three weeks from Tuesday of this week, and with the time ao near at hand the offlcl als In charge are confronted with the task of arranging the detail so that everything will be run off smoothly from the start. The fair this year will lust four days in-dead of live days as before but there will be no features missing and a great many new ones will be added. Kverythlng will he speeded up, how ever, ao that something interesting will he going on all the time. The exhibits of stock and farm pro ducts which everyone agrees is the biggest and most important part off the fair will this year be better iu pructicully every department, than in the previous fairs. Crops of all kinds have been especially abundant tliis year in Malheur County, and in all the Snake Itlver vulley. This production will be a big stimulus to the farmers to exhibit their products in competition with other farmers In the section OimhI Stock I xl.il.it- W. W Howard, the county agri culturist, is the general superinten dent of tin- stock exhibits and re ports everything progressing nicely with indications of splendid exhibits (Continued on page 8) EARLY PIONEERS MEET AT VALE i HUNDREDS ATTEND MEETING TO TALK OVER OLD TIMES AND TAKE PART IN AN EVCELL ENT PROGRAM- SEVERAL HUNDRED MEM BERS ARE PRESENT. United States Senators Harry Lane And George Cham berlain, and Congressman Sinnott Give Talks Hon oring the Pathfinders of the Early Days in the County. Severul prominent i itUens of this vicinity, as announced In the Argus lust week made a trip to Ktnmett to attend the (lent County celebratloii They found upon their arrival that the event was planned for the same date next month The Argus waa likewise deceived. The Kimnett Ex aminer from which the information for the story was obtained guve the date only, but not the month. The event which promises to be a big affair will come oft in September and conflicts with the dates for the Mal heur County Fair. -c two mil')- Deep mud ren-. d tils. The rnad in Colorado they . und the best of all, and da, m mat i place on their trip were H hot ti ered with dust uiC.il they i.a. i..-.t I ho on the riMin trip. It was a novel tru. an . u very de s -able way to take an outing. In n my places, I hue flute, that the motorcycle bearing hu Oregon lic ence caused a gr'jil deal of excite-cent. Last Friday Pioneer Day for Malheur County was cele hratcd iu Vale with over live thousand persons iu attend ance at the exercises. New officers Were chosen for the Malheur County Pioneer's Association as follows: .1. S. Edwards of Vale president, .lames S. Moil'itt of Malheur vice-president, Win. 0. Thomson of Vale, rccleccd secre tary, Thomas Jones of Vale 1 1 isiorian. The gathering was pmboblv the largeet in the history of the County. In the exercises iu the aftcinoii Judge Dalton Biggl presided and the speakers were United States Senators, George B. Ch.inihcrlin and Harry Lane and Congressman N. .1. Sinnott. All of the speakers dwelt on the work done hy the plouers in making the w;w for future generations. After the speaking exercises the Hold huby parade wus held us the cliiuux of the Better llahles low which wus held for severul duy previous to the I'loueer Day Celeln lion Fifteen hundred visitors we- served with u tree dinner at noon The day ended with the I'lolieers Dunce Iu the Isis Hall. lip to about one o'clock Friday more than u hundred pioneers hud registered. Those eligible to inein l.ershlp in the association Include persons who have been in the count) at least 2 7 years. Hesldes the iiiin died listed helow, ubout a hundred more registered luler In the day. The tWO pioneers In this list who have I. eon iii the county longest, and (ieo lliys und H J (vers In. Hi of whom (a. ue in 1862. Following ure tin n. lines of tiiose registered up to one o clock Friday. i ...sius II Hrovvn Mrs. Mary Ciundeison (' Q i; undersoil Minerva Johnson John K Johnson Mrs Kluuhelli A Stoui James A. Wulter i,illle Walter Nellie T Jucolr. I'at Faulkliei John iioswell J Kdwin John .on Lillian J La Moine Viola J Dickerson Chas. K. I.e Moine W, Mall.'- M. U. Hope J 0. Thomson J. P. Weaver Hurry 1. Stacev J. C. K el ley J. A. Draper Mrs. Ham. Draper Mrs Kobt. Draper lxxi issa 1HS7 18K4 1KS4 I 111 UM mi 1S7'J 1H71 170 1XS4 1SS4 1HK4 1NN1 18K1 llll IHT 1KK3 1 K7K 1871 18K2 last; 1880 l!o hi Draper lHMt Mis Jucob St i'o up ISfl Jacob Stroup 187:1 II S Kutherford 187U Kliuheth Kutherford ItTI V I, Mink 188U Mrs Frank O'Noll 1K8II I W, Hope lit I Ueo P) llliys IS'..' John Ho ra n HU I S K.I wards 1871 Thos Jones 1881 Maud Dory 1883 H W. C. Johnson IhMI Mrs J. F. Weaver l Mrs. J. M McKiiuiev III Mrs K II Test 1881 Mrs II J Drown Llll II. Teat Llll Ha v id Dun bur 18 07 0. D Davis llll f V Stacey 187 8 H elley IH71 Mary Welch IS-:! D Worshum 1871 W ti Thomson 1871 l.ydiu A Thomsoi, 1872 Q, W I vies 1872 li WllKhl hM Mi i A Wright 1.S77 W. It l.otton 1874 W S l.awrenie 1880 Mrs C. Scott 1881 It J I vers IHI (I I'eliulllgtOII IKHI A S Moss 1881 Mrs M J. Mcl'herson J 0 Ileum 1872 Jane A Duvis 1872 Thos D Hart. hi Mi T J Khlen ISM Mr Mury Fulkner I ss.s Mrs F. M. Vines 1H8U Mi S V. Hess IHI Mrs. F. II Suit! 1879 thus S. I.eu.m 1881 ,..?; W o" '-i. i ; it ' m (Continued on l'age Eight.) IE 1 li to er as i a IS- 1- n 0, it rt r h t- d. d II -